Advancxed EV Battery Management
Advancxed EV Battery Management
Advancxed EV Battery Management
Executive Summary
Prepared By
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Advanced Battery Management and Technology Project
1.2 Problem Statement of the ABMTP
1.3 EVermont Vehicles
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EVermont wishes to thank the many sub-contractors, companies and individuals that provided
assistance to this project.
Thank you all for your hard work, research and support and most of all your enthusiasm for
electric vehicle research and technology. A special thank you to Sheila Lynch, Tom Webb and
Lisa Callaghan at NAVC and Robert Rosenfeld and DARPA for funding and supporting this
important work.
Richard Watts
Project Director, EVermont
Harold Garabedian
Research and Testing Director, EVermont
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EVermont Technical Reports
The following reports are available for $25.00 each. Checks should be sent in advance and be
made payable to EVermont, c/o Agency of Natural Resources, Building 3 South, 10 South Main
Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-0402.
Thermal Measurements and Analysis of the 1995 Solectria Force (Paul Richmond - CRREL)
Electric Vehicle Traction and Rolling Resistance in Winter (Sally Shoop - CRREL)
Traction and Handling Performance of an Electric Vehicle in Winter Environment (Sally Shoop -
CRREL and Harold Garabedian - Vermont DEC)
Thermal Windshield and Foam Insulation Report (Harold Garabedian - Vermont DEC)
Electric Vehicle Thermal Management - EVermont Test Results (Harold Garabedian testimony
before the Massachusetts State Legislature)
State of the Art Electric Vehicle Cold Weather Range (Harold Garabedian - Vermont DEC and
Andrew Heafitz - Solectria Corp.)
Thermal Efficiency Tests and Analysis of an Electric Bus in Portland, Maine; John Duffy,
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, January 1997.
Monitoring EV’s in Florida’s Environment; William Young, Florida Solar Energy Center.
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(5) a Solectria Force with non-thermally managed NiMH batteries retained nearly 65% of its
warm weather range, similar to that of a thermally managed lead-acid vehicle,
(6) 20-30% of the cold weather range reduction was due primarily to vehicle friction losses (i.e.,
increased road losses).
In order to address several additional electric vehicle cold weather thermal management
challenges, EVermont, in the NRTMTP, continued to develop and evaluate light-duty electric
vehicle thermal management technologies in four areas: HVAC system improvements, improved
battery enclosure thermal management, advanced lead-acid battery cold and warm weather
performance and noise testing.
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1.3 EVermont Vehicles Figure 2: EVermont Vehicle Fleet Mileage
EVermont continues to deploy numerous
Mileage Chart
electric vehicles in Vermont. EVermont
July-96 November-96 July-97 November-97 July-98 November-98 April-99 Aug-99
vehicles have accrued over 150,000 25000
miles of in service and testing miles.
Figure 2 illustrates the accrued mileage 20000
NiMH vehicles, EV13 (with over 21,000
miles) and EV15 (8,500 miles) tested 10000
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managed NiMH batteries can Figure 4: NiMH Battery Pack Voltage vs. Temperature
provide near design capacity
energy, even in cold conditions NiMH Powered Solectria Force
Traction Battery Voltage
(-22°C), however total battery Under Two Ambient Conditions
voltage is suppressed (9.2%) For The Same 65 Mile Test Course
and total voltage fluctuation is
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significant induced ventilation of the
Figure 6: GP NiMH Battery Module
battery pack. For summer operation the
plugs can be removed if necessary. This
vehicle is equipped with cabin preheat
and a fuel-fired heater (4,000 watt) but
no air conditioning.
EVHQ is powered by 15 Gold Peak GP
NiMH battery modules (Ovonic license)
with a nominal voltage of 180 volts and
90Ah. As with EV13, six of the battery
modules are located in the front battery
box while the remaining nine modules
are located in the rear battery box.
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Table 1: NiMH Program Vehicles Summary
NiMH #1, EV13 NiMH #2, EVHQ NiMH #3, EV15
Operator EVermont Hydro Quebec EVermont
Operating Environment Vermont Canada Vermont
Battery Pack 85Ah NiMH, 198 Volt 90Ah NiMH, 180 Volt 90Ah NiMH, 180 Volt
Battery Manufacturer Ovonic Gold Peak Gold Peak
BTMS Open air fan cooled Restricted air flow Restricted air flow
Drive system 42kW, Single speed 42kW, Single speed 55kW, Single Speed
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2.0 Battery and APU Technology
The United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) identified mid-term,
commercialization and long-term goals for advanced batteries, shown in Table 2.
Mid-term 600 80 15 < 150
Commercialization 1,000 150 300 < 150
Long-term 1,000 200 400 < 100
CARB Estimates for 2003
NiMH 1,000 90 300 250
Li-Ion 1,000 120 300 300
Li-Poly 1,000 150 315 < 250
Source: CARB, 1998 Zero-Emission Vehicle Biennial Program Review, July 1998
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Table 3: Comparison of Advanced Lead-Acid and Nickel Based Batteries
Ovonic Battery
Sonnenschien Company Nickel Saft Advanced
Lead-acid Metal-hydride Nickel-Cadmium
Range (miles) 50 100 100
Voltage (Volts) 156 184 / 198 168
Capacity (Ah) 50 85 100
(kWh) 7.8 15.6 / 16.8 16.8
Estimated Life (cycles) 400 1,000 2,000
Estimated Life (miles) 20,000 100,000 200,000
Warranty None 3 year 4 year / 25,000 miles
Cost $1,500 $45,000 $14,000
Energy storage $0.075 $0.450 $0.070
Data acquisition and No Yes (DAQ) No
Maintenance None None (Data reporting) Distilled water - single
point every 6,000 miles
Cold weather Battery warming needed Good without warming Very good without
Experience in 3-4 1 4-5
production (years)
Recycling 100% 100% 100%
Source: Solectria Corporation, 1997
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seat heaters, air recirculation and vehicle insulation, were experimented with. While some of
these methods did improve the effective performance of the electric heaters, window fogging and
reduced range persisted. In the end, burning fuel in an efficient heater was chosen as the most
practical solution to the problem.
