Isaacs - Proto-Racism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity

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The document discusses how prototypes of racism existed in Greek and Roman thinking through concepts like environmental determinism and ideas about lineage and inheritance. These forms of proto-racism influenced later authors and the development of racism.

The document discusses forms of proto-racism like environmental determinism, inheritance of acquired characteristics, concepts of pure lineage, and ancient views about slavery.

The document discusses the close links between forms of proto-racism and ancient ideas about slavery.

Proto-Racism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity

Author(s): Benjamin Isaac

Reviewed work(s):
Source: World Archaeology, Vol. 38, No. 1, Race, Racism and Archaeology (Mar., 2006), pp. 3247
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
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Accessed: 27/09/2012 22:26
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Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity

Benjamin Isaac

In spite of the usual assumption that racism is a form of prejudice which developed in recent history,
it is argued here that prototypes of racism were prevalent in Greek and Roman thinking. Racism
here is taken as representing a form of rationalizing and systematically justifying various forms of
prejudice, a conceptual process which was part of the Greek intellectual development in general. The
forms which this proto-racism took were different from those encountered in the twentieth century
and they did not lead to systematic persecution, but they were influential at the time and deeply
influenced later authors in the age of the Enlightenment and afterwards, who accepted these ideas
together with others which they found in the Greek and Latin literature. The concepts discussed are:
environmental determinism, the inheritance of acquired characteristics, a combination of these, and
pure lineage. A related issue is the ancient view of slavery and the connection with concepts of empire
in classical antiquity. Influential then, as in later times, was the sense that imperial expansion and
migration inevitably lead to degeneration and collective deterioration both through the influence of
debilitating climate and by contamination with the flaws of inferior peoples. Furthermore it is argued
that the stereotypical views of foreign peoples may not have determined imperial policy, but
nevertheless had their impact on the political and military decisions that were made.

Racism; proto-racism; Greece; Rome; slavery; imperialism.

Preliminary remarks

Thereappearsto be a consensusthat racismas suchoriginatesin moderntimes.Sinceit is

thoughtnot to be attestedearlier,conventionalwisdomusuallydeniesthat therewas any
race hatredin the ancientworld (Fredrickson2002: 17;unsatisfactory:Hannaford1996:
chs 2, 3; a differentview: Delacampagne1983). The prejudicesthat existed, so it is
believed,wereethnicor cultural,not racial.In this paperI shalldiscussthreetopics.First,
I shall argue that prototypesof racismwere common in the Graeco-Romanworld. My
second point will be to describethe close links between those forms of prejudiceand
ancientideas about slavery.Finally, I shall have somethingto say about the connection
O Routledge


WorldArchaeology Vol. 38(1): 32-47 Race, Racismand Archaeology

2oo6 Taylor & Francis ISSN 0043-8243 print/ 1470- 1375 online
DOI: 10.1080/00438240500509819

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 33

between these concepts and ancient imperialism. The ideas proposed in this paper are fully
discussed in a recent book (Isaac 2004).
Obviously, in classical antiquity racism did not exist in the modern form of a biological
determinism. Clearly too there was no systematic persecution of any ethnic or presumed
racial group by another, let alone the massive excesses to which state-imposed racist
doctrine led in the twentieth century. However, I shall argue that it is justified to speak of
early forms of racism, or 'proto-racism', as a widespread phenomenon in antiquity. I do
not claim that prejudice and bigotry are invented in the West; I claim that the specific
forms of rationalizing these prejudices and attempting to base them in systematic, abstract
thought were developed in antiquity and taken over in early modern Europe. Nobody will
deny that racism as an ideology developed in Europe, not in China, Japan or India. It is
generally accepted that Greek civilization was the first to raise the level of abstract,
systematic abstract thought to a level that we now recognize as approaching our own. I
assert that the Greeks not only contributed the first attempt to think systematically about,
e.g., political systems, but also the first effort to find a rational and systematic basis for
their own sense of superiority and their claim that others were inferior. The subjects of my
study are precisely the conceptual mechanisms which they developed towards this purpose
and which were taken over with alacrity by later thinkers.
Hostility towards foreigners occurs in every society, but in widely differing degrees,
social settings and moral environments. An essential component of such hostility is always
the tendency to generalize and simplify, so that whole nations are viewed as if they were a
single individual with a single personality. I should emphasize at the outset that one of the
difficulties in studying group prejudices in antiquity is the lack of any term in Greek and
Latin for 'racism', for 'prejudice' or 'discrimination'. Anticipating the conclusions of this
paper I would like to suggest that the lack of such terminology stems from the fact that
there existed no intellectual, moral or emotional objections against such generalizations.
We must therefore trace the development of ideas and attitudes for which there existed no
terminology in the culture under consideration. It will be clear from this description that
this paper is concerned exclusively with the history of specific ideas, not with the social
history of antiquity or with the practice of discrimination and persecution in Greece and
Rome. While I do not underestimate the importance of these topics as such the
justification for this approach is that the ancient ideas are found in Greek and Latin
literature. This literature was widely read for centuries in the West and the ideas found
there had a profound influence on later generations. This leads me to a second point that
requires explanation. This paper focuses on literary sources, that is, on the writings of the
male elites in Greece and Rome. Quite clearly we cannot assume that the ideas expressed
by members of those circles are identical with those of the representatives of other classes
in Greece and Rome. Simple traders, farmers and professional soldiers did not leave us
their ideas, so we cannot study them, nor can we interview common people on the streets
of ancient cities. Since there is, however, a substantial body of ancient literature there is
work to do and it is worth doing it, particularly because, as already noted, these authors
continued to be read till the present time.
Modern definitions of race are numerous, definitions of racism a little less so and it is the
latter that is needed here, for I am studying attitudes of mind and their development. It
will be clear that the nature of the definition always reflects the focus and outlook of the

