Judgment: Lady Hale, Deputy President Lord Clarke Lord Wilson Lord Sumption Lord Toulson

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Michaelmas Term

[2013] UKSC 66
On appeal from: [2012] EWCA Civ 239

Woodland (Appellant) v Essex County Council



Lady Hale, Deputy President

Lord Clarke

Lord Wilson

Lord Sumption

Lord Toulson


23 October 2013
Heard on 3 and 4 July 2013

Christopher Melton QC
Ian Little
(Instructed by Pannone

Steven Ford QC
Adam Weitzman
(Instructed by Essex
County Council Legal

LORD SUMPTION (with whom Lord Clarke, Lord Wilson and Lord
Toulson agree)

This appeal arises from a tragic incident on 5 July 2000 at Gloucester Park
swimming pool in Basildon, Essex. The Appellant, then aged ten, was a pupil at
Whitmore Junior School, for which the Respondent education authority was
responsible. The national curriculum, in its then form, included physical training of
a number of alternative kinds, one of which was swimming, and pupils at the
school had swimming lessons in normal school hours. What appears to have
happened was that the Appellant and other members of her class went to the pool,
accompanied by a class teacher, Mrs Holt. At the pool, the children were divided
into groups. The group to which the Appellant was assigned was taught by a
swimming teacher, Ms. Burlinson, with a lifeguard, Ms Maxwell, in attendance. At
some point, the Appellant got into difficulties, and was found (in the judges
words) hanging vertically in the water. She was resuscitated, but suffered a
serious hypoxic brain injury. The Appellant alleges (among other things) that her
injuries were due to the negligence of Ms Burlinson and Ms Maxwell. Neither of
them was employed by the education authority. Their services had been provided
to the authority by Mrs Beryl Stopford. She was an independent contractor who
carried on an unincorporated business under the name of Direct Swimming
Services, and had contracted with the education authority to provide swimming
lessons to its pupils.
The issue on the present appeal arises out of an allegation in the Appellants
pleadings that the Council owed her a non-delegable duty of care, with the result
that it is liable at law for any negligence on the part of Ms Burlinson or Ms
Maxwell. Langstaff J struck it out on the ground that on the pleaded facts the
education authority could not be said to have owed a non-delegable duty of care.
The Court of Appeal affirmed his decision by a majority (Tomlinson and Kitchin
LJJ, Laws LJ dissenting). The appeal provides a useful occasion for reviewing the
law on what have been called non-delegable duties of care. But it must be very
doubtful whether deciding such a point on the pleadings was really in the interests
of these parties or of the efficient conduct of their litigation. The pleadings are
unsatisfactory. There are no findings of fact and almost everything is disputed. A
decision of the point presently before us will not be decisive of the litigation either
way, because there are other bases of claim independent of it. The point has taken
more than two years to reach this stage, during which, if the allegation had been
allowed to go to trial, it would almost certainly have been decided by now. As it is,
regardless of the outcome of this appeal it will now have to go back to the High
Court to find the relevant facts.

Page 2

Non-delegable duties
In principle, liability in tort depends upon proof of a personal breach of
duty. To that principle, there is at common law only one true exception, namely
vicarious liability. Where a defendant is vicariously liable for the tort of another,
he commits no tort himself and may not even owe the relevant duty, but is held
liable as a matter of public policy for the tort of the other: Majrowski v Guys and
St. Thomass NHS Hospital Trust [2005] QB 848. The boundaries of vicarious
liability have been expanded by recent decisions of the courts to embrace
tortfeasors who are not employees of the defendant, but stand in a relationship
which is sufficiently analogous to employment: Various Claimants v Catholic
Child Welfare Society [2013] 2 AC 1. But it has never extended to the negligence
of those who are truly independent contractors, such as Mrs Stopford appears to
have been in this case.
The issue on this appeal is, however, nothing to do with vicarious liability,
except in the sense that it only arises because there is none. On the footing that the
local authority was not vicariously liable for the negligence of Mrs Stopford, Ms
Burlinson or Ms Maxwell, the question is what was the scope of the authoritys
duty to pupils in its care. Was it a duty to take reasonable care in the performance
of the functions entrusted to it, so far as it performed those functions itself, through
its own employees? Or was it a duty to procure that reasonable care was taken in
their performance by whomever it might get to perform them? On either view, any
liability of the education authority for breach of it is personal, not vicarious.
The law of negligence is generally fault-based. Generally speaking, a
defendant is personally liable only for doing negligently that which he does at all,
or for omissions which are in reality a negligent way of doing that which he does
at all. The law does not in the ordinary course impose personal (as opposed to
vicarious) liability for what others do or fail to do. This is because, as Cory J
observed, delivering the judgment of the majority in the Supreme Court of Canada
in Lewis v British Columbia [1997] 3 SCR 1145 at para 17, a common law duty of
care does not usually demand compliance with a specific obligation. It is only
when an act is undertaken by a party that a general duty arises to perform the act
with reasonable care. The expression non-delegable duty has become the
conventional way of describing those cases in which the ordinary principle is
displaced and the duty extends beyond being careful, to procuring the careful
performance of work delegated to others.
English law has long recognised that non-delegable duties exist, but it does
not have a single theory to explain when or why. There are, however, two broad
categories of case in which such a duty has been held to arise. The first is a large,
varied and anomalous class of cases in which the defendant employs an
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independent contractor to perform some function which is either inherently

