McCarthy Wright 2004 Technology As Experience Interactions 11 5 42 - 43

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as Experience
By John McCarthy
[email protected]

each of these parts should be seen as

intrinsically connected with each other,
and, collectively constitutive of an integrated framework. The framework consists of four intertwined threads of experience and six sense-making processes.

The Four Threads

of Experience

By Peter Wright
[email protected]

User Experience
User experience is now becoming central
to our understanding of the usability of
technology. Today many interactive technology companies describe on their Web
sites their commitment to experiencebased design. There is also a trend in HCI
communities to foreground experiencecentered approaches to technology, a
movement reflected in several recent articles offering theoretical statements about
the sensual and emotional conditions of
interaction with technology.

Thinking about
Technology as Experience
In a recent study we presented a basis for
thinking about and evaluating technology as experience. We show how technology can be seen in terms of experience
with technological artifacts. This
approach orients us toward the felt-life of
technology-toward engagement, enchantment, irritation, and fulfillment. But
we also recognize that the feeling-life
does not begin and end with the immediate quality of an experience, rather it
extends across space and time to the sense
we make of experience in terms of our
selves, our culture, and our lives. To
make these concepts usable, we have
developed a framework for analyzing
experience with technology [2].

The Framework
Even though the framework is presented
as a set of components, perhaps giving
the impression of separable elements,

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tends to summarize the experience for us;

for example, as fun, exciting, or frustrating. This is how we tend to remember an
SPATIO-TEMPORAL: What effects do place
and time have on our experience?
This draws attention to the quality
and sense of space-time that pervades
experience. Time may speed up or slow
down; pace may increase or decrease;
spaces may open up or close down,
affecting our willingness to linger or to
re-visit such places.

The Six Sense-making


COMPOSITIONAL: How do the elements

of an experience fit together to form a coherent
This refers to the narrative structure,
action possibility, plausibility, consequences and explanations of actions.
When we ask questions like, What is this
all about?, What will happen next?
and How do I tackle this problem? the
composition of the experience is not clear
to us.
SENSUAL: What does the design and texture and the overall atmosphere make us feel?
This orients us to the concrete, palpable, and visceral character of experience
that is grasped pre-reflectively in the
immediate sense of a situation; for example, the look and feel of a mobile phone
and the sense of warmth in a social space.
EMOTIONAL: What emotions color the
experience for us?
This refers to value judgments (e.g.,
frustration and satisfaction) that ascribe
importance to other people and things
with respect to our needs and desires.
The emotional quality of an experience

i n t e r a c t i o n s

s e p t e m b e r

People actively construct or make sense

of experiencereflexively and recursivelyin a way that seems to fold back into
the experience itself. To reflect this in our
framework we specify six inter-related,
non-linear, sense-making processes.

ANTICIPATING: We never come to technology unprejudiced.

This refers to the expectations, possibilities, and ways of making sense that
we associate with relevant prior experience; for example, the expectations we
bring from a bricks and mortar shop to
an e-commerce store run by the same
CONNECTING: We make a judgment in an
instant and without much thought.
This refers to the immediate, pre-conceptual, and pre-linguistic sense of a situation encountered. This includes assess-

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ment of place, such as a Web site being

loud and the subsequent stressful feelings, or the sense of a social space being
welcoming and the warm feelings that go
with it.
INTERPRETING: We work out whats
going on and how we feel about it.
This involves discerning the narrative
structure, the agents and action possibilities, what has happened and what is likely to happen. For example, a design may
excessively limit what we can do and
leave us feeling trapped and frustrated.

the emergence of an orientation toward

experience in HCI, suggested that conceptualizing technology as experience
might provide appropriate foundations
for this new orientation, and outlined the
bones of a framework for working with
technology as experience that is
described more fully elsewhere. In doing
so, we hope to have contributed to a turn
that may in time provide a radical reconceptualization of technology as experience.
1. McCarthy, J. & Wright, P.C., (2004). Technology as experience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

REFLECTING: We examine and evaluate

what is happening in an interaction.
As the experience unfolds we might
reflect on why it was not possible to carry
out a very similar action in two related
applications or we might reflect with satisfaction on having solved a particularly
difficult problem. We also reflect on the
feelings of frustration or pleasure that are
part of the experience.
APPROPRIATING: We work out how a
new experience fits with other experiences we
have had and with our sense of self.
This involves making an experience
our own by relating it to our sense of self,
our personal history, and our anticipated
future. We may decide against buying
over the Internet because we feel strongly about supporting local shops. Or we
may modify the strength of our feelings
about local shops because of the satisfaction of shopping on the Internet.
RECOUNTING: We enjoy storytelling and
make sense of experience in stories.
This is a fundamentally dialogical
process that involves telling others and
ourselves about the experience.
Recounting can change the meaning of
an experience for us and it can open up
new possibilities for experience. The
importance of recounting in our culture is
recognized in our attachment to wordof-mouth.
In this short article, we have described

i n t e r a c t i o n s

2. Wright, P.C., McCarthy, J.C., & Meekison, L. (2003).

Making sense of experience. In M. Blythe, A. Monk, C.
Overbeeke & P.C. Wright (Eds.), Funology: From usability
to user enjoyment (pp. 43-53). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
ACM 1072-5220/04/0900 $5.00

Interview with
Don Norman
By Mark Blythe
and Mark Hassenzahl
MB: Most of our readers will be aware that
your new book marks a change in direction
for you. Why the turnaround? Are you hoping to inspire more designs like the Incredible
Tea Juicer?
DN: The Incredible Tea Juicer? But of
I am trying to influence designers, so
let me transform your question into asking what the design field knows and
understands. Now, I put design field
in quotation marks because it isnt quite
clear what this phrase refers to. What I
mean is an as-yet hypothetical discipline
of research, theory, and practice that is
concerned with design issues. This will
encompass a wide range of existing
fields. Thus, usability and HCI in general is one important facet, and perhaps the

s e p t e m b e r

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