The Tawwabin - Dr. I.K.a. Howard

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The Tawwabin: The Repenters

by Dr. I.K.A Howard

The Tawwabin: The Repenters by Dr. I.K.A Howard

Sulayaman b. Surad and the Shi'a Revival in Kufa....................................................................................... 3
The Alternative Policy of al-Mukhtar ........................................................................................................... 8
The Defeat of the Tawwabin....................................................................................................................... 13

Sulayaman b. Surad and the Shi'a Revival in Kufa

Soon after the death of al-Husayn, the Shi'a in Kufa began to revive but it appears that their revival
was very secretive and not on a unified basis. Five groups of Shi'a are reported by Abu Mikhnaf
under five separate leaders.1
First there wasa group led by Sulayaman b. Surad al-Khuza'i who was a companion of the Prophet.
Wellhausen casts doubt on this because of the name Sulayaman.2
But Ibn Sa'd explains that the name was given to him by the Prophet and he was originally called
His Shiite sympathies were well-known. He had fought at Siffin and in the time when al-Mughira was
governor of Kufa, he was made to attend the mosque to hear the denunciation of 'Ali.4
It was also at his house that the group met that sent the first letter to al-Husayn summoning him to
There were two other groups led by Musayyib b. Najaba al-Fazari and Rifa'a b. Shaddad al-Bajali.
Both of these men belonged to the group that wrote the first letter to Husayn asking him to come to
Kufa5 and Rifa'a b. Shaddad had been a member of the Shi'a at the time of Hujr b. 'Adi.6
There are two new names: 'Abd Allah b. Sa'd b. Nufayl al-Azdi and 'Abd Allah b. Wal(in) al-Taymi of
Bakr b. Wail of Rabi'a. However, at a meeting in 64 A.H. it is mentioned that all five leaders were
over sixty years of age.7
They carried on their activities in secret spreading their propaganda among the Shi'a and others. It is
reported that many people answered their call.
At some time, probably before the death of Yazid in 64, five leaders and a hundred members of their
groups met in the house of Sulayman b. Surad, whom they chose to be the general leader of the

Al-Tabari Ta'rikh al-rusul wal-rnuluk ed. M. J. de Goeje etal (Leiden, 1879-1901) (Hereafter referred to as Tabari,)
II 497.
J. Wellhausen The Religio-Political Factions in Early Islam (English translation by R. C. Ostle and S. M.
Walzer - Amsterdam, 1975) 124.
Ibn Sa'd Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir ed. E. Sachau et al (Leiden, 1905-1940) (Hereafter referred to as I.S.) VI 15.
Tabari, II 32.
Tabari, II 233-5.
Tabari, II 125-6.
Tabari, II 498.

Shi'a in Kufa. Their main programme at this stage seems to have been to take vengeance for the
murder of Husayn on his killers or for themselves to be killed in atonement for their desertion of him.8
They named no Imam but they probably felt that after what had happened to Husayh, no surviving
member of the family of 'Ali would accept leadership until they had actually secured power.
After Sulayman b. Surad had made a speech accepting leadership, Khalid b. Sa'd b. Nufayl
(probably the brother of one of the five leaders, 'Abd Allah b. Sa'd b. Nufayl al-Azdi) offered to give
up his property to the Shi'a. Abu Mu'tamir, Hanash b. Rabi'a al-Kinani9 offered the same. So
Sulayman b. Surad appointed 'Abd Allah b. Wal(in) al-Taymi to be the treasurer. His task was to
collect the offerings of the Shi'a and use the money to help in the preparation of those who were
poor and needy.10
The two eye-witness reporters of this meeting are 'Abd Allah b. Awf b. al Ahmar al-Azdi11 and
Humayd b. Muslim al-Azdi.12
Humayd b. Muslim was in the ranks of 'Umar b. Sa'd's army which massacred al-Husayn and is one
of the principal reporters of that affair. It seems that the event had affected his conscience and he
had now become an ardent Shi'a supporter.
With the death of Yazid, three years after the death of al-Husayn, according to a report from 'Abd
Allah b. Sa'd b. Nufayl al-Azdi, one of the Shi'a leaders, many of the Shi'a came to Sulayman and
suggested that they should drive out 'Amr b. Hurayth, 'Ubayd Allah's deputy in Kufa. ('Ubayd Allah
was governor of both Basra and Kufa.)
They wanted to demand vengeance publicly, pursue al-Husayn's killers, and call the people to ahl
al-bayt. But Sulayaman told them not to be in a hurry. He pointed out that the murderers of
al-Husayn were the nobles of Kufa and they would be the ones who were being asked to pay for his
blood. They would become very oppressive towards the Shi'a, if they knew what the Shi'a intended
and a revolt against them would achieve nothing but the slaughter of the Shi'a themselves. He
ordered them to carry out a propaganda campaign among their own Shi'a and others throughout
Kufa, adding that now that Yazid was dead the people would join them more quickly. 'Abd Allah b.
Sa'd b. Nufayl adds that many more people did answer the call than before.13

