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M o n e t a r y Policy a n d the Economy

The Federal Reserve sets the nation's monetary policy to

promote the objectives of maximum employment, stable prices,
and moderate long-term interest rates. The challenge for policy
makers is that tensions among the goals can arise in the short
run and that information about the economy becomes available
only with a lag and may be imperfect.

Goals of Monetary Policy

The goals of monetary policy are spelled out in the Federal Reserve Act,
which specifies that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Mar-
ket Committee should seek "to promote effectively the goals of maxi-
m u m employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates."
Stable prices in the long run are a precondition for maximum sustainable
output growth and employment as well as moderate long-term interest
rates. W h e n prices are stable and believed likely to remain so, the prices
of goods, services, materials, and labor are undistorted by inflation and
serve as clearer signals and guides to the efficient allocation of resources
and thus contribute to higher standards of living. Moreover, stable prices
foster saving and capital formation, because when the risk of erosion of
asset values resulting from inflationand the need to guard against such
lossesare minimized, households are encouraged to save more and busi-
nesses are encouraged to invest more.

Although price stability can help achieve maximum sustainable output

growth and employment over the longer run, in the short run some ten-
sion can exist between the two goals. Often, a slowing of employment
is accompanied by lessened pressures on prices, and moving to counter
the weakening of the labor market by easing policy does not have adverse
inflationary effects. Sometimes, however, upward pressures on prices are
developing as output and employment are softeningespecially when
an adverse supply shock, such as a spike in energy prices, has occurred.
Then, an attempt to restrain inflation pressures would compound the
weakness in the economy, or an attempt to reverse employment losses
would aggravate inflation. In such circumstances, those responsible for
monetary policy face a dilemma and must decide whether to focus on
defusing price pressures or on cushioning the loss of employment and
output. Adding to the difficulty is the possibility that an expectation of
increasing inflation might get built into decisions about prices and wages,
thereby adding to inflation inertia and making it more difficult to achieve
price stability.

Beyond influencing the level of prices and the level of output in the near
term, the Federal Reserve can contribute to financial stability and better
economic performance by acting to contain financial disruptions and pre-
venting their spread outside the financial sector. Modern financial systems
are highly complex and interdependent and may be vulnerable to wide-
scale systemic disruptions, such as those that can occur during a plunge
in stock prices. The Federal Reserve can enhance the financial system's
resilience to such shocks through its regulatory policies toward banking
institutions and payment systems. If a threatening disturbance develops,
Depository the Federal Reserve can also cushion the impact on financial markets and
institutions have the economy by aggressively and visibly providing liquidity through open
market operations or discount window lending.
accounts at their
Reserve Banks, and
they actively trade H o w M o n e t a r y Policy A f f e c t s the E c o n o m y

balances held in The initial link in the chain between monetary policy and the economy
these accounts in the is the market for balances held at the Federal Reserve Banks. Depository
institutions have accounts at their Reserve Banks, and they actively trade
federal funds market balances held in these accounts in the federal funds market at an interest
at an interest rate rate known as the federal funds rate. The Federal Reserve exercises con-
known as the federal siderable control over the federal funds rate through its influence over the
supply of and demand for balances at the Reserve Banks.
funds rate.
The F O M C sets the federal funds rate at a level it believes will foster
financial and monetary conditions consistent with achieving its monetary
policy objectives, and it adjusts that target in line with evolving economic
developments. A change in the federal funds rate, or even a change in
expectations about the future level of the federal funds rate, can set off a
chain of events that will affect other short-term interest rates, longer-term
interest rates, the foreign exchange value of the dollar, and stock prices.
In turn, changes in these variables will affect households' and businesses'
spending decisions, thereby affecting growth in aggregate demand and the

Short-term interest rates, such as those on Treasury bills and commercial

paper, are affected not only by the current level of the federal funds rate
but also by expectations about the overnight federal funds rate over the
duration of the short-term contract. As a result, short-term interest rates
could decline if the Federal Reserve surprised market participants with
a reduction in the federal funds rate, or if unfolding events convinced
participants that the Federal Reserve was going to be holding the federal
funds rate lower than had been anticipated. Similarly, short-term inter-
est rates would increase if the Federal Reserve surprised market partici-
pants by announcing an increase in the federal funds rate, or if some event
prompted market participants to believe that the Federal Reserve was
going to be holding the federal funds rate at higher levels than had been

It is for these reasons that market participants closely follow data releases
and statements by Federal Reserve officials, watching for clues that the
economy and prices are on a different trajectory than had been thought,
which would have implications for the stance of monetary policy.

