An Overview of The Uniform Building By-Laws, 1984 & The Amendments 2007 (Part 4 - 5)

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3.3.1. PART I Definitions and interpretations used in the bylaws [ByLaws Sections 1 2],



3.3.2. PART II The procedures for submitting plans to the Local Authorities for their approval
for permanent and temporary buildings, advertisement and perimeter hoardings [ByLaws
Sections 3 29],


Clause 3
Submission of plans for approval [By a qualified person / principal
submitting person] FORM A
Clause 5
No erection or continued erection of a building shall take place unless the
qualified person undertakes the supervision of the erection and the
setting out

Clause 7
Withdrawal or change of qualified person / principal submitting person
[With the agreement of the authority] No work to commence until
another qualified person takes over.
Clauses 8 12
Submission procedures
Clause 13
Special permission to commence building operations early
Clauses 14 & 15
Submission procedures
Clauses 16 & 17




Submission of structural drawings and calculations

Clause 18
Permits [May submit sketch plans for minor erections and minor
Clause 19


Temporary permits [Erections of a sheds for shows or builders, place of

worship, building materials, scaffoldings, staging or hoarding on streets]
Clause 20
Advertisement hoarding [Erection of hoarding subject to an annual
temporary permit]
Clause 22
Notice of commencement or resumption of building operations. FORM B
Clause 23
Notice of completion of Setting Out of building. FORM C [Not Applicable
for CCC]
Clause 24
Notice of completion of Excavation for Foundation. FORM D [Not
Applicable for CCC]
Clauses 25 28
Certification of Fitness for Occupation [CFO] / Certificate of Completion
and Compliance [CCC] and offence occupying a building without CFO /
Clause 29
Refer to First Schedule for Payment Rates for Submission of Plans
3.3.3. PART III The required space [dimensions], light and ventilation to be provided in
buildings [ByLaws Sections 30 47],
Clauses 32 34
Open Space and Plinth ratio for buildings abutting a street and a
backlane in relation to a lot size and Setbacks
Clause 36
Requirement for a Splayed Corner for a building erected at a junction
Clause 37 & 47
Building abutting a street allowed a Projection over Street over the
building line
Clause 38
Width of footway and requirements for steps and pedestrian ramp. To
refer MS1184 & MS1185 in conjunction with this clause.
Clauses 39 42
Requirements for Natural Lighting and Ventilation according to building
use. Rules on Air Wells dimensions, Mechanical Ventilation and Air
Clauses 42 & 43
Minimum areas and dimensions of rooms in buildings
Clauses 44 46
Height controls for rooms in buildings
3.3.4. PART IV The required temporary works during construction [ByLaws Sections 48 52],
Clause 48
Requirements for Project Signboard & Hoarding [To obtain Temporary
Clause 49
Responsibilities of person granted temporary permits
Clause 51
Control of vehicular access to site by the Local Authority.
Clause 52
Rising mains for fire fighting facilities to be installed progressively for
buildings designed to exceed 18.3m [Refer Clause 232]

3.3.5. PART V Structural requirements and considerations e.g. dead, superimposed and
dynamic loads and, structural materials and elements [ByLaws Sections 53 80],
Clause 53
Building materials use
Clause 54
General requirement of loading [Dead loads, imposed loads and winds
load considerations]
Clause 55
Dead and imposed loads [Provisions for loads]
Clause 56



Dead loads calculated from weight of materials used [Based on BS648 or

actual known weights and as laid out in Fourth Schedule]
Clause 57
Weight of partitions [To include in dead load calculations]
Clause 58
Contents of tanks and other receptacles [Treated as dead loads]
Clause 59
Imposed floor loads [Methods to allow for imposed loads i.e. distributed or
concentrated loads]
Clause 60
Mechanical stacking [Special provisions in the design of the floors]
Clause 61
Imposed loads on ceilings skylight and similar structures [Methods to allow
for these loads]
Clause 62
Reduction in total imposed floor loads [Methods to allow for these loads]
Clauses 63 67
Imposed roof loads, Curved roof, Roof covering, Internal suspended loads
on primary structural members, Amount of suspended load [Methods to
allow for these loads]
Clauses 68 69
Dynamic loading, Crane gantry girders
Clauses 70 71
Parapets and balustrades, Vehicle barriers for carparks [8km/hr for
access ramp and up to 32km/hr for downward travel for a
representative 1.5 metric ton vehicle]
Clause 72
Basement walls and floors [Provisions for lateral pressure and
buoyancy/hydrostatic pressure]
Clauses 73 79
Foundations [Provisions to transmit load to the ground], Foundations of
building not exceeding four storey, Reinforced concrete foundations, Strip
foundations, Brick footings, Foundations below invert of drains,
Foundations under external and party walls
Clause 80
Structure above foundations

