Commands and Tools 2010

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Document Context Menu
Activate Class

Document Context Menu (continued)

Class Options

Activate Layer

Active Only

Force Select

Gray Others

Select All

Gray/Snap Others


Show Others

Active Layer Scale

Show/Snap Others

Document Preferences

Show/Snap/Modify Others

Working Plane
Object Context Menu

Select Working Plane

Look at Working Plane

Activate Class

Save Working Plane

Activate Layer

Next Working Plane

Force Select

Previous Working Plane


Set Working Plane at Next Click


Align Working Plane X Axis with Layer Plane


Align Working Plane with Layer Plane


Align Working Plane with Current View

Send to Front

Rotate About X' Left 90

Send Forward

Rotate About X' Right 90

Send to Back

Rotate About Y' Left 90

Send Backward

Rotate About Y' Right 90


Rotate About Z' Left 90


Rotate About Z' Right 90

Rotate 3D

Flip X'

Rotate Left 90

Flip Y'

Rotate Right 90

Flip Z'

Flip Horizontal


Flip Vertical





Object Info


Working Planes

(Several other commands can display here, depending on the object


Resource Browser


Activate Object Info Palette

Tool Sets
Save Palette Positions
Layer Options
Active Only
Gray Others
Gray/Snap Others
Show Others
Show/Snap Others

Vectorworks Menu (Macintosh only)

About Vectorworks
Check for Updates
Services (standard Macintosh menu)
Hide Vectorworks
Hide Others
Show All
Quit Vectorworks

Show/Snap/Modify Others

Vectorworks 2010

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
File Menu

File Menu (continued)


Export Simple VectorScript (3D only)


Export Stereo Lithography (3D only)

Open Recent (list of recently opened files)

Export Parasolid X_T (3D only)


Export as Vectorworks 10 File


Export as Vectorworks 11 File

Save As

Export as Vectorworks 12 File

Save a Copy As

Export as Vectorworks 2008 File

Save As Template

Page Setup

Revert to Saved


Batch Convert

Exit (Windows only)

Document Settings

Edit Menu

Document Preferences


Dash Styles






Import DXF/DWG


Import Single DXF/DWG File

Paste in Place

Import EPSF

Paste as Picture

Import Image File


Import Metafile (Windows only)


Import PICT (Macintosh only)

Duplicate Array

Import Metafile as Picture (Windows only)

Duplicate Along Path

Import PICT as Picture (Macintosh only)

Select All

Import Worksheet

Invert Selection

Import VectorScript

Previous Selection

Import IGES (3D only)

Select Working Plane

Import SAT (3D only)

View Menu

Import Parasolid X_T (3D only)



Export DXF/DWG

Normal Scale

Export Database

Fit to Page Area

Export EPix/Piranesi (RW)

Fit to Objects

Export EPSF

Class Options

Export High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) (RW)

Active Only

Export Image File

Gray Others

Export PDF (Quartz only) (Macintosh only)

Gray/Snap Others

Export Metafile (Windows only)

Show Others

Export PICT (Macintosh only)

Show/Snap Others

Export QuickTime VR Object (RW)

Export QuickTime VR Panorama (RW)

Show/Snap/Modify Others
Layer Options

Export VectorScript

Active Only

Export Worksheet

Gray Others

Export IGES (3D only)

Gray/Snap Others

Export SAT (3D only)

Show Others

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
View Menu (continued)

View Menu (continued)

Show/Snap Others

Shaded Polygon

Show/Snap/Modify Others

Shaded Polygon No Lines

Standard Views

Final Shaded Polygon


Create Batch Render Job (RW)


Start Batch Render (RW)



Set Perspective


Narrow Perspective


Normal Perspective

Right Isometric

Wide Perspective

Left Isometric

Set Lighting Options

Right Rear Iso

Set Sun Position

Left Rear Iso

Look at Working Plane

Lower Right Iso

Align Layer Views

Lower Left Iso

Create Layer Link

Lower Right Rear

Set 3D View

Lower Left Rear

Rotate 3D View


Create Viewport

2D Plan

Update Selected Viewports


Update All Viewports


Save View

Oblique Cavalier 45

Next View

Oblique Cavalier 30

Previous View

Oblique Cabinet 45


Oblique Cabinet 30

Show or Hide Constraints


Modify Menu



OpenGL Options


Fast Renderworks (RW)

Fast Renderworks with Shadows (RW)

Move 3D

Final Quality Renderworks (RW)

Send to Front

Custom Renderworks (RW)

Send Forward

Custom Renderworks Options (RW)

Send to Back

Fast Radiosity (RW)

Send Backward

Final Quality Radiosity (RW)


