Bulletin Infusion System 2003
Bulletin Infusion System 2003
Bulletin Infusion System 2003
MDA DB2003(02)
March 2003
We would like to thank the many organisations and individuals who gave their valuable
time in contributions to this revised document, including:
Teresa Dunn Bath Institute of Medical Engineering
Mark Roberts and Beth Louden NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency
Mona Habib and Stephen Young Charing Cross Hospital, London
Justin McCarthy and Steve Keay University Hospital Wales
Chris Quinn Freeman Hospital, Newcastle
BSI CH115 Infusion Pump Standard Committee
National Patient Safety Agency
Health and Safety Executive
Scottish Healthcare Supplies
Health Estates DHSSPS, Northern Ireland
National Assembly for Wales
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
The Medical Devices Agency (MDA) and the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) will merge
to form the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in April 2003.
The Medical Devices Agency helps safeguard public health by working with users, manufacturers and
lawmakers to ensure that medical devices meet appropriate standards of safety, quality and
performance and that they comply with the relevant Directives of the European Union.
Our primary responsibility is to ensure that medical devices achieve their fullest potential to help
healthcare professionals give patients and other users the high standard of care they have a right to
The Medical Devices Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department of Health
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..............................................................................................5
Aim ............................................................................................................................5
Scope ........................................................................................................................5
What is an infusion system? ......................................................................................6
What are the problems? ............................................................................................6
1 ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................9
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................9
1.2 Management recommendations...........................................................................9
1.2.1 Establish a clearly defined structure ............................................................9
1.2.2 Appoint a medical device co-ordinator .........................................................9
1.2.3 Medical device co-ordinator responsibilities...............................................10
1.2.4 Reporting adverse incidents ......................................................................11
1.2.5 Adequate staff numbers and skill levels.....................................................11
1.2.6 Regular systems audit ...............................................................................11
2 PROCUREMENT .....................................................................................................11
2.1 General guidelines .............................................................................................11
2.2 PASA procurement guide ..................................................................................12
2.2.1 Key points from PASA procurement guide.................................................12
2.3 Safety considerations ........................................................................................12
2.4 Rationalising makes and models .......................................................................13
2.5 Other methods of acquisition .............................................................................13
2.5.1 Donated devices........................................................................................13
2.5.2 Borrowing ..................................................................................................14
2.5.3 In-house manufacture................................................................................14
2.5.4 Modification and change of use .................................................................14
2.5.5 Full refurbishment......................................................................................14
2.5.6 Cannibalising.............................................................................................15
3 TRAINING................................................................................................................15
3.1 Why is training needed? ....................................................................................15
3.2 Who requires training and when is training needed?..........................................16
3.3 Organisation of training......................................................................................16
3.3.1 Training policy ...........................................................................................16
3.3.2 Training programmes ................................................................................17
3.3.3 Resources for training ...............................................................................18
3.3.4 Record keeping and assessment...............................................................19
3.4 Content of training..............................................................................................19
3.4.1 Training for hospital staff ...........................................................................19
3.4.2 Training for patients and carers .................................................................20
3.4.3 Healthcare professionals working in primary care and the community .......21
3.5 Discharge or transfer of patients ........................................................................21
3.6 Maintenance and repair .....................................................................................22
4 OPERATIONAL DOCUMENTATION.......................................................................24
4.1 Drug selection and dose calculation ..................................................................24
4.2 Prescription of drugs..........................................................................................24
4.3 Preparation of the drug in solution .....................................................................25
4.4 Administration....................................................................................................25
List of tables
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4a:
Table 4b:
Table 5
Table 6
This publication replaces MDA DB9503 Infusion Systems, and MDA
DB9703 Selection and Use of Infusion Devices for Ambulatory
Applications and complements the Scottish Executive Health
Department publication The Management of Infusion Systems. It
takes into account changes in devices and practices, as well as
information gained from the investigation of adverse incidents and
current trends in the use of infusion systems, since the earlier
The purpose of this bulletin is to make recommendations on the
introduction of national operational and training standards, and
provide general guidelines for the purchase, management and use of
infusion systems used in healthcare organisations and the
The use of powered infusion devices has grown enormously in the
last 20 years. The Medical Devices Agency (MDA) receives many
reports of incidents involving infusion pumps. These incidents are of
concern as many result in patient harm or death, primarily from overinfusions.