34 Benjamin Isaac
definer. My definition of racism is as follows: 'an attitude towards individuals and groups
of peoples which posits a direct and linear connection between physical and mental
qualities. It therefore attributes to those individuals and groups of peoples collective traits,
physical, mental and moral, which are constant and unalterable by human will, because
they are caused by hereditary factors or external influences, such as climate or geography.'
This is long, but it covers the subject. The essence of racism is then that it regards
individuals as superior or inferior because they are believed to share imagined physical,
mental and moral attributes with the group to which they are deemed to belong, and it is
assumed that they cannot change these traits individually. This is held to be impossible,
because these traits are determined by their physical make-up. This is a relatively broad,
yet precise definition, broader than the ones usually employed. I am not the first to search
for a flexible yet precise definition. Another author who did so was Albert Memmi in his
lucid and influential book on the subject (Memmi 2000). He rightly observes that too
narrow a definition will not allow us forms of racism that fail to correspond with the forms
of it which dominated in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Miles and Brown also emphasize the
fluidity of racism as an ideology which is applied in different periods and different societies
to various groups while still maintaining definable characteristics (Miles and Brown 2003:
A somewhat wider definition makes it possible recognize forms of racism that are not
steered exclusively by biological determinism. Indeed, few historians now would deny that
many authors of the Enlightenment, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, adhered
to a form of racism that was common before Darwin's revolution. It was his scientific
breakthrough which made it possible to develop a pseudo-scientific form of racism, based
on current biological theory. The advantage for the racist of the latter concept was that it
seemed to give a justification for prejudice, based on influences entirely from within.
Genetics were used to build a theory of constant and unchangeable characteristics for
entire groups of people. These characteristics, it was then claimed, were passed on from
one generation to the next. The essence can best be illustrated with an example: in
nineteenth-century Germany and Austria Jews who converted to Christianity became
thereby in principle eligible for certain official positions. This represents an attitude of
religious and social intolerance. Under the Nazi regime it made no difference whether a
Jew was converted or not: his descent was all that mattered.
However, before Darwin there existed other forms of racism, based on the idea that
external influences, such as climate and geography determined the basic characteristics of
entire peoples. These may be found in the works of French authors such as Jean Bodin
(1530-96), John Arbuthnot (1667-1735) and, most influential, Montesquieu (1689-1755).
In Germany, Herder and Christoph Meiners represent this school of thought (Isaac 2004:
56-7, 102-8). It is well known that these authors read their classical literature thoroughly
and it is therefore only natural to look for precursors of these particular ideas in the
ancient authors which they read. 'The authority of Greek and Roman texts should not be
underestimated in providing ruling-class men (of the eighteenth century), in particular,
with the distinction between themselves and barbarians' (Wheeler 2000: 15).
I will now briefly consider five concepts which, together, were in antiquity commonly
held to determine the collective nature of groups, or the character of peoples. These are:
environmental determinism, the inheritance of acquired characteristics, a combination of

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 35

these two ideas, the constitution and form of government, autochthony and pure lineage.
This will be followed by some thoughts about the connection between those ideas and the
ideology of ancient imperialism.

Environmental determinism

In both Greek and Latin literature from the middle of the fifth century BC onwards we
encounter an almost generally accepted form of environmental determinism. This is first
explicitly and extensively presented in the medical treatise Airs, Waters, Places, written at
an uncertain date in the second half of the fifth century BC. The particular form of
environmental determinism first found in this work became the generally accepted model
in Greece and, afterwards, with variations, in Rome. According to this view, collective
characteristics of groups of people are permanently determined by climate and geography.
The implication is that the essential features of body and mind come from the outside and
are not the result of genetic evolution, social environment or conscious choice.
Individuality and individual change are thereby ignored and even excluded. This is
definitely related to racist attitudes as here defined. Entire nations are believed to have
common characteristics determined wholly by factors outside themselves, which are, by
implication, stable and unchangeable. These presumed characteristics are then subject to
value judgements, in which foreigners are usually rejected as being inferior to the observer
or approved of as being untainted and superior in some respects. Such descriptions are, of
course, not based on objective observations of reality. They are expressions of ethnic
stereotypes and proto-racism.
The essence of the concept of environmental determinism is found again in the work of
Aristotle, with some interesting variations. It is worth citing the text at some length:
The peoples of cold countries generally, and particularly those of Europe, are full of
spirit, but deficient in skill and intelligence; and this is why they continue to remain
comparatively free, but attain no political development and show no capacity for
governing others. The peoples of Asia are endowed with skill and intelligence, but are
deficient in spirit; and this is why they continue to be peoples of subjects and slaves. The
Greeks, intermediate in geographical position, unite the qualities of both sets of
peoples. They possess both spirit and intelligence: the one quality makes them continue
free; the other enables them to attain the heights political development and to show a
capacity for governing every other people - if only they could once achieve political
(Aristotle, Politica 1327b. trans. Ernest Barker; on ethnocentricism:
Romm 1992: 46-8, 54f.)
Xenophon, cited below, claims the same for Athens and Strabo 6.4.1 (c. 286) for Italy.
Aristotle, as is well known, was tutor to Alexander of Macedonia. The claims cited here
made environmental determinism a useful ideological tool for ambitious imperialists,
because it justified the conclusion that the Greeks were ideally capable of ruling others.
Clearly, Aristotle was not the first person ever to justify imperial expansion. It is

