Design of Steel Structures II

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The passage discusses loads, analysis methods, and design of different types of steel bridges.

Dead loads, live loads, impact loads, and longitudinal loads are considered based on Indian standards.

Plate girder bridges and truss girder bridges are discussed.

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

(3) Loads:
(i) Dead load - Dead loads acting on truss girder are as follows:
Weight of rails = 2 x 0.6 = 1.2 kN/m.
* Weight of sleepers = 0.25 x 0.25 x 7.5 / 0.4 = 2.34 kN/m.
Weight of fastenings (assumed) = 0.25 kN/m.
Weight of stringers (assumed) = 3.0 kN/m
Weight of cross girders (assumed) = 5.0 kN/m.
** Self-weight of truss by Fullers Formula = 13.0 kN/m
Total dead load per track = 24.8 kN/m
Therefore, Total dead load per girder = 24.8 / 2 = 12.4 kN/m
*[Assume 250 mm 250 mm 2m wooden sleepers @ 400 mm apart and weight
of 7.5 kN/m3]

** Fuller 's Formula

15l 550 15 x 50 550

13.0 kN / m

(ii) Live load

(a) Areas of Influence line diagrams for truss members discussed:
Area of influence line for L0 U1

x 50 x1.17

Area of influence line for L1U1

x10 x1.0

Area of influence line for U 4 U5

x 50 x 2.08

Area of influence line for L4 L5

x 50 x 2

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

29.3 (Compression)







Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

(b) Live loads and impact loads from IRS Bridge Rules - 1982:
Live loads and impact factors for each loaded length are found from IRS
Bridge Rules - 1982. For maximum forces in chord members, the whole of the
span should be loaded and Live load is determined corresponding to maximum
B.M. For other diagonal and vertical members, part of the span as indicated by
influence line diagrams, should be loaded and the live load is determined
corresponding to S.F. The impact factor is found corresponding to loaded length.
For maximum force in members L4L5 and U4U5:
Load length = 50 m
Live load for B.M. = 3895.2 kN
Impact factor = 0.15

6 l

(LL+ IL) per m per girder =


6 50


3895.2 x 1 0.293
2 x 50

50.36 kN / m

For maximum force in members L0 U1 and L1 U1:

L0 U1
Load length = 50 m
Live load for B.M. = 4184.6 kN
Impact factor = 0.15

6 l

(LL+ IL) per m per girder =



4184.6 x 1 0.293

L1 U1:
Load length = 10 m
Live load for S.F. = 1227.8 kN

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

6 50

2 x 50

54.1kN / m

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Impact factor = 0.15

6 l

(LL+ IL) per m per girder =

6 50



1227.8 x 1 0.65
2 x10

101.3kN / m

(c) Longitudinal Loads from IRS Bridge Rules - 1982

Assume, there exist rail expansion joints in the bridge and prevent the
transfer of longitudinal loads to approaches. It may be noted that for broad gauge
bridges upto a loaded length of 44 m, the tractive effort is more than the braking
force and for loaded lengths more than 44 m the braking force is more than the
tractive effort.

Assume truss under consideration is simply supported by a hinge at L0

and a roller at L10. The longitudinal force in a member can be tensile or
compressive depending on the direction of movement of train.

Panel L4L5:
Loaded length = 30 m
Tractive effort = 637.4 kN
Force per chord = 637.4/2 =

318.7 kN

Unfactored loads:
Area Load in kN/m
of ILD




L0 U1

- 29.3 12.4




L1 U1




+ 62

+ 506.5


- 52.0 12.4





+ 50.0 12.4





Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Forces in members (kN)

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Use following Partial safety factors for the loads:


= 1.35;


= 1.50;


= 1.50

Factored loads:
Factored Forces in members
Member (kN)
Total load (kN)



