Tooth Autotransplantation

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Tooth Autotransplantation:

An Overview and Case Study

It is not uncommon for children or
young adults to have congenitally
missing teeth or early loss of teeth from
trauma or caries. The restorative options
are typically bridges, implants, and
removable appliances. Often overlooked
and misunderstood, another treatment
option exists in autotransplantation,
where a tooth is moved from one site
to another in the same individual.
Autotransplantation is well studied
and has predictable results comparable
to implants, with reported success rates
often greater than 90%. This article
will provide an overview of autotransplantation, its indications, advantages,
complications, and treatment considerations, along with a case of a third
molar autotransplant that will serve to
highlight these points.
Samuel K. Schmidt, D.D.S.,* and
David G. Cleverly, D.D.S.**

When one hears the word
transplant, many think of organs
such as kidney, lung, liver, or heart.
Often those organs save lives, so that
is appropriate. Most people, however,
are unaware that a procedure to
transplant teeth exists as well. Tooth
autotransplantation provides a viable
and predictable treatment option
that has been studied for many
decades. Over the last 20 years,
implants have become such a popular
treatment to replace missing teeth
that autotransplantation has been
overlooked by many dentists. Yet the
goal of any tooth autotransplant is the
same as that of an implant: to replace
a missing or non-restorable tooth,
and to provide increased function
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Figure 1. Moorrees Stages of Root Stage 1 is beginning of root formation,

Stage 2 is formed, Stage 3 is formed, stage 4 is formed, and stages 5-7 are the closing
of the apical foramen. Stages 3 and 4 are ideal for autotransplantation to maintain vitality of
donor tooth.

and, potentially, esthetics. Thus it is

a procedure that both the public and
the profession should think of more
readily when treatment planning.
Autotransplantation of teeth is
surprisingly well studied, and success
rates are routinely found to be 90%
or higher. In a recent study, Sugai et
al followed 114 transplants and found
a one-year success rate of 96%, with
84% at five years.1 Other studies have
shown between 79 and 95% success
rates, with follow-up times as long as
41 years.2,3,4 Another recent study, by
Bae et al, showed that high success
rates (84%) can even be achieved
with closed apex teeth and root canal
treatment.5 It is important to recognize
that transplanting fully formed
teeth requires root canal therapy,
which lowers success rates as well as
negating some of the advantages of
autotransplantation. Transplantation
of a tooth with incompletely formed
roots allows for the advantage of
maintaining vitality. According to
the Moorrees classification system
for stages of root development,6 the
key stages for autotransplantation are
stages 3 and 4 i.e., one-half to threequarter formed (Figure 1). However,
root development is only one of
the significant factors that determine
success. Patient selection is important
since age, health status, dental status

(caries risk), and oral hygiene can

influence success. Surgical technique
is also vital in regard to manipulation
of donor tooth, extraoral time, and
atraumatic extraction,7 particularly if
the donor tooth is impacted.
The most common indication for
an autotransplant is when a molar,
classically a first molar, is lost at an
early age. Often the patient will have
a third molar that could be used well
as a donor tooth due to relative size
and proper root development. Other
indications include congenitally
missing teeth, trauma, or ectopically
positioned teeth. Additionally,
literature reports have shown the
successful use of premolars, frequently
extracted during orthodontic
treatment, to replace anterior teeth
due to aplasia or trauma.8
While an autotransplant is not
always an indicated treatment, when
it is, there are often more traditional
and well known alternative treatments
Continued on next page
*Dr. Schmidt is a 2012 graduate of the
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.
Email is [email protected].
*Dr. Cleverly is a former attending
surgeon at Gundersen Lutheran Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery program,currently
purusing private practice in Lincoln,
Nebraska. Email is [email protected].

Clinical Feature
Continued from previous page




Lack of PDL, often results in

bone loss around implant

PDL, normal proprioception.

