Me6301 Engineering Thermodynamics Nov Dec 2011

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code: 55454

Third Semester



Regulations 2008

Mechanical Engineering

ME2202 Engineering Thermodynamics

( Common to PTME 2202 Engineering Thermodynamics for B.E.(Part
-Time) Third Semester Mech - Regulations 2009; Use of approved
thermodynamic tables, Mollier diagram, Psychometric chart and Refrigerant
property tables are permitted in the examination.)

Time: Three Hours

Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL Questions


Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Distinguish between the terms state and process of thermodynamics.

2. Show that energy of an isolated system is always constant.
3. What is a cyclic heat engine?

4. What do you mean by entropy generation?

5. What is a pure substance? Give examples.

6. Why is Carnot cycle not practicable for a steam power plant?


7. What is equation of state? State the van der Waals equation for a real gas of m kg.
8. What is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a container that holds 5 moles of
carbon dioxide, 3 moles of nitrogen and 1 mole of hydrogen and has a total pressure
of 1.05 atmospheres?
9. What is a psychrometer?
10. Sketch the Cooling and Humidifying process on a skeleton Psychrometric chart.

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Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Dene the following terms:
(1) Thermodynamics
(2) Macroscopic approach
(3) Continuum



(ii) 25 people attended a farewell party in a small room of size 10 8 m
and have a 5 m ceiling. Each person gives up 350 kJ of heat per hour.
Assuming that the room is completely sealed o and insulated, calculate
the air temperature rise occurring in 10 minutes. Assume Cv of air 0.718
kJ/kg K and R = 0.287 kJ/kg K and each person occupies a volume of
0.05 m3 . Take p = 101.325 kPa and T = 20 C.


11. (b) (i) Considering a system which changes its state, prove that the internal energy is a point function.
(ii) Air ows at the rate of 0.5 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 7
m/s,, 100 kPa and 0.95 m3 /kg and leaving at 5 m/s, 700 kPa, and 0.19
m3 /kg. The internal energy of air leaving is 90 kJ/kg greater than that
of the air entering. Cooling water in the compressor jackets absorbs heat
from the air at the rate of 58 kW. (1) Compute the rate of shaft work
input to the air in kW (2) Find the ratio of the inlet pipe diameter to
outer pipe diameter.


12. (a) (i) An engine is supplied with 1120 kJ/s of heat. The source and sink temperature ar e maintained at 560 K and 280 K. Determine whether the following cases represent the reversible, irreversible or impossible heat engines.
(1) 900 kW of heat rejected
(2) 560 kW of heat rejected
(3) 108 kW of heat rejected
(ii) A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at
5 C and delivers heat to a reservoir at 60 C. A heat engine i s driven by a
source at 840 C and rejects heat to a reservoir at 60 C. The reversible heat
engine, in addition to driving the heat pump, also drives a machine that
absorbs 30 kW. If the heat pump extracts 17 kJ/s from the 5 C reservoir,
determine (1) the rate of heat supply from the 840 C source, and (2) the
rate of heat rejection to the 60 C sink.

12. (b) (i) Derive an expression for the change i n entropy of a perfect gas during
polytropic process in terms of T1 and T2 .

(ii) 2 kg of water at 90 C is mixed with 3 kg of water at 10 C in an isolated

system. Calculate the change of entropy due to the mixing process. (8)

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13. (a) Two streams of steam, one at 2 MPa, 300 C and the other at 2 MPa, 400 C,
mix i n a steady ow adiabatic process. The rates of ow of the two streams
ar e 3 kg/min and 2 kg/min respectively. Evaluate the nal temperature of the
emerging steam, if there is no pressure drop due to the mixing process. What
would be the rate of increase in the entropy of the universe?
This steam with negligible velocity now expands adiabatically in a nozzle to a
pressure of 1 kPa. Determine the exit velocity of the stream and exit area of
the nozzle.


13. (b) (i) Dene specic steam consumption, specic heat rate and work ratio. (6)
(ii) In a Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine i s saturated at a pressure
of 35 bar and the exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. The ow rate of steam is
9.5 kg/s. Determine (1) the pump work (2) the turbine work (3) Rankine
eciency (4) condenser heat ow (5) work ratio and (6) specic steam


14. (a) (i) A vessel of volume 0.3 m3 contains 15 kg of air at 303 K. Determine the
pressure exerted by the air using, (1) Perfect gas equation (2) van der Waals
equation. Take critical temperature of air as 132.8 K. Critical pressure of
air is 37.7 bar.
(ii) A perfect gas mixture consists of 4 kg of N2 and 6 kg of CO2 at a pressure
of 4 bar and a temperature of 25 C.
For N2 : Cv = 0.745 kJ/kgK and Cp = 1.041 kJ/kgK.
For CO2 : Cv = 0.653 kJ/kgK and Cp = 0.842 kJ/kgK.
Find Cp , Cv and R of the mixture. If the mixture is heated at constant
volume to 50 C, nd the changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy
of the mixture.

14. (b) (i) Derive and explain the Maxwells relations.

(ii) Derive the T dS equation taking T and p as independent variables.



15. (a) Atmospheric air at 1.0132 bar has a DBT of 32 C and a WBT of 26 C. Find
(i) the partial pressure of water vapour (ii) the specic humidity (iii) the
dew point temperature (iv) the relative humidity (v) the degree of saturation
(vi) the density of the air in the mixture (vii) the density of the vapour in the
mixture (viii) the enthalpy of the mixture.
(8 2 = 16)

15. (b) (i) Explain the process of heating with humidication of air, with the help of
sketches of schematic of air duct with the elements involved as well as the
representation on psychrometric chart.
(ii) 1 kg of air at 40 C DBT and 50% relative humidity is mixed with 2 kg of
air at 20 C DBT and 20 C dew point temperature. Calculate the specic
humidity, enthalpy and the dry bulb temperature of the mixture.

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