3.3.6. PART VI Constructional requirements e.g. site preparation, constructional materials,

method of construction and, architectural and related Structural and M&E requirements [By
Laws Sections 81 132],
Clause 81
Building site [Erection of suitable land]
Clause 82
Drainage of subsoil
Clause 83
Protection against soil erosion.
Clause 84
Prevention of Dampness
Clauses 85 89
Definition of Wall Thickness, Party Walls & Openings in Party Walls,
Recess, Chases [Party Walls extended vertically 230 above roof surface &
Minimum wall thickness of party wall left 100mm etc]
Clauses 91 92
Materials for Coping & Projections in brickwork
Clauses 93 96
Rules on Use of Internal & External Wall Materials of 100mm thick
Clause 97
Rules on Intrusion of Timber built into Party Walls [100mm spacing for
timber in party walls and separated with cement or brick]
Clause 98
Control on Fences and Boundary Walls [1.8m max solid and 2.75m max
impervious to air and light]
Clauses 99 102
Rules on cooking areas
Clause 103
Timber floor [Use of hardwood or treated timber, specifications for
trimmer joists]

Clauses 104 105

Bearing for joists [Min 100mm bearing on wall, Support on continuous
corbelled brickwork, At least 100mm of fire resisting material on party
wall between adjoining timber structures].
Clause 106
Rules on Staircases [Risers max 180mm & Tread min 255mm, Width Refer
Clause 168, Landing no less than stairs width]
Clause 107
Rules on Handrails [4 risers & more min 1 handrail, wider than 2225mm to
have intermediate handrails, except residential width 1100mm & more
handrail to be both sides of staircase at max 100mm from wall, between
825900mm height measured from nosing step & no less than 900mm at
Clause 108
Maximum Flight [residential stairs landing no less than 1.8m depth every
4.25m height; other buildings no more than 16 risers between landing]
Clauses 109 113
Various Rules on Staircases
Clauses 114 117
Timber Roof, Roof Covering, Railing at Flat Roofs, Access to Roof Spaces
Clauses 118 122
Refuse chutes & alternative means for refuse disposal
Clause 123
Pipes and service ducts requirements [risers / cabinets]
Clause 124
Lifts nonresidential buildings more than 4 storeys to be provided with a
Clauses 125 132
Public Swimming Pool requirements

3.3.7. PART VII Passive fire protection requirements [ByLaws Sections 133 224]
Clause 133
Interpretations and Definitions on Fire Requirements
Clause 134
Designation of Purpose Group of every building [Fifth Schedule]
Clause 135
Rules of Measurements for Height, Areas, Cubic Capacity of Buildings
Clauses 136 137
Fifth Schedule _ Provisions of compartment walls and floors_ floor area
exceeds relevant height e.g. floors in building exceeding 30m in height,
or volume of space exceeds relevant cubic capacity to be constructed as
compartment floor
Clause 138
Fifth Schedule _ Walls and floors to be constructed as compartment walls
or compartment floor under Purpose Group II [Institutions],
flats/apartments, between different Purpose Groups and floor above a
basement of area exceeding 100sqm.
Clause 139
Separation of fire risk areas from areas of occupancy.
Clause 140
Fire appliance access e.g. 12m width road to support fire engine for
buildings over 7000cum of volume & minimum proportion building
perimeter as road for fire access based on building volume.
Clause 141
Rules on Penetrations of Pipes through separating walls and height of
separating walls at roof junctions e.g. 225mm wall extension above roof.
Clauses 142 145
External Walls Design and Materials to comply with Permitted Limits of
Unprotected Areas specified in the Sixth Schedule including Beams
Clause 146
Definition of Relevant Boundary
Clause 147
Construction of Separating Walls to be on NonCombustible Materials
Clause 148
Special Requirements for Compartment Walls and Floors
Clause 149
Horizontal and Vertical Barriers of the external walls to extend minimum
750mm and 900mm respectively.

