First Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Coherent Charged Pion Production On Argon

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First Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Coherent Charged Pion

Production on Argon
R. Acciarri,1 C. Adams,2 J. Asaadi,3 B. Baller,1 T.Bolton,4 C. Bromberg,5 F. Cavanna,2, 6 E. Church,2
D. Edmunds,5 A. Ereditato,7 S. Farooq,4 B. Fleming,2 H. Greenlee,1 R. Hatcher,1 G. Horton-Smith,4 C. James,1
E. Klein,2 K. Lang,8 P. Laurens,5 R. Mehdiyev,8 B. Page,5 O. Palamara,2, 9 K. Partyka,2 G. Rameika,1 B. Rebel,1
E. Santos,10 A. Schukraft,1 M. Soderberg,3, 1 J. Spitz,2 A.M. Szelc,2 M. Weber,7 T. Yang,1 and G.P. Zeller1
(ArgoNeuT Collaboration)

arXiv:1408.0598v3 [hep-ex] 3 Apr 2015

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 USA

Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 USA
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 USA
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 USA
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA
a dellAquila e INFN, 67100 LAquila, Italy
University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 USA
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, 67100 Assergi, Italy
Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK
(Dated: April 6, 2015)
We report on the first cross section measurements for charged current coherent pion production by neutrinos and antineutrinos on argon. These measurements are performed using the
ArgoNeuT detector exposed to the NuMI beam at Fermilab. The cross sections are measured
to be 2.6+1.2
cm2 /Ar for neutrinos at a mean energy of 9.6 GeV and
1.0 (stat)0.4 (syst) 10
5.52.1 (stat)0.7 (syst) 10
cm /Ar for antineutrinos at a mean energy of 3.6 GeV.

Neutrinos can produce single pion final states by coherently scattering from the entire nucleus. Both neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) processes
are possible. In these interactions, the squared fourmomentum transfer to the target nucleus, |t|, is small
so the nucleus remains unchanged. In this Letter, we
focus on the CC coherent pion production from muon
neutrinos and antineutrinos on argon:
+ Ar + + + Ar;

+ Ar + + Ar;


where the low |t| condition entails that the pions and
muons are forward going with respect to the incoming
neutrino direction.
There are several models from which one can extract
cross sections and kinematical predictions for this interaction. The Rein-Seghal [1] model has been used to successfully describe high energy data within experimental
uncertainties since the first observation of coherent pion
production at the Aachen-Padova spark chamber [2] in
1983. This approach is based on Adlers Partially Conserved Axial Current (PCAC) theorem [3], which relates
the pion production cross section to the cross section for
the pion-nucleus scattering. This model is still the standard for neutrino generators today, such as genie [4],
nuwro [5], and neut [6], with continued updates to the
formalism and the pion-nucleus scattering data that is
used. With recent interest in coherent pion production in the theoretical community, other PCAC models
have been proposed [7, 8]. Microscopic models [911]

have also been suggested, which employ a full quantum

mechanical treatment that explores the excitation and
decay of the resonance. While the PCAC based models are a simple approach, tailored for the description
of high energy data, their extension to the few GeV
regime is not straightforward. Notably, the K2K [12]
and SciBooNE [13] collaborations found cross section
upper limits for the CC coherent pion production well
below Rein-Seghals estimation. The microscopic models are better motivated at lower neutrino energies but
currently cannot be used to describe high energy data.
Given the differences in these models, more experimental measurements are necessary to validate and tune the
models and, in particular, better understand the transition region between microscopic and PCAC validity at
E 3 5 GeV.
In this Letter, a measurement of CC coherent pion
production from the ArgoNeuT (Argon Neutrino Test)
experiment is presented. ArgoNeuT [14] is a 170 L liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC), with dimensions 47 40 90 cm3 . The electric field inside the
TPC is 481 V/cm, and the drifted charge from particle interactions is read out in two planes of 240 wires
with 4 mm pitch (the induction and collection planes).
The angle between the induction and collection plane
wires is 60 degrees. ArgoNeuT is exposed to the NuMI
beam [15] set in an antineutrino-enhanced mode, which
provides a flux that is mostly muon antineutrino but
still rich in muon neutrinos. The total number of protons on target (POT) accumulated during a 5-month

