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Gary North
The Tea Party Economist

Copyright, Gary North, 2011

The author reserves all rights to this book.

You can subscribe to The Tea Party Economist, a free, daily eletter, here:
The author runs a Web site, It covers numerous topics:
investments, career plans, business start-up, Federal Reserve policy, and the state of the
He has been the editor of Remnant Review ever since he started it in 1974.
You can monitor golds price here:

Table of Contents
1. Gold at $10,000? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Golds Tremendous Leverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Greenspan, the Gold Bug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. Government Gold Standard: Bait and Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Two Kinds of Gold Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6. If Gold Goes to $3,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7. Gold at $3,500 by 2013? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8. Gold Is a Political Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
9. Gold Sales Threatened (Again) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
10. Is Americas Gold Gone? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
11. Clich: Gold Is Just Another Commodity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
12. Clich: There Isnt Enough Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
13. Exchange Rates and Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
14. The Re-Monetization of Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
15. Golds Dust and Dusty Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
16. Gold Confiscation: A Minimal Threat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Chapter 1

GOLD AT $10,000?
There is a war against gold. Politicians hate a rising price of gold. So do central
bankers. A rising price of gold testifies against the politicians, who spend more money
than they collect in taxes or borrow at interest, and it also testifies against central bankers,
whose promises to stop rising prices is a lie that has not come true since about 1939.
So, these people do whatever they can to ridicule gold and gold buyers. They do
whatever they can to drive down the price of gold everything except the one thing that
would drive it down: cease inflating.
Gold has risen to match price inflation. But has not risen slowly and steadily.
Because gold has moves in spurts for a few years, then stagnates or falls (1980-2001),
people hear about gold in the tail end of the bull phase. They buy. Then they look for
reasons why they bought. This is true of most markets. Gold and silver are no exceptions.
The people who bought after one of the bull moves tend to become true believers
in gold. There are good reasons to become a true believer in gold, but the most popular
one is a bad reason: I just bought gold.
Golds purchasing power today is close to what it was in 1933, after Roosevelt
hiked golds price from $20 an ounce to $35 -- after the government had confiscated the
publics gold. Thus, in the broadest sense, gold is an inflation hedge.
You will hear hype about gold at $10,000, just as in 1999 there was hype about
Dow 36,000. If you are tempted to believe these headlines, consider the warning by
free market economist and retired finance professor, Michael Rozeff.
Looked at this way, it is evident that gold in the portfolio is equivalent to
insurance against some devastating contingencies. Complete or partial
insurance are possible. The more gold you have, the more insurance you are
buying. Over-insuring is costly because the overall rate of return of the
portfolio goes down if nothing happens. Thats because gold historically
provides no real return. Everyone has to decide for himself what the odds of
these scenarios or ones like them are, how to insure against them as with
gold or some other real assets, how high gold will go when other assets
decline, and how much to insure against these events. There are no pat
answers to these decisions, but they are within the realm of understanding

The Gold Wars

and even sensible computation.
Could gold go to $10,000? Yes, it could. But I could also write this: Bread at $20
a loaf. When the central bank inflates at the rate it has been inflating today, gold at
$10,000 and bread at $20 are conceivable.
If bread is at $20, you wont want to sell your gold for $10,000.
Today, the Federal Reserve System is in panic mode. Take a look at this chart. It is
published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Look at what the Federa Reserve has
done to pump in fiat money since October 2008. This was followed by QE2 in 2011.

Scary, isnt it? You can follow these figures in my sites department, Federal
Reserve Charts. If you forget my sites address, use Google to search for federal
reserve charts. My department is the top Google entry. I have numerous other support
materials in that department, all free of charge.
I am providing this introduction in order to save you from grief. In the lessons that
follow, I present the case for gold as money. I also present the case for gold as a

The Gold Wars

long-term hedge against inflation. I own gold. But I am not naive about gold. I used to
sell gold and silver coins. It was the right time to buy: 1973. But I understand that people
get married to their investments. Gold is a good long-term investment. It is a good
disaster hedge. But it moves up fast and then stagnates. So does silver. Be aware of this
before you buy gold or silver.
You can monitor golds price here:

Chapter 2


The term leverage is used in several ways. Gold applies to all of them.
The word usually refers to influence. When someone says of a politician, hes got
a lot of leverage, it means influence.
Consider a U.S. Senator. He has one vote out of 100. But if he is the chairman of a
major committee, he has more influence than his single vote indicates. If his committee is
important for generating pork barrel spending projects for the voters in other Senators
states, he has even greater leverage. Same person; different leverage.
A preacher has leverage in his congregation. But if he is a satellite TV preacher, he
has a lot more leverage. He has leverage in other preachers congregations.
The term leverage also applies to the world of investing. It usually refers to
certain debt contracts, but not always.
I do not think anyone should buy leveraged gold until he owns $10,000 worth of
gold bullion coins, such as American eagles or Krugerrands. But some people like to
speculate with leverage.

Consider gold. Say that you own a one-ounce gold coin. (I hope this is true several
times over.) Golds price in dollars then doubles: $1,800 to $3,600. Your gold coin is
worth twice as much in dollars. Of course, if the price of everything else has doubled,
your gold coin is worth twice as much in dollars, not twice as much in goods. But thats
still much better than having held dollars instead of gold.
But what if your gold investment was leveraged? What if you had gone into the
futures market to buy the gold coin? The gold price doubles from $1,800/oz to $3,600/oz.
You had $900 of your own money in the deal: 50%. Your investment is now worth
$3,600. Your profit is $2,700 ($3,600 minus the original $900). You sell the gold coin for
$3,600, pay off the $900 loan, and pocket $2,700. It cost you $900 (plus interest) to make
$2,700 free and clear. You made close to 300%. Thats sure a lot better than 100%.

The Gold Wars

But what if golds price falls to $1,500? You would now owe $300 ($1,800 minus
$1,500). You have lost one-third of your $900 investment. This arrangement called
buying on margin.
I assume that you want a safer kind of leveraged gold, a kind where you cant be
sold out for this good reason: you never borrowed any money. You dont have a margin
account. Its as safe as owning a gold coin -- you cant be sold out against your will -- but
it still offers leverage upward. Of course, it is risky on the downward side, too, but you
cant be sold out because you arent in debt. You want debt-free leverage. You can get it.
This is what North American gold mining shares offered back in 2001. That was
when I told my Remnant Review subscribers to start buying junior North American gold
mining shares. I got an expert to give specific recommendations: Sam Parks He described
the leverage feature in an interview with me in 2003.
Marginal producers offer the most leverage to gold. Say that a mining
company can show a profit of $5.00 per ounce of production when gold is
$350 per ounce. If we up the gold price by $50 per ounce, and the
companys profit increases to $55 per ounce of production. This leverage of
course works both ways. If gold goes down $50, the companys profit per
ounce will go from $5.00 per ounce to a loss of $45 per ounce.
The potential for North American gold shares then was that golds price has been
down for so long that investors had forgotten about gold, or were still scared of buying it.
They had heard of gold coins, but hardly anyone ever buys them. The number of
national dealers who make a living by selling bullion coins like American eagles or
Canadian maple leafs can be counted on the fingers of two hands. The general public isnt
in this market.
Another gold market is the commodity futures market: mostly debt-based, highly
speculative, and very risky unless you put down a high margin. The contracts are so large
that hardly anyone can afford to invest without a lot of margin debt. Also, investors are
personally at risk for every cent borrowed.
This leaves gold mining stocks, which are mostly South African mines -- two miles
deep, operated by Africans with AIDS, and supervised by a socialist government. The
few other mines that stock brokers know about are the larger North American mines. The

The Gold Wars

most famous is Barrick. But Barrick has a problem: it is sold short. That is, it has
promised to deliver gold in the future at a fixed price. Parks commented in 2003:
In the past, hedging was profitable for the gold producers. In its 2001
annual report, Barrick stated that over the preceding 14 years, it had made
$2 billion from its hedging activities.
Two billion?
Yes, two billion. For several years, Barrick was the most popular gold
stock. Much of its popularity came from its profitable gold-hedging
activities. But, as the gold market began to improve in mid-2001, the effect
on Barrick turned negative. Gold stock investors shunned the company
because it had so many ounces sold forward.
Quantify that -- how many ounces?
At year end, 2002, Barrick had 18 million ounces sold forward at an
average price of $341 per ounce.
What effect has Barricks hedging had on its share price since the bear
market in gold ended in 2001?
At the beginning of the 2001, two companies were trading around $17 or
$18. Newmont, the big major known for its disdain for hedging, is currently
about $28 and Barrick is stuck at $17.
Sadly, I got stuck with Barrick. It bought out Homestake, which I owned. But,
even so, it is around $50 these days.
What Parks did for Remnant Review subscribers in 2001 and early 2002 was to
identify smaller gold mines that most stock brokers had never heard of. (They still

The Gold Wars

havent.) These are marginal mines, i.e., they are high-cost producers. But they are well
positioned for highly leveraged returns. They get more bang for the buck when gold
rises above their production cost per ounce. These mines are still the Rodney
Dangerfields of mining. They get no respect. Brokers still are unaware of them. Remnant
Review readers who took Parks advice are up by 30 to one or more, depending on a
mines leverage.
That was then. This is now.
But enough about how to make money. Lets get back to the other meaning of
leverage: influence.

My initial example of leverage was a U.S. Senator with a committee chairmanship.
In a sense, I want to put you in a similar position within your circle of influence. Thats
what The Gold Wars is really all about.
The number of people who are willing to read a report like this is so small as to
constitute a remnant. Im using the word in the biblical sense. God told the prophet Elijah,
who believed himself to be alone in Israel,
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not
bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him (1 Kings
You have decided to read this report. You have designated yourself as someone
who is interested in gold. This is not the equivalent of being interested in pork bellies or
even copper. But there are more people today who are interested in gold than back in
Gold used to be the industrial worlds money. Then World War I broke out in
1914. The banks suspended redemption of gold for paper money. This broke all contracts,
but the governments all ratified this action. Then the governments had their central banks
confiscate the gold that had been stored in the vaults of the commercial banks. The public
has never returned to a full gold coin standard. Instead, the world went on a fiat money

The Gold Wars

The governments confiscation of the publics gold transferred enormous leverage

to central banks, which can now issue credit money without the restraining factor of a
threat of a gold run. The last gold run ended on Sunday, August 15, 1971, when President
Richard Nixon unilaterally closed the gold window. He announced that the U.S.
Treasury would no longer honor the IOUs to gold (T-bills) in the possession of foreign
governments and their central banks. In the first half of 1971, there had been a run by
central banks on U.S. gold (meaning gold which was held in the vault of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York) at $35 an ounce. Nixon ended this run on gold, which was a
run against the dollar, in the same way that the worlds commercial banks ended a similar
run in 1914, after the war broke out. He broke the contract.
If you go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you can use the Inflation
Calculator to see what has happened to the dollar as a result of Nixons
action. Select 1971 as the base year (or debased year). Enter $100. Then
click the CALCULATE button. See how much after-tax money it would
take today to match the $100 in purchasing power in 1971.
The day after World War I broke out in July, 1914, a wise investor with money in
the bank would have gone to the bank and demanded gold. The handful of people who
did this got their gold. But hardly anyone will do this, even when war breaks out. The
masses lose. They trust their banks, they trust their governments, and they get their gold
He who trusts the government to honor its contracts in a major national crisis is a
fool. Most voters are fools. Most investors are fools. They trust professional liars -- the
same politicians who keep promising the moon in election years but who dont deliver
after the election. They pay a heavy price for their misplaced trust.
If you want a classic pair of examples of those who trust the government and those
who dont, watch Gone With the Wind. Rhett Butler uses his ship to run guns -- illegal,
the North says. He also gets paid in gold -- unpatriotic, the South says. When he is caught,
he deliberately loses at cards in the yankee prison, so he knows that the commander wont
hang him. He is in a position to settle his bets in yankee dollars. He has gold hidden
somewhere. In contrast is Scarletts father, driven mad, sitting in poverty and holding
bonds -- good Confederate bonds -- as his only form of liquid capital.

The Gold Wars

No, gold is not like pork bellies. Central banks still settle their accounts at the end
of the day by means of dollars and gold. Gold is not just another commodity.


The economic problem facing the whole world today is that the means of settling
payments -- the dollar -- is the worlds reserve currency. But there are no technical limits
on its creation. The Federal Reserve is pumping dollars into the economy in order to hold
domestic interest rates down, so as to stimulate the American economy. Americans are
running a trade deficit of well over a billion dollars a day, 365 days a year. This deficit is
now in the range of 4% of our economy. To this, add the growing Federal debt, which is
growing at five billion dollars a day. See the national debt clock:
As Senator Everett Dirksen supposedly said a generation ago: A billion here, a
billion there, and pretty soon were talking big money. Its a shame he never said it. Now
its a trillion.
Will the world keep trading in dollars? Not if our policies dont change. But our
policies wont change without the outside pressure of an international monetary crisis.
Bernanke has made this clear. So have other members of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. They are going to continue to inflate the dollar.
The reason why the dollar is the worlds reserve currency is two-fold: (1) central
bankers refuse to rely exclusively on gold, for gold imposes too many constraints on
them; (2) the U.S. economy is the largest on earth. But the U.S. economy is now
dependent on capital injections from foreigners equal to our balance of payments deficit.
Asia is catching up economically. Asians are supplying Americans with goods in the form
of loans and purchases of capital assets owned by Americans. Americans are mortgaging
their future to buy Asian goods; they are going into hock to Asian lenders.


The war on gold has led to the leveraging of government power over the public.
Governments can run huge budget deficits, central banks can crank out credit money to

The Gold Wars


stimulate the economy, and politicians can spend and spend to buy votes because we, the
public, have no way to restrain them directly. Prior to 1914, our great grandparents could
and did. One by one, with no one telling them what to do, they could walk into a bank,
hand over paper money, and say to the teller, I want gold coins at $20 per ounce.
Today, hardly anyone knows this story. It isnt found in history textbooks. Only a
handful of people know about the role that gold has played in the war of governments on
the public. What I call the gold wars are in fact a series of wars by governments on the
voters. The most powerful means of voting in 1913 was not in an election booth. It was in
a bank.
Your neighbors are oblivious. Your friends dont know and dont care. They may
think youre a bit nutty to worry about golds price. Ignore this. To the extent that you
understand today what the role of gold was long ago, has been in our day, and will be in
the future, you have leverage. You have information about the past and the most probable
future that most people dont have.
You may also own gold in various forms, from coins to gold mining shares.
In The Gold Wars, I do my best to explain the gold wars. I will try to show why
gold is not copper or lead, why gold is at the very heart of the conflict between the
expansion of government and the ability of the victims to fight back.
We are in the midst of a war on gold because we are in the midst of a war on our


We have the military academies to train our generals and admirals. We have
Officers Candidate School to train our officers in the field.
The Gold Wars is a version of Officers Candidate School for a handful of
dedicated people who want to know about the nature of the war against honest money by
dishonest politicians and their beneficiaries.
There are not many volunteers. The army is small. You are part of the Remnant.

The Gold Wars


As the recruiting poster used to say: Uncle Sam Wants You. He also wanted our
gold, and he got it.
Im going to show you how we can get it back, and the liberties that come with it.

Chapter 3


You may already have read Alan Greenspans essay, Gold and Economic
Freedom, which was published in Ayn Rands Objectivist newsletter in 1966, and
reprinted in her book, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, in 1967.
Greenspan has never publicly retracted a word of this essay.
This essay is a good introduction to the governments war on gold. It summarizes
the basic issue: the comparative liberty that a government-guaranteed gold coin standard
offers to a society. A gold coin standard places a restraint on the governments ability to
defraud the public through monetary inflation.
The problem is, a government-guaranteed gold standard is guaranteed by the
government. As I like to say, a government-guaranteed gold standard isnt worth the
paper its written on. But, for as long as the government redeems its paper money or its
credit money on demand -- in gold coins of a fixed weight and fineness, at a fixed
exchange rate with the governments money -- the public does possess a lever of power
against the government: the threat of a bank run against the biggest bank, the
governments central bank. In the case of the United States, this is the Federal Reserve
System. How ironic that Alan Greenspan was the chairman of the FEDs Board of
Governors in the bubble era. (The rest of this chapter is 100% Greenspan.)


Alan Greenspan
An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which
unites statists of all persuasions. They seem to sense - perhaps more clearly and subtly
than many consistent defenders of laissez-faire - that gold and economic freedom are
inseparable, that the gold standard is an instrument of laissez-faire and that each implies
and requires the other.
In order to understand the source of their antagonism, it is necessary first to
understand the specific role of gold in a free society.
Money is the common denominator of all economic transactions. It is that


The Gold Wars


commodity which serves as a medium of exchange, is universally acceptable to all

participants in an exchange economy as payment for their goods or services, and can,
therefore, be used as a standard of market value and as a store of value, i.e., as a means of
The existence of such a commodity is a precondition of a division of labor
economy. If men did not have some commodity of objective value which was generally
acceptable as money, they would have to resort to primitive barter or be forced to live on
self-sufficient farms and forgo the inestimable advantages of specialization. If men had
no means to store value, i.e., to save, neither long-range planning nor exchange would be
What medium of exchange will be acceptable to all participants in an economy is
not determined arbitrarily. First, the medium of exchange should be durable. In a
primitive society of meager wealth, wheat might be sufficiently durable to serve as a
medium, since all exchanges would occur only during and immediately after the harvest,
leaving no value-surplus to store. But where store-of-value considerations are important,
as they are in richer, more civilized societies, the medium of exchange must be a durable
commodity, usually a metal. A metal is generally chosen because it is homogeneous and
divisible: every unit is the same as every other and it can be blended or formed in any
quantity. Precious jewels, for example, are neither homogeneous nor divisible. More
important, the commodity chosen as a medium must be a luxury. Human desires for
luxuries are unlimited and, therefore, luxury goods are always in demand and will always
be acceptable. Wheat is a luxury in underfed civilizations, but not in a prosperous society.
Cigarettes ordinarily would not serve as money, but they did in post-World War II Europe
where they were considered a luxury. The term luxury good implies scarcity and high
unit value. Having a high unit value, such a good is easily portable; for instance, an ounce
of gold is worth a half-ton of pig iron.
In the early stages of a developing money economy, several media of exchange
might be used, since a wide variety of commodities would fulfill the foregoing
conditions. However, one of the commodities will gradually displace all others, by being
more widely acceptable. Preferences on what to hold as a store of value, will shift to the
most widely acceptable commodity, which, in turn, will make it still more acceptable. The
shift is progressive until that commodity becomes the sole medium of exchange. The use
of a single medium is highly advantageous for the same reasons that a money economy is
superior to a barter economy: it makes exchanges possible on an incalculably wider scale.

The Gold Wars


Whether the single medium is gold, silver, seashells, cattle, or tobacco is optional,
depending on the context and development of a given economy. In fact, all have been
employed, at various times, as media of exchange. Even in the present century, two major
commodities, gold and silver, have been used as international media of exchange, with
gold becoming the predominant one. Gold, having both artistic and functional uses and
being relatively scarce, has significant advantages over all other media of exchange. Since
the beginning of World War I, it has been virtually the sole international standard of
exchange. If all goods and services were to be paid for in gold, large payments would be
difficult to execute and this would tend to limit the extent of a societys divisions of labor
and specialization. Thus a logical extension of the creation of a medium of exchange is
the development of a banking system and credit instruments (bank notes and deposits)
which act as a substitute for, but are convertible into, gold.
A free banking system based on gold is able to extend credit and thus to create
bank notes (currency) and deposits, according to the production requirements of the
economy. Individual owners of gold are induced, by payments of interest, to deposit their
gold in a bank (against which they can draw checks). But since it is rarely the case that all
depositors want to withdraw all their gold at the same time, the banker need keep only a
fraction of his total deposits in gold as reserves. This enables the banker to loan out more
than the amount of his gold deposits (which means that he holds claims to gold rather
than gold as security of his deposits). But the amount of loans which he can afford to
make is not arbitrary: he has to gauge it in relation to his reserves and to the status of his
When banks loan money to finance productive and profitable endeavors, the loans
are paid off rapidly and bank credit continues to be generally available. But when the
business ventures financed by bank credit are less profitable and slow to pay off, bankers
soon find that their loans outstanding are excessive relative to their gold reserves, and
they begin to curtail new lending, usually by charging higher interest rates. This tends to
restrict the financing of new ventures and requires the existing borrowers to improve their
profitability before they can obtain credit for further expansion. Thus, under the gold
standard, a free banking system stands as the protector of an economys stability and
balanced growth. When gold is accepted as the medium of exchange by most or all
nations, an unhampered free international gold standard serves to foster a world-wide
division of labor and the broadest international trade. Even though the units of exchange
(the dollar, the pound, the franc, etc.) differ from country to country, when all are defined
in terms of gold the economies of the different countries act as one-so long as there are no
restraints on trade or on the movement of capital. Credit, interest rates, and prices tend to

The Gold Wars


follow similar patterns in all countries. For example, if banks in one country extend credit
too liberally, interest rates in that country will tend to fall, inducing depositors to shift
their gold to higher-interest paying banks in other countries. This will immediately cause
a shortage of bank reserves in the easy money country, inducing tighter credit standards
and a return to competitively higher interest rates again.
A fully free banking system and fully consistent gold standard have not as yet been
achieved. But prior to World War I, the banking system in the United States (and in most
of the world) was based on gold and even though governments intervened occasionally,
banking was more free than controlled. Periodically, as a result of overly rapid credit
expansion, banks became loaned up to the limit of their gold reserves, interest rates rose
sharply, new credit was cut off, and the economy went into a sharp, but short-lived
recession. (Compared with the depressions of 1920 and 1932, the pre-World War I
business declines were mild indeed.) It was limited gold reserves that stopped the
unbalanced expansions of business activity, before they could develop into the
post-World Was I type of disaster. The readjustment periods were short and the
economies quickly reestablished a sound basis to resume expansion.
But the process of cure was misdiagnosed as the disease: if shortage of bank
reserves was causing a business decline-argued economic interventionists-why not find a
way of supplying increased reserves to the banks so they never need be short! If banks
can continue to loan money indefinitely-it was claimed-there need never be any slumps in
business. And so the Federal Reserve System was organized in 1913. It consisted of
twelve regional Federal Reserve banks nominally owned by private bankers, but in fact
government sponsored, controlled, and supported. Credit extended by these banks is in
practice (though not legally) backed by the taxing power of the federal government.
Technically, we remained on the gold standard; individuals were still free to own gold,
and gold continued to be used as bank reserves. But now, in addition to gold, credit
extended by the Federal Reserve banks (paper reserves) could serve as legal tender to
pay depositors.
When business in the United States underwent a mild contraction in 1927, the
Federal Reserve created more paper reserves in the hope of forestalling any possible bank
reserve shortage. More disastrous, however, was the Federal Reserves attempt to assist
Great Britain who had been losing gold to us because the Bank of England refused to
allow interest rates to rise when market forces dictated (it was politically unpalatable).
The reasoning of the authorities involved was as follows: if the Federal Reserve pumped
excessive paper reserves into American banks, interest rates in the United States would

The Gold Wars


fall to a level comparable with those in Great Britain; this would act to stop Britains gold
loss and avoid the political embarrassment of having to raise interest rates. The Fed
succeeded; it stopped the gold loss, but it nearly destroyed the economies of the world, in
the process. The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into
the stock market-triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal Reserve
officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in braking the
boom. But it was too late: by 1929 the speculative imbalances had become so
overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a sharp retrenching and a consequent
demoralizing of business confidence. As a result, the American economy collapsed. Great
Britain fared even worse, and rather than absorb the full consequences of her previous
folly, she abandoned the gold standard completely in 1931, tearing asunder what
remained of the fabric of confidence and inducing a world-wide series of bank failures.
The world economies plunged into the Great Depression of the 1930's.
With a logic reminiscent of a generation earlier, statists argued that the gold
standard was largely to blame for the credit debacle which led to the Great Depression. If
the gold standard had not existed, they argued, Britains abandonment of gold payments
in 1931 would not have caused the failure of banks all over the world. (The irony was that
since 1913, we had been, not on a gold standard, but on what may be termed a mixed
gold standard; yet it is gold that took the blame.) But the opposition to the gold standard
in any form-from a growing number of welfare-state advocates-was prompted by a much
subtler insight: the realization that the gold standard is incompatible with chronic deficit
spending (the hallmark of the welfare state). Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare
state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of
the productive members of a society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes. A
substantial part of the confiscation is effected by taxation. But the welfare statists were
quick to recognize that if they wished to retain political power, the amount of taxation had
to be limited and they had to resort to programs of massive deficit spending, i.e., they had
to borrow money, by issuing government bonds, to finance welfare expenditures on a
large scale.
Under a gold standard, the amount of credit that an economy can support is
determined by the economys tangible assets, since every credit instrument is ultimately a
claim on some tangible asset. But government bonds are not backed by tangible wealth,
only by the governments promise to pay out of future tax revenues, and cannot easily be
absorbed by the financial markets. A large volume of new government bonds can be sold
to the public only at progressively higher interest rates. Thus, government deficit
spending under a gold standard is severely limited. The abandonment of the gold standard

The Gold Wars


made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an
unlimited expansion of credit. They have created paper reserves in the form of
government bonds which-through a complex series of steps-the banks accept in place of
tangible assets and treat as if they were an actual deposit, i.e., as the equivalent of what
was formerly a deposit of gold. The holder of a government bond or of a bank deposit
created by paper reserves believes that he has a valid claim on a real asset. But the fact is
that there are now more claims outstanding than real assets. The law of supply and
demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money (of claims) increases relative to the
supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise. Thus the earnings
saved by the productive members of the society lose value in terms of goods. When the
economys books are finally balanced, one finds that this loss in value represents the
goods purchased by the government for welfare or other purposes with the money
proceeds of the government bonds financed by bank credit expansion.
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from
confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the
government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If
everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any
other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits
would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be
worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there
be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists tirades against gold. Deficit
spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this
insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no
difficulty in understanding the statists antagonism toward the gold standard.