Even though we had a working solution to the EV heating problem, there was still a significant
reduction in vehicle range on very cold days. Our project team was compelled with the idea of
capturing the expansion energy of the heated air in the cabin heater and using it to create a
supplemental source of electric energy that could be used to offset this reduction in range. Thus
was born the idea of creating a “hybrid” vehicle which would burn fuel, primarily for the creation
of heat, while at the same time, extend the vehicle range to that expected at warmer temperatures.
This would be, by definition, a “co-generation” project, trading the unlimited continuous
extended range that could be obtained by installing a larger “auxiliary power unit” opting for a
unit that would provide just enough heat to the cabin.
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Several conversations with Fisher Electric Technology provided information on a general purpose
Kawasaki four stroke gasoline engine that Fisher was familiar with. This unit is rated at 20 hp, is
fairly compact, readily available and relatively inexpensive (~$1,500 for the engine).
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Investigation of commercially available APUs resulted in the purchase of a Fisher alternator
mated to a Kawasaki four-stroke gasoline engine. The Kawasaki FD620D 617cc engine is rated
at 20 hp maximum with 16 hp available at 2700 rpm. This operating rpm corresponds to the
lowest specific fuel consumption for this engine. The unit is coupled to a Fisher model A7/28AF
brushless alternator rated at 10 kW (~70 amps) output at 144 volts and 2700 rpm. The total
weight of the system is approximately 130lb (30lb for the alternator, the remainder for the engine,
fluids and connections). It was clear that this power unit was much larger than what we had
initially set out to install, but the potential for further extending the vehicle range along with the
quality and efficiency of the Fisher products enticed
us to choose this path. Based on the system Figure 11: EV1 Lift Bed
mechanical output approximately 25,000 watts of
useful heat energy would be available from this unit
at full power.
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thermostat assembly was created. The heater core is supplied with hot water by the opening of
the first thermostat at 180°F. The second thermostat controls flow to the radiator and opens at
195°F. The engine contains a mechanical coolant circulation pump that is capable of providing
an adequate flow to the heater core. No heat regulation valves are presently installed in this
system but one may be added in the hose to the heater core for summer operation.
Included with the Kawasaki engine is a built in alternator that has been coupled to the vehicles
12-volt system to provide redundancy for the DC to DC converter. In order to utilize this layout,
a diode was installed on the output side of the DC to DC converter to protect it from any voltage
fluctuations that might be produced
Figure 13: APU Installed in Engine Compartment by the alternator. The factory
installed starter motor is used to
crank the Kawasaki engine and a
small battery has been added to the
12-volt system in order to satisfy
the surge of current required by the
An automatic (electric) fuel
enrichment device has been
installed on the APU carburetor to
facilitate cold starts. A 15-gallon
fuel tank has been mounted under
the cab, between the frame rails
(transmission tunnel), and its filler
pipe runs up to the right front inner
fender well. The hood must be opened in order to add fuel but this was determined to be an
acceptable compromise. A charcoal canister has been installed in order to absorb fuel tank
vapors. This canister has a simple evacuation system, which consists of a small hose connected
to the intake manifold of the engine. We found that a solenoid control system was not necessary
for acceptable idle quality because of the small size of this hose and the moderate rpm operation
of the APU.
The engine possesses an internal Figure 14: Fisher AC/DC Converter
flyweight type throttle control that
is presently attached to the vehicle
accelerator pedal. This setup
increases alternator output as
increased current flow to the drive
motors is called for. The exhaust
system begins with a header pipe
going down to a section of
flexible pipe with a connection
flange on the bottom. From there,
the exhaust passes through a
catalytic converter and two
mufflers before leaving the
vehicle at the rear bumper. The
unit’s ignition switch is mounted
on the center console and is run in series with the vehicle ignition switch. The starter motor is
then engaged by turning the ignition switch to the crank position.
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APU instrumentation in the instrument cluster includes fuel level, oil pressure, water temperature
and DC volts (12-volt system). Solectria instruments located in the center console include
battery pack volts, current and a state of charge (Ah) meter. Additional instruments in the center
console include power unit output current, Fisher alternator and vehicle battery temperatures,
manifold vacuum, hour meter and a tachometer. The Solectria installed electric power steering
and brake vacuum pump has been retained along with an Espar kerosene burning air heater. The
General Motors anti lock brake system was disabled during Solectria conversion of the vehicle.
Removing this unit saved 23 pounds and freed up valuable space under the hood.
The electric interface between the Solectria drive system and the APU is between the battery
connection to the motor controllers via a three-phase rectifier that converts the alternating APU
output to DC current. This means that any power produced by the alternator will flow directly
into the controllers or the batteries depending on which has the lowest potential. Initial testing
indicated that a problem could occur with this set up that results from the APU being operated
while generating current via regenerative braking with the batteries fully charged. This produces
excessively high voltage and the
Figure 15: Completion of APU Installation
controllers drop off line. Cycling the
drive selector switch through the off
position will reset the controllers but
this situation needs to be avoided.
We have come up with three ways to
prevent this occurrence. First, do not
run the APU with the batteries fully
charged. This should always be
observed so as to avoid overcharging
but precludes the option of warming
the cabin on a cold morning.
Second, operate the electric heater
while the engine is running. This
will absorb excess energy and
prevent over-voltage. Third, switch
off the regenerative brakes.