run is 1.2 1020 and the estimated integrated fluxes are
6.6 1011 muon neutrinos per cm2 and 3.0 1012 muon
antineutrinos per cm2 . The differential flux can be
found in reference [16]. Neutrino interactions comprise
almost 60% of all the neutrino/antineutrino-induced
events in the detector [16]. During this run, the MINOS
near detector [17] placed downstream of ArgoNeuT is
also operational. The muons that exit ArgoNeuTs
TPC volume are matched to MINOS, in which the momentum and charge are reconstructed.
Using the LArSoft software [18], (anti)neutrino interactions are reconstructed, rendering a full characterization of the charged particles emerging in the ArgoNeuT detector. The software also provides the framework for a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the experiment. This is achieved by employing genie [4] as the
neutrino event generator and geant4 [19] for the simulation of the propagation of products in the detector.
The complete ArgoNeuT geometry is simulated along
with the signal formation processes and taking into account electronic noise. The simulated events are fully
reconstructed in the same way as for data. The propagation of particles in the MINOS near detector is simulated with geant3 [20]. A standalone version of MINOS simulation and reconstruction is used to characterize the matching of tracks passing from ArgoNeuT
into MINOS.
The search for CC coherent pion production starts
with an event selection which is used to find the two
track topology of Eqs. (1) and (2). Each of the selection criteria described below is chosen
in order to
maximise the significance, defined as s/ s + b, where s
and b are the numbers of signal and background events
which pass the selection in the MC simulation. The MC
used assumes the signal as modeled by Rein-Seghal. We
start by requiring that two tracks are reconstructed in
the event, originating from the same vertex. One track,
identified as the muon, must be reconstructed in both
ArgoNeuT and MINOS and matched between the two
detectors. The unmatched track is the pion candidate.
ArgoNeuTs precise calorimetry is used to discriminate
pions from protons by defining an acceptance window
for the mean dE/dx of the unmatched track. While the
dE/dx of a pion will correspond to a Minimum Ionizing
Particle (1 MIP), a proton track will leave an energy deposition several times higher (> 2 MIP). By applying
a selection criteria on the dE/dx of the pion-candidate
track, the CC quasi-elastic background is almost fully
removed. The calorimetry capabilities of the detector
are further exploited by investigating the Analog-toDigital (ADC) readout at the wires at the vertex. Low
energy protons emerging at the vertex induce high ADC
readouts at the first wire hits which are used to exclude
the event. This selection reduces the background of
interactions where multiple low-energy protons are produced, added either by nuclear effects or a result of deep

inelastic scattering.
The lack of any particles other than the muon and
the pion emerging from the vertex is further reinforced
by another selection criteria. For each event, the charge
readout inside a 20 cm20 cm box defined in the wire
number versus drift time view of the collection plane is
counted; the fraction of this charge that is associated
with the two outgoing tracks must amount to at least
86%(84%) for antineutrino(neutrino) events. The collection plane is used because its response is better calibrated compared with the induction plane. This verification is crucial since it removes background events
with activities around the interaction vertex that are
not originated from the muon and the pion.
The event selection defined makes the most of the
precise calorimetry and the high imaging resolution the
ArgoNeuT detector is capable of, which are a characteristic of LArTPCs. We estimate the selection efficiencies to be (18.4 1.8)% for neutrino and (21.8 0.8)%
for antineutrino events. The inefficiency is dominated
by the track reconstruction inefficiency for overlapping
tracks or complex topologies when the pion interacts
with the argon nucleus. The systematic uncertainties
associated to the assumptions on the kinematics of the
signal events are accessed by estimating the efficiency
using a different generator (nuwro). The difference between the efficiencies obtained with the two generators
is kept as the systematic uncertainty.
A total of 167 antineutrino and 150 neutrino events
have the two-track topology in the TPC with one
track matched to a reconstructed track in MINOS. After applying the event selection described, 30 antineutrino and 24 neutrino candidate events remain. This
event sample contains a background fraction, predominantly resonant and deep inelastic interactions, that
ideally would be reduced by selecting events with low
|t| = (q p )2 , where q represents the momentum
transfer from the neutrino and p is the momentum
carried by the pion. This approach is not feasible because most pions are not contained in the ArgoNeuT
TPC so their momentum cant be estimated. Instead,
we achieve signal from background separation by applying a multivariate method which exploits the topological and calorimetric information reconstructed in
each event. The ROOT Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis [21] was used to create a Boosted Decision Tree
(BDT) which is trained using genie signal and background samples. The classification is based on the angles of the pion and muon tracks, the visible energy
loss of the pion from the TPCs calorimetry, the reconstructed muon momentum from MINOS and the mean
stopping power of the first third of the muon track. The
last of these parameters was added to help distinguish
events where the start of the muon and pion tracks is
overlapping. The angular parameters have the highest discrimination power. An example of a neutrino





Event Counts

high charge

Event Counts

low charge




Time (ticks)




Induction plane (wire number)




BDT Classification




BDT Classification

Time (ticks)

FIG. 2: Best-fit of the signal and background templates

to the data. A BDT classification value of 1 means
background-like and 1 is signal-like. The background and
signal shapes are scaled to minimize an effective 2 function
from which the statistical error is also extracted.