36 BenjaminIsaac
characteristic, one may presume, of many or all expanding states that they claim to have
good reasons for their expansion. Aristotle, however, is definitely the first to base such
claims on a rationalization of the superiority of his people, as distinct from a god-given or
self-evident superiority. Roman authors took over these ideas, duly substituting
themselves as the ideal rulers, and with some variations. Instead of the contrast between
Europe and Asia, which the Greeks found essential, the geographical poles for most
Roman authors are North and East. As clear examples of this pattern I shall later describe
ancient views of the Germans and Syrians.
It is appropriate here to indicate also how environmental determinism related to more
distant foreigners, notably the Ethiopians, as blacks were usually called by the Greeks
(Snowden 1997: 103-26, esp. 111-13). Ethiopians are mentioned fairly frequently already
in some earlier sources, but usually as representatives of peoples living near the edge of the
world. In Homer they are 'the furthest of men'. They are 'blameless' and their country is so
prosperous as to furnish the ample sacrificialfeasts which the gods relish (Romm 1992: 4955). In Herodotus 1.134, they occur as the ideal example of the faraway good barbarians
(Romm 1992: 55-60). In later periods blacks did not form much of an actual presence in
the Greek and Roman worlds. They were regarded as remarkable, but relatively few of
them lived among the Greeks and Romans and no country inhabited by a majority of
blacks was ever part of the Greek and Roman empires. They were present in fifth-century
Athens, but as a rare and expensive type of slave, the possession of which enhanced the
status of the owner (Miller 1997: 212-17). Questions about the cause of their appearance
appear in the literature from the fourth century onwards. An undatable Pseudo
Aristotelian chapter in Problemata asks: 'Why are those who live in climates of extreme
cold or heat brutish in manners and appearance?' {Problemata 909a) This text further
elaborates on the favourable effect on body and mind of the 'best mixture' of qualities and
the harmful effects of the extreme climates. As examples of the physical effect of extreme
heat, for instance, the text gives the bandy legs and curly hair of the Ethiopians and
Egyptians. This is explained by analogy: just as planks are warped when they dry, so are
the bodies of living beings (909a: 27-32). The text adds that those who live in the South
have dark eyes while northern peoples have grey eyes and this is explained by the influence
of the temperature on the balance of moisture in the body (910a: 12). The text also goes a
step further: a person who is thought to fit the physical stereotype of a certain nation is
assumed to have the (mostly negative) mental and moral characteristics attributed to that
nation, even if he does not belong to the nation. Thus not only are all Egyptians believed
to be cunning, fickle, etc., but also all people who have curly hair like the Egyptians. A
fourth-century treatise on physiognomy gives an example: Egyptians and Ethiopians,
being dark, are cowards (however, women, who have light skins, are also cowards, Ps.
Aristotle, Physiognomonica812a.). Snowden (1983) concludes that generally there were no
such prejudices in antiquity. These views were not accepted by Thompson (1989). The least
that can be said is that ancient views of the Ethiopians were not uniform. Herodotus
certainly gives a different perspective (Bichler 2000: 31). In Athens there also was a fashion
for vases in the form of heads of blacks (Snowden 1970: 24-5; 1976: 133-245). It is hard to
say what feelings such images would convey to the public for which they were produced,
for the emotional responses to physical differences vary a good deal over time and between

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 37

As remarkedabove,the environmentaltheoriesof antiquitywerewidelyacceptedby the

Europeanauthorsof the Enlightenmentand thus contributedto the laterdevelopmentof
racism.Yet, if the environmentaltheoriesof antiquityhad beenthe only formof collective
prejudiceto be found in the literature,it might still be possible to claim that this is not
enoughto concludethat this was an ancientform of proto-racism.However,it is just one
concept encounteredbesides, and in combinationwith, other ideas that will now be

