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1. She stole the money ______ her brother needs to pay his school fees.
2. ______ we were in New Zealand, we visited many orchards.
3. ______ I am on leave tomorrow, there will be no English lesson.
4. He came home dripping wet ______ it was raining heavily at school.
5. ______ I was passing his house, I heard a loud scream.
6. ______ the teacher was busy writing on the board, the students at the back of
the class were talking rather loudly.

7. The bus stopped __________ the man got off.

8. We stayed at home __________ watched a film.

I wanted to buy a newspaper __________ didn't have enough money.

10 I have a lot of homework to do now __________ I can't go to the cinema

. with you.
11. He's very rich __________ he doesn't spend a lot of money.

Do you want tea __________ coffee?

13. Is the Empire State Building in New York __________ London?


Is it a new house __________ an old house?

15 I enjoy visiting many different countries __________ I wouldn't want to

. live anywhere else but Lisbon.

We can go by bus __________ we can walk.

I can't remember his name __________ I know his face from somewhere.

18 I will study my spelling words __________ I can get a good score on the
. test.

Narrator: Once upon a time a wise man decided to make a trip on

a ship. One day he was watching the sunset when an arrogant
young boy approached him.
Young Boy: Nice sight.
Wise Man: Indeed it is.

Young Boy: Have you traveled a lot?

Wiseman: Yes, I have.
Young Boy: Have you been to Damascus?
Wise Man: Oh, yes I have. What a wonderful city it is! And the
stars!Oh! those beautiful shining starsyou can almost touch
Young Boy: Everything is fine, but did you study astronomy?
Wise Man: No.
Young Boy: I cant believe you havent studied astronomy! You
have lost half of your life! And have you been to Alexandria?
Wise Man: Oh yes, Alexandria is the most beautiful city I have
ever seen, with its amazing architecture! The harbor is
magnificent and the lighthouse which was identified as one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!
Young boy: I see that you have been to Alexandria, but did you
study at Alexandria Library?
Wise Man: No.
Young Boy: But how is that possible! You have lost half of your
Narrator: Then the wiseman saw that sea water was entering the
ship through a hole.
Wise Man: You have studied in many places, right?
Young Boy: Oh yes! I studied my masters degree in Paris. Then I
traveled all around the world! I have visited and studied at every
mayor library there is in Europe. I even gave a conference at
Harvard University. I speak four languages
Wise Man: And, did you learn how to swim in one of those great
Young Boy: Well, let me see I took Geometry, Bussiness
Administration, Psychology, Physics, mmmmm, what else. Oh
yes! Economics, Genetics, Robotics but no, I didn`t learn how
to swim.

Narrator: Then the wiseman pulled up his pants and his sleeves,
and got ready to jump off board, and said.
Wise Man: Well, you have lost your whole life.
The End

NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a rich merchant who was
about to take a long trip, but before leaving, he talked to one of
his best friends.

FRIEND: What a nice surprise!. Come, and sit down. You look
worried. Whats wong?.

MERCHANT: Oh, my good friend!. Today I received a letter from

my nephew. My sister is sick, and I have to go and see her.
FRIEND: I am sorry to hear that.
MERCHANT: I will be gone for a few months, and I want to ask
you for a favor.
FRIEND: Sure, what do you need?.
MERCHANT: Would you take care of my gold bars while I am
away?. You are my best friend, and you are the only one I can
FRIEND: You know you can count on me.
MERCHANT: I know they will be in good hands.
FRIEND: Dont worry. Ill put them in a safe place. And I hope
your sister gets well soon.
MERCHANT: I hope so, too. As soon as I come back from my trip,
Ill come to see you to get my gold bars.
FRIEND: Of course. Where do you have them?.

MERCHANT: Here, take the bag.

FRIEND: It sure is heavy!.
MERCHANT: I know, and Im sorry to put you in this situation.
FRIEND: Thats what friends are for!.
MERCHANT: Thank you. I have to go.
FRIEND: Have a nice trip. And the only thing in your mind right
now, should be your sister.
MERCHANT: I know, and I appreciate your support. Good-bye.
FRIEND: Good bye, my friend.
NARRATOR: After a few months the merchant came back and the
first thing he did, was to go and see his friend to get back his
gold bars.
FRIEND: Oh, your back!. Hows your sister?.
MERCHANT: Shes fine now.
FRIEND: I am glad to hear that, and I am also happy that youre
MERCHANT: Everything is fine now.
FRIEND: I have terrible news!. Its about your gold bars!.
MERCHANT: What is it?.
FRIEND: As soon as you left, I placed the bag you gave me inside
a wood chest under seven locks, but I didnt know that I had rats
in my house!. Can you imagine what happened?.
MERCHANT: No, I cant.
FRIEND: The rats gnawed the wood chest and ate the gold
bars!. You know they have voracious appetites and will eat
almost anything!.
MERCHANT: Oh, this is terrible!. I am completely ruined!.

FRIEND: I feel so sorry. Itt all my fault.

MERCHANT: Dont feel guilty, its all because of them!.
FRIEND: Thank you for being so understanding.
MERCHANT: Forget about it.
have dinner.

Come to my house tomorrow to

FRIEND: Ill be there.