Custom Radiosity (RW)

Align to Grid

Custom Radiosity Options (RW)


Artistic Renderworks (RW)

Artistic Renderworks Options (RW)

Align/Distribute 3D

Hidden Line


Dashed Hidden Line

Rotate 3D

Line Render Options

Rotate Left 90

Unshaded Polygon

Rotate Right 90

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Modify Menu (continued)

Modify Menu (continued)

Flip Horizontal

Convert to Generic Solids

Flip Vertical

Convert to Line Light

Scale Objects

Convert to Area Light

Working Plane

Convert Line to Dimension

Select Working Plane

Create Symbol

Look at Working Plane


Save Working Plane


Next Working Plane

Edit Group (varies depending on the selected object)

Previous Working Plane

Exit Group

Set Working Plane at Next Click

Top Level

Align Working Plane X Axis with Layer Plane

Link Text to Record

Align Working Plane with Layer Plane

Trace Bitmap

Align Working Plane with Current View

Edit Constraints

Rotate About X' Left 90


Rotate About X' Right 90

Make Guide

Rotate About Y' Left 90

Select Guides

Rotate About Y' Right 90

Show Guides

Rotate About Z' Left 90

Hide Guides

Rotate About Z' Right 90

Flip X'

Delete All Guides

Poly Smoothing

Flip Y'

No Smoothing

Flip Z'

Bezier Spline Smoothing


Cubic Spline Smoothing


Arc Smoothing


Drafting Aids

Arc into Segments

Join and Fillet

Join (no trim)

Line into Segments

Unrotate 3D Objects

Add Surface


Clip Surface


Intersect Surface

Model Menu

Combine Into Surface

Create Polys from Walls

Add Solids

Create Walls from Polygon

Subtract Solids


Intersect Solids


Section Solids



Convert to Group

Multiple Extrude

Convert to Lines

Extrude Along Path

Convert Copy to Lines

Tapered Extrude

Convert to Polygons


Convert Copy to Polygons

3D Power Pack

Convert to Mesh

Stitch and Trim Surfaces

Convert to 3D Polys

Create Fillet Surface

Convert to NURBS

Create Planar Caps

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Model Menu (continued)

Tools Menu (continued)

Create Surface from Curves

Create Drape Surface

Convert Line to Dimension


Create Helix-Spiral

Vectorworks Preferences

Revolve with Rail

Edit Marker List

Create Interpolated Surface

Extend NURBS

Line Thickness

Rebuild NURBS

Workspace Editor




Text Menu

Roof Face
Create Roof


Create Image Prop (RW)

(list of installed fonts)

Create Animation


Cut 2D Section

Set Size

Cut 3D Section

(several size options)

Engineering Properties


Volumetric Properties

Plain Text
Tools Menu





Outline (Macintosh only)

Create Report

Shadow (Macintosh only)


Link Text to Record


Attach Record


Detach Record


Change One Field


Change All Fields

Top Baseline

Set Origin


SmartCursor Settings

Bottom Baseline



Compress Images

Single Space

Custom Selection

1-1/2 Space

Custom Tool/Attribute

Double Space



VectorScript Plug-in Editor

Encrypt VectorScript
Run VectorScript
Change Symbol Attrs
List Symbols

lower case
Title Caps
Format Text

Update Plug-in Objects

Check Spelling

Create Color Chart

Find-Replace Text

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Commands in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Commands that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Text Menu (continued)
TrueType to Polyline
Text Along Path
Window Menu
Object Info
Working Planes
Resource Browser
Activate Object Info Palette
Tool Sets
Save Palette Positions
Tile (Windows only)
Cascade (Windows only)
Arrange Icons (Windows only)
Close All (Windows only)
Use Full Screen
(list of open files, each with the applicable menus below)
Worksheets (list of worksheets in the file)
Script Palettes (list of script palettes in the file)
Referenced Files (list of referenced files in the file)
Help Menu
Vectorworks Help
Check For Updates (Windows only)
What's This?
About Vectorworks (Windows only)

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Tools in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Tools that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Basic Palette

3D Modeling Tool Set (continued)

2D Selection


3D Selection

Extruded Rectangle

Pan, Move Page (flyout menu)

Extruded Polygon







Callout Tool


2D Locus

Fillet Edge

2D Symbol Insertion

Chamfer Edge


Shell Solid

Double Line



Loft Surface

Rounded Rectangle



Create Contours



Arc, Quarter Arc (flyout menu)



Visualization Tool Set

2D Polygon


Double-Line Polygon


Regular Polygon

Translate View


Rotate View


Light Tool

Attribute Mapping Tool

Render Bitmap (RW)