Chapter 4


A governments gold standard isnt worth the paper its written on. -- Yogi Berra
Actually, Yogi didnt say that. I said it. But if people believed that Yogi said it, the
aphorism would gain greater currency.
One of the litmus tests of a persons conservatism is his commitment to the ideal
of the gold standard. This is an appropriate test for conservatives. It shows a persons
commitment to one of the movements least understood and most futile political causes. It
also identifies the adherent as a card-carrying member of the movements cognoscenti.
The listener thinks, Maybe this person even understands Greshams law. Most
important, it defends big government in the name of limited government. And, just like
almost everything else in the conservative movement, it eventually backfires. It backfires
for the same reason the other conservative programs backfire whenever inaugurated: it
calls on the State to limit the State.


The person who calls for the re-establishment of the gold standard -- nobody
agrees as to exactly what the gold standard should be -- begins with an unstated judicial
presupposition: The State has a legitimate legal right to control the issue of money.
This is another way of saying: Monetary policy is an example of market failure. More
than this, it implies the following: Because money is the central economic institution in a
high division of labor economy, the State has a legal right and a moral obligation to
control money, so as to retain influence over every area of the market.
It goes far beyond this, however. One of the greatest little-known books in recent
history is Ethelbert Stauffers Christ and the Caesars (Westminster Press, 1955). Stauffer
was both a theologian and a historian of numismatics: coinage. His book traces the moral,
theological, and political confrontations between the early church and the Roman Empire.
He does this by means of a survey of the coinage. He shows, coin by coin, how the
messianic claims of the emperors as the source of salvation paralleled the debasement of
the coins.


The Gold Wars


The coins were implements of political and religious propaganda. The images of
the emperors and the slogans on the coins were important devices in promoting faith in
the Roman Empire. Stauffer shows that the inscriptions on the coins were challenges to
all rival gods with universal claims. There was an inescapable war between Christ and the
There was a war against the Jews, too. During Bar Kochbas revolt (133-35 A.D.),
Jews issued their own coinage. These coins did not have any persons image on them.
Most of the worlds currencies and coins today have images of politicians, either
dead or alive. By law, American coins and bills may not have the image of anyone living.
(In this instance, I am strongly in favor this law. If I must daily look at pictures of
politicians, I prefer the dead ones.)
Kings and governments have long asserted an authority, if not an absolute
monopoly, over the coinage. It has to do with control over the images. It has to do with
the ability of the state to extract wealth from the public by means of currency debasement:
taxation by stealth, whose negative effects can be blamed on private speculators. But,
from the standpoint of economic theory, this monopoly over money has to do with a
theory of market failure.
The next time you hear someone waxing eloquent -- and, in all likelihood,
incoherent -- about the marvels of the gold standard, ask him this: Why dont you trust
the free market? This question is intended to elicit what I like to call a jude awakening.
(I refer the late Jude Wanniski, for whose education I wrote Mises on Money. I failed
completely to educate him. Jude never did have a clue about Austrian monetary theory.
Yet he thought he was Mises intellectual disciple.)
Be prepared for a blank stare, followed by Huh?

This phrase is well chosen. It presents gold as the standard of comparison. It
usually is applied to something that isnt as good as gold.
In monetary affairs, it applies to a substitute for gold, or what is called a fiduciary

The Gold Wars


instrument. It is a piece of paper that is offered in lieu of gold.

Gold has its flaws. Its flaws are extensions of its unique benefits. Let me list three.
First, gold is heavy. Paper is lighter. Digits are lighter still. A person can carry
pieces of paper with lots of zeroes rather than gold coins.
Second, gold is universally in demand, despite its impersonal nature. This means
that, when stolen, it is easy for the thief to find buyers. In the era of the gold standard, a
fence liked gold coins so much that he offered a reduced discount to the thief. So, people
with a lot of money adopted checks and other less universal means of payment. You can
stop payment on a stolen check.
Third, gold is highly transportable. This means that it is easy to lose. Lose a check,
and you have not lost much. You can stop payment on a lost check.
But to retain their status as being as good as gold -- and a little better under most
circumstances -- fiduciary instruments had to preserve the greatest benefit of gold -- its
scarcity due to the high cost of mining -- despite the low cost of printing. It is easier to
counterfeit paper than to counterfeit gold. It is easier to sign a promise to pay gold than to
pay gold.
All of the defenders of the gold standard believe -- I am not making this up -- that
the best way to reduce the practice of counterfeiting is to hand over a legal monopoly
over money creation to the most accomplished and universally recognized counterfeiters
in history: civil governments.

A gold standard is a promise made by a self-licensed professional counterfeiter
that he will always stand ready to redeem his pieces of paper and official digits in
exchange for gold at a fixed ratio. As the mid-1950s comedian George Goebel used to
say, Suuuuuuure he will.
The gold standard became universal in the nineteenth century. Because the public
had the right of redemption for a century, 1815 to 1914, the price level remained
relatively stable for a century. This right of gold redemption was invariably suspended

The Gold Wars


during major wars, but it was restored a few years after the war ended.
This was the era of free market economic theory and the politics of limited
government. We speak of nineteenth-century liberalism: free markets, low taxes, and
the gold standard.
The nineteenth century was the first stage of an international sting operation. As in
the case of every con game, the con man must create a sense of trust on the part of his
mark. Whether it is a Ponzi scheme or a more traditional scam, if the targeted sucker
distrusts the con artist, he wont surrender his money. For the con game to work, the con
man must create an illusion of reliability. In short, he must present himself,
economically speaking, as if he were as good as gold.
The era of limited government led to enormous economic expansion. It also led to
the mass production of high-tech weapons. Governments had to get their hands on these
weapons in order to defeat other governments. There were few Third World nations in
1880 that could afford fifteen minutes of ammo for a Maxim machine gun. The big
governments, in the words of nineteenth-century New York City politician George
Washington Plunkett, seen their opportunities and took them. The age of
modern empires began in earnest.
The bigger the worlds economy got, the bigger the national governments got. The
bigger the national governments got, the more they jostled with each other for supremacy.
By 1914, they were ready for mass destruction on an unprecedented scale.
World War I began with the suspension of gold payments by the commercial
banks. This was a violation of contract -- a lie from the beginning -- that fractionally
reserved banks would redeem bank notes and accounts at any time for gold coins. As
soon as the governments all retroactively validated this violation of contract by
commercial banks, they used their central banks to extract the gold from the commercial
banks. They have yet to give it back.
The big crooks muscled into the territories of the small crooks. The big
counterfeiters extracted the loot from the little counterfeiters.

The Gold Wars


The free market created money. Civil government spotted an opportunity and took
it. The State granted itself a monopoly over money. It did so in the name of law: the
defense of society from unscrupulous cheats and counterfeiters. From the day King
Croesus (rhymes with greases) asserted authority over the new invention of the round
metallic device that we call the coin, the State has muscled into monetary affairs. For
2,600 years, the public has accepted this arrangement. It worked for 1,100 years
in Byzantium: 325 to 1453. It has not worked anywhere else for longer than a century or
Then came paper and ink. As Ludwig von Mises once supposedly said, but didnt:
Only government can turn valuable items like paper and ink into something utterly
There are conservatives who still present this 2,600 year-old con job as a
philosophy of limited government. Whenever I hear this assertion, I always hear the faint
sound of a piano playing Scott Joplins The Entertainer. My mind becomes clouded by
an image of Paul Newman and Robert Redford, arm in arm, walking away with my
money. Fade to black.

Chapter 5


The British economist, John Maynard Keynes, is famous for one aphorism, In the
long run, we are all dead, which he applied to the operations of the price system, and one
phrase: barbarous relic, which he applied the phrase to the gold standard. He believed
that the free market needed to be policed by bureaucrats to be made efficient. He also
believed that the gold standards restriction of State power is a great evil.
Keynes hostility to the traditional gold standard is shared by all inflationists and
statists. It places temporary limits on the governments ability to create fiat money and
thereby spend without taxing directly. I say temporary, because the traditional gold
standard is a promise made by a government. It is made to be broken later, during an
emergency that is declared by the government. It is ultimately paper gold. It is a misuse of
the peoples trust.
The gold standard made possible much of the civilization of the ancient world,
until gold was abandoned by the in the third-century government of Rome. Then classical
civilization disappeared in the West. But in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), a
reliable gold coinage lasted for over a thousand years.
Even in the Alexandrian and Roman empires, the government needed gold to pay
its troops. When the costs of maintaining Romes war machine and its bread and circuses
at home grew too great for direct taxation to fund them, the government began to debase
its coins. This debasement parallelled the decay of the Roman Empire.
Is the traditional gold standard really a relic? Yes. It becomes a relic in every
empire, as surely as there was gold at the beginning of that empire. No nation honors the
requirements of a State-run gold standard: the free convertibility of the States money into


The first view is that of the free market. The gold standard is seen as the product of
voluntary exchange. The States enforcement of the laws of contract leads to the
development of a commodity money. The commodity usually is gold or silver. Whatever
commodity is portable, widely recognized, divisible, and has a high value in terms of
weight and volume can function as money. But gold and silver are the common winners


The Gold Wars


in the competition for money. Money is therefore initially not the product of State action.
It is the product of voluntary exchange. This is the view of Austrian School economists:
Mises, Rothbard, Hayek. See my eBook, Mises on Money.
The other view of gold argues that money is the product of State declaration, i.e.,
fiat announcement. Money is anything that the State says it is. This has been the view of
all governments from the beginning of coinage in the sixth century B.C. The States gold
standard can be extended as a result of military conquest. The victorious nation steals the
gold hoard of the defeated nation. While the empire is expanding, the gold standard is
possible. When the empire shrinks, gold is abandoned. The costs of empire lead to the
debasement of the currency.
Keynes statement on gold came in the early 1920s, which was when the British
Empire had begun to fade. World War I had nearly bankrupted the British government.
World War II would end the British Empire.
Lenins famous quote on gold was that gold would someday be used for public
urinals. But that would be later. Under Communism, torture was common to get men to
surrender their gold to the state.
Barbarism began in the twentieth century when World War I broke out in 1914.
Within weeks, the commercial banks suspended redeemability in gold. The governments
authorized this, and then had their central banks confiscate the confiscated gold from the
commercial banks. The degree of barbarism that the war produced could not have been
accomplished had a gold standard been in force. The public would have stripped the
banks of the publics gold. The governments would have had to come to terms with the
enemy. It was the abandonment of the gold standard that made modern barbarism


Gold initially becomes the favored money metal because of the decisions of
individuals. The division of labor is not the product of State sovereignty over money. It is
the product of the rule of law.

The Gold Wars


Under contract law, if a gold coins producer debases his coins, he can be sued in
court by his victims or by his competitors. Debasement is fraud: a violation of contract.
The State need only enforce contracts in order for a gold standard to be extended by
market participants.
Government officials then see that gold coins circulate. They intervene, mandating
that all coins be stamped with the States seal. The State comes in the name of its own
sovereignty to bask in the light of a free market institution: the gold standard. It is like a
species of bird that lays its eggs in another species nests. It has to fool the other birds. So
does the State have to fool the public. Money is an attribute of the states sovereignty!
Not initially, it isnt.
The State then offers to store coins for free and issues receipts: IOUs. A free
service! How wonderful! Something for nothing! But the offer is bogus. The States
goal is to get the public to start using IOUs for gold coins rather than actual coins. The
State can then more easily confiscate these coins: nothing for something!
There is no long-run limit on the State when the State controls the coinage. The
traditional gold standard is a paper standard, revocable at will by politicians.
Commercial banks can also issue IOUs for depositors gold. The banks make the
same offer: redeemable on demand. The tip-off that there is fraud in the arrangement is
when storage fees are not charged for the service. There are no free lunches. You must
ask: How can the institution afford to offer a free service? Who pays now? Who will pay
later? Someone must pay for storage.
There is a limit on the ability of a bank to issue credit, but only when the
government enforces gold contracts. The government can and will change the gold
contract law during an emergency.
I suggest this relationship: a government-guaranteed gold standard is to money
what government-guaranteed health inspection is to prostitution. Both guarantees are
subsidies to the providers. Both guarantees create the illusion of decreased risk. Finally,
the operations of both systems are best described by the same verb.
When money fails, legitimacy is lost, too. Golds price is a test of political
legitimacy: the value of a national currency. A rising gold price is a vote of reduced
confidence in the States money. This is why governments since World War I have done

The Gold Wars


everything they could to remove gold coins from circulation. Politicians want no public
referendum on the legitimacy of the state. They allow political voting. Political voting can
be controlled. Gold coins cannot be controlled. So, they are abolished by law.
This is why governments sell off gold. It de-legitimizes gold and legitimizes
government currency. But this can go only for as long as central banks sell their
confiscated gold.


Most of the problems are obvious. Coins are bulky. They must be carried with you,
which increases the risk of robbery and loss. There are problems with making small
The solution is an IOU redeemable in gold. The IOU must be signed over by the
existing owner to a new owner. The IOU, if trusted, results in wide acceptance. It is as
good as gold. It may even be better than gold: less risky.
But then comes default on the IOU contract. If the agency that stores the gold and
issues the IOU is protected by the government, as banks are, or if the issuer is an arm of
the government, then the risk of default in wartime is high.
We see an extension of trust: by the public to the banks, by the banks to the central
bank; by the central banks to the State. The transfer of trust moves from economics to
political sovereignty. But a system based on political sovereignty is not trustworthy. It has
the ability to cheat, and no agency can bring charges. No agency of appeal exists.
During World War II, the Bank for International Settlements (Basle) was created
so that agents of the various central banks of warring nations could clear their accounts. It
was a neutral third-party agency that enforced the rules. This made a gold exchange
standard possible among central bankers. What they did not allow to the masses whose
gold had been stolen by the commercial banks they demanded from each other: settlement
in gold. This allowed the national war machines to continue their bloody efforts.

The Gold Wars


In the republican phase of government, the State monetizes gold. It places its
stamp of approval on gold coins. It asserts sovereignty over money in the name of
preserving the value of money by guaranteeing the fineness and weight of the coins.
Then, in the empire phase, debasement begins. The State de-monetizes gold. It
substitutes base metals and calls the new coins equally valuable. The free market assesses
the truth of this claim, exchange by exchange.
The result of the de-monetization of gold is the de-capitalization of the State. The
de-monetized IOUs become IOU nothings. The State finds it more difficult to get the
masses to accept its money.
In the twentieth century, the State persuaded the masses to accept its IOU nothings.
The result has been a vast expansion of state power and state debt, coupled with a vast
depreciation of moneys purchasing power. This will not be reversed until the debt system
overwhelms the monetary system (deflation), or the states official money is abandoned
by the public (inflation).

The States gold standard is a preliminary to eventual confiscation or debasement.
The States promise of redemption on demand should not be trusted.
A gold coin standard by profit-seeking storage organizations can be trusted with
less risk, but not if the storage is offered for free. There are no free lunches. Someone will
eventually pay for free services. When it comes to fractional reserve banking, that
someone is always the late-coming depositors.
This is why any call by conservatives for the State to adopt a gold standard is
futile. No one will listen. Even if voters understood the case for a limited State, they
would not be able to limit the State by a State-run gold standard. A State-run monetary
system, with the exception only of Byzantium, becomes a debased standard.
This is why the free market is the only reliable source for the re-establishment of a
gold standard. Honest money begins with these steps: (1) the revocation of legal tender

The Gold Wars


laws that require people to accept the States money; (2) the enforcement of contracts; (3)
laws against fraud, which fractional reserve banking is. The free market can do the rest.
For a free copy of my book, Honest Money, go here.

Chapter 6


Sam Parks, the gold mining specialist, thinks that gold is going to $5,000 an ounce.
For this to happen, there would have to be a disaster in the international currency markets.
The dollar would have to lose its reserve currency status. Is this possible? With an annual
deficit in the balance of payments of more than $500 billion a year, of course its
possible. The dollar cannot maintain its reserve currency status with this level of
imbalance of trade.
Less radical but still off todays radar screens is Richard Russells prediction of
Dow 3,000, gold $3,000. Russell is a master investor. His letter is close to half a century
old. I have tracked his advice for two decades. I know of no one any better.
Back in the early 1980s, Russell went into print with a prediction: gold might
suffer a two-decade bear market. It fell for 21 years. So, for Russell to become an
overwhelming bull on gold and a bear on the stock market is a two-fold reversal. He is
not a gold bug. He is not philosophically committed to gold. But he sees a disaster coming
for the Federal Reserve System. He has said for as long as Ive read him that the FED has
only two options: inflate or die. He has always said the FED will inflate.
To dismiss Russells predictions as the nightmare of a madman is to dismiss one of
the most gifted market watchers of the second half of the 20th century.

I wrote in 2001 and 2002 that North American gold mining shares would
outperform the appreciation of rise in the dollar price value of gold bullion, at least in the
early stages of the move upward. This is because the mines are marginal producers. A $50
rise in the price of gold has an enormous kick effect for the share price. Now think
about a $2,600 rise in golds price.
Of course, that high an increase would reflect (not create) havoc in the currency
markets and all markets related to the currency markets. But if youre going to go through
havoc, it would be better to be sitting on profits of twenty to one in dollars than sitting on
dollars that are stuck in a bank account at 1% interest before income taxes.


The Gold Wars


Its not that I want to see the disruption of markets that gold at $3,000 would
reflect. I much prefer stability. But I am not in a position to manufacture stability. But I
am in a position to hedge myself against havoc more profitably by being in gold and goldrelated assets.
Today, I recommend gold bullion coins for most investors. It is far less volatile
than the mining shares.


I wish that every reader will make money from the information that I have already
published, let alone from the information I will publish. But I have been in this business
too long to believe that this wish will come true. Paretos 20-80 law teaches otherwise.
I would settle for 80 gainers, 20 losers. But even that is too much to hope for.
When I decided to set up, Gary Norths Specific Answers (,
I had misgivings. My goal is to help readers make money -- or at least not lose money.
But because of the way human nature works, I may wind up losing a lot of money for
most of my readers. Heres why.
One group of readers will be old time gold investors. They own gold coins. They
keep gold as a reserve against the disaster of monetary inflation, which eventually will
turn into price inflation. They subscribe in order to keep up on gold, which includes the
logic of gold. For them, this is an ideal newsletter: not only free but written by a longterm gold bug. It will confirm them in what they decided to do years ago.
There are not many of these people.
The next group, even smaller, is made up of newcomers who have only recently
heard about gold as an investment. They read that the price bottomed in 2001 at under
$260. In March 2008, it went over $1,000. Maybe there is money to be made here.
I assure you, there are very few cutting edge investors in any market. These are the
people who tend to make big money in stocks -- and lose money. They spot a trend early
and put their money -- not too much, but some -- on the trend. Then they sit back and let
late-comers make money for them.

The Gold Wars


The largest group on my mailing list -- Paretos 80% -- will provide the largest
number of people who lose big: the NASDAQ, 1999" people. Why? Because they found
out too early for them to take action, psychologically speaking. They want to wait and see.
They want confirmation from others who are more innovative and who will make the
most money. They think, Ill look at this for a while. They look. They read. They
ponder. Then they read some more.
If golds price falls, they will not get hurt. But what if golds price rises? When it
does, these wait and see readers will think, I should have acted. If gold ever goes back
down, Ill buy. They are asking for the improbable. They are waiting for confirmation.
The whole idea of confirmation is that confirmation must confirm upward. Procrastinators
dont respond to setbacks, i.e., unconfirmations downward. Its confirmation that drives
the price up.
If gold rises, theyll say to themselves, Its a good thing I didnt buy. Gold is
going even lower. If it reverses and goes back up, they will say, I knew it! If it goes
back down again, Ill buy.
They prefer life on the see-saws axis. They are in the middle so that they see the
price go up and down, but they dont actually participate in the ride.
The key is their refusal to take action. It is possible to buy any investment asset by
placing an order to buy at any price. This order is placed in advance. A person can specify
a purchase at a price 20% lower or above the current market price. He can place a pair of
orders: at a lower and higher price. So, of the price falls, he buys, but if it never falls, but
instead rises, he buys. Only if it doesnt hit the trigger price does he not become an owner.
Both approaches are economically rational. Both offer a prospective investor a
logical reason not to act now. He thinks it may go lower, but he fears that he might miss
out if it doesnt, so he places an emergency dont let it get away order at a higher price.


Few people ever place buy specific advance orders with a broker. They prefer to
deceive themselves into believing that they really do intend to take action one of these
days. Their opposite arguments -- Ill buy if it ever goes lower and Ill buy if it starts
to move upward -- are in fact illusions. People are really saying, I dont intend to buy at

The Gold Wars


all, but Ill pretend to myself that I can predict the future. Ill pretend that I wont put off
making a decision, no matter whether the price falls or rises.
The problem with self-deception comes when the emotionally paralyzed person
stumbles onto an investment that is poised to go sky-high. He refuses to buy. He thinks,
If it ever goes lower, Ill buy. But he wont. The proof of this is that he refuses to place
a buy order with his broker at the specified lower price. He is justifying his own inaction.
He pretends that he will buy when it goes lower, but the fact that he refuses to place a buy
order testifies against him.
In falling markets, it doesnt matter. He never buys. But in booming markets, it
does matter, because he had fair warning in advance that this assets price would rise. So,
he sits in awe as it rises. He kicks himself all the way up. I knew! I knew! If only I had
bought! He plays another round of if it ever goes back to [$x], Ill buy. But it doesnt.
It just keeps going up.
At some point, he will be unable to stand the self-recrimination. He will buy. That
is the point at which the experienced investors, who bought when it was low, start
unloading. The self-recrimination buyers get in at the top of the market.
The pain of having missed the opportunity of a lifetime is what drives the
procrastinators to their final, desperation move. In contrast, those many millions of people
who never heard about the particular investment until it made 80% of its move dont pay
much attention. They heard about it too late. They dont get into self-recrimination mode.
This is not true of the handful of people who found out early, pretended that they
would buy if it ever drops again, and watch in agony when it keeps rising. They are the
people who come in at the top of the market because of the pain of having known early,
having done nothing all the way up, and deciding at last to get in.


What Im describing here applies to every investment that becomes the focus of a
mania. As the mania increases, the early comers who did nothing become the most
frenzied buyers at the end of the bull run.
I also believe that its better to buy gold coins than gold shares for most investors.

The Gold Wars


There is less leverage with the coins, but there is a steady market. The U.S. government
mints gold coins. There is stability here, though less leverage.