This document addresses problems in the use and selection of
infusion systems and the training of users. The bulletin is designed to
raise awareness of the nature of infusion systems, their advantages
and risks, management and training issues, with a view to reducing
the number of adverse incidents that arise from their use.
The advice is intended particularly for:
clinical managers;
hospital and community users of infusion devices;
medical engineering staff;
those in charge of procurement.
This document deals primarily with infusion pumps and infusion
devices for fixed and ambulatory applications. Gravity controllers are
addressed in less detail. The document does not cover implantable
infusion devices.
What is an infusion system?
An infusion system is the process by which an infusion device and
any associated disposables are used to deliver fluids or drugs in
solution to the patient by the intravenous, subcutaneous, epidural,
parenteral or enteral route. The process comprises:
Figure 1
cause not established
user error
Table 1
Category of incident
Examples of incidents
Storage / packaging
Damaged gearbox.
Damage to syringe size sensor.
Incorrect instructions.
User errors
1.1 Introduction
This section outlines recommendations for the management of
infusion systems.
A management system is essential to ensure resources are used
efficiently and effectively. This helps a trust meet the goal of patient
care and safety.
The Department of Healths Controls Assurance Standard for Medical
Devices Management highlights the importance of establishing a
system that minimises the risks associated with procuring and using
medical devices. The organisational responsibilities involved in
managing medical devices are outlined in the Standard and in the
MDAs device bulletin DB 9801.
Since various groups of healthcare professionals (at different levels in
an organisation) use infusion systems, the responsibilities of each
group must be clearly defined. Distinct lines of accountability must
exist, ensuring that every member of staff using infusion systems fully
understands who is responsible for what, and to whom, within the
management system.
General guidelines
All units responsible for buying infusion devices must have an agreed
and documented procurement policy. Clear specifications and
requirements should be prepared, based on the therapy categories in
Appendix 1.
Decisions on which infusion pumps should be purchased for each
individual unit should be made in close consultation with the medical
device co-ordinator and those responsible for their clinical use. In the
primary care setting, the medical device co-ordinator may also wish to
seek advice on procurement from a local broad-based medical device
group or other appropriate colleagues.
Advice given by the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (PASA) and
the guidance in the MDA publication DB 9801 and MDA evaluation
reports should be taken into account (see Appendix 2, table 6).
market information;
EU guidance;
procurement process information.
See Appendix 2, table 6 for some key criteria for model selection.
2.5.2 Borrowing
Hospitals often lend each other infusion devices. Manufacturers may
also lend products for evaluation or as an incentive to purchase.
In both cases it is important to clearly establish where
responsibility lies for a borrowed device.
Borrowed devices must go through the same acceptance test
procedure as newly purchased pumps.
2.5.3 In-house manufacture
Many larger electrical and bio-medical engineering (EBME)
departments design and construct their own devices. These in-house
manufactured devices and devices custom-made for individual
patients must comply with the Medical Devices Regulations at the
design, manufacture and clinical evaluation stages.
See MDA Directive Bulletin 18.
2.5.4 Modification and change of use
Infusion systems should not be modified, nor used for purposes
not intended by the manufacturer.
When a device has been modified, the trust or hospital is considered
as the manufacturer under the Medical Devices Regulations, and
accordingly takes on the manufacturers responsibilities. There may
be safety implications and, if an adverse incident occurs, the original
manufacturers liability is limited and the organisation could be
exposed to legal action.
2.5.5 Full refurbishment
If an infusion device is fully refurbished, the Medical Devices
Regulations require a new CE marking to be affixed. This process is
usually carried out by the manufacturer, or following the
manufacturers recommendations. The infusion device will then be
put into use again as good as new.
Any establishment, including third party organisations, which carries
out full refurbishments must comply with the Medical Devices
Regulations. The MDA view is that these Regulations do not apply if
the refurbisher is a healthcare organisation that already owns the
device and intends to use it only for its own patients.