hazardous or liable to become so in the course of his work. The early cases are
concerned with the creation of hazards in a public place, generally in
circumstances which apart from statutory authority would constitute a public
nuisance: see Pickard v Smith (1861) 10 CB (NS) 470 (which appears to be the
first reported case of a non-delegable duty), Penny v Wimbledon Urban District
Council [1898] 2 QB 212 and Holliday v National Telephone Company [1899] 2
QB 392. In Honeywill and Stein Ltd v Larkin Brothers (Londons Commercial
Photographers) Ltd [1934] 1 KB 191, the principle was applied more broadly to
extra-hazardous operations generally. Many of these decisions are founded on
arbitrary distinctions between ordinary and extraordinary hazards which may be
ripe for re-examination. Their justification, if there is one, should probably be
found in a special public policy for operations involving exceptional danger to the
public. But their difficulties do not need to be considered further on these appeals,
because teaching children to swim, while it unquestionably involves risks and calls
for precautions, is not is not on any view an extra-hazardous activity. It can be
perfectly satisfactorily analysed by reference to ordinary standards of care.
The second category of non-delegable duty is, however, directly in point. It
comprises cases where the common law imposes a duty upon the defendant which
has three critical characteristics. First, it arises not from the negligent character of
the act itself but because of an antecedent relationship between the defendant and
the claimant. Second, the duty is a positive or affirmative duty to protect a
particular class of persons against a particular class of risks, and not simply a duty
to refrain from acting in a way that foreseeably causes injury. Third, the duty is by
virtue of that relationship personal to the defendant. The work required to perform
such a duty may well be delegable, and usually is. But the duty itself remains the
defendants. Its delegation makes no difference to his legal responsibility for the
proper performance of a duty which is in law his own. In these cases, the
defendant is assuming a liability analogous to that assumed by a person who
contracts to do work carefully. The contracting party will normally be taken to
contract that the work will be done carefully by whomever he may get to do it: see
Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] AC 827, 848 (Lord
Diplock). The analogy with public services is often close, especially in the domain
of hospital treatment in the National Health Service or education at a local
education authority school, where only the absence of consideration distinguishes
them from the private hospital or the fee-paying school performing the same
functions under contract. In the law of tort, the same consequence follows where a
statute imposes on the defendant personally a positive duty to perform some
function or to carry out some operation, but he performs that duty by entrusting the
work to some one else for whose proper performance he is legally responsible. In
Morris v C.W. Martin & Sons Ltd [1966] 1 QB 716, 725-728, Lord Denning MR
analysed the liability of a non-contractual bailee for reward in similar terms, as
depending on his duty to procure that proper care was exercised in the custody of
the goods bailed.
Page 4

This characterisation of non-delegable duties originated in the law of
nuisance, and in a number of seminal judgments of Lord Blackburn in the late
nineteenth century. It was implicit in the famous judgment of the Exchequer
Chamber in Rylands v Fletcher (1866) LR 1 Ex 265, delivered by Blackburn J and
subsequently affirmed by the House of Lords (1868) LR 3 HL 330, that the duty of
the defendant to prevent the escape of water from his reservoir was non-delegable,
for on the facts it was due to the operations of an independent contractor. The point
became explicit in Dalton v Henry Angus & Co (1881) 6 App Cas 740, in which
the House of Lords had to consider the duty of adjoining landowners not to
withdraw support from each others land. The withdrawal of support had been due
to works carried out on the defendants land by an independent contractor. Lord
Blackburn, who delivered the principal speech on this point, regarded the
interposition of an independent contractor as irrelevant, because of the nature of
the duty. At p 829 he put the point in this way:
Ever since Quarman v Burnett (1840) 6 M & W 499 it has been
considered settled law that one employing another is not liable for
his collateral negligence unless the relation of master and servant
existed between them. So that a person employing a contractor to do
work is not liable for the negligence of that contractor or his
servants. On the other hand, a person causing something to be done,
the doing of which casts on him a duty, cannot escape from the
responsibility attaching on him of seeing that duty performed by
delegating it to a contractor. He may bargain with the contractor that
he shall perform the duty and stipulate for an indemnity from him if
it is not performed, but he cannot thereby relieve himself from
liability to those injured by the failure to perform it: Hole v
Sittingbourne Railway Co (1861) 6 H & N 488; Pickard v Smith 10
CB (NS) 470; Tarry v Ashton (1876) 1 QBD 314.
Rylands v Fletcher and Dalton v Henry Angus & Co might have been
explained by reference to the hazardous character of the operation carried out by
the defendants contractor, and sometimes have been, notably by the Court of
Appeal in Honeywill and Stein Ltd v Larkin Brothers (Londons Commercial
Photographers) Ltd [1934] 1 KB 191. But it is clear from Lord Blackburns
observations that the essential point about them was that there was an antecedent
relationship between the parties as neighbouring landowners, from which a
positive duty independent of the wrongful act itself could be derived. The duty was
personal to the defendant, because it attached to him in his capacity as the occupier
of the neighbouring land from which the hazard originated.

Page 5

All of these features were also present in Hughes v Percival (1883) 8 App
Cas 443, which was one of the first cases in which the same principle was applied
to a duty of care. The parties were neighbouring householders with a party wall. A
builder working in the defendants house negligently cut into the party wall,
causing the partial collapse of both the defendants house and the Plaintiffs house
next-door. On its facts, therefore, the case had many of the classic features of the
cases about non-delegable duties in the law of nuisance, and Lord Blackburn,
delivering the leading speech in the Appellate Committee, proceeded by analogy
with them. He put the matter in this way, at pp 445-446:
The first point to be considered is what was the relation in which
the defendant stood to the plaintiff. It was admitted that they were
owners of adjoining houses between which was a party-wall the
property of both. The defendant pulled down his house and had it
rebuilt on a plan which involved in it the tying together of the new
building and the party-wall which was between the plaintiff's house
and the defendant's, so that if one fell the other would be damaged.
The defendant had a right so to utilize the party-wall, for it was his
property as well as the plaintiff's; a stranger would not have had such
a right. But I think the law cast upon the defendant, when exercising
this right, a duty towards the plaintiff. I do not think that duty went
so far as to require him absolutely to provide that no damage should
come to the plaintiff's wall from the use he thus made of it, but I
think that the duty went as far as to require him to see that reasonable
skill and care were exercised in those operations which involved a
use of the party-wall, exposing it to this risk. If such a duty was cast
upon the defendant he could not get rid of responsibility by
delegating the performance of it to a third person. He was at liberty
to employ such a third person to fulfil the duty which the law cast on
himself, and, if they so agreed together, to take an indemnity to
himself in case mischief came from that person not fulfilling the duty
which the law cast upon the defendant; but the defendant still
remained subject to that duty, and liable for the consequences if it
was not fulfilled. This is the law I think clearly laid down in Pickard
v Smith 10 CB (NS) 470, and finally in (1881) Dalton v Angus 6 App
Cas 740. But in all the cases on the subject there was a duty cast by
law on the party who was held liable.
Assumption of responsibility
The duty to which Lord Blackburn was referring would today be regarded
as arising from an assumption of responsibility imputed to the defendant by virtue
of the special character of his relationship with the claimant. The concept of an
assumption of responsibility is usually relevant in the law of negligence as a tool
Page 6

