Survival Guide

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The Survival Guide Vol. 1

April 2015 Edition


This guide describes many dangerous and illegal activities, of which are depicted entirely
for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. Do not recreate what has been shown in this
guide, as these instructions may not be one-hundred percent clear, as they can cause
injury, and persecution by the law.

In many countries, this volume of literature may be illegal as it describes terroristic

activities including that of explosive making. However, in the United States and other
countries where the tenent of free speech is protected by the law, this book may be
considered legal.


All contributors on fullchan's /pol/ and /k/ happening DIY threads. Without you, I would
have never found the diagrams, pamphlets, videos, and overall sources to put this book

Table of Contents

Disclaimers and Warnings:

Introductory Disclaimer & Special Thanks - 2

Working with Explosives - 5

Working with Drugs and Chemical Solutions - [INSERT]

Explosive How To's:

Wireless Detonator - [INSERT]

Pipe Grenade - [INSERT]

Weighted Landmine [INSERT]

TriNitroToluene (TNT) - [INSERT]

Napalm Molotov - [INSERT]

Explosive Picric - [INSERT]

Misdemeaning and Lockpicking General

Picking Combination Locks - [INSERT]

Picking Master Locks - [INSERT]

Drugs and other Chemical Solutions

Chloroform - [INSERT]

Painkillers - [INSERT]


Treating Injuries

Broken Bones - [INSERT]

Concussions - [INSERT]

Stab Wounds - [INSERT]

Bullet Wounds - [INSERT]

Working with Explosives

Working with explosives is extremely dangerous and is not something that should be taken
lightly. Working with explosives can cause serious injury and death, provided they are not
handled right.

When working with explosives, it is suggested that the following criteria is met:

1. You are in a well lit enviroment.

Working in a well lit enviroment allows you to see the materials better and therefore causes less
mistakes. Something as simple as connecting the wrong wires could kill you.
2. You are wearing protective gear.
This one is pretty obvious. Protective gear can save your life in the instance an explosive
accidently detonates. Suggested protective gear includes:

Flak Jacket (Phonebooks can be taped around ones torso as a cheap alternative)

Kevlar or Industrial Gloves

Protective Mask or Protective Goggles

3. You have a basic understanding of how the explosives work.

Having a basic understanding of how the explosive that you are working with will blow up will
save you a great deal of trouble. If you understand how a device will detonate as opposed to not
knowing how, you will generally have a lower chance of accidently setting it off.

Working with Drugs and Chemical Solutions

When working with Drugs and Chemical Solutions (DCS), it is extremely easy to kill yourself, as
some of the fumes accidently created can not always be seen or smelled. When working with
DCS, you can find yourself corroding your skin with acid, burning your eyes, etc.

When working with DCS, it is suggested that the following criteria is met:

1. You are in a well lit enviroment.

The same applies to explosives as they do DCS. When you work in a well lit enviroment, you are
less likely to make mistakes.
2. You are wearing protective gear.
When you are working with DCS, it is HIGHLY recommended that you do not cheap out on the
gear. Suggested protective gear includes:

High Quality Gas Mask OR Respirator and Goggles

Chemical Resistant Gloves

Double-Layer Raincoat

Work Boots

3. You have a basic understanding of how the provided chemicals work.

Although this isn't required, it certaintly helps. Knowing how these chemicals react to one
another will save you a lot of trouble.
4. You take frequent breaks from the area you are working in.
If you do this and you have a crack in your mask or respirator/goggles, this can save you damage
to your lungs and to your eyes, and possibly even your life, depending on the severity of the
chemical you are working on.

Wireless Detonator
Nokia Cellphone, or house phone (nokia recommended).
Cardboard Sheet, or other flat surface to work on.
3 Crocodile Clips
3 Zip Ties
2 Screws
2 Wires (small)
2 AA Batteries
Cutting tool
Additional Wires + Explosive for detonation

First, take the phone apart by using a flat-head screwdriver or another device to pry it apart. Find
the vibrating box in the phone, which will appear yellow with a silver tip in Nokia brands. Once
you find it, you need to take a saw knife or other cutting tool, and cut a hole next to the vibrating
At this point, you will need to take the cardboard sheet, or other flat surface that you chose to
work on and punch four holes in the cardboard surround the phone, in order to fit the zip ties
through. Then, punch two holes in the area to fit two AA batteries, and secure the zip tie to fit the
pair of AA batteries properly.
Put two screws through the board, making sure they are on the RIGHT side of the phone, and
close to the zip ties. You can now connect two crocodile clips, making sure that they each connect
to a screw, and one connects to a battery. You will attach one more loosely to the other AA
Take the two wires, and connect them from the screws, to the cut hole in the cell phone. This will
have completed the detonator. To detonate the device, a call must be made and the spinning
device will set off a charge to the screws, which will trigger the batteries, and then the explosive.

