Chapter 7 of LPL Textbook PDF

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Chapter 7

There are many logically important constructions in English besides the Boolean connectives. Even if we restrict ourselves to words and phrases that connect two simple indicative sentences, we still find many that go beyond the
Boolean operators. For example, besides saying:
Max is home and Claire is at the library,
Max is home or Claire is at the library,
we can combine these same atomic sentences in the following ways, among


home if Claire is at the library,

home only if Claire is at the library,
home if and only if Claire is at the library,
not home nor is Claire at the library,
home unless Claire is at the library,
home even though Claire is at the library,
home in spite of the fact that Claire is at the library,
home just in case Claire is at the library,
home whenever Claire is at the library,
home because Claire is at the library.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg. There are also constructions that
combine three atomic sentences to form new sentences:
If Max is home then Claire is at the library, otherwise Claire is
and constructions that combine four:
If Max is home then Claire is at the library, otherwise Claire is
concerned unless Carl is with him,
and so forth.
Some of these constructions are truth functional, or have important truthfunctional uses, while others do not. Recall that a connective is truth functional if the truth or falsity of compound statements made with it is completely


Conditionals / 179

determined by the truth values of its constituents. Its meaning, in other words,
can be captured by a truth table.
Fol does not include connectives that are not truth functional. This is
not to say that such connectives arent important, but their meanings tend to
be vague and subject to conflicting interpretations. The decision to exclude
them is analogous to our assumption that all the predicates of fol have precise
Whether or not a connective in English can be, or always is, used truth
functionally is a tricky matter, about which well have more to say later in
the chapter. Of the connectives listed above, though, there is one that is very
clearly not truth functional: the connective because. This is not hard to prove.


Proof: To show that the English connective because is not truth

functional, it suffices to find two possible circumstances in which the
sentence Max is home because Claire is at the library would have
different truth values, but in which its constituents, Max is home
and Claire is at the library, have the same truth values.
Why? Well, suppose that the meaning of because were captured by a
truth table. These two circumstances would correspond to the same
row of the truth table, since the atomic sentences have the same
values, but in one circumstance the sentence is true and in the other
it is false. So the purported truth table must be wrong, contrary to
our assumption.
For the first circumstance, imagine that Max learned that Claire
would be at the library, hence unable to feed Carl, and so rushed
home to feed him. For the second circumstance, imagine that Max
is at home, expecting Claire to be there too, but she unexpectedly
had to go the library to get a reference book for a report. In both
circumstances the sentences Max is home and Claire is at the library
are true. But the compound sentence Max is home because Claire
is at the library is true in the first, false in the second.
The reason because is not truth functional is that it typically asserts some
sort of causal connection between the facts described by the constituent sentences. This is why our compound sentence was false in the second situation:
the causal connection was missing.
In this chapter, we will introduce two new truth-functional connectives,
known as the material conditional and the material biconditional, both standard features of fol. It turns out that, as well show at the end of the chapter,
these new symbols do not actually increase the expressive power of fol. They

Chapter 7

180 / Conditionals

do, however, make it much easier to say and prove certain things, and so are
valuable additions to the language.

Section 7.1

Material conditional symbol:

The symbol is used to combine two sentences P and Q to form a new
sentence P Q, called a material conditional. The sentence P is called the
antecedent of the conditional, and Q is called the consequent of the conditional.
We will discuss the English counterparts of this symbol after we explain its

Semantics and the game rule for the conditional

The sentence P Q is true if and only if either P is false or Q is true (or
both). This can be summarized by the following truth table.

truth table for

game rule for




A seconds thought shows that P Q is really just another way of saying

P Q. Tarskis World in fact treats the former as an abbreviation of the
latter. In particular, in playing the game, Tarskis World simply replaces a
statement of the form P Q by its equivalent P Q.
1. If P and Q are sentences of fol, then so is P Q.
2. The sentence P Q is false in only one case: if the antecedent P is
true and the consequent Q is false. Otherwise, it is true.