Changes in short-term interest rates will influence long-term interest

rates, such as those on Treasury notes, corporate bonds, fixed-rate mort-
gages, and auto and other consumer loans. Long-term rates are affected
not only by changes in current short-term rates but also by expectations Lower interest rates
about short-term rates over the rest of the life of the long-term contract. in the United States
Generally, economic news or statements by officials will have a greater
impact on short-term interest rates than on longer rates because they typi- will lead to a decline
cally have a bearing on the course of the economy and monetary policy in the exchange
over a shorter period; however, the impact on long rates can also be con-
siderable because the news has clear implications for the expected course
value of the dollar,
of short-term rates over a long period. prompting an
increase in the price
Changes in long-term interest rates also affect stock prices, which can
have a pronounced effect on household wealth. Investors try to keep their of imports and a
investment returns on stocks in line with the return on bonds, after allow- decline in the price
ing for the greater riskiness of stocks. For example, if long-term inter-
est rates decline, then, all else being equal, returns on stocks will exceed of exports.
returns on bonds and encourage investors to purchase stocks and bid up
stock prices to the point at which expected risk-adjusted returns on stocks
are once again aligned with returns on bonds. Moreover, lower interest
rates may convince investors that the economy will be stronger and profits
higher in the near future, which should further lift equity prices.

Furthermore, changes in monetary policy affect the exchange value of

the dollar on currency markets. For example, if interest rates rise in the
United States, yields on dollar assets will look more favorable, which will
lead to bidding up of the dollar on foreign exchange markets. The higher
dollar will lower the cost of imports to U.S. residents and raise the price of
U.S. exports to those living outside the United States. Conversely, lower
interest rates in the United States will lead to a decline in the exchange
value of the dollar, prompting an increase in the price of imports and a
decline in the price of exports.

Changes in the value of financial assets, whether the result of an actual or

expected change in monetary policy, will affect a wide range of spending
decisions. For example, a drop in interest rates, a lower exchange value of
the dollar, and higher stock prices will stimulate various types of spend-
ing. Investment projects that businesses believed would be only margin-
ally profitable will become more attractive with lower financing costs.
Lower consumer loan rates will elicit greater demand for consumer goods,
especially bigger-ticket items such as motor vehicles. Lower mortgage
rates will make housing more affordable and lead to more home purchases.
They will also encourage mortgage refinancing, which will reduce o n -
going housing costs and enable households to purchase other goods. W h e n
refinancing, some homeowners may withdraw a portion of their home
equity to pay for other things, such as a motor vehicle, other consumer
goods, or a long-desired vacation trip. Higher stock prices can also add to
household wealth and to the ability to make purchases that had previously
seemed beyond reach. The reduction in the value of the dollar associated
If the economy slows with a drop in interest rates will tend to boost U.S. exports by lowering
the cost of U.S. goods and services in foreign markets. It will also make
and employment imported goods more expensive, which will encourage businesses and
softens, policy households to purchase domestically produced goods instead. All of these
responses will strengthen growth in aggregate demand. A tightening of
makers will be
monetary policy will have the opposite effect on spending and will mod-
inclined to ease erate growth of aggregate demand.
monetary policy to
If the economy slows and employment softens, policy makers will be
stimulate aggregate inclined to ease monetary policy to stimulate aggregate demand. W h e n
demand. growth in aggregate demand is boosted above growth in the economy's
potential to produce, slack in the economy will be absorbed and employ-
ment will return to a more sustainable path. In contrast, if the economy
is showing signs of overheating and inflation pressures are building, the
Federal Reserve will be inclined to counter these pressures by tighten-
ing monetary policyto bring growth in aggregate demand below that
of the economy's potential to producefor as long as necessary to defuse
the inflationary pressures and put the economy on a path to sustainable