for determining whether a duty of care is owed to protect against a purely

economic loss. There is no doubt in this case that the education authority owed a
duty of care to its pupils to protect them from injury. But the concept of
assumption of responsibility is relevant to determine its scope, whether the
potential loss is economic or physical. The circumstances must be such that the
defendant can be taken not just to have assumed a positive duty, but to have
assumed responsibility for the exercise of due care by any one to whom he may
delegate its performance. This is a markedly more onerous obligation. What are
the circumstances in which a person may be taken to have assumed it? They have
been considered in a number of cases involving injuries sustained by employees,
hospital patients, school pupils and invitees, at the hands of persons working for
the defendant for whom the defendant was not vicariously liable.
There are a number of situations where by virtue of some special
relationship the defendant is held to assume positive duties. Henderson v Merrett
Syndicates Ltd [1995] 2 AC 145 is a classic example of a duty of care to perform
professional services, arising out of a special relationship equivalent to contract but
not contractual: see, in particular Lord Goff of Chieveley at pp 180-181. A
corresponding relationship may also arise out of a sufficient degree of dependence,
even in the absence any reliance, as it did in very different circumstances in Dorset
Yacht Company v Home Office [1970] AC 1004 and White v Jones [1995] 2 AC
207, 275 (Lord Browne-Wilkinson). It does not, however, follow from the mere
existence of a positive duty that it is personal to the defendant so as to make it nondelegable. In the nuisance or quasi-nuisance cases, the personal character of the
duty results, as I have pointed out, from the fact it arises from the defendants
occupation of the land from which the hazard originates. In other cases, the
personal character of the duty must be derived from something else. Both principle
and authority suggest that the relevant factors are the vulnerability of the claimant,
the existence of a relationship between the claimant and the defendant by virtue of
which the latter has a degree of protective custody over him, and the delegation of
that custody to another person.
The employment cases
These matters first arose for consideration in the context of the common law
duty of an employer to his workforce. This was an area in which the courts at an
early stage of the development of the law of tort, adopted a protective approach to
those who were vulnerable and not in a position to defend their own interests. In
Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co Ltd v English [1938] AC 57, the House of Lords not
only held that the employer had a duty to provide a safe system of work, but also
that it was (in the modern terminology) non-delegable. Liability was not therefore
excluded on the ground that the breach was due to the negligence of another
employee, for which the employer would not (as the law then stood) have been
Page 7

liable because of the doctrine of common employment. The duty was nondelegable because of its personal character. Lord Macmillan said at p 75:
[The defendant] cannot divest himself of this duty, though he
mayand, if it involves technical management and he is not himself
technically qualified, mustperform it through the agency of an
employee. It remains the owner's obligation, and the agent whom the
owner appoints to perform it performs it on the owner's behalf. The
owner remains vicariously responsible for the negligence of the
person whom he has appointed to perform his obligation for him, and
cannot escape liability by merely proving that he has appointed a
competent agent. If the owner's duty has not been performed, no
matter how competent the agent selected by the owner to perform it
for him, the owner is responsible.
The fullest rationalisation of the principle appears in the speech of Lord Wright.
Referring to the earlier decision of the House in Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co v Mc
Mullan [1934] AC 1, he observed at p 78:
This House held that, on the contrary, the statutory duty was
personal to the employer, in this sense that he was bound to perform
it by himself or by his servants. The same principle, in my opinion,
applies to those fundamental obligations of a contract of employment
which lie outside the doctrine of common employment, and for the
performance of which employers are absolutely responsible.
Dealing, later in his speech, with the scope of the duty, Lord Wright said at pp 8384:
The true question is, What is the extent of the duty attaching to the
employer? Such a duty is the employer's personal duty, whether he
performs or can perform it himself, or whether he does not perform it
or cannot perform it save by servants or agents. A failure to perform
such a duty is the employer's personal negligence. This was held to
be the case where the duty was statutory, and it is equally so when
the duty is one attaching at common law... I think the whole course
of authority consistently recognizes a duty which rests on the
employer and which is personal to the employer, to take reasonable
care for the safety of his workmen, whether the employer be an
individual, a firm, or a company, and whether or not the employer
takes any share in the conduct of the operations.

Page 8

The principle thus expressed was qualified only by its limitation to those acts of
the delegate which were within the scope of the employers personal duty:
It is not, however, broken by a mere misuse or failure to use proper
plant and appliances due to the negligence of a fellow-servant or a
merely temporary failure to keep in order or adjust plant and
appliances or a casual departure from the system of working, if these
matters can be regarded as the casual negligence of the managers,
foreman, or other employees. (pp 84-5)
So far as there was ever any doubt about the application of this principle to the
negligence of an independent contractor, it was resolved by the House of Lords in
McDermid v Nash Dredging and Reclamation Co Ltd [1987] AC 906.
The hospital cases
In Gold v Essex County Council [1942] 2 KB 293, a voluntary hospital
operated by a local authority was held liable for the negligence of a radiographer
employed by it. The decision was an orthodox application of the doctrine of
vicarious liability. The main issue was whether the authority could be vicariously
liable even for employees in cases where their employment called for the exercise
of special skill of a kind which the authority could not reasonable be expected to
supervise or control. Lord Greene MR, however, considered more broadly the
basis of the hospitals liability for the negligence of those through whom it
discharged its duty of care to patients, at p 301:
the extent of the obligation which one person assumes towards
another is to be inferred from the circumstances of the case. This is
true whether the relationship be contractual (as in the case of a
nursing home conducted for profit) or non-contractual (as in the case
of a hospital which gives free treatment). In the former case there is,
of course, a remedy in contract, while in the latter the only remedy is
in tort, but in each case the first task is to discover the extent of the
obligation assumed by the person whom it is sought to make liable.
Once this is discovered, it follows of necessity that the person
accused of a breach of the obligation cannot escape liability because
he has employed another person, whether a servant or agent, to
discharge it on his behalf, and this is equally true whether or not the
obligation involves the use of skill. It is also true that, if the
obligation is undertaken by a corporation, or a body of trustees or
governors, they cannot escape liability for its breach, any more than