Tabari, II 498.
I.S. VI 157 gives his name as Hanash b. Mu'tamir; with the same kunya-Abu M u'tamir.
Tabari, II 501.
Tabari, II 497.
Tabari, II 502.
Tabari, II 506-7.

Abu Mikhnaf has preserved for us an account of a speech of one of these Shi'a dais, 'Ubayd Allah b.
Abd Allah al-Murri. It is related by a man of Muzayna, who said that he heard it so many times that
he knew it by heart. The da'i was very eloquent and whenever he came on a group of people he
would preach to them. He would begin by praising God and praying for His Apostle. Then he would
"God chose Muhammad as His creature for His prophethood. He singled him out for all His benefit.
He strengthened you by making you his followers and bestowed on you faith in him. Through him,
He prevented the shedding of your blood. By him He made safe your dangerous paths.
You were on the edge of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus God makes clear His
signs to you. Perhaps you will be guided.14
Has God created from the first to the last anyone with a greater right over this umma than its
Prophets? Has the offspring of one of the Prophets or Messengers of anyone else more right over
this ummathan the offspring of one of its own Prophet? No, by God this was never the case, nor will
it ever be. You belong to God. Don't you see - don't you understand what crime you have committed
against the son of the daughter of your Prophet?
Don't you see the people's violation of his sacredness, their seeking out weakness in his oneness,
their staining him with blood. His things they spread out. They did not see their master in him, nor his
relationship to the Messenger. By God, Husayn b. 'Ali, what trust and forbearance they
betrayed - what courage, what resolution!
The son of the first Muslim in Islam, the son of the daughter of the Apostle of the Lord of the worlds.
His defenders were few, his attackers were many. His enemy attacked him while his friend deserted
him. Woe to the killer and reproach to the deserter. God will accept no excuse from his killer. Nor
any excuse from his deserter except he sincerely repent to God and make war on the killers and
thwart the corrupters.
Perhaps then God will accept repentance and remove the guilt. We call you to the Book of God and
the sunna of the Prophet, to vengeance for the blood of the family of his house, and to war on the
heretics and deviators from the true religion. If we are killed, it is better for the pious to be with God.
If we are successful, we will restore power to the ahl al-bayt of the Prophet.15


Holy Qur'an, 3:103.

Tabari, II 507-8.

In this speech the main emphasis on al-Husayn's position is his relationship to the Prophet through
Fatima. Only twice is 'Ali mentioned: the first time in al-Husayn's name al-Husayn b. 'Ali, the second
time when al-Husayn is called the son of the first Muslim.
Clearly the Shi'a of Sulayman b. Surad place far more stress on the idea of succession to the
Prophet by blood, than succession to 'Ali by blood. No Imam is named but from the whole tenor of
the speech it must be presumed that if and when the Shi'a succeeded they would call upon the
young 'Ali b. al-Husayn to take over the leadership.
In terms of policy there are three main points: to kill the murderers of al-Husayn in order to avenge
his blood; to make war on the heretics and deviators from the true religion, which we can assume
are the Umayyads and their supporters; and thirdly, a call to the Book of God and the sunna of the
Prophet, which is an implicit rejection of the practice of Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman, giving the
Imam a great deal of scope for re-interpretation.
Probably soon after the death of al-Husayn, Sulayman b. Surad decided on what action to take. We
have already seen that he was averse to coming out in open revolution against the nobles of Kufa,
fearing that the result would be another catastrophe for the Shi'a. He now decided that an outright
attack on the Syrians by all the 'Iraqi Shi'a would probably have more chance of success. He fixed
the blame for the death of al-Husayn on the Umayyad government and their agents. He probably
thought that if he was able to conduct a successful military campaign against the Syrians,the nobles
of Kufa would reject their past ways and fall in with him.
This policy was influenced by the political circumstances prevailing at the time. The Syrians were in
some disarray. Trouble had broken out over the succession after Mu'awiya, the young sickly son of
Yazid, had died. This had developed in Syria into a tribal conflict between Kalb and Qays. Qays
were severely defeated at the end of 64 A.H. and one of their leaders, Zufar b. Harith, had taken
refuge in Qarqisiyya and was still in open rebellion against the Umayyad government.16
In the Hijaz, 'Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr had put forward claims to the caliphate and assumed the title of
Amir al-Muininin. When Yazid had died, 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad had had homage paid to Yazid's son
in Basra. When he had tried to do the same in Kufa, his delegates had been driven off. Then the
Kufan nobles had driven away 'Ubayd Allah's deputy 'Amr b. Hurayth and pledged allegiance to Ibn