If youre interested in learning more about gold for philosophical reasons, youve
come to the right place. If you are reading this to find out how to make money, you have
come to the right place. But if you are reading this as a bystander who wants to see other
people get rich by taking action, while you sit on the sidelines and watch, it is best that
you click the link at the bottom and get off the list.
As long as you dont really care when other people will make a lot of money from
information that you knew about, then this newsletter will be safe for you. There are good
reasons to learn more about gold other than making money with this knowledge. There is
more to gold than making money. Gold serves as one of the pillars of our economic
liberty. Its good to know about gold even if you never invest in it. Its like the Second
Amendment: you dont have to own a gun in order to benefit from the Second
Amendment. (But it helps if you do.) So, some of my reports will be so informative about
gold and monetary theory that they will be positively boring to thousands of subscribers.
As an editor, I want subscribers to my newsletters and websites. Its as easy to
send out a newsletter to 10,000 people as 1,000 or 100, thanks to Web software. But, as
someone who wants to help people, I dont want subscribers on this mailing list who are
likely candidates for the I knew! I knew! syndrome. They stay paralyzed until the top.
Then they buy.
Here is the deal: if you want to make money from gold, you must own gold or
gold-related assets. I know that it sounds silly to say this. I mean, I would not bother to
tell a person who dreams of winning the lottery that he has to buy a ticket. He knows. But
with gold, people really dont know. They say they know better, but they dont. They
think they can make more money later by buying in later. They dont recognize the fact
that they wont buy on the way down. They will always wait for another dip. They will
buy only on the way up -- way, way up.
The logic of gold stays the same. The supply may change, due to government
dumping (called gold-leasing). Or demand may change. But the logic of gold stays the
same. I will cover the logic of gold in this newsletter.

The Gold Wars


I want subscribers calmly to decide to buy gold coins and hold them, and also to
buy gold shares and eventually sell them. I just dont want my readers who refused to buy
to wind up buying from my readers who did buy and who are now selling into the mania.
You must know yourself. You must assess the effects of a gold mania on your future
investment decisions. You must take steps now to head off any mania-induced investment
strategy. I dont want you to get hurt because of this report.

Your action steps today include these:

Decide why you want to read this newsletter.


If you want to make money, distrust fiat money.


If you want to learn more about the economics

of gold, stay on the list.


If you arent ready to buy gold or gold shares,

decide a buy price -- below todays market or
above -- and place an order with a broker.


If you are not convinced yet, but you want to

learn more, stay on the list.


Finally, if you want to make money in the gold

market, but you are not willing to buy until the
price goes back down to [$xxx], and you are
also unwilling to place an automatic purchase
order with a broker at this price, then it really
would be best if you avoid gold. I dont want
you to get hurt in the mania. Trust me: you are
playing with emotional fire.

I dont want to lose you as a reader, but Id rather lose you than hurt you. Know
your limitations. If the tremendous profits that you almost had -- coulda, woulda,
shoulda -- will drive you to buy when you should stay on the sidelines, stop reading.

Chapter 7

GOLD AT $3,500 BY 2013?

I wrote the original version of this chapter in 2005. When we think of golds price
at $850, we think of 1980. That was a bad year. There had been reckless expansion of
money under the Federal Reserve Chairmanship of G. William Miller, who everyone in
1980 wanted to forget, and generally the public has. He is remembered, if at all, mainly
by his appearance at a Washington costume party, dressed in a Batman suit. Paul Volcker
replaced him in August, 1979, and the FED then slammed on the money breaks. The
flame-out of gold and silver took place in January, 1980. Then, down, down, down for
over two decades.
The FED under Volcker brought monetary inflation under control long enough for
price inflation to recede. It took back-to-back recessions, 1980/1981 to accomplish this. It
also took Ronald Reagans reduction in top marginal income tax rates. We forget about
his desperation hike in Social Security taxes in 1983, when SSI technically went
bankrupt, and the large tax hike in 1986, known as TEFRA.
We have seen the triumph of the dollar and the collapse of Communism. We have
seen the rise of America as the only superpower. All of this looks like its forever. But
nothing is forever. The futures markets being what they are, forever is about as secure as
the NASDAQ was in early 2000.
I have been watching the gold wars since about 1963. That is 45 years. Its my
entire adult life. Old men lament, What I have seen! Well, I dont think Ive seen
much yet.
What one generation saw, 1910-1950, was something to be seen. In the America of
1910, there was no Federal Reserve System, no income tax, and a full gold coin
standard was in operation. There had been neither World War I nor World War II. The
following names were unknown: Lenin, Hitler, Mao.
My teacher Robert Nisbet put it best. In 1913, the year of his birth, the only contact
that the average American had with the Federal government was the Post
That was then. This is now.


The Gold Wars



We live in what appears to be era of the American empire. Three events have made
this era visible: the fall of the Soviet Union (December 31, 1991), September 11, 2001,
and the fall of Iraq (March, 2003). The question is: How long will it last?
If Europe were still the main competition, the answer would be simple: a long
time. Europe is in decline. Its population statistics reveal this. Muslims are replacing the
original inhabitants. Europe is no longer where the challenge will come from. Asia is. I
think the Europeans know this.
Empires are noted for military strength at the beginning and fiscal weakness at the
end. The military budget grows as a percentage of the total budget.
This will not be true of the American empire. The expenses of the welfare system
for the aged will swamp the military budget long before there is a significant military
threat to the United States. The fall of the American empire will be fiscal, as the fall of
every empire is. But foreign occupation costs, military recruitment costs, and weapons
costs will not be the collective cause. The unfunded liabilities of actuarially unfulfillable
political promises will be. It will not be enemies at the gates who overwhelm the
American empire. It will be the army of politically armed economic dependents inside the
gates. Granny will bring it down. If you want a mental picture image of the end of
American empire, imagine a man dressed in uniform, holding an automatic rifle, being
pelted mercilessly by an old lady who is beating him over the head with her handbag.


In The Asia Times (July 15, 2003), John Berthelsen began with a conventional
survey of the Asian economy and Americas role in it. The numbers were nevertheless
astonishing. American investors have become inoculated to these numbers -- a bad sign.
The problem is Asias build-up of dollar reserves. Private Asian investors and
central banks have been buying dollar-denominated assets in order to keep their
currencies from rising against the dollar. The decision-makers dont want their export
markets to fade. But, in effect, when governments and their central banks follow a policy
of debasing their currencies for the sake of their export markets, they have adopted a
foreign aid program for America. I call it the Marshall-san Plan. Berthelsen writes:

The Gold Wars

At a time when the United States remains tightly focused on its domestic
economic problems and its international military adventures of the past two
years, Asia has been quietly running up an absolutely staggering surplus of
US dollars.
By the end of 2003, according to JP Morgan Chase economists in Hong
Kong, the combined countries of Asia are expected to hold an astonishing
70 percent of the worlds currency reserves. In the past decade, they
estimate, Asia has added US$1.2 trillion to its US dollar reserves as it runs
up whopping trade surpluses with the rest of the world -- principally the
United States, whose annual trade deficit is expected to reach US$500
billion. Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) in Hong Kong put the
Asian reserves even higher, at perhaps $1.5 trillion.
These numbers are gargantuan. Yet its much higher today. This appeared in the
Wall Street Journal (March 24, 2009).


The Gold Wars


Updating Senator Dirksons apocryphal comment, a trillion here, a trillion there, and
pretty soon were talking big money. Back to 2003.
Is this a danger to the world economy? For many years, Americas
strong-dollar policy served the world and chiefly the United States very
well. Their currencies cheap against the US dollar, Asian manufacturers
profited by making relatively inexpensive exports and selling them in the
United States at a healthy profit. In a kind cat-and-rat-farm analogy, in
which the cats eat the rats, are skinned for their fur, and then are fed back
to new rats, the Americans benefited by getting cheap goods that kept their
consumer-led economy roaring. The financial communities benefited from
the repatriation of those profits as the funds flowed back in a ceaseless
waterfall into US stock markets, treasury and corporate bonds,
money-market funds and other financial instruments.
Well, as Pearl Bailey sang five decades ago, it takes two to tango. Americas
formerly strong-dollar policy has been matched step for step by Asias weak-currency
policies. When no currency offers unrestricted redeemability in gold coins, its all a
matter of comparison.
Americas supposedly strong-dollar policy was simply an extension of the
weak-dollar policy imposed overnight by the Federal Reserve and other central bankers in
1985: the Plaza Accord. There has been no significant reduction in the rate of American
monetary expansion since 1985, except for two years, 1994-95. You can see the statistics
for money narrowly defined, 1990-2002, which reveals Federal Reserve policy better than
the broader definition of money. You can compare FED policy with policies of the other
major nations. Check the figures for China, especially. Dont call this a strong-dollar
policy. Call it a weak yuan policy.
This is an Asian-subsidized program of accumulating reserves. The original
Asian tiger strategy of export-led growth, which is widely understood as the cause of
the enormous growth of Asia, 1950-90, is being imitated. The problem is, this
understanding was incorrect. That there were large numbers of exports is unquestionable.
But these exports were made possible because of the low-taxation policies of the
governments, which freed up their economies as never before. Also, the import of
entrepreneurship -- made in the U.S.A. -- helped transform non-Communist East Asia.

The Gold Wars


But government policy-makers misunderstood the cause of their nations economic

success. They adopted mercantilism as their explanatory methodology: export-led balance
of payments surpluses. China has especially been guilty of this faulty economic analysis,
which now dominates central bank policy.
China, whose share of exports in total gross domestic product (GDP)
averaged 10.8 percent in 1985-89, now is producing exports at 28.4 percent
of GDP. South Koreas exports were at 23 percent during the same period
and now are at 54 percent of GDP. Hong Kong, then at 77.8 percent, is now
at 153.5 percent of GDP. These figures are being repeated across virtually
every economy in Asia. These exports continue to flow into the United
States despite a three-year economic downturn that, if rationality were to
prevail, should have slowed consumer purchases. The US Federal Reserves
easy-money policy and record cuts in interest rates, however, have kept
consumers buying at a feverish pace, far too often on credit.
In contrast to European mercantilists of the 17th century, who sought the
expansion of their governments gold reserves, Asian central have sought dollars.
The currencies of Asia, however, have almost all remained firmly tied to the
dollar, either through currency pegs, reserve boards or, as in the case of
Japan, as governments have bought dollars to keep their currencies static
and thus to preserve their terms of trade.
Despite the US attempts to talk the dollar down, Asian governments regard
any negative changes in their trade balances as inimical to their economies.
While supposedly loosening restrictions so that their consumers can
participate in a demand-led consumer revolution, Asia in fact is more
dependent on exports today than at any time over the past two decades.
Now, as always, Asian mercantilist policy must face the monetary results described
in the mid-eighteenth century by David Hume: a build-up of foreign exchange. A free
market would raise the exchange rate of the exporting countries. This would make Asian
imports more expensive for Americans, who would have to pay more dollars to obtain
Asian currencies. Asian the central banks refuse to allow this market-produced
development. They insist on subsidizing exports to Americans. This policy comes at the
expense of domestic consumers in Asia and American manufacturers. It cannot go on
indefinitely. In the immortal words of the late Herb Stein, the chairman of Nixons

The Gold Wars


Council of Economic Advisers, when something cannot go on, it has a tendency to stop.
But perpetual-motion machines dont work. The monumental scale of
Asias dollar reserves and the size of Americas deficit are starting to make
economists and strategists nervous. Wayne Godley, an economist at the
Levy Economics Institute in New York, writes: If the balance of trade does
not improve, there is a danger that over a period of time the United States
will find itself in a debt trap, with an accelerating deterioration both in its
net foreign-asset position and in its overall current balance of payments (as
net income paid abroad starts to explode). Such a trap would call
imperatively for corrective action if it is not at some stage to unravel
It has been widely reported that the US must take in about $1.3 billion a day
-- about $55 million an hour -- in foreign investment to finance its overseas
debt. If that river of money falters or dries up, the difference must be made
up by an inexorable fall in the value of the US currency. Indeed, if it had
stopped already, the fall in the US stock markets since equities began to
lose their luster in 2000 would have been catastrophic.
The American economy is growing ever-more dependent on Asian investments
here. Berthelsen is correct: this is the result of central bank policy, not free market
Certainly, Asia has been on a buying spree in US securities of all types.
Despite a three-year economic pause in the United States, Asians bought a
record $201 billion worth of long-term US paper in 2002. That includes
another record $97 billion in US government securities. Asian central
banks, with their enormous overhangs of US dollars, are increasingly doing
the buying.

Berthelsen also reported on an in-house report by Christopher Wood, an economist
for Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia.
I had not previously heard of Mr. Wood. I am familiar with Credit Lyonnais, but

The Gold Wars


not its Asian branch. What impressed me about the report is that it came from a
company that makes money by advising clients. It does not make its money selling
newsletters. This means that its recommendations are aimed at conventional people with a
lot of money to invest. Therefore, reports generated by such large retail organizations in
the financial world tend to be reserved. Woods report was not reserved.
So long as America continues to secure easy funding, there is no pressure
on policymakers in Washington to do anything other than run super-easy
policies to try to keep their own consumer credit cycle going, says
Christopher Wood, global emerging-markets equities strategist for CLSA
Hong Kong. Like any profligate debtor, market discipline will only be
imposed on America when foreign investorsdemand an interest-rate
premium for owning dollars.
Wood tends to grow apocalyptic. The current trend can continue for a
while, he writes in his 110-page first-half 2003 overview of the world
economy, published last month. But the longer American excesses are
financed, the more inevitable will be the ultimate collapse of the US
paper-dollar standard that has been in place ever since Richard Nixon broke
with Bretton Woods by ending the dollars link with gold in 1971. The
result will be a massive devaluation against gold of Asias hoard of
dollar-exchange reserves.
The statistics then were really quite remarkable. Berthelsen summarized the
concentration of reserves in the central banks of a handful of countries.
Japans foreign reserves currently total $496 billion, followed by China at
$310 billion and Taiwan at US$170 billion, according to figures compiled
in April by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Hong Kong, with 7.5
million people, has reserves of $114 billion, nearly seven times the total
money in circulation in the territory. Other Asian treasuries are similarly
bulging with dollars.
To his credit, Wood calls a spade a spade: mercantilism. This is one reason why I am
impressed with his overall analysis.
Asian central banks could abandon their mercantilist policies. They could
let their currencies rise, which is what would happen given Asias high

The Gold Wars


savings rates if market forces were allowed to prevail. This would in turn
boost Asias consumer demand cycle. This is also what should be
happening from a theoretical standpoint, as satiated American consumers
have already borrowed a lot and need to rebuild their balance sheets.
American consumers have no realization about what is happening, nor should they.
They go into Wal-Mart, and they buy imports from China. It is not their
responsibility to assess the impact of their purchases on the balance of payments, the
build-up of Asian central bank reserves, or anything else that economists love to chatter
about. They buy their items and walk out of the store. Before they start their cars
engines, Wal-Mart has re-ordered the items they bought. Why not? Wal-Mart is being
subsidized by Asian central bankers.
In the old Saturday Evening Post, there used to be a regular column modeled after
a baseball pitching analogy, The Long, Slow Curve . . . and Then the Fast Break. Here
comes Woods fast break.
Then, turning truly apocalyptic, Wood predicts that by the end of the decade
there will no longer be a possibility that the worlds central banks can
control the situation, and there will be a truly massive devaluation of the US
dollar. The view here is that the US dollar will have disintegrated by the
end of this decade. By then, the target price of gold bullion is US$3,400 an
ounce. That is roughly 10 times golds current level. If that were to
happen, Asias holders of dollars would be forced to start selling them or
see their own reserves collapse. If they start to sell them, the price of
Americas paper will fall even faster.
Think about this estimate: gold in the mid-$3,000 range. Berthelsen summarizes:
That is truly apocalypse now, or in 2010. Is it possible? The policymakers in
the administration of President George W Bush in Washington are far more
sanguine. They regard economists, often said to be the only field in which
two individuals have shared the Nobel Prize for saying exactly the opposite
things, to be basically irrelevant, and presumably by extension strategists.
The administration, facing an election in a year and a half, and the Federal
Reserve intend to keep the party going if they can.

The Gold Wars


On the fringes of opinion from the fringes of Asia has come a remarkable
prognostication. If it turns out to be correct, then the world of international commerce is
going to hit a brick wall sometime in the next ten years, a brick wall so thick that it might
even affect the price of real estate in Northwest Arkansas.

Chapter 8


If I were to write a report called The Copper Wars, it would not attract many
subscribers, even for free. The Silver Wars might attract a few more, but not many. But
The Gold Wars has been read by tens of thousands. Why?
When I imply that there is a war against gold, gold bugs with silver hair nod in
agreement. When I say that the government is opposed to the publics using gold coins in
exchange, gold bugs understand exactly. They see that the war on gold is a war of
government officials against private owners of gold.
When I say that gold is a political metal, I mean more than the obvious fact that
gold has political ramifications. I mean something more significant. I mean that gold has
always been intertwined with politics, that gold, alone among metals until the success of
the Manhattan Project added uranium to the list, has been the uniquely political metal.
In some societies, we can speak of the silver wars. China used a silver standard
for generations. The same was true in the colonial United States. Pieces of eight were
Spanish silver coins that served as Americas primary currency until the mid-nineteenth
century. (The most detailed and accurate Constitutional history of American money is
Pieces of Eight, by Edwin Viera. The older, shorter edition is more suitable for normal
people. The two-volume edition at 1,600 pages is not aimed at normal people; its aimed
at legal historians. At $400 a set on the used book market, few will read it.)
After the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815, Western European governments
moved to the gold standard for international commerce. This made the gold standard the
domestic monetary standard, too. But because governments adopted fixed prices between
gold and silver -- price controls -- their laws would drive one or the other metallic coinage
out of circulation. The legally overvalued money metal coins stayed in circulation. The
legally undervalued money metal coins went into hoards, the black market, or were
exported. This, of course, is the inevitable consequence of price controls: shortages of the
item whose legal price is below the market price. Greshams law -- bad money drives out
good money -- is merely an application of the law of price controls.


The Gold Wars


Political rulers throughout recorded history have asserted a monopoly over money.
They have argued that the State possesses legitimate authority over the creation and
distribution of money. Because gold and silver have been widely used as money metals,
the State has asserted control over the monetary uses of these two metals.
This is the origin of the war against gold. Gold is widely recognized and desired as
an investment. It is a highly marketable commodity. This was far more true in 1913 than
it is today. Prior to the de-monetization of gold, which began in 1914, a person could take
a gold coin anywhere where international trade was common and buy just about anything.
It did not matter which rulers image was on the coin. The coin was valuable because of
its gold content. The image may have helped to convey information about the coin -- so
much gold of a certain fineness -- but the face on the coin had merely a brand-name
recognition effect. The British gold sovereign was so widely recognized that James Bond
carried sovereigns as late as the mid-1960s. In From Russia With Love, the coins were in
the booby-trapped briefcase. The rulers image verified the quantity of gold in the coin. It
did not add value except as a kind of Good Statekeeping Seal of Approval.
Golds value is not independent of governments. This is because governments buy
and sell gold. This activity affects its price. Golds value is also affected by laws against
the circulation of gold coins. The Soviet Union had such laws. So did the United States,
1933-1974. But golds value as a money metal can exist independently of a governments
actions to subsidize or stigmatize golds use as money. Gold circulates as money precisely
because it has a value independent of government policies. Or it did. It no longer does.
Gold has been de-monetized by governments and their acolytes, the economists.
As with any scarce resource, gold moves to those holders who bid highest. The
more widespread golds use as money becomes, the more likely that trade will accompany
gold. Gold reduces risk by reducing the likelihood of default or fraud on the part of the
State or its licensed agents, fractional reserve banks. A government can go bankrupt, but
its gold coins will still circulate at golds market value. The same is true of any coinissuing agency. The gold may be marginally more or less valuable in a particular form
because of the degree of recognition of the producer, but a government that accurately
certifies its gold coins will find that its coins circulate at full value even if the government
itself faces bankruptcy or extinction.
Golds independence from the fate of governments points to a political truth that

The Gold Wars


governments despise: governments are not the source of the value of gold. To the extent
that gold is money, gold testifies against the sovereignty of the State in the realm of
money. It testifies to the sovereignty of consumers in a free market. The free market, not
the State, is the primary source of golds exchange value.
This means that consumers can escape from the States anti-consumer policies.
They can buy gold. This provides them with international money, black market money,
and hoard it and spend it later money. It provides one group of citizens with the
personal escape hatch from the effects of government power-seeking. Which group?
Political skeptics who do not trust the governments money.
In olden days, this escape hatch was an insult to a king, whose face was on the
coins that he was debasing by adding metal of lower value. The king wanted to increase
his spending, but there was tax resistance. So, he would call in the old coins, melt them,
add cheap metal, and try to spend them into circulation at the old rate for coins with
higher gold content. The plan never worked. The new coins would always fall in value.
This enraged the government. It made theft through deception less effective. The
citizens who spotted the fraud early would buy gold by exchanging the debased new coins
for old gold coins, leaving the less perceptive, more trusting citizens holding depreciated
new coins. Private citizens did what the king was trying to do, and this invasion of the
kings asserted prerogative to steal enraged kings for centuries.
Today, there are no kings, other than King Farouks famous kings of clubs,
diamonds, hearts, and spades. But politicians still play the old games, and play it much
better. They want the monopoly of theft that comes from passing the new, counterfeit
money to the suckers (citizens) at yesterdays lower prices. So, when a few of the
recipients of the new, phony bills and credit money start unloading them to buy gold, the
politicians take action. They do not want to share the benefits of being able to buy at
yesterdays prices with todays more plentiful money.
When golds price rises steadily when there seems to be no war imminent or other
international disaster, people start looking for a reason. The main reason is that the
government is inflating. If golds price is rising in one currency but not others, this is
additional evidence of policies of monetary inflation.
The government wants people to believe in something for nothing. It wants
people to believe that digital money creates wealth. But if one group seeks to gain a

The Gold Wars


disproportionate share of wealth by exchanging fiat money for gold, only to see golds
price rise, the politicians try to stop this. They cry out against speculators who are
acting against the public interest by profiting at the expense of widows and orphans.
This is a more acceptable way of saying: These private amateurs are invading our turf in
the ever-profitable business of looting widows and orphans.
A rising price of gold is like a trip-wire alarm that announces: The politicians are
at it again. Bolt down the furniture. It is a signal, published in the newspapers, that there
is something untrustworthy about the central banks monetary policies. It alerts
entrepreneurs to start buying goods before prices rise further. So, prices rise even faster.
This makes it even more expensive to buy votes with fiat money. The new money buys
fewer of the goodies that politicians hand out to buy votes.
The skeptics who say the government should never be trusted get rid of the new
money and buy at yesterdays prices. The trusting souls who say, The government is our
friend hang onto the money, only to see it fall in value. The skeptics win; the Statetrusting citizens lose. This is an affront to the politicians. It raises the cost of trust.
Economic law then takes over: At a higher cost, less will be supplied. More citizens
begin to distrust the government.
The politicians deeply resent this aspect of gold, for the same reason that a burglar
resents the widespread installation of burglar alarms.


The State has adopted several strategies in undermining the use of gold as coinage.
Here are a few of the more common strategies.

Issue paper IOUs for gold, called gold certificates.


Issue more of these certificates than there is gold to redeem

all of them on demand on the same day. Suckers!


Allow commercial banks to do the same thing. Suckers!


Create a central bank that stands ready to issue gold to bail

out any bank that experiences a gold run.

The Gold Wars


Allow commercial banks to suspend redemption of gold

during a national emergency. Suckers!


Allow the central bank to confiscate the gold of the nowprotected commercial banks. Suckers!


Make the ownership of gold illegal for citizens.


Create a gold-exchange system internationally in which

foreign central banks buy interest-bearing bonds from one or
two countries that back their currencies in gold: IOUs for
central bankers.


Create a central bank for central banks that will lend gold
during a national bank run. Call it something other than a
bank, such as the International Monetary Fund.


Suspend gold payments to foreign central banks when too

many of them catch on that there are more IOUs out there
than gold to redeem them. Suckers!


Persuade all of the other central banks to store their gold in

the senior branch of a central bank whose nation used to
redeem gold on demand by foreign governments, but which
defaulted decades ago. Suckers!


If the price of gold rises, calling attention to the monetary

fraud of legalized counterfeiting, sell some of this gold to the
grandchildren of those trusting citizens from whom you stole
the gold. But call the sales something else, such as gold
leasing. Dont reveal a reduction in the official reserves of


Allow central banks make a substitution: written promises to

pay gold, issued by private organizations called bullion banks,
instead of actual gold.