2D Reshape

RenderWorks Camera (RW)


Attribute Mapping Tool


VBvisual Plant (RW)

Split Tool
Dims/Notes Tool Set

Connect/Combine Tool

Constrained Linear Dimension


Unconstrained Linear Dimension


Angular Dimension


Arc Length Dimension

Clip, Shear, Fixed Point Resize (flyout menu)

Radial Dimension

Move by Points

Center Mark
Break Line
3D Modeling Tool Set

Set Working Plane, Align Plane (flyout menu)
3D Reshape
3D Symbol Insertion
3D Locus
3D Polygon
NURBS Circle

Vectorworks 2010

Constrain Coincident, Constrain Angle, Constrain Colinear, Constrain

Concentric, Constrain Distance, Constrain Horiz Distance, Constrain
Vertical Distance, Constrain Horiz-Vertical, Constrain Parallel,
Constrain Perpendicular, Constrain Radius, Constrain Tangent (flyout
Tape Measure Tool
Protractor Tool
Revision Cloud Tool
Sheet Border
Drawing Label

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Tools in the Vectorworks Fundamentals Workspace

Tools that are available only if Renderworks is installed are shown with an RW in the following table.
Dims/Notes Tool Set (continued)
Reference Marker
Section-Elevation Marker
Data Stamp
Room Name Simple
Scale Bar
Bridge Line
Grid - Polar
Grid - Rectangular
Walls Tool Set
Round Wall
Wall Join
Duplicate Symbol in Wall
Remove Wall Breaks
Simple Stair
Detailing Tool Set
Batt Insulation
Rectangular Tubing
Round Tubing
Square Tubing
Wide Flange
Shaft Break

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Designer Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Designer workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Object Context Menu
Create Similar Object

Modify Menu

File Menu
Document Settings

Objects from Polyline

Convert to Viewport

Document Setup

Model Menu

Model Setup
Create Standard Viewports
Standard Naming

3D Power Pack
Unfold Surfaces

Drawing Setup

Create Solar Animation

AEC Menu

Import IFC
Import PartSpec

Fit Walls to Roof

Import PDF

Space Planning

Import Shapefile

Model to Floorplan

Import 3DS (3D only)

Import Adjacency Matrix

Import SketchUp

Create Spaces from Polys


Create Spaces from Walls

Export IFC Project

Create Walls from Spaces

Export IFC Object

Update Space Boundaries

Export PDF

Export DOE-2

Export PDF (Batch)

Dimension Exterior Walls

Export Shapefile

Create Wall Projection

Export 3DS (3D only)

Create Wall Recess

Export KML (3D only)


Issue Manager

Create Site Model

Batch Print

Simplify 3D Polygons
View Menu

Sketch Options
Set Renderworks Background

Validate 3D Data
Create Boundary from Pad
Site Model Section
Send to Surface
Zone of Visual Influence
Survey Input

Rotate Plan

Import Survey File

Stack Layers

2D Polys to 3D Contours

Stack Layers Options

3D Polys to 3D Loci

Create Section Viewport

Grid Method Entry



Show or Hide Plant Styles

Station on Polyline

Show or Hide Site Modifiers

Align Stakes Vertically

Show or Hide Spray Pattern

Create Road from Stakes

Create New Plant
VW Plants Database
Choose VW Plants
Change Plant Grouping

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Designer Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Designer workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
AEC Menu (continued)

Tools Menu (continued)

Plant Line

Custom Modification

Vegetation Line


Create IFC Entity

VS Compiler Mode

IFC Data


Create Seating Layout

Reset All Plug-ins


Set Default Symbol Class

Simple Beam Calculator

Create Joists from Poly

VA Set Project Prefs

Wall Framer


Roof Framer




Conduit Sizing Calc


Conductor Sizing Calc

Machine Design

Create Piping Runs


Machine Design Menu

Text Menu

Create Multiple Views

Convert Old Notes to New

Spring Calculator

Add Text to Database

Shaft Analysis

Reconcile Notes

Draw Cam Diagrams


Simple Beam

Show or Hide Redlines

Simple Beam Analysis

Pick up Redline

Conversion Factors

Restore Redline

Solution of Triangles

Create Redline Status WS

Belt Length Calculator

Chain Length Calculator

Window Menu

Control Values for Keys




3D Properties
Create 3D Object from 2D
Tools Menu
Task Manager
Class and Layer Mapping
Create Panel Schedule
Create Panel Riser Diag
VA Records and Schedules
VA Create Record
VA Create Schedule
Create Drawing List
Create Rm Finish Legend
Create Bill of Materials
Create Parts List

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Designer Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Designer workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Basic Palette