J. Wellhausen The Arab Kingdom and its Fall (English translation M. Weir - Calcutta, 1927) 184-5.
Tabari, II 530.

Ibn al-Zubayr had sent 'Abd Allah b. Yazid al-Ansari as his governor in charge of the military and
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Talha in charge of kharaj to Kufa.18
In these circumstances, Sulayman b. Surad's decision does not seem wholly unreasonable. His aim
was not to disturb the tribal leaders and still be able to get the most massive army possible. To this
effect it was about this time that he probably made contact with Shi'a leaders in Mada'in and Basra.
In his letters he called on them to avenge the blood of al-Husayn and to put right affairs which had
become unjust. He arranged that they should meet at Nukhayla outside Kufa on the first of Rabi'
al-Akhir, the next year 65 A.H19.
The Shi'a leader in Mada'in, Sa'd b. Hudhayfa b. al-Yaman called in the Shi'a members from the
outlying country - apparently they were people who used to come to al-Kufa for their 'ata' (pay) and
rizq (rations) and then go back to their homes. He read them the letter and they all accepted the
The Shi'a leader in Basra, al-Muthanna b. Mukharraba al-'Abdi also accepted the call.21
The letter to Basra was- taken by Zubyan b. 'Umara al-Tam imi22, while there are two names of
messengers for Mada'in, 'Abd Allah b. Malik al-Taq23 and Husayn b. Yazid b. 'Abd Allah b. Sa'd b.
Nufayl24, probably the grandson of one of the five Kufan Shi'a leaders, 'Abd Allah b. Sa'd b. Nufayl.


Tabari, II 509.
Tabari, II 502-3.
Tabari, II 504.
Tabari, II 505.
Tabari, II 505.
Tabari, II 504.
Tabari, II 502.

The Alternative Policy of al-Mukhtar

Al-Mukhtar b. Abi 'Ubayda had already become well-known in Kufa for his support forthe Shi'a.
Muslim b. 'Aqil had at first stayed in his house. Later al-Mukhtar had taken part in Muslim's rising in
Kufa and had been imprisoned by 'Ubayd Allah. During these four years following the death of
al-Husayn, al-Mukhtar had not been unoccupied. He had remained in prison until after al-Husayn's
death at Karbala'.
He then called Za'ida b. Qudama, who had earlier helped him escape worse punishment, and asked
him to go to his brother-in-law 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar b. al-Khattab to get him to write and ask Yazid to
free him. As a result of tearful persuasion from al-Mukhtar's sister, 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar b. al-Khattab
agreed. Za'ida then took 'Abd Allah's letter to Yazid. Yazid gave Za'ida a message for 'Ubayd Allah
instructing him to free al-Mukhtar.
'Ubayd Allah was very angry but resolved that anyway he would free himself of trouble from
al-Mukhtar. He gave him three days to leave al-Kufa and warned him that death would be awaiting
him if he returned. Za'ida too had to escape 'Ubayd Allah's wrath for his part in the affair and finally
got a guarantee of security from 'Ubayd Allah through the good offices of some of the tribal
Al-Mukhtar left Kufa and made for the Hijaz. It is now that the sources make a real effort to discredit
al-Mukhtar. It is alleged that on the road to the Hijaz he met a mawla of Thaqif named Ibn 'Irq. He
asked this man about the situation in Hijaz, particularly of Ibn al-Zubayr, and stated that he would
never succeed unless he came out in open revolt. When asked about his eye, which 'Ubayd Allah
had disfigured, he prophesised revenge in wild language, rather like that of a pre-Islamic kahin. The
whole incident is rounded off by some rude remarks made much later by al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf about
al-Mukhtar's prophetic language.26
According to a report from a supporter of Ibn al-Zubayr, 'Abbas b. Sahl b. Sa'd,27 when al-Mukhtar
arrived in Mecca, he publicly incited lbn al-Zubayr to come out in open revolt and take the Hijaz, and
offered to pledge allegiance to him. When he got no answer from Ibn al-Zubayr, he went away and
was not seen for another year.28
'Abbas b. Sahl then reported that people said that he had gone to al-Ta'if, and was claiming there
that he was an avenger of tyrants. When al-Mukhtar did return to Mecca, he ignored Ibn al-Zubayr.