Loss of bone is unlikely


More expensive, often $4,000+

Less expensive, variable


Requires osseointegration, lab

time and preparation, often 6
months or longer in treatment

Requires fixation, often functional

within 1-2 weeks. Can require
lenthy orthodontic time in some

Treatment of

Surgical intervention and bone/

soft tissue grafting are often
required to treat complications

Standard dental procedures

such as non-surgical root canal
therapy and orthodontia correct
most of the complications


Varies by case, clinician and lab.

Potential to be excellent but
difficult to achieve natural look.

Natural tooth typically will

provide excellent esthetics.
Prosthetic work necessary for
some cases would negate

Table 1. Comparison of dental implants to autotransplants.9

that are given as treatment options for

patients. These alternatives are usually
a bridge or an implant. Implants are
often the best treatment available, and
in the case of edentulous patients,
older adults, or patients with very
high caries risk, implants are clearly
the better, and sometimes the only,
choice. However, in the relatively
few patients where an autotransplant
is an indicated and
possible treatment,
possesses many
distinct advantages
over implants in
terms of function,
cost, time, esthetics,
and ease with which
complications can be
managed (Table 1).9
It is also a surgical
procedure that
oftentimes can be
done in a simple,
efficient manner.

more smoothly and successfully.

Once planned properly, the first
step in the procedure is removal
of the diseased tooth, if present,
and surgical manipulation of the
recipient site as much as possible.
In cases where no tooth is present,
often due to a congenitally missing
tooth, surgical creation of the socket
can be performed, with success rates
comparable to having
a socket present from
extraction.10 There
have been studies
on the effectiveness
of using a CAD/
replica tooth to
determine the
recipient site
dimension based on
radiographic data,
and have shown
it can shorten the
procedure time as
well as prevent injury
to the periodontal membrane of the
donor tooth.11 The goal should be
to minimize handling and extraoral
time of the donor tooth during the
Once the recipient site is
prepared adequately to the estimated

The procedure
of a successful
tooth transplant
must start with a
thorough clincal
and radiographic

The procedure of a successful tooth
transplant must start with a thorough
clinical and radiographic examination.
Having as accurate an idea as possible
of the size of the donor tooth and the
recipient site makes the procedure go

size needed for the donor tooth,

atraumatic extraction of the donor
tooth is performed. Minimizing
mechanical trauma is vitally
important to the ultimate success
of the treatment, as the periodontal
ligament (PDL) is crucial.12 The donor
tooth must then be tried in to the
recipient site to make sure it will
fit properly and to determine what
type of splinting will be necessary.
The PDL is still very important in
this step, and it is advantageous to
try-in the donor tooth as few times
as possible. The ideal scenario would
be the donor tooth fitting perfectly
into the recipient site the first time,
and pre-operative planning can aid
greatly in the attempt to achieve such
a scenario.
The transplanted tooth should
always be placed in infraocclusion and
then splinted in place. There are two
primary ways to splint a transplanted
tooth, either rigid or flexible fixation.
Rigid fixation typically is done for
three to four weeks with stainless
steel wire and composite, similar to
what is done for an avulsed tooth.
It has been shown that this type of
fixation can negatively influence root
development, and has an increased
chance for pulpal necrosis and
ankylosis.13 Yet, this type of fixation
is required if initial stability is not
adequately achieved with suture
splinting alone, usually if 2 mm or
more of mobility are present after
transplant. Suture fixation is the
preferred and best option, typically
performed by placing a 2-0 silk suture
that crosses the occlusal surface of
the transplant through the gingiva
labio-lingually for one to two weeks.
Postoperative instructions are similar
to a typical surgical extraction or
implant procedure. It is common to
provide prescriptions for one week
of antibiotics and chlorhexidine
rinse. The advantage of placing a silk
suture is that the practitioner will get
N or t hw es t D e n ti s try