The inheritance of acquired characteristics

A second conceptual mechanism which was generally accepted in Graeco-Roman

antiquityis a belief in the inheritanceof acquiredcharacteristics.In moderntimes this
has beenpopularand was identifiedmainlywith the theoriesof Lamarck,but it is now no
longer accepted.In antiquity,however,it was acceptedas a matter of course by many
authors.It is explicitlypropoundedin some works,for instancein the treatisementioned
earlier,Airs, Waters,Places, in the work of Aristotleand elsewhere,mostly in technical
treatises.This was illustratedby reputedcaseswherechildreninheritedscarsfromwounds
of theirparents,or even tattoos. Indeed,it is clearfrommany implicitreferencesthat the
principlewas takenfor grantedthroughoutantiquity.The best knownexample,found in
the treatiseAirs, Waters,Places(ch. 14),is the case of the peoplewho artificiallyelongated
the skullsof theirchildren,a featurewhichreputedlybecamehereditaryaftera couple of
generations.The theory recurs,for instance,in the work of the geographerStrabowho
wrote in the reignsof Augustusand Tiberius.Strabodiscussesthe cause of the colour of
the skinof Ethiopiansand the textureof theirhair,whichhe attributesto scorchingby the
sun. He then observesthat the Indians'do not have woolly hair and that theirskin is not
so mercilesslyburnt'.Strabocontinues:'And alreadyin the womb children,by seminal
communication,becomelike their parents;for congenitalillnessesand other similarities
are also thus explained'(Strabo 15.1.24:696). Laterin the first century,the elder Pliny
wrotein his NaturalisHistoria(NH) that the Ethiopiansare 'scorchedby the heat of the
sun whichis nearbyand are born with a singedappearance,with curledbeardand hair'
(Pliny,NH 2.80:189).Pliny(NH1.50) has interestingobservationsabout the transmission
of characteristicsin book seven of his work. 'It is also well known that. . . deformed
parents. . . may havechildrenwith. . . the samedeformity,that somemarksand moles and
even scarsreappearin the offspring,in some cases a birthmarkon the armreappearingin
the fourthgeneration'(cf. the earlierclaimsby Aristotle,de generationeanimalium721b,
724a).As I said, these are randomexamples;it is easy to add more. It has, in fact, been
recognizedby othersthat this theorygoes back to classicalauthors:
What Lamarckreallydid was to accept the hypothesisthat acquiredcharacterswere
heritable,a notion whichhad been held almostuniversallyfor well over two thousand
yearsand whichhis contemporariesacceptedas a matterof course,and to assumethat
the results of such inheritancewere cumulativefrom generationto generation,thus
producing,in time, new species.

38 Benjamin Isaac
A combinationof these factors
Many authors combine environmental determinism with a belief in the inheritance of
acquired characteristics. When applied to human groups, this leads somewhat
paradoxically to an assumption that characteristics acquired through outside influences
then somehow are passed on to the next generation and become uniform and constant.
One example must suffice, taken from Livy's account of a speech made by the commander
Cn. Manlius before his troops in 189 BC. The troops were about to give battle to mixed
forces of a people descended from Celts who had moved from Europe to Asia Minor. The
commander tells his troops (Livy 38.17.9-10): 'These [Celtic units] are now degenerate, of
mixed stock and really Gallogrecians, as they are called; just as in the case of crops and
animals, the seeds are not as good in preserving their natural quality as the character of the
soil and the climate in which they grow have the power to change it' (Florus 1.27.3-4.).
Climate and geography have definite effects on all people being born in a given region.
These effects then become permanent traits because they become hereditary in one or two
generations. The result of this combination is a powerful incentive to discriminatory
attitudes. It is this combination which definitely justifies describing ancient ethnic
prejudice as a form of proto-racism, for it turns what could just be an external influence
which can be variable (environmental influence) into something that is fixed and
permanent (such as skin colour).
If there were any doubt as to the validity of this conclusion, it should be enough to
indicate that modern racism has seen a similar combination of ideas. This is encountered
already in the work of the influential German scholar Friedrich Ratzel (1896: 23). He was
followed by Semple, who, well-read in the classics, explicitly sees herself as writing in the
tradition of Montesquieu (Semple 1911: 18). She works with the same categories as the
Greek treatise Airs . . . , mentioned above: the effect of mountains, isolation, climate (heat,
cold, moisture, aridity). 'The influence of climate upon race temperament, both as a direct
and indirect effect, cannot be doubted' (Semple 1911: 620). These ideas themselves were
influenced by contemporary theories regarding the evolution of species through the
influence of climate (Matthew 1915, 1939). Matthew was 'thoroughly convinced that the
whole of evolutionary progress may be interpreted as a response to external stimuli'
(Matthew 1939: 33). The most elaborate defence of environmental theories may be found
in the work of Griffith Taylor (1945 [1937], an expansion of Taylor 1927). This work
represents a major attempt to combine racist theory typical of this period with
environmental determinism. The racist treatment rests heavily on German theories of
the time, notably those of Eickstedt, but is combined with speculations from current
endocrinal theories which held that climate affects the functioning of glands and thus
influences human evolution (Taylor 1945 [1937]: 276). Taylor offers a, relatively speaking,
mild form of racism: he regards most races as roughly equal in quality, apart from the
blacks, whose 'poor achievements in world-history are probably due to their nonstimulating environment. To this also is due their small advance from a primitive stage of
racial evolution' (Taylor 1945 [1937]: 476). 'As regards the future, it seems clear that
environmentwill be the most potent factor in moulding every race and nation' (Taylor
1945 [1937]:477). The classic work of 1954 against prejudice by Allport still firmly believes
in the existence of human races and postulates a direct connection between climate and the

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 39

differences between the 'Mongol physique ... the Negroid . . . and the Caucasoid' (Allport
1979 [1954]: 111). It is obvious that there is a lack of consistency in the combination of
such ideas, but when we discuss racism, ancient or modern, it should be obvious that we
cannot expect consistency and lucid logic. As recently as 1948 Sir Arthur Keith stated
without hesitation that 'the nation of to-day is the lineal representative of the local group
of Palaeolithic times; nations are now the race-making units of Europe' (Keith 1948: 338).
Racism is by definition a fallacy and we should not be surprised if it consists of elements
that do not fit together as they should. It is then not the analysis which is to be blamed, but
the intellectual inconsistency of the ideas analysed.

