Evaluation of Smart Multimedia Classrooms

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Evaluation of SMART Multimedia Classrooms: Impact on Student

Face-to-Face Participation and E-Learning

Mary Nell McNeese, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Abstract: This study shares the results of the evaluation of the $1.78 million Title III-A U.S.
Department of Education (USDoE) grant to the University of Southern Mississippi from 2001 to
2006. This report will focus on the final two of three surveys administered to faculty to assess their
technological needs and evaluate how well those needs were met over the life of the grant. The
faculty concluded that the SMART multimedia classrooms enhanced both student face-to-face
participation and e-learning.

In October, 2001, The USDoE funded a $1.78 million Title III-A Strengthening the Institution grant for
The University of Southern Mississippi. The grant objectives included creating faculty development programs which
could enhance the integration of instructional technology into the classroom, improving student learning and
participation, and increasing faculty, staff, and student exposure to emerging technologies. The purchase and
implementation of Highly Visible Undergraduate Classrooms (HVUCs) or SMART multimedia classrooms would
allow the University to meet these objectives. Using information primarily from the departmental chairs and deans,
38 classrooms in highly visible undergraduate programs were identified. These classrooms were inspected to
ascertain what equipment should be acquired and what physical adaptations might be necessary to make that
equipment fully operational.
Several competing interactive whiteboard vendors offered trial products for demonstration testing purposes.
An ad hoc committee, including faculty and staff members who were actually using that equipment, placed the
interactive whiteboards side-by-side and used similar applications and features on all machines simultaneously.
There was a consensus among committee members that the SMART Boards performed at the highest level of
productivity so the committees decision was to standardize on the SMART equipment.
Evidence of improvement in student learning and participation using SMART classrooms was abundant
from various elementary, secondary and higher education sources (Damcott, Landato, & Marsh, 2000; Howse,
Hamilton & Symons, 2000; and Nonis, & OBannon, 2001). The Provosts Office at The University of Southern
Mississippi also supported the finding that SMART classrooms would prepare postsecondary students to learn the
skills they would need to thrive in the 21st century. The implementation of these SMART classrooms would
enhance the overall educational experience, introducing faculty, staff, and students to new ideas and spurring their
creativity and enthusiasm to learn in new and different ways (Public Relations, 2004).
In order to standardize the rooms to assess their total impact on face-to-face participation as well as
preparing students for e-learning in hybrid courses, each SMART classroom was outfitted with the following
multimedia hardware and software:

SMART Sympodium with lectern

PC computer
USB-PC Wireless adapter
Ceiling-Mounted Video Data Projector
DVD/VCR combo
Audio System
Wall-mounted Screen
SMART USB to serial adapter for laptop connectivity
Key Span Presentation remote control
Elmo Visual Presenter (video overhead projector)
Wireless Internet access
Microsoft Office Suite software

SMART software
Adobe Reader software
SPSS statistical software
Macromedia Flash software
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Internet Browsers (Author, 2006).

As part of the Title III-A grant evaluation in 2004 when most of the multimedia classrooms were in full
operation, 101 questionnaires were campus-mailed to the faculty, staff, and graduate students (FSGS), who had been
trained to use the HVUCs, from all university campuses with 57 usable surveys returned for a response rate of 27%.
In 2006, 261 questionnaires were campus-mailed to HVUC-trained FSGS on all University campuses with an
updated letter from the researchers encouraging participation; 55 usable surveys were returned for a response rate of
21%. In 2004, the Universitys Center for Research Support hand-entered the data into an SPSS file for data
The 2004 Survey gathered demographic data including rank, PEF faculty status, college and campus
affiliations, race, age group, highest level of education attained, number of courses taught in the SMART
classrooms and using the HVUC equipment, and the first semester taught in a HVUC room. Participants were asked
to describe the importance of 17 specific pieces of HVUC software, hardware, and other technology equipment to
accomplishing their course objectives. Questions also addressed FSGS satisfaction with HVUC room access,
equipment, software, training, frequency of use, and overall satisfaction.
The 2006 Survey was designed to replicate as many questions as possible from the 2004 Survey to enable
longitudinal analysis of the Title III-A grant. Two of the demographic questions were updated (number of courses
taught in the SMART classrooms and using the HVUC equipment, and the first semester taught in a HVUC
room). The 2006 Survey added one question (the importance of SPSS software to accomplishing course objectives)
and changed the format of one item (from a Likert scale response on This equipment has improved student
participation in my class. to the open-ended response In what ways has this equipment impacted student
participation in your class?) SPSS software had been installed on the instructors computer station in many of the
HVUC rooms so the researchers wanted to assess its importance. The alteration of the format for the student
participation question was done for two reasons: first, to replace the biased word improved with the objective
word impacted; next, to allow participants to list the specific ways in which the equipment had impacted their
students learning and participation.
Answers on both surveys were based on a 5-point Likert scale which ranged from 1-Not Important At All
to 5-Extremely Important or 1-Strongly Disagree to 5-Strongly Agree. See the HVUC instrument in Appendix A.

