Computer Science: We Have A Place For You!

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Financial Assistance

Internships and student work: Students in

computer science can supplement their classroom
and laboratory education with on-the-job
experience through an internship with a major
corporation or a campus student work position.
Internships usually entail a semester or a summer
term of full-time work. SIUC computer science
students have pursued rewarding internships with
such organizations as Motorola, IBM, Eli Lilly,
State Farm, Caterpillar and Texas Instruments, to
name a few. It is becoming increasingly important
for students to engage in some career-related
employment before graduation. In fact, many
employers require it. In response to this, University
Career Services offers seminars to assist students in
securing summer internships.
SIUC has an extensive student employment
program, with approximately 6,000 students
employed each year. Students work in every
department of the University and many
departments employ students to do computer
programming, web development, software and
hardware installation, and so forth.
SIUC operates a computing center and
laboratories and maintains extensive information
systems that include academic and financial
records. Students can often find computer-related
part-time jobs in departmental offices or with
SIUCs Information Technology-Computing
Computing facilities: We have extensive
facilities available for instructional and research
use. Department instructional facilities contain
numerous Pentium-based PCs running Windows
and Linux. Every computer science major is
provided an account for these systems, with access
to e-mail and the Internet. All departmental
systems are integrated into a high-speed local area
network that is connected to the campus area
network. Laptop computers are available for use
on a semester-by-semester basis for students who
have no access to their own personal computer.
The Universitys central computing service
provider, Information Technology, has several
computer learning centers on campus, containing
hundreds of personal computers.

In addition to financial assistance for qualified

students from the federal and state governments
and the University, the department administers
scholarship programs available to computer science
students. There are several computer science alumni
scholarships available to outstanding computer
science students who have advanced to junior-level
courses in the major. An additional scholarship is
given to an outstanding incoming transfer student
from an Illinois community college. Four-year
scholarships are available on a competitive basis to
incoming freshman.

Morris Library
Morris Library, the Universitys main library,
will be an important resource for you. It holds more
than 2.4 million volumes, 3.1 million microform
units and more than 12,500 current periodicals and
serials. You will have access to I-Share (the statewide
automated system) as well as a wide array of
databases and other electronic data files. Our library
offers a wide range of services, including reference
assistance, instructional and technical support,
distance learning, geographic information systems
(GIS), and multimedia courseware development.

For More Information

Undergraduate Program Director
Department of Computer Science
Faner Hall Room 2125 Mail Code 4511
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
1000 Faner Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901
618 | 536.2327
[email protected]

Why Study AT SIUC?

Our computer science classes are taught by
continuing faculty members, all holding doctoral
degrees and actively involved in research.
SIUC provides access to extensive instructional and
research facilities.

Computer Science
A degree with endless

SIUC computer science students are recruited by

top corporations and laboratories.
 student chapter of the Association for Computing
Machinery is active in our department, and any
student at SIUC with an interest in computers
can become a member. There is also a Minorities
in Computer Science club. These clubs host
both local and external speakers, coordinate
programming contests, organize and sponsor field
trips to industrial computing facilities, and hold
various social events.
A full-time faculty member serves as undergraduate
adviser in the department. This adviser helps
students with questions about careers, degree
requirements, course content and scheduling classes.
Each undergraduate student is assigned a faculty
mentor who is available to assist students with
academic challenges and career questions related to
the computer science degree.

Undergraduate Admissions
Admissions Reception Center Mail Code 4710
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
425 Clocktower Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901
618 | 536.4405
[email protected]
Produced by University Communications,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale 618 | 453.2276,
Printed by SIUC Printing & Duplicating Services Carbondale, IL, 3/07, 2M

We Have A Place For You!

What is Computer Science?

Computers are a very prominent part of modern
business and society. Many of the most important
and exciting technological developments today
involve computers and computer systems. The
expanding role of computer-based systems has caused
a high demand for computer professionals,
a situation that is expected to continue well into
the future.
Computer science is an extremely exciting,
challenging and rewarding area of study. It
incorporates an excellent combination of theoretical
and intellectual content on the one hand, and
practical application and societal importance on the
other. By some standards, it is the strongest discipline
in academia today, and has been for the past
three decades.
Computer science is a broad and multidisciplinary
field. Its general focus is on the design, analysis
and use of computer hardware and software. As an
academic discipline, it does not focus on just one
technology, programming language, or computer
architecture. Rather, it seeks to ground the student in
fundamental concepts that are applicable to
many environments.

