Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences
Supporting the new paradigm of intelligence, Howard Gardner of Project Zero at Harvard
University has determined that intelligence is a pluralistic phenomenon, rather than a
static structure with a single type of intelligence. Gardner defines intelligence as:
According to Gardner's theory, one form of intelligence is not better than another; they
are equally valuable and viable (Gardner, 1983). Yet, he discovered that different
cultures are biased towards and against certain types of intelligences. Our western,
North American culture, for instance, favors verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical
intelligences and tends to undervalue others, such as body/kinesthetic intelligence.
These biases, added to the traditional theory of intelligence, have limited our
development of curricula, instructional strategies, and current methods of assessment-
including how we measure intelligence.
Recent brain/mind research and new theories of human intelligence redirect our
attention in three specific areas-first, on the environmental conditions and messages we
provide children; second, on the kind of support and relationships we develop between
caregivers, educators, and children; and third, on the need to match what we know
about the ways kids are intelligent and learn with teaching strategies designed to
maximize the full development of each individual child.
A Useful Model
Because research now shows that we can become more intelligent in more ways, both
students and teachers can become more adept in all seven intelligences. This is
possible by providing a planned cycle of experiences and opportunities which foster
each and every intelligence, and by making these opportunities available to every child
in our classrooms. By broadening our view of intelligence, and valuing and nurturing
abilities other than mathematics and reading, we can open doors by using the strengths
of children as a means of complementing their less developed areas.
Note: When Howard Gardner wrote Frames of Mind in 1983, he deliberately limited his
examination of human capacities to seven intelligences. Are there more? Yes. In fact,
after this book was published Gardner added an eighth intelligence to the list. The
Naturalist Intelligence is the ability to recognize plant or animal species in one's
Multiple Intelligences Chart
How do you ensure all of your students' intelligences are being tapped? Here is a list of
activities that speak to each intelligence.