Purpose:: Note To Parents/Guardian

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This lesson will allow students to explore the family or household unit, of which they are an
essential member, as a community. As a class, they will create a Family Album using all of the
family pictures brought in by the students. This will allow them to see the number of people the
class represents in the community.
Two Thirty-Five Minute Class Periods
The learner will:

describe the family unit as a community.

identify differences in families that make up the class.


Family or household pictures or drawings from home that show every member of the

Books about families (see Bibliographical References)

A Berenstain Bears book by Stan and Jan Berenstain (Some suggestions are The
Berenstain Bears and the Bully, The Berenstain Bears and the Green Eyed Monster, The
Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food.)

Note to Parents/Guardians (Attachment One)

Handout 1
Note to Parents/Guardian
Instructional Procedure(s):
Anticipatory Set:
Play or sing the Sesame Street song: "The People in Your Neighborhood."
Day One:

Read a Berenstain Bears book. (All of these books show family members with clear
roles. See the materials list for specific suggestions). Talk about the different roles of
each of the family members:
1. Mama seems to be the sensible one who is in charge and helps solve problems.
2. Papa goes along with what mama says, but sometimes is as naughty as the

3. Brother gets into trouble sometimes.

4. Sister is the baby of the family.

While reading the book, discuss the problem or conflict, and each family member's
contribution to solving the problem.

Encourage the students to brainstorm roles of their family or household members. Start
with the students' roles first. What do they do particularly well in their family? Are they
the youngest or oldest? How do they contribute to the common good of the group?
(Examples might include: following the house rules, taking care of their room, loving

Ask the students to think about who it is in their family that solves arguments or
conflicts. What special talent do they think that person has?

Bring each child to the point where they can tell about how each member of the family
gives of their time, talents, or treasures to make the household a better place to live.

Day Two:

Allow each student to share his/her family or household picture and tell about the
members. (Check that each student has a picture early in the day and allow those who did
not bring one to create one prior to the sharing).

Give each student a large piece of paper on which to paste his/her family picture. S/he
will write or dictate this sentence to be placed on the bottom of the page: "This is
___________'s family. The members from oldest to youngest are
_____________________." Staple the pages together to form a book and display it in
the classroom library.


Teacher observation of the sharing activity.

The completed class book page.

School/Home Connection:

Interactive/Parent/Student Homework:

The Note to Parents/Guardian (see Attachment One) should be sent home after day one. If all
the students are drawing pictures, this may be done as an in-class activity.

This lesson is the first in the series of lessons entitled "The Importance of a Family". In this
lesson we will discuss: family forms and strengths, and family traditions.
Main Curriculum Tie:
Teen Living
Standard 2 Objective 1
Discuss the students affect on his/her family. Explain how a teens responsibility, or lack of it,
affects others.

Unit packet (See Attachments)

PowerPoint on family forms and strengths (See Attachments)

Background For Teachers:

Review unit packet and become familiar with the activities. Review Power point. Review
objective in TL curriculum.
Student Prior Knowledge:
Students will relate their personal experiences within their families to the activities and concepts
covered in the lesson.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will relate conclusions drawn from classroom discussions and activities that will
enhance interactions with their families.
Instructional Procedures:
Briefly discuss the topics that will be covered in the Family Relationships unit. Handout the unit
Review the homework assignment:
"How well do you know your parents?" Share your experience with doing this recently with your
parents OR discuss the questions as they might relate to your parents. Explain that they need to
complete this assignment at home before the class meets again.

Show and discuss Power Point: Family Forms and Strengths", which highlights secrets of
building a strong family. As you progress through the slides, discuss with class how each form
differs and might contribute to strength within a family.
Have students turn to the page in the packet: "Family Traditions". Direct each student to list three
family traditions that they cherish the most. Discuss as a class some of the students' favorite
family traditions.
Have the students answer the questions at the bottom of the "Family Traditions" page. Discuss
and put away folders.
Review and ask for questions on topics covered relating to family forms, strengths, and
traditions. Review/remind of homework assignment.


Unit 2: Importance of Families Packet (used for lessons 1-5)

Strategies For Diverse Learners:

Adapt lesson so special needs students are participating according to their ability level.
Give extended learning opportunities to gifted students such as: in depth research on a family
form of their choice, family traditions from other countries, or from the countries of their

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