Three Salts

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H : "Vrai et vieux chemin d'herms" 1782

Il se fait alors un dpt compos de trois Sels ainsi quil suit :
1 Un Sel tout ouvert et cottoneux qui ressemble une huile olive trs subtile.
2 Un Nitre trs dli
3 Un Sel Alkali
Cyliani : "Herms Dvoil" 1832
Aprs l'avoir dissoute, ils l'exposent dans un lieu froid pour obtenir trois couches de sel.
Le premier sel a l'aspect de laine, le deuxime d'un nitre trs petites
aiguilles et le troisime est un sel fixe alcalin.
Cyliani "Hermes Unveiled" 1832
After being dissolved, they expose it in a cold place in order to have three layers of salt.
The first salt has the appearance of wool, the second is a very small nitre needles and the
third is a fixed alkaline salt.
I.C.H: "True and old way of Hermes" 1782
It then makes a deposit made of three Salts as follows:
1 A Salt all opened and cotton that looks like a very subtle olive oil.
2 A very slender Nitre.
3 A Salt Alkali.
From Another Book
But, we can find another kind of text having the same similarities, it is the "Recreations
Hermetiques", another very very good text ! Making exactly the same references to these
three salts; here is the extract whic is quite similar to Cyliani's text :
Lorsqu'on dissout le Mercure dans l'esprit astral, et qu'on a spar la terre par dcantation
et lotion, pour n'en rien perdre, on pose la dissolution dans un lieu frais, et il se fait un
dpt de trois sels savoir, l'un cotonneux, qui nage la superficie et qui est le mercure ; le
second qui est aiguill et de nature du Nitre, et qui est entre deux eaux ; et le troisime
qui est un sel fixe et minral qui se dpose au fond.
When the Mercury is dissolved into the astral spirit, and when we have separated the
earth by decantation and lotion, in order to lose nothing, the solution is exposed into a
clod place, and there is a desposit of three salts, to know ; a cotton one, which swim on
the surface and which is the mercury, the second one, which has the form of needled, is of
the Niter's nature, and between two waters, is the third, which is a fix mineral salt, on the
This text was quoted by Fulcanelli and Canseliet in their books.
It was written in the 19th Ctry, and the author is anonymous.
Solomon levi

07-22-2011, 06:58 PM
And this is the true Matter or Subject of the Philosophers, and mark how that it agreeth
with that I said before: First, that it is one thing, which yet containeth three; Secondly,
that it is a vile thing, and yet is not so, for it is a lump of Clay; Thirdly, that it is so vile
and common that Workmen throw it out of their Mines, and tread on it, as a thing of no
value: I have seen Highways paved with it in Hungary, and it is no other in other
Countries.- Privy Seal of Secrets.
I know of this matter used to pave highways. It is not clay.
Temples have also been constructed of it.
Cyliani was lead to a TEMPLE which CONTAINED TWO CRYSTAL VASES.
One vase holds the universal spirit, the other holds the two matters.
You may focus on the vases and miss the temple.
That said, clay is still, IMO, an option, very near to the matter that paved highways.
12-08-2011, 02:45 PM
Ok, but you don't specify the matters that are dissolved for obtain the Mercury.
Rubellus Petrinus
solomon levi
02-09-2012, 06:20 AM
Well, what has been mentioned in this thread...
limestone, granite, gypsum, certain clay...
Both limestone and granite have been used to pave roads and build temples.
Regard the three salts at the beginning of this thread.
Greetings Maestro Rubellus!
Thank you for all your hard work and contribution to alchemy.
02-09-2012, 07:45 AM
Greetings Maestro Rubellus!
Thank you for all your hard work and contribution to alchemy.
Hear, Hear!

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