The Real Truth Behind Household Power Savers

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The real truth behind household

power savers

Household Power Saver - Ecent? What is

the real truth?

A household power low voltage saving devices has recently received a

lot of attention from both consumers and manufacturers. It is generally
used in residential homes to save energy and to reduce electricity bills.
It is a small device which is to be plugged in any of the AC sockets in
the house (Mostly near Energy Meter). Moreover, some of the
companies claim that their power savers save up to 40% of the energy.
Many people believe that the claims made by the power savers
manufacturing companies are false. Almost all people who buy power
savers do it to reduce their electricity bills.

Many people who have used these power savers said that they could
reduce their electricity bills with the devices; however the reduction
was not as much as they had expected. Moreover, they could not gure
out if the reduction in electricity bills was due to the power savers or
because of their eorts to reduce their electrical usage. There have
been several serious discussions about the genuineness of the device.
In this note, we will try to nd the real truth behind these power
savers which claim to save as much as 40% of energy.

Working Principle of Power Saver as per

A Power Saver is a device which plugs in to power socket. Apparently
just by keeping the device connected it will immediately reduce your
power consumption. Typical claims are savings between 25% and 40%.
It is known that the electricity that comes to our homes is not stable in
nature. There are many uctuations, raise and falls, and surges/Spikes
in this current. This unstable current cannot be used by any of the
household appliances. Moreover, the uctuating current wastes the
electric current from the circuit by converting electrical energy into
heat energy.
This heat energy not only gets wasted to the atmosphere, but also
harms the appliances and wiring circuit.
Household power saver device - Schematic diagram

Power Saver stores the electricity inside of it using a system of

capacitors and they release it in a smoother way to normal without the
spikes. The systems also automatically remove carbon from the circuit
which also encourages a smoother electrical ow. This means that we
will have less power spikes. More of the electricity owing around
circuit can be used to power appliances than before.
Basically it is claimed that Power savers work on the principle of surge
protection technology. Power savers work on straightening this
unstable electric current to provide a smooth and constant output. The
uctuation in voltage is unpredictable and cannot be controlled.
However, the power savers utilize current uctuation to provide a
usable power by acting like a lter and allowing only smooth current
to pass through the circuit. Power savers use capacitors for this
purpose. When there is a surge of current in the circuit, the capacitor
of the power saver stores the excess current and releases it when there
is a sudden drop. Thus only smooth output current comes out of the
Moreover, a power saver also removes any type of carbon in the
system, which facilitates further smoother ow. The main advantage of
power savers is not that they provide a backup system in times of
low current, but that it protects the household appliances. It is known
that a sudden rise in the power can destroy the electrical appliance.
Thus, the power saver not only protects the appliance but also
increases its life. Moreover, they also reduce the energy consumption
and thus the electricity bills.
The amount of power saved by a power saver depends on the number
of appliances on the electrical circuit. Also, the system takes at least a
week to adapt itself fully to the circuit, before it starts showing its
peak performance. The maximum amount of voltage savings will be

seen in areas where in the current uctuation is the highest.

Household Power Saver Scam Review

Power Factor Correction for residential customers (home owners) is a
scam? At most, each unit is worth as an investment. Power factor
correction does make sense for some commercial / industrial
Many companies are promoting and advertise that their Power Saver
unit are able to save domestic residential power consumption by
employing an active power factor correction method on the supply
line. The concept seems pretty impressive as the concept is true and
legally accepted. But practically, we will nd that its not feasible.
To support above statement rst we need to understand three terms:
1. Type of electrical load of house,
2. Basic power terminology (KW, KVA, KVAR).
3. Electrical tari method of electricity company for household
consumer and industrial consumer.
There are basically two kinds of load that exists in every house: one
that is resistive like incandescent lamps, heaters etc. and the other
thats capacitive or inductive like ACs, refrigerators, computers, etc.
The power factor of a Resistive Load like toaster or ordinary
incandescent light bulb is 1 (one). Devices with coils or capacitors (like
pumps, fans and orescent light bulb ballasts)-Reactive Load have
power factors less than one. When the power factor is less than 1, the
current and voltage are out of phase. This is due to energy being
stored and released into inductors (motor coil) or capacitors on every
AC cycle (usually 50 or 60 times per second).
There are three terms need to be understand when dealing with
alternating (AC) power.
1. First Term is kilowatt (kW) and it represents Real power. Real
power can perform work. Utility meters on the side of House
measure this quantity (Real Power) and Power Company charge
for it.
2. The second term is reactive power, measured in KVAR. Unlike
kW, it cannot perform work. Residential customers do not pay
for KVAR, and utility meters on houses do not record it too.