Collection plane (wire number)

FIG. 1: An example of CC Coherent pion production from a

neutrino in ArgoNeuT. The neutrinos incoming direction is
along the horizontal coordinate; the muon track corresponds
to the most forward going one, making an angle of 1.2 with
the incoming neutrino direction. The opening angle between
the muon and the pion track is 10.6 . A kink in the pion
trajectory is visible.

interaction classified as signal by the BDT is show in

Figure 1.
To estimate the rate of signal events, the BDT distribution in data is fitted to a linear combination of
templates for signal and background obtained from simulation. The fit preserves the shape of the signal and
background BDT distributions and finds the scale of
these which best agrees with the data by minimising
the effective 2 = 2 ln L, where L represents the likelihood assuming Poisson-distributed counts in each bin.
The statistical error is found by evaluating the 1 interval, determined by 2 = 2 2min = 1. Figure 2 shows the data and the best-fit signal and background distributions. The antineutrino signal is estimated to be 7.9+3.7
3.0 events and the neutrino signal is
7.02.6 events. The background contamination in the
signal region (BDT Classification > 0) is small.
The systematic uncertainties affecting the measurement are listed in Table I. These are dominated by the
flux-scale uncertainty (10 12%). Reconstruction effects have their impact estimated by adjusting the reconstructed values by 1, where is the uncertainty
on the reconstructed parameter. The absolute muon
momentum estimated from the track curvature in the
MINOS detector has a 4% systematic uncertainty [22]
and the angular uncertainty assigned to tracks recon-

structed in ArgoNeuT is 1 [23]. The contribution of

background uncertainties is found by adjusting the contribution from each individual background process by
20% [24]. The rate at which the charge of the muon
is mis-identified is also estimated and treated like the
other backgrounds, though its contribution was found
to be negligible. The effect of nuclear interactions affecting the production of background events is also considered. This is done by evaluating the fraction of background events added by final state interactions and reweighting this sample by a conservative factor (20%).
Finally, the systematic error associated with the signal
modeling is investigated by generating a signal template
using nuwro. The difference in the number of signal
events found after repeating the fit is our estimation of
the systematic uncertainty.
The flux-averaged cross section is found by dividing
the number of signal events by the efficiency of the selection, the number of target nuclei in the fiducial volume
and the integrated (anti)neutrino flux. The measurements we report are

= 5.5+2.6
2.1 (stat)0.7 (syst) 10

= 2.61.0 (stat)0.4 (syst)) 10 cm

per argon nuclei at E = 3.6 1.5 GeV and E =
9.6 6.5 GeV, where the 1.5(6.5) GeV represents the
range that contains 68% of the flux. A comparison between these measurements, existing data, and the ReinSeghal model are shown in Figure 3. The antineutrino
measurement agrees well with the Rein-Seghal model
while the neutrino one deviates by 1.2.
In this Letter, we have presented the first cross section measurement of CC coherent pion production on
argon. This is also the first time that machine learning
techniques have been applied to LArTPC data analysis. The large uncertainties on the final cross section

Cross Section Uncertainty [%]

Systematic Effect

Flux normalization



MINOS momentum res.



ArgoNeuT angle res.



CC QE background



CC RES background



CC DIS background



Nuclear Effects






Number of Argon Targets






Signal modeling



Total systematics



values are dominated by the statistical errors. Using the

precise calorimetry and the high resolution of the interaction vertex which are fundamental for this analysis,
future LArTPC experiments will be able to provide decisive measurements for the understanding of neutrino
induced coherent pion production.
We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the MINOS collaboration in providing their data for use in
this analysis. We wish to acknowledge the support of
Fermilab, the Department of Energy, and the National
Science Foundation in ArgoNeuTs construction, operation, and data analysis. We also wish to acknowledge the support of STFC, FNAL and FCTs grant

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Neutrino Energy [GeV]

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