Tabari, II 522-3.
Tabari, II 524-5.
Tabari, II 525; cf. I.S. V 200.
Tabari, II 525-6.

He was approached by Ibn al-Zubayr through 'Abbas b. Sahl. When he heard that many people were
pledging support to Ibn al-Zubayr, he agreed to go and see him at night. When they met, al-Mukhtar
offered to pledge allegiance on condition that he should be his closest adviser. At first Ibn al-Zubayr
refused but when prompted by 'Abbas b. Sahl he accepted.29
While he was with Ibn al-Zubayr he fought bravely for him against the Syrians in the defence of
Mecca, on one occasion with a contingent of the Khawarij of ahl al-Yaman. But, so 'Abbas b. Sahl
tells us, five months after the death of Yazid, when the Kufans had sent their allegiance to Ibn alZubayr, he left of his own accord for Kufa.30
There follows a brief report from Sa'id b. 'Amr b. Sa'id al-'As which records that Ibn al-Zubayr
described al-Mukhtar as more dangerous than a wolf. It adds that when al-Mukhtar saw that he was
not being given any position he started enquiring about conditions in Kufa from anyone who came
The next report comes from a Hamdani, Abu Warq, who alleges that when Hani b. Abi Hiya al-Wadi'i
of Harridan came on a pilgrimage to Mecca, al-Mukhtar asked him about conditions in Kufa. Hani'b.
Abi Hiya told him that there was a large group of people there who were ripe for revolution, if they
had a leader. Al-Mukhtar said he was that leader. When it was pointed out that this would be sowing
discord, al-Mukhtar replied that his call would be to guidance and unity. Soon after he left for Kufa.32
The above reports are all from Abu Mikhnaf as recorded by al-Tabari. However Ibn Sad in his life of
Muhammad b. Hanafiyya gives us something a little bit different. Ibn Sa'd reports that al-Mukhtar
was a supporter of Ibn al-Zubayr and Ibn al-Zubayr refused to listen to anything against him; but at
the same time he used to pay visits to Ibn al-Hanafiyya. However, Ibn al-Hanafiyya doubted his
loyalty. When al-Mukhtar asked permission to go to 'Iraq, he granted it but at the same time sent to
'Abd Allah b. Kamil al-Hamdani telling him to be cautious because al-Mukhtar was not trustworthy.
Al-Mukhtar also asked permission from Ibn al-Zubayr to go to 'Iraq and Ibn al-Zubayr trusted him
although al-Mukhtar cheated him.33
These reports all succeed in building up al-Mukhtar as an ambitious deceitful character whose only
thought was personal power. The attacks on al-Mukhtar come from three main sources. The first and
perhaps most reasonable is that of 'Abbas b. Sahl. In this at least al-Mukhtar's bravery was
recognized. However, much emphasis was laid on al-Mukhtar wanting personal power. His pledge of


Tabari, II 526-8.
Tabari, II 528-530.
Tabari, II 530.
Tabari, II 531.
I.S. V 71.