Building Shell Tool Set (continued)

Select Similar



Custom Stair
Site Planning Tool Set

Simple Elevator

Place Plant


Stake Object

Chain Extrude

Property Line Tool

Drilled Footing

Landscape Area
Visualization Tool Set

Massing Model, Campanile (flyout menu)

Model View Tool

Grade Calculator

Human Figure Tool

Landscape Wall
Furn/Fixtures Tool Set

Landscape Wall Arc

Landscape Wall Bzier

Handrail (Straight)

Irrigation Head

Handrail (Curved)

Drip Emitter


Irrigation Line

Compartment Sink

Parking Spaces

Toilet Stall

Parking Along Path

Grab Bars

Parking Area

Ceiling Grid Tool

Roadway (Tee)

Base Cabinet

Roadway (Straight)

Wall Cabinet

Roadway (NURBS)

Utility Cabinet

Roadway (Curved)

Shelving Unit

Guardrail (Straight)

Counter Top

Guardrail (Curved)


Site Modifiers

Seating Layout
Clothes Rod
Space Planning Tool Set

Table and Chairs



Space Link Tool

Workstation Panel

Adjacency Matrix

Workstation Counter

Stacking Diagram

Workstation Overhead

Adjacency Score

Workstation Pedestal
Building Shell Tool Set

Dims/Notes Tool Set

Component Join

Slope Dimension


Grid Bubble


General Notes Tool

Window Wall (Straight)

Redline Tool

Window Wall (Curved)



Feature Control Frame


Datum Feature Symbol


Datum Target Symbol

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Designer Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Designer workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Dims/Notes Tool Set (continued)

MEP Tool Set

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Note

Ceiling Grid Tool

Detail Bubble

Circuiting Tool

Section Note (HS)

Edit Circuiting Tool

Material Note (HS)


Center Line Marker (HS)

Comm Device

North Arrow

Incandescent Fixture

Revision Marker


Elevation Benchmark


ID Label Tool

Piping Connection
Piping Run
Detailing Tool Set

HVAC Damper

Linear Material

HVAC Diffuser

Repetitive Unit

HVAC Elbow Duct

Framing Member Tool

HVAC Flex Duct

Detail Cut Wood

HVAC Outlet

Straight Truss

HVAC Splitter

Curved Truss

HVAC Straight Duct

Curtain Object

HVAC Transition

J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

HVAC Vertical Duct

Bolt and Nut - mm

HVAC Vertical Elbow

Bolt and Nut - inch

Wood Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Sheet Metal Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Lag Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Carriage Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole Pattern (HS)
Hole - Drilled - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole - Tapped (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole - Tapped (Metric) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Screw Threads (HS)
Keyway (HS)
Angle - 3D (flyout menu)
Bulb Flat - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)
Channel - 3D (flyout menu)
I-Beam - 3D (flyout menu)
Rectangular Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Round Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Square Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Tee - 3D (flyout menu)
Wide Flange - 3D (flyout menu)
Z-Section - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)
Pipe Fitting
Shaft Break 2 (HS)

Vectorworks 2010

Hardware Inch/Metric Tool Set

Fastener Tool (ASME Inch, ASME Metric) - places Lock Washer, Nut,
Plain Washer, Screw and Nut, Set Screw, Shoulder Screw - 2D, 3D
Eye Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Swing Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Swing Eye Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
T-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
U-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Thumb Screw (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Acorn Nut (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Knurled Thumb Nut (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut - Type A (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut - Type B (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut - Type C (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut - Type D (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Retaining Ring (ASME) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Clevis Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Clevis Pin (Metric) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Dowel Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Taper Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Cotter Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Designer Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Designer workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Hardware Inch/Metric Tool Set (continued)

Springs Tool Set

Rivet - Large (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Compression Spring 1 - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Rivet - Small (inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Compression Spring 2 - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Hardware ISO / DIN Tool Set

Fastener Tool (DIN, ISO) - places Lock Washer, Nut, Plain Washer,
Screw and Nut, Set Screw, Shoulder Screw - 2D, 3D (HS)
Hex Cap Nut - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Knurled Thumb Nut (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Clevis Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Die Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Conical Compression Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Torsion Spring - End, Torsion Spring - 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Torsion Spring - Front (HS)
Extension Spring - Front, Extension Spring - 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Extension Spring - End (HS)
Belleville Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Parallel Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Symbols Tool Set

Taper Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Retaining Ring (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Leader Line (HS)

Retaining Washer (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Surface Texture Symbol (HS)

Rivet (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Tubular Rivet (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Machine Components Tool Set
Spur Gear 2D, Spur Gear 3D, Hub 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Fillet (AWS) (HS)