Two other problems associated with this installation were vibration and noise. These were
predictable and by no means a surprise. Both have been addressed and significant improvements
have been made. The power steering assembly was originally attached to the engine-mounting
frame. The location and mass of this assembly produced a harmonic vibration that was
unacceptable. Relocating this from the frame to the vehicle chassis eliminated this portion of the
problem. Modifications to the engine mounts were also necessary to further reduce vibrations
being transmitted into the frame of the vehicle by the APU itself. The exhaust system was
originally assembled with one muffler. The sound level emanating from this system was
excessive. An extension was added to the pipe and a second muffler was hung on the outside of
the frame rail near the rear of the bed. This effectively reduced the exhaust noise to an acceptable
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3.0 Battery Testing
87.75 Ah at a 20-amp discharge rate
(this is approximately C/4). This
20 capacity correlates well to the 89Ah
average determined by Ovonic
-20C 0C 20C 40C utilizing a C/3 rate. On a kWh basis
Degrees Centrigrade
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Figure 17: Round Trip Efficiency for Ovonic NiMH Batteries
Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 show
that the impedance and voltage
Round Trip Efficiency
were both optimized at 20°C,
100 however these parameters were
most impacted at -20°C.
Discharge voltage was depressed
at -20°C and further depressed at
Efficiency Percent
higher discharge currents.
Generally speaking Ovonic
NiMH batteries exhibited a loss
of specific power (W/kg) at cold
temperatures, however, specific
energy (Wh/kg) capacity fell
-20C 0C 20C 40C only a small amount. On the
Degrees Centigrade
other hand at high temperatures
depressed resulting in a loss of kWh
13 capacity and reduced range.
Optimum power and capacity are
maintained between approximately
-20C 0C 20C 40C
0°C and 30°C. Self-discharge is
Degrees Centigrade
relatively high at 1.5% per day at
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20°C, which increases dramatically with battery operating temperature.
A complete report of the results from the ULowell testing is available as a separate report. The
report is titled “Characterization of Ovonic Nickel Metal Hydride Electric Vehicle Batteries”,
authored by Dr. Ziyad M. Salameh and Dr. William A. Lynch and completed August 1998. The
report is 284 pages in length including all appendices.
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3.4 NiMH Finite Element Model
In addition to the areas of modifications (insulation and air restriction) initiated by Solectria
Corporation on the battery boxes, there are a number of other governing parameters that influence
the performance of the system. The construction of different prototypes corresponding to various
configurations in order to test them for a design optimization purpose is a costly undertaking. An
alternative to this kind of analysis is numerical modeling, which offers better flexibility and lower
costs compared to prototype testing.
The NiMH Finite Element Model focuses on the thermal modeling of the system rather than the
study of parameter effects. The model is able to predict the velocity and temperature distributions
inside both battery boxes (front and rear).
Fans On
Temperature [oC]
26 Fans Off
Turbulent combined
Laminar free free and forced
22 convection convection
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Time [sec.]
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The results demonstrate that the simulation model describes with satisfactory accuracy the
thermal behavior of the modules for the hot case even though the insulation is ignored in the
simulation. This can be explained by the fact that when the fans are running, the insulation does
not play a significant role, because the fans extract the heat generated by the modules from the
boxes and the air is continuously renewed. In contrast, the effect of the insulation is expected to
be strong if the fans are inactivated (Off position). However, the results show that there is no
effect in this case. This result may be attributed to the fact that the fans were not running for the
first 1,977 seconds (~33 minutes).
Examination of the results concerning the front box reveal that the hottest region in the box is
located in the core of module #2 (and module #5 by symmetry). Even though the fans are
running, the corresponding temperature is as high as 303 K (30°C). It is interesting to mention
here that the temperature at the location of the sensor is lower than that at the center of the
module; the difference is approximately 2°C.
In terms of the velocity distribution, the air movement underneath the modules seems to be quasi
uniform because of the existence of the plenum. Similarly, the flow between the modules is quite
homogeneous except for the air space at the front face of the box (between module #3 and the
wall) where the velocity is less important than elsewhere. On the other hand, the mass of air on
the top of the module #3 seems to be still. This is attributed to the vortex (flow recirculation)
created by the ascendant and descendant flows. This phenomenon is not observed for the other
modules since they are closer to the fan and the vortex cannot occur.
In the rear box, the hottest modules are those located at the center (#10, #11, #12 and #14) and the
most critical one seems to be the last one, module #14. This is a result of poor air circulation on
the backside of this specific module. In this particular region, the fan is relatively far from the
module, which favors free convection forces to drive the cooling air by density or temperature
differences. It should be mentioned here that the heat transfer deteriorates when the convection
mechanism changes from forced to free. Consequently, the temperature rises rapidly as the heat
removal decreases.
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Figure 21: Temperature Evolution in the Front Box (cold case)
Temperature [oC]
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Time [sec.]
Figure 22: Effects of the Insulation and the Plugs on the Temperature Evolution in the Front Box
Model 1
-10 Model 2
Model 3
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Time [sec.]
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the box temperature increases with time, the mass flow of air becomes more important. From the
modeling standpoint, it is more realistic to compute this quantity than to impose it. Nevertheless,
a negligible value representing the air flow through the inlets was imposed when the fans were
not functioning to keep the model relatively simple. It is difficult to determine the exact amount
of air crossing the box to impose it as a boundary condition at the inlets.
The option corresponding to the imposed mass flow was chosen in the present study to minimize
the complexity of the model and consequently the cost of the study. Now the question is: does
the value of air mass flow imposed represent the reality? The issue does not arise when the fans
are functioning because the driven flow is known (mass flow of the fans). When the fans are not
functioning, the “No plugs’’ situation for the same test parameters was used as a reference case
for the study of the mass flow effect.