The constitution and form of government

In the view of many of the relevant authors there is yet another important factor. A good
form of government is an essential ingredient in shaping a people. Under a bad ruler or
government no people can function well. The most obvious example from the fourth
century BCis Isocrates' firm belief that Persia must be a weak nation, because it is ruled by
too powerful a king. This, clearly, is not a racist or proto-racist concept, if only because it
is liable to change. It is a social condition. The last chapter of Xenophon's The Education
of Cyrus, the Cyropaedia, claims that Persia was strong when it had a good king, and
deteriorated when the kings did. This is essentially a socio-political view. We should
understand that our authors are considering different levels here. The environment
determines basic qualities: a good constitution is essential, but can exist only when basic
human qualities exist. This may be compared with a statement which most of us would
accept now: a proper education will determine the level at which an individual functions,
but the pre-condition for the success of a good education is an appropriate level of

Autochthony and pure lineage

The fifth and last concept to be mentioned here is that of autochthony and pure lineage
(Rosivach 1987; Shapiro 1998; Isaac 2004: 109-24). The Athenians attached enormous
importance to the dual myth that they had lived in their own land from the beginnings of
time without ever abandoning it, and that they were a people of unmixed lineage. They
saw themselves as originally having sprung from the soil itself, the earth serving as their
collective mother. This myth served various purposes: a) it was used as an argument that
they and only they held legitimate possession of their soil; b) they regarded themselves as a
people uncontaminated by an admixture of foreign elements, and were therefore superior.
The uniqueness of their origins is deemed obvious by many fifth-century authors. Indeed a
law promulgated by Pericles in 451-0 awarded citizenship only to the children of two
citizens, the intention being to preserve the purity of lineage of the Athenians (Patterson
1981). All the fourth-century authors who mention these subjects, mostly orators, are
convinced of the value of pure descent. They are agreed that the Athenians are uniquely
pure in their origins and superior to all other peoples of the world. Other Greek states have

40 Benjamin Isaac
produced comparable myths, but only Athens insisted on this to such a great extent. Their
insistence was still accepted in Roman literature.
The idea as such had a broad appeal, mostly in a negative sense, among other Greeks
and, later, among Roman authors: intermarriageand mixed blood are considered bad and
conducive to degeneration. The Celts already mentioned, who had migrated to Asia
Minor, deteriorated for two reasons: first, because of their move to another environment
and, second, because they were a mixed people and thus of lesser quality: 'degenerate and
mixed', degeneres sunt, mixti (Livy 38.17.9-10) or, in Florus' later paraphrase, 'mixta et
adulterata\ mixed and impure, bastards (Florus 1.27.3-4). This is the negative equivalent
of the view held by the Athenians that they were superior because their ancestors were not
mixed with migrants. The belief that marriage with outsiders produces offspring of lesser
quality appears firmly entrenched in Greece as well as in Rome. In this form the concept of
pure lineage emerges in the works of many Roman authors, even though the Romans in
practice liberally granted citizenship to subject peoples. Best known are Tacitus' comments
on the Germans, whom he described in terms in which the Athenians describe themselves:
they were 'indigenous, and not mixed at all with other peoples through immigration or
intercourse' (Germania 1, 4). As we know, the idea was taken up enthusiastically by the
Germans in recent history. To be fair I must note here that some ancient authors are
critical of such ideas, for instance Lucian and Apuleius. It may be no coincidence that
these two originated in the Roman provinces, respectively Syria and North Africa,
although they were of Greek and Latin culture.
Clearly, of all the concepts briefly described so far, this is the one which most closely
approaches modern racism, for it establishes a hierarchy of peoples, based on the fiction
that some are of pure lineage, while others are of mixed descent. It could even be said that
the Athenians regarded themselves as a 'race' in modern terms. Furthermore, it is clear
that these ideas were influential later as well, for they appear in authors who were read
widely ever since the Renaissance.

Ancient imperialism

The ideas here described were a significant element in ancient concepts of imperialism. As
with so many other relevant topics the essence of this is first encountered in the treatise
Airs, Waters, Places (16, 23), which insists that the inhabitants of Asia are soft because of
their good climate and resources. They are less belligerent and gentler in character than the
Europeans, who are more courageous and belligerent. Aristotle (Politica 1327b) then
claimed that the Greeks, combining the best qualities of both groups, were therefore
capable of ruling all mankind - an early, if not the first, text to suggest that Greeks should
achieve universal rule.
No less important: these ideas were taken over, suitably adapted, by the Romans. We
find them, for instance, in Vitruvius 6.1, the Elder Pliny, Naturalis Historia 2.80.190 and
Vegetius 1.2. For them, Italy was ideally situated in the middle, but now the middle was
between North and East, rather than between Europe and Asia.
One further significant concept should be emphasized, again in connection with Greek
and Roman imperialist ideas, namely that of decline and degeneration. Just as there are

