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Iran J Pediatr

Dec 2008; Vol 18 ( o 4), Pp:373-376

Case Report

Colocolic Intussusception without Lead Point; A Case

Report and Literature Review
Rahim Mahmudloo1, MD, Thorax Surgeon; Shahsanam Gheibi*2, MD, Pediatric
Gastroenterologist; Sona Nuri Vahed3, MD, Internists
1. Department of Surgery, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, IR Iran
2. Department of Pediatrics, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, IR Iran
3. Department of Internal Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, IR Iran
Received: 17/01/08; Revised: 04/05/08; Accepted: 04/06/08

Background: Colocolic intussusception is rare in children and most cases in adolescents are
produced by a lead-point. A review of the English-written literature revealed only three cases of
colocolic intussusception without lead point.
Case presentation: A seven year-old boy with chief complaint of colicky abdominal pain and
vomiting for five days, dysentery for 4 days, and no response to antibiotic therapy, increasing
pain and abdominal distension was referred to pediatric gastroenterologist. Abdominal x-ray
revealed multiple air-fluid levels and gasless colon. Pseudo-kidney appearance was reported in
abdominal ultrasound at splenic flexure. Colocolic intussusception diagnosis without any lead
point was confirmed in laparotomy and reduced with milk-out procedure.
Conclusion: In children with dysentery especially in presence of colicky abdominal pain,
abdominal distention and no response to antibiotic therapy, abdominal ultrasound to rule out
intussusception is recommended.

Key Words: Intussusception; Children; Colocolic intussusception; Abdominal distention

Intussusception occurs when a portion of the
intestine is telescoped into an adjacent
intestinal segment[1]. It is very common in
children all over the world, especially those
under 2 years[2]. The majority of cases occur in
the region of the ileocecal valve, and no lead
point can be precisely identified[3]. Other types
of intussusception that are rarer and have an

anatomic lead point include ileoileal, colocolic,

and ileoileocolic [4] . Possible lead points
include Meckel's diverticulum, polyps,
neoplasms (lymphoma), and intestinal
duplications[3]. Almost all cases of colocolic
intussusception occur with a lead-point such
as polyp or tumoral mass, a review of Englishwritten literature showed only three cases
without a lead- point[5-7].

* Correspondence author;
Address: Department of Pediatrics, Shaheed motahhari Hospital, Urmia, IR Iran
E-mail: [email protected]


Colocolic Intussusceptions without Lead Point; R Mahmudloo, Sh Gheibi

Case presentation
A seven year-old boy with colicky abdominal
pain and vomiting followed by dysentery, has
been treated with metronidazole in a local
health-center after positive stool for
Entamobea histolytica cysts. He was sent to
our hospital because of continuation of the
symptoms. During the last 2 days, the
symptoms worsened, his abdomen distended
and his stool was totally bloody.
In physical examination he was conscious,
febrile and severely dehydrated, BP=100/60
mmHg, PR=120/min, RR=32/min, T=38/7C.
Growth and development was normal. Head
and neck were normal; breathing was normal
and heart tachycardiac. Upper part of
abdomen was distended and bowel sounds
were hyperactive. There was diffuse
abdominal tenderness without guarding or
rebound. Other clinical examinations were
normal. Laboratory tests were normal except
for leukocytosis with left shift. Abdominal xray showed thick small bowel wall, multiple
air-fluid levels and gasless lower abdomen
(Fig 1). Pseudo-kidney appearance at splenic
flexure was reported in abdominal ultrasound.
After initial reduction midline laparotomy was
done. Small bowel loops and right colon were
severely distended (Fig 2). Invagination of
lower third of transverse colon into
descending colon was detected as the cause of
obstruction (Fig 3) and was reduced with
milking out procedure. Exact examination for
underlying pathologic lead point was
indeterminate. Postoperative period was

Intussusception is the most common cause of

acute intestinal obstruction in infants and
young children[8]. Eighty percent of patients
are younger than 24 months[1] and 95% of
cases are ileocolic in location, with an equal
percentage in which no pathologic lead point
is evident on barium enema or laparotomy[9].
Other types of intussusception that are rarer
and have an anatomic lead point occur in
children older than 2 years of age[4]. Possible
lead points include Meckel diverticulum[1],

Fig 1- Abdominal x-ray showed multiple air

fluid level and gasless lower abdomen

Fig 3- Invagination of transverse colon into

descending colon

Fig 2- Distended loops of small bowel and right


unremarkable and he was discharged in good

general condition. Barium enema, performed
after three months, was normal and after 12
months follow up he was trouble free.


Iran J Pediatr, Vol 18 (o 4); Dec 2008

intestinal polyps[9-12], Peutz Jaeger[13], mucosal

hematoma[14], Henoch- Schoenlein purpura[15],
an inflamed appendix[16], neoplasms[17],
lymphoma[1], inflammatory bowel disease
[18,19], lipoma[20-23], intestinal duplications[3],
hereditary angioneurotic edema[24], trauma
and abdominal operation[25,26].
Colocolic intussusception in the adults is
almost always a complication of pre-existing
colonic disease, usually carcinoma or polypoid
tumor[27]. Pediatric patients presenting with
documented colocolic intussusception should
suggest the possibility of a colonic polyp or
lesion. Careful
examination and barium studies should
Pathologic lead point not only in laparotomy
but also in three months later barium enema
was not detected in our patient. He was in
good condition over the postoperative period
and was discharged without any medication
after 5 days. He returned to clinic one month
later with no complaint. Barium enema was
done after three months to rule out any
mislaid underlying causes for intussusception,
and also after 12 months follow up he did not
have any gastrointestinal problems.
Classic triad of intussusception including
crampy abdominal pain, vomiting and bloody
stool are seen in only 21% of patients and
70% of cases present with only 2 signs[4].
Although there were typical symptoms in our
patient, progression of disease was gradual
because of low level obstruction and not very
young age of the patient, so that fortunately
after 5 days, bowel necrosis did not happen
and reduction was possible with milking out.
It may be that the patient had amebial colitis
at the beginning, and intussusception followed
it. Intussusception can complicate specific
inflammatory disease of the intestine.
Occurring of it in the course of a Salmonella
typhi is reported[28]. But careful examination
of all regions of the intestine during
laparotomy for detection of an underlying
pathologic lead point such as ameboma or
significant inflammation was indeterminate
and the probability of amebic infection as a
lead point was eliminated.


In children with dysentery especially with
colicky abdominal pain, abdominal distention
and no response to antibiotic therapy, an
abdominal ultrasound should be performed to
rule out intussusception.

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