Clause 150
Protected Shafts Requirements
Clause 151 155
Lifts Requirements _ Ventilation, Openings, Smoke Detectors in Lift
Lobbies & Emergency Mode
Clause 156 157
Protected Shafts as Ventilation Duct and Staircases
Clauses 158 159
Stages in Places of Assembly and Open Stages _ Requirement for a
proscenium wall of 225mm thick unless suitable protection devices
Clause 160
Fire precautions in air conditioning systems
Clause 161
Fire Stopping Materials
Clauses 162 164
Fire Doors _ 162(2) Openings in compartment and separating walls to be
protected by Fire Doors in accordance with the FRP requirements of the
relevant walls referred in the Ninth Schedule 162(3) Openings in protected
structures to be protected by Fire Doors with FRP not less than of the
relevant walls referred in the Ninth Schedule 162(4) Openings in protected
corridor or lobby to be protected by Fire Doors having FRP of hour.
Clause 165 167
Measurement of Travel Distance to Exits, Condition of Exits and Storey
Exits based on Seventh Schedule _ Open plan travel distance calculated no
more than 2/3 permitted travel distance, room with 6 or less persons
measured from the doors if travel distance within room less than 15m,
minimum 2 separate exits from each storey not nearer than 4.5m apart
and located within the limits of travel distance, widths of exits as
specified in Seventh Schedule
Clauses 168 169
Exit Staircases _ Every upper floor to have minimum 2 staircases except
buildings lower than 12m that comply with Clause 194, Number of
Staircases should accommodate highest occupancy load under Seventh
Schedule even though one staircase is not accessible/available, handrails
may encroach into staircase width to a maximum 75mm, widths of
staircases and exit routes shall be maintained [not reduced in width]
throughout & door swings should not encroach the access width. Also refer
Clauses 174 177, 181 182, 190 & 191.
Clause 170
Egress Conditions for Mezzanine Floors and Open Staircases
Clause 171
Conditions for Horizontal Exits
Clause 172
Conditions for Emergency Exit [KELUAR] Signs
Clause 173
Conditions for Exit Door
Clause 174
Arrangement of Storey Exits to be not less than 5m apart with direct
access to [1] a final exit [2] a protected staircase to a final exit [3] an
external route to a final exit. Basements and Roof Structures for services
need not have alternative egress.
Clauses 175 177
Calculation of occupancy load, capacity of exits, exit widths and number
of staircases to refer to Seventh Schedule. At least one staircase should be
a minimum of 2 unit widths [552mm x 2 = 1104mm wide] except 900mm
allowed where total occupancy of all floors less than 50. Refer Clauses
168 169, 181 & 182
Clause 178
Exits for institutional and places of assembly to be located to avoid undue
danger from fire originating in other occupancy (areas)
Clauses 179 188
Classifications of places of assembly, space standards for calculating
occupancy loads, exit details for places of assembly, seating, gangways,
exit doors and travel distance
Clause 181 182
Calculation for width of means of egress and rate of discharge _ 552mm
per unit width with unit width = 300mm, no exits less than 700mm
[clear width of opening], rates of travel per floor are [1] 60 persons per
minute horizontally (doors & level passage ways) and [2] 45 person per
minute vertically (stairs)