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 41

believed to be environments which are good or even ideal for the creation of an imperial
power, so there are those that are unfavourable. A related idea, which also is part of the
complex of environmental theories, is that of decline as a result of migration. It is first
attested in the work of Herodotus, 9.122, where Cyrus says that the Persians, if they move
from rugged Persia to a better country, should not expect to continue as rulers, 'but to
prepare for being ruled by others - soft countries give birth to soft men. There is no land
which produces the most remarkable fruit, and at the same time men good at warfare.'
This idea was fully accepted in Rome, for instance in the case of the Celts who established
themselves in Asia Minor and, in the opinion of the Romans, subsequently degenerated. I
cite Livy again:
The Macedonians who rule Alexandria in Egypt, who rule Seleucia and Babylon and
other colonies spread all over the world, have degenerated into Syrians, Parthians and
Egyptians . . . whatever grows in its own soil, prospers better; transplanted to alien soil,
it changes and it degenerates to conform to the soil which feeds it.
(Livy 38.17.12)
It is essential to recognize that no account is taken anywhere of the possibility of
improvement: strong people become feeble in a soft environment, but the reverse never
occurs. This idea is echoed by recent environmentalists who worried about the effect of a
tropical climate on white colonists. 'Our study of the historical movements of peoples in
the northern hemisphere revealed a steady influx from colder into tropical and sub-tropical
lands, followed always by enervation and loss of national efficiency, due partly to the
debilitating heat of the new habitat, partly to its easier conditions of living' (Semple 1911:

Individual and collective slavery

In considering Greek and Roman society we must be aware that slavery hardly represented
a moral dilemma as it has done in modern history. The existence of slavery as such was not a
relevant topic of discussion in antiquity, but there were arguments about specifics; notably
there was a controversy about the differencein nature between free men and slaves, an issue
important for the justification of slavery. If an essential difference, mentally and physically,
between free men and slaves could be demonstrated it was easier to claim that their
differencein status was justified and reasonable. If there was no essential difference, slavery
was harder to justify, for it would depend only on brute force. Was slavery contrary to
justice and also contrary to nature? Aristotle responds to arguments along these lines by
contending that slavery was both natural and just, because some human beings were so
shaped by nature that they lacked some of the essential qualities of fully fledged men
(Aristotle's discussion of slavery in his Politics, cf. Garnsey 1996: 13). They were therefore
fit only to serve as instruments for those who had all those qualities. Here we move from the
sphere of the individual into that of the collective and the group.
Relevant for our subject are ideas which assign not just to individuals, but to specific
groups of people an inferior place in society on the grounds that they are deficient in

42 Benjamin Isaac
various ways and need therefore to be subordinated to their intellectual and moral
superiors in a master/slave relationship. That is to say, specific, non-Greek peoples are
described as collectively having the qualities which slaves of the Greeks should have. Being
less than human, or even subhuman, they live best in a symbiotic relationship with fully
human masters. The arguments applied by Aristotle to individual slaves and masters are
frequently and easily applied by other authors to entire groups and peoples. This is clear
from the terminology employed: SodAxqctk;
and 5ouA,6oc,
i.e. 'enslavement', and related
forms are commonly used by Thucydides and by other authors to express the subjection of
one state to another (Thucydides, 1.98.4, 1.141.1 and 2.63.1 on possible domination of
Athens by Sparta). Slavery, 5oiAei5ocand similar terms are frequently used to denote
political subjection generally (Gomme 1956: 3.646). It should be observed that the contrast
between free man and slave, e^i30epo<;-5oi)?u)(;,
originated in the domestic sphere and was
first broadened out into the realm of politics in the early fifth century. The justification of
individual slavery becomes then applicable also to collective subjugation and thus becomes
part of imperialist ideology which we should now discuss briefly. These views are again best
expressed by Aristotle, whose words are now cited: 'From this it follows that even warfare is
by nature a form of acquisition - for the art of hunting is part of it - which is applied
against wild animals and against those men who are not prepared to be ruled, even
though they are born for subjection, in so far as this war is just by nature' (Aristotle,
Politica 1256b: 23-6). War then is a form of acquisition, just like hunting, and the
object of this process is the procurement of slaves among those peoples who are slaves by
nature, but resist Greek demands that they submit to their proper fate in the world
(Schlaifer 1936).
The Athenians assimilated the relation between imperial states and their subjects to that
between master and slave. At least, they do so in a speech which Thucydides attributes to
Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that by a necessary law of their nature
they rule wherever they can. And it is not as if we were the first to make this law, or to
act upon it when made: we found it existing before us, and shall leave it to exist for ever
after us; all we do is to make use of it, knowing that you and everybody else, having the
same power as we have, would do the same as we do.
(Thucydides 5.105.2, trans. Richard Crawley; 1.76. 2 and 4.61.5;
Gomme 1970: 162-4)
The Athenians do not claim that this is just and right nor do they claim that both sides
profit from the unequal relationship, as does Aristotle in his theory of natural slavery. The
Athenians merely claim it is inevitable (de Romilly 1963: 56). Callicles, speaking in Plato's
Gorgias, goes a step further towards Aristotle in claiming that this is not merely inevitable,
but indeed just and right:
But I believe that nature itself reveals that it is a just thing for the better man and the
more capable man to have a greater share than the worse man and the less capable man.
Nature shows that this is so in many places.
(Dodds 1959: 267)

