Implementation: Learning Builds The Bridge Between Research and Practice

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Learning builds the bridge
between research and practice
By Gene E. Hall and Shirley M. Hord

ne indisputable finding from our

years of research on what it takes to
conduct successful change in schools
and colleges is this: Introducing
new practices alone seldom results
in new practices being incorporated
into ongoing classroom practices.
For example, we were dismayed at the recent release
of two substantive studies of professional development (to
support school improvement in mathematics and reading)
that concluded that the professional development in each
case was ineffective (Drummond et al., 2011; Randel et al.,
2011). However, in both studies, the researchers did not assess implementation. It is hard to imagine how professional
development can be judged if its implementation has not
been documented. Such work, it would seem, is the appraisal of a nonevent (Charters & Jones, 1973).

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We are happy to join with Learning Forward in recognizing the imperative of implementation. The Implementation standard states: Professional learning that increases
educator effectiveness and results for all students applies
research on change and sustains support for implementation of professional learning for long-term change.

It has only been in the last decade that we have come

to understand the reality that change is based on learning.
The profession, the press, and the public cry for school
improvement, in order that all students learn to high levels.
For school improvement to be realized, the first task is to
identify and delete those programs and practices that are
not supporting students in learning well. The next step is to
find the best solution having the potential to promote quality teaching and successful student learning. After specify-

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4

Professional learning that increases

educator effectiveness and results
for all students applies research
on change and sustains support
for implementation of professional
learning for long-term change.

ing the new practice(s), teachers and administrators must

learn what the new practices are and how to use them, and
transfer the new way into classroom practice. See diagram
on p. 55.
Change is learning. Its as simple and complex as that.
This is the first principle in our beliefs and assumptions
about change (Hall & Hord, 2011, p. 6). Change cannot occur without professional learning. When educators
adopt new and more effective practices, the next step is to
develop new understandings and acquire new skills. These
new practices, in turn, enable students to reach high levels
of successful learning. The seven Standards for Professional
Learning are intended make high-quality professional learning a reality.

Within the Implementation standard is the explicit

acknowledgement that findings from change research,
including its constructs and measures, can inform efforts
to implement the standards. The explicit purpose of the
Implementation standard is to ensure that educators address implementation and apply evidence-based strategies.
Change research constructs and measures can be used to
develop implementation strategies and assess progress.
In many ways, todays innovations and initiatives represent major change. These changes are complex, subtle, and
more sophisticated than we think. Symbolically, it is as if
implementers were expected to back up, get a running start,
and leap across the Grand Canyon. What is needed is an

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4

Implementation Bridge (Hall,1999; Hall & Hord, 2011).

See diagram on p. 57.
As with real bridges, different change efforts require
varying lengths, degrees of stability, and combinations of
supports. It takes time to move across a bridge. By assessing how far across the bridge each participant, group, and
school has progressed, formative evaluations can inform
change leaders of participants needs. Formative evaluations are important for assessing progress. Summative
evaluations, which assess the effectiveness of the innovation,
should only include those participants who have made it all
the way across the bridge.
When change is assumed to be an event, there is no
bridge. Implicitly, adopters of the new approach are expected to make a giant leap across a chasm. With todays
complex innovations, the chasms are likely to be deep and
wide. Attempting to jump across these chasms is most likely
to result in injury and failure. This is true for individuals,
schools, school districts, and larger systems.
The diagram on p. 57 presents the Implementation
Bridge, a metaphor for moving from the earlier or less advanced stages to the later or more advanced stages of the
three diagnostic dimensions of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): Stages of Concern, Levels of Use, and
Innovation Configurations. Each of these CBAM elements
is an evidence-based construct with related measuring tools
that can be used to assess how far across the bridge each
individual, school and/or district has progressed. Each can
be used alone or in various combinations to measure imple-

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The key to progress is to stay focused