Clauses 190 191

External Staircases may used as exit staircases provided they comply with
requirements of internal staircases and separated from the interior of
building by walls and fire doors and no openings next to the staircase
within 2m distance horizontally and 9m vertically below except
ventilations for toilets or other protected areas.
Clause 192 193
Moving Walks and Power Operated Doors may be considered as egress
Clause 194
Residential or Office Buildings permitted to be served by a Single Staircase
when top floor is 12m high or less [except Ground Floor may be Shops or
Car Parking], stairs separated from Ground Floor with fire rated walls,
wall enclosing staircase is returned no less than 450mm from Ground Floor
Shop or Car Park, maximum travel distance 12m from exit door to any
point in the area. At Ground and First Floors, if there are windows with
opening lights possible for emergency escape the maximum travel distance
may be 30m.
Clause 195
Buildings over 30m high to have all staircases used as mean of egress
extended to roof level as access.
Clauses 196 197
Smoke Lobbies accessed via fire doors, Smoke Lobbies for Staircases,
Protected Lobbies for staircases in buildings higher than 18m without
ventilation through external walls, Pressurised Lobbies for buildings higher
than 45m

Clauses 198 202

Ventilation for staircases at each floor or landing with a minimum 1sqm
opening per floor. In building less than 3storeys staircase may not be
ventilated if access via ventilated lobbies at all floors except the top most
and; if buildings 18m high or less with top most floor ventilated at top
most with 5% of area of enclosure. Buildings higher than 18m to be
mechanically ventilated if not naturally ventilated at every floor or
Clause 203 207
Restriction and Classifications of Spread of Flames _ Reference to Eight
Schedule and definitions of Class O and Classes 1 4 of materials.
Clauses 208 212
Reference to roofs, Reference to buildings, Construction of roofs, Roofing
materials, Category designation for fire penetration and spread of flame
on roof surface.
Clause 213 214
Fire resistance [on elements of structures] no less than as specified in the
Ninth Schedule
Clause 215
Definitions on Height of Buildings
Clause 216
Conditions on fire rating of structures for Single storey buildings
Clause 217
Fire resistance of structural member [a minimum fire rating for frames
applicable based on the wall they support]
Clause 218
Conditions on fire rating of walls for flats or maisonette
Clause 219
Application of these by laws to floor [ceilings do not attribute to fire
rating other than those in Ninth Schedule]
Clause 220
Definitions on Floor Area and capacity of buildings and compartments
Clause 221
Test of fire resistance [Method of testing based on BS 476: Part I]
Clause 222
Fire resistance for walls
Clause 223 Fire resistance for floors above ground floor
Clause 224 Fire resistance for any element of structure [based on Ninth Schedule]

3.3.8. PART VIII Active fire protection requirements [ByLaws Sections 225 253] and
Clause 225
Every building to have [1] means of detecting and extinguishing fire,
equipped with fire alarm and exit signs based the Tenth Schedule and [2]
a minimum one Fire Hydrant not more than 91.5m from nearest fire
brigade access

Clause 226
Automatic fire protection system for hazardous occupancy to suit hazard
Clause 227
Portable extinguishers provided based on relevant codes and sited
prominently and visible along exit routes
Clause 228
Sprinkler valves to be located on exterior walls accessible to Firemen and
alarm electrically connected to nearest Bomba station
Clause 229
Buildings with top most floor higher than 18.3m to be provided with
means of access and fighting fire from within building via fire fighting
access lobbies directly accessible from outside, staircases, fire lifts in
protected lobbies or staircases or corridors and dry or wet risers. Fire
fighting lobbies at every level no more than 45.75m from furthermost
Clause 230
Dry rising system to be provided in buildings with top most floor more than
18.3m but less than 30.5m.
Clause 231
Wet rising system to be provided in buildings with top most floor more
than 30.5m. Wet riser to be provided to every staircase which extends to
the roof. Each stage of wet riser to be no more than 61.0m except in
cases may be permitted to 70.15m
Clause 232
One Wet or Dry Riser to be installed when a building is under construction
reached a height above fire brigade pumping inlet and located next to a
useable staircase within 2 floors of the topmost construction
Clauses 233 234
Foam inlets to be installed for windowless buildings, boiler rooms and
structures/storage areas below ground where automated extinguishers not
Clauses 235 236
Fixed installations via total flooding or unit protection system may be
required e.g. for places with special hazard
Clause 237
Fire alarms to be provided base on Tenth Schedule with premises
exceeding area of 9,290sqm or higher than 30.5m provided with two
stage alarm system
Clause 238
Large or tall buildings over 30.5m require Command and Control Centre to
be located at designated floor with direct telephone connection to Bomba
Clauses 239 241
Two voice communication systems to be provided [1] Bomba
communications [2] pa system between control centre and public areas.
Floor or zone of area over 929sqm of nett area to be provided with
electrical isolation switches within staircases. Special visible fire alarm
systems to be installed in addition to normal alarm for deaf persons or
audible alarms undesirable.
Clause 242
Fire fighting access lobbies to be 5.57sqm or more in area and have
openable windows or openings for ventilation or mechanically ventilated.
Clause 243
Buildings with top most occupied floor over 18.5m to be provided with
Bomba lifts. Bomba lifts to be provided for every group of lifts discharged
into the same protected enclosure but no more than 61.0m travel distance
from furthermost point of the floor.
Clauses 244 245
Standards required and approval of Ketua Pengarah Bomba.
Clause 246
Certificate of Completion to be signed on Form B in Tenth Schedule once
work is completed.
Clauses 247 248
Water storage and markings to comply with Tenth Schedule and Bomba
Clause 249 252
Smoke and heat venting in large buildings, Natural draught smoke vent,
Smoke vents for exit safety to be designed to prevent accumulation of
smoke during evacuation and manual vents must be openable by BOmba
from outside.
Clause 253

