Review Paper - Khushboo

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Saloni Patel 1, Prabodh Khamparia 2

(PG Student Electrical Engineering Dept., SSSITS, Sehore,

([email protected])

(Assoc. Professor Electrical Engineering Dept., SSSITS, Sehore,

([email protected])

Approximately 75% of energy consumption in petrochemical and refining
industries is used by furnaces and heaters. Ambient air conditions (pressure, temperature
and relative humidity) and operational conditions such as combustion air preheating and
using excess air for combustion, can affect the furnace efficiency. If the furnaces are
operated at optimized conditions, the huge amounts of savings in energy consumptions
would be achieved. By modeling and optimizing of a furnace the optimal operation
conditions can be obtained. The aim of this paper is providing a mathematical model which
is able to calculate furnace efficiency with change in operating and combustion air
In our project we deal with a simple but realistic optimization problem. We have to
nd the optimal temperature of an industrial furnace in which are made resin pieces, such
as car bumpers. The heating system is based on electric resistances, and the rst part of this
study is to compute the temperature eld inside the oven when the values of the resistances
are known. This work is called the direct problem: the resistances values are known and
the temperature eld is unknown. It is important here to emphasize that the mechanical
properties of the bumper depend on the temperature during the cooking; so the second
part of the study is devoted to computing the resistances values in order to maintain the
bumper temperature at the good value. This optimization problem is called an inverse
problem: the temperature is an input and the resistances values are outputs. The
computation of the temperature eld is performed with the nite element method.

Keywords: Finite element method , resistance temperature detection , coarse analysis ,

mesh analysis , thermal engineering.
Heat transfer is involved in almost every kind of physical process, and in fact it can be
the limiting factor for many processes. Lately, the modeling of heat transfer effects
inside industrial furnaces has started drawing attention of many more investigators as a result of
the demand for energy conservation through efficiency improvement and for lower
pollutant emissions. It also has become ever more important in the design of the products itself in
many areas such as the electronics, automotive, machinery and equipment manufacturing
industries. Both experimental work and numerical analysis through mathematical models has
proven to be effective in accelerating the understanding of complex problems as well as
helping decrease the development costs for new processes. In the past, only large
companies could afford the cost of sophisticated heat transfer modeling tools, therefore
the savings in large production runs justified the costs in specialized engineers and computer
software. Nowadays, modeling has become an essential element of research and development for
many industrial, and realistic models of complex three dimensional structure of the furnace
are feasible on a personal computer.
A heat treatment furnace is a manufacturing process to control the mechanical and
physical properties of metallic components. It involves furnace control, turbulent flow,
conduction within the load, convection and thermal radiation simultaneously. The thermal
history of each part and the temperature distribution in the whole load are critical for the final
microstructure and the mechanical properties of workpieces and can directly determined
the final quality of parts in terms of hardness, toughness and resistance. To achieve
higher treatment efficiency, the major influencing factors such as the design of the
furnace, the location of the work pieces, thermal schedule and position of the burners should be
understood thoroughly.
The damage to the global environment and the prospective depletion of essential
resources caused by growing human activity constitute a dual challenge that calls for
coordinated measures by multilateral organizations such as ADEME, French Environment

and Energy Management Agency. This is an industrial and commercial public agency, under the
joint supervision of French Ministries for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Spatial
Planning (MEDAD) and for Higher Education and Research with a mission to encourage,
supervises, coordinate, facilitate and undertake operations aiming in protecting the
environment and managing energy.
Since simulation of the heating up process of work pieces in heat treatment furnaces is of
great importance for the prediction and control of the ultimate microstructure of the work
pieces but specially the reduction of both energy consumption and pollutant emissions,
this agency supports our research program and encourages all players and partners in this
project to save energy, particularly sectors that consume high quantities of energy on
daily basis. Heat transfer is involved in almost every kind of physical process, and in fact it can
be the limiting factor for many processes. Lately, the modeling of heat transfer effects
inside industrial furnaces has started drawing attention of many more investigators as a result of
the demand for energy conservation through efficiency improvement and for lower
pollutant emissions. It also has become ever more important in the design of the products itself in
many areas such as the electronics, automotive, machinery and equipment manufacturing
industries. Both experimental work and numerical analysis through mathematical models has
proven to be effective in accelerating the understanding of complex problems as well as
helping decrease the development costs for new processes. In the past, only large
companies could afford the cost of sophisticated heat transfer modeling tools, therefore
the savings in large production runs justified the costs in specialized engineers and computer
software. Nowadays, modeling has become an essential element of research and development for
many industrial, and realistic models of complex three dimensional structure of the furnace
are feasible on a personal computer.


