Final Portfolio Essay: What's Up With All The Glitter and Pictures?

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Crystal Davidson

UWRT 1102

Final Portfolio Essay

Whats Up With All The Glitter and Pictures?
My HOME page is very flashy, glittery, and brightits just me! I
am an extremely exuberant and wild individual and I wanted to
showcase that on my web page. Although, I did tone it down for all of
my other pages, because I did not want to take away from the page
itself. For example, my WILDCARD page has a completely white
background, with two pictures and two captions. With it being so
simple, the reader is able to get straight to the point and not get
strayed away from what the purpose of the page is, which is to talk
about the other genres of writing I worked with this semester.
I included many pictures as well, because like the famous quote
says: a picture is worth a thousand words and they really help
portray my message. For instance, for my Race Card Project, without
having pictures of the couple the message would not have a strong
emotional appeal. Actually reading the couples experiences and then
actually seeing what they look like, (happy and in love) the reader is
able to feel a stronger connection to those couples. I also added
memes and cute graphics on my e-Portfolio just to add a bit more flair.

I am a picture girl, and I know I tend to get bored when I am just

staring (or let us say glimpsing, because by that time I am pretty
sure I am tired of reading) at words!
Trying to make my e-Portfolio easily navigable was a challenge,
because sometimes I like to do some off the wall things, but I really
toned it down this semester, and tried to make everything readily
available right on my webpage. For example, on my Race Card Project
page, instead of providing a link to the YouTube video, I went ahead
and attached the actual video right on the page! Easy huh? Last
semester, I had a lot going on, with many links that took my readers
every which way, but this semester I really wanted to make it clean
and simple.

How Has My Writing Grown?

My writing has grown tremendously from my first semester here
at UNC-Charlotte to the present, especially since the beginning of this
spring 2015 semester. I feel as though I have definitely become more
open minded as a writer. For example, I was not sure of the many other
genres of writing there are like from the list you provided on the MultiGenre Assignment Instructions worksheet. You included a lesson plan
and speech or debate, which are both genres I worked with this
semester. Here is an example of a speech outline I wrote:
There Is More to Makeup Than What Meets the Eye

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that there is more to

makeup than just enhancing ones self and covering impurities and
Thesis Statement: Makeup Artists should get more credit for the hard
and rigorous work they put in. Whether it is, cinematic makeup or
personal creations, the beauty world deserves more credit, than just
being known as creating camouflage instead of art.
Main Points:
I. Cinematic Makeup
a. They play a major role in the production of a film.
b. Work long hours and involves vigorous work
c. Lump sum of money
II. YouTube Stardom
a. Used for tutorials, reviews, etc.
b. Great rewards: money, awards (the silver/gold play button
c. Michelle Phan
i. Her accomplishments
ii. YouTube has opened many doors, ex.) Dr. Pepper
commercial and Teen Choice Awards Nominee
III. A Way To Express Oneself
a. Use artistic abilities in a unique way
b. Face and body is the new canvas
c. Creates joy and happiness
While I was engaged in this assignment, I did not make the connection
that this was a type of genre until I was made aware of it in my UWRT
1102 class. Due to the increase of knowledge I have gained about the
many different genres in writing, I believe that my writing had
improved tremendously because I am now able to write in many other
genres that I have not had experience in before.
The Research project was actually very challenging for me, which

got really frustrating because I have written plenty of research papers

before this oneso I was not sure what was going wrong. To start,
when I came up with my topic, I knew I was going to be set on it, but I
just did not know what route to go because it was so broad. But after
writing a question to Ms. Ingram saying: My main question for this
project would be, how could I narrow this topic down. Right now, I feel
it is too broad a topic. She responded: Maybe you can look at
culture/attitude differences within this U.S.? Although I did not exactly
do just that, I geared my research more toward individuals in the
south, but especially North Carolina. After figuring out what I wanted to
research, I decided that I wanted to conduct interviews and those went
very well. I started off by just jotting some questions down, and then I
ended up creating a mass email that I sent out to my prospective
interviewees. In that email I stated:
Here are the questions for the survey! You can look over them and
begin forming answers. I would prefer to have a phone interview so
that you dont have to type out your responses and you can elaborate
as much as you please, but whatever is best for you, is good for me!
Please respond with your schedule and availability so we can set up a
time to chat or converse over email (whichever works best).
I really appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. I believe that
our voices need to be heard as an interracial community!
My phone number (just in case) is 336-xxx-xxxx.
Upon sending out my email, I got many responses from people
who wanted to share their stories which was great news. Although I

