Sika Monotop 613IND PDF

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Technical Data Sheet

Edition 2, 2007
Identification no.
02 03 02 04 001 0 000025
Version no. 0010
Sika MonoTop-613 IND

Sika MonoTop -613 IND


Repair Mortar

Sika MonoTop-613 IND is cementitious, fibre reinforced, polymer modified onecomponent repair mortar.


For concrete repairs, especially suitable for wet-spray method.


To be mixed with water only

Excellent workability
Adjustable consistency
Excellent thixotropic behaviour, suitable for overhead and vertical applications
Good mechanical strengths
Excellent frost resistance
Applicable in layers up to 50 mm thickness
Non corrosive, non-toxic
Suitable for wet spray application

Technical Data




Mix Ratio

Water : Powder = 1 : 7.3 8.1 parts by weight

(i.e. approx 3.25 litre water per bag 25 kg)

Pot Life (30 C)

25 minutes


Store in dry, cool and shaded place

Shelf Life

9 months from date of production if stored properly in unopened original packing


25 kg paper bag

Physical Data

~ 2.05 kg/ ltr (density of fresh mortar)

Compressive strengths

1 days

120 kg/cm


7 days

330 kg/cm

28 days

450 kg/cm

Flexural strengths

28 days

50 kg/cm2

Bond strengths

28 days

>15 kg/cm (concrete failure, using Sikatop 121 as a bonding slurry)


Application temperature :

- Minimum
- Maximum
Layer thickness per application : - Minimum
- Maximum

+5 C
+30 C
5 mm
50 mm

Table of Contents

Sika Monotop -613 IND



Material consumption

For 1 litre of fresh mortar: 1.85 1.9 kg powder are required

Material consumption depends on concrete surface and application method. On
level substrate consumption is approx. 18.5 19.5 kg of dry mortar (powder) per
m at 10 mm layer thickness.


Substrate must be sound, free of loose or weak particles, dust and dirt. Oil and
wax containing layers, as well as laitance must be completely removed.
For optimum bond, surfaces shall be well-roughened.


Pour water in given quantity into the mixing container. Add powder while mixing
continuously. Use low speed electric mixers (max. 500 RPM) for 3 minutes
avoiding entrapping of air. By adding the powder in portions, the desired
application consistency can be obtained.


Sika MonoTop-613 IND can be applied by wet-spray equipment such as

Putzmeister, Melomat, Vario-Jet etc. The mortar can also be applied with spatula
or trowel. The mortar is applied on well-saturated concrete substrate. For thickness
greater than 50 mm Sika MonoTop-613 IND must be applied in several layers. As
soon as the mortar has started to set it can be smoothed by wooden or synthetic
float or a styrofoam block.


No additional water must be used.

To achieve good bonding it is recommended to apply SikaTop 121 as bonding coat
especially on large area application
Sika MonoTop-613 IND cures with low shrinkage.
To prevent premature drying out of the mortar, keep it moist if exposed to strong
sunshine or wind. Standard curing methods are recommended.
For very fine surface finish, the application of SikaTop 121 as filling compound on
top of Sika MonoTop 613 IND is advised.


Application and mixing tools should be cleaned with water while material is still
fresh. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.

Safety instructions
Safety precautions

Sika MonoTop-613 IND is caustic (cement). Protect skin and eyes from contact
with mortar. Wear protective clothing and goggles while working the product.


Do not dispose of into water or soil but according to local regulations.





Legal Notes

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sikas current knowledge and experience of the product when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordances with Sikas
recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising
out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written
recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the products
suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

PT. Sika Indonesia

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Limusnunggal- Cileungsi
BOGOR 16820 - Indonesia
+62 21 8230025
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Surabaya :
Puri Niaga Blok G No. 29, Jl. Raya Rungkut Menanggal 11, Surabaya
Tel : 031-8690202 ; Fax : 031-8682123
Medan :
Jl. Pancing / Jl. Willem Iskandar No.75 & 75 A, Kec. Medan Tembung
Tel : 061- 6619500; Fax : (061) 6619400
Batam :
Jl. Laksamana Bintan, Komp. Bumi Riau Makmur Blok E No.3, Sungai Panas
Tel : (0778) 424928; Fax : (0778) 450189

Sika Monotop -613 IND


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