L0 U1


- 2377.6

- 2868.0

L1 U1


+ 759.8

+ 843.4




- 4798.5


+ 837


+ 5092

- 478

Note: Negative sign represents compression and positive sign represents


(4) Design for truss members:

(i) Design of diagonal member (L0U1): Note that in this illustration of this
Member, the portal effect and fatigue are not considered.
Length of the chord, L0U1 = l = 7810 mm
Assume, effective length, le = 0.7*l = 5467mm
Try a built up member with two ISHB350 spaced @ 300 mm

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

A = 18442 mm2
rx = 146.5 mm
ry = 158.8 mm

= 5467/146.5 = 37.3


= 221.8 N/mm2

[See chapter on axially compressed columns using curve c]

Axial capacity = (221.8/1.15)*18442/1000 = 3556.5 kN > 2868 kN
Hence, section is safe against axial compression

(ii) Design of vertical member (L1U1):

Maximum tensile force = 843.4 kN
Try ISMB 350 @ 0.524 kN/m shown.
A = 6671 mm2
Axial tension capacity of the selected section = 6671* 250/1.15
= 1450 kN > 843.4 kN
Hence, section is safe in tension.
[Note: Welded connection assumed]

(iii) Design of top chord member (U4U5):

Member length, l = 5000 mm
Assume, effective length = 0.85l = 4250 mm
Try the section shown.
A = 25786 mm2

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

rx= 165.4 mm
ry = 210 mm

= 4250/165.4 = 25.7


= 239 N/mm2

[See chapter on axially compressed columns using column curve c]

Axial capacity = (239/1.15)*25786/1000 = 5359 kN > 4798.5 kN
Hence, section is safe against axial compression

(iv) Bottom chord design (L4L5):

Maximum compressive force = 478 kN
Maximum tensile force = 5092 kN
Try the box section shown.

A = 25386 mm2
rx = 144 mm
ry = 210 mm

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Axial tension capacity of the selected section = 25386* 250/1.15

= 5518 kN > 5092 kN
Hence, section is safe in tension.

Maximum unrestrained length = l = 5000 mm


= 5000/144 = 34.7


= 225 N/mm2

Axial capacity = (225/1.15)* 25386/1000

= 4967 kN > 478 kN
Hence, section is safe against axial compression also.

The example is only an illustration. The following have to be taken into

Design of lacings/batten
Design of connections and effect of bolt holes on member strength
Secondary bending effects
Design for fatigue

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

7.9 Summary
After brief introduction, the steel used in bridges and its properties were
discussed. The broad classification of bridges was mentioned and various loads
to be considered in designing railway and highway bridges in India were
discussed. Finally analysis of girder bridges was discussed using influence line

This chapter deals with the design of steel bridges using Limit States
approach. Various types of plate girder and truss girder bridges were covered.
Basic considerations that are to be taken into account while designing the plate
girder bridges are emphasised. Practical considerations in the design of truss
members and lateral bracing systems are discussed briefly. A worked example
on through type truss girder Railway Bridge is given in the appendix.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Design of Steel Structures

Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

7.10 References
1. Owens. G.W., Knowles. P.R., Dowling. P.J. (1994): Steel Designers'
Manual, Fifth edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications.

2. Chatterjee. S. (1991): The Design of Modern Steel Bridges, First

edition, BSP Professional books.

3. Demetrios. E.T. (1994): Design, Rehabilitation and Maintenance of

Modern Highway Bridges, McGraw-Hill Publishers.

4. Victor. D.J. (1973): Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford and IBH


5. IRC: 6 - 2000 Section II, Indian Standard for loads and stresses on
Highway Bridges.

6. Bridge rules - 1982, Specifications for Indian Railway loading.

7. ESDEP, Group 15B, Volume 25: Structural systems - Steel Bridges,


8. IS: 1915 - 1961: The Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design of
Steel Bridges

9. BS: 5400 - Part 3: 1982: British Standard Code of Practice for Design
of Steel Bridges

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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