Wait for the price of gold to rise, thereby bankrupting the


The Gold Wars


bullion banks, which will not be able to repay. These are all
corporations, and so enjoy limited liability benefits. No one
goes to jail.
In this final scenario, who wins? All those people who bought gold while the goldleasing operations lowered the market price of gold.
Today, the central banks gold is steadily being repatriated to private owners. The
central banks are subsidizing the future net worth of gold buyers.
When there is finally no more gold to lease, or when central bankers at long last
figure out that IOUs issued by recently bankrupted gold bullion banks are not really what
central bankers need to establish public confidence in their forecasting abilities, the price
of gold will skyrocket. At that point, the public will decide its time to buy -- at high and
rising prices.
Those who have already bought will then look at the rest of the population, which
failed to buy while the buying was good, and very quietly, in private circles, issue their
unofficial assessment: Suckers!


Politicians are guided by the short run. Central bankers take a longer view than
politicians, but ultimately, they are the handmaidens -- if thats the correct metaphor -- of
the politicians. They do what they are told during a political crisis.
Politicians care nothing about gold today. This is something new. This was not true
in 1971 or 1931. The economists care just as little. What gets politicians attention is the
interest rate. The same is true of investors. So, the central bankers can play games with
gold, lending it at 0.3% per year, as if this were a wise move. Of course, this arrangement
is a whale of a deal for bullion banks, which borrow low, sell the gold, and lend high.
But what about the day of reckoning? What about when gold starts up, and bullion
banks cannot afford to buy it back and pay off the central banks in the commodity
borrowed? Central bankers dont care. They think that gold will never again be a factor in
the monetary affairs of mankind. When they think never, they mean in their lifetimes.

The Gold Wars


They may be right. But the lifetime of one generation is short compared to the
affairs of mankind.
Events will speed up and opinions will change fast when the public at last figures
out that they have once again been the victims of the governments experts. They will see
the price of gold rise. They will once again pay attention to the price of gold. This will
focus attention on monetary policies. This will put central bankers in the place they hate
to be: the spotlight.
But, in the meantime, central bankers can create short-term losses for the longterm winners. They can sell (lease) more gold and turn gold price increases into spikes.
They can scare off most gold investors for a long time: skeptics who dont have deep
pockets. They can restrict the speculative gains and increase the set-backs by dumping
They will do this. Count on it. Central bankers do not want to let the public know
that the publics gold (ha, ha) is gone, that it has been sold to jewelry wearers and
industrial manufacturers. The game must go on, but a rising price of gold reveals the
corruption and deception of the players who make the rules.
What is happening, unseen, is that what was the publics gold in 1913 is being sold
back to them. The whole idea of the publics gold was a sham from day one, a way to
get the suckers to turn over their gold for IOUs issued by commercial banks or
governments. Deposit by deposit, the publics gold was turned over to professional liars
and counterfeiters: fractional reserve bankers and politicians. When the gold was
confiscated by central bankers in 1914 and 1933, in the name of the public good, the
public ceased to own any gold. The entire notion of the publics gold that is held in
trust by the government and the central bank is the very reverse of the actual situation.
The publics gold ceased to be the publics gold when it became the publics gold.

The common man will lose. He always loses when fraud is legalized by the
government. The common man wins only when markets are free, contracts are enforced,
and fraud is prosecuted. None of this applies to the gold market because the State asserts
a higher law than the law of contracts: the law of State sovereignty over money.

The Gold Wars


What, then, of the not-so-common man? If he distrusts the promises of the

politicians, then he will take advantage of the fraud of gold leasing. He will buy the
leased gold, which becomes his, leaving the bullion bankers to worry about repayment.
In the era of the international gold standard, the public trustingly handed over their
gold coins to scam artists in three-piece suits who issued IOUs and then defaulted on the
contracts, with the governments approval. Today, the spiritual heirs of the scam artists
are selling back the confiscated gold to the biological heirs of those long-dead trusting
souls. You and I can buy gold today at lease-subsidized prices in exchange for fiat money.
I say, This is an opportunity not to be missed.

Chapter 9


It has long been a standard policy of central banks to sell gold and invest the
money gained in interest-bearing securities, which are usually government bonds of their
own national treasuries.
These sales are non-inflationary. They do not represent an increase in the monetary
base. The increased holdings of Treasury bills are offset by the reduction in gold
holdings, which also serve as monetary reserves, i.e., high-powered money. Nothing
changes with respect to the money supply.
These sales are applauded by those politicians who believe academic monetary
theory, whether Keynesian or monetarist -- a small group, indeed. Nobody else in
government pays any attention.
Gold is regarded as a dead asset or an unproductive asset because it doesnt
generate interest. (I mean interest as money, not interest as public awareness.) It just sits
there, gathering dust.

If a central bank leases gold, this also doesnt change its monetary base, since the
central bank pretends that an IOU from a private bullion bank -- a bank that sells off all
of its borrowed bullion -- is equal to gold bullion in the vault. Therefore, the lease is not
treated as a sale. The IOU for gold is as good as gold, legally.
A problem arises when golds price rises in the nations currency. This calls into
question the ability of the bullion bank to enter the gold market and buy gold, so that it
can repay the gold it borrowed from the central bank, which the bullion bank has
promised to do one of these days, Real Soon Now. If the bullion bank cannot repay the
loan, then its IOU is publicly exposed as not being as good as gold. If the central bank
were to press the bullion bank for repayment, rather than rolling over the loan, then the
bullion bank could go bankrupt, which would reduce the value of its IOUs to something
less than face value. This would create a legal crisis for the central bank, which would
lose reserves on its books.
What would a central bank do then? Simple: buy more government bonds to offset


The Gold Wars


the reduction in gold reserves.

The main problem would not be the lack of repayment but a lot of unwanted public
interest. What did the central bank do with our gold? A default by bullion banks would
be a public relations problem, not a monetary problem.
To forestall this PR problem, central banks are prepared to sell off more gold to
keep its price down. This will enable the bullion banks to continue to draw interest from
the investments they made with the money they generated by selling the leased gold.
Everyone is happy, except for people who think that government currencies should
be backed by gold, something that has not been true ever since Roosevelt issued his
executive order to confiscate Americans gold. The number of people who feel this way
are few and far between. I am surely not one of them. For almost three decades, I have
called for exactly what is happening: the sale of stolen gold by central banks to the public,
in order to get gold back into private hands. I even had an article published in The Wall
Street Journal in the 1970s that recommended this. The gold should be in private hands.
Gold is too important to be left to the discretion of central bankers.
Oddly, there are conservatives who dont believe this. They trust central bankers.
They think central bankers are not agents of the national government. They think the
government can be trusted to fulfill one (and only one) promise: Bring in an IOU for
gold at any time, and your government will give you gold. The more times governments
default on this promise, the more strongly certain economists (few in number) assert,
Next time, it will be different.
Fools and their money are soon parted, but economists are always with us. They
are there to encourage the next generation of fools. Thats the way the world works.


A couple of years ago, a threat to sell gold came from the International Monetary
Fund. The G20 national heads approved this on April 2, 2009 Up to 400 tonnes will be
sold, the IMF says. This amount of gold is significant, but not huge. It is about 13 million
troy ounces. the daily turnover on the London Bullion Market Association in the first quarter of
2009 has been 18,300,000 oz. per day. Central banks may buy most of what the IMF offers
for sale.

The Gold Wars


The international financial community does not like high gold prices. It will do
whatever it can to scare investors out of this market. When gold rises, it makes the
banking system and the various national Treasuries look bad.
On November 3, 2009, the IMF sold half of this gold, or so it said. It did not say
who bought the rest of it. Supposedly, Indias central bank bought 200 tonnes. One
privately owned gold fund offered to buy the rest. The offer was rebuffed. Golds price
was $1060 at the time. You can see what effect the sale had on golds price.

When you read explanations for anything central bankers have done or plan to do
regarding gold, bear the following in mind:

The explanation makes no sense.


The explanation was never intended to make sense.


Central bankers want to avoid PR problems.

The Gold Wars


They have leased out gold that will not be repaid if gold goes
over $800/oz.


If they try to get their gold back with gold at $800, their
debtors will declare bankruptcy.


Loans on the books to defunct debtors will reveal the fact that
leased gold is not the same as gold in a vault.


This is has bad PR implications.


The central banks are trapped by their own gold-leasing



They must now sell gold in order to create the illusion of

bullion banks solvency.


This will act as a depressant on the price of gold for as long as

central banks continue to lease gold and sell it.


The public will slowly get back that portion of its gold that
the Chinas central bank doesnt buy at these subsidized


Indian fathers will continue to receive their gold subsidies

from Western central banks.


Indian daughters will have dowries in gold, just as they have

had for 3,000 years.


In exchange, Americans will have Alan Greenspan, who

seems to have been around almost as long as Indian dowries,
and is beginning to look like it.


Chapter 10


I sent this report to Remnant Review subscribers in February, 2002. I want to share
it with you, even though the gold market has long since confirmed what I wrote then. I
want you to understand why I believed that gold had bottomed in 2001, and what the
forces are that will push golds price higher. I still believe it.
Pay close attention to my discussion of James Turks reports. Turk believes that
the U.S. government has quietly leased out all of its gold. If he is correct, then the
government cannot get it back. Golds borrowers have paid about 1% per year to borrow
the gold. Then they sold it, pushing golds price down. Then they took the money and
invested it at market rates -- over 7% when the leasing process accelerated sometime
around 1997. It was a sweet deal until golds price started upward. Now it threatens to
bankrupt the so-called gold-bullion banks.
If Turk is correct, the banks that are in debt in gold bullion cannot buy it back to
repay their debts. If they try, golds price will soar.
I warn you, this information is arcane material. The average Congressman knows
nothing about it, let alone the average voter. But gold investors should be aware of these
I begin with an article written by two economists, one of whom worked at the time
for the Federal Reserve System. It was published in 1997.
The authors wrote that if every central bank sold all of its gold in one gigantic
auction, the price of gold would decline by about 11%. The price in 1997 was $350. A
gigantic, one-shot auction by central banks would drop the price to about $309" (p. 3).
(Only academic economists would be as specific as $309.)
Here is part of what I wrote in 2002. . . .
What if the United States were to sell all of its gold in one shot? What price effect
would this have? Gold would fall by $10 an ounce, the report says.


The Gold Wars


Up to this point, we have considered actions that might be taken by all

governments acting together. Of course, one government may sell even if
others do not. As shown in Chart 6, if the United States sells all its gold but
other governments do not, the price is estimated to drop only to about $340
[down from $350 -- G.N.]. U.S. receipts are about $89 billion, about 10
percent higher than if all governments sold. A credible announcement by
other governments that they intend to sell gold soon has almost the same
effect as an immediate sale (p. 5).
Now, Im not sure they were correct in 1997. No one can be sure. I think such a
sale would have dropped the price by more than $10. But this is what the document says.
The reports paragraph ends: Thus, the U.S. example illustrates the consideration
that each government makes more revenue if it sells before other governments either sell
or announce a sale. This insight surely isnt going to win its authors a Nobel Prize. Of
course its better to sell before others do. But this assumes that central bankers will take
the authors advice and sell all of their gold at one time, which is what the authors
recommend. The paper calls for coordinated selling. But they offer a fall-back position:
leasing. I will return to this theme later in this report.
In the paper, there is a chart of the distribution of gold, government vs. private.
The chart counts the estimated gold in mines, which seems strange. Gold in the ground
affects todays price only indirectly, insofar as it suggests possible increases in supply
over the years. If you wanted delivery of gold today, gold in the ground would do you no
A lot of gold is flowing into Asia. Indias fathers endow their daughters with gold
jewelry before a marriage. This is the property that they bring into the marriage. This is an
old tradition. It will not change soon. Meanwhile, Indians are getting steadily richer. They
can buy more gold. Dowry gold rarely comes back onto the market except during
economic crises, such as famines. India is steadily becoming a free market society, and
famines are rare in free market societies. Japanese investors have begun to buy. There are
indications that the central bank of China is buying more gold than previously estimated.
This means that if there were a rising price of gold because of fears about inflation
or, far more interesting, realization that the central banks have quietly leased out most of
their gold and cannot sell any more to keep down its price, then Indian wives are unlikely
candidates to supply gold in a panic move upward. At some price, yes, but would be a

The Gold Wars


very high price.

There is a very interesting section on gold leasing. The authors regard leasing is a
viable alternative to actual gold sales. I believe that their advice here has been taken. I
think it began over a year before the essay was published. There has been no formal
announcement of this change in policy. There are other indications that central bankers
have used gold leasing as a way to keep the price of gold declining. The authors argue:
Governments can achieve a welfare gain roughly equal to that from an
immediate sale through alternative policies. One such policy is specified in
the bottom panel of Chart 5. Under this alternative policy, governments loan
out all their remaining gold in each period. In the future when all gold now
owned by private agents, whether above or below ground, has been used up,
governments sell in every period whatever gold is necessary to make the
price be what it would have been if they had sold all their gold immediately.
The quantities of gold available for private uses are the same under the
alternative policy as with an immediate sale. However, there is an important
difference: under the alternative policy, governments relinquish title to their
gold in the future and then only gradually. Therefore, to the extent that
government uses can be satisfied by owning gold but not physically
possessing it, most if not all of the gains associated with maximizing
welfare from private uses can be obtained with little or no reduction in
welfare from government uses until sometime in the future (p. 5).
Here we have the key that may unlock the question, Why did gold fall from $350
to $280 in 1997? Analysts have looked for the answer in central bank sales. Only Great
Britain and Switzerland have been selling much gold. Great Britain next month will
conclude three years of auctions of 365 tonnes, half of its gold reserves. In September,
1999, there was a 5-year agreement by central banks that they will not sell more than 400
tonnes a year, combined. The IMF agreed to this. But this agreement did not include
In a follow-up paper, the authors explained their recommendation.
Governments can make gold available for private uses through a

The Gold Wars


class of policies involving equivalent combinations of gold sales and gold

loans. A gold loan involves receiving gold today and returning the same
amount of gold and a loan fee at some future date. For simplicity, we focus
most of our attention on the case of a sale of all government gold. A policy
that is equivalent to a sale of all government gold in a given period is a
commitment in that period to lend out at the beginning of every future
period all remaining government gold and to sell at the end of every period
after some date in the future whatever amount is required to satisfy the
demands of depletion users at the price that would have prevailed in that
period if all government gold had been sold in the given period. If
government uses of gold require ownership but not storage, any loss in
welfare from government uses resulting from making government gold
available for private uses would be much smaller under the policy involving
lending and gradual sales in the future. (Can Government Gold Be Put to
Better Use? p. 2. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, June,
1997. International Finance Discussion Papers.)
Why would a government want ownership, but not storage? They did not explain.
They did not have to. By retaining legal ownership, governments and central banks are
not required to report the physical depletion of their gold reserves. Elected politicians are
unaware of the physical transfer of their nations gold into the private sector -- such as
India -- and would-be speculators who are ready to buy gold as an inflation hedge remain
fearful that the central banks will sell all of that gold, forcing down golds price.

In a pair of newsletter reports last year [2001], Turk has followed certain shifts in
definition by the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve System regarding U.S. gold
reserves. The old term used to be gold stock. The portion of the gold stock at West
Point was re-named custodial gold in September, 2000. In June, 2001, this gold was renamed again: deep storage gold. Turk presents a detailed report on the decline of SDR
[Special Drawing Rights] Certificates in the Exchange Stabilization Fund, a fund used by
the United States to stabilize the exchange value of the dollar. The decline was from 9.2
billion (Dec. 1998) to 2.2 billion (Dec. 2000). (Freemarket Gold & Money Report, July
23 and August 13 issues. The SDR is defined in terms of gold: 35

The Gold Wars


SDRs = one ounce of gold. So, 9.2 billion = 262.9 million ounces. There are now 2.2
billion SDR Certificates remaining in the ESF, or 62.9 million ounces. The difference is
200 million ounces.
A summary is available on-line, posted by the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee.
It shows the decline in the SDR Certificates. I offer extracts from the full report, which
you should read in its entirely.
Everything is fitting into place, [GATAs Bill] Murphy says. It appears
that the SDR certificates are being used by the ESF to hide its gold
transactions from the American public.
GATA has long claimed that central bank gold loans are two to three times
the commonly accepted 5,000 tonnes cited by the gold industry.
Eighty-seven percent of the U.S. gold reserves is very close to 7,000
tonnes, which would increase to 12,000 tonnes the official sector gold out
on loan in some way, Murphy notes.
No wonder former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence
Summers and current Secretary Paul ONeill have refused to directly
answer members of Congress regarding their gold market queries, Murphy
goes on. The ESF reports only to the president of the United States and the
treasury secretary, which means that these men are very aware of the
mechanics of manipulating the gold price. . . . .
Then in an August 7, 2001, letter, John P Mitchell, deputy director of the
U.S. Mint, offers no explanation why 1,700 tonnes of U.S. Gold Reserves
stored at West Point, N.Y., were reclassified in September 2000 from Gold
Bullion Reserve to Custodial Gold. In May this year all 7,700 tonnes of
the U.S. gold reserves in Treasury Department depositories were
reclassified as Deep Storage Gold.
Mitchell says the U.S. Gold Reserve was not reclassified -- it was renamed
to better conform to our audited financial statements.
But Mitchell offers no explanation why that change is being made now.
Could it be that these changes to conform to accounting principles were
necessary because of the dramatic reduction in SDR Certificates and

The Gold Wars


encumbering of the U.S. Gold Reserve? Murphy asked.

This is most frightening, Murphy says. The U.S. Government defaulted
on its gold obligations in 1933 and 1971. Could it be happening all over
I asked Turk a series of questions by e-mail. His replies are quite revealing. My
questions related to the means by which the leasing operations have taken place.
North: That the U.S. may be making available gold to the Bundesbank is
conceivable, but to what purpose?
Turk: The ESF needs gold in Europe for lending to bullion banks. There is
no bullion lending in the States. So the ESF lends the Bundesbank gold
which is stored in Frankfurt, Zurich, London etc. In return, the Bundesbank
gets the US gold in West Point.
North: Is the bulk of gold leasing conducted through the Bundesbank?
Turk: The ESF lends the gold to JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and Deutschebank of
North: The price of gold can only be forced down by the sale or lease of
gold, or the threat of a sale. There has to be an outlet into the private
market. Is there any monitoring of such purchases?
Turk: Yes, Frank Veneroso is one of the leading gold analysts with great
central bank connections. He believes that upwards toward 15,000 tonnes
has been loaned by central banks, much more than the estimates by Gold
Fields Mineral Services. The reason is that GFMS, as I understand it from
Veneroso, largely ignores the borrowing by commercial banks to fund their
own portfolios, i.e., the so-called carry-trade. GFMS only looks at hedging.
My guess is that it is being leased, so that there is no evidence of reduced
central bank inventories. Still, someone has to be selling gold into the
market if downward price pressure is to be maintained. Why wouldnt this

The Gold Wars


huge increase in purchases be visible to the public?

According to Venerosos statistics, it is. Last year demand was 1500 tonnes
greater than supply.
North: If the IMF is doing it, then what role does the Bundesbank play?
Turk: Pawn, for the US banking interests, which they manipulate through
the IMF.
It gets even more interesting. In his July 23 report, he wrote: The US Reserve
Assets report now excludes all reference to the ESF, and previous reports already
published have been changed. Not only were the figures adjusted, but all references to the
ESF have been eliminated. This policy began in February, 2001. Turk had blown the
whistle in his December, 2000 report. I guess the January 2001 report was already being
prepared when my December article appeared, so it was too late to change that report.
Here is the famous bottom line: The ESF has been erased out of the US Reserve Assets
report as if it had never previously existed. The ESF was created in 1934, the year that
Roosevelt raised by 75% the price of the gold that the government had confiscated from
Americans in 1933.

GATA has now revealed evidence that the IMF is doing exactly what that 1997
Fed report recommended. The IMF has unofficially changed the rules. It now allows
central banks to keep leased-out gold on their books as actual reserves.
In October 1999 the IMF held a meeting for its member countries in
Santiago, Chile, only a couple of weeks after a lightening $84 run-up in the
price of gold. GATAs Mike Bolser found the IMF manual distributed to
the attendees, which explains how member central banks are to account for
something called gold swaps -- gold that leaves the vaults of the central
banks. In effect, Bolser came across the IMFs gold play book.
As you will learn shortly, it appears the gold swap issue is at the heart of the
manipulation of the gold price.

The Gold Wars

Bolsers discovery led GATAs Andrew Hepburn to query the IMF with the
Why does the IMF insist that members record swapped gold as an asset
when a legal change in ownership has occurred?
The IMF answered:
This is not correct: the IMF in fact recommends that
swapped gold be excluded from reserve assets. (see Data
Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency
Liquidity, Operational Guidelines, para. 72,
Over the years the GATA camp has received nothing but denials from the
U.S. Treasury, Alan Greenspan, BIS, bullion banks and the IMF. In
essence, their responses have been well-couched, disingenuous and difficult
to disprove. THIS response was NOT because of the sleuthing of Canadas
Hepburn. Their constant lying finally caught up with them. The central bank
of the Philippines responded to Hepburn as follows:
Beginning January 2000, in compliance with the
requirements of the IMFs reserves and foreign currency
liquidity template under the Special Data Dissemination
Standard (SDDS), gold swaps undertaken by the BSP with
non-central banks shall be treated as collateralized loan. Thus,
gold under the swap arrangement remains to be part of
reserves and a liability is deemed incurred corresponding to
the proceeds of the swap.
In other words, the IMF instructed the central banks that even though the
gold was gone, it should still be counted as part of their reserves. The
central banks of Portugal, Finland and the ECB itself all confirmed the
Philippines response to Hepburn.
The GATA camp caught the IMF flagrantly deceiving the public. Since
then, the IMF has refused to answer all follow-up questions from GATA
supporters. (


The Gold Wars


Central banks seem to have been secretly dumping gold into the market in order to
depress its price. All of this is guesswork based on obscure statistics and a change in the
IMFs reporting rules. But it would explain the failure of gold to hold above $300. I think
GATAs analysis makes sense.
If this analysis is true, then we are seeing the greatest irony in the history of
fractional reserve banking. Always before, the banks had taken in gold from the public,
issuing IOUs to gold in exchange. Then the banks have loaned out IOUs to gold that
they did not have in reserve. They drew interest on the loaned IOUs to gold. Then the
banks defaulted, keeping the publics gold, refusing to redeem gold on demand. The
governments of the world accepted this lawless transfer of gold officially to them, the


Today, we know that central banks have lent some of their nations gold bullion to
bullion banks for an interest payment of 1.3% per annum: the gold-lease rate. That was in
2002. These days, the rate is about 0.16% per year. This is posted on
Look to the right of Top Reports. You will see buttons: PGMs, Charts (near), etc.
The eighth button is Leases. Click it.
The bullion banks sell the borrowed gold into the private markets, receive money
for it, and invest the money at the market rate of interest, which is above .37%. The
bullion banks have told the central banks, well repay, someday. The question of
questions now is this: Can they ever repay? The gold is long gone. Its in some Indian
brides dowry.
The European central banks stole gold from the public in 1914 by revoking gold
redeemability when World War I broke out. Now these banks have lent this gold to
bullion banks for 1% per annum. Bullion banks have transferred ownership of this gold
back to the public, paying 1% to the central banks for the privilege, plus a promise of
repayment Real Soon Now. So, the masters of fractional reserves, central bankers, have

The Gold Wars


been conned by the publics economic agents: the bullion bankers, who got the central
banks to turn over the gold. The bullion banks have now issued IOUs to the central
banks. They are borrowed short: and lent long. In short, the bullion banks have done
to the central banks what the commercial banks and central banks did to the public in
We the people have now got most of our gold back, and we dont even know it yet.
The exception seems to by the Federal reserve. It looks as though the FED has not
leased its gold. But Turks figures indicate that the FED may have swapped its gold for
the Bundesbanks gold, and then the Bundesbank sold off 86% of the FEDs gold. This
means that the gold in storage at West Point -- custodial gold -- is exactly what the
phrase indicates: we are keeping this gold for the Bundesbank.
The privately owned bullion banks are short: they have promised to return the
central banks gold at some future date. The major gold mines are also short: they have
promised to repay gold out of production at some future date. In a January 23, 2002,
report by John Hathaway, The Investment Case for Gold, the author observed:
Forward selling or hedging by gold companies to lock in margins is the
antecedent of business practices adopted by Enron and other entities that
prefer counter party to market risk. The architects of the gold industrys
lamentable dalliance with derivatives will engineer grief well beyond the
gold sector. Financial market exposure to interest rate and foreign exchange
derivatives dwarfs the notional value of gold and commodity contracts.
Gold derivative traders have laden the books of their host institutions with
the financial equivalent of toxic waste dumps. The intellectual basis for the
existing gold derivative books, representing at least 5000 tonnes, or two
years mine production, was a bearish view of gold and a uniformly bullish
view of the dollar.
What happens to the price of gold when gold investors finally realize that the
overhang of central bank gold is not there?
They may not recognize this for several years. But, at some point -- I believe
within the next three years -- the central banks will cease selling gold every time its price
rises above $300. [This turned out to be true -- so far (Canada excepted, which is almost
out of gold) -- last year, when I was writing this report.] Their actual physical reserves

The Gold Wars


are too depleted. If investors perceive that this is the central banks new policy, gold will
jump way above $300. At that point, the bullion banks, which are short, will be caught in
a monumental squeeze. They will not be able to cover by buying gold futures, because the
physical gold is not available for delivery. This will leave them exposed to bankruptcy,
and it will leave shorts on the futures market trapped.
What would happen on the gold futures market when everyone knows that there is
not enough gold for delivery? Lock limit up. Lock limit up. Lock limit up. The gold
futures market will not be where the gold shorts will want to be. Or anywhere else, for
that matter.
If China starts selling dollars and taking delivery of gold, then there will be a crisis
in the gold futures markets on the scale of January, 1980. This policy would be consistent
with Chinas goal to become the dominant economic nation in Asia, replacing Japan.