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can an individual, and it is no answer to say that the obligation is one

which on the face of it they could never perform themselves.
In Cassidy v Ministry of Health [1951] 2 KB 343, Gold v Essex County
Council was followed in another case involving employed medical staff. The
majority of the Court of Appeal (Somervell and Singleton LJJ) were content to
treat the matter as an ordinary case of vicarious liability and to leave it at that. But
Denning LJ considered that the critical factor was not the hospitals relationship
with the doctor or surgeon, but its relationship with the patient, arising from its
acceptance of the patient for treatment. He put the point as follows, at pp. 362-363:
when hospital authorities undertake to treat a patient, and
themselves select and appoint and employ the professional men and
women who are to give the treatment, then they are responsible for
the negligence of those persons in failing to give proper treatment,
no matter whether they are doctors, surgeons, nurses, or anyone
else... where the doctor or surgeon, be he a consultant or not, is
employed and paid, not by the patient but by the hospital authorities,
I am of opinion that the hospital authorities are liable for his
negligence in treating the patient. It does not depend on whether the
contract under which he was employed was a contract of service or a
contract for services. That is a fine distinction which is sometimes of
importance; but not in cases such as the present, where the hospital
authorities are themselves under a duty to use care in treating the
This is a robust assertion, albeit reflecting a minority view, that a hospitals duty of
care to patients is personal as well as vicarious, and therefore non-delegable.
Denning LJ cited in support of his view the classic statements of the principle of
non-delegable duty by Lord Blackburn in Dalton v Angus and Hughes v Percival.
At pp 364-365, he went on to consider the scope of the matters for which the
authority was responsible:
The truth is that, in cases of negligence, the distinction between a
contract of service and a contract for services only becomes of
importance when it is sought to make the employer liable, not for a
breach of his own duty of care, but for some collateral act of
negligence of those whom he employs. He cannot escape the
consequences of a breach of his own duty, but he can escape
responsibility for collateral or casual acts of negligence if he can
show that the negligent person was employed, not under a contract of
service but only under a contract for services... These distinctions
are, however, of no importance in the present case, because we are
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not concerned with any collateral or casual acts of negligence by the

staff, but negligence in the treatment itself which it was the
employer's duty to provide.
In Roe v Minister of Health [1954] 2 QB 66, Denning LJ repeated his analysis in
Cassidy, but the case was once again decided on other grounds by the other
members of the Court of Appeal.
These dicta have never been adopted as part of the ratio of any English
case. But the principle which they embody is supported by powerful dicta. In
particular, Lord Browne-Wilkinson, delivering the leading speech in the House of
Lords in X (Minors) v Bedfordshire County Council [1995] 2 AC 633, considered
that a hospital authority assumed a personal and not just a vicarious liability for the
negligence of medical staff, which might therefore be broken even in a case where
no duty of care was owed by the staff themselves. At p 740, he observed:
It is established that those conducting a hospital are under a direct
duty of care to those admitted as patients to the hospital (I express no
view as to the extent of that duty). They are liable for the negligent
acts of a member of the hospital staff which constitute a breach of
that duty, whether or not the member of the staff is himself in breach
of a separate duty of care owed by him to the plaintiff: Gold v Essex
County Council [1942] 2 KB 293, 301, per Lord Green[e]; Cassidy v
Ministry of Health [1951] 2 KB 343, per Denning LJ; Roe v Minister
of Health [1954] 2 QB 66; see also Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co Ltd v
English [1938] AC 57; McDermid v Nash Dredging & Reclamation
Co Ltd [1987] AC 906. Therefore in the cases under appeal, even
where there is no allegation of a separate duty of care owed by a
servant of the authority to the plaintiff, the negligent acts of that
servant are capable of constituting a breach of the duty of care (if
any) owed directly by the authority to the plaintiff.
The Australian case-law
Professor Glanville Williams, who was hostile to the whole notion of a nondelegable duty of care, criticised these statements in a famous article, "Liability for
Independent Contractors" [1956] CLJ, 180, on the ground that they asserted that a
non-delegable duty arose without explaining why. I think that this criticism is
unfair, for the circumstances which made the duty non-delegable are reasonably
clear from the facts that were being discussed. But they have been considered and
applied in four important decisions of the High Court of Australia, which consider
in some detail the underlying rationale of non-delegable duties.
Page 11

In Commonwealth v Introvigne (1982) 150 CLR 258, the Commonwealth of
Australia, as the authority responsible for a school in the Australian Capital
Territory, was held liable for injury to a child on school premises, notwithstanding
that the running of the school and the employment of the staff were delegated to
the State of New South Wales. This was because the duty of the Commonwealth
was held to be a non-delegable duty. Mason J, with whom Gibbs CJ agreed, took
the dicta in Gold and Cassidy as his starting point, and justified this step at paras
29-35 by reference to the vulnerability and consequent dependence of school
29. The concept of personal duty, performance of which is
incapable of delegation, has been strongly criticised, especially
outside the master and servant relationship where its introduction
was designed to overcome the consequences of the doctrine of
common employment (see Glanville Williams "Liability for
Independent Contractors" (1956) Cambridge Law Journal, p 180). It
has been said that the concept of personal duty departs from the basic
principles of liability and negligence by substituting for the duty to
take reasonable care a more stringent duty, a duty to ensure that
reasonable care is taken. This criticism fails to acknowledge that the
law has, for various reasons, imposed a special duty on persons in
certain situations to take particular precautions for the safety of
others, e.g. the occupier of premises.
30. There are strong reasons for saying that it is appropriate that a
school authority comes under a duty to ensure that reasonable care is
taken of pupils attending the school... The immaturity and
inexperience of the pupils and their propensity for mischief suggest
that there should be a special responsibility on a school authority to
care for their safety, one that goes beyond a mere vicarious liability
for the acts and omissions of its servants.
32. By establishing a school which was "maintained" on its behalf at
which parents could enrol their children for instruction pursuant to
the obligation imposed on them by the Ordinance, the
Commonwealth, in my opinion, came under a duty of care to
children attending the school. The nature and scope of that duty of
care was co-extensive with the duty of care owed by any authority or
body conducting a school to pupils attending the school. It was a
duty to ensure that reasonable care was taken for the safety of the
pupil which was breached in the circumstances of this case, in the
Page 12