had a lot of great content, I just did not know how to include those in
my traditional paper. When I began writing my paper, I started off by
just rambling on and on about my boyfriend and II even got annoyed
with myself. Then, before I knew it, I had writers block and I literally
did not want to finish writing. I had no idea what to say next, and after
an incident that happened within my relationship, I had lost all
motivation. After meeting with Ms. Ingram, she convinced me to try
going the Multi-Genre route, and boy I am glad I did! This situation has
definitely helped me grow as a writer, because I have learned that it is
okay to lack motivation and to not feel like I want to finish. Every writer
has gone through this countless times, and I just had to learn that the
hard way this semester.
For my Three Column Notes, I made a few changes because my
peer group explained to me that it would be best for me to add more to
my Thoughts/Connections section of my notes. They explained to me
that since my topic really hits home and since I am really passionate
about it that I should beef it up. So, I highlighted some things that Ive
added/and or changed. I added the peer review notes to that page
because my group and I were struggling a lot at first. We never really
gave advice, we only complimented each other and talked about the
positives, but that can only do but so much. So once we received the
handouts and had a class discussion, I think it made everyone a lot
more comfortable.

How Was I Engaged With The Key Concepts?

In my midterm I stated that the key concepts that I was strongly
engaged in were independent inquiry and curiosity, getting out
of my comfort zone, and responsibility for my own learning. I am
proud to say that I am still currently engaged in those key concepts, if
not in a more intensified manner. In my midterm I stated:
I have gone far and beyond in regards to my research project and
have been taking responsibility for my own learning, because not only
have I been looking at online resources, but I have also been looking at
physical texts like books and I have been relying on live human
sources. Although my online recourses give me more than enough
information, interviewing actual people and asking them thought
provoking questions has given my research the spunk that I want. A
book cant pour out the emotions a person can face-to-face.
I have taken so much responsibility in my learning that I have
decided to do further research and hope to reach out to more
individuals outside of the UNC-Charlotte community. I have realized
that it is my responsibility to learn, and nobody elses. Which is why
that key concept is so influential and important to me. In my MultiGenre Project, I used The Race Card Project as a genre, and one day I
hope to reach out to the creator, Michele Norris and interview her

myself. It is amazing how this project inspired me to find a spark of

motivation and inquiry I never knew existed within me.
Other key concepts that I have shown engagement in since the
middle of the semester are multi-modality of print and digital
texts. Before I started getting serious about my research project, I was
set on doing the Traditional Research Paper, but after struggling with
getting started and lacking motivation, I decided to go a different
route. Do not get me wrong, I have always been tech-savvy, and have
enjoyed digital texts, but I was not serious about it this semester. Once
I changed my project to the Multi-Genre, I realized how much I could
utilize digital print with my ideas and information I gathered from my
research. I enjoy using multi-modality of print because it allows readers
to get a variety of information in a number of different ways. For
example, I do not prefer reading a ten-page essay over watching a
video, or reading a magazine articlebut that is just me. So, I figured,
why not use multi-modality if it is something I am interested in, in the
first place.

I Deserve a B-but why?

I believe I deserve a B because this semester I have not been on
my game. I have not been prompt with work and I have also been
incredibly lazy throughout the entire semester. Being a freshman, I was
not sure how my second semester of college was going to be like. I

attempted to start it off with a bang, but that slowly endedwith a

bang. I had a problem with my blog posts, mainly; because I would get
behind and they would just keep accumulating to the point where I
would get overwhelmed. I will make a goal for myself for next
semester; and that is to just get things done and to not wait until the
last minute for every assignment (like I did for this).
BUT, Im not the most horrible student in the world, though my
explanation above might convince you of such. I believe I deserve a Bbecause I have put a lot of work and time into my research project as
well as my e-Portfolio. I have gone far and beyond and have interacted
with people from different cities and states to gather my information. I
have also used my creativity and unique ideas to do things out of the
norm. For example, the mock Race Card Project which I used to
incorporate all of my interviews.
All in all, I deserve a B- because I did not put forth the effort I
should have, and I acknowledge that, but I have really outdone myself
for this e-Portfolio and research project and I am extremely proud of
myself. I cannot wait to continue on with my research because
interracial relationships and race relations in general are huge passions
of mine and I want to share my passions with the world!

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