If price deflation really is coming, despite monetary inflation, gold could fall. But I
think todays monetary inflation will secure the U.S. economy against a price-deflationary
The other major negative factor, another series of unexpected gold sales by central
banks, is increasingly unlikely. They are running out of gold, despite the official statistics
on their unchanging official reserves. They can sell gold reserves again, but at some
point, the game must end. We are closer to the end than five years ago, when the goldleasing strategy was adopted.
[Remnant Review is now published as a monthly article on my Specific
Answers site:]

Chapter 11


Gold Is Just Another Commodity
Its one thing to invest in gold. Its another to understand the logic of gold in a free
economy. You should do both. But understanding the economic logic of is more
important than investing in gold.
One of my goals in publishing my newsletters and articles is to make the
economics of gold clearer to people. If you dont understand why I recommend gold as an
investment, you may decide to buy gold just because you take my word for it. Dont do
this. Buy gold or gold-related investments such as North American gold shares only when
you understand the economics behind gold.
If you finish reading this manual, you will become an expert on gold. Compared to
everyone you know, you will be the expert.
Over four decades ago, the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), published
a series of essays that were later assembled into a book, Cliches of Socialism. (It
was later updated as Cliches of Politics.) They were standard accusations against the free
market. They were wrong-headed, but initially they sounded plausible. One by one, these
essays refuted them.
I think its worthwhile to assemble a few of the standard clichs against gold, and
then offer answers.

Clich #1: Gold Is Just Another Commodity

This is the equivalent of saying Warren Buffett is just another stock market
investor. In my day (and, I would argue, still), it would have been like saying,
Sophia Loren is just another woman. Or, in 1990, Michael Jordan is just another
basketball player.
Gold is a commodity. Thats why it has functioned as money for thousands of
years. Ludwig von Mises argued in his book, The Theory of Money and Credit (1912) that


The Gold Wars


money is the most marketable commodity. This is another way of saying that money is the
most liquid asset. Liquidity consists of the following:
1. Instant sale without offering a discount
2. Instant sale without advertising costs
3. Instant sale without paying a commission
Historically, gold functioned as money. It no longer does. Gold is not liquid any
longer. The general public has gotten used to credit money issued by banks. It is familiar
with pieces of paper with dead politicians pictures on them (United States) or live
politicianss pictures (Third World countries).
But until World War I led to the universal confiscation of depositors gold by
commercial banks, followed by the golds confiscation from the commercial banks by the
central banks, gold was money.
Why? Because gold had four crucial characteristics:

High value in relation to volume and weight

Silver also possesses these features, but it has lower value in relation to volume
and weight. It was used for smaller transactions.
Here is the ultimate fact of gold as money: it is cheaper to print pieces of paper
than it is to mine gold. It is easier still to create digits in a computer.

Most other commodities are consumed in use. Gold, in its monetary function, is
not consumed. Most of the worlds above-ground gold is in vaults. It is used in
exchange, but it is not used up.
Most other commodities wear out. Gold doesnt. It doesnt tarnish. An acid, aqua
regia, destroys it, but nothing else does. Gold coins and bars at the bottom of

The Gold Wars


the ocean can be salvaged and instantly put back into the economy. There is a ready
market for these coins.
Most other commodities are not the objects of nearly universal demand. The
Spanish conquistadores found that gold was highly prized by the monarchs of the Indian
empires in Mexico and South America.
Most other commodities do not have a track record of thousands of years. Gold
does. It has been in high demand for as long as societies based on extensive trade have
left records.
Most other commodities have not been political metals. Gold has. This is why the
Roman emperors put their images and slogans on the empires coins.
Nobody says, its as good as copper, let alone its as good as pork bellies.
The Bible says, And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold
(Genesis 13:2). It did not mention platinum. As for the Bibles assessment of the value of
But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?
Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the
living. The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. It
cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price
thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx,
or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange
of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold (Job 28:12-17).
Not one reference to soybean oil!

Gold is used as jewelry. It is used for ornaments of great value. It is used in art,
especially religious art. It is associated with God in many religions, probably
because of the characteristics already mentioned, plus this one: its brightness and color.
It is associated with the sun, just as silver is associated with the moon.

The Gold Wars


This explains why gold and silver became money. Both metals were highly valued
for reasons other than their use in exchange. They became valuable in exchange because
they possessed value prior to their circulation as money. This was the insight of Professor
Mises, his regression theorem of money. This is why money was created by the market
itself, not by kings.
When used as money, gold extended the market across borders. People on both
sides of a border desired gold, irrespective of the image on the bar or coin (after 700
B.C.). It could be melted down and re-cast. Someone elses image could be stamped on it.
Additional voluntary exchanges became possible because there was a ready market
for gold. Thus, because gold was not just another commodity, it facilitated the extension
of the division of labor. Mens productivity rose because they could specialize in their
work. They got better at whatever it was that they did for a living.


If gold is just another commodity, why do the worlds central bankers use it to
settle final accounts? Why arent bars of some other commodity stored in the vault of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Why didnt they make Diehard III about a heist of,
say, hard red winter wheat?
Central bankers dont trust each other. They know how easy it is to create money
out of nothing. They hold dollar-denominated assets, such as U.S. Treasury-bills, because
they can earn interest -- not much these days but they settle their final accounts with
each other in gold.
If gold were just another commodity, there would be greater flexibility in settling
accounts. They could choose a different commodity. But they choose gold. They
did throughout the 20th century, even during World War II. Thats why they created the
Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland. Western and Nazi bankers met
with each other because each side knew that without a money economy, it could not win
the war. Gold is the base of the money economy in international trade.
There is talk about replacing the dollar with some other currency as the unit of
account, i.e., the worlds reserve currency. But in the final settlements, gold is the worlds
reserve currency. For central bankers gold is money. It has liquidity.

The Gold Wars


Gold bugs believe that there will be a voluntary return to the use of gold by the
general public. The computerized technology now exists to create private money
systems based on gold -- digital gold. There can be 100% reserve banking. The digits
allow us to make exchanges in the range of one dollars purchasing power.
This doesnt mean that the public will necessarily adopt gold cards, i.e., debit
cards in gold -- to conduct their common economic affairs. It will probably take a
breakdown of the present debt-based system monetary system to persuade the average Joe
or Mitsuo to make the switch. The problem is, such a breakdown could involve the
destruction of the entire credit system and therefore the exchange system, i.e., a vast
contraction of the economy, which would drastically shrink the division of labor and with
it, specialization of production. This would involve gridlock: Bank A could not settle
accounts with Bank B until Banks C and D settled with Bank A. Greenspan called this
disaster cascading cross defaults.
Perhaps a major country, such as China, will restore currency convertability into
gold. This would surely make Chinas currency the worlds new reserve currency. But it
would place people at risk, since the government could suspend convertibility at any time.
This is what governments invariably do when gold runs begin. I do not expect a return to
a gold coin standard in my lifetime, but I do expect it eventually. The free market can
offer a better product than any government can. This is as true of money as it is of any
other mass-produced product. The money of preference historically has been a
commodity, and gold has been the favored commodity for large transactions. Silver and
copper are in second and third place, respectively.

Anyone who says that gold is just another commodity is ignorant of the history of
money. He is spouting a clich, not making an argument.

Chapter 12


There Isnt Enough Gold
One of the standard arguments against a gold standard is this: Theres not enough
gold to facilitate all of the transactions in a free market economy. This is an old
criticism. It was a lot more popular before the desktop computer industry started cutting
prices every year, while increasing product quality. These days, people expect falling
prices in desktop computers.
What if they expected price cuts in all other industries?
If you have ever wondered what would happen if a relatively fixed supply of
above-ground gold were the primary medium of exchange, this essay may help clarify
This essay is long. It may seem boring. My view is this: when your economic
future is at stake, its never boring.
Most people have no conception of what you are about to read. They are not
interested. They dont know that their futures will depend heavily on the answers to these
questions that will be adopted by the Federal Reserve Systems policy-makers. They
think, I cant be bothered with monetary theory. Therein lies your investment
You may want to print out this issue and read it later, with a yellow marker in hand.

Clich #2: There Isnt Enough Gold

It would appear that the reasons commonly advanced as a proof that the
quantity of the circulating medium should vary as production increases or
decreases are entirely unfounded. It would appear also that the fall of prices
proportionate to the increase in productivity, which necessarily follows
when, the amount of money remaining the same, production increases, is
not only entirely harmless, but in fact the only means of avoiding
misdirections of production. (F. A. Hayek, Prices and Production (1931),


The Gold Wars


p. 105)
What Professor Hayek wrote in 1931 was not accepted then, and it is not accepted
today. Note: it would take over $1,200 to match the purchasing power of $100 in 1931,
according to the inflation calculator of the U.S. governments Bureau of Labor
If policy-makers had listened to him, we might be able to buy for $25 what it took
$100 to buy in 1931. That is because economic growth has continued steadily since 1931.


Economic growth is one of the chief fetishes of modern life. Hardly anyone would
challenge the contemporary commitment to the aggregate expansion of goods and
services. This is true of socialists, interventionists, and free enterprise advocates; if it is a
question of more as opposed to less, the demonstrated preference of the vast bulk of
humanity is in favor of the former.
To keep the idea of growth from becoming the modern equivalent of the holy grail,
the supporter of the free market is forced to add certain key qualifications to the general
demand for expansion.
First, that all costs of the growth process be paid for by those who by virtue
of their ownership of the means of production gain access to the fruits of
production. This implies that society has the right to protect itself from
unwanted spill over effects like pollution, i.e., that the so-called social
costs be converted into private costs whenever possible.
Second, that economic growth be induced by the voluntary activities of men
cooperating on a private market. The state-sponsored projects of
growthmanship, especially growth induced through inflationary deficit
budgets, are to be avoided.
Third, that growth not be viewed as a potentially unlimited process over
time, as if resources were in unlimited supply.

The Gold Wars


In short, aggregate economic growth should be the product of the activities of

individual men and firms acting in concert according to the impersonal dictates of a
competitive market economy. It should be the goal of national governments only in the
limited sense of policies that favor individual initiative and the smooth operation of the
market, such as legal guarantees supporting voluntary contracts, the prohibition of
violence, and so forth.

The and so forth is a constant source of intellectual as well as political conflict.
One of the more heated areas of contention among free market economists is the
issue of monetary policy. The majority of those calling themselves free market
economists believe that monetary policy should not be the autonomous creation of
voluntary market agreements. Instead, they favor various governmental or quasigovernmental policies that would oversee the creation of money and credit on a national,
centralized scale.
Monetary policy in this perspective is an exogenous factor in the marketplace -something that the market must respond to rather than an internally produced,
endogenous factor that stems from the market itself. The money supply is therefore
supposedly indirectly related to market processes; it is controlled by the central
governments acting through the central bank, or else it is the automatic creation of a
central bank on a fixed percentage increase per day and therefore not subject to
fine-tuning operations of the political authorities.
A smaller number of free market advocates (myself among them) are convinced
that such monopoly powers of money creation are going to be used. Power is never
neutral; it is exercised according to the value standards of those who possess it. Money is
power, for it enables the bearer to purchase the tools of power, whether guns or votes.
Governments have an almost insatiable lust for power, or at least for the right to
exercise power. If they are granted the right to finance political expenditures through
deficits in the visible tax schedules, they are empowered to redistribute wealth in the
direction of the state through the invisible tax of inflation.
Money, given this fear of the political monopoly of the state, should ideally be the

The Gold Wars


creation of market forces. Whatever scarce economic goods that men voluntarily use as a
means of facilitating market exchanges-goods that are
durable, divisible, transportable, and above all scarce -- are sufficient to allow men to
cooperate in economic production. Money came into existence this way; the state
only sanctioned an already prevalent practice. Generally, the two goods that have
functioned best as money have been gold and silver: they both possess great historic
value, though not intrinsic value (since no commodity possesses
intrinsic value).
Banking, of course, also provides for the creation of new money. But as Ludwig
von Mises argued, truly competitive banking -- free banking -- keeps the creation of
new credit at a minimum, since bankers do not really trust each other, and they will
demand payment in gold or silver from banks that are suspected of insolvency.
Thus, the creation of new money on a free market would stem primarily from the
discoveries of new ore deposits or new metallurgical techniques that would make
available greater supplies of scarce money metals than would have been economically
feasible before. It is quite possible to imagine a free market system operating in terms of
nonpolitical money. The principle of voluntarism should not
be excluded, a priori, from the realm of monetary policy.


There are several crucial issues involved in the theoretical dispute between those
favoring centralized monetary control and free market voluntarists.
First, the question of constitutional sovereignty: Which sphere, civil
government or the market, is responsible for the administration of money?
Second, the question of economic efficiency: Would the plurality of market
institutions interfere with the creation of a rational monetary framework?
Third, and most important for this chapter: Is not a fundamental
requirement for the growth of economic production the creation of a money
supply sufficient to keep pace, proportionately, with aggregate productivity?
The constitutional question, historically, is easier to answer than the other two. The

The Gold Wars


Constitution says very little about the governing of monetary affairs. The
Congress is granted the authority to borrow money on the credit of the United States, a
factor which has subsequently become an engine of inflation, given the legalized position
of the central bank in its activity of money creation. The Congress also has the power To
coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of
Weights and Measures (Article 11, Section 8). Furthermore, the states are prohibited to
coin money, emit bills of credit, or make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in
Payment of Debts (Article II, Section 9).


The interpretation of these passages has become increasingly statist since the 1860's.
Gerald T. Dunne describes his book, Monetary Decisions of the Supreme Court, in these
terms: This work traces a series of decisions of the Supreme Court which have raised the
monetary power of the United States government from relative insignificance to almost
unlimited authority. He goes on to write: . . . the Founding Fathers regarded political
control of monetary institutions with an abhorrence born of bitter experience, and they
seriously considered writing a sharp limitation on such governmental activity into the
Constitution itself. Yet they did not, and by speaking in silences gave the government
they founded the near absolute authority over currency and coinage that has always been
considered the necessary consequence of national sovereignty.
The most detailed study of the changing views of the Supreme Court is the 1,600- page
book by Edwin Viera, Pieces of Eight. He is a Harvard-trained lawyer and a first- rate
monetary theorist. He shows how the original dollar was based on a free market currency,
the Spanish piece of eight, which was silver.
The great push toward centralization came, understandably, with the Civil War, the
first truly modern total war, with its need of new taxes and new power. From
that point on, there has been a continual war of the Federal government against the
limitations imposed by a full gold coin standard of money. It is all too clearly an
issue of sovereignty: the sovereignty of the political sphere against that of individuals
operating in terms of voluntary economic transactions.


The Gold Wars


The second question is more difficult to answer. Would the plurality of monetary
sovereignties within the over-all sovereignty of a competitive market necessarily be less
efficient than a money system created by central political sovereignty? As a corollary, are
the time, capital, and energy expended in gold and silver mining worse spent than if they
had gone into the production of consumer goods?
In the short run and in certain localized areas, plural monetary sovereignties might
not be competitive. A local bank could conceivably flood a local region with
unbacked fiat currency. But these so-called wildcat banking operations, unless legally
sanctioned by state fractional reserve licenses (deceptively called limitations), do not last
very long. People discount the value of these fiat bills, or else make a run on the banks
vaults. The bank is not shielded by political sovereignty against the demands of its
creditors. In the long run it must stay competitive, earning its income from services rather
than the creation of fiat money. With the development of modern communications that are
almost instantaneous in nature, frauds of this kind become more difficult.
The free market is astoundingly efficient in communicating knowledge. The
activity of the stock market, for example, in response to new information about a
government policy or a new discovery, indicates the speed of the transfer of knowledge,
as prices are rapidly raised or lowered in terms of the discounted value that is expected to
accrue because of the new conditions. The very flexibility of prices allows new
information to be assimilated in an economically efficient manner. Why, then, are
changes affecting the value of the various monetary units assumed to be less efficiently
transmitted by the free markets mechanism than by the political sovereign? Why is the
enforced stability of fixed monetary ratios so very efficient and the enforced stability of
fixed prices on any other market so embarrassingly inefficient? Why is the market
incapable of arbitrating the value of gold and silver coins (domestic vs. domestic,
domestic vs. foreign), when it is thought to be so efficient at arbitrating the value of gold
and silver jewelry? Why is the market incapable of registering efficiently the value of
gold in comparison to a currency supposedly fixed in relation to gold?


The answer should be obvious: it is because the market is so efficient at registering
subtle shifts in values between scarce economic goods that the political sovereigns ban
the establishment of plural monetary sovereignties. It is because any disparity
economically between the value of fiat currency supposedly linked to gold and the market

The Gold Wars


value of gold exposes the ludicrous nature of the hypothetical legal connection, which in
fact is a legal fiction, that the political sovereignty assumes for itself a monopoly of
money creation.
It is not the inefficiency of the market in registering the value of money but rather
its incomparable efficiency that has led to its position of imposed isolation in monetary
affairs. Legal fictions are far more difficult to impose on men if the absurdity of that
fiction is exposed, hour by hour, by an autonomous free market mechanism.
Would there not be a chaos of competing coins, weights, and fineness of monies?
Perhaps, for brief periods of time and in local, semi-isolated regions. But the market has
been able to produce light bulbs that fit into sockets throughout America, and plugs that
fit into wall sockets, and railroad tracks that match many companies engines and cars. To
state, a priori, that the market is incapable of regulating coins equally well is, at best, a
dangerous statement that is protected from critical examination only by the empirical fact
of our contemporary political affairs.
Changes in the stock of gold and silver are generally slow. Changes in the velocity of
money -- the number of exchanges within a given time period-are also slow, unless the
public expects some drastic change, like a devaluation of the monetary unit by the
political authority. These changes can be predicted within calculable limits; in short, the
economic impact of such changes can be discounted. They are relatively fixed in
magnitude in comparison to the flexibility provided by a government printing press or a
central banks brand new IBM computer. The limits imposed by the costs of mining
provide a continuity to economic affairs compared to which the rational planning of
central political authorities is laughable.
What the costs of mining produce for society is a restrained state. We expend time
and capital and energy in order to dig metals out of the ground. Some of these metals can
be used for ornament, or electronic circuits, or for exchange purposes; the market tells
men what each use is worth to his fellows, and the seller can respond
accordingly. The existence of a free coinage restrains the capabilities of political
authorities to redistribute wealth, through fiat money creation, in the direction of
the state. That such a restraint might be available for the few millions spent in mining
gold and silver out of the ground represents the greatest potential economic and political
bargain in the history of man. To paraphrase another patriot: Millions for mining, but not
one cent in tribute.

The Gold Wars


By reducing the parameters of the money supply by limiting money to those scarce
economic goods accepted voluntarily in exchange, prediction becomes a real possibility.
Prices are the free markets greatest achievement in reducing the irrationality of human
affairs. They enable us to predict the future.
Profits reward the successful predictors, while losses greet the inefficient
forecasters, thus reducing the extent of their influence. The subtle day-to-day shifts in the
value of the various monies would, like the equally subtle day-to-day shifts in value of all
other goods and services, be reflected in the various prices of monies, vis-a-vis each
Professional speculators (predictors) could act as arbitrators between monies. The
price of buying pounds sterling or silver dollars with my gold dollar would be
available moment by moment on the World Wide Web. Since any price today reflects the
supply and demand of the two goods to be exchanged, and since this in turn reflects the
expectations of all participants of the value of the items in the future, discounted to the
present, free pricing brings thousands and even millions of forecasters into the market.
Every price reflects the composite of all predictors expectations. What better
means could men devise to unlock the secrets of the future? Yet monetary centralists
would have us believe that in monetary affairs, the states experts are the best source of
economic continuity, and that they are more efficient in setting the value of currencies as
they relate to each other than the market could be.
What we find in the price-fixing of currencies is exactly what we find in the
price-fixing of all other commodities: Periods of inflexible, politically imposed
stability interspersed with great economic discontinuities. The old price shifts to some
wholly new, wholly unpredictable, politically imposed price, for which few men have
been able to take precautions. It is a rigid stability broken by radical shifts to some new
rigidity. It has nothing to do with the fluid continuity of flexible market pricing.
Discontinuous stability is the plaque of politically imposed prices, as devaluations come
in response to some disastrous political necessity, often internationally centered,
involving the prestige of many national governments. It brings the rule of law into
disrepute, both domestically and internationally. Sooner or later domestic inflation comes
into conflict with the requirements of international solvency.

The Gold Wars


For those who prefer tidal waves to the splashing of the surf, for those who prefer
earthquakes to slowly shifting earth movements, the rationale of the political
monopoly of money may appear sane. It is strange that anyone else believes in it. Instead
of the localized discontinuities associated with private counterfeiting, the
states planners substitute complete, centralized discontinuities, the predictable market
losses of fraud (which can be insured against for a fee) are regarded as intolerable, yet
periodic national monetary catastrophes like inflation, depression, and devaluation are
accepted as the inevitable costs of creative capitalism. it is a peculiar ideology.


The third problem seems to baffle many well-meaning free market supporters.
How can a privately established monetary system linked to gold and silver expand rapidly
enough to facilitate business in a modern economy? How can new gold and silver enter
the market rapidly enough to keep pace, proportionately, with an expanding number of
free market transactions?
The answer seems too obvious: the expansion of a specie-founded currency system
cannot possibly grow as fast as business has grown in the last century. Since the answer is
so obvious, something must be wrong with the question. There is something wrong; it has
to do with the invariable underlying assumption of the question: todays prices are
downwardly inflexible.
It is a fact that many prices are inflexible in a downward direction, or at least very,
very sticky. For example, wages in industries covered by minimum wage legislation are
as downwardly inflexible as the legislatures that have set them. Furthermore, wages in
industries covered by the labor union provisions of the Wagner Act of 1935 are
downwardly inflexible, for such unions are legally permitted to exclude competing
laborers who would work for lower wages. Products that come under laws establishing
fair trade prices, or products undergirded by price floors established by law, are not
responsive to economic conditions requiring a downward revision of prices. The common
feature of the majority of downwardly inflexible prices is the intervention of the political
The logic of economic expansion should be clear enough: if it takes place within a
relatively fixed monetary structure, either the velocity of money will increase (and there
are limits here) or else prices in the aggregate will have to fall. If prices are not permitted

The Gold Wars


to fall, then many factors of production will be found to be uneconomic and therefore
unemployable. The evidence in favor of this law of economics is found every time a
depression comes around (and they come around just as regularly as the governmentsponsored monetary expansions that invariably precede them). Few people interpret the
evidence intelligently.
Labor union leaders do not like unemployed members. They do not care very much
about unemployed nonmembers, since these men are unemployed in order to permit the
higher wages of those within the union. Business owners and managers do not like to see
unemployed capital, but they want high rates of return on their capital investments even if
it should mean bankruptcy for competitors. So, when falling prices appear necessary for a
marginal firm to stay competitive, but when it is not efficient enough to compete in terms
of the new lower prices for its products, the appeal goes out to the state for protection.
Protection is needed from nasty customers who are going to spend their hard-earned cash
or credit elsewhere.
Each group resists lower returns on its investment -- labor or financial -- even in
the face of the biggest risk of all: total unemployment. And if the state intervenes to
protect these vested interests, it is forced to take steps to insure the continued operation of
the firms.
It does so through the means of an expansion of the money supply. It steps in to set
up price and wage floors; for example, the work of the NRA (National Recovery
Administration) in the early years of the Roosevelt administration. Then the inflation of
the money supply raises aggregate prices (or at least keeps them from falling), lowers the
real income from the fixed money returns, and therefore saves business and labor. This
was the genius of the Keynesian recovery, only it took the psychological inducement of
total war to allow the governments to inflate the currencies sufficiently to reduce real
wages sufficiently to keep all employed, while simultaneously creating an atmosphere
favoring the imposition of price and wage controls in order to repress the visible signs
of the inflation, i.e., even higher money prices. So prices no longer allocated efficiently;
ration stamps, priority slips and other hunting licenses took the place of an integrated
market pricing system. So did the black market.