2.5.6 Cannibalising
Cannibalising means replacing parts that have failed in service with
those taken from other broken infusion devices. Cannibalising is not
recommended because:
This section provides general guidelines for operational and training
standards required in the use of infusion systems
Training programmes
included in staff induction programmes;
form part of continuous professional development;
designed to include assessment of practical competence in
specific devices;
reviewed to reflect changes in equipment or software;
evaluated and updated as necessary.
Refresher training
Initial practical training must be supported by written instructions and
reinforced by refresher courses. Refresher training is needed to:
Assessing competence
An individuals competence to perform the required tasks should be
checked and verified. Certification and assessment by local training
procedures is an appropriate means of ascertaining whether
individuals have undergone current and relevant training and
achieved appropriate levels of competence.
Content of training
Example 3
Example 4
A pump indicated 'misload' whilst a nurse was loading the set for a
synotocin infusion. The nurse went for assistance without closing the sets
roller clamp. The drug free-flowed into the pregnant patient and, as a
result, the baby had to be delivered by emergency caesarean section.
Users must take particular care to close the roller clamp before going for
Table 2
Before use
A problem occurs
Stop the infusion. Make sure that all clamps on the giving sets are
Seek technical advice.
Record problems and action taken.
If necessary, withdraw the device from service.
At specified intervals
Check that the observed flow rate corresponds to the rate displayed on
the infusion pump.
Inspect infusion site.
Note results.
If tests fail, withdraw the device from service.
After use
Safely dispose of single-use devices and other accessories that cannot
be reused.
Include all the leads and accessories needed to operate the device.
Enclose a full account of any problems and faults.
Fill in decontamination form.
First take steps necessary for the well being of the patient and/or staff,
Do not alter settings or remove administration sets.
Leave any fluids in the infusion system.
Note details of all medical equipment attached to the patient.
Note details of device: type, make, model and serial number.
Retain packaging for details of consumables.
Note setting of controls and limits of alarms.
Note the content volume remaining in the set or syringe.
If relevant, record the contents of computer memory logs of the
infusion pump. Seek the assistance of the Electrical Biomedical
engineering (EBME) department if necessary.
If possible, contact the MDA before moving or dismantling the
Users must maintain careful documentation regarding all operational
aspects of infusion systems. This applies whether the infusion is
administered in a hospital or primary care setting.
4.4 Administration
The following details should be recorded:
At start of infusion:
On each check:
time (24 hour clock) actual time not a tick in a box;
volume remaining;
total volume infused;
infusion rate setting;
name of person carrying out the check.
time (24 hour clock);
rate setting;
name(s) of person(s) setting and checking rates;
indication for alteration;
appropriate notification if completion/replacement time altered.
Discharge or transfer
A discharge care plan is required for all patients who are discharged
from hospital to continuing care in the community. This should be
prepared in advance by hospital staff, together with the community
staff and GP.
If a patient is still undergoing treatment involving an infusion device,
the discharge care plan must detail all aspects of the therapy. This
should be given to the patient and carer, and to anyone else involved
in managing the patient.
Similar information must be given to hospital staff when patients are
transferred between units, whether within the hospital or from the
community or a hospice.
Discharge plan
The written discharge plan should include:
Example 5
the syringe is loaded correctly and the plunger and barrel are
correctly secured;
the syringe and administration line are intact and correctly
There is minimal risk of air entrainment into the system when using a
syringe pump.
It is essential that all pumps are configured correctly for their required
application. Configuring means selecting the appropriate mode for the
intended application. This is especially important since new
generation pumps have a variety of features, which allow them to be
used in more than one therapy category or application. (See
Appendix 1)
User-adjustable facilities
Blood sets and solution sets are not usually interchangeable. Always
use the sets recommended by the manufacturer.
Hazards of using incorrect sets
The use of blood sets or solution sets with the incorrect pump has led
to the following hazards:
over/under infusion (inaccurate delivery);
malfunction of alarms.
Ambulatory pumps
interruption to therapy;
a potential sudden injection of an unwanted bolus, on release of
the occlusion.
use the highest flow rate clinically acceptable. This reduces the
time to alarm;
use a smaller syringe size. This reduces both bolus and time to
use better quality syringes. This minimises stiction and normal
variability in driving force;
use a current generation syringe pump with a backoff feature.
