Taj Finalproject Report1

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Degree & PG Women College

Department Of Management Studies

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Human Resource Management


A Study On Employee
Engagement With Reference To
The Gate Way Hotel



Signatures of the Guide

Signature of the Candidate



Need for the study
Scope of the study
Objectives of the study
Methodology of the study
Limitations of the study

Chapter:2 Company profile

Chapter:3 Theoritical aspects of the study
Chapter:4 Findings& Suggestions
Chapter:5 Bibliography

Introduction of HRM
Human Resource Management is concerned with human beings, which are the
energetic elements of management .The success of any organization or enterprise
will depend upon the ability, strength and motivation of persons in it.
The human resource management refers to systematic approach to the problems
in any organization . It concerned with work life balance of personnel.
Human resources are the most important assets of an organization. It ensures
sufficient supply, proper quality and as well as effective utilization of human
resources. In order to meet human resource needs, and the organization will
have to plane in advance about requirements and the resources, etc The
organization may also have to undertake work life balance.
Human resource management includes the inventory of present
manpower in the organization .In case

sufficient number of persons is not

available in the organization then external sources are also identified for employed
them. Human resources management lays emphasis on better working conditions
and also ensures the employment of proper work force.

Methodology of the study

The method which was used in the analysis of the survey was the quantitative and
qualitative analysis. The survey was done in following ways:a. Questionnaire: The questionnaire was made keeping in mind all aspects of
associates and their working environment.
b. Interaction with the employee: The survey was done by interacting with
each employee during filling of questionnaire, as to know their opinion
if they are not satisfied then what are the reasons.
c. Secondary data collection: Beside the primary data collection there was
also collection of secondary data.
d. Sample size: Total 150 Questionnaire was given out of which only 96
Thus the sample size which is taken into consideration was 96
Sample technique: simple sampling

Survey Area: The survey was done in the selected branches of Muthoot

finance ltd. in east and west Godavari districts itself as the project concentrates

on employee engagement.

Need for the study

There are many works which have been done in the employee engagement context.
Many literatures have been published. Employee engagement has become an
upcoming topic which has captured the market. A summary of the core ideas
coming from this literature would include the following:
There is a positive correlation between actively engaged associates and
effective business outcomes (customer satisfaction, team involvement, work
efficiency, future retention)
In general, actively engaged associates manage stress better and enjoy better
overall health than those who are actively disengaged (burning out).
There is a crossover (contagion) of positive or negative dynamics between
an actively engaged (or actively disengaged) employee and their work
mates, clients and/or family.
This study aims at understanding if employee engagement program in small sized
BPO has enhanced the workforce performance and thereby improved corporate
The result indicated that
The components of employee engagement were significant and positive in their
relationship with organizational performance
Compensation structure and shared values influenced the organizational
performance to the extent of 35% and overall influence of Employee engagement
program is 74% which confirms that good employee oriented environment
complemented with excellent HR practices enhances performance

Objectives of the study

To study the systems and procedures followed for different activities.
To study the engagement programs required in the organization.
To briefly explain, the engagement programs which are conducted in the
To study the role and function of each program in detail
To examine the job satisfaction of associates.
To study the motivational programs of the organization.
To examine the employee retention.

Scope of the study

This study is mainly done to get a brief idea about the employee engagement
programs of Gateway hotel.
It will help the Gateway hotel to know programs that should be conducted so
that they can satisfy their associates and retain them. Finally there would be
prosperity of the organization.
It will give some decisive information to the hotel that should be taken care

Limitation of the study

1. This project specially deals with the employee engagement programs of the
hotel and hence is calculated, well defined based on facts.
2. All the departments are covered but not all the associates, as there was less
time and even some been on leave. Despite researchers best efforts to
provide the most of data and accurate data, there is a possibility of a lag in
this regard due to lack of time and busy schedule of the company.
3. With regards to researchers primary data used in the form of questionnaire
filled by the associates; despite researchers best efforts to get unbiased
information from them, there may be a lag in opinions expressed by them
due to various personal as well as professional reasons that would be beyond
researchers scope to deal with.
4. Even, as total number of associates in the hotel is 117 only so, the sample
size of the research became less that is only 96. This was also due to the
response which was given by the associates.
5. In addition to this researcher faced the problem of language, as language is
an important means to communication and as most of associates were
comfortable with their local language, so a bit of problem was faced by
researcher to make them understand.