3. The third term is apparent power, referred to as KVA. By use of

multi meters we can measure current and voltage and then
multiply the readings together we get apparent power in VA.

Power triangle

Power Factor = Real Power (Watts) / Apparent Power (VA)

Therefore, Real Power (Watts) = Apparent Power PF = Voltage
Ampere PF.
Ideally a PF = 1, or unity, for an appliance denes a clean and a
desired power consumption mostly Household Equipments (The
dissipated output power becomes equal to the applied input power).
In the above formula we can see that if PF is less than 1, the amperes
(current consumption) of the appliances increase, and vice verse.
With AC Resistive Load, the voltage is always in phase with the current
and constitutes an ideal power factor equal to 1. However, with
inductive or capacitive loads, the current waveform lags behind the
voltage waveform and is not in tandem. This happens due to the
inherent properties of these devices to store and release energy with
the changing AC waveform, and this causes an overall distorted wave
form, lowering the net PF of the appliance.
Manufacture claim that the above problem may be solved by installing
a well-calculated inductor/capacitor network and switching it
automatically and appropriately to correct these uctuations. A power
saver unit is designed exactly for this purpose. This correction is able
to bring the level of PF very close to unity, thus improving the
apparent power to a great extent. An improved apparent power
would mean less CURRENT consumption by all the domestic
So far everything looks ne, but whats the use of the above

The Utility Bill Which We pay is never based on Apparent Power

(KVA) but it is based on Real Power (KW). The utility bill that we
pay is never for the Apparent Power- its for the Real Power.
By Reducing Current Consumption Does Not Reduce Power Bills of
Household Consumer.

Study of Power Saver in Domestic Load

Let us try to study Households Reactive-Resistive Electrical Load and
Voltage Spike Characteristic by example.

1. Power Saver in Reactive Load of Home

Lets take One Example for reactive Load: A refrigerator having a rated
Real Power of 100 watts at 220 V AC has a PF = 0.6. So Power=Volt
X Ampere X P.F becomes 100 = 220 A 0.6 Therefore, A = 0.75
Now suppose after Installing Power Saver if the PF is brought to about
0.9, the above result will now show as: 100 = 220 A 0.9 And A
= 0.5 Ampere
In the second expression we clearly show that a reduction in current
consumption by the refrigerator, but interestingly in both the above
cases, the Real Power remains the same, i.e. the refrigerator
continues to consume 100 watts, and therefore the utility bill remains
the same. This simply proves that although the PF correction done by
an energy saver may decrease the Amperage of the appliances, it can
never bring down their power consumption and the electric Bill
Reactive power is not a problem for a Reactive Load of Home
appliances like A.C, Freeze, motor for its operation. It is a problem
for the electric utility company when they charge for KW only. If
two customers both use the same amount of real energy but one has a
power factor of 0.5, then that customer also draws double the current.
This increased current requires the Power Company to use larger
transformers, wiring and related equipment.
To recover these costs Power Company charged a Penalty to industrial
customers for their Low power factors and give them benets if they

improve their Power Factor in. Residential customers (homes) are

never charged extra for their reactive Power.

2. Power Saver in Resistive Load of Home

Since a resistive load does not carry a PF so there is not any issue
regarding ltering of Voltage and Current, So Power = Voltage X

3. In Voltage Spike / Fluctuation condition of Household

In above discussion simply proves that as long as the voltage and the
current are constant, the consumed power will also be constant.
However, if theres any rise in the input voltage because of a
uctuation, then as explained above your appliances will be forced to
consume a proportionate amount of power. This becomes more
apparent because current, being a function of voltage, also rises
proportionately. However, this rise in the power consumption will be
negligibly small; the following simple math will prove this.
Consider a bulb consuming 100 watts of power at 220 volts. This
simply means at 240 volts it will use up about 109 watts of power.
The rise is just of around 9% and since such uctuations are pretty
seldom, this value may be furthermore reduced to less than 1%, and
that is negligible.
Thus the above discussions convincingly prove that energy savers can
never work and the concept is not practically feasible.