English forms of the material conditional

if . . . then

Chapter 7

We can come fairly close to an adequate English rendering of the material

conditional P Q with the sentence If P then Q. At any rate, it is clear that

Material conditional symbol: / 181

this English conditional, like the material conditional, is false if P is true and
Q is false. Thus, we will translate, for example, If Max is home then Claire is
at the library as:
Home(max) Library(claire)
In this course we will always translate if. . . then. . . using , but there
are in fact many uses of the English expression that cannot be adequately
expressed with the material conditional. Consider, for example, the sentence,
If Max had been at home, then Carl would have been there too.
This sentence can be false even if Max is not in fact at home. (Suppose the
speaker mistakenly thought Carl was with Max, when in fact Claire had taken
him to the vet.) But the first-order sentence,
Home(max) Home(carl)
is automatically true if Max is not at home. A material conditional with a
false antecedent is always true.
We have already seen that the connective because is not truth functional
since it expresses a causal connection between its antecedent and consequent.
The English construction if. . . then. . . can also be used to express a sort of
causal connection between antecedent and consequent. Thats what seems to
be going on in the above example. As a result, many uses of if. . . then. . .
in English just arent truth functional. The truth of the whole depends on
something more than the truth values of the parts; it depends on there being
some genuine connection between the subject matter of the antecedent and
the consequent.
Notice that we started with the truth table for and decided to read
it as if. . . then. . . . What if we had started the other way around, looking for
a truth-functional approximation of the English conditional? Could we have
found a better truth table to go with if. . . then. . . ? The answer is clearly no.
While the material conditional is sometimes inadequate for capturing subtleties of English conditionals, it is the best we can do with a truth-functional
connective. But these are controversial matters. We will take them up further
in Section 7.3.
Necessary and sufficient conditions
Other English expressions that we will translate using the material conditional
P Q include: P only if Q, Q provided P, and Q if P. Notice in particular
that P only if Q is translated P Q, while P if Q is translated Q P. To

only if, provided

Section 7.1

182 / Conditionals

necessary condition

sufficient condition

understand why, we need to think carefully about the difference between only
if and if.
In English, the expression only if introduces what is called a necessary
condition, a condition that must hold in order for something else to obtain.
For example, suppose your instructor announces at the beginning of the course
that you will pass the course only if you turn in all the homework assignments.
Your instructor is telling you that turning in the homework is a necessary
condition for passing: if you dont do it, you wont pass. But the instructor is
not guaranteeing that you will pass if you do turn in the homework: clearly,
there are other ways to fail, such as skipping the tests and getting all the
homework problems wrong.
The assertion that you will pass only if you turn in all the homework
really excludes just one possibility: that you pass but did not turn in all the
homework. In other words, P only if Q is false only when P is true and Q is
false, and this is just the case in which P Q is false.
Contrast this with the assertion that you will pass the course if you turn
in all the homework. Now this is a very different kettle of fish. An instructor
who makes this promise is establishing a very lax grading policy: just turn in
the homework and youll get a passing grade, regardless of how well you do
on the homework or whether you even bother to take the tests!
In English, the expression if introduces what is called a sufficient condition,
one that guarantees that something else (in this case, passing the course) will
obtain. Because of this an English sentence P if Q must be translated as
Q P. The sentence rules out Q being true (turning in the homework) and
P being false (failing the course).
Other uses of


Chapter 7

In fol we also use in combination with to translate sentences of the form

Unless P, Q or Q unless P. Consider, for example, the sentence Claire is at the
library unless Max is home. Compare this with the sentence Claire is at the
library if Max is not home. While the focus of these two sentences is slightly
different, a moments thought shows that they are false in exactly the same
circumstances, namely, if Claire is not at the library, yet Max is not home
(say they are both at the movies). More generally, Unless P, Q or Q unless
P are true in the same circumstances as Q if not P, and so are translated as
P Q. A good way to remember this is to whisper if not whenever you see
unless. If you find this translation of unless counterintuitive, be patient. Well
say more about it in Section 7.3.
It turns out that the most important use of in first-order logic is not
in connection with the above expressions at all, but rather with universally

Biconditional symbol: / 183

quantified sentences, sentences of the form All As are Bs and Every A is a

B. The analogous first-order sentences have the form:
For every object x (A(x) B(x))
This says that any object you pick will either fail to be an A or else be a B.
Well learn about such sentences in Part II of this book.
There is one other thing we should say about the material conditional,
which helps explain its importance in logic. The conditional allows us to reduce
the notion of logical consequence to that of logical truth, at least in cases
where we have only finitely many premises. We said that a sentence Q is a
consequence of premises P1 , . . . , Pn if and only if it is impossible for all the
premises to be true while the conclusion is false. Another way of saying this
is that it is impossible for the single sentence (P1 . . . Pn ) to be true while
Q is false.
Given the meaning of , we see that Q is a consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn if
and only if it is impossible for the single sentence