Pipe Grenade

Iron Pipe, 2-3 diam, 3-8 Long.
Two Iron Pipe Caps
Explosive Material
Nonelectric Blast Cap
Fuse Cord
Electric or Hand Drill



Start by placing the blast cap on one end of a fuse cord, and crimp the two together with a pair of
pliers. Screw a pipe cap to the end of the pipe, and place the fuse cord/blasting cap (which has
been crimped) into the opposite end of the pipe cap. The blasting cap should be inside of the pipe,
and the fuse cord should be sticking out.
Pour explosive of choice into the pipe, using little amounts at a time (suggested explosive
material may be picric acid or fertilizer). Tap and gently shake the pipe as you pour to make the
filler reach the bottom and settle.
Drill a hole in the center of the unused pipe cap, making sure it is large enough for the fuse cord
to pass through. Slide the unused pipe cap over the fuse, and screw it tightly onto the pipe. If
needed, apply scotch tape LIGHTLY around the fuse to prevent filler from leaking out of the
drilled hole.

Weighted Landmine

One flexible metal sheet, 10 in -- cut to be a square
One flexible metal sheet, 10 in x 8 in
One piece of wood, 10 in long/wide, 1 in thick -- cut to be a square
Four soft wood blocks: 1 in x 1 in x 1/4 in
Eight nails, at least 1 in long
Two connecting wires
Duct Tape

Prior to doing this, mark a corner A in your head. Start by nailing the 10 in x 8 in metal sheet
to the 10 in piece of wood, so that way the wood is visible on both sides of the metal. Leave one
nail showing a quarter way out of the sheet- this nail will be on corner A. Strip the rubber from
one end of the connecting wire, and wrap the uninsulated part of the wire around the nail that is
sticking up out of the sheet. Now, finish hammering the nail into the wood.
Place the four wood blocks onto the corners of the base, and place the 10 in square sheet on top
of the blocks so that it rests on the blocks, and is in line with the wood base. Drive three nails
through the metal sheet, and through the blocks, to be sure that it fastens the sheet, the blocks,
and the base. The three nails will go through all corners except for corner A.
When you drive the final nail through the wood and sheet, do as you did earlier by leaving 1/4 of
the nail sticking out, and connecting a second uninsulated wire to the nail. Then drive it through
the wood.
Finish the job by wrapping duct tape around the edges of the plate and the wooden base- this step
is extremely important, as it prevents the device from detonating randomly.
Connect the two wires to an explosive device of your choice, and whenever the plate is stepped
on, driven over, etc, the weighted landmine will detonate.


TriNitroToluene (TNT)

One bottle of Sulfuric Acid
One bottle of Nitric Acid
Water source
Ice cubes
Stove, fire, or other type of heater
Three chemistry beakers
Ten grams of Toluene
One Syringe
Centigrade Thermometer-- Any other thermometers can obstruct the process

Making TNT is extremely dangerous, and therefore it should be handled extremely carefully.
Since TNT consists of both chemical and explosive solutions, it is suggested that TNT be handled
AFTER reading Working with Explosives, and Working with Drugs and Chemical Solutions
on pages [INSERT] through [INSERT]. Be sure to follow exact temperatures instead of
estimating, and make sure percentages are exact, or else this can cost you your life.

Step One: Take two beakers. In the first, prepare a solution of seventy-six percent sulfuric acid,
23 percent nitric acid, and 1 percent water. In the other beaker, prepare another solution of 57
percent nitric acid and 43 percent sulfuric acid.
Step Two: Ten grams of the first solution are poured into the third, empty beaker, and placed into
an ice bath-- (a bowl of ice-cubes and cold water).
Step Three: Add ten grams of Toluene to the third beaker, and stir for 3-4 minutes.
Step Four: Remove this beaker from the ice bath, and gently heat it until it reaches 122 degrees F.
Be sure to stir the solution as it is being heated.
Step Five: Pour fifty grams from the first beaker, into the third beaker. Heat the beaker to 131
degrees F. Hold this temperature for ten minutes, and you should notice an oily liquid form on top

of the acid.
Step Six: After 10-12 minutes, the third beaker is returned to the ice bath, and cooled to 113
degrees F. The oily liquid will sink and collect at the bottom of the beaker. The remaining acid
solution should be drawn off using a syringe.
Step Seven: Fifty more grams from the first beaker are added to the third beaker while the
temperature is SLOWLY raised to 181degrees F. After this temperature is reached, make sure to
maintain it for 30 minutes.
Step Eight: At the end of this period, the solution is allowed to cool to 140 degrees F, and is held
at this temperature for 30 more minutes. After this, the acid is drawn off with a syringe, and only
the oily liquid is left.
Step Nine: Thirty grams of sulfuric acid are added to the third beaker, while the oily liquid is
slowly heated to 176 degrees F. From now on, all temperature increases must be completed
Step Ten: Once the desired temperature is reached, 30 grams of the second acid solution are
added, and the temperature is raised to 219 degrees F, and held for three hours.
Step Eleven: After this three hour period, the mixture is lowered to 212F, and is held there for a
half our.
Step Twelve: After this half our, the oil is removed from the acid, and washed with boiling water.
Step Thirteen: After the washing with boiling water, while being stirred constantly, the TNT will
begin to solidify.
Step Fourteen: When the solidification has started, cold water is added to the third beaker, so that
the TNT will form into pellets. Once this is done, you will have TNT.

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