The results reported in Figure 22 reveal that the air mass flow has no effect on the temperature
evolution. In order to confirm the modeled prediction, a comparison between the data collected
as temperature evolution in the front box for the “No plugs’’ and the “With plugs’’ situations is
displayed on Figure 23. The original curves show a constant difference of 3.75°C in average. The
difference is mainly due to the temperature offset at the initial time. The original curve
corresponding to the “With plugs’’ situation has been adjusted by subtracting the average
difference (3.75°C), and the resulting curve reveals that the difference collapses. The slight
remaining difference may be attributed to the range of precision of the sensors since the
maximum difference is approximately 1°C. The same trend was observed for the rear box.
Therefore, we can state with confidence that the air mass flow has no effect on the temperature
evolution when the fans are not operating during the tests corresponding to the cold case.
Consequently, the air mass flow imposed in the model is credible since it has no impact on the
accuracy of solution according to the modeled results and the experimental data.
Figure 23: Comparison between the Case with and without Plugs for the Front Box
Temperature evolution [oC]
-8 No plugs-monitored
With plugs-monitered
-10 With plugs-adjusted
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Time [sec.]
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The isotherm contour results show that the temperature distribution in this case is quite different
in shape compared to the hot case. Contrary to the later case where the fans start working after
approximately 33 minutes of running, the fans stay off during the entire simulation. Therefore,
the flow of the air is induced by ascending forces associated with free convection as explained
before. In this situation, the velocities involved are too low to generate a significant flow, which
would reject the heat generated by the batteries outside the box. As a result, the heat is trapped
inside and a relative uniform temperature distribution is observed through the batteries. A reverse
trend is observed in the mass of air located on the top of the modules. In fact, the isotherm
contour at this location is characterized by many regions presenting different temperatures (the
difference could be as high as 4°C). This phenomenon is attributed to the nature of the air flow.
As a consequence of free convection, the flow is disturbed and is characterized by many
recirculating zones. The velocity reflects the complexity and the disturbance of the flow on the
top of the batteries. This observation may be a key to understanding the disagreement between
the model and the monitored data for the cold case. In fact, in this case the geometry details and
location of the heat generation within the battery could change the entire velocity field and
consequently, the thermal field as the two fields are coupled. This problem was not observed for
the hot case as the flow is driven mechanically. Hence, the flow is less disturbed and the
temperature distribution through the region in question is relatively uniform. Furthermore, when
the fans are functioning the heat transfer is due to forced convection. In this case, the temperature
does not interact with the velocity. These reasons could explain why the model’s accuracy is
better for the hot case.
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4.0 Battery Thermal Management System
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efficiency of the design modifications that were undertaken, Jean-François Morneau of Hydro-
Quebec’s Laboratoire des Technologies Électrochimiques et des Électrotechnologies (LTEE) in
Canada was contracted to perform a series of controlled cold chamber NiMH vehicle tests. The
LTEE Report for this testing, Evaluation of Cold Temperature Performance of a NiMH battery
Powered E.V. is available as a separate document.
Figure 24: LTEE Cold Chamber The EVHQ was installed in the cold
chamber and a load bank consisting
of eight resistors was used to apply
a load profile to the batteries,
simulating real driving conditions.
The tests were made with two
configurations (full flow through
ventilation system and restricted
flow conditions), at two
temperatures (-20°C and 20°C).
Each combination of temperature
and configuration were performed
three times, making a total of twelve
The results obtained from these tests
are very interesting and show that
the modifications are efficient in
maintaining battery performance in cold weather operation. After one test cycle, it was found
that temperature tended to equilibrate to a temperature over 20°C (for the conditions used in the
tests), and consequently the battery voltage response came very close to the ones observed in
warm weather conditions. Also, the standard deviation of the highest and the lowest individual
voltages was much lower than observed during the winter field study conducted by EVermont:
0.86V and 0.95V compared to an average of Figure 25: Resistive Load Bank
0.55V. With the BTMS modification, the results
obtained tend to demonstrate that the design
modification would be efficient for the regular
use of the vehicle.
Some care has to be taken in the analysis and the
generalization of the results obtained in these
tests. The results are directly dependent on the
test conditions that were used. For instance, if
longer test cycles or greater wind speed had been
used, the results obtained would certainly be
different. However, the same tendencies would
have been observed (augmentation of mean
battery temperatures and voltages). The
important thing to remember from these tests, is
that the heat generation of NiMH batteries is so
great, that bringing the heat exchange between
the battery compartments and the ambient
environment to the minimum, will contribute to
maintain battery performance. NiMH batteries
would then have a big advantage over their
competitors since no other thermal management
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techniques, like the use of electric heaters, would be necessary. This passive type of thermal
battery management is ideal since it uses wasted energy to maintain battery performance.
The efficiency of the two modifications is however directly dependent on how the vehicle is used.
In order to maintain temperature within the battery compartments at an optimum level, the EV
has to be used on a regular basis.
Another factor that can influence the efficiency of the design modifications is the effect of the
wind. When operating in cold weather, care must be taken to restrict the airflow through the
battery compartment as best as possible and during extreme cold weather, the flow should be
completely blocked. To ensure that flow conditions are optimum for all weather conditions,
automatic variable flow restrictors should be used. This would also prevent damage to the
batteries if flow restrictor plugs are left in place during extreme hot temperatures.
Based on the results obtained with the tests presented here, it is recommended that the
modifications performed on the Solectria (more insulation of the battery compartments and use of
air flow restrictors) be implemented for better NiMH battery management. Additionally, even
more improvement may be possible in cold weather and for safety precautions for the operation
in hot weather, with airflow restrictors that operate in response to the operating ambient
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speed limit at all time. A total of seven runs was done, on seven different days, from August 19,
1998 to August 31, 1998.