reducing logical
consequence to
logical truth

(P1 . . . Pn ) Q
to be false, that is, just in case this conditional sentence is a logical truth. Thus,
one way to verify the tautological validity of an argument in propositional
logic, at least in theory, is to construct a truth table for this sentence and
see whether the final column contains only true. This method is usually not
very practical, however, since the truth tables quickly get too large to be
1. The following English constructions are all translated P Q: If P
then Q; Q if P; P only if Q; and Provided P, Q.
2. Unless P, Q and Q unless P are translated P Q.
3. Q is a logical consequence of P1 , . . . , Pn if and only if the sentence
(P1 . . . Pn ) Q is a logical truth.

Section 7.2

Biconditional symbol:
Our final connective is called the material biconditional symbol. Given any
sentences P and Q there is another sentence formed by connecting these by

Section 7.2

184 / Conditionals

if and only if

means of the biconditional: P Q. A sentence of the form P Q is true if

and only if P and Q have the same truth value, that is, either they are both
true or both false. In English this is commonly expressed using the expression
if and only if. So, for example, the sentence Max is home if and only if Claire
is at the library would be translated as:
Home(max) Library(claire)


just in case

Mathematicians and logicians often write iff as an abbreviation for if

and only if. Upon encountering this, students and typesetters generally conclude its a spelling mistake, to the consternation of the authors. But in fact it
is shorthand for the biconditional. Mathematicians also use just in case as a
way of expressing the biconditional. Thus the mathematical claims n is even
iff n2 is even, and n is even just in case n2 is even, would both be translated
Even(n) Even(n2 )
This use of just in case is, we admit, one of the more bizarre quirks of
mathematicians, having nothing much to do with the ordinary meaning of
this phrase. In this book, we use the phrase in the mathematicians sense,
just in case you were wondering.
An important fact about the biconditional symbol is that two sentences
P and Q are logically equivalent if and only if the biconditional formed from
them, P Q, is a logical truth. Another way of putting this is to say that
P Q is true if and only if the fol sentence P Q is logically necessary.
So, for example, we can express one of the DeMorgan laws by saying that the
following sentence is a logical truth:
(P Q) (P Q)


This observation makes it tempting to confuse the symbols and . This

temptation must be resisted. The former is a truth-functional connective of
fol, while the latter is an abbreviation of is logically equivalent to. It is
not a truth-functional connective and is not an expression of fol.

Semantics and the game rule for

The semantics for the biconditional is given by the following truth table.

truth table for

Chapter 7




Biconditional symbol: / 185

Notice that the final column of this truth table is the same as that for
(P Q) (Q P). (See Exercise 7.3 below.) For this reason, logicians often
treat a sentence of the form P Q as an abbreviation of (P Q) (Q P).
Tarskis World also uses this abbreviation in the game. Thus, the game rule
for P Q is simple. Whenever a sentence of this form is encountered, it is
replaced by (P Q) (Q P).

game rule for

1. If P and Q are sentences of fol, then so is P Q.
2. The sentence P Q is true if and only if P and Q have the same truth

For the following exercises, use Boole to determine whether the indicated pairs of sentences are tautologically equivalent. Feel free to have Boole build your reference columns and fill them out for you. Dont
forget to indicate your assessment.



A B and A B.


A B and (A B) (B A).






(A B) and A B.
A B and (A B) (A B).

(A B) C and A (B C).


A (B (C D)) and
((A B) C) D.


(A B) C and A (B C).
A (B (C D)) and
((A B) C) D.

(Just in case) Prove that the ordinary (nonmathematical) use of just in case does not express
a truth-functional connective. Use as your example the sentence Max went home just in case
Carl was hungry.
(Evaluating sentences in a world) Using Tarskis World, run through Abelards Sentences, evaluating them in Wittgensteins World. If you make a mistake, play the game to see where you
have gone wrong. Once you have gone through all the sentences, go back and make all the false
ones true by changing one or more names used in the sentence. Submit your edited sentences
as Sentences 7.10.

