AlliedHQ Questbook 01 MightAndMagic

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The book is a compilation of rules and quests for the board game HeroQuest, inspired by the original game and community of fans.

The book describes rules and quests for a role-playing board game set in a fantasy world with heroes, monsters, and magic.

The goal of the quests is for heroes to complete five quests each to become champions of the realm and prove themselves as true heroes.

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

This book is a tribute to HeroQuest. Inspired by the huge community of fans, this compilation came to life. The author is in no way
affiliated to MB, Games-Workshop or Fantasy Flight Games. The rules presented in this book are meant for all fans of the age-old
game from MB.
HeroQuest by MB and Advanced HeroQuest by Games-Workshop are both out of print for many years now. You might be
interested in HeroScape and/or Warhammer, both are games currently still in production by both firms. Descent it currently still
available at the Fantasy Flight Games website.
Images from Les Edwards and Gary Chalk have been reused. Both artists contributed to the HeroQuest community with their
graphical talents. You can visit Les Edwards his website at
All rules presented are free of charge, open source and for personal use only. Theyre meant just to have fun.

Allied HeroQuest


Allied HeroQuest
Descent in the Dark

Might and Magic

Version 1

Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

A Word from Mentor

Well, my friends, your training is complete. You are not yet true Heroes, you have yet to prove
yourselves. The Empire must again look for Heroes and to this I have trained you. United we will
stand against the powers that seek to destroy us. It will take courage, loyalty and intelligence to
brave this threat to us all. But I am sure you will rise to the challenge. Each of you must complete
five Quests. If you do this, you will be acclaimed as Champions of the Realm. Only then will you be
on the road to becoming true Heroes. I shall speak with you again on your return if you return

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

Special Rules
M ight and Magic - Monsters
Shown below are the Monsters and Characters that can be encountered in Quests from this book.

Allied HeroQuest


Quest I Mellars Maze


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

"Long ago, a powerful wizard by the name of Melar created a Talisman of Lore which would
enhance the wearers understandings of magic. It is rumoured that Melar hid the Talisman in
an underground laboratory at the heart of a maze, also known as the catacomb of Verag,
a foul Gargoyle. The catacombs guard the tomb of Fellmarg. As you search for the Talisman,
beware of many traps and deadly monsters. Bring back the artifact so I can study its powers."

Two Passages.

Labyrinth You cannot use Escape Threat Tokens
in this Quest. Remove them from the Token pool
before playing this Quest.
Walking Dead You can use Character Threat
Tokens to Spawn a regular Zombie at one of the
Wandering Monster Spawnpoints.

B. The chest is filled with poisonous gas it is a trap!

If a Hero searches for treasure before the trap is
disarmed, he will lose two Body points. The chest
also contains 140 gold coins.

Trapped You can use a Trap Threat Token to

spring a Speartrap anywhere in the dungeon.
A. Hidden in a hollow book is the Artifact Talisman
of Lore. The first Hero who searches for Treasures
in this room will find it.
The second Hero to search for Treasure in this room
finds a jar with a small amount of magic dust on the
alchemists bench. The old jar breaks and the dust is
spilled on the discoverer. Restore up to two lost Body

Morcars Legion.

C. The first Hero to search for Treasures here will

inspect the Tomb. The Tomb releases a spooky myst
and he finds nothing.
This Mummy is Fellmargs Guardian.
D. This is the special character Verag.
E. The door to Melars laboratory will only appear if a
Hero stands on the magic circle. If at any time a Hero
steps on/off the circle, then immediately
reveal/remove the door. The door (re)appears closed.

Allied HeroQuest


Quest II The Lost Wizard


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

"The Emperors personal wizards, Karlen, has disappeared. The Emperor

fears that he has been murdered or has succumbed to the lures of
Chaos magic. You must find out what happened to Karlen. You can keep all
treasure you might find during your Quest."

Two Passages.

Stone Hunters All Chaos Warriors in this
adventure are made of stone and may roll an extra
Defend dice.
Howling Wail The first Treasure Card Wandering
Monster drawn in this Quest summons Karlens
Ghost. He appears behind the Hero and disappears
with a loud chilling shreek
Earthgap While stock lasts, you may use double
pittrap tiles from AHQ-GW instead of regular HQMB ones.
A. The first Hero who searches for Treasure in this
room finds the magical artifact Borins Armor.

A regular Gargoyle.

Evil Presence.

B. This chest contains 200 gold coins. On Karlens

bench are some papers that prove that he was
consumed by the chaotic magic while experimenting
and turned into a mindless Zombie.
C. You can play a Character Threat Token here once.
D. The chest contains a flask with an unidentifiable
purple liquid. Do not tell the Heroes what the liquid
is this time. If he drinks
the liquid, it will taste
terrible and cause the
Hero to temporary turn
into an indestructible, unmovable stone statue. After
4 of his full turns, he comes back to life, Exhausted.