9/20/99 NAVC1096-PG009524 25 Summer Testing Results
The testing results show that for the conditions of the six tests, the temperature did not reach
critical levels. The highest temperature observed in the battery compartments was 47.5°C, which
is relatively high but not dangerous. This temperature was maintained only for a short period of
time, during a “harder” part of the course. On a lower stress part of the course, the ventilation
system was enough to cool down the battery compartments. However, the general trend of the
battery temperature is upwards. As a general concept, the temperature in the battery compartment
is a balance between the heat generated by the batteries and the heat loss of the battery
compartments. A temperature elevation means that all the generated heat cannot be evacuated
from the compartment. This shows that for heavy, and maybe even medium duty cycles, at
ambient temperatures of over 20°C, the ventilation system might not be sufficient to keep the
batteries cool, which could then lead to overheating.
In order to prevent any overheating damage in any type of conditions of vehicle utilization, it
would be necessary to modify the ventilation system or the configuration of the battery
compartments. A better airflow between the battery cells or higher volume of air passing through
the compartments would help to evacuate the excess generated heat. However, with the current
configuration of the system, the driver should be aware of the potential overheating danger when
operating the vehicle in more stressful driving conditions (weather and type of road). A possible
solution for this problem is a warning light that alerts the driver when battery temperature
reducing measures are necessary. In these cases a more conservative way of driving is required
(operation in normal or economy mode) in order to keep the heat generation as low as possible, to
prevent battery damage.
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5.0 Vehicle On Road Test Evaluations
Two intensive vehicle evaluation campaigns were undertaken on EV13 and other EVermont
vehicles. One in warm weather to baseline the vehicles and the other in extreme cold weather to
evaluate system performance. During these periods the vehicles were fitted with appropriate
electronic sensors to measure energy use and temperatures of the vehicles, components and
ambient conditions. This data was
Figure 27: EV15, EV13, EV1, EVHQ and Richard Watts
high resolution time series data,
collected and stored via the
Campbell CR 10 data logger.
The vehicles involved in these
tests were also driven on a daily
basis as a way of collecting
anecdotal performance
information and, when necessary,
to gather additional data to
reinforce the tests preformed in
this project.
Under the guidance of EVermont,
the data was handled by Vermont
Monitoring Cooperative (VMC).
VMC, under the auspices of the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation, maintains
long-term environmental monitoring data sets, stores data in a data management system and has a
staff dedicated to maintaining and analyzing environmental data.
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depending on the ambient environment.
Route 2 east briefly, and by mile 9 is on Hill Street in Montpelier. From the base of Hill Street in
Montpelier to where it plateaus in Berlin is a 12% grade. This 0.7-mile section of road has a
surface that starts out as asphalt in need of repair and then changes to gravel. The course
continues on the gravel surfaced road with a down and uphill section while bearing left onto
Stewart Road, but overall climbing in elevation.
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At mile 10 there is a stop sign at the intersection of Paine Turnpike. Paine Turnpike is a paved
secondary road and the terrain is generally rolling but climbs in elevation. Another traffic light is
encountered at the intersection with Vermont Route 62 (mile 11). Route 62 is taken a short
distance (0.1 miles) to the entrance ramp of Interstate 89. At this point the course changes to
rural interstate conditions. The course continues to climb in elevation to mile 12. At this point a
6% downhill grade is encountered on the interstate for a distance of 2 miles. The roadway then
changes to a rolling terrain with slight up and downhill elements. The interstate is exited at exit
9, where a stop sign is encountered. A local road is taken to Route 2 and then the course ends
with a return to the GSD facility.
Figure 30: Baseline Traction Battery Voltage from EV13 The total voltage of the battery
pack is presented for two
conditions in Figure 30, a
relatively Mild day when the
average temperature during the
test course run was 58o F (14o
C), and a Cold day when the
average temperature was -7o F
(-22o C). On the Cold day, the
overnight low temperature was
-13o F (-25o C).
The general pattern of traction
battery voltage for the two
days track parallel each other,
a demonstration of the
effectiveness of the
operational controls (see
Figure 30). On the Mild day
the total traction voltage averages 208.0 volts, whereas on the Cold day it averages 189.4 volts, or
9.2% less. The standard deviation of the total voltage is 9.51 volts on the Mild day and 13.35 on
the Cold day. Based on these observations there is 40.4% more fluctuation in total voltage on the
Cold day versus the Mild day.
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 29
The DAQ monitors the Figure 31: High and Low Battery Voltage for EV13
individual voltage of each
battery within the total battery
pack as illustrated in Figure 31.
The system is set up to record
the highest voltage and lowest
voltage of each battery in the
string every other second. For
the Mild day the average of the
‘High’ battery voltage was 14.0
volts, whereas the comparable
value for the Cold day was 12.9,
or the average ‘High’ was 7.9%
less on the Cold day. The
respective standard deviations
for these readings were 0.66 and
0.86 volts, or the fluctuation in
voltage among the high battery
was 30.3% more on the Cold day versus the Mild day.
For the ‘Low’ battery, the average for the Mild day was 13.8 volts, whereas for the Cold day it
was 12.3, or the average ‘Low’ battery voltage was 10.9% lower on the Cold day. The standard
deviation on the Mild day was 0.62, and on the Cold day 0.95, therefore there was 53.2% more
fluctuation in the average ‘Low’ battery voltage on the Cold day versus the Mild day.
The temperature of four batteries was monitored during the two test course runs and the data is
illustrated in Figure 32. These batteries were located at the extreme corners of the two battery
compartments; one in the front of the vehicle, the other in the rear. The initial temperatures
represent the standing temperatures of the batteries prior to the start of the test course run, with
temperature increasing throughout the run. On the Mild day, the temperatures within each
compartment are generally within two degrees centigrade of each other and generally within six
degrees centigrade between the front and rear compartment.
On the Cold day, the rear
Figure 32: Baseline Battery Temperatures for EV13
compartment battery temperatures
remained within two degrees
centigrade of each other throughout
the test course run. The front
compartment temperatures displayed
a different pattern. While the front
left battery tracked well with both
rear batteries monitored, about two-
thirds of the way through the run,
there was a point of departure. The
front battery compartment contained
a lesser number of batteries and had
greater exposure to the ambient
condition. The data for the front
right battery produced a noticeably
different pattern than all other
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There was concern that the sensors may be biased by the ambient condition, and therefore was
not an accurate representation of battery.