Postwar inflationary pressures have prevented us from falling into reality. Citizens

The Gold Wars


will not face the possibility that the depression of the 1930's is being
repressed through the expansion of the money supply, an expansion which is now
threatening to become exponential. No, we seem to prefer the blight of inflation to the
necessity of an orderly, generally predictable downward drift of aggregate prices. Most
people resist change. That, in spite of the hopes and footnoted articles by liberal
sociologists who enjoy the security of tenure.
Those people who do welcome change have in mind familiar change, potentially
controllable change, change that does not rush in with destruction. Stability, law, order:
these are the catchwords even in our own culture, a culture that has thrived on change so
extensive that nothing in the history of man can compare with it. It should not be
surprising that the sirens slogan of a stable price level should have lured so many into
the rocks of economic inflexibility and monetary inflation.
Yet a stable price level requires, logically, stable conditions: static tastes, static
technology, static resources, static population. In short, stable prices demand the end of
history. The same people who demand stable prices, whether socialist, interventionist, or
monetarist, simultaneously call for increased economic production. What they want is the
fulfillment of that vision restricted to the drunken of the Old Testament: . . . tomorrow
shall be as this day, and much more abundant (Isaiah 56:12). The fantasy is still fantasy;
tomorrow will not be as today, and neither will tomorrows price structure.
Fantasy in economic affairs can lead to present euphoria and ultimate
miscalculation. Prices change. Tastes change. Productivity changes. To interfere with
those changes is to reduce the efficiency of the market; only if your goal is to reduce
market efficiency would the imposition of controls be rational. To argue that upward
prices, downward prices, or stable prices should be the proper arrangement for any
industry over time is to argue nonsense. An official price can be imposed for a time, of
course, but the result is the misallocation of scarce resources, a misallocation that is
mitigated only by the creation of a black market.

There is one sense in which the concept of stable prices has validity. Prices on a free
market ought to change in a stable, generally predictable, continuous manner. Price (or
quality) changes should be continual (since economic conditions change) and hopefully
continuous (as distinguished from discontinuous, radical) in nature. Only if some

The Gold Wars


exogenous catastrophe strikes the society should the market display radical shifts in
pricing, Monetary policy, ideally, should contribute no discontinuities of its own -- no
disastrous, aggregate unpredictabilities. This is the only social stability worth preserving
in life: the stability of reasonably predictable change.
The free market, by decentralizing the decision-making process, by rewarding the
successful predictors and eliminating (or at least restricting the economic power of) the
inefficient forecasters, and by providing a whole complex of markets, including
specialized markets of valuable information of many kinds, is perhaps the greatest engine
of economic continuity ever developed by men. That continuity is its genius. It is a
continuity based, ultimately, on its flexibility in pricing its scarce economic resources. To
destroy that flexibility is to invite disaster.
The myth of the stable price level has captured the minds of the inflationists, who
seek to impose price and wage controls in order to reduce the visibility of the effects of
monetary expansion. On the other hand, stable prices have appeared as economic nirvana
to conservatives who have thought it important to oppose price inflation. They have
mistaken a tactical slogan-stable prices-for the strategic goal. They have lost sight of the
true requirement of a free market, namely, flexible prices. They have joined forces with
Keynesians and neo-Keynesians; they all want to enforce stability on the bad increasing
prices (labor costs if youre a conservative, consumer prices if youre a liberal), and they
want few restraints on the good upward prices (welfare benefits if youre a liberal, the
Dow Jones average if youre a conservative). Everyone is willing to call in the assistance
of the states authorities in order to guarantee these effects. The authorities respond.
What we see is the ratchet effect. A wage or price once attained for any length of
time sufficient to convince the beneficiaries that such a return is normal cannot, by
agreed definition, be lowered again. The price cannot slip back. It must be defended. It
must be supported. It becomes an ethical imperative. Then it becomes the object of a
political campaign. At that point the market is threatened.


The defense of the free market must be in terms of its capacity to expand the range
of choices open to freemen. It is an ethical defense. Economic growth that does not
expand the range of mens choices is a false hope. The goal is not simply the expansion of
the aggregate number of goods and services. It is no doubt true that the free market is the

The Gold Wars


best means of expanding output and increasing efficiency, but it is change that is constant
in human life, not expansion or linear development. There are limits on secular
Still, it is reasonable to expect that the growth in the number of goods and services
in a free market will exceed the number of new gold and silver discoveries. If so, then it
is equally reasonable to expect to see prices in the aggregate in a slow decline. In fact, by
calling for increased production, we are calling for lower prices, if the market is to clear
itself of all goods and services offered for sale. Falling prices are no less desirable in the
aggregate than increasing aggregate productivity. They are economic complements.
Businessmen are frequently heard to say that their employees are incapable of
understanding that money wages are not the important thing, but real income is. Yet these
same employers seem incapable of comprehending that profits are not dependent upon an
increasing aggregate price level.
It does not matter for aggregate profits whether the price level is falling, rising, or
stable. What does matter is the entrepreneurs ability to forecast future economic
conditions, including the direction of prices relevant to his business.
Every price today includes a component based on the forecast of buyer and seller
concerning the state of conditions in the future. If a man on a fixed income wants to buy a
product, and he expects the price to rise tomorrow, he logically should buy today; if he
expects the price to fall, he should wait. Thus, the key to economic success is the
accuracy of ones discounting, for every price reflects in part the future price, discounted
to the present. The aggregate level of prices is irrelevant; what is relevant is ones ability
to forecast particular prices.
It is quite likely that a falling price level (due to increased production of nonmonetary goods and services) would require more monetary units of a smaller
denomination. But this is not the same as an increase of the aggregate money supply. It is
not monetary inflation. Four quarters can be added to the money supply without inflation,
just as long as paper one dollar bill is destroyed. The effects are not the same as a simple
addition of the four quarters to the money supply.
The first example conveys no increase of purchasing power to anyone; the second
does. In the first example, no one on a fixed income has to face an increased price level or
an empty space on a stores shelf due to someone elses purchase. The second example

The Gold Wars


forces a redistribution of wealth, from the man who did not have access to the four new
quarters into the possession of the man who did, The first example does not set up a
boom-bust cycle; the second does.
Prices in the aggregate can fall to zero only if scarcity is entirely eliminated from
the world, i.e, if all demand can be met for all goods and services at zero price.
That is not our world. Thus, we can safely assume that prices will not fall to zero. We can
also assume that there are limits on production. The same set of facts assures both results:
scarcity guarantees a limit on falling prices and a limit on aggregate production. But there
is nothing incompatible between economic growth and falling prices. Far from being
incompatible, they are complementary. There should be no need to call for an expansion
of the money supply at a rate proportional to increasing productivity.
It is a good thing that such an expansion is not necessary, since it would be
impossible to measure such proportional rates. It would require whole armies of
government-paid statisticians to construct an infinite number of price indexes. If this were
possible, then socialism would be as efficient as the free market. Infinite knowledge is not
given to men, not even to government statistical boards. Even Arthur Ross, the
Department of Labors commissioner of labor statistics, and a man who thinks the index
number is a usable device, has to admit that it is an inexact science at best. Government
statistical indexes are used, in the last analysis, to expand the governments control of
economic affairs. That is why the government needs so many statistics.

The quest for the neutral monetary system, the commodity dollar, price index
money, and all other variations on this theme has been as fruitless a quest as
socialists, Keynesians, social credit advocates, and government statisticians have ever
embarked on. It presupposes a sovereign political state with a monopoly of money
creation. It presupposes an omniscience on the part of the state and its functionaries that
is utopian. It has awarded to the state, by default, the right to control the central
mechanism of all modern market transactions, the money supply. It has led to the
nightmare of inflation that has plagued the modern world, just as this same sovereignty
plagued Rome in its declining years.
In the case of ancient Rome, it was a reasonable claim, given the theological
presupposition of the ancient world (excluding the Hebrews and the Christians) that the

The Gold Wars


state is divine, either in and of itself or as a function of the divinity of the ruler. Rulers
were theoretically omniscient in those days. Even with their supposed omniscience, their
monetary systems were subject to ruinous collapse.
Odd that men today would expect a better showing from an officially secular state
that recognizes no divinity over it or under it. Then again, perhaps a state like this
assumes the function of the older, theocratic state. It recognizes no sovereignty apart from
itself. And like the ancient kingdoms, the sign of sovereignty is exhibited in the monopoly
over money.

Chapter 13


Back in the 1960s, an academic debate began over currency exchange rates. Milton
Friedman championed the idea of floating exchange rates, i.e., the abolition of
government-imposed price controls on currencies.
This was an intellectual assault on the Bretton Woods (a New Hampshire hotel)
agreement of 1944, which established the International Monetary Fund. Member nations
of the IMF were supposed to maintain fixed exchange rates with other member nations.
Nations would hold dollars as well as gold as their monetary reserves. Dollardenominated U.S. Treasury securities paid interest. Gold didnt. The Americans who
negotiated the IMF expected the agreement to increase demand for U.S. Treasury
securities. It did.
The IMF also promised to lend dollars to any member nation that was experiencing
a run on its dollar reserves, but only if that nation met certain IMF requirements. The
IMFs loan was to give the besieged nations central bankers some breathing room until
they could reduce the rate of monetary expansion and thereby create a recession. This
recession would ideally lead to lower domestic prices -- waves of bankruptcies produce
that effect, after all -- which would make the nations goods attractive to foreign buyers,
who would cease bringing in the nations currency and demanding dollars. Thus, the
nations central bank would not have to float its currency, i.e., cease providing dollars on
demand at the older fixed rate.
No member nation was supposed to float its currency in the international currency
markets. Fixed exchange rates were sacrosanct. This really meant that the various
currencies fixed exchange rates with the dollar were sacrosanct.
But why are fixed rates ever sacrosanct? The prices of most goods are left free to
rise or fall in terms of supply and demand. Why should currencies be different? This was
Friedmans rhetorical question. It was a reasonable question.
Defenders of fixed exchange rates had no intellectually viable answers. They
sometimes tried, but they always wound up sounding like apologists for the wisdom of a
government bureaucracy in fixing prices. Of course, this is exactly what they were, but to
be exposed publicly for what they were was embarrassing for many of them.
Fixed exchange rates with the dollar meant that the Federal Reserve System could


The Gold Wars


crank up the printing press and force every other IMF member nation to crank up its
printing presses. The dollar was the worlds reserve currency. Thus, despite domestic
monetary expansion, the dollar would maintain its value internationally, while the newly
created money could keep the American economic boom
going strong.
When all the world wanted dollars after World War II, nobody complained. In the
late 1950s, however, a few free market economists, most notably Jacques Rueff and
Wilhelm Rpke, put a name on the process: exported inflation.


On Sunday, August 15, 1971, President Nixon unilaterally announced the closing of
the gold window, i.e., the repudiation of Americas promise in the Bretton Woods
agreement to allow foreign governments and central banks to redeem dollars for gold at
$35/oz. This promise was the heart of the original agreement. It made the dollar a
substitute for gold. It made the dollar as good as gold. It encouraged foreign central
banks to buy dollar-denominated Treasury debt certificates instead of holding gold.
The IMF was an extension of the Genoa Conference of 1922, where European
nations formally abandoned the pre-World War I gold standard, substituting British
pounds or dollars for gold. This was a major step in freeing central banks from runs on
their gold by other central banks. Each of the national central banks had stolen the gold
from its nations commercial banks after World War I broke out. The commercial banks
had been granted the right to break contract and not redeem gold on demand by
depositors. The central banks did to the commercial banks what the commercial banks
had done to their depositors.
Nixon then did to the central banks what they had done to their commercial banks.
The Federal Reserve System wound up with the largest hoard of gold on earth, which it
holds on deposit for the U.S. government, or so the official explanation goes.
Nixon that same day also floated the dollar. Simultaneously, he froze most wages
and prices. That is, he abandoned price controls over money and imposed them on
everything else. This was economic schizophrenia. The National Association of
Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce immediately applauded Nixons
decision. A Democrat-run Congress did not oppose him, either.

The Gold Wars


Nixon in 1971 was presiding over a recession. For each of the two years, fiscal
1970 and 1971 (which ended on September 30), his administration ran a deficit of $25
billion, which was considered huge in those quaint days. The Federal Reserve System was
pumping in money to get the economy rolling, as usual. Prices were rising rapidly. A gold
run had developed.
Nixon dealt with all of this by breaking Americas contract with foreign central
banks and by outlawing all new private contracts at prices higher than those that prevailed
on August 15. In short, he put his World War II background as a bureaucrat with the
Office of Price Administration to contract-undermining use.
According to the Inflation Calculator on the home page of the website of the U.S.
governments Bureau of Labor Statistics, it takes over $5,200 today to purchase what
$1,000 purchased in 1971.


The Genoa agreement was designed to square the circle. Its goal was to
re-establish the pre-War stability of currency exchange rates, but without the use of gold.
Currencies were to remain stable against each other, but without the publics legal right of
convertibility of currency into gold at a fixed rate of exchange.
Governments wanted the fruits of the traditional gold standard, but without the
roots. They wanted stable exchange rates based on fiat currencies. The gold coin
standard had provided fixed exchange rates based on a legal contract: full redeemability
on demand at a fixed rate.
The pre-War exchange rates among currencies were the result of fixed exchange
rates between gold and each national currency. The fixed rate of exchange, gold vs. any
national currency, was not officially a price control. It was a contractual agreement
between the central bank and anyone holding the nations currency.
If you hand over your dog for me to keep for you when you go on a trip, and I hand
you an IOU for your dog, there is no price control. There is a legal relationship. My IOU
isnt the same as your dog, but it establishes the fact that your dog is in my possession.

The Gold Wars


Legally, you can get your dog back on demand when you present the IOU to me.
If the government then declares that collies are the same as bassets hounds, and
you have given me your collie for safekeeping, I can now legally return a basset hound to
A price control is not the same as a warehouse receipt. A warehouse receipt for an
ounce of 24-karat gold in exchange for ten shekels will circulate at a one-to-one fixed rate
with a receipt for an ounce of 24-karat gold for ten denarii. There is no price control. The
free market establishes a fixed rate of exchange between shekels and denarii. The fixed
exchange rate is the product of fixed rates of exchange between denarii and gold and
shekels and gold. As we learned in high school geometry, and occasionally actually
remember, things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
The Genoa agreement converted what had been a desirable outcome (stable prices
among currencies) of a system of voluntary contracts (free convertibility of gold) into a
system of price controls. It officially abolished internationally what had been abolished
nationally in 1914 by every country involved in World War I: the redemption of
currencies for gold. It substituted currencies for actual gold held in central bank vaults.
Nations (central banks) henceforth would hold British pounds or the U.S. dollar instead of
gold. This was agreed to even before Britain returned to gold, at the pre-War exchange
rate, in 1925. Nations were expected to honor fixed exchange rates.
In fact, most nations continued to accumulate gold. The central bankers did not
trust each other.
Fast forward. The Bretton Woods agreement worked from 1946, when the 1944
agreement was implemented, to 1971 because the United States had possession of most of
the Wests gold. The United States had come out of World War II as the leading economy
on earth. Its currency was trusted by central bankers because (1) the U.S. government
promised full redeemability, and (2) the U.S. economy had so many goods for sale.
Foreigners wanted dollars to buy things made in America. Only in the late 1950's did the
sporadic run on U.S. gold reserves begin.
The old assumption -- the desirability of stable currency exchange rates -- still
reigned, but the faith that sustained it had been abandoned: the right of anyone
holding a nations currency to exchange it at a fixed rate for gold. Because the worlds
currencies were not individually governed by fixed exchange rates with gold, the system

The Gold Wars


of fixed exchange rates among currencies was not a free market phenomenon. It was a
price control system. It was basset hounds = collies.
Stable exchange rates among currencies in a world without legally enforceable
exchange rates between each currency and gold are like stable marriages without legally
enforceable marriage covenants. Politicians want the benefits of stable currencies, while
escaping runs on central bank gold reserves due to domestic monetary expansion, which
they dont want to abandon. They also want their wives to show up at their campaign
rallies, while they are having affairs with their 22-year-old aides, which they also dont
want to abandon -- this week, anyway.


Friedman was correct in identifying the inherent futility of fixed exchange rates in
a world of fiat currencies. He saw that fixed exchange rates are merely a form of price
control: price control on non-specie currencies.
Price controls always lead to a shortage of the good whose price is set by the
government below the free market price. Friedman was hardly the first economist to
observe this. Sir Thomas Gresham got there first in the late sixteenth century: Bad
money drives out good money, as his famous law has come down to us.
It is not that Friedman was a genius in spotting the obvious, namely, that fixed
exchange rates are price controls. What is astounding in retrospect is that his
academic opponents were utterly blind regarding price controls placed on currencies,
despite their Ph.D.s in economics. They had accepted the economic logic of free
markets, but then they halted at the door of the International Monetary Fund. All ye who
enter here, abandon price theory.
What is not widely perceived is this: Friedman abandoned price theory at the door
of the Federal Reserve System. He has always opposed the gold coin standard. He regards
resources spent in digging gold out of the earth as wasted whenever this gold is put in
central bank vaults, which are also usually below ground.
Friedman has understood the theory behind the ideal of a state-free gold coin
standard. He has even admitted that it is a good system in theory. Unfortunately, he says,
it is just not feasible. It has never existed. (See his 1961 book, Capitalism and Freedom,

The Gold Wars


p. 41.)
The economic pragmatism of the Chicago School is too often like gold plating on
lead slugs. Nowhere is this pragmatism clearer than in Friedmans theory of money. He
wrote the following in 1961, and never retracted it.
My conclusion is that an automatic commodity standard is neither a feasible
nor a desirable solution to the problem of establishing monetary
arrangements for a free society. It is not desirable because it would involve
a large cost in the form of resources used to produce the monetary
commodity. It is not feasible because of the mythology and beliefs required
to make it effective do not exist. (Ibid., p. 42).
Yet this same two-fold argument can be brought against every other pricing system
in a free market society, and has been. He rejects the gold standard because it cannot be
achieved at zero price (free resources), which is the classic argument of the Marxists and
utopians against free market capitalism in general. He also rejects the gold standard
because people dont have faith in it, which is the classic argument of the anti-market
socialists, i.e., the free market as the product of a corporate act of faith rather than the
product of the right of individual ownership and contract.
The problem is not the publics lack of faith in the gold standard. The problem is
the publics lack of faith in the binding nature of voluntary contracts. Voters repeatedly
have allowed the state and its licensed agents to break their contracts and confiscate
individuals gold. The gold standard was the result of voluntary contracts: warehouse
receipts for gold. Any gold standard that is not the product of voluntary contracts is just
one more scheme by fractional reserve bankers or government officials to confiscate gold
from naive depositors.
If gold were stored in private vaults as legal reserves to back up warehouse
receipts for gold, the system would place great restraints on the civil government. The
state would not have a monopoly over the currency. The best situation would be where no
state had any currency of its own, and could therefore not seek to manipulate its supply or
its value. Under such conditions, the money spent on mining gold would be cheap
insurance against expanding government control over the lives of its citizens.
A gold coin standard, coupled with 100% reserve banking and the abolition of
government currencies, would place golden chains on the state. This is the reason why the

The Gold Wars


state has always demanded sovereignty over money. The war against economic freedom
always begins with the states assertion of sovereignty over money. That Friedman and all
of the other academic guild-certified free market economists cannot see this is testimony
to the effects of government propaganda. Repeat the mantra long enough -- state
sovereignty over money -- and even intelligent people will not be able to accept the
truth. What is the truth? That the state can no more be trusted in monetary affairs than it
can be trusted in educational affairs.
When it comes to faith in the academic guild vs. faith in gold, place me in the
latter camp.

The case for fixed exchange rates is the case for voluntary pricing. Ideally, it is the
case for fixed exchange rates between coins with the same weight and
fineness of metal.
The case for floating exchange rates is the case for voluntary pricing. Ideally, it is
the case for floating exchange rates between silver coins and gold coins.
The case against fixed exchange rates is the case against state-imposed price
controls. Ideally, it is the case against government interference in the economy except in
the prosecution of violence or fraud (fractional reserve banking).
Simple, isnt it? Yet economists just cant get these matters straight in their
Why should we expect politicians to understand anything this simple?

Chapter 14


If gold is to be re-monetized, then this must mean that it has been de-monetized.
But isnt gold money?
No, gold is not money. It has not been money for Europeans since 1914, when the
commercial banks stole it from depositors at the outbreak of World War I, and central
banks then stole it from commercial banks before the war was over. Gold has not been
money for Americans since 1933, when Roosevelt unilaterally by executive order stole it
from the public.
Gold is high-powered money for central bankers, who settle their banks accounts
in gold. But this is so far removed from the decisions of consumers that I can safely say
that gold is not money.
The question is: Will it ever again become money? This is the most important of
all monetary questions.


Money is the most marketable commodity. Gold is therefore not money. You have
to buy gold from a specialized broker. There are so few gold brokers any more that they
are all known to each other. Local coin stores dont do much business in bullion gold
coins such as the American eagle or Canadian maple leaf. The large wholesale firms like
Mocatta dont deal with the public. There are so few full-time bullion coin dealers that
you could have a convention of them in a Motel 6 conference room. (When was the last
time you were in a Motel 6 conference room?)
But . . . it costs $39 to rent a Motel 6 room. That tells us something. Its not $6 a
room any longer. Inflation has done its work.
Money is liquid. Liquidity means that you can exchange money for goods and
services directly without the following costs:



The Gold Wars


There is a price spread between what you can sell a gold coin for (in money) and
what you buy a gold coin for (in money). Gold coins therefore are not money.
I realize that old-time gold bugs go around saying gold is the only true money
and similar slogans. These slogans reflect a lack of understanding of either gold or
money. They are comforting slogans, no doubt, for someone who bought gold coins at
twice the price that they command today, and held them for a quarter of a century at no
interest while all other prices doubled or tripled. If he had instead made down payments
on rental houses, he would be a whole lot richer. But the fact is, gold is not only not the
only true money, it is not money at all. When you can walk into Wal-Mart and buy
whatever you want with a gold coin or gold-denominated debit card, then gold will be
money. Not until then.
To tell a gold bug this is to strike at his core beliefs. But his core beliefs are based
on a lack of understanding of economics.
Money is the most marketable commodity. Gold is not the most marketable
commodity. Given the lack of retail outlets where you can buy and sell gold, it is not even
remotely money. Unless you are a central banker, gold is not money for you.


Gold is a valuable commodity. It was originally valuable for its physical
properties: its glorious shine, its imperviousness to decay, its limited supply (high cost of
mining), its malleability, its divisibility. In most religions, gold is used to represent deity
or permanent truth. When something is as good as gold, its valuable.
Because of these properties, gold long ago became widely used in economic
exchange. When the city-state of Lydia started issuing gold coins over five centuries
before the birth of Jesus, gold became the most recognizable form of money in the
classical world. Gold had been monetized long before this, as all historical records
indicate, but the convenience of the coins amplified what had already been the case. This
increased the demand for gold.
Gold was no longer money in Western Europe after the fall of Rome in the fifth
century. In March of 2003, I visited the British museum. The museum has an exhibit of an

The Gold Wars


early medieval grave-ship, where a Saxon seafaring king had been buried. The wood is
gone, but metal implements remain. There was a small stash of gold coins. This is the
Sutton Hoo exhibit. The burials date is estimated at 625. By that time, gold coins were
rare in the West. In another museum exhibit of gold coins, you can see that from about
625 until the introduction of gold coins in Florence in 1252, there is only one gold coin.
Gold coins did circulate for the entire period in the Eastern Roman Empire
(Byzantium), from 325 (Constantinople) to the fall of Byzantium to the Turks (1453). But
there was little trade between the two halves of the old Roman Empire until late in the
Middle Ages. The low division of labor in the West made barter far more common, and
silver and bronze coins were the media of exchange.
It was the rise of the modern world, which was marked by an increasing division
of labor, that brought gold coins back into circulation. Fractional reserve banking and
gold coins developed side by side. Fractional reserve banking is why the boom-bust cycle
has been with us, with credit money stimulating economic growth (an increase in the
division of labor), and bank runs shrinking the money supply and contracting the
economy (a decrease in the division of labor).
There has been a 500-year war in the West between gold coins and bank-issued
credit money.