two respects already mentioned. It was, as I see it, a duty directly

owed by the Commonwealth for breach of which it is liable. It was
not a case of vicarious liability for the omissions of the acting
principal and the members of his staff, though had it been necessary
to do so, the Commonwealth might have been found liable on this
33. The fact that the Commonwealth delegated the teaching function
to the State, including the selection and control of teachers, does not
affect its liability for breach of duty. Neither the duty, nor its
performance, is capable of delegation. It is not enough for the
Commonwealth, in providing a school, to leave it to the State to take
care for the safety of the children attending the school. Nor does it
matter that the Commonwealth does not control and cannot direct the
teaching staff in the performance of its duties. That would be a
relevant factor if the question was: are the teachers servants of the
Commonwealth? However, that is not the issue here. The issue is
whether the Commonwealth is liable as a school authority when it
establishes the school and arranges with the State to run the school
on its behalf. In my opinion, the Commonwealth does not cease to be
liable because it arranges for the State to run the school on its behalf.
34. ...the Government of the State of New South Wales is not a
subcontractor. What it did was to supply the services of its
employees to perform for the Commonwealth a task which the
Commonwealth had undertaken, i.e. the establishment and operation
of schools in the Australian Capital Territory.
The High Court of Australia returned to this question in Kondis v State
Transport Authority (1984) 154 CLR 672. Kondis was not about schools. It
concerned the duty of care owed by an employer. The case was argued on the basis
of vicarious liability, but Mason J, with whom Deane and Dawson JJ agreed,
decided it on the ground that the relevant duty was non-delegable. For present
purposes, the most valuable part of his analysis is a section at paras 29-33 in which
he took the opportunity to consider more generally the basis on which the law
holds some duties to be non-delegable:
32. ...when we look to the classes of case in which the existence of
a non-delegable duty has been recognized, it appears that there is
some element in the relationship between the parties that makes it
appropriate to impose on the defendant a duty to ensure that
reasonable care and skill is taken for the safety of the persons to
whom the duty is owed...
Page 13

33. The element in the relationship between the parties which

generates a special responsibility or duty to see that care is taken
may be found in one or more of several circumstances. The hospital
undertakes the care, supervision and control of patients who are in
special need of care. The school authority undertakes like special
responsibilities in relation to the children whom it accepts into its
care... In these situations the special duty arises because the person
on whom it is imposed has undertaken the care, supervision or
control of the person or property of another or is so placed in relation
to that person or his property as to assume a particular responsibility
for his or its safety, in circumstances where the person affected
might reasonably expect that due care will be exercised.
In Burnie Port Authority v General Jones Pty (1994) 179 CLR 520, the
High Court of Australia was concerned with a case in which fire escaped from the
defendants property and damaged the Plaintiffs goods which were stored on an
adjoining property. The case is best known for subsuming the rule in Rylands v
Fletcher within the law of negligence, a step which has not been taken in England:
Transco Plc v Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council [2004] 2 AC 1. Viewing it
as part of the law of negligence, the court considered the case-law on nondelegable duties and adopted the general statement of the test based on control
which had been proposed by Mason J in Kondis. The difference was that this being
a dispute about the duties arising from the occupation of land, they were talking
about control over the source of the hazard rather than (as in Kondis) control over
the Plaintiff. At para 37, the Court observed:
The relationship of proximity which exists, for the purposes of
ordinary negligence, between a plaintiff and a defendant in
circumstances which would prima facie attract the rule in Rylands v
Fletcher is characterized by such a central element of control and by
such special dependence and vulnerability. One party to that
relationship is a person who is in control of premises and who has
taken advantage of that control to introduce thereon or to retain
therein a dangerous substance or to undertake thereon a dangerous
activity or to allow another person to do one of those things. The
other party to that relationship is a person outside the premises and
without control over what occurs therein, whose person or property
is thereby exposed to a foreseeable risk of danger... In such a case,
the person outside the premises is obviously in a position of special
vulnerability and dependence.
Finally, in New South Wales v Lepore (2003) 212 CLR 511, the High Court
of Australia revisited the question of the non-delegable duty owed by schools to
pupils. It was a difficult case arising out of sexual assaults on children by a teacher
Page 14

in circumstances where there was no allegation and no finding of vicarious liability

by the courts below, perhaps because criminal assaults were thought to be outside
the course of a teachers employment (the case was pleaded and tried before the
decision of the House of Lords in Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd [2002] 1 AC 215). The
Court was divided. Several of its members thought that vicarious liability was a
simpler route to liability than a non-delegable duty of care. Nonetheless, by a
majority of 4-3 (Gaudron, McHugh, Gummow and Hayne JJ) the Court held that
the schools owed a non-delegable duty. There are differences of emphasis among
the majority. Gaudron J, citing the judgment of Blackburn J in Hughes v Percival,
based her view on (i) the fact that the school owed a positive duty to take
reasonable care for the safety of children in their charge, and not merely a negative
duty to avoid the consequences of a foreseeable risk of injury (paras 104-105), and
(ii) the material increase in risk associated with the operation of institutions for the
young or vulnerable, such as schools, prisons, nursing homes, old peoples homes
and geriatric wards. McHugh J considered that the non-delegable duty arose upon
the enrolment of the child para 142. In each case, he observed at para 139,
the duty arises because the school authority has control of the pupil
whose immaturity is likely to lead to harm to the pupil unless the
authority exercises reasonable care in supervising him or her and
because the authority has assumed responsibility for the child's
Gummow and Hayne JJ were more cautious. At para 255, they suggested that in
each case in which a non-delegable liability had been held to exist, there was:
...a relationship in which the person owing the duty either has the
care, supervision or control of the other person or has assumed a
particular responsibility for the safety of that person or that person's
property. It is not suggested, however, that all relationships which
display these characteristics necessarily import a non-delegable
In what circumstances will a non-delegable duty arise?
The main problem about this area of the law is to prevent the exception
from eating up the rule. Non-delegable duties of care are inconsistent with the
fault-based principles on which the law of negligence is based, and are therefore
exceptional. The difference between an ordinary duty of care and a non-delegable
duty must therefore be more than a question of degree. In particular, the question
cannot depend simply on the degree of risk involved in the relevant activity. The
ordinary principles of tortious liability are perfectly capable of answering the
question what duty is an appropriate response to a given level of risk.
Page 15