Section 7.2

186 / Conditionals


(Describing a world) Launch Tarskis World and choose Hide Labels from the World menu.
Then, with the labels hidden, open Montagues World. In this world, each object has a name,
and no object has more than one name. Start a new sentence file where you will describe some
features of this world. Check each of your sentences to see that it is indeed a sentence and that
it is true in this world.
1. Notice that if c is a tetrahedron, then a is not a tetrahedron. (Remember, in this world
each object has exactly one name.) Use your first sentence to express this fact.
2. However, note that the same is true of b and d. That is, if b is a tetrahedron, then d
isnt. Use your second sentence to express this.
3. Finally, observe that if b is a tetrahedron, then c isnt. Express this.
4. Notice that if a is a cube and b is a dodecahedron, then a is to the left of b. Use your
next sentence to express this fact.
5. Use your next sentence to express the fact that if b and c are both cubes, then they
are in the same row but not in the same column.
6. Use your next sentence to express the fact that b is a tetrahedron only if it is small.
[Check this sentence carefully. If your sentence evaluates as false, then youve got the
arrow pointing in the wrong direction.]
7. Next, express the fact that if a and d are both cubes, then one is to the left of the
other. [Note: You will need to use a disjunction to express the fact that one is to the
left of the other.]
8. Notice that d is a cube if and only if it is either medium or large. Express this.
9. Observe that if b is neither to the right nor left of d, then one of them is a tetrahedron.
Express this observation.
10. Finally, express the fact that b and c are the same size if and only if one is a tetrahedron
and the other is a dodecahedron.
Save your sentences as Sentences 7.11. Now choose Show Labels from the World menu.
Verify that all of your sentences are indeed true. When verifying the first three, pay particular
attention to the truth values of the various constituents. Notice that sometimes the conditional
has a false antecedent and sometimes a true consequent. What it never has is a true antecedent
and a false consequent. In each of these three cases, play the game committed to true. Make
sure you understand why the game proceeds as it does.


(Translation) Translate the following English sentences into fol. Your translations will use all
of the propositional connectives.
1. If a is a tetrahedron then it is in front of d.
2. a is to the left of or right of d only if its a cube.
3. c is between either a and e or a and d.
4. c is to the right of a, provided it (i.e., c) is small.

Chapter 7

Biconditional symbol: / 187


c is to the right of d only if b is to the right of c and left of e.

If e is a tetrahedron, then its to the right of b if and only if it is also in front of b.
If b is a dodecahedron, then if it isnt in front of d then it isnt in back of d either.
c is in back of a but in front of e.
e is in front of d unless it (i.e., e) is a large tetrahedron.
At least one of a, c, and e is a cube.
a is a tetrahedron only if it is in front of b.
b is larger than both a and e.
a and e are both larger than c, but neither is large.
d is the same shape as b only if they are the same size.
a is large if and only if its a cube.
b is a cube unless c is a tetrahedron.
If e isnt a cube, either b or d is large.
b or d is a cube if either a or c is a tetrahedron.
a is large just in case d is small.
a is large just in case e is.

Save your list of sentences as Sentences 7.12. Before submitting the file, you should complete
Exercise 7.13.


(Checking your translations) Open Bolzanos World. Notice that all the English sentences from
Exercise 7.12 are true in this world. Thus, if your translations are accurate, they will also be
true in this world. Check to see that they are. If you made any mistakes, go back and fix them.
Remember that even if one of your sentences comes out true in Bolzanos World, it does not
mean that it is a proper translation of the corresponding English sentence. If the translation is
correct, it will have the same truth value as the English sentence in every world. So lets check
your translations in some other worlds.
Open Wittgensteins World. Here we see that the English sentences 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14,
and 20 are false, while the rest are true. Check to see that the same holds of your translations.
If not, correct your translations (and make sure they are still true in Bolzanos World).
Next open Leibnizs World. Here half the English sentences are true (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14,
18, and 20) and half false (3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 19). Check to see that the same
holds of your translations. If not, correct your translations.
Finally, open Venns World. In this world, all of the English sentences are false. Check to
see that the same holds of your translations and correct them if necessary.
There is no need to submit any files for this exercise, but dont forget to submit Sentences