Welding Sym-Flange (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Groove (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Misc (AWS) (HS)

Spur Gear Rack - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Slot-Plug (AWS) (HS)

Bevel Gears - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Fillet (ISO) (HS)

Worm Gear - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Flange (ISO) (HS)

Worm - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Groove (ISO) (HS)

Pulley - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Misc (ISO) (HS)

Sprocket - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Roller Chain - Linear - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Slot-Plug (ISO) (HS)

Roller Chain - Circular - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Roller Chain - Offset Link - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Shaft - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Key - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Woodruff Key - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Bearings Tool Set
Ball Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Roller Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Tapered Roller Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Thrust Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Needle Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Pillow Block - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Flanged Bearing - 2 Hole - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Flanged Bearing - 4 Hole - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Bearing Lock Nut - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Architect Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Architect workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Object Context Menu
Create Similar Object

AEC Menu
Fit Walls to Roof
Space Planning

File Menu
Document Settings

Model to Floorplan
Import Adjacency Matrix

Document Setup

Create Spaces from Polys

Model Setup

Create Spaces from Walls

Create Standard Viewports

Create Walls from Spaces

Standard Naming

Update Space Boundaries


Export DOE-2

Import IFC

Dimension Exterior Walls

Import PDF

Create Wall Projection

Import 3DS (3D only)

Create Wall Recess

Import SketchUp



Create Site Model

Export IFC Project

Simplify 3D Polygons

Export IFC Object

Validate 3D Data

Export PDF

Site Model Section

Export PDF (Batch)

Send to Surface

Export 3DS (3D only)

Survey Input

Export KML (3D only)

Import Survey File

Issue Manager

2D Polys to 3D Contours

Batch Print

Grid Method Entry

View Menu


Create IFC Entity

IFC Data
Create Seating Layout



Sketch Options

Simple Beam Calculator

Set Renderworks Background

Create Joists from Poly

Rotate Plan

Wall Framer

Stack Layers

Roof Framer

Stack Layers Options


Create Section Viewport

Conduit Sizing Calc

Modify Menu

Conductor Sizing Calc

Create Piping Runs


Tools Menu

Objects from Polyline

Task Manager

Convert to Viewport

Class and Layer Mapping

Model Menu

3D Power Pack
Unfold Surfaces
Create Solar Animation

Create Panel Schedule
Create Panel Riser Diag
VA Records and Schedules
VA Create Record
VA Create Schedule

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Architect Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Architect workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Tools Menu (continued)
Create Drawing List
Create Rm Finish Legend
Custom Modification
VS Compiler Mode
Reset All Plug-ins
Set Default Symbol Class
VA Set Project Prefs
Text Menu
Convert Old Notes to New
Add Text to Database
Reconcile Notes
Show or Hide Redlines
Pick up Redline
Restore Redline
Create Redline Status WS
Window Menu

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Architect Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Architect workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Basic Palette

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set

Select Similar

Handrail (Straight)


Handrail (Curved)
Site Planning Tool Set

Compartment Sink

Stake Object

Toilet Stall

Property Line Tool

Grab Bars

Massing Model, Campanile (flyout menu)

Ceiling Grid Tool

Parking Spaces

Base Cabinet

Roadway (Tee)

Wall Cabinet

Roadway (Straight)

Utility Cabinet

Roadway (NURBS)

Shelving Unit

Roadway (Curved)

Counter Top

Guardrail (Straight)


Guardrail (Curved)

Seating Layout

Site Modifiers

Clothes Rod
Table and Chairs
Space Planning Tool Set



Workstation Panel

Space Link Tool

Workstation Counter

Adjacency Matrix

Workstation Overhead

Stacking Diagram

Workstation Pedestal

Adjacency Score
Dims/Notes Tool Set
Building Shell Tool Set

Slope Dimension

Component Join

Grid Bubble


General Notes Tool


Redline Tool

Window Wall (Straight)


Window Wall (Curved)

North Arrow


Revision Marker


Elevation Benchmark


ID Label Tool


MEP Tool Set

Custom Stair

Ceiling Grid Tool

Simple Elevator

Circuiting Tool


Edit Circuiting Tool

Chain Extrude


Drilled Footing

Comm Device
Incandescent Fixture
Visualization Tool Set


Model View Tool


Human Figure Tool

Piping Connection
Piping Run

Vectorworks 2010

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Architect Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Architect workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
MEP Tool Set (continued)
HVAC Damper
HVAC Diffuser
HVAC Elbow Duct
HVAC Flex Duct
HVAC Outlet
HVAC Splitter
HVAC Straight Duct
HVAC Transition
HVAC Vertical Duct
HVAC Vertical Elbow
Detailing Tool Set
Linear Material
Repetitive Unit
Framing Member Tool
Detail Cut Wood
J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Bolt and Nut - mm
Bolt and Nut - inch
Wood Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Sheet Metal Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Lag Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Carriage Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole Pattern (HS)
Angle - 3D (flyout menu)
Bulb Flat - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)
Channel - 3D (flyout menu)
I-Beam - 3D (flyout menu)
Rectangular Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Round Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Square Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)
Tee - 3D (flyout menu)
Wide Flange - 3D (flyout menu)
Z-Section - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)
Pipe Fitting

