Medical Exam Q&A
Medical Exam Q&A
Medical Exam Q&A
which has been diagnosed as chronic bronchitis. He presented with a 3 day history of
malaise, increasing shortness of breath and a cough which is productive of
purulent sputum and has been admitted several times previously with a similar
problem. He has a history of peptic ulcer disease, hypertension and atrial fibrillation.
His medications include Nuseals aspirin, becotide, salbutamol, warfarin,
ramipril and domiciliary oxygen (home oxygen). He is married, is a social drinker and
an ex-heavy smoker.
On examination, he appears alert but is mildly cyanotic. His blood pressure is 160/100
mmHg, his pulse is 120 beats per min. and is irregularly irregular and his respiration
is laboured with a respiratory rate of 18/min. His temperature is 38C.
He has truncal obesity, a round plethoric face and exhibits numerous abdominal striae
and a buffalo hump.
Examination of the chest reveals generalised wheeze with a general decrease in air
entry. There is an area of dullness to percussion in the left lower lobe. Auscultation of
the heart is unremarkable but a parasternal heave is felt. A liver edge is palpable and
his JVP is raised. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals hypoxia and hypercapnia. Full
blood count shows a raised white cell count and an increased red cell mass. His INR
is 5. Chest X-ray was performed. Sputum is sent to the microbiology laboratory and
parenteral therapy is commenced.