Section 7.2

188 / Conditionals



(Figuring out sizes and shapes) Open Eulers Sentences. The nine sentences in this file uniquely
determine the shapes and sizes of blocks a, b, and c. See if you can figure out the solution just
by thinking about what the sentences mean and using the informal methods of proof youve
already studied. When youve figured it out, submit a world in which all of the sentences are
(More sizes and shapes) Start a new sentence file and use it to translate the following English
1. If a is a tetrahedron, then b is also a tetrahedron.
2. c is a tetrahedron if b is.
3. a and c are both tetrahedra only if at least one of them is large.
4. a is a tetrahedron but c isnt large.
5. If c is small and d is a dodecahedron, then d is neither large nor small.
6. c is medium only if none of d, e, and f are cubes.
7. d is a small dodecahedron unless a is small.
8. e is large just in case it is a fact that d is large if and only if f is.
9. d and e are the same size.
10. d and e are the same shape.
11. f is either a cube or a dodecahedron, if it is large.
12. c is larger than e only if b is larger than c.
Save these sentences as Sentences 7.15. Then see if you can figure out the sizes and shapes of
a, b, c, d, e, and f . You will find it helpful to approach this problem systematically, filling in
the following table as you reason about the sentences:

When you have filled in the table, use it to guide you in building a world in which the twelve
English sentences are true. Verify that your translations are true in this world as well. Submit
both your sentence file and your world file.



(Name that object) Open Sherlocks World and Sherlocks Sentences. You will notice that none
of the objects in this world has a name. Your task is to assign the names a, b, and c in such a
way that all the sentences in the list come out true. Submit the modified world as World 7.16.

(Building a world) Open Boolos Sentences. Submit a world in which all five sentences in this
file are true.

Chapter 7

Conversational implicature / 189





Using the symbols introduced in Table 1.2, page 30, translate the following sentences into fol.
Submit your translations as a sentence file.
1. If Claire gave Folly to Max at 2:03 then Folly belonged to her at 2:00 and to him at
2. Max fed Folly at 2:00 pm, but if he gave her to Claire then, Folly was not hungry five
minutes later.
3. If neither Max nor Claire fed Folly at 2:00, then she was hungry.
4. Max was angry at 2:05 only if Claire fed either Folly or Scruffy five minutes before.
5. Max is a student if and only if Claire is not.
Using Table 1.2 on page 30, translate the following into colloquial English.
1. (Fed(max, folly, 2:00) Fed(claire, folly, 2:00)) Pet(folly)
2. Fed(max, folly, 2:30) Fed(claire, scruffy, 2:00)
3. Hungry(folly, 2:00) Hungry(scruffy, 2:00)
4. (Hungry(folly, 2:00) Hungry(scruffy, 2:00))
Translate the following into fol as best you can. Explain any predicates and function symbols
you use, and any shortcomings in your first-order translations.
1. If Abe can fool Stephen, surely he can fool Ulysses.
2. If you scratch my back, Ill scratch yours.
3. France will sign the treaty only if Germany does.
4. If Tweedledee gets a party, so will Tweedledum, and vice versa.
5. If John and Mary went to the concert together, they must like each other.
(The monkey principle) One of the stranger uses of if. . . then. . . in English is as a roundabout
way to express negation. Suppose a friend of yours says If Keanu Reeves is a great actor, then
Im a monkeys uncle. This is simply a way of denying the antecedent of the conditional, in
this case that Keanu Reeves is a great actor. Explain why this works. Your explanation should
appeal to the truth table for , but it will have to go beyond that. Turn in your explanation
and also submit a Boole table showing that A is equivalent to A.

Section 7.3

Conversational implicature
In translating from English to fol, there are many problematic cases. For
example, many students resist translating a sentence like Max is home unless
Claire is at the library as:
Library(claire) Home(max)

Section 7.3

190 / Conditionals

These students usually think that the meaning of this English sentence would
be more accurately captured by the biconditional claim:
Library(claire) Home(max)