In my view, the time has come to recognise that Lord Greene in Gold and
Denning LJ in Cassidy were correct in identifying the underlying principle, and
while I would not necessarily subscribe to every dictum in the Australian cases, in
my opinion they are broadly correct in their analysis of the factors that have given
rise to non-delegable duties of care. If the highway and hazard cases are put to one
side, the remaining cases are characterised by the following defining features:
(1) The claimant is a patient or a child, or for some other reason is
especially vulnerable or dependent on the protection of the defendant
against the risk of injury. Other examples are likely to be prisoners and
residents in care homes.
(2) There is an antecedent relationship between the claimant and the
defendant, independent of the negligent act or omission itself, (i) which
places the claimant in the actual custody, charge or care of the defendant,
and (ii) from which it is possible to impute to the defendant the assumption
of a positive duty to protect the claimant from harm, and not just a duty to
refrain from conduct which will foreseeably damage the claimant. It is
characteristic of such relationships that they involve an element of control
over the claimant, which varies in intensity from one situation to another,
but is clearly very substantial in the case of schoolchildren.
(3) The claimant has no control over how the defendant chooses to perform
those obligations, i.e. whether personally or through employees or through
third parties.
(4) The defendant has delegated to a third party some function which is an
integral part of the positive duty which he has assumed towards the
claimant; and the third party is exercising, for the purpose of the function
thus delegated to him, the defendants custody or care of the claimant and
the element of control that goes with it.
(5) The third party has been negligent not in some collateral respect but in
the performance of the very function assumed by the defendant and
delegated by the defendant to him.
In A (Child) v Ministry of Defence [2005] QB 183, at para 47 Lord Phillips
of Worth Matravers MR, delivering the leading judgment in the Court of Appeal,
suggested that hitherto a non-delegable duty has only been found in a situation
where the claimant suffers an injury while in an environment over which the
defendant has control. This is undoubtedly a fundamental feature of those cases
where, in the absence of a relevant antecedent relationship, the defendant has been
held liable for inherently hazardous operations or dangers on the public highway.
But I respectfully disagree with the view that control of the environment in which
Page 16

injury is caused is an essential element in the kind of case with which we are
presently concerned. The defendant is not usually in control of the environment in
which injury is caused by an independent contractor. That is why as a general rule
he is not liable for the contractors negligence. Where a non-delegable duty arises,
the defendant is liable not because he has control but in spite of the fact that he
may have none. The essential element in my view is not control of the
environment in which the claimant is injured, but control over the claimant for the
purpose of performing a function for which the defendant has assumed
responsibility. The actual result in A (A Child) was therefore correct. The Ministry
of Defence was not responsible for the negligence of a hospital with whom it
contracted to treat soldiers and their families. But the true reason was the finding
of the trial judge (quoted at para 28 of Lord Phillips judgment) that there was no
sound basis for any feeling... that secondary treatment in hospital was actually
provided by the Army (MoD) as opposed to arranged by the army. There was
therefore no delegation of any function which the Ministry had assumed personal
responsibility to carry out, and no delegation of any custody exercised by the
Ministry over soldiers and their families. For exactly the same reason, I think that
the Court of Appeal was right in Myton v Woods (1980) 79 LGR 28 to dismiss a
claim against a local education authority for the negligence of a taxi firm
employed by the authority to drive children to and from school. The school had no
statutory duty to transport children, but only to arrange and pay for it. As Lord
Denning MR put it, the authority was not liable for an independent contractor
except he delegates to the contractor the very duty which he himself has to fulfil.
Likewise, the Court of Appeal was right in Farraj v Kings Healthcare NHS Trust
[2010] 1 WLR 2139, to dismiss a claim against a hospital which had employed an
independent laboratory to analyse a tissue sample for a patient who was not being
treated by the hospital and was therefore not in its custody or care. As Dyson LJ
put it at para 88, the rationale of any non-delegable duty owed by hospitals is that
the hospital undertakes the care, supervision and control of its
patients who are in special need of care. Patients are a vulnerable
class of persons who place themselves in the care and under the
control of a hospital and, as a result, the hospital assumes a particular
responsibility for their well-being and safety.
The courts should be sensitive about imposing unreasonable financial
burdens on those providing critical public services. A non-delegable duty of care
should be imputed to schools only so far as it would be fair, just and reasonable to
do so. But I do not accept that any unreasonable burden would be cast on them by
recognising the existence of a non-delegable duty on the criteria which I have
summarised above. My reasons are as follows:
(1) The criteria themselves are consistent with the long-standing policy of
the law, apparent notably in the employment cases, to protect those who
Page 17

are both inherently vulnerable and highly dependent on the observance

of proper standards of care by those with a significant degree of control
over their lives. Schools are employed to educate children, which they
can do only if they are allowed authority over them. That authority
confers on them a significant degree of control. When the schools own
control is delegated to someone else for the purpose of performing part
of the schools own educational function, it is wholly reasonable that the
school should be answerable for the careful exercise of its control by the
(2) Parents are required by law to entrust their child to a school. They do so
in reliance on the schools ability to look after them, and generally have
no knowledge of or influence over the arrangements that the school may
make to delegate specialised functions, or the basis on which they do so,
or the competence of the delegates, all of which are matters about which
only the school is in a position to satisfy itself.
(3) This is not an open-ended liability, for there are important limitations on
the range of matters for which a school or education authority assumes
non-delegable duties. They are liable for the negligence of independent
contractors only if and so far as the latter are performing functions
which the school has assumed for itself a duty to perform, generally in
school hours and on school premises (or at other times or places where
the school may carry out its educational functions). In the absence of
negligence of their own, for example in the selection of contractors, they
will not be liable for the negligence of independent contractors where on
analysis their own duty is not to perform the relevant function but only
to arrange for its performance. They will not be liable for the defaults of
independent contractors providing extra-curricular activities outside
school hours, such as school trips in the holidays. Nor will they be liable
for the negligence of those to whom no control over the child has been
delegated, such as bus drivers or the theatres, zoos or museums to which
children may be taken by school staff in school hours, to take some of
the examples canvassed in argument and by Laws LJ in his dissenting
(4) It is important to bear in mind that until relatively recently, most of the
functions now routinely delegated by schools to independent contractors
would have been performed by staff for whom the authority would have
been vicariously liable. The recognition of limited non-delegable duties
has become more significant as a result of the growing scale on which
the educational and supervisory functions of schools are outsourced, but
in a longer historical perspective, it does not significantly increase the
potential liability of education authorities.
Page 18