Company Profile
Taj Hotel
The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) and its subsidiaries are collectively known
as Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces and are recognized as one of Asia's largest and finest
hotel company. Incorporated by the founder of the Tata Group, Mr. Jamsetji N. Tata, the
company opened its first property, The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay in 1903. The
Taj, a symbol of Indian hospitality, completed its centenary year in 2003.
Taj Hotels Resort and Palaces comprises more than 60 hotels in 45 locations across India
with an additional 15 international hotels in the Malaysia, United Kingdom, United States
of America, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Africa, the Middle East and Australia.
Spanning the length and breadth of the country, gracing important industrial towns and
cities, beaches, hill stations, historical and pilgrim centres and wildlife destinations, each
Taj hotel offers the luxury of service, the apogee of Indian hospitality, vantage locations,
modern amenities and business facilities.
IHCL operate in the luxury, premium, mid-market and value segments of the market
through the following:
Taj (luxury full-service hotels, resorts and palaces) is our flagship brand for the
worlds most discerning travelers seeking authentic experiences given that luxury
is a way of life to which they are accustomed. Spanning world-renowned
landmarks, modern business hotels, idyllic beach resorts, authentic Rajput palaces
and rustic safari lodges, each Taj hotel reinterprets the tradition of hospitality in a
refreshingly modern way to create unique experiences and lifelong memories.

The Gateway Hotel

The Gateway Hotel, a hotel designed with the modern nomad, in mind. The
Gateway Hotel, believes in keeping things simple. This is why; these hotels are
divided into 7 simple zonesStay, Hangout, Meet, Work, Workout, Unwind and Explore. But perhaps more
importantly, they are designed keeping in mind the guests busy schedule and the
fact that everyday has just 24 hours. Be it their round the clock services or menus
that help the guests take advantage of what everyday has to offer, their focus is
always on creating sanctuaries that refresh, refuel and renew the modern day
The Gateway Hotel today is in 20 cities with plans to open in many more. They
currently have 33 operating and signed up hotels. They plan to take this number to
at least 50 operating hotels in the next three years. So that, no matter where the
person goes, they are never far away from a stay that soothes and excites.
As travel often means more hassle than harmony, more stress than satisfaction,
modern travelers are looking for smarter choices. Driven by their passion for
perfection, these hotels welcome their customers to a refreshingly enjoyable and
hassle-free experience, anytime, everywhere. Offering the highest consistency in
quality, service and style they set new standards and take the unwanted surprises
out of traveling. Their warm welcomes make their guests feel at home, away from
home and our crisp and courteous service empowers them to get more done with
greater effectiveness and control. And through our unrivalled network they provide
service that is effortless, simple, never overwhelming and always warm.
Their brand signature is a clean, legible word mark that denotes warmth, welcome
and trust. They use upper case typography to provide a sense of security,

professionalism and consistency. Their distinctive visual style is crisp, courteous,

warm and welcoming, captures their values and sets them apart from the
The colour palette of Red, grey and white gives the brand a simple, bold, stylish
and welcoming look.
These hotels are flexible, on the move, and instantly responsive. They work around
the clock and around guests schedules. They have a 24*7 attitude and are about
active and healthier choices. They are about flexibility and freedom. Freedom to
make whatever demands guest want of them so that customers can go about their
business uninterrupted.