While these policy choices seem reasonably straightforward, monetary

policy makers routinely face certain notable uncertainties. First, the actual
position of the economy and growth in aggregate demand at any point
in time are only partially known, as key information on spending, pro-
duction, and prices becomes available only with a lag. Therefore, policy
makers must rely on estimates of these economic variables when assessing
the appropriate course of policy, aware that they could act on the basis of
misleading information. Second, exactly how a given adjustment in the
federal funds rate will affect growth in aggregate demandin terms of
both the overall magnitude and the timing of its impactis never certain.
Economic models can provide rules of thumb for how the economy will
respond, but these rules of thumb are subject to statistical error. Third,
the growth in aggregate supply, often called the growth in potential
output, cannot be measured with certainty. Key here is the growth of
the labor force and associated labor input, as well as underlying growth in
labor productivity. Growth in labor input typically can be measured with
more accuracy than underlying productivity; for some time, growth in
labor input has tended to be around the growth in the overall population
of 1 percentage point per year. However, underlying productivity growth
has varied considerably over recent decades, from approximately 1 percent
or so per year to somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 percent or even
higher, getting a major boost during the mid- and late 1990s from applica-
tions of information technology and advanced management systems. If,
for example, productivity growth is 2 percent per year, then growth in ag-
gregate supply would be the sum of this amount and labor input growth of
If the economy is
1 percentthat is, 3 percent per year. In which case, growth in aggregate
demand in excess of 3 percent per year would result in a pickup in growth showing signs of
in employment in excess of that of the labor force and a reduction in un- overheating and
employment. In contrast, growth in aggregate demand below 3 percent
would result in a softening of the labor market and, in time, a reduction in inflation pressures
inflationary pressures. are building, the
Federal Reserve
Limitations of M o n e t a r y Policy will be inclined
to counter these
Monetary policy is not the only force acting on output, employment, and
prices. Many other factors affect aggregate demand and aggregate supply pressures by
and, consequently, the economic position of households and businesses. tightening monetary
Some of these factors can be anticipated and built into spending and other
economic decisions, and some come as a surprise. On the demand side, policy.
the government influences the economy through changes in taxes and
spending programs, which typically receive a lot of public attention and
are therefore anticipated. For example, the effect of a tax cut may precede
its actual implementation as businesses and households alter their spend-
ing in anticipation of the lower taxes. Also, forward-looking financial
markets may build such fiscal events into the level and structure of interest
rates, so that a stimulative measure, such as a tax cut, would tend to raise
the level of interest rates even before the tax cut becomes effective, which
will have a restraining effect on demand and the economy before the fiscal
stimulus is actually applied.

Other changes in aggregate demand and supply can be totally unpredict-

able and influence the economy in unforeseen ways. Examples of such
shocks on the demand side are shifts in consumer and business confidence,
and changes in the lending posture of commercial banks and other credi-
tors. Lessened confidence regarding the outlook for the economy and
labor market or more restrictive lending conditions tend to curb business
and household spending. O n the supply side, natural disasters, disruptions
in the oil market that reduce supply, agricultural losses, and slowdowns in
productivity growth are examples of adverse supply shocks. Such shocks
tend to raise prices and reduce output. Monetary policy can attempt to
counter the loss of output or the higher prices but cannot fully offset both.

In practice, as previously noted, monetary policy makers do not have up-

to-the-minute information on the state of the economy and prices. Useful
information is limited not only by lags in the construction and availability
of key data but also by later revisions, which can alter the picture consid-
erably. Therefore, although monetary policy makers will eventually be
able to offset the effects that adverse demand shocks have on the economy,
it will be some time before the shock is fully recognized andgiven the
lag between a policy action and the effect of the action on aggregate de-
The statutory mandan even longer time before it is countered. Add to this the un-
goals of maximum certainty about how the economy will respond to an easing or tightening
of policy of a given magnitude, and it is not hard to see how the economy
employment and and prices can depart from a desired path for a period of time.
stable prices are
easier to achieve The statutory goals of maximum employment and stable prices are easier
to achieve if the public understands those goals and believes that the
if the public Federal Reserve will take effective measures to achieve them. For ex-
understands those ample, if the Federal Reserve responds to a negative demand shock to the
economy with an aggressive and transparent easing of policy, businesses
goals and believes and consumers may believe that these actions will restore the economy to
that the Federal full employment; consequently, they may be less inclined to pull back on
spending because of concern that demand may not be strong enough to
Reserve will take
warrant new business investment or that their job prospects may not war-
effective measures rant the purchase of big-ticket household goods. Similarly, a credible anti-
to achieve them. inflation policy will lead businesses and households to expect less wage
and price inflation; workers then will not feel the same need to protect
themselves by demanding large wage increases, and businesses will be less
aggressive in raising their prices, for fear of losing sales and profits. As a
result, inflation will come down more rapidly, in keeping with the policy-
related slowing in growth of aggregate demand, and will give rise to less
slack in product and resource markets than if workers and businesses con-
tinued to act as if inflation were not going to slow.