Bankers want to make money on money that their institutions create. They use the
promise of redemption-on-demand in gold or silver as the lure by which they trick
depositors into believing in something for nothing, i.e., the possibility of redemption on
demand of money that has been loaned out at interest. The public believes this numerical
impossibility, but then, one fine day, too many depositors present their IOUs for gold or
silver to the bank. A bank run begins, the lie is exposed, and the bank goes bankrupt
(bank + rupture). The depositors lose their money. They get nothing for something, which
is always the small-print inscription on the other side of something for nothing.
The bankers hate gold as money. Gold as money acts as a restraint on their profits,
which are derived from creating money out of thin air and lending it at interest. Gold as
money acts as a barrier to the expansion of credit money. The public initially does not
trust the bankers or their money apart from the right of redemption on demand.

The Gold Wars


Depositors initially insist on IOUs for gold coins. So, the bankers partially submit to
gold, but only grudgingly.
To keep from facing their day of judgment -- redemption day, when the public
presents its IOUs and demands payment -- fractional reserve bankers call on the
government. They persuade the government to create a bankers monopoly, called a
central bank, which stands ready to intervene and lend newly created fiat money to any
commercial bank inside the favored cartel that gets into trouble with its depositors. By
reducing the risk of local bank failures, the central bank extends the publics acceptance
of a system of unbacked IOUs, called an elastic currency when members of the
banking cartel create it, and called counterfeiting when non-members of the cartel
create it.
Then why do central bankers use gold to settle their own interbank accounts?
Because central bankers dont trust each other -- the same reason why the public prior to
1914 used gold coins and IOUs to gold coins. The central bankers dont want to get paid
off in depreciating money. At the same time, they do want to retain the option of paying
off the public in depreciating money.
Its not that they want depreciating money. They want economic growth, lots of
borrowers, and lots of opportunities to lend newly created money at interest. The problem
is, they are never able to maintain the economic boom, which was fostered by credit
money, without more injections of credit money. The same holds true for additional
profits from lending. If a bank has additional money to lend and a booming economy
filled with would-be borrowers, thats great for the bankers. But the result has always
been either a deflationary depression when the credit system collapses or else price
inflation, which overcomes the collapse at the expense of reliable money. The result in
both cases is lost profits.
Bankers want the fruits of a gold coin standard: predictably stable or slowly falling
prices, a growing economy, international trade, and a currency worth something when
they retire. But they dont want the roots of a gold coin standard: lending limited by
deposits, a legal link between the time period of the loan and the time period when the
depositor cannot redeem his deposit, and profits arising solely from matching lenders
(depositors) with borrowers. Bankers sacrifice the roots for the profitable pursuit of the
fruits. The results: boom-bust business cycles, bankruptcies, depreciating currencies,
shattered dreams of retirement, and political revolutions.

The Gold Wars


In the twentieth century, fractional reserve bankers won the war of economic
ideas: Keynesianism, monetarism, and supply-side economics. They also won the political
wars. They succeeded in getting all governments to de-monetize gold, thereby creating
unbreakable banking cartels (but not unbreakable currencies). The result was the decline
in purchasing power of the dollar by 94%, 1913-2000. Verify this here:
Inflation Calculator: $1,000 in 1913 = $17,300 in 2000. So, 1 divided by
17 = .06, or 6%. 100% minus 6% = 94%.
In other nations, the depreciation was even worse: World War I and its post-war
inflations, plus World War II and its post-war inflations, when added to the Communist
revolutions, destroyed entire currency systems, sometimes more than once.


Official statistics indicate that most of the worlds gold is stored in the vaults of
central banks. The bulk of the rest of it is in womens dowries in India, or on ring fingers
of Westerners, or in jewelry of affluent women. But, as I have argued previously (Chapter
10, Is Americas Gold Gone?), central banks have in fact been transferring their gold to
private owners by way of the bullion banks, which have borrowed gold at 1% per
annum, sold it to the public, and invested the money at high interest rates.
If my thesis is correct, then gold has been de-monetized almost completely. It is no
longer serving as an ultimate restriction on central bank policies. The central bankers are
now trading paper gold -- promises to pay gold -- that have been issued by private bullion
banks, which cannot afford to buy the gold back to re-pay the central banks. The bullion
bankers have done to the central bankers what the fractional reserve bankers did to their
depositors and the central bankers did to the commercial banks. They have gotten their
hands on gold in exchange for written promises to repay this gold -- promises that cannot
possibly be fulfilled -- and have made oodles of money by lending the money derived
from the sale of the gold.
This means two things: this gold has been repatriated to the private markets (yea!),
and gold in general is now almost fully de-monetized (boo!). Men have put bracelets and
necklaces on their daughters (India) and wives (the West), but consumers do not have

The Gold Wars


gold coins in their individual repositories, especially their pockets.

This means that what had been the highest-value use for gold for 2,600 years -gold as money -- has disappeared except among central bankers, and even then
increasingly merely IOUs to gold issued by bullion banks. There has been a huge,
historically unprecedented reduction in demand for gold since 1914. This should be
obvious to anyone. Demand for gold today is for industrial and ornamental uses, not
monetary uses. Yet I am just about the only person within the camp of the gold bugs who
is willing to admit this in print.


Nothing is permanent except death, taxes, and the lies of politicians, but in the
West, the de-monetization of gold appears to be as permanent as the West. The West has
bet its future on fractional reserve banking. This is additional evidence that the West is
doomed. It has placed the extension of the division of labor into the hands of the bankers
Faculty members in Western universities are agreed on few things, but one
universally shared assumption is that gold should not be money. In business schools and
economics departments, in political science department and history departments, the
professors are agreed: gold is a relic, and probably a barbarous relic.
But then there is Asia.
In Asia, the people are still barbarians. This means that they dont trust their
governments because they know the truth: governments cheat, lie, and steal. Government
corruption is a way of life in heartland Asia. This is a tremendous advantage that Asians
enjoy. The less educated the Asian, the more likely he is to distrust the government. He is
partially immunized against trusting promises to pay that are issued by governments. This
is why Chinese peasants still want silver coins and Indian peasant wives still have gold
jewelry. All over the Asian mainland, paper money has universally depreciated. The
division of labor has been thwarted.
In the Asian tiger nations, whose economies have been closely tied to the capitalist
West, fractional reserve banking is accepted, and fiat currencies are trusted. These nations
have experienced a loss of trust in gold, which the other side of the debased coin of

The Gold Wars


fractional reserve banking. The war is on in Asia.

Chinas currency is government-controlled and highly inflationary. What is saving
China from mass price inflation is the rapid spread of the division of labor through
freeing the economy. Capitalisms extension of the division of labor is parallelling the
Bank of Chinas extension of credit money. So far, capitalism has won the race. But the
race is not a sprint; its a marathon.
In an earlier edition of this report, I wrote:
At some point, there will be a massive recession in China as a result of the
monetary inflation that has been going on for two decades. The boom will
turn into a bust. Then the Chinese may remember the truth that their greatgrandparents knew: you cannot safely trust government money. Those
Chinese who did trust governments money in 1948 were destroyed
economically by Chiangs mass inflation and then wiped out politically and
economically by Maos tyranny.
By mid-summer, 2009, China was in a serious recession. Tens of millions of
people were unemployed and looking for work. Exports were down. The government
announced a huge Keynesian program of government spending. The M2 money supply
was rising at 28% per year. Chinas people were closer to the inflationary disaster.

Gold is an inflation hedge. But there has been inflation since 1980. But gold has
not risen in price since 1980 for many reasons: the gold bubble of 1979, the continuing
de-monetization of gold by central banks, the steady sell-off of gold by central banks, the
central banks gold leasing programs (disguised sales), and dollar supremacy
internationally. The third factor, dollar supremacy, is looking shaky.
Gold is not a deflation hedge whenever it is not monetized, and it has not been
monetized for generations. But, in the midst of deflation, there is a possibility of the remonetization of gold. I regard this as a distant possibility. During a breakdown in the
payments system -- cascading cross defaults, as Greenspan called it -- there is an outside
possibility that gold will become used again in the monetary system. But for this change
to take place, a massive breakdown is necessary, in order to overcome a century of

The Gold Wars


gold economic theories. There is no case for gold being made by Ph.D-holding
economists, politicians, pastors, and TV commentators. A return to gold as money in the
West will take a cataclysm, which will impose enormously high costs on the public for
not using gold as money, thereby pressuring consumers to adopt gold as money. In a
cataclysm, the cost of moving from fiat money to gold would be accompanied by a
horrendous reduction in the social division of labor -- life-threatening, in my view. A
collapse of the derivatives market could produce such a cataclysm. To say that it cannot
happen is foolish, but very few people can afford to do much to prepare for such an event.
I have. Maybe you have. But we are a minority. We are all dependent on the division of
labor to sustain our lives, let alone our lifestyles.
In Asia, the costs of returning to gold as money are much lower. The division of
labor is lower. There is less trust in government. Old ideas die hard. There is also
increasing wealth, which will further the purchase of gold. But I think this will be gold as
ornament and investment, not gold as money.
Thats why I do not expect to see gold as money in my lifetime. But I still
recommend gold as an investment. This is because, when it comes to monetary inflation,
the mamby-pamby policies of the post-war West are only a cautious prelude to the future.
To overcome any deflation of the money supply in todays debt-induced, credit-induced
world economy, central bankers will stop acting like wussies. They will start inflating in
earnest, for only through inflation can the fractional reserve process continue. It is inflate
or die. They will inflate. Then the Wests currencies will die. But bankers will inflate now
in order to postpone the death of money. They believe that something will turn up other
than prices.
For gold to become money in the West will take an economic cataclysm. I am too
old to be enthusiastic about going through such a cataclysm. So, I remain content with the
de-monetization of gold. The consumer is economically sovereign, and he has not shown
any interest in gold as money. Long live the consumer, especially in his capacity as a
But as for gold as an inflation hedge . . . thats a horse of a different color. Gold as
a commodity will outperform digits as money.
In this sense, I remain a pessimist. The world needs gold as money, but the
transition costs are astronomical. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to

The Gold Wars

Nevertheless, I would rather be a rich pessimist with gold than a poor optimist
with digits.
How about you?


Chapter 15


The best way for a nation to build confidence in its currency is not to bury
lots of gold in the ground; it is, instead, to pursue responsible financial
policies. If a country does so consistently enough, its likely to find its gold
growing dusty from disuse.
Editorial, Wall Street Journal (July 8, 1969)
This statement is true, but it is unlikely that the editorial writer all those years ago
understood why it is true.
When it comes to wise economic policy-making, let us get one thing straight: it
doesnt come like manna from heaven. It isnt a free lunch. It comes only because there
are political sanctions that reward government officials who devise and enforce policies
that make consumers better off, and punish government officials who devise and enforce
policies that make consumers worse off. These institutional sanctions must be consistent
with the laws of economics -- and there really are laws of economics. If the policies
violate economic law, then the nation will get irresponsible financial policies, and lots of
other kinds of irresponsible government policies.
The editorial writer implied that dusty gold is a silly thing to pursue. He also
implied that a nation doesnt need a supply of gold if it pursues wise financial policies.
What he was really saying is that gold has nothing to do with wise financial policies. A
gold standard is therefore irrelevant. It is an anachronism. It gathers dust, like gold itself.
I think otherwise. I think dusty gold is a great thing. I believe that gold bullion is
good. I even believe that gold dust is good. But dust on a governments supply of gold is
even better, assuming that the public can legally obtain this gold on demand, as is the case
with a gold coin standard. Permit me to explain why I believe this.
But first, let me mention a fact of political life: the Establishment hates gold.


Hostility to the traditional gold coin standard has been the mark of Establishment
economists and editorialists ever since the U.S. government confiscated Americans gold


The Gold Wars


in 1933. The Establishment hates gold. Its spokesmen ridicule gold. They want
responsible fiscal and monetary policies, of course -- all of them publicly assure of this
fact, decade after decade -- but the national debt just keeps getting bigger, and price
inflation never ceases, also decade after decade. Somehow, fiscal and monetary
responsibility just never seem to arrive.
Why do they hate gold? Because gold represents the public. More than this: gold is
a powerful tool of control by the public. A gold coin standard places in the hands of
consumers a means of controlling the national money supply. A gold coin standard
transfers monetary policy-making from central bankers and government officials to the
common man, who can walk into a bank and demand payment for paper or digital
currency in gold coins. This is the ultimate form of democracy, and the Establishment
hates it. The Establishment can and does control political affairs. They make democracy
work for them. They are masters of political manipulation. But they cannot control
long-run monetary policy in a society that has a gold coin standard. They hate gold
because they hate the sovereignty of consumers.
We are also officially assured by Establishment-paid experts that fiscal and
monetary responsibility has nothing to do with a gold coin standard, in the same way that
international price stability, 1815-1914, had nothing to do with the presence of a gold
coin standard. A gold coin standard would not provide fiscal responsibility, we are told.
This is a universal affirmation, the shared confession of faith that unites all branches of
the Church of Perpetual Re-election.
On this one thing, the economists are agreed, whether Keynesians, Friedmanites,
or supply siders: gold should have no role to play in todays monetary system. (A few
supply siders do allow a role for bullion gold in central bank vaults -- without full
redeemability by the public -- as a psychological confidence-builder in a pseudo-gold
standard economy. They do not call for full gold coin redeemability by the public, or
100% reserve banking.)
The Wall Street Journal is no exception to this rule. It thinks that we can somehow
get fiscal responsibility without a gold standard. Nevertheless, the editorial writer
stumbled upon a very important point. The gathering of dust on a governments stock of
monetary gold is as good an indicator of fiscal responsibility as would be the addition of
gold dust to the stock of monetary gold.

The Gold Wars


New money, including newly mined gold, confers no net benefit to society. New
money does confer benefits on those people who get access to it early, but it does this at
the expense of late-comers who get access to the new money late in the process. Those
people who have early access to the new money gain a benefit: they can spend the newly
mined (or newly printed) money at yesterdays prices. Competing consumers who do not
have immediate access to the new money are forced to restrict their purchases as supplies
of available goods go down and/or prices of the goods increase. Thus, those people on
fixed incomes cannot buy as much as they would have been able to buy had the new
money not come into existence.
Some people benefit in the short run; others lose. There is no way that an
economist can say scientifically that society has benefited from an increase in the money
supply. He cannot add up losses and gains inside peoples minds. There is no such
standard of measurement. Murray Rothbard made this point a generation ago.
Thus, we see that while an increase in the money supply, like an increase in
the supply of any good, lowers its price, the change does not -- unlike other
goods -- confer a social benefit. The public at large is not made richer.
Whereas new consumer or capital goods add to standards of living, new
money only raises prices -- i.e., dilutes its own purchasing power. The
reason for this puzzle is that money is only useful for its exchange-value.
Other goods have real utilities, so that an increase in their supply satisfies
more consumer wants. Money has only utility for prospective exchange; its
utility lies in its exchange-value, or purchasing power. Our law -- that an
increase in money does not confer a social benefit -- stems from its unique
use as a medium of exchange. [Murray N. Rothbard, What Has Government
Done to Our Money? (1964), p. 13.
Rothbards point is vital: an increase of the total stock of money cannot be said, a
priori, to have increased a nations aggregate social wealth. This implication has a crucial
policy implication: the existing supply of money is sufficient to maximize the wealth of
nations. Enough is enough. Stop the presses!
An economist who says that society has benefited from an increase in the money
supply has an unstated presupposition: it is socially beneficial to aid one group in the
community (the miners, or those printing the money) at the expense of another group

The Gold Wars


(those on fixed incomes). This is hardly neutral economic analysis.

Let us assume a wild, unlikely hypothesis: the supply of dollars will someday be
tied, both legally and in fact, to the stock of gold in the Federal Reserve System vault. Let
us also assume that banks can issue dollars only for gold deposited. For each ounce of
gold deposited in a bank, a paper receipt called a dollar is issued by the bank to the
person bringing in the gold for deposit. At any time, the bearer of this IOU can redeem a
paper dollar for an ounce of gold. By definition, one dollar is now worth an ounce of
gold, and vice versa.
What would take place if an additional supply of new gold is made by some
producer, or if the government (illegally) should spend an unbacked paper dollar?
Rothbard describes the results.
An increase in the money supply, then, only dilutes the effectiveness of each gold
ounce; on the other hand, a fall in the supply of money raises the poser of each gold ounce
to do its work. [Rothbard is speaking of the long-run effects in the aggregate.] We come
to the startling truth that it doesnt matter what the supply of money is. Any supply will do
as well as any other supply. The free market will simply adjust by changing the
purchasing power, or effectiveness of its gold unit. There is no need whatever for any
planned increase in the money supply, for the supply to rise to offset any condition, or to
follow any artificial criteria. More money does not supply more capital, is not more
productive, does not permit economic growth.
Once a society has a given supply of money in its national economy, people no
longer need to worry about the efficiency of the monetary unit. People will use money as
an economic accounting device in the most efficient manner possible, given the
prevailing legal, institutional, and religious structure. In fact, by adding to the existing
money supply in any appreciable fashion, banks bring into existence the boom-bust
phenomenon of inflation and depression. The old clich, let well enough alone, is quite
accurate in the area of monetary policy.
This leads to a startling conclusion: the existing money supply is sufficient for all
economic transactions. We dont need any more money. (Well, actually, I do. But you
dont.) We also dont need a Federal Reserve System to manage the money supply. We
dont need a government rule that compels the Federal Reserve or the Treasury to
increase the money supply by 3% per annum or maybe 5% (Friedmans suggested rule).
Besides, who would enforce such a rule? Its a rule for rulers enforced by rulers.

The Gold Wars


Then what do we need? Freedom of contract and the enforcement of contracts.

Nothing else? Only laws that prohibit fraud. To issue a receipt for which there is nothing
in reserve to back up the receipt is fraudulent.

A productive gold miner, by slightly diluting the purchasing power of the
gold-based monetary unit, achieves short-run benefits for himself. He gets a little richer.
Those people on fixed incomes now face a slightly restricted supply of goods available
for purchase at the older, less inflated, price levels. Miners and mine owners bought these
goods with their newly mined gold. This is a fact of life. But this is a minor redistribution
of wealth compared to the effects of a government monopoly over money. The
compulsion of government vastly magnifies the redistribution effects of monetary
inflation. It is cheaper to print money than to mine gold.
We live in an imperfect universe. We are not perfect creatures, possessing
omniscience, omnipotence, and perfect moral natures. We therefore find ourselves in a
world in which some people will choose actions which will benefit them in the short run,
but which may harm others in the long run. Our judicial task is to minimize these effects.
We should pursue a world of minor imperfections rather than accept a world with major
imperfections. But we would be wise not to demand political perfection. Messianic
societies never attain perfection. They attain only tyranny.
To compare a gold standard with perfection -- zero monetary expansion -- misses
the point. Perfection is not an available option. Instead, we should compare the effects of
a gold coin standard, where no one can issue receipts for gold unless he owns gold, with
the effects of a monetary system in which the government forces people to accept its
money in payment for all debts, goods, and services. Compared to the cost of creating a
blip on a computer, the costs of mining are huge. The rate of monetary inflation will be
vastly lower under a pure gold coin standard with 100% reserve banking than under a
credit money standard run by central bankers through the fractionally reserved
commercial banks.
Professor Mises defended the gold standard as a great foundation of our liberties
precisely because gold is so expensive to mine. Mining expenses reduce the rate of
monetary inflation. The gold standard is not a perfect arrangement, he said, but its effects
are far less deleterious than the power of a monopolistic State or a State-licensed banking

The Gold Wars


system to create credit money. The economic effects of gold are far more predictable,
because they are more regular. Geology acts as a greater barrier to monetary inflation than
can any man-made institutional arrangement. [Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money
and Credit (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, [1912] 1951), pp. 209-11,
238-40.] The booms will be smaller, the busts will be less devastating, and the
redistribution involved in all inflation (or deflation, for that matter) can be more easily
planned for.
On all this, see my on-line book, Mises On Money.
Nature is niggardly. This is a blessing for us in the area of monetary policy,
assuming that we limit ourselves to a monetary system legally tied to specie metals. We
would not need gold if, and only if, we could be guaranteed that the government or banks
would not tamper with the supply of money in order to gain their own short-run benefits.
For as long as that temptation exists, gold (or silver, or platinum) will alone serve as a
protection against policies of mass inflation.


The collective entity known as the nation, as well as another collective, the State,
will always have a desire to increase its percentage of the worlds economic goods. In
international terms, this means that there will always be an incentive for a nation to mine
all the gold that it can. While it is true that economics cannot tell us that an increase in the
worlds gold supply will result in an increase in aggregate social utility, economic
reasoning does inform us that the nation which gains access to newly mined gold at the
beginning will able to buy at yesterdays prices. World prices will rise in the future as a
direct result, but he who gets there fustest with the mostest does gain an advantage.
What applies to an individual citizen miner applies equally to national entities.
So much for technicalities. What about the so-called gold stock? In a free market
society that permits all of its residents to own gold and gold coins, there will be a whole
host of gold coins, there will be a whole host of gold stocks. (By stock, I mean gold
hoard, not a share in some company.) Men will own stocks of gold, institutions like banks
will have stocks of gold, and all levels of civil government -- city, county, national -- will
possess gold stocks. All of these institutions, including the family, could issue paper IOU

The Gold Wars


slips for gold, although the slips put out by known institutions would no doubt circulate
with greater ease (if what is known about them is favorable). The national stock of gold
in such a situation would refer to the combined individual stocks.
Within this hypothetical world, let us assume that the United States Government
wishes to purchase a fleet of German automobiles for its embassy in Germany. The
American people are therefore taxed to make the funds available. Our government now
pays the German central bank (or similar middleman) paper dollars in order to purchase
German marks. Because, in our hypothetical world, all national currencies are 100 percent
gold-backed, this would be an easy arrangement. Gold would be equally valuable
everywhere (excluding shipping costs and, of course, the newly mined gold which keeps
upsetting our analysis), so the particular paper denominations are not too important.
Result: the German firm gets its marks, the American embassy gets its cars, and the
middleman has a stock of paper American dollars.
These bills are available for the purchase of American goods or American gold
directly by the middleman, but he, being a specialist working the area of currency
exchange, is more likely to make those dollars available (at a fee) for others who want
them. They, in turn, can buy American goods, services, or gold. This should be clear


Money is useful only for exchange, and this is especially true of paper money
(gold, at least, can be made into wedding rings, earrings, nose rings, and so forth). If there
is no good reason to mistrust the American government -- we are speaking hypothetically
here -- the paper bills will probably be used by professional importers and exporters to
facilitate the exchange of goods. The paper will circulate, and no one bothers with the
gold. Gold just sits there in the vaults, gathering dust. As long as the governments of the
world refuse to print more paper bills than they have gold to redeem them, their gold stays
It would be wrong to say that gold has no economic function, however. It does,
and the fact that we must forfeit storage space and payment for security systems testifies
to that valuable function. It keeps governments from tampering with their domestic
monetary systems.

The Gold Wars


Obviously, we do not live in the hypothetical world which I have sketched. What
we see today is a short-circuited international gold standard. National governments have
monopolized the control of gold for exchange purposes; they can now print more IOU
slips than they have gold. Domestic populations cannot redeem their slips. The
governments create more and more slips, the banks create more and more credit, and we
are deluged in money of decreasing purchasing power. The rules of the game have been
shifted to favor the expansion of centralized power. The laws of economics, however, are
still in effect.