cancelling implicatures

Chapter 7

The reason the latter seems natural is that when we assert the English sentence, there is some suggestion that if Claire is at at the library, then Max is
not at home.
To resolve problematic cases like this, it is often useful to distinguish between the truth conditions of a sentence, and other things that in some sense
follow from the assertion of the sentence. To take an obvious case, suppose
someone asserts the sentence It is a lovely day. One thing you may conclude
from this is that the speaker understands English. This is not part of what
the speaker said, however, but part of what can be inferred from his saying it.
The truth or falsity of the claim has nothing to do with the speakers linguistic
The philosopher H. P. Grice developed a theory of what he called conversational implicature to help sort out the genuine truth conditions of a
sentence from other conclusions we may draw from its assertion. These other
conclusions are what Grice called implicatures. We wont go into this theory
in detail, but knowing a little bit about it can be a great aid in translation,
so we present an introduction to Grices theory.
Suppose we have an English sentence S that someone asserts, and we
are trying to decide whether a particular conclusion we draw is part of the
meaning of S or, instead, one of its implicatures. Grice pointed out that if
the conclusion is part of the meaning, then it cannot be cancelled by some
further elaboration by the speaker. Thus, for example, the conclusion that
Max is home is part of the meaning of an assertion of Max and Claire are
home, so we cant cancel this conclusion by saying Max and Claire are home,
but Max isnt home. We would simply be contradicting ourselves.
Contrast this with the speaker who said It is a lovely day. Suppose he
had gone on to say, perhaps reading haltingly from a phrase book: Do you
speak any French? In that case, the suggestion that the speaker understands
English is effectively cancelled.
A more illuminating use of Grices cancellability test concerns the expression either. . . or. . . . Recall that we claimed that this should be translated into
fol as an inclusive disjunction, using . We can now see that the suggestion
that this phrase expresses exclusive disjunction is generally just a conversational implicature. For example, if the waiter says You can have either soup or
salad, there is a strong suggestion that you cannot have both. But it is clear
that this is just an implicature, since the waiter could, without contradicting

Conversational implicature / 191

himself, go on to say And you can have both, if you want. Had the original
either. . . or. . . expressed the exclusive disjunction, this would be like saying
You can have soup or salad but not both, and you can have both, if you want.
Lets go back now to the sentence Max is at home unless Claire is at the
library. Earlier we denied that the correct translation was
Library(claire) Home(max)
which is equivalent to the conjunction of the correct translation
Library(claire) Home(max)
with the additional claim
Library(claire) Home(max)
Is this second claim part of the meaning of the English sentence, or is it
simply a conversational implicature? Grices cancellability test shows that it
is just an implicature. After all, it makes perfectly good sense for the speaker
to go on to say On the other hand, if Claire is at the library, I have no idea
where Max is. This elaboration takes away the suggestion that if Claire is at
the library, then Max isnt at home.
Another common implicature arises with the phrase only if, which people
often construe as the stronger if and only if. For example, suppose a father
tells his son, You can have dessert only if you eat all your lima beans. Weve
seen that this is not a guarantee that if the child does eat his lima beans he
will get dessert, since only if introduces a necessary, not sufficient, condition.
Still it is clear that the fathers assertion suggests that, other things equal, the
child can have dessert if he eats the dreaded beans. But again, the suggestion
can be cancelled. Suppose the father goes on to say: If you eat the beans, Ill
check to see if theres any ice cream left. This cancels the suggestion that
dessert is guaranteed.
If the assertion of a sentence carries with it a suggestion that could be
cancelled (without contradiction) by further elaboration by the speaker,
then the suggestion is a conversational implicature, not part of the content
of the original claim.

Section 7.3

192 / Conditionals





Suppose Claire asserts the sentence Max managed to get Carl home. Does this logically imply,
or just conversationally implicate, that it was hard to get Carl home? Justify your answer.
Suppose Max asserts the sentence We can walk to the movie or we can drive. Does his assertion
logically imply, or merely implicate, that we cannot both walk and drive? How does this differ
from the soup or salad example?
Consider the sentence Max is home in spite of the fact that Claire is at the library. What would
be the best translation of this sentence into fol? Clearly, whether you would be inclined to use
this sentence is not determined simply by the truth values of the atomic sentences Max is home
and Claire is at the library. This may be because in spite of the fact is, like because, a non-truthfunctional connective, or because it carries, like but, additional conversational implicatures. (See
our discussion of because earlier in this chapter and the discussion of but in Chapter 3.) Which
explanation do you think is right? Justify your answer.

Section 7.4

Truth-functional completeness
We now have at our disposal five truth-functional connectives, one unary
(), and four binary (, , , ). Should we introduce any more? Though
weve seen a few English expressions that cant be expressed in fol, like
because, these have not been truth functional. Weve also run into others, like
neither. . . nor. . . , that are truth functional, but which we can easily express
using the existing connectives of fol.
The question we will address in the current section is whether there are any
truth-functional connectives that we need to add to our language. Is it possible
that we might encounter an English construction that is truth functional but
which we cannot express using the symbols we have introduced so far? If so,
this would be an unfortunate limitation of our language.
How can we possibly answer this question? Well, lets begin by thinking
about binary connectives, those that apply to two sentences to make a third.
How many binary truth-functional connectives are possible? If we think about
the possible truth tables for such connectives, we can compute the total number. First, since we are dealing with binary connectives, there are four rows
in each table. Each row can be assigned either true or false, so there are
24 = 16 ways of doing this. For example, here is the table that captures the
truth function expressed by neither. . . nor. . . .