Vectorworks 2010

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Landmark Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Landmark workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Object Context Menu
Create Similar Object

Model Menu
3D Power Pack
Unfold Surfaces

File Menu

Create Solar Animation

Document Settings
Landmark Menu

Document Setup
Model Setup

Create New Plant

Create Standard Viewports

VW Plants Database

Standard Naming

Choose VW Plants


Change Plant Grouping

Import PDF

Plant Line

Import Shapefile

Vegetation Line

Import 3DS (3D only)

Survey Input

Import SketchUp

Import Survey File


2D Polys to 3D Contours

Export PDF

3D Polys to 3D Loci

Export PDF (Batch)

Grid Method Entry

Export Shapefile

Create Site Model

Export 3DS (3D only)

Simplify 3D Polygons

Export KML (3D only)

Validate 3D Data

Issue Manager

Create Boundary from Pad

Batch Print

Site Model Section

Send to Surface
View Menu


Zone of Visual Influence



Station on Polyline

Sketch Options

Align Stakes Vertically

Set Renderworks Background

Rotate Plan

Create Road from Stakes


Stack Layers

Simple Beam Calculator

Stack Layers Options

Create Wall Projection

Create Section Viewport

Create Wall Recess

Tools Menu

Show or Hide Plant Styles

Show or Hide Site Modifiers

Task Manager

Show or Hide Spray Pattern

Class and Layer Mapping

Custom Modification

Modify Menu

VS Compiler Mode



Objects from Polyline

Reset All Plug-ins

Convert to Viewport

Set Default Symbol Class


Vectorworks 2010

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Landmark Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Landmark workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Text Menu
Convert Old Notes to New
Add Text to Database
Reconcile Notes
Show or Hide Redlines
Pick up Redline
Restore Redline
Create Redline Status WS
Window Menu

Vectorworks 2010

Page 19 of 27

Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Landmark Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Landmark workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Basic Palette

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set (continued)

Select Similar

Utility Cabinet


Shelving Unit
Site Planning Tool Set

Table and Chairs


Place Plant

Workstation Panel

Stake Object

Workstation Counter

Property Line Tool

Workstation Overhead

Landscape Area

Workstation Pedestal


Dims/Notes Tool Set

Massing Model, Campanile (flyout menu)

Grade Calculator

Slope Dimension

Landscape Wall

Grid Bubble

Landscape Wall Arc

General Notes Tool

Landscape Wall Bzier

Redline Tool

Site Modifiers


Irrigation Head

North Arrow

Drip Emitter

Revision Marker

Irrigation Line

Elevation Benchmark

Parking Spaces

ID Label Tool

Parking Along Path

Detailing Tool Set

Parking Area
Roadway (Tee)

Linear Material

Roadway (Straight)

Repetitive Unit

Roadway (NURBS)

Detail Cut Wood

Roadway (Curved)

Wood Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Guardrail (Straight)

Sheet Metal Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Guardrail (Curved)

Lag Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Building Shell Tool Set


Carriage Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Angle - 3D (flyout menu)

Custom Stair

Bulb Flat - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)


Channel - 3D (flyout menu)

Chain Extrude

I-Beam - 3D (flyout menu)

Visualization Tool Set

Model View Tool

Round Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Square Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Human Figure Tool

Tee - 3D (flyout menu)

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set

Handrail (Straight)

Rectangular Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Wide Flange - 3D (flyout menu)

Z-Section - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)

Handrail (Curved)
Base Cabinet
Wall Cabinet

Vectorworks 2010

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Spotlight Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Spotlight workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Object Context Menu
Create Similar Object

Model Menu
3D Power Pack
Unfold Surfaces

File Menu
Document Settings

Manage Scenes
Animate Scenes

Spotlight Preferences

AEC Menu

Import Instrument Data

Create Wall Projection

Import PDF

Create Wall Recess

Import 3DS (3D only)

Create Seating Layout

Import SketchUp

Simple Beam Calculator


Tools Menu

Export ASCII Patch

Export Instrument Data

Label Legend Manager

Export PDF


Export PDF (Batch)