(5) The responsibilities of fee-paying schools are already non-delegable

because they are contractual, and the possibility of contracting out of
them is limited by legislation. In this particular context, there seems to
be no rational reason why the mere absence of consideration should lead
to an entirely different result when comparable services are provided by
a public authority. A similar point can be made about the technical
distinctions that would otherwise arise between privately funded and
NHS hospital treatment.
(6) It can fairly be said that the recognition of a non-delegable duty of care
owed by schools involves imputing to them a greater responsibility than
any which the law presently recognises as being owed by parents.
Parents would not normally incur personal liability for the negligence of
(say) a swimming instructor to whom they had handed custody of a
child. The Appellants pleaded allegation that the school stood in loco
parentis may not therefore assist their case. The position of parents is
very different to that of schools. Schools provide a service either by
contract or pursuant to a statutory obligation, and while LEA schools do
not receive fees, their staff and contractors are paid professionals. By
comparison, the custody and control which parents exercise over their
children is not only gratuitous, but based on an intimate relationship not
readily analysable in legal terms. For this reason, the common law has
always been extremely cautious about recognising legally enforceable
duties owed by parents on the same basis as those owed by institutional
carers: see Surtees v Kingston-on-Thames Borough Council [1992]
PIQR 101, 121 (Beldam LJ); Barrett v Enfield London Borough Council
[2001] 2 AC 550, 588 (Lord Hutton).
Application to the present case
In my opinion, on the limited facts pleaded or admitted, the respondent
education authority assumed a duty to ensure that the Appellants swimming
lessons were carefully conducted and supervised, by whomever they might get to
perform these functions. The Appellant was entrusted to the school for certain
essential purposes, which included teaching and supervision. The swimming
lessons were an integral part of the schools teaching function. They did not occur
on school premises, but they occurred in school hours in a place where the school
chose to carry out this part of its functions. The teaching and the supervisory
functions of the school, and the control of the child that went with them, were
delegated by the school to Mrs Stopford and through her to Ms Burlinson, and
probably to Ms Maxwell as well, to the extent necessary to enable them to give
swimming lessons. The alleged negligence occurred in the course of the very
functions which the school assumed an obligation to perform and delegated to its
contractors. It must follow that if the latter were negligent in performing those
Page 19

functions and the child was injured as a result, the educational authority is in
breach of duty.
I would accordingly allow the appeal and set aside the judges order striking
out the allegation of a non-delegable duty.

LADY HALE (with whom Lord Clarke, Lord Wilson and Lord Toulson
The common law is a dynamic instrument. It develops and adapts to meet
new situations as they arise. Therein lies its strength. But therein also lies a danger,
the danger of unbridled and unprincipled growth to match what the court perceives
to be the merits of the particular case. So it must proceed with caution,
incrementally by analogy with existing categories, and consistently with some
underlying principle (see Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605). But
the words used by judges in explaining why they are deciding as they do are not be
treated as if they were the words of statute, setting the rules in stone and
precluding further principled development should new situations arise. These
things have been said many times before by wiser judges than me, but are worth
repeating in this case, where we are accepting an invitation to develop the law
beyond the point which it has currently reached in this jurisdiction. It is because
we are doing that, and thus disagreeing with the conclusions reached in the courts
below, that I am adding a few thoughts to the judgment of Lord Sumption, with
which of course I agree.
It is also important, so far as possible, that the distinctions produced by this
process make sense to ordinary people. They should not, as Lord Steyn observed
in White v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1999] 2 AC 455, 495,
produce an imbalance in the law of tort which might perplex the man on the
underground. In that case, their Lordships obviously thought that the public
would be perplexed if the police officers who were present at the Hillsborough
disaster could claim compensation for the psychiatric harm they had suffered as a
result of the negligence of their fellow officers when the spectators who had
suffered the same harm for the same reason could not. In this case we have the
reverse situation, where the public might well be perplexed if one pupil could sue
her school for injuries sustained during a negligently conducted swimming lesson
but another could not.
Consider the cases of three 10-year-old children, Amelia, Belinda and
Clara. Their parents are under a statutory duty to ensure that they receive efficient
full-time education suitable to their age, ability and aptitude, and to any special
Page 20

needs they may have (Education Act 1996, section 7). Amelias parents send her
to a well-known and very expensive independent school. Swimming lessons are
among the services offered and the school contracts with another school which has
its own swimming pool to provide these. Belindas parents send her to a large
school run by a local education authority which employs a large sports staff to
service its schools, including swimming teachers and life-guards. Claras parents
send her to a small state-funded faith school which contracts with an independent
service provider to provide swimming lessons and life-guards for its pupils. All
three children are injured during a swimming lesson as a result (it must be
assumed) of the carelessness either of the swimming teachers or of the life-guards
or of both. Would the man on the underground be perplexed to learn that Amelia
and Belinda can each sue their own school for compensation but Clara cannot?
Of course, there are differences between them which he might think
relevant. Amelias parents are paying for her education, whereas Belindas and
Claras parents are not. In the context of a necessary service, such as education,
this does not seem a compelling distinction. And would he perceive any difference
between Belindas school which employed its own teachers and Claras which did
not? All three girls have at least these features in common: (i) they have to go to
school their parents may be criminally liable if they do not and in extreme cases
they may be taken into care if they refuse to go to school; (ii) when at school they
have to do as the teachers and other staff say, with various sanctions if they do not;
(iii) swimming lessons are part of the curriculum which the school has undertaken
to provide; (iv) neither the children nor their parents have any control or choice
about the precise arrangements made by the school to provide them with
swimming lessons; (v) they are all young people who need care and supervision
(as well as to be taught how to swim) for their own safety.
As lawyers, we know that the three girls fall into three different legal
categories. Amelia (we will assume) has the benefit of a contractual obligation of
the school to secure that care be taken for her safety. Belinda has the benefit of the
rule which makes an employer vicariously liable for the negligence of its
employees. Clara has the benefit of neither and can only succeed if the school has
an obligation to secure that care be taken for her safety.
In many ways, as Christine Beuermann points out in her valuable article
Vicarious liability and conferred authority strict liability (2013) 20 Torts Law
Journal 265, it is unfortunate that the courts have not considered both bases of
liability in previous cases concerning harm suffered by school pupils. They are
conceptually quite different, as Laws LJ made clear in the Court of Appeal at
[2012] EWCA Civ 239; [2013] 3 WLR 853, paras 5 to 7, and Lord Sumption
explains at paras 3 and 4 above. In the one case, the defendant is not liable because
he has breached a duty which he owes personally to the claimant; he is liable
because he has employed someone to go about his business for him and in the
Page 21