The pumping mechanism briefly runs backwards upon occlusion
alarm, thereby reducing the potential bolus.
If the occlusion occurs after the pump has stabilised at its set flow
rate, the alarm time will not be unusually long. The pressure in the
pumping chamber increases from the already high running
pressure up to the alarm level. This occurs relatively quickly.
If the occlusion alarm pressure is configured higher than the standard
test levels, the usual result is slower alarms and larger post-occlusion
The safest system is a pump that allows the user to assess the
baseline infusion pressure early in the infusion. The user can then set
an alarm pressure that exceeds this baseline pressure by a minimum
Pumps with highly configurable pressure alarms are the most
clinically flexible. This may be particularly useful when very lowpressure infusions are required, for instance the very low flow rates
appropriate to neonates. Here the alarm pressure can be configured
to very low values (10-50mmHg) so that alarm is reasonably rapid
even at the lowest flow rates.
6.8 Extravasation
6.8.1 What is extravasation?
Extravasation occurs when fluid that should be delivered
intravenously is inadvertently delivered into a tissue space. It can be
caused by misplaced cannulae. The cannulae migrate and puncture
the vessel wall or thrombosed veins.
a blocked vein;
a misplaced cannula;
a fibrin sheath that develops around a long line, such as a
peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). The sheath prevents
flow from the tip of the cannula into the vascular system, and can
channel it backward between the sheath and the outside surface
of the catheter. This can result in fluid leaking into the tissues
where the cannula is inserted into the vein.
date of receipt;
date placed into service;
location of operating instructions (master copy);
training requirements;
calibration details/records;
maintenance carried out;
official location;
history of damage, malfunction, modification or repair;
procedures for recall;
action taken in response to safety warnings;
software configuration.
See Table 3.
Table 3
Clinical supervisor
Division of responsibility
9.4 Breakdowns
In the case of breakdowns, the pump should be replaced with an
equivalent device or rapidly repaired. Planning is required to ensure
that suitable replacement devices are available and that maintenance
contracts specify acceptable response times.
If an infusion pump has been accidentally damaged, perhaps dropped
or subject to fluid spillage, it must be withdrawn from service
immediately. The usual service department EBME, manufacturer or
supplier should be contacted for advice.
Each unit should establish a clear system for notifying damage or
malfunction to any device during use. This can be verbal or written.
The medical device co-ordinator should notify the technical
supervisor, to ensure prompt repair.
Example 7
Informed purchasing decisions estimate how long each pump will last.
This estimate should be held in the servicing record. When the
estimated time of life has elapsed, the pump should be inspected
against the criteria above.
If a pump passes its inspection, a date should be set for re-testing, for
example in a years time. If a pump fails this test, it should be
decommissioned immediately (see DB 9801 Supplement 2).
Trusts are easily able to identify supply needs and replace old, unsafe
and inappropriate devices.
British Standards Institution. Medical electrical equipment - general
requirements for safety. BS EN 60601-1, 1990, with subsequent
British Standards Institution. Medical electrical equipment - particular
requirements for the safety of infusion pumps and controllers. BS EN
60601-2-24:1998, BS 5724-2.124:1998, IEC 60601-2-24:1998
Chen JL and O'Shea M. Extravasation injury associated with lowdose dopamine. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 32(5), 1998, p. 545-548.
Department of Health (Controls Assurance Support Unit). Controls
assurance standards. Available online:
[Last checked 4 February 2003].
Department of Health. For the record: managing records in NHS
trusts and health authorities. Health Service Circular HSC 1999/053,
Great Britain. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. London: HMSO,
Great Britain. The Medical Devices Regulations 2002. SI 2002 No.
618. London: HMSO, 2002. ISBN 0110423178.
Great Britain. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995. SI 1995 No. 3163. London: HMSO,
1995. ISBN 0110537513.
Krauskopf KH, Rauscher J and Brandt L. [Disturbance of continuous,
pump administration of cardiovascular drugs by hydrostatic pressure.]