By Raymond Aguilera and Olivia Zepeda
As told to Valerie von Frank

ur district is committed to supporting teachers

with ongoing professional development
to enable them to become more effective
in the classroom. We provide early release time on
Wednesdays to enable teachers to meet in learning
teams, but the power is in the classroom in jobembedded learning because the classroom is where
we can identify teachers needs and give teachers
assistance during instruction.
We monitor instruction closely and analyze
data. We give districtwide benchmark assessments
four times a year, along with weekly formative
assessments. As we monitor
data, we have immediate
Gadsden Elementary School
intervention if we do not
District #32
see student growth. Every
San Luis, Ariz.
year, we get better. With
Number of schools: 9
assistance from SEDL, we use
Enrollment: 5,000
Staff: 260
the Concerns-Based Adoption
Racial/ethnic mix:
Model to determine how well
teachers are implementing
new practices in teaching
reading and writing.
Asian/Pacific Islander: 0%
Consultants and
Native American:
administrators meet monthly
Limited English proficient: 50%
to discuss teachers levels
Free/reduced lunch: 97%
of use of the new practices.
Contact: Raymond Aguilera,
This approach helps us to
differentiate professional
Email: [email protected]
development. After they
determine teachers levels
of use, we create individualized plans for teachers
learning. Consultants and coaches work with teachers
in their classrooms, providing feedback, coaching, and
modeling lessons.
At our annual data summit, about 100 teachers
and administrators reviewed and analyzed student
achievement data and developed formal plans for

54 JSD |

goals. We
three days
before the
beginning of
the school
year for
to attend district professional development based
on individualized plans. The professional learning is
supported in a variety of ways, from having a master
teacher go into a classroom to help the teacher with
materials to having master teachers model lessons.
The National Association for the Education of
Young Children has accredited San Luis Preschool and
created a video showing the school as a model for the
nation. The district has worked hard to demonstrate
how preschool teachers can incorporate a researchbased curriculum into a play-based philosophy while
taking into account factors such as English language
learners and children with special needs.
One of our primary areas of focus has been
English language learning. We are proud that, over
the last two years, more than 1,800 students learning
English were reclassified as English-fluent. Over the
last 10 years, the percentage of ELL students has
decreased in the district from 99% to 50% of our
student body. The keys to our progress are jobembedded professional development and our focus.
Its critical to stay focused on a few initiatives. The
district administrations role is to provide stability.

Raymond Aguilera ([email protected])

is superintendent and Olivia Zepeda (ozepeda@ is assistant superintendent of Gadsden
Elementary School District #32 in San Luis, Ariz.
Valerie von Frank ([email protected]) is an
education writer and editor of Learning Forwards

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4



School Improvement



mentation progress and as diagnostic information for planning

next action steps to facilitate moving further across the bridge.
Each also is important in summative evaluations. These three
tools, individually and collectively, can be applied to implementation of the Standards for Professional Learning.
The following are brief descriptions of each of these diagnostic dimensions. More can be learned through the study of
key texts (Hall & Hord, 2011), various technical documents,
and related training resources.
Stages of Concern addresses the personal/affective aspects
of change. There is an array of feelings, perceptions, worries,
preoccupations and moments of satisfaction for those engaged
with implementing new approaches. This personal side of
change is important to understand because failing to address
concerns can lead to resistance and even rejection of the new
way. A set of categories, or stages, of concern has been identified. As a change process unfolds, these different Stages of
Concern can increase and decrease in intensity.
At the very beginning of a change, most participants will be
unconcerned. Their attention will be on getting through the
school year and planning for summer. These participants are not
on the bridge. They may be aware that they are approaching a
bridge I heard something about some sort of new standards,
but I am really concerned about but it is not something
that needs to be thought about currently. However, the change
process leaders should be doing things to address this concerns
stage for example, providing general information about what
will be happening.
As participants begin to step out on to the Implementation
Bridge, self concerns become more intense. What do these
new standards mean for me? This, too, is a time when more