Our curriculum prepares graduates for positions
in the computer industry, as well as for advanced
studies and research. We offer an undergraduate
major leading to the bachelor of science and bachelor
of arts degrees, an undergraduate minor, and graduate
programs leading to the master of science degree and
doctor of philosophy degree in computer science.



The bachelors degree programs in computer

science provide students with the technical background
necessary to use, design, analyze and implement
computer software and systems. All students must
complete the required University Core Curriculum and
satisfy the College of Science requirements. Computer
science majors are required to take a core set of
courses dealing with programming, data structures and
algorithms, computer organization, operating systems,
social issues of computing, and a senior project.
Along with taking the core courses, computer science
majors may choose from a broad selection of computerbased courses in order to complete their departmental
requirements. This broad selection of courses covers
all principal areas of computer science: languages,
networks, databases, architecture, graphics, software
engineering, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, web
development, computer security, robotics and parallel
computing. The curriculum for the bachelor of science
degree is more traditional and somewhat more flexible
than that for the bachelor of arts degree. It prepares
students for a wide range of technical careers as
software developers, systems administrators, database
administrators, network administrators, etc. It also
prepares students for entry into graduate degree
programs in computer science. The bachelor of arts
program includes eight business courses. It provides
students with a combined background in computer
science and business, and it prepares students to pursue
a fifth year of studies leading to an MBA degree.
Our department also offers a minor in computer
science. Students can choose from a variety of
specializations. Service courses are also available for
students who wish to acquire some computer literacy
but are not pursuing a career as a computer professional.
Computer science majors can enrich their computer
science degree with a secondary concentration, minor, or
double major in areas such as mathematics, engineering,
business, communications, etc.

Career opportunities in computer science are

excellent, both now and into the foreseeable future.
The work of computer professionals involves much
more than just writing programs. It also encompasses
the analytical and technical skills needed to design
algorithms and data structures, understand and exploit
the sophisticated hardware and software systems
available today and in the future, and develop new
systems for myriad applications.
Graduates find careers in computer science
available from a variety of employers and in all
regions. Some of the companies that have recently
hired SIUC computer science graduates are: Microsoft,
Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Motorola, Caterpillar, State
Farm Insurance, Trans Union Credit, United Airlines,
Nortel Networks, and TAOS. The positions these
graduates have filled include: software engineer,
systems analyst, programmer, manager, and
systems administrator.
University Career Services coordinates a
vigorous placement program for all students. It offers
assistance with resume preparation and interview
skills. For a small fee, they will provide job notices
and mail your cover letters, resumes and references
to specific job openings. The office also plans and
publicizes campus recruiting visits by employers
and will help you arrange interviews with recruiters.
They will help you maintain a placement file with the
University for as long as you like.

All of our continuing faculty members hold
doctorates from such respected universities as Alabama
(Birmingham), Case Western Reserve, Louisiana
State, Maryland (Baltimore County), Massachusetts,
Michigan State, Southern Mississippi, State University
of New York (Buffalo) and such internationally
renowned universities as Calcutta (India), and Bejing
University of Aeronautics and Physics (China). The
ability to attract excellent professors from such diverse
backgrounds illustrates the national and international
respect our department has earned.
Our faculty members are active researchers. Their
research specialties include: artificial intelligence,
computer graphics, database systems, distributed and
parallel processing, computer networks, computer
security, wireless sensors, soft computing, faulttolerant computing, visualization, object-oriented
programming, logic programming, bioinformatics,
and multi-agent systems. The results of their research
are published in both journals and conference
proceedings. Faculty members also present results
of their research at national and international
conferences in their fields of specialization. Faculty
research is integrated into the curriculum, keeping
students abreast of the latest developments in the field.
Teaching continues to be the central mission of
our department, and all courses are taught by full-time
faculty members. We work to maintain and improve
the strength of our courses and to offer students the
best possible instruction. Two members of the faculty
have received college-wide awards for outstanding
teaching. Graduate students are used primarily as
teaching assistants in support of the full-time faculty,
helping with laboratory sessions, grading, tutoring
and consulting.

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