Omega 3andmooddisorders

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Fact Sheet

Omega-3 and mood disorders

What this fact sheet covers:
What is omega-3?
How has our dietary intake of omega-3 changed over time?
How does omega-3 affect mood?
Omega-3 for heart health
Recommendations for dietary intake
Sources of omega-3
What is omega-3?
Omega-3 and omega-6 are both polyunsaturated fatty acids
The main forms of omega-3 are the parent molecule, Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),
which can be found in a variety of plant based sources such as walnut, hemp, soy,
flax and canola oil and the two longer-chain omega-3 molecules, docosahexanoic
acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
DHA and EPA are essential fatty acids (which means that our bodies cannot synthesise
them and we need to include them in our diets)
A small percentage of the ALA consumed can be converted into DHA and EPA in our
bodies, but the richest source of these essential fatty acids is in seafood
How has our dietary intake of omega-3 changed over time?
Over the last 150 years or so rapid expansion in Western populations and large scale
industrialisation has been associated with a major change in diet
Much less omega-3 (from fish, wild game and plants) is now eaten, with a
corresponding large increase in consumption of saturated fats and omega-6 fatty
acids from mass produced vegetable oils such as corn and safflower oils
It is thought that we once consumed roughly equivalent amounts of omega-6 and
omega-3 but now people in developed countries like Australia tend to consume 15
times more omega-6 than omega-3
Omega-3 consumption varies considerably between different countries with people
in some countries such as Japan and Norway eating a lot more fish and seafood than
the average Australian
How does omega-3 affect mood?
There are several lines of evidence that suggest that omega-3 consumption may be
associated with mood disorders. Research suggests that omega-3 is related to a number
of biological processes that have been found to be associated with brain functioning.

Omega -3 concentrations influence the production of neurotrophic (or

neuroprotective) factors which regulate the growth of new brain cells
Omega-3 concentrations can affect gene expression in the brain

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Black Dog Institute website. Updated October 2012.

Omega-3 and mood disorders

Fact Sheet

Omega-3 and omega-6 are both metabolised by the same pool of enzymes. Some
of the products of omega-3 metabolism are anti-inflammatory, while the products of
omega-6 metabolism are pro-inflammatory; increased inflammatory processes have
been found to be associated with both depression and other chronic diseases such as
cardiovascular disease
DHA is a major structural component of the brain and the ratio of DHA to omega-6
and other fats in the brain affects the ability of the brain cells to communicate with
each other

Omega-3 for heart health

There has been a lot of research into the cardio-protective effects of omega-3, with
those who consume very little long-chain omega-3 found to have higher rates of
cardiovascular disease
The Australian Heart foundation recommends that people without a pre-existing
heart condition consume at least two servings of fish per week, preferably oily fish;
this provides the equivalent of approximately 0.3 - 0.5 grams per day of omega-3
For those who have an existing cardiac condition, the Heart Foundation recommends
the consumption of one gram per day of omega-3
Recommendations for dietary intake
With regard to recommendations for omega-3 intake for the prevention and treatment
of mood disorder, there are still no definitive guidelines
In clinical trials conducted to date, the ratio of DHA to EPA and the total amount of
omega-3 provided has varied considerably
It appears however, that EPA is the more important of the omega-3 fatty acids in the
treatment of depression, with a recent meta-analysis of omega-3 supplementation
trials finding that pure/majority EPA had a greater effect size than pure/majority DHA
There has only been one study to date that has compared different doses of omega-3
for depression. In this study participants received doses of 0, 1, 2 or 4 grams per day
of pure ethyl-EPA; those who received one gram per day demonstrated the greatest
improvement in mood
Thus the evidence is currently strongest for the efficacy of a relatively low dose
(1gram/day) of pure or majority EPA for the treatment of depression
Safety note
As omega-3 can have blood thinning effects at high doses, you should seek medical
advice before taking doses of 3 grams or more per day. It is also recommended that you
seek medical advice about omega-3 supplementation if you are taking an anticoagulant
medication such as Warfarin.

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The information in this document is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be hosted electronically outside of the
Black Dog Institute website. Updated October 2012.

Omega-3 and mood disorders

Fact Sheet

Sources of Omega-3
1. Seafood
Seafood is the richest source of long-chain omega-3. Oily fish such as Anchovies,
Sardines, Mackerel, Herring, Atlantic Salmon, Trout and Swordfish provide greater
concentrations of omega-3.
Note about Contaminants
Some fish contain high levels of methyl-mercury and other contaminants such as
organochlorines - This is particularly the case for large, carnivorous, long living fish
such as swordfish and shark/flake
Consuming large amounts of some fish may therefore lead to the ingestion of
unacceptably high levels of contaminants
To prevent this, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand have proposed the
following guidelines:
Number of different types of fish that can be safely consumed
Pregnant women
and women planning

Children (up to 6 years)

1 serve = 150g*
1 serve = 75g*
2-3 serves per week of any fish and seafood except Orange
Roughy (Sea Perch), Catfish, Shark (Flake) or Billfish (Swordfish/
Broadbill and Marlin)

1 serve per week of Orange Roughy (Sea Perch) or Catfish and no
other fish that week

Rest of the
1 serve = 150g*
2-3 serves per week
of any fish and
seafood except for
Shark (Flake) or
Billfish (Swordfish/
Broadbill and Marlin)
1 serve per week
of Shark (Flake) or
Billfish (Swordfish/
Broadbill and Marlin)
and no other fish
that week

1 serve per fortnight of Shark (Flake) or Billfish (Swordfish/
Broadbill and Marlin) and no other fish that fortnight
* A 150 gram serve for adults and older children is equivalent to approximately two frozen
crumbed fish portions
* A 75 gram serve for children is approximately three fish fingers (Hake or Hoki is used in
fish fingers)
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The information in this document is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be hosted electronically outside of the
Black Dog Institute website. Updated October 2012.

Omega-3 and mood disorders

Fact Sheet

Canned fish is sold in various sizes for example, the snack size cans of tuna are
approximately 95 grams
Omega-3 Supplements
In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration requires that omega-3
supplements be tested to ensure that they do not exceed the acceptable level of
There are numerous over-the counter fish oil supplements available and these are
typically one gram fish oil capsules containing doses of omega-3 ranging from 0.3 to
0.6 grams per capsule. The typical ratio of EPA/DHA is 3/2
Often small amounts of Vitamin E are added to prevent oxidation of omega-3
Supplemented Food
There are a number of omega-3 enriched foods on the market including milk, eggs,
bread and margarine
The nutrition information panel will state how much omega-3 is provided per serve
Vegetarian Sources of Omega-3
Flaxseed, canola, soybean oils, hemp and walnut oils are all rich in ALA, the parent
omega-3 molecule
This can be metabolised into EPA and DHA in the liver but this conversion is limited in
humans and factors such as stress, aging, illness and diet can impair the process
Where to get more information
Owen C, Rees A-M, Parker G (2008). The role of fatty acids in the development
and treatment of mood disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 21:1924
Parker G, Gibson NA, Brotchie H, Heruc G, Rees A-M, Hadzi-Pavlovic D (2006).
Omega-3 fatty acids and mood disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry
Rees A-M, Austin M-P, Parker G (2005). Role of omega-3 fatty acids as a
treatment for depression in the perinatal period. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry 39:274280
Black Dog Institute
Hospital Road, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick NSW 2031
(02) 9382 4530 Email: [email protected]

This document may be freely downloaded and distributed on condition no change is made to the content.
The information in this document is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be hosted electronically outside of the
Black Dog Institute website. Updated October 2012.

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