course of doing so that person has breached a duty owed to the claimant. In the
other case, the defendant is liable because he has breached a duty which he owes
personally to the claimant, not because he has himself been at fault, but because
his duty was to see that whoever performed the duty he owed to the claimant did
so without fault.
No-one in this case has seriously questioned that if a hospital patient is
injured as a result of a nurses carelessness it matters whether the nurse is
employed by the hospital or by an agency; or if a pupil at school is injured by a
teacher it matters whether the teacher is employed by the school or is selfemployed. Yet these are not employees of the hospital or school, nor can it be said
that their relationship with the school is akin to employment in the sense in
which the relationship of the individual Christian Brothers to their Order was akin
to employment in the case of Various Claimants v Catholic Child Welfare Society
and others [2012] UKSC 56, [2013] 2 AC 1. The reason why the hospital or
school is liable is that the hospital has undertaken to care for the patient, and the
school has undertaken to teach the pupil, and that responsibility is not discharged
simply by choosing apparently competent people to do it. The hospital or school
remains personally responsible to see that care is taken in doing it.
As Lord Sumption has shown, the principle of personal responsibility of
this sort is well-established in our law. The prime example is the responsibility of
an employer to see that his employees are provided with a safe place of work, safe
equipment and a safe system of working. As Lord Brandon of Oakwood put it in
McDermid v Nash Dredging & Reclamation Co Ltd [1987] AC 906, 919:
The essential characteristic of the duty is that, if it is not performed,
it is no defence for the employer to show that he delegated its
performance to a person, whether his servant or not his servant,
whom he reasonably believed to be competent to perform it. Despite
such delegation the employer is liable for the non-performance of the
The duty may originally have been formulated in that way to get round the
problem that, at common law, an employer could not be vicariously liable for
injuries negligently caused by one of his employees to another. But McDermid
shows that it not only survived the abolition of that doctrine by the Law Reform
(Personal Injuries) Act 1948 but also applied where performance of the duty was
delegated to an independent contractor. Also, given that there exists a contract of
employment between employer and employee, the duty might perhaps have been
formulated as an implied term in that contract, rather than in the law of tort. But it
was not.
Page 22

As Lord Sumption has explained, both Lord Greene MR in Gold v Essex
County Council [1942] 2 KB 293, 301, and Denning LJ in Cassidy v Ministry of
Health [1951] 2 KB 343, 362-363, would have applied the same principle to get
round what was then perceived to be another problem with the law of vicarious
liability, that its theoretical foundation was supposed to be the control which the
employer could exercise over the manner in which the employee did his work.
This provides a ready answer to the examples of the agency nurse and the supply
teacher and I agree with Lord Sumption that the time has come to recognise that
Lord Greene and Denning LJ were correct in identifying the underlying principle.
I also agree that the principle will apply in the circumstances set out by
Lord Sumption at paragraph 23, subject of course to the usual provisos that such
judicial statements are not to be treated as if they were statutes and can never be
set in stone.
In my view, those features clearly apply to the delegation of the conduct of
swimming lessons to the swimming teacher, Mrs Burlinson, and (subject to any
factual matters of which we are unaware) to the lifeguard, Ms Maxwell. Taking
care to keep the children safe is an essential part of any swimming lesson and of
the responsibility which the school undertakes towards its pupils. That is what the
life-guard is for. These features clearly would not apply to the negligent ice-cream
vendor or zoo-keeper. They would not normally apply to the bus driver but they
might do so if the school had undertaken to provide transport and placed the pupils
in his charge rather than that of a teacher. The boundaries of what the hospital or
school has undertaken to provide may not always be as clear cut as in this case and
in Gold and Cassidy, but will have to be worked out on a case by case basis as they
I also agree with Lord Sumption that recognising the existence of a nondelegable duty in the circumstances described above would not cast an
unreasonable burden upon the service-providers for all the reasons he gives. It is
particularly worth remembering that for the most part public authorities would
have been vicariously liable to claimants who were harmed in this way until the
advent of outsourcing of essential aspects of their functions.
As Lord Sumption also explains, it is not particularly helpful to plead that
the school is in loco parentis. The school clearly does owe its pupils at least the
duty of care which a reasonable parent owes to her children. But it may owe them
more than that. Children rarely sue their parents for the harm that they suffer at
their parents hands save where that harm is covered by an insurance policy. But
that is not because the parents do not owe them a duty of care. Rather it is because
any damages recovered will normally reduce the resources available to cater for
the needs of the child and her family. The courts are also anxious not to impose an
Page 23

impossibly high standard of care in an ordinary domestic setting, as was common

ground between the judges in Surtees v Kingston-upon-Thames Borough Council
[1992] PIQR 101 (although speaking for myself, I share the dissenting view of
Beldam LJ that the judges factual findings were incomprehensible and the foster
parents had not discharged the burden of showing that the severe scalding suffered
by their two year old foster child had occurred without negligence on their part).
But neither of those factors applies to institutional carers including schools. As
Lord Hutton explained in Barrett v Enfield London Borough Council [2001] 2 AC
550, 588, when considering the liability of a local authority for the exercise of its
parental responsibility towards a child in its care:
I consider that the comparison between a parent and a local
authority is not an apt one in the present case because the local
authority has to make decisions of a nature which a parent with
whom a child is living in a normal family relationship does not have
to make, . . . Moreover a local authority employs trained staff to
make decisions and to advise it in respect of the future of a child in
its care, and if it can be shown that decisions taken in respect of the
child constitute, in the circumstances, a failure to take reasonable
care, I do not think that the local authority should be held to be free
from liability on the ground that it is in the position of a parent to the
Both of those features apply as much to a school as to a local authority having
parental responsibility for a child and constitute reasons for imposing upon it a
responsibility which the law would not impose upon a parent.
Finally, it is of interest to consider the objections raised by Professor
Glanville Williams in his famous article Liability for Independent Contractors
[1956] CLJ 180. I agree with Lord Sumption that it was unfair to criticise the
concept of the non-delegable duty on the ground that it was not adequately
explained. It has been. But his main criticism was one of policy that liability
should rest solely with the person at fault. In his view The argument from poverty
hardly applies to contractors, who are often far wealthier than their employers
(195) and it may be questioned whether the social evil of the occasional insolvent
tortfeasant contractor is of sufficient gravity to justify the somewhat complicated
rules and the imposition of vicarious liability (198). Such arguments scarcely
apply in todays world where large organisations may well outsource their
responsibilities to much poorer and un- or under-insured contractors. Nor can it be
an objection that there may be more than one tortfeasor to hold liable. That, after
all, is the situation in vicarious liability, as Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage
Co Ltd [1957] AC 555 made clear.

Page 24

Thus, for all those reasons, in agreement with Lord Sumption, I would
allow this appeal and set aside the judges order striking out the allegation of a
non-delegable duty.

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