Generate Paperwork

Export 3DS (3D only)

Key to Instrumentation

Export KML (3D only)

Custom Modification

Batch Print

View Menu


VS Compiler Mode
Reset All Plug-ins



Sketch Options

Toggle Auto Numbering

Set Renderworks Background

Rotate Plan


Stack Layers
Text Menu

Stack Layers Options

Create Section Viewport

Convert Old Notes to New

Create Plot and Model View

Add Text to Database

Reconcile Notes
Modify Menu


Find and Modify

Show or Hide Redlines

Number Instruments

Pick up Redline

Focus Instruments

Restore Redline

Assign Legend to Insts

Replace Instrument

Create Redline Status WS

Refresh Instruments
Convert to Instrument

Event Planning Menu

Create Room

Convert to Accessory

Create Stage

Convert to MultiCircuit

Create Stair

Convert to Light Position

Create Lectern

Objects from Polyline

Create Screen

Create Gobo Texture

Create Event Seating

Convert to Viewport

Vectorworks 2010

Create Views

Page 21 of 27

Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Spotlight Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Spotlight workspace but not the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Window Menu

Vectorworks 2010

Page 22 of 27

Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Spotlight Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Spotlight workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Basic Palette

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set (continued)

Select Similar

Workstation Overhead


Workstation Pedestal
Spotlight Tool Set

Dims/Notes Tool Set

Inst Insertion Tool

General Notes Tool

Straight Truss

Redline Tool

Curved Truss


Light Position Obj

North Arrow

Curtain Object

Detailing Tool Set

Focus Point Tool

Accessory Insertion Tool

Angle - 3D (flyout menu)

Align and Distribute Items

Bulb Flat - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)

Ganging Tool

Channel - 3D (flyout menu)


I-Beam - 3D (flyout menu)


Rectangular Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)


Round Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)


Square Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Video Screen

Tee - 3D (flyout menu)

Blended Screen

Wide Flange - 3D (flyout menu)

Z-Section - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)
Building Shell Tool Set

J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Wood Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Sheet Metal Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Custom Stair

Lag Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Carriage Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Parking Spaces

Hole - Drilled (HS)

Chain Extrude

Hole - Tapped (Inch) (HS)


Hole - Tapped (Metric) (HS)

Visualization Tool Set

Hardware Tool Set

Model View Tool

Hex Bolt (Inch) (HS)

Human Figure Tool

Cap Screw (Inch) (HS)

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set

Machine Screw (Inch) (HS)

Lock Washer (Inch) (HS)

Seating Layout

Plain Washer (Inch) (HS)

Base Cabinet

Nut (Inch) (HS)

Wall Cabinet

U-Bolt (HS)

Utility Cabinet

J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Table and Chairs

Extension Spring - Front (HS)


Ball Bearing (HS)

Shelving Unit

Flanged Bearing - 2 Hole (HS)

Workstation Panel
Workstation Counter

Vectorworks 2010

Flanged Bearing - 4 Hole (HS)

Pillow Block (HS)

Page 23 of 27

Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Spotlight Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Spotlight workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace. Some
tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in the
following table.
Hardware Tool Set (continued)
Roller Chain - Linear (HS)
Roller Chain - Circular (HS)
Roller Chain - Offset Link (HS)
Sprocket (HS)
Compression Spring 1 (HS)
Spur Gear (HS)
Hex Bolt (Metric) (HS)
Cap Screw (Metric) (HS)
Machine Screw (Metric) (HS)
Lock Washer (Metric) (HS)
Plain Washer (Metric) (HS)
Nut (Metric) (HS)

Vectorworks 2010

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Commands Specific to the Vectorworks Machine Design Workspace

The following table shows menu commands that are in the Machine Design workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Object Context Menu
Create Similar Object

Machine Design Menu (continued)

Simple Beam Analysis
Conversion Factors

File Menu
Document Settings

Solution of Triangles
Belt Length Calculator

Drawing Setup

Chain Length Calculator


Control Values for Keys

Import PartSpec


Import PDF

3D Properties

Import 3DS (3D only)

Create 3D Object from 2D

Import SketchUp
Tools Menu

Export PDF


Export PDF (Batch)

Create Bill of Materials

Export 3DS (3D only)

Create Parts List

Export KML (3D only)

Custom Modification

Batch Print

View Menu


VS Compiler Mode
Reset All Plug-ins



Sketch Options

Machine Design

Set Renderworks Background

Text Menu

Rotate Plan
Stack Layers

Convert Old Notes to New

Stack Layers Options

Add Text to Database

Create Section Viewport

Reconcile Notes
Modify Menu


Show or Hide Redlines
Pick up Redline

Convert to Viewport

Restore Redline
Model Menu

Create Redline Status WS

Window Menu

3D Power Pack
Unfold Surfaces



Create Wall Projection
Create Wall Recess
Machine Design Menu

Create Multiple Views

Spring Calculator
Shaft Analysis
Simple Beam Calculator
Draw Cam Diagrams
Simple Beam