G u i d e s to M o n e t a r y Policy

Although the goals of monetary policy are clearly spelled out in law, the
means to achieve those goals are not. Changes in the FOMC's target
federal funds rate take some time to affect the economy and prices, and
it is often far from obvious whether a selected level of the federal funds
rate will achieve those goals. For this reason, some have suggested that
the Federal Reserve pay close attention to guides that are intermediate
between its operational targetthe federal funds rateand the economy.
Among those frequently mentioned are monetary aggregates, the level
and structure of interest rates, the so-called Taylor rule (discussed on page
23), and foreign exchange rates. Some suggest that one of these guides be
selected as an intermediate targetthat is, that a specific formal objective
be set for the intermediate target and pursued aggressively with the policy
instruments. Others suggest that these guides be used more as indictors,
to be monitored regularly; in other words, the Federal Reserve could
establish a reference path for the intermediate variable that it thought to
be consistent with achieving the final goals of monetary policy, and actual
outcomes departing appreciably from that path would be seen as suggesting
that the economy might be drifting off course and that a policy adjustment
might be necessary.

Monetary Aggregates

Monetary aggregates have at times been advocated as guides to monetary

policy on the grounds that they may have a fairly stable relationship with
the economy and can be controlled to a reasonable extent by the central
bank, either through control over the supply of balances at the Federal
Reserve or the federal funds rate. An increase in the federal funds rate
(and other short-term interest rates), for example, will reduce the attrac-
tiveness of holding money balances relative to now higher-yielding money
market instruments and thereby reduce the amount of money demanded
and slow growth of the money stock. There are a few measures of the
money stockranging from the transactions-dominated M1 to the broad-
er M2 and M 3 measures, which include other liquid balancesand these
aggregates have different behaviors. (See page 22 for a description of the
composition of the monetary aggregates.)

Ordinarily, the rate of money growth sought over time would be equal
to the rate of nominal GDP growth implied by the objective for infla-
tion and the objective for growth in real GDP. For example, if the ob-
jective for inflation is 1 percent in a given year and the rate of growth in
real GDP associated with achieving maximum employment is 3 percent,
then the guideline for growth in the money stock would be 4 percent.
However, the relation between the growth in money and the growth in
nominal GDP, known as "velocity," can vary, often unpredictably, and
this uncertainty can add to difficulties in using monetary aggregates as a
guide to policy. Indeed, in the United States and many other countries
with advanced financial systems over recent decades, considerable slip-
page and greater complexity in the relationship between money and GDP
have made it more difficult to use monetary aggregates as guides to policy.
In addition, the narrow and broader aggregates often give very different
signals about the need to adjust policy. Accordingly, monetary aggregates
have taken on less importance in policy making over time.
The Components of the Monetary Aggregates

The Federal Reserve publishes data on three monetary aggre-

gates. The first, M1, is made up of types of money commonly
used for payment, basically currency and checking deposits. The
second, M2, includes M1 plus balances that generally are similar
to transaction accounts and that, for the most part, can be con-
verted fairly readily to M1 with little or no loss of principal. The
M 2 measure is thought to be held primarily by households. The
third aggregate, M3, includes M 2 plus certain accounts that are
held by entities other than individuals and are issued by banks and
thrift institutions to augment M2-type balances in meeting credit
demands; it also includes balances in money market mutual funds
held by institutional investors.

The aggregates have had different roles in monetary policy as their

reliability as guides has changed. The following details their prin-
cipal components:

M1 Currency (and traveler's checks)

Demand deposits

N O W and similar interest-earning checking accounts

M2 M1
Savings deposits and money market deposit accounts
Small time deposits(footnote1Timedepositsinamountsof
less than $100,000, excluding balances in
IRA and Keogh accounts at depository institutions. end footnote)
Retail money market mutual fundbalances(footnote2
Excludes balances held in IRA and Keogh accounts with money market
mutual funds end footnote)
M3 M2
Large time deposits
Institutional money market mutual fund balances
Repurchase agreements
Interest Rates

Interest rates have frequently been proposed as a guide to policy, not only
because of the role they play in a wide variety of spending decisions but
also because information on interest rates is available on a real-time basis.
Arguing against giving interest rates the primary role in guiding monetary
policy is uncertainty about exactly what level or path of interest rates is
consistent with the basic goals of monetary policy. The appropriate level
of interest rates will vary with the stance of fiscal policy, changes in the
pattern of household and business spending, productivity growth, and
economic developments abroad. It can be difficult not only to gauge the
strength of these forces but also to translate them into a path for interest

The slope of the yield curve (that is, the difference between the interest
rate on longer-term and shorter-term instruments) has also been suggested
as a guide to monetary policy. Whereas short-term interest rates are
strongly influenced by the current setting of the policy instrument,
longer-term interest rates are influenced by expectations of future short-
term interest rates and thus by the longer-term effects of monetary policy
on inflation and output. For example, a yield curve with a steeply positive
slope (that is, longer-term interest rates far above short-term rates) may be
a signal that participants in the bond market believe that monetary policy
has become too expansive and thus, without a monetary policy correc-
tion, more inflationary. Conversely, a yield curve with a downward slope
(short-term rates above longer rates) may be an indication that policy is
too restrictive, perhaps risking an unwanted loss of output and employment.
However, the yield curve is also influenced by other factors, including
prospective fiscal policy, developments in foreign exchange markets, and
expectations about the future path of monetary policy. Thus, signals from
the yield curve must be interpreted carefully.