SMART Sympodium: Like the data video projector and the computer, the median of the importance of
the SMART Sympodium was 5. Approximately 90% of the FSGS agreed that the SMART Sympodium was
important in both the 2006 and 2004 Survey, making the SMART Sympodium among the most highly prized
pieces of equipment in the classroom.
SMART Notebook: In 2006, over 10% more FSGS perceived the SMART Notebook software to be an
important aid to their accomplishing course objectives.
SMART Classroom Faculty Development: An overwhelming 94.5% reported that they had attended a
scheduled training session conducted by the LEC personnel. These numbers are markedly higher than in 2004.
SMART Classroom Additional Faculty Development Requests: In 2006, faculty indicated the same
need for additional software and software training as their cohorts did in 2004. They requested additional hardware
and software training on the following: Data Video Projectors, SMART Sympodiums, Visual Presenters (Elmos),
External Laptop Connectivity (for iBook), Macromedia Flash, Web Conferencing, SMART software, and updated
versions of all of the installed software.

FSGS Assessment of Changes in Student Performance using SMART Products and Technology:

Students seem to grasp concepts and events at much faster pace with SMART Aware which allows me to
annotate visual components like PowerPoint & documentary clips even though they arent SMART
applications. It also brings history alive for them allowing them to relate to the people of the past and thus
to have an intellectual curiosity about them.
Students in late night classes are more engaged & pay better attention than they did before we got the
SMART classrooms. For this reason, their average statistics grades have improved by around 5 points.
Several of my students have gone on to use the SMART Board themselves in student presentations &
later on in their own teaching!
Students are more willing to ask questions or repeat a point. When I use the chalkboard only, due to the
time and drawing involved, they ask fewer questions.
Student feedback has been wonderful. The equipment allows demonstration and examples that otherwise
would not be available and which are invaluable.
The Sympodium allows us to go on the internet and find applications of the concepts covered in class. We
can discuss and annotate what we see.
We have used the SMART rooms for small group brainstorming results which have improved student
The SMART classrooms help with the adult learning model by providing alternative methods of delivery
to reach all types of learning styles.
A SMART classroom ensures all students in a large class can do their own presentation.

Benefits of using the SMART Products and Technology:

Faculty have more channels of communication open to them for working with different learning styles.
Faculty can show an item/picture to the entire class for discussion. This is an improvement over passing
materials around. We can follow up on questions/comments immediately by use of web.
Students are more eager for lecture because of the interactive discussions possible
Students can respond to visual questions. They can interact with the internet.
Students become engaged when they can see & hear the subject matter. They are more talkative during
Students made great videos for my American political thought assignment to do a skit about a famous
thinker. They presented their videos in the SMART classrooms, holding their classmates attention.
SMART classrooms enhance the quality of education for visual learners, using interactive materials.

Grant Activities and Objectives Relevant to Student Participation and/or E-Learning

Activity I: Purchase of Equipment to Improve Academic Programs
Objective 3
By 2006, a minimum of 60% of USM faculty will report being satisfied to very satisfied with available
classroom technologies.
Between 94 and 98% of USM Faculty (along with Staff and Graduate Students who teach) reported being satisfied
to very satisfied with available classroom technologies on the 3 questions in the 2006 Survey which measured
overall satisfaction.
Activity 2: Faculty Professional Development
Objective 1