Proto-racism in Graeco-Roman antiquity 43

[B]oth among the other animals and in whole cities and nations of men, it shows that
this is what justice has been decided to be: that the superior rule the inferior and have a
greater share than they.
(Plato, Gorgias 483c-e)
To turn now to Roman literature, Cicero is far more explicit in describing the benefits of
empire to the ruled than Aristotle ever is {de officiis 22; cf. Augustine, de civitate dei 14.23).
He claims that the existence of the Empire is justified because of genuine advantages to the
provincials. The attitude of Cicero and other Romans comes closer to the modern concept
of the 'White Man's Burden'.
In the age of Augustus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus is writing for Greeks in Greek to
persuade them that Rome deserves her empire:
that they, the Greeks, may neither feel indignation at their present subjection, which is
grounded on reason (for by a universal law of nature, which time cannot destroy, it is
ordained that superiors shall ever govern their inferiors), nor rail at Fortune for having
wantonly bestowed upon an undeserving city a supremacy so great and already of so
long continuance.
(Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1.5.2)
After this brief demonstration of the connection between classical ideas of slavery and
imperialism, it is now proper to point to yet another influential complex of ideas in this
sphere. Besides the common ancient assumption that those who have been enslaved
deserve to be in that position, there is another common belief which holds that people,
once enslaved, degenerate irrevocably into servile characters. Homer, later cited by Plato,
says: 'If you make a man a slave, that very day/Far-sounding Zeus takes half his wits
away' (Homer, Odyssea 17.322-3, cited by Plato, Laws 776e-777a; cf. Garnsey 1996: 89
with discussion on 93f.). For a similar sentiment in a major Roman author we may turn to
Cicero. Servitude is a central motive in his thinking about contemporary Greeks. Cicero
advises his brother, proconsul of Africa to be cautious in his dealings with the Greeks in
his province: 'In your province there are a great many who are deceitful and unstable, and
trained by a long course of servitude to show an excess of sycophancy' (Cicero, ad
Quintumfratrem 1.1.16). Cicero was certain that a state of subjugation distorts and
degenerates character. Indeed, many Roman authors assume as a matter of course that the
conquest of a people and their subjection to another inevitably set in motion a process
whereby they increasingly lose their belligerency, their sense of freedom and their virility,
the longer they are subjects. Cicero, Josephus and Tacitus agree that it is an irreversible
process (Josephus, Bellum Judaicum 2.15.4: 356-8; Tacitus, Agricola 21; Historiae 4.17,
4.64.3). In fact, only those who are born in freedom have a chance of regaining it after they
have been subjected. It is a sentiment echoed, for instance, by the third-century historian
Cassius Dio in the pre-battle speech which he attributes to the British rebel queen
Boudicca: 'let us, I say, do our duty while we still remember what freedom is, that we may
leave to our children not only its appellation but also its reality. For, if we utterly forget
the happy state in which we were born and bred, what, pray, will they do, reared in
bondage?' (Dio 62.4.3, trans. E. Cary, Loeb).

44 Benjamin Isaac
There is at least one other reason why it is important to study an imperial power's
attitudes to foreign peoples. The current stereotypes and commonplaces in an imperial
capital may not decide imperial policy, but it is definitely true that they are important
factors in its formation. Both France under Napoleon and Germany under Hitler invaded
Russia. For both these nations these campaigns ended in the loss, not just of a battle or
campaign, but of their entire wars of expansion, wars that had been successful before they
attacked Russia. They embarked upon these expeditions only because they were convinced
that they would succeed. This means that there was an extraordinary discrepancy between
their image of Russia as a country and reality. It is therefore useful to consider the image,
for instance, of Persia in fourth-century Greece and of the Germans and Parthians/
Persians in imperial Rome, for it is at least likely that the current views of these peoples
helped in shaping imperial policy.
The last part of this paper will be devoted to two unambiguous examples of what I
would call proto-racist attitudes of Roman authors to other peoples, whereby it is clear
that these attitudes also played a substantial role in the way the Romans conceived of the
relationship of these peoples with the Empire. The various topics of this paper come
together if we briefly look at Roman ideas about two peoples: the Syrians and Germans.
First, the Syrians (Isaac 2004: 335-50): They were born for slavery according to the
familiar formula (Cicero, de provinciis consularibus2.5.10; Livy 35.49.8; Livy 36.17.4-5).
The presumed qualities of the Syrians and other Asiatic peoples which earn them the
description of having been born for slavery are: servility, effeminacy, perversity.
Homosexuality, self-castration, perverted cults are all associated with this presumed lack
of masculinity. They were no fighters, it was thought. Connected with this is the accusation
of luxurious living. The Syrians are good at feasting, they tend to go to the baths rather
than exercise, and they over-eat. This means that they represent the opposite of what
Romans think real men ought to be. Roman ideas about Syrians constitute a complex of
stereotypes with what I would call proto-racist characteristics. Their presumed qualities
were also regarded as infectious. When effeminate Syrians and Romans are brought
together the Romans become soft and the Syrians remain as they are. The reverse would
never apply: Syrians do not become sturdy fighters under the influence of Roman
The Germans, ever since Varus' defeat in AD 9, were to the Romans a constant reminder
of failure and by many authors they were regarded as a major threat. Roman authors saw
them as the ultimate northern people (Isaac 2004: 427-39). Accordingly, a full assortment
of environmental stereotypes was applied to them. Tacitus, however, as already
mentioned, attributes their specific characteristics rather to their pure lineage, a significant
idea, even if we ignore its influence in later history. The Germans were of pure blood
because they lived far to the north and apart from others and therefore were not corrupted
into civilized degeneracy of any kind, except those living closest to other peoples. The
Germans were tall, brave and firm, prone to anger. They could not stand hard work nor
could they stand heat or thirst, but they were inured to cold and hunger. They loved
fighting, sleeping and feasting; they hated peace and serious work and so forth. With all
their weaknesses, however, the Germans represented the ultimate form of virility. Many of
their virtues were the opposite of Roman decadence, especially in Tacitus' Germania.The
Roman imperial view of itself and others saw here an unavoidable logic: subject people