to see the patient on recall in one

to two weeks and can get an initial
evaluation. If the transplant has a
closed apex, then root canal therapy
can be initiated approximately two
weeks after transplantation.
As transplanted teeth are evaluated
at subsequent follow-up appointments,
a thorough clinical examination
should be performed looking for
percussion sound, mobility, function,
occlusion, and gingival health. It
is typical to have abnormal pulp
testing for up to six months even
with normal healing. Additionally,
radiographs are an important tool
to evaluate PDL and lamina dura,
root formation, and alveolar bone
level. Potential complications to
be aware of include ankylosis,
periodontal disease, root resorption,
and pulp canal obliteration.14 That
said, most common sequelae from
autotransplants are deviations from
ideal tooth position, with as many as
30% without occlusal contacts and
up to 15% without interproximal
contacts.15 Orthodontic treatment can
correct many positional deficiencies
with minimal risk to the periodontal
or pulpal health of the transplanted
tooth, though it should be performed
between three to nine months
following transplantation.16 Depending
upon the preferences of the patient
and clinical significance found by
the dentist, minor tooth position
discrepancies will often not require
additional treatment.
Case Study
While a chief resident in the oral
and maxillofacial surgery program
at Gundersen Lutheran, Dr. David
Cleverly treated a 17-year-old female
patient, T.O., who presented as a selfreferral. T.O. had a previously treated
root canal on #19 with a PFM crown
that had a large periapical radiolucency
around both the mesial and distal
roots into the furcation space
(Figure 2). The tooth was deemed
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Figure 2. Cropped portion of panoramic

radiograph, showing #19 with large
radiolucency surrounding both roots..

Figure 3. 2-0 silk suture splint placed

bucco-lingually through the gingiva over the
occlusal surface of the transplanted molar.

non-restorable. She also presented

with vertically impacted #1 and #16,
and mesio-angularly impacted #17
and #32 that were treatment planned
for extractions.
Treatment options presented
to the patient to replace the soonto-be-missing #19 included no
treatment, RPD, FPD, and implant.
No treatment would include the loss
of chewing function
of a first molar and
potential future restorative
problems due to drifting
or supraeruption. A
removable partial denture
would be a step up in
providing function and
space maintenance, but
represents a considerable
amount of material to
replace a single tooth.
A three-unit bridge for
#18-x-20 was another alternative
option, but one that comes with
the undesirable effect of removing
tooth structure from #18, which
had only an occlusal amalgam and an
unrestored #20. The treatment option
would offer with a good long-term
prognosis is an implant. Dr. Cleverly
added autotransplantion, discussing the
aforementioned risks as well as benefits
over an implant.
Pre-operative measurements and
assessments were performed with a
panoramic radiograph. Tooth #19

was extracted, and the socket was

thoroughly curetted and irrigated
with sterile saline. Freeze-dried bone
allograft was placed in the large bony
defect. Tooth #17 was atraumatically
extracted, and the donor tooth was
transplanted into the #19 site. The
donor tooth fit well on the first
attempt without any need for further
modification of the recipient socket
or tooth. Initial stability
was excellent, and likely
did not require splinting,
but a suture splint was
placed to minimize risk of
dislocation or aspiration
of the transplanted tooth
(Figure 3). Postoperative
instructions and
prescriptions were as
follow: Chlorhexidine
mouth rinse 0.12% twice
a day for seven days;
Clindamycin 300 mg every six hours
for seven days; Hydrocodone 5mg/
Acetaminophen 500mg every four to
six hours for pain as needed.
The patient was seen for an
initial post-op appointment at one
week, at which time the suture
splint was removed and healing
was determined to be progressing
normally. The patient was seen again
at 10 weeks, and again at four months,
when a more thorough clinical
and radiographic examination was
Continued on next page

xation is the
preferred and
best option.