By 2006, 50% of the faculty will report adequate skill levels in basic technology applications and instructional
equipment operation, including word processing, spreadsheets, electronic communications, electronic presentation
methodologies, and other applications relevant to educational technology.
An overwhelming 94.5% reported that they had attended a scheduled HVUC training session conducted by the LEC
personnel. Furthermore, 93% reported that they knew how to operate the instructional equipment and around 85%
also know how to utilize the installed software applications according to the 2006 Survey.
Objective 2
In each project year, present emerging instructional technologies on an ongoing basis throughout the project year to
all faculty.
This objective was completed on schedule. According to LEC records, at least 2,669 faculty, staff and graduate
students have been trained in face-to-face workshops. Online training is also available on a continuous basis through
LECs website (http://www.usm.edu/lec/training_tutorials.html ).
Objective 5
By 2003, 50% of USM faculty will report using email, email lists and/or ListServ to enhance teaching and learning
*Special Note: Objectives 5-7 were not measured either directly or completely through the Surveys. In most cases,
faculty were questioned whether they would like to use these resources, not whether they actually did use them.
Approximately 79% of the faculty reported in 2004 that they would very much like to use email/email lists with
their classes. The majority (61%) also reported that existing training support met their requirements to accomplish
that goal. By 2006, 83.5% of the faculty reported the desire to use class email/email lists, with almost the same
majority (59%) indicating their awareness of available training support. However, in 2006, 43.3% of the faculty
reported actually using ListServs with their classes. In 2004, 60.6% of the faculty reported using a ListServ. That
percentage likely decreased based on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Objective 6
By 2004, 45% of USM faculty will report using web pages for instructional purposes.
In 2004, 80% of the faculty reported that they would like to use web pages for instructional purposes and 45% knew
that training was available to support that objective. By 2006, the percentage of the faculty who stated that they
would like to use web pages for instructional purposes was unchanged, however 50% knew that training was
available to support that objective. Only 35% of the faculty were using WebCT in 2004, while 40% of the faculty
stated that they used the WebCT in 2006, which indicates that they are using web pages for instruction.
Objective 7

By 2006, 50% of USM faculty will report using multimedia presentation methods, including audio and/or video
clips, slide production, and/or animation to augment curricula.
In 2004, an overwhelming majority of faculty (86.8%) expressed the desire to use audio/video clips, animation, or
slides to augment curricula, while 45.2% of them believed that existing training in these areas met their
requirements. Around 80% of the faculty wanted to use multimedia presentations and almost 41% were aware of
training support. Almost 30% of the faculty were using Quick Time Movies in class in 2004. By 2006, these
numbers were virtually unchanged except that the percentage of faculty who reporting using Quick Time Movies
had decreased to 18.8. In 2006, 74.4% of the faculty reported using PowerPoint, which is a type of slide
production. Adrian Castillo and Susan Rayborn advised faculty on 21 multimedia projects in 2006. Twenty-one
multimedia workshops were delivered in 2006 compared to 18 in 2005. Thirteen faculty requested assistance with
integration of multimedia in existing courses in 2006.
Objective 8
By 2006, there will be 4 faculty members from each college (with the exception of the Honors College and the
College of Continuing, International and Distance Education) who are able to serve as mentors and providing
training and guidance to their colleagues related to educational technology.
This objective was completed on schedule as shown in the list below: 4 Mentors from the College of Business, 9
mentors from the College of Health, 10 Mentors from the College of Education and Psychology, 20 mentors from
the College of Arts and Letters, and 6 Mentors from the College of Science and Tech
SMART classrooms Actual Utilization Rate:


345 classes with 11,978 enrolled

181 classes with 3,176 enrolled
357 classes with 13,312 enrolled
362 classes with 12,361 enrolled
212 classes with 3,924 enrolled
371 classes with 14,988 enrolled
393 classes with 14,219 enrolled

Student Face-to-Face Participation
Faculty characterized students as more attentive, more willing to participate and more engaged in various
types of instruction in the SMART classrooms. The multimedia presentation methods, including audio and/or
video clips, slide production, and/or animation augmented course curricula. Faculty described students as grasping
learning objectives more quickly and easily in this environment. The SMART classrooms allowed faculty to meet
the needs of students with different learning styles. The class times were described as being more interactive and
efficient in these classrooms. These findings are supported in the literature on SMART classrooms which also
found evidence of improvement in student learning and participation (Damcott, Landato, & Marsh, 2000; Howse,
Hamilton & Symons, 2000; and Nonis, & OBannon, 2001).
Student E-Learning
Faculty and staff used SMART classroom hardware and software to model basic technology applications
and instructional equipment operation, including word processing, spreadsheets, electronic communications,
electronic presentation methodologies, and other applications relevant to educational technology. Additionally, staff
trained faculty who, in turn, taught students in hybrid classes how to use email lists, ListServs, and the WebCT

online course management system. Students reported feeling more comfortable with e-learning after this type of
introduction of the hybrid online courses in the SMART classrooms, making them more likely to enroll in fully
online courses in the future. Also, many students who were taught in these classrooms later taught in them. They
commented on how much easier it was to teach in the SMART classrooms after they had experienced them first
as students themselves.
How do we, as educators, make changes in the ways we were traditionally taught and make better use of
technology so that we help our students develop the information, literacy, problem-solving, collaboration and
creativity skills they need to be successful in todays workplace? (Painter, Whiting, & Wolters, 2004) The answer
to the preceding question form Southern Miss was SMART classrooms. That environment has improved student
face-to-face participation and e-learning.