Der Anaesthesist 45(5), 1996, p. 449-452. [Article in German]
Lonnqvist PA and Lofqvist B. Design flaw can convert commercially
available continuous syringe pumps to intermittent bolus injectors.
Intensive Care Medicine 23(9), 1997, p. 998-1001.
Lonnqvist PA. How continuous are continuous drug infusions?
Intensive Care Medicine 26(6), 2000, p. 660-661.
Phelps SJ and Helms RA. Risk factors affecting infiltration of
peripheral venous lines in infants. Journal of Pediatrics 111(3), 1987,
p. 384-389.
Appendix 1
Therapy description
Patient group
Fluid maintenance
Fluid maintenance
Any except
sensitive except
Any except
Any except
volume sensitive
or neonates
Long-term accuracy
Alarm after occlusion
Small occlusion bolus
Able to detect air embolus (volumetric
pumps only)
Incremental flow rates
Appendix 1
Notes on Table 4a
The half-life of a drug cannot usually be specified precisely, and may vary from patient to patient.
As a rough guide, drugs with half-lives of the order of five minutes or less might be regarded as
short half-life drugs.
Diamorphine is a special case. The injected agent (diamorphine) has a short half-life, whilst the
active agent (the metabolite) has a very long half-life. It is safe to use a device with performance
specifications appropriate to the half-life of the metabolite.
Not all infusions require a pump. Some category C infusions can appropriately be given by gravity.
Appendix 1
Is a drug being
Is the patient a
Category A Therapy
Is the patient
Is the drug
Category B Therapy
Category C Therapy
Appendix 1
Time (minutes)
Time (minutes)
Time (minutes)
Appendix 1
Long-term accuracy
Hour-to-hour variability of flow is particularly important for the more critical applications. For
instance, overall accuracy is important with drugs whose therapeutic margin is narrow. Therapeutic
margin is a property of the particular drug and is the ratio of the toxic dose (TD) to effective dose
(ED). It is seldom less than 2. There is wide variability in the therapeutic margins and half-lives of
some drugs between one individual patient and another.
Short-term accuracy
Minute-to-minute variability of flow becomes very important where drugs with short half-lives are
being administered. The importance derives from the need to prevent undesirable fluctuation of
effect-site concentration of the drug. There is documented evidence that minute-to-minute
variability of flow can cause variation of physiological parameters and consequent difficulties in
management, in both adults and neonates, where the half-life of the drug is short.
Short-term accuracy is expressed by the concept of constancy index. This is the shortest period
during the pumps steady-state operation over which measurement of output consistently falls
within 10% of the mean rate. The data are derived from the flow tests performed over 24 hours at
1ml/h. Flow is recorded at 30 second intervals over the final 18 hour period. And the average rate
compared with flow over each short period.
The principle is that the constancy index of the pump should be less than or equal to the half-life of
the drug used. Syringe pumps have a shorter constancy index than volumetric pumps i.e. a low
constancy index indicates good short-term flow rate accuracy. Battery operated ambulatory pumps
frequently have a constancy index in excess of 31 minutes making these particular devices
unsuitable for use with short half-life drugs.
For the purposes of this bulletin the half-life of a drug is the time taken for the concentration of
that drug to be reduced by 50 % either by metabolism or excretion.
2.2 Time to alarm following occlusion
The occlusion alarm is the response to a build-up of pressure of fluid in the line. Infusion pumps
are positive pressure devices; that is the pumping mechanism will generate a pressure in the
infusion line in order to maintain fluid delivery at the set rate. Under some circumstances the
infusion line or catheter may become totally occluded therefore preventing fluid flow to the patient.
The device will initially continue to pump, but with the line blocked, the fluid remains in the line and
the line pressure increases. At some line pressure limit the pump will stop and alarm (see section
From the onset of a total line occlusion the patient receives no infusion therapy. In some critical
applications involving the use of drugs which have a short half-life and result in an immediate
pharmacological or physiological response (e.g. adrenaline, dopamine, dobutamine, dopexamine,
insulin) the plasma concentrations of drug may drop rapidly following cessation of delivery. In the
case of short half-life vasoactive drugs used to maintain cardiac output it is known that if the
infusion stops then the patients condition can deteriorate rapidly.
