FW Taylor Vs Henry Fayol

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Henry Fayol and F.

W Taylor made outstanding contribution to development of management

thought. F.W. Taylor was a pioneer who propounded principles of Scientific Management. Taylor
worked in different capacities in steel industry saw the urgent necessity for elimination of
wastages rampant in industrial organization. He observed that the only way to get rid of
wastages and achieve efficiency to apply method of science to the field of management. They
both applied scientific methods to the problems ofmanagement. Their work was essentially
complementary; different in their approach was merely reflection of their different careers. If we
call Taylor the
Father of Scientific Management, it would be fair to describe Fayol as theFather of

. Fayol wrote as a practical man ofbusiness reflecting on his long managerial career and setting
drown theprinciples he had observed. He clearly specified the functions of managementby a
systematic analysis of management process. This isolation and analysis ofmanagement as a
separate discipline was his original contribution to the bodyof management theory. He was
father of management principles many ofwhich have stood the test of time

Fayols theoretical analysis of management withstood

almost a half-century of critical discussion. There have been few writers since who have notbeen
influenced by it; and his five elements have provided a system of concepts by which
managers may clarify their thinking about what is they have to do. Fayols valuable concepts
in management can be incorporated usefully in present-day analysis of management science.His
emphases on unity of direction and command, non-financial incentives,
decentralization,coordination have greater relevance even today.Frederick Winslow Taylor
contributed a number of principles and features of managementthought that adhered to his new
concept of approaching management thought scientifically.Scientific Management tries to
increase productivity by increasing efficiency and wages of workers

It finds out the best method for performing each job. It selects employees byusing Scientific
Selection Procedures. It provides Scientific Training and Development to theemployees. It
believes in having a close co-operation between management and employees.It uses Division of
Labor. It tries to produce maximum output by fixing PerformanceStandards for each job and by
having a Differential Piece-Rate System for payment of wages.Scientific management is

concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do andthen see in that they do it in the
best and cheapest way (Taylor, 1911)Works Henry Fayol and Frederick Winslow Taylor are
essentially complementary; theymade outstanding contribution to development of management
thought. They believedthat proper management resource is the key reason for organizational
success. Both usescientific approach to management. There major difference was in their
orientation. Fayol emphasized the management of entire organization while Taylor focused on
the management of operational work

Fayols theories were the original

foundation for management as a discipline and as a profession. Also Fayol was the first
toadvocate management education (Pryor and Sonia, 2010). Scientific management was one
ofthe first attempts to systematically treat management and process improvement as ascientific
problem (Wikipedia, 2013).Fayol is best remembered for his contribution to school of
management thought. First, Fayolbelieved that organizational and business life was an amalgam
of six activities

technical;commercial; financial; security; accounting; and management (Fayol, 1949; Parker and
Ritson,2005b; Bakewell, 1993). Second, Fayol is known for the five elements or functions
ofmanagement, i.e. planning, organizing; coordination; command; and control Fayols theories
continue to be valuable contributions to management because many management
expertsconsider his 14 principles of management to be the early foundation of management
theory asit exists today

A qualified mining engineer, hewas made manager of a coal- mine at the early age of 25. At 31
he became general managerof a group of mines, and at 47 managing director of whole combine,
a post which he heldfor thirty years. Throughout his career he showed all the sings of a
successful manager.This become most obvious, when he took over the top job of the combine,
which wasalmost bankrupt. By the time he retired the business was more than twice its original
sizeand one of the successful and steel combines in Europe He clearly delineated the difference
between technical and managerial skills and noted that supervisor must be
proficient in both to be successful. Fayol in his preface in his boob says management plays

very important part in government; of all undertakings, large or small, industrial,commercial,

political, religious or other. Fayol's writings refleced on his long managerial career and setting
down the principles he had observed. His observations, however, fit amazingly well into the
currently developing mould of management theory

Scientific management

Taylor's seminal work - The Principles of Scientific Management (source of all the following
quotes) - was published in 1911. In it he put forward his ideas of 'Scientific Management'
(sometimes referred to today as 'Taylorism') which differed from traditional 'Initiative and
Incentive' methods of management. These ideas were an accumulation of his life's work, and
included several examples from his places of employment

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