allegiance to Ibn al-Zubayr was only made on condition that he was his closest adviser. This Ibn
al-Zubayr accepted but later went back on his word.
However, this is absolutely impossible. Al-Mukhtar had neither the power or influence to exert such
pressure, nor would such a pledge have been accepted. What comes out clearly is that al-Mukhtar's
pledge to Ibn al-Zubayr was conditional and at some time that condition was broken. What the
condition was, is impossible to say. But with the background of events that had taken place, certain
facts emerge: al-Mukhtar was violently anti-Umayyad; he had suffered considerably at the hands of
'Ubayd Allah, the Umayyad governor of Kufa.
Secondly, al-Mukhtar was pro-Shi'a. The condition could well have been the demand for a vigorous
anti-Umayyad policy and al-Mukhtar felt that Ibn al-Zubayr's policy after the siege of Mecca had not
been strong enough. It could be that al-Mukhtar had pledged allegiance on condition that there was
no 'Alid claimant.
The second fact that emerges from all the accounts is that al-Mukhtar was very interested in the
situation in Kufa and eagerly sought information about it. This is hardly surprising as al-Mukhtar
owned property there and had considerable interests in the town. However, the information given by
Hani'b. Abi Hiya is thoroughly unreliable. It is hardly likely that al-Mukhtar would give away his plans
to a Kufan noble with a thoroughly anti-Shi'a record. He had signed the testimony against Hujr b. 'Adi
and had helped in the arrest of al-Mukhtar.34
The account from Ibn Sa'd describes al-Mukhtar as a man cheating both Ibn al-Hanafiyya and Ibn
al-Zubayr. Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyya was the eldest surviving son of 'Ali. His mother was a woman
of the tribe Hanifa, who had been taken prisoner in the ridda wars.35
Although not descended from 'Ali through Fatima, he was regarded by some as having strong claims
to lead the family of 'Ali at that time as Husayn's surviving son, 'Ali, was still young. The informant
seems more aware of al-Mukhtar's relationship with Ibn ak Hanafiyya than his relationship with Ibn
That al-Mukhtar was given "permission" seems to imply that he was given authority to undertake a
task. In other words our informant is saying that al-Mukhtar was given authority to represent Ibn
al-Hanafiyya in Kufa. This is the claim al-Mukhtar did put forward when he arrived in Kufa.36


Tab II 133, 520.

Encyclopaedia of Islam (1st Edition) "Muhammad b. al-Hanafiya" III 751.
Tabari, II 534.

'Abd Allah b. Kamil, who was sent to watch him, was a leading member of the Shi'a in al-Kufa and
became a loyal supporter of al-Mukhtar.37
This is our only source for contacts existing between Ibn al-Hanafiyya and al-Mukhtar in Mecca.
Although confused about the relationship, of al-Mukhtar and Ibn al-Zubayr, who, it appears, certainly
did not trust al-Mukhtar and who did not give him any authority in 'Iraq, the report may well be true.
Al-Mukhtar's claims on behalf of Ibn al-Hanafiyya were never denied by Ibn al-Hanafiyya during
al-Mukhtar's life.
It seems probable that before approaching Ibn al-Hanafiyya, al-Mukhtar had approached 'Ali b.
al-Husayn but had been met with a firm refusal. Although Ibn al-Ibn al-Hanafiyya did not refuse, he
was not going to embark on a similar course as al-Husayn had. It was up to his Shi'a to win the
power for him. When that power was won, then he would take control of affairs.
Al-Mukhtar's journey to Kufa gets the same hostile treatment. On the road he met a man whom he
asked about Kufa. The man described the Kufans as sheep without a shepherd. Of course,
al-Mukhtar said he was the shepherd.38
Ibn Sa'd makes the man say that Kufa was like a ship without a captain and al-Mukhtar then became
the captain.39
There is a description of al-Mukhtar's elaborate preparations before he enered Kufa.40 Al-Mukhtar
entered Kufa by way of the Jabbanat al-Kinda. He greeted the people he met, calling out that he
brought news of victory and success. The first man he met was 'Ubayada b. Amr al-Baddi, a Shi'a
supporter. Al-Mukhtar told him to bring his friends in the night to hear what he had to say. Another
man he approached was Isma'il b. Kathir of the Bani Hind of Kinda. He reported the meeting in the
When the group gathered, al-Mukhtar asked them about the affairs of the Shi'a and they told him
that the Shi'a had gathered around Sulayman b. Surad and would soon come out in revolt.
Al-Mukhtar then told them: "Al-mahdi (the rightly guided), son of al-wasi (the one bequeathed to),
Muhammad b. 'Ali has sent me to you as anamin, wazir, muntakhib (chosen one), and an amir. He