EV13 completed eight runs of the test course by March 1997. The conditions under which these
runs have been completed range in average ambient air temperature of -6.5o F (-22o C) to 58o F
(14o C). On the Cold day, the battery pack delivered 83.2 Amp-Hours, or 98% of its design Ah
capacity. The 2% reduction in Ah capacity coupled with the nearly 10% reduction in average
voltage helps to account for some of the 35% decrease in range. The majority of change in
performance (20%) may be attributed to increases in friction load placed on the vehicle because
of cold weather conditions. For
Table 5: Energy Delivered by Battery Pack of EV13 comparison purposes, an EV
Voltage powered by non-thermally
Date kWh Ah managed lead-acid battery pack
January 30, 1997 14.4 83.2 173.1 would experience approximately
an 80% decrease in performance
May 13, 1997 15.1 81.4 185.5 as compared to the approximately
July 24, 1997 14.2 77.1 184.2 35% percent depicted here. A
thermally managed lead-acid
battery car would display about
the same performance, and a conventional internal combustion engine powered vehicle
experiences a estimated to 20 to 30% decrement of performance.
Several observations were made as a result of these baseline test runs. The temperature of the
four batteries rose during the testing indicating that heat generation exceeds conduction and
natural convection losses with the fans off. Batteries within the same compartment remained at
generally the same temperature within ±2°C. The front battery compartment was generally cooler
than the rear compartment by approximately 6°C. This was consistent with the fact that the front
battery compartment had greater Figure 33: EV13 Performance, Varying Temperatures
exposure to ambient conditions
and contained fewer batteries. EV-13 (NiMH Car) Performance
65 Mile Test Drive
Jan- Mar, 1997
Average pack voltage on the 100.0%
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 31
5.4 HydroQuebec Vehicle Testing, EVHQ, Summer 1998
5.4.1 Vehicle Modifications
Design consideration for NiMH
Figure 34: EVHQ NiMH Solectria Force
batteries compartments focused
on the need to reject heat and
prevent the overheating of this
battery technology. Systems to
accomplish this have been mainly
comprised of measurements of
battery temperature to control
active ventilation of the battery
compartment for heat rejection. If
the overheat condition is not
threatened the system remains
passive, allowing ‘passive’
ventilation of the compartment as
a result of vehicle travel and
conductive losses due to an un-
insulated compartment.
To investigate the potential benefits of cold weather thermal management of NiMH batteries,
simple passive design modifications were made to the battery compartments of the Solectria
Force. The design of the Solectria Force includes two battery compartments, one forward and
one aft. Both compartments were insulated to reduce conductive losses, thereby conserving
losses during battery discharge and having that energy available for battery warming.
Additionally, modifications were made to the ventilation portals in the battery compartments to
control the volume of air that could pass through, thereby reducing infiltration losses.
5.4.2 Data Collection
To evaluate the effect of the Figure 35: Average Front and Rear Battery Thermocouples vs.
Time, EVHQ and EV13 (March 17, 1998 Test Drive)
design modifications, two
vehicles were fully instrumented
to measure battery temperatures,
voltage, current and other
vehicle operational and
environmental parameters. Data
were collected by means of on-
board data acquisition systems,
sampling all parameters and
storing the data every other
second. One of the vehicles
(EVHQ) contained the design
modifications described above,
the other vehicle (EV13) did not.
Figure 35 presents data from a
test drive in which both vehicles
were driven in a controlled manner on two loops of the EVermont on-road test course. Collecting
data in this way limits a number of variables (time of day, weather, vehicle operation), at the
same time allows for vehicle operation in “real-life” situations.
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 32
5.4.3 Battery Temperature
On March 17, 1998 the two vehicles were driven on the test course. Both vehicles were left out
in the weather to charge under identical conditions the night before. The overnight low
temperature was recorded to be –18oC. Figure 35 presents the time series data of the average
front and rear battery thermocouples as recorded during the test drive. The data indicates that the
batteries in EVHQ, with the modification, were warmer than the unmodified vehicle by 138%.
Also, the temperature differential between the front and rear compartments of the modified
vehicle as compared to the unmodified vehicle averaged 38% less. This is a desirable
5.4.4 Battery Voltage
To consider the effect of the thermal management system in maintaining battery voltage, data
from two test drives were considered; one cold day and one warm day. The test drive of March
17, 1998 represented the cold day. The ambient temperature for this drive averaged –13oC. The
test drive for the warm day was conducted on April 15, 1998. The ambient temperature for this
test drive averaged 23oC. On the cold day the airflow through the battery compartment
ventilation system was ‘choked’ through the use of adjustable plugs inserted into the portals. On
the warm day, the portals were ‘unchoked’, allowing for full flow, if called for by the system. In
Figure 36, the average module voltage for the warm and cold day test drives are presented in an
X-Y plot. The excellent agreement of the voltage reading confirmed the controlled operation of
the vehicle. The correlation line of the voltages initially followed the 45o slope line quite closely,
however as the test
progressed the correlation Figure 36: Correlation of Average Module Voltage of the Warm Day
line of the data falls (23oC) to the Cold Day (-13oC)
slightly below the 45o
Correlation of Average Module Voltage of 15 April 98 (Warm) to Average Module Voltage of 17
slope. This indicates that Mar 98 (Cold)
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 33
5.5 EVermont EV15 Vehicle Testing, Winter 1999
5.5.1 Drive System/Batteries
Because NiMH battery technology is generally exothermic, a conservation of energy approach
has been taken in the application of passive technologies to retain heat within the battery
compartments. These design modifications have been applied to maintain the batteries above the
ambient temperature without the addition of an active heat source. The conservation technologies
employed are battery compartment insulation and reduction of battery box ventilation through the
application of ‘proof of concept’
flow restrictors and ventilation Figure 37: EV15, GP NiMH Solectria Force
system flapper valves. The
addition of the insulation is to
reduce conductive losses from the
system, whereas the modifications
to the ventilation systems are
designed to reduce convective
Battery box modifications were
pursued in the second project
vehicle (EVHQ) to maintain the
batteries at optimal temperature
regardless of ambient temperature,
design modifications were also
made to the motor controller to
overcome some of the side effects associated with the instability in battery operation. NiMH
batteries experience a voltage ‘sag’ under high current load. This instability is exacerbated at
cold temperatures to the point where system controls to protect the controller from over current
would come into play and disable controller operation.