Chapter 7

Truth-functional completeness / 193



Neither P nor Q

Since there are only 16 different ways of filling in the final column of such
a table, there are only 16 binary truth functions, and so 16 possible binary
truth-functional connectives. We could look at each of these tables in turn
and show how to express the truth function with existing connectives, just as
we captured neither P nor Q with (P Q). But there is a more general and
systematic way to show this.
Suppose we are thinking about introducing a binary truth-functional connective, say . It will have a truth table like the following, with one of the
values true or false in each row.


1st value
2nd value
3rd value
4th value

If all four values are false, then we can clearly express P Q with the
sentence P P Q Q. So suppose at least one of the values is true.
How can we express P Q? One way would be this. Let C1 , . . . , C4 stand for
the following four conjunctions:

= (P Q)
= (P Q)
= (P Q)
= (P Q)

Notice that sentence C1 will be true if the truth values of P and Q are as
specified in the first row of the truth table, and that if the values of P and Q
are anything else, then C1 will be false. Similarly with C2 and the second row
of the truth table, and so forth. To build a sentence that gets the value true
in exactly the same rows as P Q, all we need do is take the disjunction of the
appropriate Cs. For example, if P Q is true in rows 2 and 4, then C2 C4 is
equivalent to this sentence.
What this shows is that all binary truth functions are already expressible
using just the connectives , , and . In fact, it shows that they can be expressed using sentences in disjunctive normal form, as described in Chapter 4.

Section 7.4

194 / Conditionals

Its easy to see that a similar procedure allows us to express all possible
unary truth functions. A unary connective, say , will have a truth table like

1st value
2nd value

If both of the values under P are false, then we can express it using the
sentence P P. Otherwise, we can express P as a disjunction of one or
more of the following:
C1 = P
C2 = P
C1 will be included as one of the disjuncts if the first value is true, and C2
will be included if the second value is true. (Of course, in only one case will
there be more than one disjunct.)
Once we understand how this procedure is working, we see that it will
apply equally well to truth-functional connectives of any arity. Suppose, for
example, that we want to express the ternary truth-functional connective
defined by the following truth table:



(P, Q, R)

A fairly good English translation of (P, Q, R) is if P then Q, else R. When

we apply the above method to express this connective, we get the following
(P Q R) (P Q R) (P Q R) (P Q R)
More generally, if expresses an n-ary connective, then we can use this
procedure to get a sentence that is tautologically equivalent to (P1 , . . . , Pn ).
First, we define the conjunctions C1 , . . . , C2n that correspond to the 2n rows
of the truth table. We then form a disjunction D that contains Ck as a disjunct
if and only if the k th row of the truth table has the value true. (If all rows

Chapter 7

Truth-functional completeness / 195

contain false, then we let D be P1 P1 .) For reasons weve already noted,

this disjunction is tautologically equivalent to (P1 , . . . , Pn ).
We have just sketched a proof that any truth function, of any arity whatsoever, can be expressed using just the Boolean connectives , , and . This
is a sufficiently interesting fact that it deserves to be highlighted. Well say
that a set of connectives is truth-functionally complete if the connectives in
the set allow us to express any truth function. We can then highlight this
important fact as a theorem:


Theorem The Boolean connectives , , and are truth-functionally complete.

A theorem is just a conclusion the author finds particularly interesting or is
particularly proud of having proven.
There are other collections of operators that are truth-functionally complete. In fact, we could get rid of either or without losing truth-functional
completeness. For example, P Q can be expressed using just and as
(P Q)
What this means is that we could get rid of all the occurrences of in our
sentences in favor of and . Alternatively, we could get rid of in favor
of and , as youll see in Exercise 7.25. Of course either way, the resulting
sentences would be much longer and harder to understand.
We could in fact be even more economical in our choice of connectives.
Suppose we used P Q to express neither P nor Q. It turns out that the
connective is, all by itself, truth-functionally complete. To see this, notice
that P can be expressed as:
which says neither P nor P, and P Q can be expressed as:
(P P) (Q Q)
which says neither not P nor not Q. Thus in theory we could use just this one
truth-functional connective and express anything we can now express using
our current five.
There are two disadvantages to economizing on connectives. First, as weve
already said, the fewer connectives we have, the harder it is to understand our
sentences. But even worse, our proofs become much more complicated. For
example, if we always expressed in terms of and , a single application of
the simple rule of Intro would have to be replaced by two uses of Intro,

disadvantages of

Section 7.4

196 / Conditionals
one use of Elim, and one use of Intro (see Exercise 7.26). This is why
we havent skimped on connectives.