Tabari, II 558.
Tabari, II 532.
I.S. II 72.
Tabari, II 532.
Tabari, II 532-3.

ordered me to fight against the heretics, to demand vengeance for the blood of al-Husayn and to
defend the weak.42
Then al-Mukhtar began to approach the Shi'a who had gathered around Sulayman b. Surad. His
main line of persuasion was the assertion of his own position with regard to Ibn al-Hanafiyya,
coupled with strongly worded descriptions of lbn al-Hanafiyya.43
This was followed by an attack on Sulayman b. Surad, who was described as "dried up, an empty
sack, a man with no experience of affairs and knowledge of wars; he only wants to kill himself and
With this propaganda, al-Mukhtar managed to get a group away from Sulayman b. Surad. One
report says that 2,000 pledged allegiance to him45 but the main body of the Shi'a and all the leaders
remained loyal to Sulayman b. Surad.
The conflicts in policy appear quite clearly; Sulayman b. Surad and his Shi'a had declared for ahl
al-bayt without naming which member they regarded as Imam. From the general tone of Sulayman's
propaganda, it seems clear that the family of al-Husayn was the one to which they paid the most
special regard. This means that they believed that the Imam was 'Ali b. al-Husayn, the surviving son
of al-Husayn.
However, 'Ali's refusal to make public claim or allow any claims to be made on his behalf, meant that
they could not put his name forward as their Imam until they had been successful. On the other
hand, al-Mukhtar was actually naming his Imam, and although not a descendant of the Prophet, he
was a son of 'Ali. Apparently Sulayman and many of his supporters could not accept Ibn
al-Hanafiyya as Imam. They made no effort to discredit al-Mukhtar's claim by contacting Ibn
al-Hanafiyya, or if they did, then it was unsuccessful. Obviously their leadership could not accept Ibn
al-Hanafiyya as Imam.
The conflict over tactics is secondary to the conflict over the Imam. Al-Mukhtar felt that Kufa should
be a firmly established Shi'a base before expeditions were embarked on. Sulayman b. Surad wanted
to win over Kufa by a successful expedition.
Al-Mukhtar has presented one more policy that has strongly politicial tones: "The defence of the
weak" seems like an appeal to the underprivileged, probably the mawali and poorer Arabs.


Tabari, II 534.
Tabari, II 534.
Tabari, II 534.
Tabari, II 540.

The Defeat of the Tawwabin

Before Sulaymen b. Surad left, Yazid b. al-Harith b. Yazid b. Ru'aym, one of the Kufan tribal leaders
reported the Shi'a activities of both Sulayman b. Surad and al-Mukhtar to the governor'Abd Allah b.
Yazid. He pointed out that al-Mukhtar did not want to revolt yet, but that Sulayman b. Surad would
revolt very soon. He suggested firm action against him. 'Abd Allah b. Yazid preached in the mosque
against revolt and said that he would not harm anybody who did not harm him.
However, his colleague Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Talha was much more vigorous. The Shi'a leaders
of Sulayman b. Surad's group explained to 'Abd Allah b. Yazid that their aim was to fight against
'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad and the Umayyad army which was nearby. 'Abd Allah b. Yazid accepted this
and the Shi'a of Sulayman b. Surad were allowed to make their preparations publicly.46
However, even at this late stage, some of Sulayman b. Surad's followers were uncertain of the merit
of his policy. 'Abd Allah b. Sa'd b. Nufayl suggested that they kill those who participated in the
murder of al-Husayn, which in effect meant that they revolted in Kufa. But Sulayman persuaded
them against it.47
Sulayman b. Surad set out with his followers at the beginning of Rabi' al-Akhir 65 A.H. When they
reached their camp at Nukhayla he was surprised at the paucity of their numbers. He sent out
messengers to go around Kufa summoning the people. However, even the next morning there were
only 4,000. Sulayman examined his diwan and found 16,000 pledges there. It was pointed out that
al-Mukhtar had taken some 2,000 of them but this still left 10,000 people who had pledged their
allegiance and not answered the call.
From that moment the accent of Sulayman b. Surad and his followers shifted from vengeance to
atonement. An army of 14,000 or 16,000 men stood some chance of success but an army of 4,000
men had little hope of it. Even with the Shi'a from Mada'in and al-Basra their numbers would not be
increased appreciably. These men were sincere and devout supporters of the Shi'a. They had hoped
to be able to atone for their desertion of al-Husayn by establishing a Shi'a imamate. Now that this
was no longer feasible the tone of their movement switched back to its earlier tone at the time of
their formation. They did not seek the world, only repentance.
'Abd Allah b. Yazid endeavoured to dissuade them, to get them to wait until he could prepare an
army to join them.48


Tabari, II 540.
Tabari, II 538-540.
Tabari, II 543-4, 549-50.