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4

information should be provided. It also is important to be reassuring: You can do this. We are here to support you.
As implementers move fully onto the bridge, task concerns
become most intense: I am spending all my time organizing
materials and trying to schedule everything. These concerns
should be anticipated and addressed in the
implementation plan. How-to supports, including coaching and timeline projections,
should reflect the understanding that these
concerns can last several years.
make it across
When implementers make it across
the bridge, self
the bridge, self and task concerns should
and task concerns
decrease while impact concerns should inshould decrease
crease. I am seeing how my use of the these
while impact
standards is making a big difference in the
concerns should
knowledge and skills of teachers and school
leaders. You can now see the results in what
students are doing. How leaders address
the potential arousal of impact concerns can
make all the difference in ultimate implementation success and
There are two other CBAM constructs and measures that
can be applied with the Implementation Bridge metaphor.
Innovation Configurations (IC) address the well-documented fact that each implementer does not necessarily use
the same operational form of the change. Those involved may
say they are using it, but what is in operation within each
classroom and school can be significantly different. In our first
study of this phenomenon, teachers in different states claimed
that they were team teaching. But the configurations of teaming
were quite different. The number of teachers (two to six), the

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grouping of students (fixed, heterogeneous, homogenous), and

what teachers taught (all subjects, one subject) were components that varied. Each combination of these variations results
in a different Innovation Configuration what the innovation
looks like in practice with different teachers and in different
In recent years researchers have become very interested in
fidelity of implementation. Innovation Configurations is a way
to describe and contrast different implemented forms of an innovation. With the Implementation Bridge metaphor, there
should be increasing fidelity in terms of Innovation Configurations as implementers move further across.
Levels of Use is the third construct from change research to
consider. Traditional research and program evaluation designs
assume a dichotomous population: treatment group and control group, or users
and nonusers. Levels of Use describes a set
We know a lot
of behavioral profiles that distinguish difthrough research,
ferent approaches to using an innovation.
practice, and
Three different nonuser profiles have been
theory about
described and five different user profiles.
how to launch a
Each of these has been defined in terms
change process,
of behaviors and each has implications for
how to facilitate change and for evaluating
change success and effectiveness.
across an
For example, educators at Level 0 NonImplementation
use are not doing anything related to the
change, in this case the new professional
and assess
learning standards. They dont talk about
it, they dont check it out on the web, and
they do not attend an introductory meetand evaluate
ing. This behavioral profile is different from
the person at Level I Orientation, who asks
What we know
questions, attends the introductory meeting,
less about are
and considers use of the innovation. Both
the essential
of these levels represent people who are not
elements and
using the change. However, in terms of faprocesses that
cilitating a change process, the interventions
are necessary
that should be emphasized for each are quite
to sustain longdifferent.
term use of an
Among the Levels of Use, one that is
particularly important is Level III Mechanical Use. This is an approach where the
implementer is disjointed in what he or she is doing. Implementers at this level continually check back to the user manual,
their scheduling is inefficient, they cant plan beyond tomorrow, or anticipate what will happen next week. We know from
research that most first-time implementers will be at Level III
Mechanical Use. We also know that many will continue to be
at this level through the first two or three years of implementation. If the inefficiencies of Level III use are not addressed, then
the Implementation Bridge can become very long, and some

56 JSD |

Providing feedback about how the change process is

unfolding is important. Each of the CBAM diagnostic
dimensions described here can be used to measure
how far across the Implementation Bridge each
teacher, school, or district has progressed. The same
constructs and data should be used as feedback to
leaders and implementers. These data can be used to
plan next steps.

implementers will jump off.

There are many implications of Level III Mechanical Use.
One that will be particularly important with the new standards
is deciding when and with whom summative evaluation studies
should be conducted. Change research has clearly documented
that most first-time users will be at Level III Mechanical Use.
These are not the implementers who should be included in a
summative evaluation study. They are inefficient and have not
reached full understanding of how to use the new way. Summative evaluation samples should be comprised of implementers who have made it across the bridge. They have established
routines and can predict what will happen next. This behavioral
profile is Level IV-A Routine. When summative evaluations
include many first-time users, it is not surprising that there are
no significant differences in outputs.