MERCHANT: See you then. Good-bye.
NARRATOR: The merchant left. But before leaving his friends
house, he went to the stable, and without being seen, he took the
best horse he found there. When he arrived home, he hid the
animal where nobody could see him. Next day when his friend
arrived for dinner he said.
MERCHANT: You dont look good!. Is there something wrong?.
FRIEND: Yes, I just suffered a terrible lost!. My best horse just
MERCHANT: Really?. But, how could that happen to you?.
FRIEND: I looked for it everywhere, and I havent been able to
find it. I even went to the woods, but it seems like earth gobbled
it up!.
MERCHANT: Is it possible?. Maybe an owl took him!.
FRIEND: What are you saying?.
MERCHANT: Well, last night I was looking up to the sky and I a
saw an owl, and he was carrying a beautiful horse on his feet.
FRIEND: Thats nonsense!. How can an owl carry an animal that
weights hundreds of pounds?.
MERCHANT: Everything is possible. We live in a town where rats
eat gold. Why are you surprised to find out that owls can steal

FRIEND: Oh, you are right, my good friend, I feel so bad. Please
forgive me!. I lied to you. I will give you back your gold.
MERCHANT: And I will give you back your horse.
Friend: I fell into my own trap.
(seven year old daughter is on the floor trying to wrap a gift box
with a roll of golden wrapping paper. Her father is in the sofa
reading the newspaper. He looks at her and gets angry).
Father: Sofia! What do you think youre doing!
Sofia: Im wrapping a gift for.
(Her father interrupts her. He stands up, leaves the newspaper
on the sofa, and approaches Sofia)
Father: Give me that! This wrapping paper is very expensive! You
know that we dont have enough money, and youre wasting it!
Sofia: But dad, I need to finish wrapping this gift I want to put it
under the Christmas Tree.
Father: Christmas Tree? You want to put that box under the
Christmas Tree? Let me see it!
Sofia: No, dad, please!
Father: I knew it! Where did you get the money to buy a gift?
Sofia: I dont have any money Im sorry, dad.
Father: Sorry is not enough go to your room now!
Sofia: But dad(Sofia cries)
Father: Ill see you in the morning.
Sofia: Good night, dad.

Father: And dont forget your box!

(Sofia takes the box and goes to her room. Her father picks up
the roll of wrapping paper and puts it inside the closet. He turns
off the light and goes to his room).
Act II
(Sofias father is in the kitchen fixing breakfast. Sofia enters and
kisses her father).
Sofia: This is for you, dad. Open it.
Father: For me?
(He opens the box and sees that its empty. He gets angry)
Father: What kind of joke is this?
Sofia: Oh, no, dad its not a joke.
Father: When you give a gift to someone, youre supposed to put
something inside!
(Sofia cries)
Sofia: Oh, dad, its not empty.
Father: No? Then I must be blind!
Sofia: I blew kisses inside the box. They are all for you, dad!
(He hugs Sofia)
Father: OhPlease, forgive me!
(He cries)
Sofia: Dont cry, dad.
Father: Ill keep this box forever and when I feel lonely, Ill take
a kiss from the box
Sofia: And you will remember how much I love you!
The End

Circle each letter that should be capitalized.

1. the newsman asked president bush about iraq.
2. although he arrived late, detective monk was very careful in his
investigation of the crime scene.
3. sebastian's veterinarian is dr. lenzo.
4. we saw officer johnson arresting a man for burglary.
5. mrs. beck grows dandelions in her flower garden.
6. makayla wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.
7. Dan doesn't like working during the summer nor does he like going to
school for the rest of the year.
8. Betty likes to eat pizza but she likes spaghetti better.
9. Jack arrived at school late but he did not get in trouble.

Write the contraction for the underlined words.

"He is not very nice to other people," she said sadly.

He had not eaten for over 12 hours and was faint from
Has not your mother ever taught you that it's not nice to
talk mean about other people?

Rewrite each sentence. Add punctuation marks where they

13. I like going to the zoo declared Shelby but I like going to the museums
14. Did everyone study last night for the History test? Mrs. Greer asked
the class.

Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

15. Alyssa set the table prepared the dinner and served her parents.
16. The president promised to lower taxes stop illegal drugs and reduce
17. We walked past the store between the houses and toward our house.

Circle each letter that should be capitalized.

18. dustin and austin, our cherokee cousins, live in north carolina.
19. where does ethan's uncle live?
20. sarah has 18 first cousins and 12 second cousins.
21. i told mom that i would be late for dinner tonight.
22. we played with the kittens in uncle eddie's barn.
23. my grandmother morlong makes good cakes.
Rewrite each sentence. Add punctuation marks where they
24. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, Life is short, but there is always time
for courtesy.
25. Mom proclaimed, I will be leaving in five minutes, so if anyone wants
to go with me, you need to put on your shoes.

Add apostrophes where needed.

26. Carl said that were like his second parents because weve always been
there to help him.
27. "He isnt very nice to other people," she said sadly.
28. "We didnt do it," the twins said in unison.
Rewrite each sentence. Add the correct punctuation to show joint
29. Daniel and Camerons ride to school each day is long and boring.
30. Lauren and Sarahs vacation was very exciting.

Rewrite each sentence. Use punctuation marks and capital letters

where they belong.
31. where are my new basketball shoes? brian asked his mother.
32. what time did you get up this morning? makayla's mom asked.

Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

33. Because he had missed so many days of classes Matthew had to go to
summer school.
34. To be the best violinist in the orchestra she practices for many hours
each day.

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.


John said, I am very busy now.

He said, The horse has been fed.
I know her name and address, said John.
German is easy to learn, she said.
He said, I am writing letters.
It is too late to go out, Alice said.
He said to me, I dont believe you.
He says, I am glad to be here this evening.
He said to me, What are you doing?


Where is the post office? asked the stranger.

He said, Will you listen to me?
John said to Peter, Go away.
She said to me, Please wait here till I return.
Call the witness, said the judge.
The speaker said, Be quiet and listen to my words.

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