As mentioned previously, the major factor to be considered in the working of a

furnace is the heat transfer by all the modes, which occur simultaneously. To either
study a new furnace or to optimize the heating process in existing ones, the heat transfer

in the furnace has to be modeled in the same way of a real situation as closely as possible. Given
the geometry of the furnace, different boundary conditions along the furnace length, gas
composition and properties and other complexities, an analytical solution in not feasible and
computational modeling has to be resorted to. Over the last 20 years, the CFD (Computational
Fluid Dynamics) has gained its reputation of being an efficient tool in identifying and solving
such problems. Modeling the heating process involves solving coupled heat transfer
equations. The tools used in this thesis are the Finite Element Method (FEM) and
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This method is shown as an attractive way to solve the
turbulent flow and heat transfer in the furnace chamber and it can be applied for a variety of
furnace geometry and boundary conditions.
The entire heat transfer process is a transient one, and iterations are necessary. The main
process is detailed in the following flowchart:

Figure 1. General flowchart for a heat treatment process


In solving problem (11.11), the very first step is the mesh construction. Numerous packages are
devoted to this work, and 2D meshes are easily created. See, for example the mesh displayed in
Fig. 11.2(a) obtained with the INRIA code emc2. 1 There are altogether 304 triangles and 173
vertices. Another mesh, displayed in Fig. 11.2(b), was computed by the MATLAB toolbox
PDE-tool, with 1392 triangles and 732 vertices.
The mesh description, as provided by the code emc2, is summarized in the
following list
1. Nbpt, Nbtri (two integers): number of vertices (points), number of triangles

Fig. 2 Mesh of the domain (a)Coarse (b) Fine

2. List of all vertices: for Ns=1,Nbpt
Ns, Coorpt[Ns,1], Coorpt[Ns,2] ,Refpt[Ns] (one integer, two reals, one integer): vertex number,
coordinates, and boundary reference;
3. List of all triangles: for Nt=1,Nbtri,
Nt, Numtri[Nt,1:3], Reftri[N] (five integers): triangle number, three vertex numbers, and
medium reference (air or resin).
4. Modify the linear system in order to take the boundary conditions into account. 2

5. Solve the resulting linear system.

6. Visualize the results, plot the isotherm curves.
Hint: Use the following algorithm to assemble A and b:
for K=1:Nbtri
(a) read data for triangle K
XY = coordinates of triangle K vertices
NUM = triangle K vertices numbers
(b) Compute element matrix AK(3,3) and right-hand side bK(3)
(c) Build global matrix A(Nbpt,Nbpt)
for i=1:3
for j=1:3

Fig. 3 Temperature Field (a) Without Resistance (b) With Four Resistance
We have first to solve the nwr+1 direct problems in order to compute the temperature
fields T0, T1, . . . , Tnwr. They are obtained by the use of nwr + 1 calls of the program written to
solve the direct problem. Each computation corresponds to a distinct value of the data TD, f, and
F (note that the localization of the resistances in the oven is a geometrical datum of great
importance). The corresponding temperature fields are then stored in nwr + 1 distinct arrays.\

Now we solve problem (11.1)(11.2) without any heating term (F = 0), but with a temperature

= 0 and thermal flux f = 0 given on the boundary. The solution of this problem is denoted

by T0, and displayed in Fig. 11.3(a). We can see that the boundary conditions are well respected:
temperature value is T = 100 when y = 1 and T = 50 when y = 1. The heat conductivity
coefficient is set to the value c = 1 within the air and c = 10 within the object (air is a good
insulation medium). The vanishing thermal flux on the other parts of the boundary corresponds
to isotherm lines parallel to the normal vector when x = 1 and x = 1

Fig. 4 Temperature Fields (a) T2 (b) Optimized

Then we solve nwr successive problems (11.1)(11.2) (one problem by resistance). Each case
consists in computing the temperature field when only one resistance is heating the oven. The
boundary conditions are temperature TD = 0 on D and thermal flux f = 0 on N for all cases.
The nv components of array Tk represent the temperature field related to the kth V resistance.
Figure 11.4(a) displays the temperature field associated with a single heating resistance. Note the
tiny values of the temperature. We notice again that the boundary conditions are well satisfied:
the temperature vanishes when y = 1 and y = 1 (Dirichlet condition), and the Neumann
condition (null flux condition) leads to isotherm lines perpendicular to lines x = 1 and x = 1.

Fig. 5 Optimized Temperature Field (a) Coarse (b) Fine

The file THER oven ex1.m contains the procedure THER oven ex1, which realizes the numerical








problem (localization of the resistances, heat conductivity coefficients, boundary temperature

values). It calls the procedure of the file THER oven.m, which computes the corresponding
temperature field. The file THER matrix dir.m contains a procedure that builds the linear system
arising from the heat equation problem. We notice that the right-hand side vanishes outside those
elements that contain a resistance. The procedure of the file THER local.m builds the right-hand
side for given resistances coordinates. The procedure contained in file THER elim.m takes the
boundary conditions into account.
The file THER oven ex2.m contains the procedure THER oven ex2, which computes the
resistances values corresponding to the optimal temperature field. It calls the procedure of the
file THER matrix inv.m computing matrix and right-hand side of the optimization problem.
Remark 11.4. We also provide an interactive version of the solution of this project, allowing one
to realize numerous numerical experiments by changing data through a graphical user interface.
To launch the interface, just run the script Main from the subdirectory interactive

Finite element method is the most widely used method for optimization problems. As seen from
the works of [1] that optimization could also lead to efficiency of the overall setup , an effort has
been made by us in this research work to implement the concepts of FEM to a resistance and
temperature problem of industrial furnace which is the heart of almost any industry . Also the
above said method helped us learning the basics of Matlab and would increase our skill set.

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