Vectorworks 2010

Page 25 of 27

Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Machine Design Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Machine Design workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Some tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in
the following table.
Basic Palette

Detailing Tool Set (continued)

Select Similar

Wide Flange - 3D (flyout menu)


Z-Section - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)

Visualization Tool Set

Model View Tool

Hardware Inch/Metric Tool Set

Fastener Tool (ASME Inch, ASME Metric) - places Lock Washer, Nut,
Plain Washer, Screw and Nut, Set Screw, Shoulder Screw - 2D, 3D

Human Figure Tool

Dims/Notes Tool Set
General Notes Tool

Eye Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Swing Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Swing Eye Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Redline Tool

T-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


U-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Revision Bubble

J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Feature Control Frame

Thumb Screw (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Datum Feature Symbol

Acorn Nut (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Datum Target Symbol

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Note
Detail Bubble

Knurled Thumb Nut (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Wing Nut - Type A (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut - Type B (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Section Note (HS)

Wing Nut - Type C (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Material Note (HS)

Wing Nut - Type D (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Center Line Marker (HS)

Retaining Ring (ASME) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

North Arrow

Clevis Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Detailing Tool Set

Shaft Break 2 (HS)

Hole Pattern (HS)
Hole - Drilled - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole - Tapped (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hole - Tapped (Metric) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Screw Threads (HS)
J-Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wood Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Sheet Metal Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Lag Screw - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Carriage Bolt - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Clevis Pin (Metric) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Dowel Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Taper Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Cotter Pin (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Rivet - Large (Inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Rivet - Small (inch) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Hardware ISO / DIN Tool Set
Fastener Tool (DIN, ISO) - places Lock Washer, Nut, Plain Washer,
Screw and Nut, Set Screw, Shoulder Screw - 2D, 3D (HS)
Hex Cap Nut (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Knurled Thumb Nut (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Wing Nut (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Keyway (HS)

Clevis Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Angle - 3D (flyout menu)

Parallel Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Bulb Flat - 2D, 3D (flyout menu)

Taper Pin (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Channel - 3D (flyout menu)

Retaining Ring (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

I-Beam - 3D (flyout menu)

Retaining Washer (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Rectangular Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Rivet (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Round Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Tubular Rivet (DIN) - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Square Tubing - 3D (flyout menu)

Tee - 3D (flyout menu)

Vectorworks 2010

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Tools Specific to the Vectorworks Machine Design Workspace

The following table shows tool sets and tools that are in the Machine Design workspace but not in the Vectorworks Fundamentals workspace.
Some tools are documented in the Vectorworks help system, but not in the PDF versions of the guides. These tools are shown with an HS in
the following table.
Machine Components Tool Set

Welding Symbols Tool Set (continued)

Spur Gear 2D, Spur Gear 3D, Hub 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Flange (ISO) (HS)

Spur Gear Rack - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Groove (AWS) (HS)

Bevel Gears - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Misc (ISO) (HS)

Worm Gear - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Welding Sym-Slot-Plug (ISO) (HS)

Worm - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Surface Texture Symbol (HS)

Pulley - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Leader Line (HS)

Sprocket - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Building Shell Tool Set

Roller Chain - Linear - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Roller Chain - Circular - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Roller Chain - Offset Link - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Shaft - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Key - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Parking Spaces

Woodruff Key - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)


Bearings Tool Set

Ball Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Roller Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Tapered Roller Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Thrust Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Needle Bearing - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Pillow Block - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Flanged Bearing - 2 Hole - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Flanged Bearing - 4 Hole - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Bearing Lock Nut - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Furn/Fixtures Tool Set

Base Cabinet
Wall Cabinet
Utility Cabinet
Table and Chairs
Shelving Unit
Workstation Panel
Workstation Counter
Workstation Overhead

Springs Tool Set

Workstation Pedestal

Compression Spring 1 - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)

Compression Spring 2 - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Die Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Conical Compression Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Torsion Spring - End, Torsion Spring - 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Torsion Spring - Front (HS)
Extension Spring - Front, Extension Spring - 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Extension Spring - End (HS)
Belleville Spring - 2D, 3D (flyout menu) (HS)
Welding Symbols Tool Set
Welding Sym-Fillet (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Flange (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Groove (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Misc (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Slot-Plug (AWS) (HS)
Welding Sym-Fillet (ISO) (HS)

Vectorworks 2010

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