5.5.2 Vehicle Testing
On November 30, 1998, EVermont took possession of the EV15 with 354 miles recorded on the
odometer. As of February 18, 1999 the vehicle had accumulated 3,635 miles. On average, this
represents approximately 300 miles per week. The vehicle was taken out of service the week of
January 10, 1999 for the installation of the fuel based heating system. The car was fitted with a
data logger to continuously monitor vehicle energy parameters and operational parameters
initially on December 11, 1998, with upgrades to the system performed on January 6, 1999 and
January 15, 1999. A manually recorded operators log has been continuously kept since delivery
of the vehicle.
The vehicle performed well. The modified controller and high efficiency motor provided
responsive operation. The vehicle was able to maintain speed on hilly terrain and has presented
itself as far superior to previous designs at cold temperatures. Several test course runs were
completed during a paired-test (base design car run serially against the modified design vehicle).
The paired tests collected data to compare battery/drive system performance as well as cabin
thermal management systems. A summary of the paired tests can be found in Table 6. Vehicle
performance was significantly increased with no loss in overall vehicle efficiency.
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Table 6: Test Drive Data Summary of EV13 and EV15, Winter 1999
EV13 EV15
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 35
of a fuel-fired heater represents a third generation effort. The attached charts (Figures 39 – 42)
illustrate the performance improvements associated with this latest generation of fossil fuel fired
heating and how that performance compares to the heater performance of an internal combustion
engine (ICE) vehicle.
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 36 EV13, Fuel-Fired Heat Figure 41: EV13 Fuel-Fired Heat
EV13 is equipped with a second
generation fuel-fired heater as well as air
conditioning. As shown in Figure 41,
EV13 provided plenty of heating
capacity with a warm up time of just
under two minutes. This is roughly
equivalent to an ICE vehicle. The heater
in EV13 is slightly oversized and the
control algorithm control has fairly wide
set points such that the defroster outlet
temperature fluctuates. This is basically
a function of controlling the heater in an
on/off fashion instead of a percentage
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 37
batteries see less severe duty than when the vehicle is operated without the APU. Load following
is generally considered more efficient from an energy standpoint as the energy produced is used
immediately by the vehicle and does not undergo a loss associated with passing the energy
through the batteries first. In both modes of operation, hybrid and electric, regenerative braking
energy is captured and routed to the batteries. As a result of the load following architecture this
hybrid vehicle is a charge depleting or range extending hybrid. This is because the batteries are
continually being drawn down.
Once the batteries are depleted the vehicle can still be operated but the vehicle power output to
the drive wheels is limited to the 10kw rating of the APU and acceleration suffers as a result. The
top speed is also limited to about 45 mph on level ground when operating solely on the APU.
5.6.1 Heating System Performance
To evaluate the heating/defrosting
system performance the cabin and Figure 44: EV1 Windshield Defrost Test 1/22/98
windshield temperatures were
monitored during a January
morning (1/22/98) when ambient
temperature was below 0°F the
previous evening.
This testing demonstrated that the
APU was more than capable of
supplying adequate heat to the
passenger compartment. As with an
ICE vehicle the engine did need
time to warm up to operating
temperature but this time was
generally shorter than a larger
engine as the engine mass of the
APU in EV1 is much smaller and
takes less time to heat up. Also unlike an ICE vehicle that takes coolant from the engine while
the engine is simultaneously supplying coolant to the primary engine radiator, the APU in EV1
uses the vehicles heater core as the primary radiator allowing all of the APU waste heat if
necessary to heat the passenger cabin.
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 38
Figure 46: EVHQ ¼ Mile Acceleration Chart
car for super capacitor testing in the
EVHQ: Acceleration Test 1
future and EV14 a Delco advance
VehSpeed CurrAmps
lead-acid battery car with over 7,482
80 250
5.7.1 ¼ Mile Acceleration
150 Testing
Prior to range testing all of the
vehicles were brought together at the
50 Montpelier airport for acceleration
testing on one of the inactive
Multiple ¼ mile acceleration runs
0 -100
were made in both directions to
Time (2 second Interval)
cancel out the effect of wind and
grade on the results.
A summary chart and comparison Figure 47: NiMH Vehicle Comparison Chart
chart is included here in Figure 46
and Figure 47. The ¼ mile Vehicle Acceleration Test
acceleration values were 51 mph EV13 EVHQ EV15
for EV13 and EV15 and 66 mph
for EVHQ. 1200
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 39
for utility transmission line losses and 13.56 kWh of generation is required at the plant. At 55%
efficiency the plant will consume 84,121 Btu to generate this energy. This is equivalent to 0.76
gallons of gasoline for a fuel economy equivalent of 53 mpg.
EV1 on the same EVermont test route traveled 104 miles on 11.4 kWh of AC wall energy and
2.66 gallons of gasoline consumed by the APU. We assume that EV1 consumes electricity and
captures regeneration energy at the same rate as EV18. In electrical energy terms, in order to
travel 104 miles the vehicle would need 25 kWh net to complete the route (240 x 104). The 11.4
from the wall provides for only 9.1
Figure 49: EV1 and EV18 Maximum Range kWh available from the batteries
assuming 80% charging efficiency.