2.3 Occlusion bolus following release of occlusion
Occlusion bolus is the volume of fluid stored under pressure in the giving set following occlusion.
The term has been introduced to try and eliminate confusion between desired, deliberately
administered bolus and undesired occlusion bolus. There is a potential risk to the patient when
this occlusion bolus is released after the occlusion is removed.
Appendix 1
2.4 Air embolus detection (applies to volumetric pumps only)
Small volumes of air injected intravenously are considered a hazard by some clinicians. Volumetric
pumps provide either a mechanism for preventing the pumping of air or an air detection system.
2.5 Bolus delivery accuracy
Elective bolus There are circumstances when a bolus is deliberately given. This should be as
accurate as practicable in order to avoid difficulties in patient management.
2.6 Start-up time
This is a newly defined performance parameter. It is the time taken for the flow to become
established in a consistent pattern. This is negligible in volumetric pumps, but generally significant
in syringe pumps.
The new categories of therapy are intended to help users select an appropriate pump for their
application. Hospitals will need to take steps to facilitate effective use of the scheme.
Implementation methods may vary.
a. Training
The greatest possible step towards safe operation of infusion devices is to require that all
staff who use an infusion device have been specifically trained in its use.
b. Standardisation
Reducing the variety and number of different models that each user has to operate is also
known to improve safety. A high degree of standardisation will minimise both training
needs and the risks of user confusion or error. Ideally staff in any one clinical area should
be trained in the use of and have access to only to a very small range of infusion devices
(typically one type of syringe pump and one type of volumetric pump). Hospitals that
operate an equipment store or pump library will have an advantage in implementing such
Appendix 1
c. Configuration
It is safest and therefore strongly recommended that all devices in one clinical area
are configured identically. Confusion and consequent errors can arise if apparently
identical infusion devices behave differently. (A possible exception to this is occlusion
alarm level, which may need to be matched to individual infusions e.g. higher
occlusion alarm level if a very long narrow cannula is being used.)
Configuration should be done centrally by technical staff and not at the bedside (again
with the possible exception of occlusion alarm level).
Appendix 2
EU advertisement issued
Clinically operational
Appendix 2
2.2 Selection criteria
The following factors should be taken into consideration to help select the appropriate infusion
Table 6
Life cycle/replacement
Service support
Maintenance requirements
Appendix 3
Positive pressure
Gravity devices
The hydrostatic pressure on a column of fluid delivers the fluid to the infusion site.
Pressure generated within a gravity system is limited by the height of the fluid container above the
infusion site. The maximum pressure that can be exerted is derived from the equation
Pressure p=gh
Equation 1
where g is the constant acceleration due to gravity, h is the height of the fluid container above the
infusion site and is the density of the fluid.
Positive pressure devices
These devices generate pressure by mechanical means. Force is applied to the fluid to drive it
through the infusion tubing. Examples are a syringe pump, volumetric pump or elastomeric device.
In these devices, flow can be maintained whether the reservoir of fluid is level with or lower than
the infusion site.
Pressure in a tube where flow is occurring can be modelled by the equation:
Pressure drop
Equation 2
Appendix 3
Positive pressure devices have several different means of detecting no flow. Their occlusion
response is characterised in terms of three measurable parameters:
pressure at alarm;
time to alarm;
bolus released when occlusion is resolved.
Appendix 3
pump level
with outflow
Figure 3
Time (minutes)
However, no controlled study has been published that confirms these findings. Furthermore,
reports in the literature seem to contradict this and suggest that no measurable increase in
baseline pressure occurs during infiltrations (Phelps 1990). Additional monitoring of the patient is,
however, a common-sense approach and does not disadvantage the patient
Manufacturers are attempting to design infusion pumps with mechanisms that alert the user to
potential extravasation (Scott 1996). Only one manufacturer is currently marketing a device with
this technology. In its current form, the mechanism for detecting extravasation adversely affects
short-term flow rate variability. Users should decide whether the benefit outweighs the
Appendix 4
gravity controllers;
infusion pumps (pneumatic, mechanical or electrically powered devices).