Proto-racismin Graeco-Romanantiquity 45
eventuallylose their independenceof mind. Converselythe Germans,if they are not
subjected,remain dangerous.Combine this with the essential pessimismand belief in
inevitabledeclineof the ancientworld,and the Germanpresenceis indeeda seriouslongtermthreat.Beinguncorruptedand powerful,they werethe most dangerousof the people
who had not been conquered.
For our purposesit is importantto note that, in the case of the Germans,we encounter
a strongcombinationof forms of proto-racism:environmentalstereotypesare reinforced
by the belief in pure lineageand socio-culturalintegrity.These notions in turn played a
significantrole in the ideas about the relationshipbetweenthe Empireand the Germanic
peoples. Thus Roman views - and especiallythose of Tacitus - on the Germansare
probablythe best exampleto be found anywherein ancientliteratureof a full integration
of proto-raciststereotypesand imperialistideology. To conquerand rule them was not
it was also a necessityfor its long-termsurvival.
only the ultimatetest of a warrior-Empire,
It so happensthat these ideas wereabsorbedby a nationparticularlysusceptibleto them
in the earlymodernand modernperiods.
To sum up: in antiquity,as in moderntimes,we constantlyencounterthe unquestioned
assumptionthat it is possibleand reasonableto relateto entirepeoplesas if they were a
single or collectiveindividual.The conceptualmeans employedto this end were not the
samein antiquityas in modernhistory,althoughthey are stillquitefamiliar.Theywerethe
environmentaltheoryand the beliefin the inheritanceof acquiredcharacteristics,
of groups
broadlyacceptedin Greeceand Rome. Thesehold that collectivecharacteristics
of people are permanentlydeterminedby climateand geography.The implicationis that
the essentialfeaturesof body and mindcome fromthe outsideand are stable.Theydo not
occurthroughgeneticevolutionor consciouschoice. Socialinteractionplays a secondary
role. Individualityand individualchange are therebyignored.When appliedto human
areuniformand constant,once
groupstheseideaslead to a beliefthat theircharacteristics
acquired,unless people migrate. The latter would lead to decline and degeneration
that resultedwere
throughdisplacementand contamination.The presumedcharacteristics
usuallyrejectedas beinginferior
to the observeror, in rareinstances,approvedof as beinguntaintedand superior.Greeks
in the fourth centurydevelopedthe environmentaltheory further,adding two elements
which made it an essentialtool for imperialists.They claimedthat Greeceoccupiesthe
very best environmentbetweenEuropeand Asia and producesthereforepeople ideally
capableof rulingothers.More specificallythis was directedat the PersianEmpireand the
inhabitantsof Asia, who weresaid to be servileby nature,or naturalslaves,and therefore
suited to be subjectsof the Greeks.These and similarideas are found in many Roman
authorsin a popularizedform, adaptedto the specificneeds and circumstancesof the
times.The Romansduly substitutethemselvesas the ideal rulers.A relatedidea, accepted
by many Roman authors,held that long-termimperialrule reducesa people to a state
almost identicalto that of natural slavery.As a result masters and slaves, rulers and
subjectpeopleslive in a symbiosisbeneficialto both parties.Otherrelevantconceptsare
autochthonyand pure lineage. The Athenians, in their period of imperialexpansion,
developedan emotionalattachmentto these interrelatedideas. Rome made no claim of
being autochthonous or of pure blood, but applied those ideas to other peoples.
Particularlyimportant is the strong disapproval of mixed blood. There is a firm

46 Benjamin Isaac
conviction, encountered in numerous texts, that mixing leads to degeneration. The idea is
not so much that purity of lineage will lead to improvement; the reverse is true: any form
of mixture will result in something worse. This, as has been shown, is connected with the
absence of a belief in progress in antiquity.

Tel Aviv University

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BenjaminIsaac is Lessing Professor of Ancient History at the University of Tel Aviv. He is

a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the author of The Limits
of Empire: The Roman Army in the East.

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