What happens when Power Saver is installed?

The Fig shows the result of using Power Saver. The air conditioner
(which has a large compressor motor) is still consuming reactive power
but it is being supplied by a nearby capacitor (which is what is in
those KVAR boxes). If you were to mount it at the air conditioner
and switch it on with the air conditioner plus you sized the capacitor
perfectly, then there would be no reactive power on the line going

back to the fuse panel.

If the wire between your fuse panels is very long and undersized,
reducing the current would result in it running cooler and having a
higher voltage at the air conditioner. These savings due to cooler
wiring is minimal.

What happens when Power Saver is


A further complication is that if you install the KVAR unit at the fuse
panel, it does nothing for the heat losses except for the two feet of
huge wire between the fuse panel and the utility meter. Many KVAR
units are marketed as boxes that you install at a single location.
If your power factor box is too large, then it will be providing reactive
power for something else, perhaps your neighbor.

Power factor correction devices improve power quality but do not
generally improve energy eciency (meaning they would not reduce
your energy bill). There are several reasons why their energy
eciency claims could be exaggerated.
First, residential customers are not charged for KVA hour usage, but
by kilowatt-hour usage. This means that any savings in energy
demand will not directly result in lowering a residential users utility
Second, the only potential for real power savings would occur if the

product were only put near in the circuit while a reactive load (such as
a motor) were running, and taken out of the circuit when the motor is
not running. This is impractical, given that there are several motors in
a typical home that can come on at any time (refrigerator, air
conditioner, HVAC blower, vacuum cleaner, etc.), but the Power Saver
itself is intended for permanent, unattended connection near the house
breaker panel.
And certainly not in the way the manufacturers recommend that they
be installed, that is, permanently connecting them at the main panel.
Doing that drags the power factor capacitive when the inductive
motors are o and could create some real problems with ringing
The KVAR needs to be sized perfectly to balance the inductive loads.
Since our motors cycle on and o and we dont use the air conditioner
in the winter, there is no way to get it sized properly unless we have
something to monitor the line and switch it on and o capacity
(capacitors) as necessary.
Adding a capacitor can increase the line voltage to dangerous levels
because it interacts with the incoming power transmission lines. Adding
a capacitor to a line that has harmonic frequencies (created by some
electronic equipment) on it can result in unwanted resonance and high
For commercial facilities, power factor correction will rarely be
cost-eective based on energy savings alone. The bulk of cost savings
power factor correction can oer is in the form of avoided utility
charges for low power factor.
Energy savings are usually below 1% and always below 3% of load, the
higher percentage occurring where motors are a large fraction of the
overall load of a facility. Energy savings alone do not make an
installation cost eective.

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Jignesh Parmar
jiguparmar - Jignesh Parmar has completed his
B.E(Electrical) from Gujarat University. He is
member of Institution of Engineers (MIE),India.
Membership No:M-1473586.He has more than 12
years experience in Transmission -DistributionElectrical Energy theft detection-Electrical
Maintenance-Electrical Projects (PlanningDesigning-Technical Review-coordination -Execution). He is Presently
associate with one of the leading business group as a Assistant Manager
at Ahmedabad,India. He has published numbers of Technical Articles in
"Electrical Mirror", "Electrical India", "Lighting India", "Industrial
Electrix"(Australian Power Publications) Magazines. He is Freelancer
Programmer of Advance Excel and design useful Excel base Electrical
Programs as per IS, NEC, IEC,IEEE codes. He is Technical Blogger and
Familiar with English, Hindi, Gujarati, French languages. He wants to
Share his experience & Knowledge and help technical enthusiasts to
nd suitable solutions and updating themselves on various Engineering
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