1 Gravity controllers
1.1 Application
Gravity controllers are most suited to lower risk applications, including fluid replacement therapy, provided
the low delivery pressure is sufficient to sustain the set flow rate.
Appendix 4
Most simple aqueous solutions of electrolytes, lactates or dilute sugars give drop volumes fairly
close to the expected nominal 20 drops/ml. However, the drop volume for total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) mixtures, fat soluble vitamins and solutions containing alcohol will be lower than expected,
increasing the infusion time. With all fluids, the drops/ml value falls and the drop volume rises as
the delivery rate increases.
For the majority of infusions these variations are acceptable. But where the volumetric accuracy
is critical, an infusion pump (volumetric or syringe) must be used.
The link between pressure and extravasation is hypothetical. Not enough is known about the
mechanisms by which extravasation occurs. Further research is therefore needed.
Positive pressure devices can often be configured to alarm at pressures less than that exerted
by the column of fluid in a gravity method of administration. If minimal pressure is required, it is
preferable to use a device with configurable alarm pressure and in-line pressure monitoring,
not a controller.
The use of a gravity controller inevitably reduces the volumetric accuracy with which a fluid can
be administered.
2 Infusion Pumps
These pumps use an active method to overcome resistance to flow by increased delivery pressure.
Volumetric or syringe pumps are the most common. Other methods include elastomeric,
pneumatic, clockwork or spring. Another option is drip rate, although this is not recommended for
use in the UK.
See Appendix 1 for guidance on selecting the correct device for a specific application.
Appendix 4
2.1.2 Features
Volumetric pumps are powered by mains or battery. The rate is selected in millilitres per hour
(ml/h) or micrograms per kilogram per hour (g/kg/hr).
Most volumetric pumps have the following features:
automatic alarm and shut-down: this is triggered if air enters the system, an occlusion is
detected or the reservoir or bag is empty;
pre-set control of the total volume to be infused and digital read-out of volume infused;
automatic switching to keep the vein open (KVO) rate at the end of infusion;
automatic switch to internal battery operation if the mains supply fails. Battery power can also
be used if no mains power is available e.g. during transportation.
Features such as air-in-line detection or a mechanism that cannot pump air and comprehensive
alarm systems make intravenous (IV) infusion much safer.
2.1.3 Types of mechanisms
There are two types of volumetric pumps:
dedicated cassette.
Peristaltic mechanisms
There are two types of peristaltic mechanisms:
linear peristaltic;
rotary peristaltic.
Both mechanisms consist of fingers, cams or rollers that pinch off a section of the set.
In linear peristaltic mechanisms (see Figure 4) fingers or cams are located on a camshaft. As the shaft
rotates, each pinched off section delivers its volume to the patient. These mechanisms are the most
Appendix 4
In rotary peristaltic mechanisms (see Figure 5) rollers are located on a hub which, as it rotates,
delivers the volume in each pinched off section.
The volume delivered varies according to:
Owing to this variance, these mechanisms are usually designed for a particular administration set.
Dedicated cassette
Some dedicated sets or cassettes have a distal and proximal line attached to a collapsible chamber.
The chamber may include valves and flexible membranes that align with pistons or rams in the pump.
Others consist of a rigid pumping chamber complete with a piston and a valve (see Figure 6). It is
inserted into the pump and located over driving shafts that operate the piston and the valve.
2.1.4 Setting correct pressure levels
In common with all pumps, volumetric pumps can develop high pressures. Although the pressure is
lower than in drip rate pumps, careful attention must be paid to this.
The pressure in most volumetric pumps is limited to a pre-set value, which can be configured far
lower than the default. If this level is exceeded, an alarm is set off. The occlusion pressure should
be set as low as possible in order to give early warning of genuine occlusions. The lowest feasible
level will depend on what pressure raisers are present in the line (see Appendix 3).
2.1.5 Correct use of administration sets
Most volumetric infusion pumps are designed for use with a specific type of infusion set. Therefore,
the accuracy of delivery and of the occlusion pressure detection system depends on the set.
Some volumetric pumps use low cost standard infusion sets but it is important to note that the
pump must be configured correctly for the specific set.