Allied HeroQuest


Quest III Race Against Time


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

"A guide has led you into an underground maze that is rumoured to hold a great secret.
He has led you down many dark corridors and finally you find yourself in a room with
three doors. Suddenly the guide puts out his torch and in the darkness you hear him laugh.
Farewell, my Heroes, he sneers as he makes his escape. You realize to your horror
that its a trap! You must escape or perish in this dark, forgotten hole."

Two Passages.

Home If half (rounded up) of the starting Heroes
reach the village, then the Hero player(s) win.
Trap! The GM starts the Quest with one random
Threat Token.

D. The Chasm can be jumped by rolling 2 skulldice.

Any skull result and the miniature falls in the Chasm
and drowns. There must be an empty square to jump
and land on at the other side. A Hero can also place
the Rope Bridge at the Chasm. It is safe to cross the
Rope Bridge.

X. This is the room where (up to four) Heroes start.

Each Hero starts at one of the Xs.
A. This chest contains a Rope Bridge. Hand over the
Bridge tile to the Hero player.
B. This treasure chest contains a Throwing Axe.
C. This Weapons Rack contains a Crossbow that will
be found by the first Hero who searches for Treasures
A regular Gargoyle.

Morcars Legion.

E. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in these

corridor sections to spring Falling Rock Traps.

Allied HeroQuest


Quest IV Castle of Mystery


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

Long ago, a wizard named Ollar discovered the entrance to a gold mine. Using his
great powers, he built a magic castle above the mine to protect it. The lower chamber
of the castle has many magical doors and is guarded by a host of monsters who were
trapped in time. Can you find the entrance to the gold mine? Other have tried,
but the castle thwarted them every time.

Two Passages.

Magic Portals - As soon as a Hero moves through a
door, he must stop immediately and roll a D12. He
will then be teleported to the square with the same
number as the dice. If that square is already occupied,
choose and adjacent free square. Killed monsters do
not return. The spell Pass Through Rock has no
effect in the Castle of Mystery.

Worthless The Quest ends when any of the Heroes

found any of the fools gold and all Heroes have
exited the Castle of Mystery via the winding stairs.

Morcars Legion.

Empty Remove all Character Threat Tokens from

the Token pool for this Quest. (Dont remove them
for the Passages.)
A. If both of these Chaos Warriors are defeated, the
first Hero to search for treasure will find that one of
the warriors was wearing the Artifact Ring of
When invoked, this magical ring will return the
wearer and all Heroes that the wearer can see to the
starting point of the Quest. It can only be used once,
and only in The Castle of Mystery.
B. These stairs are the entrance to the mine and do
NOT provide an exit to the village. Any Hero who
enters these stairs receives 900 gold coins. However,
while carrying the gold, he may not attack, cast spells
or roll dice for defence. If the Hero puts down the
fools gold, it will disappear back into the mine.

Allied HeroQuest


Quest V Bastion of Chaos


Might and Magic

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

The lands to the East have been plagued by marauding Orcs and Goblins. The Emperor has ordered that a band
of worthy Heroes should be sent forth to destroy them. The Orcs are well protected in a strong underground
fortress known as the Bastion of Chaos. They are led by a small group of Chaos Warriors. The Quest is over
when you kill their leader, a Chaos Warrior Lietenant. You must fight your way in and kill all the monsters
you find.
You will be paid a bounty of:
10 gold coins for each Goblin killed
20 gold coins for each Orc killed
and 30 gold coins for each Fimir or Chaos Warrior killed.

Two Passages.
Headhunters for each Hero, keep track of the
monsters he has slain. Upon returning to the village
he will receive gold for it. This gold can best be spent
immediately since the deeper they go into the Bastion
of Chaos, to mightier the opponents.
A. This is the armoury. There are many unusable
weapons here. However, if a player searches for
Treasures in this room, he will find a Shield.

C. This Chaos Warrior has a magic sword. Whoever

kills the Chaos Warrior may take the sword as a prize.
It is one of the Orcs Bane swords.
D. This is the Chaos Warrior Lieutenant. You can
play an Escape Threat Token to let him escape to E
if that room is still unrevealed. Remove the miniature
from the board until room E is discovered.
E. If the Chaos Warrior Lieutenant managed to
escape from the Heroes in room D, then the final
clash of steel will find place in his personal quarters
here. The Chest contains a potion to recover up to
four lost Body points.

B. The chest is a trap. The Hero who opens the chest

is attacked immediately by an suddenly appearing,
adjacent Gargoyle. This trap cannot be found.

Chaos Warrior Lieutenant.
Monstrous Alliance.

F. The Portcullises can be opened from the outside

only. Per Cell, roll a skulldice, if the result is any
shield, the Hero finds a Henchman of his choice.

Allied HeroQuest


Might and Magic

Heroic Deeds

No rest for you Heroes!

Sir Ragnar has been captured by Orcs.
Like Kenaron, he is one of the Emperors most powerful knights,
Prince Magnus asks for brave Heroes to rescue Sir Ragnar and return him to safety

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