Theoretical aspects of the study

For several years now, 'employee engagement' has been a hot topic in corporate
circles. It's a buzz phrase that has captured the attention of workplace observers
and HR managers, as well as the executive suite. And it's a topic that employers
and associates alike think they understand, yet can't articulate very easily. No
wonder, it turns out that all that employee engagement research undertaken over
the past few years has defined the term differently, and as a result, came up with
different key drivers and implications.
Employee Engagement is currently a popular subject in the public service as well
as in the wider business world. It is heralded by some as the next way to increase
productivity and decrease costs. Yet it is a holy grail that few seem to uncover.
What it is seems simple, but achieving it takes dedication, communication and a
sincere will to change.

Employee Engagement: a heightened emotional connection that an employee
feels for his or her organization that influences him or her to exert greater
discretionary effort to his or her work (Conference Board in Soldati, 2007)
According to Soldati (2007) four recent major studies agreed on these eight key
drivers of Employee Engagement:
Trust and integrity How well managers communicate and 'walk the talk'.
Nature of the job Is it mentally stimulating day-to-day?


Line of sight between employee performance and company performance

Does the employee understand how their work contributes to the company's
Career Growth opportunities Are there future opportunities for growth?
Pride about the company How much self-esteem does the employee feel by
being associated with their company?
Coworkers/team members Significantly influence one's level of engagement
Employee development Is the company making an effort to develop the
employee's skills? Furthermore, according to Schmidt and Marson (2006),
Employee Engagement encompasses two distinct yet related factors:
Employee Satisfaction the level of contentment or happiness a person assigns
Attributes of their job/position,
Their organization, and
Strive to improve the organizations results.

Engagement at work was conceptualized by Kahn, (1990) as the harnessing of

organizational members selves to their work roles. In engagement, people employ
and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role
The second related construct to engagement in organizational behavior is the
notion of flow advanced by Csikszentmihalyi (1975, 1990). Csikzentmihalyi
(1975) defines flow as
the holistic sensation that, people feel when they act with total involvement. Flow
is the state in which there is little distinction between the self and environment.

When individuals are in Flow State little conscious control is necessary for their
Engagement is most closely associated with the existing construction of job
Furthermore engagement entails the active use of emotions. Finally engagement
may be thought of as an antecedent to job involvement in that individuals who
experience deep engagement in their roles should come to identify with their jobs.
Employee engagement has given important to all three aspects physically,
cognitively and emotionally. In job satisfaction, importance has being more given
to cognitive side. HR practitioners believe that the engagement challenge has a lot
to do with how employee feels about the about work experience and how he or she
is treated in the organization. It has a lot to do with emotions which are
fundamentally related to drive bottom line success in a company. There will always
be people who never give their best efforts no matter how hard HR and line
managers try to engage them. But for the most part associates want to commit to
companies because doing so satisfies a powerful and a basic need in connect with
and contribute to something significant.

Aspects of Employee Engagement

Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies are: The associates and their own unique psychological makeup and experience
The employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote
employee engagement
Interaction between associates at all levels.
.Categories of Employee Engagement
In an organization there are there are different types of people:14

Engaged--"Engaged" associates are builders. They want to know the desired

expectations for their role so they can meet and exceed them. They're naturally
curious about their company and their place in it. They perform at consistently high
levels. They want to use their talents and strengths at work every day. They work
with passion and they drive innovation and move their organization forward.

Not Engaged---Not-engaged associates tend to concentrate on tasks rather than

the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish. They want to be told what
to do just so they can do it and say they have finished. They focus on
accomplishing tasks vs. achieving an outcome. Associates who are not-engaged
tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked, and their potential is not
being tapped. They often feel this way because they don't have productive
relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.