Emergency Power System to be provided for power and illumination for

safety to life and property via storage batteries or generator set.

3.3.9. PART IX Miscellaneous definitions and references and, the procedures on reporting on
building failures [ByLaws Sections 254 258].
Clause 254 256
Buildings to which Parts VII & VIII apply & power of PBT to extend
compliance / exemptions.
Clause 257
Malaysian standard specification and code of practice to prevail over
British Standard Specifications or Code of Practice
Clause 258
Failure to Buildings [report failure, explain cause & state remedial action
within a week]

1. The Uniform Building ByLaws, 1984 [UBBL] was established out the need for a
standardised set of building regulations for the country. However, despite the federal
government gazetting the UBBL in 1985, the reality is that until today the use and
interpretation of the UBBL are anything but uniformed. The enforcement of UBBL is
governed by the states and hence gazetted separately with slightly different versions for
each of the states.
2. As the UBBL is a state matter, many Local Authorities and Technical Departments have
their own readings and interpretation of the UBBL. The differences in the translations
between the English and Bahasa Melayu versions also added to the confusion. Hence,
there is a need to relook into the intents of the UBBL and persuade all state governments
to agree to a Local Authorities Endorsed standardised explanatory notes. To that
effect, the fire department had produced two definitive books on their interpretation of
the fire protection systems requirements which had become very useful references for
3. The continual advances in constructional technologies and sciences have made some of the
bylaws within the UBBL outofdate. For instance, Malaysia has experienced rapid
development over the last two decades. Largescale structures, like new airports,
shopping centres and mixed developments, have been built with new concepts and design
approaches. The existing UBBL and other Fire Safety codes are not applicable to these
structures. Hence, there is a need for the UBBL to be updated to reflect the stateof
theart and make allowances for the bylaws therein to be amended to allow continual
adaptation to suit the everchanging times. The Fire Safety Performance Based Approach
has been officially adopted in 2002 by the Fire and Rescue Department, Malaysia [Bomba]
to solve some of these shortfalls. The approach, which has been widely practiced
overseas, is a scientific and engineeringbased method whereby the determination of type
and standard of fire safety protection systems required specific testing and research.
4. There are bylaws within the UBBL which had not been referred to by professionals and/or
found to be irrelevant. As an example, a good number of sections under the structural
requirements have been ignored and not referred to by structural engineers since most are
using the British Standards as their main design guide. Therefore, it is best to relook
these sections and decide whether to have these clauses repealed or amended to suit the


Anonymous April23,2014at3:13PM


intervention to send signal via manually toggling switches, breaking glass etc as
opposed to automatic detection systems which will send signal upon any of the
The various systems may be addressable or nonaddressable types, meaning we
triggers without knowing exactly where the signal is coming from in the non


Kayson October13,2014at1:48PM











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