Clinical Feature
Continued from previous page

Figure 6. Periapical radiograph taken of the

#19 transplant approximately four months

Figure 4. Occlusal view of #19,

a transplanted third molar after
four months of healing, esthetically
indistinguishable from a natural rst

Figure 5. Photo of #19 transplant in occlusion,

excellent gingival health with attached keratinized
gingiva, though open mesial contact can be slightly
appreciated in this view.

performed. Probing depths all around

the transplant were less than 3 mm,
with normal gingival contours and
adaptation to the transplant. Tooth
#19 tested normal to cold, percussion,
and palpation, and occlusion was
present and functional. There was
a slightly open mesial contact, and
#18 and #19 had Class I mobility.
Esthetically, the tooth would appear a
natural part of the dentition (Figures
4 and 5), a result even the most
talented clinician would have difficulty
reproducing with an implant.
the alveolar bone
level is normal, as is
the PDL. The pulp
chamber is normal,
and the apices are
open and roots still
forming (Figure 6).
The patient
was seen again for
a one-year recall
with another clinical
and radiographic
examination, highlighting the
importance of good surveillance.
The clinical examination showed
no significant findings, there was no
longer any mobility, and the open
mesial contact is less than at the fourmonth appointment. A periapical

radiograph showed similar findings

(Figure 7), and it would be expected
that the roots may continue to form
another few millimeters, but quite
unlikely to approach the length of
#18, as root growth is impaired or
arrested up to 79% of the time.17,18
Dr. Cleverlys case provides an
excellent example of how ideal
indications for an autotransplant can
lead to a very successful treatment
outcome. The loss of a first molar
at an early age is
the most common
scenario that would
present, and the
patient in this case
still had a donor third
molar with ideal root
form. Though an
implant would have
been a completely
reasonable treatment
plan for replacement
of #19, it would
likely have cost substantially more and
taken approximately six months longer
before a functional tooth was present.
As would be the case for many young
adults, having the option of a tooth
transplant was an excellent treatment
option both for the dollar savings and

Further research
could provide
methods to make
tooth banks
a reality.


Figure 7. Periapical radiograph of #19

transplant taken at approximately one year

for being able to keep a natural tooth.

In this case there have been
no major complications to date,
highlighting how successful an option
transplantation is when properly
indicated. The open mesial contact
is a by-product of the donor tooth
being smaller than the recipient site,
which is typical due to the large
mesial-distal dimension of the first
molar. Mesial drift has already begun
to close the space, and would be
expected to continue. Thus the patient
has no plans to undergo orthodontic
treatment. Proper oral hygiene
instructions and encouragement will be
important to keep the autotransplant
site clean and to prevent future
problems. Overall, at this point the
case would be deemed a success, but
further follow-up will be important in
the next one to two years.
Autotransplantation has been studied
extensively for many years and may
become a more common procedure
as it is better understood by clinicians.
Certainly more research to understand
N or t hw es t D e n ti s try

failures and how surgeon experience

or extraoral manipulation contribute
to failures will be important.
However, it is the ongoing research
in cryopreservation that makes the
future possibilities so exciting. Studies
have shown that PDL cells can survive
cryopreservation,19 and while currently
cryopreserved teeth require root canal
therapy due to inadequate pulpal
tissue preservation,20 there has been
initial research suggesting pulpal stem
cells are receptive to the treatment.21
Further research could provide
methods to make tooth banks a
reality, and provide patients options to
replace missing teeth with their own
natural teeth instead of implants.
Tooth autotransplantation
is a procedure that any general
dentist could perform if he or she
is comfortable with and skilled at
dentoalveolar surgery. If extracting
impacted teeth, placing implants, and
handling surgical complications are
fairly routine, autotransplantation is
simply a different procedure using
the same skill set. Yet, even general
dental practitioners who would not
perform the procedure should be
knowledgeable about the indications,
treatment sequence, and follow-up so
that it can be offered as a treatment

option when indicated. Patients will

probably be thrilled to hear they could
save time and money! Q
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Different forms of life in different aspects of existence make up the teeming denizens
of this earth of ours and all things primarily seek peace, comfort, and security. Life
is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears
pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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