The Taylor Rule

The "Taylor rule," named after the prominent economist John Taylor, is
another guide to assessing the proper stance of monetary policy. It relates
the setting of the federal funds rate to the primary objectives of monetary
policythat is, the extent to which inflation may be departing from
something approximating price stability and the extent to which out-
put and employment may be departing from their maximum sustainable
levels. For example, one version of the rule calls for the federal funds rate
to be set equal to the rate thought to be consistent in the long run with
the achievement of full employment and price stability plus a component
based on the gap between current inflation and the inflation objective
less a component based on the shortfall of actual output from the full-
employment level. If inflation is picking up, the Taylor rule prescribes
the amount by which the federal funds rate would need to be raised or,
if output and employment are weakening, the amount by which it would
need to be lowered. The specific parameters of the formula are set to
describe actual monetary policy behavior over a period when policy is
thought to have been fairly successful in achieving its basic goals.

Although this guide has appeal, it too has shortcomings. The level of
short-term interest rates associated with achieving longer-term goals, a
key element in the formula, can vary over time in unpredictable ways.
Moreover, the current rate of inflation and position of the economy in
relation to full employment are not known because of data lags and diffi-
culties in estimating the full-employment level of output, adding another
layer of uncertainty about the appropriate setting of policy.

Foreign Exchange Rates

Exchange rate movements are an important channel through which

monetary policy affects the economy, and exchange rates tend to respond
promptly to a change in the federal funds rate. Moreover, information
on exchange rates, like information on interest rates, is available continu-
ously throughout the day.

Interpreting the meaning of movements in exchange rates, however, can

be difficult. A decline in the foreign exchange value of the dollar, for ex-
ample, could indicate that monetary policy has become, or is expected to
become, more accommodative, resulting in inflation risks. But exchange
rates respond to other influences as well, notably developments abroad;
so a weaker dollar on foreign exchange markets could instead reflect
higher interest rates abroad, which make other currencies more attrac-
tive and have fewer implications for the stance of U.S. monetary policy
and the performance of the U.S. economy. Conversely, a strengthening
of the dollar on foreign exchange markets could reflect a move to a more
restrictive monetary policy in the United Statesor expectations of such
a move. But it also could reflect expectations of a lower path for interest
rates elsewhere or a heightened perception of risk in foreign financial as-
sets relative to U.S. assets.

Some have advocated taking the exchange rate guide a step further and
using monetary policy to stabilize the dollar's value in terms of a par-
ticular currency or in terms of a basket of currencies. However, there
is a great deal of uncertainty about which level of the exchange rate is
most consistent with the basic goals of monetary policy, and selecting the
wrong rate could lead to a protracted period of deflation and economic
slack or to an overheated economy. Also, attempting to stabilize the ex-
change rate in the face of a disturbance from abroad would short-circuit
the cushioning effect that the associated movement in the exchange rate
would have on the U.S. economy.

All of the guides to monetary policy discussed here have something to do

with the transmission of monetary policy to the economy. All have cer-
tain advantages; however, none has shown so consistently close a relation-
ship with the ultimate goals of monetary policy that it can be relied on
alone. Consequently, monetary policy makers have tended to use a broad
range of indicatorsthose mentioned above along with many others,
including the actual behavior of output and pricesto judge trends in the
economy and to assess the stance of monetary policy.

Such an eclectic approach enables the Federal Reserve and other central
banks to use all the available information in conducting monetary policy.
This tack may be especially important as market structures and economic
processes change in ways that reduce the utility of any single indictor.
However, a downside to such an approach is the difficulty it poses in
communicating the central bank's intentions to the public; the lack of a
relatively simple set of procedures may make it difficult for the public to
understand the actions of the Federal Reserve and to judge whether those
actions are consistent with achieving its statutory goals. This downside
risk can be mitigated if the central bank develops a track record of achiev-
ing favorable policy outcomes when no single guide to policy has proven

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