Another key theme in the Implementation standard is providing constructive feedback. Providing feedback about how the
change process is unfolding is important. Each of the CBAM
diagnostic dimensions described here can be used to measure
how far across the Implementation Bridge each teacher, school,
or district has progressed. The same constructs and data should
be used as feedback to leaders and implementers. These data can
be used to plan next steps for making further implementation
progress. These data also can be used in reports about implementation progress. In addition, these same data can be used in
summative evaluations that relate the extent of implementation
to outcomes.
Assessing implementation at regular intervals and providing
feedback to all participants are important keys to implementation success.

We know a lot through research, practice, and theory about

how to launch a change process, facilitate movement across an
Implementation Bridge, and assess implementation progress
and evaluate innovations. What we know less about are the
essential elements and processes that are necessary to sustain
long-term use of an innovation. Getting across the bridge is
necessary, but what are the processes and structures that assure

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4


Stages of Concern
Levels of Use
Innovation Configurations
Low levels of
High levels of
implementation implementation


The Implementation Bridge represents moving from

the earlier or less advanced stages to the later or more
advanced stages of the three diagnostic dimensions
of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model: Stages of
Concern, Levels of Use, and Innovation Configurations.

continuing use of high-fidelity configurations, in this case, of

the standards? How do we prevent abandonment? Addressing
the sustainability challenges of the latest standards will need
special attention.
One indicator of sustainability will be when the implemented Standards for Professional Learning have a line item in
the school or district budget. Another will be when it becomes
regular practice for new staff to have access to learning and
development. Still another important indicator will be that the
process and criteria for succession of principals and relevant staff
at the district office includes evidence of their understanding
and interest in supporting professional learning through the
standards. Above all, school and district leadership will provide
continuous attention and direct the attention of others to the
standards value. These leaders become the internal and external
champions for sustaining the standards and a continued focus
on professional learning.
Supporting and celebrating the standards and their practices
are keys to the standards robust sustainability and the capacity
to contribute richly to the ultimate goal student learning
We see this standard as uniquely significant in that the standards revision architects explicitly identified the importance of
addressing implementation. A strength of the Implementation
standard is its reference to change process research that can be
applied to assessing and guiding the implementation of professional learning. Understanding that change begins with the
learning of educational professionals is crucial. Only through
increasing adult learning will we increase student learning.

Charters, W.W., Jr. & Jones, J.E. (1973, November).

On the risk of appraising non-events in program evaluation.

August 2011

Vol. 32 No. 4


Educational Researcher, 2(11), 5-7.

Drummond, K., Chinen, M., Duncan, T.G., Miller,
H.R., Fryer, L., Zmach, C., & Culp, K. (2011). Impact
of the Thinking Reader software program on grade 6 reading
vocabulary, comprehension, strategies, and motivation (NCEE
2010-4035). Washington, DC: National Center for
Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of
Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
Hall, G.E. (1999, Summer). Using constructs
and techniques from research to facilitate and assess
implementation of an innovative mathematics curriculum.
Journal of Classroom Interaction, 34(1), 1-8.
Hall, G.E. & Hord, S.M. (2011). Implementing change:
Patterns, principles, and potholes (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson.
Randel, B., Beesley, A.D., Apthorp, H., Clark, T.F.,
Wang, X., Cicchinelli, L.F., & Williams, J.M. (2011).
Classroom assessment for student learning: The impact on
elementary school mathematics in the central region (NCEE
2011-4005). Washington, DC: National Center for
Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of
Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

Gene Hall ([email protected]) is a professor of

educational leadership at the University of Nevada, Las
Vegas. His research focuses on understanding, evaluating,
and facilitating change processes in organizations.
Shirley Hord ([email protected])
is scholar laureate of Learning Forward and former
scholar emerita at Southwest Educational Development
Laboratory, Austin, Texas. She writes about school-based
professional development, leadership, school change and
improvement, and professional learning communities.

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