Damcott, D., Landato, J., and Marsh, C. (2000). Report on the use of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard in
physical science. Retrieved February, 2007 from http://smarterkids.org/research/paper3.asp
Howse, E., Hamilton, D., and Symons, L. (2000). The effect of a SMART Board interactive whiteboard on
concept learning, generation of ideas, group processes, and user interaction satisfaction. Retrieved
February, 2007 from: http://smarterkids.org/research/paper5.asp
McNeese, M. (2006). The 2006 report on the Faculty Technology Survey at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Retrieved February, 2007 from: http://www.usm.edu/lec/docs/Faculty_Technology_Survey_2001_2006.pdf
McNeese (2006). The 2006 report on the highly visible undergraduate classrooms (HVUCs) Survey at the
University of Southern Mississippi. Retrieved February, 2007 from:
Nicolauo, C. T., Nicolaidou, I. A., and Constantinou, C. P. (2005). The e-learning movement as a process of quality
improvement in higher education. Educational Research and Evaluation, 11, (6), pp. 605-622.
Nonis, A., and OBannon, B. (2001). Technology and teacher preparation: Creating learning environments for
increasing student involvement and creativity. Retrieved February, 2007 from:
Painter, D. D., Whiting, E., and Wolters, B. (2004). Interactive whiteboards for interactive teaching and learning.
Retrieved February, 2007 from: http://www.techlearning.com/showArticle.php?articleID=169400643
Public Relations (2004). Highly visible classrooms receive multimedia presentation equipment. Retrieved February,
2007 from: http://www.usm.edu/pr/prnews/aug04/HVUCmultimedia.htm
Williams, E., and Harper, L. (2001). Faculty technology survey: Faculty responses on the status of technology at

Southern Miss. Retrieved March, 2007 from http://www.usm.edu/pubs/techsurvey/tsr.pdf

Appendix A

Highly Visible Undergraduate Classrooms Survey

(By the U.S. Dept. of Education Title III-A Strengthening Institutions Grant)
Please check the appropriate response.








PEF Faculty:
Please indicate if you are a member of the Professional Education Faculty (responsible for K-12 teacher preparation:
Yes ___
No ___

College Affiliation:

Business &

Education &



Campus Affiliation:

Gulf Park







Age Group:



Above 50

Highest Education Level Attained:





Number of courses taught in the SMART classrooms and using the HVUC equipment:





More than
17 courses


First semester taught in an HVUC room:

Spring 2002-03
(January 2003) or

Summer 2003-04
(June 2003)

Fall 2003-04
(August 2003)

Spring 2003-04
(January 2004)

Summer 200405 (June 2004)

Summer 20052006
(June 2005)

Fall 2005-2006
(January 2006)

Spring 20052006
(January 2006)

First semester taught in an HVUC room:

Fall 2004-05
(August 2004)

Spring 2004-05
(January 2005)

Please indicate your responses on a five-point scale.


Not Important At All





For each question below, circle the number to the right that best describes how important each
hardware or software item is in accomplishing your course objectives. Use the scale above to match
your opinion.
Equipment/Software Importance


Data Video Projector




DVD player /VCR


Visual Presenter (Elmo)


Smart Sympodium


External Laptop Connectivity


Internet Access


Microsoft Office Suite


Smart Notebook


Adobe Acrobat Reader



Flash Software


MS Media Player

m. QuickTime Player







Mac Adaptors


SPSS Software

Please indicate your responses on a five-point scale.






Room Access
I can get access to an HVUC for teaching whenever I want it.
I can get access to an HVUC for meetings whenever I want it.
When planning a course or meeting, I try to reserve an HVUC room.
I would like to schedule all my classes in an HVUC room.
The key to the HVUC room and podium are easily accessible.




The equipment works properly.


The equipment is easy to use.

I know how to use the equipment in the classroom.


I know how to use the software installed on the computer.

The software that I need is installed on the computer



I received adequate training on the hardware.


I received adequate training on the software.

Please check the appropriate answer.



I attended a scheduled training session conducted by the Learning

Enhancement Center (LEC) personnel.
I would like more hardware training. List hardware here:

I would like more software training. List software here:

Please indicate your responses on a five-point scale.






Overall Satisfaction
My overall experience using the equipment has been good.
I would recommend the equipment to other faculty.
I believe my students experience has been enhanced by the use of the
Frequency of Use
How frequently do you use the HVUC equipment?

Two or more times per week

Once a week
One or two times per month
Once a semester

The room(s) that I use most is(are):

Student Participation
In what ways has this equipment impacted student participation in your class?


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