Vehicle Range The total energy required (25 kWh)
120 less the 9.1 kWh provided by the
batteries, leaves 15.9 kWh provided
100 by the APU. In this case we have
not assigned any battery losses to
the energy provided by the APU as
the power from the APU is
generally used to move the vehicle
40.8 as it is generated. The APU
consumed 2.66 gallons of gasoline
to produce the 15.9 kWh for a heat
rate of 18,402 Btu/kWh. This leads
EV1 EV18
to a total energy efficiency of about
EV1 (Batteries Only)
18.5% for the APU (3,413/18,402).
The conventional gasoline powered Chevrolet S10 gets about 21 mpg in mixed driving. For a
strictly apples to apples comparison to EV18 (the pure electric E-10), transportation and refinery
losses must also be assessed bringing the total ICE vehicle fuel consumption from 21 mpg down
to 17 mpg.
Using the same method as EV18 and the Chevrolet S-10, the 11.4 kWh consumed by EV1 is
equivalent to 0.71 gallon of gasoline. When refining and transportation losses are considered the
2.66 gallons consumed by the APU is actually 3.27 gallons equivalent for a total of 3.98 gallons
to go 104 miles for an effective fuel economy of 26 miles per gallon.
There are three major differences between EV18, EV1 and a conventional Chevrolet S-10 that
make up the fuel economy difference. The smallest of the three is the overall engine efficiency.
The S-10 IC engine is about 18% efficient in mixed driving. The second is the addition of
regenerative braking on EV1. This accounts for as much as 5 kWh of energy in the 104-mile
range test. The third and largest factor is the use of battery energy to supplement the APU as this
energy is averaged at about 53 mpg (using the above assumptions about power generation)
compared to the 18% of APU.
If you instead used the APU to supply all of the energy with no regenerative braking you would
need about 30 kWh to make the trip. To produce 30 kWh the APU would consume 5.02 gallons
of gasoline from the pump. The vehicle would then be getting 20.7 mpg or about the same as the
conventional S10.
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5.1.1 Range Testing EV13, EVHQ
and EV15 Figure 50: EV13 Speed Trace on Test Route
EV13, EVHQ and EV15 were
brought together for a final summer
comparison round of range testing in
Montpelier on the EVermont test
course. Both EV13 and EV15 were
able to complete four laps of the
EVermont test course with a total
route mileage of 82 miles. EVHQ
experienced a voltage alarm,
triggered by low module voltage, that
prevented it from completing the
fourth lap of the route and stopped at
the 70.25-mile mark. EV15
completed the route using only 73.53
Ah (about 15.44 kWh). Energy
consumption for this vehicle was 0.90 Ah/mile and 0.188 kWh/mile. EV13 consumed 80.13 Ah
(about 16.8 kWh). Energy consumption for this vehicle was 0.98 Ah/mile and 0.205 kWh/mile.
EVHQ had an alarm at 69 Ah. The vehicle was consuming energy at 0.98 Ah/mile or about
0.206 kWh/mile. Figure 50 illustrates the EVermont test course as a speed trace. Figure 51 shows
the battery voltage reading for EVHQ. It is evident from this chart that the alarm in question is a
low voltage alarm for one of the GP NiMH modules, possibly brought on by moderately high
battery temperatures (40°C to 45°C) for this vehicle.
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6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 42
6.2 NiMH Vehicle Performance Figure 52: NiMH Pack Voltage vs. Temperature
Data collected from the NiMH powered
vehicles indicated that non-thermally Average Total Volts Vs Average Battery Temperature
Current >25 and < 35 Amps
managed NiMH batteries can provide near
design Ah capacity, even in cold A-Hrs >5 & < 20
conditions (-22°C), however total battery
voltage is suppressed (9.2%) (Figure 52) 190
A-Hrs >20 & <30
80% EVHQ) and 188 watt-hours/mile
TM Pb-Acid
70% for EV15. Thus in cold climates,
60% EV performance is not only
50% hampered by reduced battery
output, but also by increased
battery drain. As shown in
Figure 53, in the extreme (-20°C)
the ICE is reduced to just under
-20 -15
80% of its 20°C range, whereas
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 43
approximately 65%. This represents
a difference in range of less than 20% Figure 54: BTM NiMH Battery Temperature vs. Ambient
in the extreme cold case between the
thermally managed NiMH vehicle
and a conventional vehicle. This
project has demonstrated increased
cold weather NiMH vehicle range by
23% through the application of
battery thermal management
There is a measurable decrease in
NiMH battery capacity (kWh) when
operating temperatures are higher
than optimal. For the NiMH batteries
this temperature is around 45°C.
Above this temperature energy
content was significantly lower and vehicle range decreased as a result. As such, any thermal
management system that provides insulation to the batteries for extreme cold weather operation
must compensate with additional cooling capabilities. Future studies for consideration of this
problem could include cooling systems driven by a closed-loop liquid cooling mechanism similar
to how waste heat is drawn away from the APU, or consideration of different battery box designs.
9/20/1999 NAVC1096-PG009524 44
30°C. Self-discharge is about 1.5% per day at 20°C, which increases dramatically with battery
operating temperature.
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noted that the transient model can be easily switched to a steady state model since the former is
more general. The steady state model is interesting to use to investigate the existence of overheat
regions under critical operating conditions (high ambient temperature and current for example).
Concerning the transient model, it can be used to predict the temperature evolution of the
batteries and estimate the running time of the fans and many other quantities that maybe
interesting to know in order to design an efficient system.
Several additional recommendations for improving the model exist. These include performing
sensitivity tests and parametric evaluations to provide further validation, seamlessly integrate the
battery box design model and the thermal model, and develop a comprehensive thermal
management system.
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