However, that would have compromised their whole position. Their intention was to establish the
Shi'a imamate or to die. They preferred to die rather than have 'Abd Allah b. Yazid's non-Shi'a help.
If they accepted it they would be merely helping one political faction, the supporters of Ibn al-Zuabyr,
against another, the Umayyad supporters.
They spent three days of prayer at Nukhayla. The Shi'a from Mada'in and al-Basra had not yet
arrived and some wanted to delay, but Sulayman insisted that they went on. He told them that there
were two kinds of people: those who wanted the world and those who wanted heaven.49
In the morning 1,000 men were missing from his army. Sulayman merely said that it was better that
such people should go. Early next morning they visited the grave of al-Husayn. There they all wept
and wished they had died with him. They spent a day and night there and then set off. 'Abd Allah b.
Awf b. al-Ahmar then joined them.50
He had been one of the supporters of Hujr b. 'Adi.51
The force then moved on to Qarqisiyya where Zufar b. al-Harith supplied them with provisions and
told them where 'Ubayd Allah's army was. Zufar pointed out that they were militarily badly organised
as they had nothing except cavalry when they ought to have had infantry as well, since both kinds of
troops were necessary. (A point which bears out al-Mukhtar's criticism of Sulayman b. Surad, when
he said that Sulayman b. Surad had no experience of wars.) Zufar then gave them some advice on
troop formations and the best position to take up. Sulayman followed Sufar's advice as soon as they
had left him.52
The two armies met at 'Ayn al-Warda. The battle lasted for three days and the Shi'a forces fought
with great resolution and determination against overwhelming odds. On the first day the Shi'a forces
were victorious and managed to drive the enemy back. On the second day, Shi'a losses began to tell
but they still managed to hold their own. On the third and final day, their leaders fell one after
another. First Sulayman b. Surad was killed, then the standard was taken up by Musayyib b. Najaba
who was then killed.
Then 'Abd al-Rahman b. Sa'd b. Nufayl took over the leadership. At this stage three horsemen from
Mada'in arrived, among them Si'r b. Abi Si'r al-Hanafi who was to become a prominent leader under
al-Mukhtar. They brought news that the Shi'a of Mada'in and Basra were coming.


Tabari, II 540.
Tabari, II 546-8.
Tabari, II 117-120.
Tabari, II 551-5.

However, when they saw the state of the battle they knew that there was little that could be done.
The three men took part in the battle; one of them was killed, the second wounded and Si'r b. Abi
Si'r, although wounded, made good his escape. After 'Abd al-Rahman b. Sa'd b. Nufayl was killed,
leadership went to 'Abd al-Rahman b. Wal(in) who in turn was killed. There was now only one of the
five original Shi'a leaders left alive, Rifa'a b. Shaddad.
He decided that they had done enough fighting and that they should resist until dark and then make
good their escape. Although this idea was resisted by many as an act of unbelief, it was followed by
the majority of the few who remained.53
The defeated, shattered Shi'a forces made their way back. On their way they were met by the Shi'a
of Mada'in and Basra who had been coming to join them. They stopped at Qarqisiyya for three days
where they tended the wounded and then they returned to Kufa.54
The Tawwabin represent yet another link in the chain of Shiite martyrs. The chain begins in the
political turmoil of Kufa with the murder of 'Ali b. Abi Talib. It is fol lowed by the death of Hujr b. 'Adi.
On the plains of Karbala', it reaches its high point with the martyrdom of the isolated and deserted
al-Husayn. Those of the Tawwabin who followed the example of al-Husayn by giving up their lives,
did so to atone for their earlier desertion of him.


Tabari, II 558-567.
Tabari, II 568-9.

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