1. A set of connectives is truth-functionally complete if the connectives
allow us to express every truth function.
2. Various sets of connectives, including the Boolean connectives, are
truth-functionally complete.



(Replacing , , and ) Use Tarskis World to open the file Sheffers Sentences. In this file,
you will find the following sentences in the odd-numbered positions:
1. Tet(a) Small(a)
3. Tet(a) Small(a)
5. Tet(a) Small(a)
7. (Cube(b) Cube(c)) (Small(b) Small(c))
In each even-numbered slot, enter a sentence that is equivalent to the one above it, but which
uses only the connectives and . Before submitting your solution file, you might want to try
out your sentences in several worlds to make sure the new sentences have the expected truth



(Basic versus defined symbols in proofs) Treating a symbol as basic, with its own rules, or as a
defined symbol, without its own rules, makes a big difference to the complexity of proofs. Use
Fitch to open the file Exercise 7.26. In this file, you are asked to construct a proof of (A B)
from the premises A and B. A proof of the equivalent sentence A B would of course take a
single step.
(Simplifying if. . . then. . . else) Assume that P, Q, and R are atomic sentences. See if you can
simplify the sentence we came up with to express (P, Q, R) (if P then Q, else R), so that it
becomes a disjunction of two sentences, each of which is a conjunction of two literals. Submit
your solution as a Tarskis World sentence file.

Chapter 7

Truth-functional completeness / 197



(Expressing another ternary connective) Start a new sentence file using Tarskis World. Use the
method we have developed to express the ternary connective defined in the following truth
table, and enter this as the first sentence in your file. Then see if you can simplify the result
as much as possible. Enter the simplified form as your second sentence. (This sentence should
have no more than two occurrences each of P, Q, and R, and no more than six occurrences of
the Boolean connectives, , and .)
P Q R (P, Q, R)
t t t
t t f
t f t
t f f
f t t
f t f
f f t
f f f

(Sheffer stroke) Another binary connective that is truth-functionally complete on its own is
called the Sheffer stroke, named after H. M. Sheffer, one of the logicians who discovered and
studied it. It is also known as nand by analogy with nor. Here is its truth table:
t t
t f
f t
f f
Show how to express P, P Q, and P Q using the Sheffer stroke. (We remind you that
nowadays, the symbol | has been appropriated as an alternative for . Dont let that confuse



(Putting monkeys to work) Suppose we have the single binary connective , plus the symbol
for absurdity . Using just these expressions, see if you can find a way to express P, P Q,
and P Q. [Hint: Dont forget what you learned in Exercise 7.21.]

(Another non-truth-functional connective) Show that truth value at a particular time of the
sentence Max is home whenever Claire is at the library is not determined by the truth values
of the atomic sentences Max is home and Claire is at the library at that same time. That is,
show that whenever is not truth functional.

Section 7.4

198 / Conditionals


(Exclusive disjunction) Suppose we had introduced to express exclusive disjunction. Is the

following a valid method of proof for this connective?
If you say yes, justify your answer; if no, give an example where the method sanctions an
invalid inference.
State valid introduction and elimination rules for using the same format we use to state
the introduction and elimination rules of F. You may need more than one of each.

Section 7.5

Alternative notation
As with the other truth-functional connectives, there are alternative notations
for the material conditional and biconditional. The most common alternative
to P Q is P Q. Polish notation for the conditional is Cpq. The most common alternative to P Q is P Q. The Polish notation for the biconditional
is Epq.
The following table summarizes the alternative notations discussed so far.
Our notation

Chapter 7

Common equivalents
P, P, !P, Np
P&Q, P&&Q, P Q, PQ, Kpq
P | Q, P Q, Apq
P Q, Cpq
P Q, Epq

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