Sets that are incorrect, or not recommended, might appear to operate satisfactorily. But the
consequences for performance, particularly accuracy, can be severe. For example,
Appendix 4
Figure 4
Appendix 4
Figure 5
Appendix 4
Figure 6
Appendix 4
Appendix 4
Figure 7
Syringe Pump
Appendix 4
Programming options
PCA pumps can be programmed by clinical staff in different ways. Options include:
loading dose;
continuous infusion (basal rate);
continuous infusion with bolus on demand;
bolus on demand only, with choice of units (ml or g/ml, etc.) and variable lockout time;
drug concentration.
Once programmed, a key or software code is needed to access control of the pump. In some
cases, patients are given limited access in order to change some parameters.
Appendix 4
These facilities are software enabled, for example by programming and smart card, in a pump that
is otherwise suitable for other applications. It is vital that management initiates policies to
ensure that these facilities are disabled before the pumps are used in other applications. If
this cannot be achieved, the pumps should not be used for other applications.
back pressure;
temperature of the flow-limiting element;
temperature and viscosity of the fluid.
Figures for flow rate accuracy given in manufacturers instructions do not take into account
deviation from standard conditions. In some circumstances a significant reduction in the flow rate
may lead users to think that there is a defect in the system, although the remaining volume of fluid
is often significantly higher than expected.
Appendix 4
2.5.3 Electrical and non-electrical ambulatory pumps
Ambulatory pumps can be powered by electricity or by other means.
Pumps not powered by electricity may lack the accuracy and some of the features (such as alarms) of
electrically powered pumps. However, they offer a cost advantage when used for non-critical
Electrically powered ambulatory pumps sometimes use smaller versions of the pumping mechanisms
used in volumetric and syringe pumps. Depending on the pumping mechanism, rates of flow range
between 0.01 and 1000ml/h. The features of different models vary widely. Delivery rates can be set in
mm of syringe travel per hour or day, ml of fluid per hour or day or dose units. Some can also be
programmed for different delivery modes.
2.5.4 Reusable and disposable ambulatory pumps
Reusable pumps consist of a container or syringe that is emptied by gas pressure or a spring that is
compressed when the pump is primed. The gas, usually carbon dioxide, is produced from a chemical
reaction at the start of the infusion. The delivery rate is determined by the rate at which gas is
released, its pressure and/or a capillary line attached to the syringe or container. The container, bag,
syringe and gas cartridges are thrown away when empty. The rest of the device is reused.
Disposable devices include infusers and bolus-only analgesia devices controlled by the patient.
They consist of a calibrated bolus chamber, filled from an elastomeric reservoir or syringe by a
capillary tube. The patient flushes the chamber to receive the bolus.
Appendix 5
Appendix 5 Contacts
Finger on the Button Training
Scitech Educational Ltd
Kent Innovation Centre
Millennium Way
Thanet Reach Business Park
Broad Stairs
CT10 2QQ
Tel 01843 609 299
Fax 01483 609 301
Email [email protected]
Liz Pearson
Senior Buyer
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency
80 Lightfoot Street
Tel 01244 586850
Fax 01244 586760
Email [email protected]
Mark Roberts
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency
80 Lightfoot Street
Tel 01244 586842
Fax 01244 586760
Email [email protected]
John Slater
Buyer, Medical Equipment
Equipping & Technical Branch
Scottish Healthcare Supplies
Trinity Park House
South Trinity Road
Tel: 0131 551 8796
Fax: 0131 559 3927
Email: [email protected]
This Device Bulletin should be brought to the attention of: clinical managers; hospital and community users
of infusion devices; medical device co-ordinators; medical engineering staff; those in charge of
procurement; and liaison officers (for onward distribution).
Enquiries concerning the content of this Device Bulletin should be addressed to:
Samantha Tham
Medical Devices Agency
Hannibal House
Elephant & Castle
Jim Lefever
Medical Devices Agency
Hannibal House
Elephant & Castle
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Our website lists all current Device Bulletins and safety warnings: http://www.medical-devices.gov.uk
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
The Medical Devices Agency (MDA) and the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) will merge to form the
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in April 2003.
Medical Devices Agency
An Executive Agency of the Department of Health
Mar 03 20K
ISBN 1 84182 689 8