Actively Disengaged--The "actively disengaged" associates are the "cave

dwellers." They're "Consistently against Virtually Everything." They're not just
unhappy at work; they're busy acting out their unhappiness .They sow seeds of
negativity at every opportunity. Every day, actively disengaged workers undermine
what their engaged coworkers accomplish. As workers increasingly rely on each
other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered
by actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organization's


Importance of Engagement
Engagement is important for managers to cultivate given that disengagement
oralienation is central to the problem of workers lack of commitment and
motivation. Meaningless work is often associated with apathy and detachment
from ones works. In such conditions, individuals are thought to be estranged from
their selves. Other Research using a different resource of engagement (involvement
and enthusiasm) has linked it to such variables as employee turnover, customer
satisfaction loyalty, safety and to a lesser degree, productivity andprofitability
An organizations capacity to manage employee engagement is closely related to
its ability to achieve high performance levels and superior business results.

Some of the advantages of Engaged associates are:

Engaged associates will stay with the company, be an advocate of the
company and its products and services, and contribute to bottom line
business success.
They will normally perform better and are more motivated.
There is a significant link between employee engagement and profitability.
They form an emotional connection with the company. This impacts their
attitude towards the companys clients, and thereby improves customer
satisfaction and service levels
It builds passion, commitment and alignment with the organizations
strategies and goals
Increases associates trust in the organization
Creates a sense of loyalty in a competitive environment
Provides a high-energy working environment

Factors of Engagement
Many organizational factors influence employee engagement and retention such as:

A culture of respect where outstanding work is valued

Availability of constructive feedback and mentoring

Opportunity for advancement and professional development

Fair and appropriate reward, recognition and incentive systems

Availability of effective leadership

Clear job expectations

Adequate tools to complete work responsibilities

High levels of motivation

Many other factors exist that might apply to your particular business and the
importance of these factors will also vary within your organization.

Essentials of engagement
How will you know to what degree your associates are engaged? The first step is to
determine the current level of employee engagement. The best tool to determine
this base line is a comprehensive employee satisfaction survey. A well
administered satisfaction survey will let you know at what level of engagement
your associates are operating. Customizable employee surveys will provide you
with a starting point towards your efforts to optimize employee engagement.
The key to successful employee satisfaction surveys is to pay close attention to the
feedback from your staff. This is the only way to identify their specific concerns.

When leaders listen, associates respond by becoming more engaged. This results in
increased productivity and employee retention.

Findings & suggestions

Engagements are likely be ineffective, unless several factors are present in the
organization. The following recommendations should be taken into consideration:
Good communication between the associates and the H.O.Ds and Managers.
As suggested by some of the associates monthly/quaterly interaction should
be there so that H.O.Ds and Managers can come to know about the problems
and requirements of the associates. And thus it will lead to more satisfaction
level and finally performance rate will increase.
The salary should also be taken into consideration. It should be according to
the industry benchmark.
Good training programs should be there for the associates so that they can
have good skills to handle their job.
More facilities should be provided to the associates. Medical facility should
also be provided for FTC. As suggested by the associates there should more
space in locker room and even the number of locker should be increased and
the meal timings should also be taken into consideration especially the
dinner timing with the varieties in the menu.
The HR policies should be clear and also should be practice with a bit of
Some more involvement and views of the associates can be taken into
consideration while formulating the engagement programs.


There should be inter-department knowledge classes for all the associates so

that when there is the need of help no second thought has to be given.
Working hour also should be taken into consideration so that associates can
work with fresh mind and body which will result into good performance.
More stress should be given on how the employees get associated with the
organization, so that both individual and organization grow together.
Number of employees should be increased so that the stress and the load of
job will reduce and thus the associates will show more zeal and dedication
towards their work.


1. Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E. & Schaufeli, W.B. (2005) The crossover of
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3. Bakker, A.B., Van Emmerik, H. & Euwema, M.C. (2006). Crossover of
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4. Demerouti, E., Bakker, A.B., Janssen, P.P.M. & Schaufeli, W.B. (2001).
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5. Durn, A., Extremera, N. & Rey, L. (2004). Engagement and burnout:
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6. www.tajhotels.com

7. Human Rsourse Management Book by Garry Dassler and Biju



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