One can easily imagine a situation in which a nation has a tiny gold reserve in its
national treasury. If its people produce, say, bananas, and they limit their purchases of
foreign goods by what they receive in foreign exchange for exported bananas, the national
treasury needs to transfer no gold. The nations currency unit has purchasing power
(exported bananas) apart from any gold reserves.
If, for some reason, it wants to increase its national stock of gold (perhaps the
government plans to fight a war, and it wants a reserve of gold to buy goods in the future,
since gold stores more conveniently than bananas), the government can get the gold. All it
needs to do is take the foreign money gained through the sale of bananas and use it to buy
gold instead of other economic goods. This will involve taxation, of course, but that is
what all wars involve. If you spend less than you receive, you are saving the residual. A
government can save gold. Thats really what a gold reserve is: a savings account.
This is a highly simplified example. I use it to convey a basic economic fact: if you
produce a good (other than gold), and you use it to export in order to gain foreign
currency, than you do not need a gold reserve. You have chosen to hoard foreign currency
instead of gold. That applies to citizens and governments equally well.
What, then, is the role of gold in international trade? Free market economist
Patrick Boarman (the translator of Wilhelm Ropkes Economics of the Free Society)
explained the mechanism of international exchange in The Wall Street Journal (May 10,
The function of international reserves is not to consummate international
transactions. These are, on the contrary, financed by ordinary commercial

The Gold Wars


credit supplied either by exporters, or in some cases by international

institutions. Of such commercial credit there is in individual countries
normally no shortage, or internal credit policy can be adjusted to make up
for any un-toward tightness of funds. In contrast, international reserves are
required to finance only the inevitable net differences between the value of
a countrys total imports and its total exports; their purpose is not to finance
trade itself, but net trade imbalances.
The international gold standard, like the free markets rate of interest, served as a
way to balance supply and demand. I think it will be again someday. What it is supposed
to balance is not gross world trade but net trade imbalances. Boarmans words throw
considerable light on the perpetual discussion concerning the increase of world monetary
A country will experience a net movement of its reserves, in or out, only
where its exports of goods and services and imports of capital are
insufficient to offset its imports of goods and services and exports of
capital. Equilibrium in the balance of payments is attained not by increasing
the quantity of a mythical world money but by establishing conditions in
which autonomous movements of capital will offset the net results, positive
and negative, of the balance of trade.
Some trade imbalances are temporarily inevitable. Natural or social disasters take
place, and these may reduce a nations productivity for a period of time. The nations
savings -- its gold stock -- can then be used to purchase goods and services from
abroad. Specifically, it will purchase with gold all those goods and services needed above
those available in trade for current exports. If a nation plans to fight a long war, or if it
expects domestic rioting, then, of course, it should have a larger gold stock than a nation
which expects peaceful conditions. If a nation plans to print up millions and even billions
of IOU slips in order to purchase foreign goods, it had better have a large gold stock to
redeem the slips. But that is merely another kind of trade imbalance, and is covered by
Boarmans exposition.

A nation that relies on the free market to balance supply and demand, imports and
exports, production and consumption, will not need a large gold stock to encourage trade.

The Gold Wars


Golds function is to act as a restraint on governments spending more than the

government takes in. If a government takes in revenues from its citizenry, and then
exports the paper bills or fully backed credit to pay for some foreign good, then there is
no necessity for the government to deplete its semi-permanent gold reserves. The gold
will sit idle -- idle in the sense of physical movement, but not idle in the sense of being
economically irrelevant.
The fact that a nations gold does not move is no more (and no less) significant
than the fact that the guards who are protecting this gold can sit quietly on the job if the
storage system is really efficient. Gold in a nations treasury guards its citizens from that
old messianic dream of getting something for nothing. This is also the function of the
guards who protect the gold. The guard who is not very important in a thief-proof
building is also a kind of clearing device. He is there just in case the overall system
should experience a temporary failure.
A nation that permits the free market to function is, by analogy, also thief-proof.
Everyone who consumes is required by the system to offer something in exchange.
During economic emergencies, the gold is used, like the guard is used during vault
emergencies. Theoretically, the free market economy could do without a large national
gold reserve, in the same sense that a perfectly designed vault could do without guards.
The nation that requires huge gold reserves is like a vault that needs extra guards:
something is probably breaking down somewhere -- or breaking in.

What I have been trying to explain is that a full gold coin standard, within the
framework of a free market economy, would permit the large mass of citizens to possess
gold. This means that the national reserves of gold, that is, the States gold hoard,
would not have to be very large.
If we were to re-establish full domestic convertibility of paper money for gold
coins (as it was before 1933), while removing the legal tender provision of the Federal
Reserve Notes, the American economy would still function. It would function far better in
the long run. Consumers would be able to reassert their sovereignty over politicians and
government-licensed bankers.
This, of course, is not the world we live in. Because America is not a free society

The Gold Wars


in the sense that I have pictured here, we must make certain compromises with our
theoretical model. The statement in The Wall Street Journals editorial would be
completely true only in an economy using a full gold coin standard: The best way for a
nation to build confidence in its currency is not to bury lots of gold in the ground. Quite
true; gold would be used for purposes of exchange, although one might save for a rainy
day by burying gold. But if governments refused to inflate their currencies, few people
would need to bury their gold, and neither would the government.
If a government wants to build confidence, it should pursue responsible financial
policies, that is, it should not spend more than it takes in. The editorials conclusion is
accurate: If a country does so consistently enough, its likely to find its gold growing
dusty from disuse.
In order to remove the necessity of a large gold hoard, all we need to do is follow
policies that will establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defense [with few, if any, entangling alliances], promote the general Welfare, and secure
the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
To the extent that a nation departs from those goals, it will need a large gold hoard,
for it costs a great deal to finance injustice, domestic violence, and general illfare. With
the latter policies in effect, we find that the gold simply pours out of the Treasury, as net
trade imbalances between the State and everyone else begin to mount. A moving ingot
gathers no dust.
This leads us to Norths Corollary to the Gold Standard (tentative):
The fiscal responsibility of a nations economic policies can be measured
directly in terms of the thickness of the layer of dust on its gold reserves:
the thicker the layer, the more responsible the policies.
This article is a revision of an article that I published in The Freeman in 1969. My
analysis has not changed since 1969, but the price level in the United States is 5.8 times
higher. See the inflation calculator of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Gold Wars


The governments gross national debt (on-budget debt, not accrual debt, which is
vastly larger) at the end of 1969 was $366 billion. At the end of this fiscal year, it will be
approximately $165 trillion. To monitor the debt clock of U.S. on-budget debt, click here:
The Establishment still ridicules gold. The public still doesnt understand gold.
And academic economists tell us that central banking is the wave of the future: the best
conceivable world.
The more things change (debt, prices), the more they stay the same (economic
You can monitor golds price here:

Chapter 16

Gold Confiscation: A Minimal Threat

I wish this chapter were not necessary, but articles like the following one keep
popping up. So, from time to time, I push one of them down. Here is a recent one.
The Greatest Threat to Gold Ownership
If you hold precious metals in your portfolio, there is a good chance you
fear hyperinflation and the crash of fiat currencies.
You probably distrust governments in general and believe they are
self-serving and have no interest in your economic well-being. It is likely
your holdings in gold are your lifeline; your hope to get you through these
times while holding on to your wealth.
But have you ever given it any thought to the possibility of having this
lifeline confiscated by the authorities?
In my conversations with friends and associates, I have often raised this
question. The typical responses:
"They'd never do that."
"I'll deal with that if and when it happens."
"I just wouldn't give it to them."
I consider these wishful thinking responses.
It's an interesting thought that the greatest threat to gold and silver
investment might not be the possibility of losing on the speculation, but the
government taking it away from you. It's a thought that I've found few want
to even think about, let alone discuss.
If you fall into this camp, you're in good company. Some of those
forecasters whom I respect most highly also treat it either as "unlikely" or,
at best, "something we may need to look at in the future." To date, in conversing with top


The Gold Wars


advisors worldwide, the two primary reasons they believe gold will not be confiscated:
1. "Confiscation would mean the government acknowledges
the reality of the value of gold."
Yes, this is quite so. They would be changing their official
view which, of course, they do all the time. But I submit
that all that they need to do is put the proper spin on it.
2. "They would meet greater resistance than they did back in
I expect that this is also true, but that a plan will be put in
place to deal with that resistance.
The advisers he consulted are correct. There are lots of other arguments that
support them. I shall cover some of these arguments in greater detail here.
The mark of someone who has no clue about gold is that he goes back to 1933,
when the USA was the last nation on a gold coin standard. There was a massive
depression. Prices were falling. People held gold coins for the same reason that they held
currency. Its price was fixed by law. The price would not fall. They did not hold it as an
inflation hedge. They held it as a deflation hedge.
The gold newbies then equate that era with ours: inflationary, no trace of a gold
standard for 40 years, and a population that does not use gold. In short, they argue from a
world in which gold was money, and draw conclusions for a world in which gold has not
been money for almost 80 years.
We'll address both of these assertions in more detail shortly, but first, a
bit of history.
In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt came into office and immediately created the
Emergency Banking Act, which demanded that all those who held gold
(other than personal jewelry) turn it in to approved banks. Holders were
given less than a month to do this. The Government then paid them $20.67
per ounce -- the going rate at the time. Following confiscation, the Government declared
that the new value of gold was $35.00. In essence, they arbitrarily increased the value of

The Gold Wars


their newly-purchased asset by 69%. (This is enough reason alone to confiscate.)

You know at this point this guy has no concept of history or money. The world of
1933 was radically different from today.
Today, the US Government is in much worse shape than it was in 1933 and
they have much more to lose. The US dollar is the default currency of the
world, but it's one that's on the ropes, which means the US economic power
over the rest of the world is on the ropes.
The US dollar is not on the ropes. Its status as the world's reserve currency is
challenged only by the euro, which really is on the ropes. You can read my asticle on this
I think that readers will agree that they will do anything to keep from losing
this all-important power.
I hope no reader takes any of this seriously. It's nonsense. Power over gold has
nothing to do with reserve currency status, since no currency is connected legally to gold.
You cannot walk into any bank and demand gold for any nation's currency at a fixed rate.
This has been the case ever since 1933.
The US has essentially run out of options. At some point, the fiat currencies
of the First World will collapse and some other form of payment will be
He is arguing for universal hyperinflation in every Western nation. This has never
happened. I mean not ever. To argue this way shows an ignorance of history that is
astounding. He is predicting the suicide of all Western governments and currencies. It's
easier for governments to default selectively on targeted interest groups, such as oldsters,
than to commit suicide. He does not understand this.
Yes, the IMF is hoping to create a new default currency, but that, too, is to
be a fiat currency. If any country were to produce a gold-backed currency in
sufficient supply, that currency would likely become the desired currency
worldwide. Fractional backing would be expected.

The Gold Wars


It's all hypothetical. No nation is anywhere near doing this. No exporting nation
would dare do this. It's currency would skyrocket. That eliminates Asia. So, who's left?
Latin America? Does he think Brazil is going to introduce a gold coin system? His whole
argument is just plan nuts.
As most readers will know, the Chinese, Indians, Russians and others see
the opportunity and are building up their gold reserves quickly and
substantially. If these countries were to agree to introduce a new
gold-backed currency, there can be little doubt that they would succeed in
changing the balance of world trade.
Substantially? Utter nonsense. They have been building reserves from hardly
anything to slightly more than hardly anything. He needs to present figures: the dollar
value of gold holdings compared to the dollar value of IOUs from Western governments.
He doesn't, because the figures would show that gold is an afterthought to central
bankers. It's hardly worth mentioning in terms of total reserves for those nations' domestic
currencies. But he talks as if it were a big deal. It's marginal buying. They are not selling
IOUs issued by Washington.
But, just for the record, at $1800 an ounce, India has 8.7% of its foreign reserves
in gold. This does not count its holdings of domestic IOUs from the government. Russia
has 7.7%. China has a piddly 1.6%. To launch a 100% gold-backed currency, the size of
their holdings of domestic assets would have to plummet by 100%, and their holdings of
foreign reserves would have to plummet by over 90%. They would have to sell these
assets. To whom? The market for government debt would collapse. This would create
domestic depressions in all three of these BRIC countries. Domestic prices would fall by
95% or more. Their commercial banking systems would collapse within weeks.
Is there some other plan to create a gold standard in each of these countries? If so,
what are these plans? These nations have never publicly discussed such a plan. I know of
no Keynesian economist who has suggested one. I know of no monetarist/Friedmanite
economist who has done so.
Is there the slightest possibility that the Keynesian central bankers of these three
nations are contemplating the establishment of a gold standard? No.
Maybe Robert Mundell is advising these countries. But how will they figure out what he
is talking about or how his plan could be implemented? Nobody in the West ever has.

The Gold Wars


That said, the US Government is watching these countries just as we are

and they are aware of the threat of gold to them.
Who says? There is not a shred of evidence that Obama or anyone in his
Administration is paying any attention to the gold holdings of BRICs. Why should he?
These nations are exporting nations. They want to sell for dollars, not gold. They want
foreigners with dollars or euros to buy their products.
The US ostensibly has approximately 8,200 tonnes of gold in Fort Knox,
although this may well be partially or completely missing. Additionally,
they ostensibly hold a further 5000 tonnes of gold in the cellar of the New
York Federal Reserve Building. Again, there is no certainty that it is there.
In general, the authorities don't seem to like independent audits.
True, but so what? There will be no audit of Ft. Knox. Congress will not even
audit the Federal Reserve. But if the government confiscates the public's gold, there could
be -- probably would be -- demands to audit this gold. "What is the government hiding? If
gold is this important, is the government's gold really there?"
In any case, the gold in Ft. Knox and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is
worth about $500 billion at $1800 an ounce. Of course, it really isn't. If the government
tried to sell it, the dollar price of gold would fall. Here are the figures. You can read them
here. The government could sell the gold and do only one of the following (add 20%,
because gold's price is up).
At $1,500 per ounce, the total value of U.S. gold reserves is about $393
billion. Sound like a lot of money? Enough to get the U.S. out of the
debt/spending crisis that we are in? Here's what the U.S. could do with an
extra $393 billion.
* Pay off 2.75% of the national debt
* Pay less than one year's interest on the national debt
* Reduce the estimated 2011 budget deficit of $1.645 trillion by about
* Reduce this year's U.S. budgeted spending of $3.8 trillion by about
* Pay for 40% of the $1 trillion dollar cost of the wars in Iraq and

The Gold Wars


* Cover about 33% of the estimated cost of the bailing out Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac
* Cover half of one percent of the estimated unfunded U.S. government
liabilities for social security and medicare
* Pay off about 4% of total mortgage debt held by American families
The author of the confiscation article ignores all of this. The largest hoard of gold
on earth -- if it's really there -- is a drop in the fiscal budget.
He continues.
In fact, there are rumours that the above vaults are nearly or completely
empty and that the above quoted figures exist only on paper rather than in
physical form. While there is no way to know this for sure, it's not out of the
These rumors have been around for 40 years. They have had no effect on anything,
nor will they. Nobody in Washington cares. The voters do not care.
Either way, if the US and the EU could come up with a large volume of
gold quickly, they could issue a gold-backed currency themselves. It's a
simple equation: The more gold they have = the more backed notes they can
produce = the more power they continue to hold. By seizing upon the
private supply of their citizens, they would increase their holdings
substantially in short order.
This is all nonsense. The world is run by Keynesians. This includes China. They
are all export-driven mercantilists. There is no one, outside of Ron Paul and a few dozen
Austrian School economists, who is calling for a gold coin standard. Why would the New
World Order abandon the heart of its control: central banking based on IOUs from
Either that or they could just give up their dominance of world trade and
power What would you guess their choice would be?
Again, this is nonsense. World trade is based on fiat money, central banking, and
government IOUs. The powers that be are not going to abandon the heart of their power
in order to return to a gold standard, which was the #1 restraint on their power from the

The Gold Wars


mid-nineteenth century to 1914.

It is entirely possible that the US Government (and very likely the EU) have
already made a decision to confiscate. They may have carefully laid out the
plan and have set implementation to coincide with a specific gold price.
It is also entirely possible that this guy is just some newbie trying to make a name
for himself.
So, how would this unfold? Let's imagine a fairly extreme scenario and ask
ourselves if it could be pulled off effectively:
The evening news programmes announce that the economic
recovery is being hampered by wealthy private investors who,
by hoarding gold, are skewing the value of the dollar and
threatening the middle and poorer classes. The little man is
being made to suffer while the rich get richer. A press
campaign to equate gold ownership with greed ensues.
Right. The evening news tells middle America that rich people have made lots of
money -- no evidence -- by buying gold. On hearing this, a million viewers think, "Maybe
I should buy some gold." Is that what Obama wants? Is that what the Bernanke wants?
The Government announces the Second Emergency Banking Act, advising
the public that, "the first EBA was instituted by FDR to solve this same
problem during the Great Depression. This act was instrumental in helping
the little man 'recover'." (As the average man on the street doesn't know his
history or how wrong this statement is, he'll believe it. Besides, the
announcement has a "feel good" message and that's all that matters.)
The author of this silly article knows even less about U.S. history. Joe
Lunchbucket does not draw preposterous conclusions from his lack of understanding.
This guy does.
Possessors of gold, who make up a small minority of the population, would
become pariahs. It won't matter that the guy who owns two gold Maple
Leafs is not exactly a greedy, rich man. No one will wish to be seen to resist
confiscation. Neither will they wish to go to prison for resisting, no matter

The Gold Wars


how remote the possibility.

How well has the war on drugs worked? Has it ruined the trade? Did the drug
dealers hand in their drugs?
This guy is so far out of touch with reality that it is mind-boggling.
The US pays for the gold -- in US dollars, which are rapidly headed south.
Yes, the Fed will need to print more fiat dollars in order to pay them off but
this suits their purpose, as it inflates the dollar even more. Those who have
turned in their gold will do whatever they can to unload the US dollars as
quickly as possible and will need to find another investment at a time when
there are very few trustworthy investments other than gold. The stock
market would likely rise, showing the public how the gold confiscation
program is "working".
The US will not have to pay for much gold. Hardly anyone with gold coins will
hand them in.
One last scary possibility: The Government demands that gold is turned
immediately and that settlement will occur following confiscation. After
confiscation, they announce that, as there have been such a large number of
cases of rich people ripping off the little man, processing them all could
take months, possibly even a year or more. A further announcement states
that some investors have made an unreasonable profit on the backs of the
poor and that they should not be granted this profit. This profit must be
returned to the people. (You can almost hear the cheers of the people.) Then
they set about making assessments. They find that most investors do not
have formal, acceptable receipts for every coin in their possession. So, if
you paid $1200 for a Krugerrand a couple of years ago, you get paid $1200.
If you bought it at $250 in 1999, you get paid $250. But if you have no
receipt in an acceptable form, you get a "fair" median payment, say, $500,
regardless of when you bought it.
What would be the cost of implementing this program in manpower? Every person
sent by the IRS to follow up on this, household by household, cannot be used to collect
taxes from the public. Does he understand any of this? No.

The Gold Wars


Does he think the public interest law firms on the Right -- and maybe the ACLU -will let the government get a free ride on this? Has any of this even occurred to him?
Appeals: Each investor will be allowed up to one year to appeal the decision
of the Treasury as to what is owed him. Of course, the investor knows that
the dollar is sinking rapidly and he would be wise to shut up and take what
he is being offered.
This guy thinks gold holders are sheep. He is saying this loud and clear.
I think gold holders are the kind of people who own guns. I think the government
will not collect many gold coins.
In any case, gold as a percentage of investment assets is about 1%. Here are recent
Eric Sprott (Sprott Asset Management and founder of the silver ETF:
PSLV) recently explained how under-owned gold is as an asset class. Sprott
wrote that despite a 30 percent increase in gold holdings during 2010, gold
ownership as a percentage of global financial assets has only risen to 0.7
percent (gold ownership in 2011 is below 2010 levels). That's a big increase
from the 0.2 percent level in 2002, but Sprott points out that it's misleading
because the majority of that increase was fueled by gold appreciation, not
increased level of investment.
Sprott estimates that the actual amount of new investment into gold
[bullion] since 2000 is about $250 billion compared to roughly $98 trillion
of new capital into other financial assets over the same time period.
Gold as a Percentage of Global Financial Assets is Low
The bar chart [below] from CPM Group shows gold as a percentage of
global financial assets over time. In 1968, gold represented nearly 5 percent
of financial assets. In 1980, the level had fallen below 3 percent. That figure
had shrunk to less than 1 percent by 1990 and has remained there since.
Sprott wrote that "it is surprising to note how trivial gold ownership is when
compared to the size of global financial assets."

The Gold Wars


Gold as a % of Total Global Assets

In short, there is no fiscal payoff for the government to confiscate people's gold.
But the author of the confiscation article mentions none of this.
Again, this hypothetical scenario is an extreme one. The reader is left to
consider just how likely or unlikely this scenario is and what that would
mean to his wealth.
I have considered it. We can safely ignore it. He continues:
But bear this in mind: If the above scenario were to take place soon, the
average citizen would have mixed feelings. They would be glad that the evil
rich had been taken down a peg, but they would worry about the idea of
Government taking things by force because they might be next. It would
therefore be in the Government's interests to implement confiscation only
after the coming panic sets in -- after the next crash in the market, after it
becomes plain to the average citizen that this really is a depression and he
really is in big trouble. Then he will be only too glad to see the "greedy
rich" go down, and he won't care about the details.
As terrible as the thought is, it seems unlikely to me that the government
will not confiscate gold, as they have little to lose and so much to gain.

The Gold Wars


This poor guy lives in a fantasy world in which nothing he says has any contact
with statistical reality. A President always has a lot to lose when it announces that he is
going to do something, but fails to achieve it.
Congress will not be allowed to debate this. The government will not telegraph the
confiscation. So, a President must do it on his own authority, just as Roosevelt did. The
House of Representatives would fight Obama. The executive order would be rejected by
the House. But why would a Republican President do this, even if Republicans controlled
both houses of Congress? They would rouse a major voting bloc: the Tea Party. Why
would they do this? To gain what economic benefit?
The author does not discuss this, which is not surprising. He is a British citizen
who lives in the Caribbean. He seems to know little abut American politics.
Those who own gold would prefer to think that this cannot happen, but they
have quite a lot riding on that hope and precious little evidence to support it.
I do not know who this guy is. I have been in the gold bug markets since 1960. I
have never heard of him. I know of no books written by him. I can see only that his
evidence makes no sense.
To my knowledge, this is the first article that directly outlines the worst case
scenario. It is entirely possible that this scenario will not take place, just as
it is possible that confiscation will not take place. The purpose of this article
is to hopefully spark some serious discussion -- both for and against the
Any time that a person you have never heard of presents what he claims is the first
argument for something, and brags about it, you should assume that he's a crackpot. He
may not be, but the odds say he is. He has to prove otherwise by the power of his logic
and the relevancy of his facts.
This guy is stating that gold experts have missed the Big Picture. What is the Big
Picture? That the government cares so much about gold that it is willing to reveal its
concern to the general public by trying to confiscate gold. The government would be
announcing this. "We have said since 1974 that gold is irrelevant. Actually, we lied. It is
incredibly important -- so important that you are no longer allowed to own it Turn it in at
a fixed price immediately. Or else!" Or else what? Jammed courts? A case that may get

The Gold Wars


overturned by the Supreme Court?

Why? So that Chinese and Indians can buy gold a little cheaper?
Where will the government get the money to buy the gold? It is running a $1.3
trillion deficit as it is. How will the President and/or Congress justify this added expense?
How will this create jobs?
If the Federal Reserve System buys the gold from the government at (say) $1800
an ounce, it will be paying $1800 for an asset kept on its books at $42.22. How will the
FED handle the bookkeeping? By listing the newly confiscated gold at $42.22, or by
revaluing the existing gold at $1800? Then what? Sell assets equal to the new official
value of the gold? Or just add the newly created digital money to the monetary base?
There might be renewed calls for an audit of the government's holdings of gold.
Why would the President risk this?
Problems! Problems! For what?
There is a reason why experts in gold have paid little attention to this Big Picture:
it makes so little sense.
Investors are, by their very nature, planners. It may take a community of
investors to develop a legal plan to deal with the above eventuality. Time to
get started.
If he really believes all this, then he should have contacted the appropriate gold
lobbying groups and public interest law firms to find out if this preparation has already
been started. If he thinks the law can save us, then he should find out if the ground work
has been done. To ask investors to do this investigation on their own is wasting their time.
It is scaring them for no good reason.
He should have gone to the industry, found out what has been done already, and
directed investors to donate to one or more legal defense organizations.
This kind of article is an example of an unknown author trying to make a name for
himself. He has been writing only since March 2011 on a site I had never heard of until a
subscriber sent me a link to his article. I think we can safely ignore his opinions.

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