03 Lewin 1998 - A Formal Theory of Generalized Tonal Functions

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Yale University Department of Music

A Formal Theory of Generalized Tonal Functions

Author(s): David Lewin
Source: Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring, 1982), pp. 23-60
Published by: Duke University Press on behalf of the Yale University Department of Music
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/843354 .
Accessed: 09/06/2011 05:45
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Our point of departureis a common method of constructinga system of tonal functions and relationshipsgiven a tonic pitch-classT, a
dominant intervald and a mediantintervalm. The method is portrayed
visuallyby Figure 1.
In the figure we see a C major system constructed given the tonic
pitch class T=C, the dominant interval d=fifth (modulo the octave),
and the mediantintervalm=major third (modulo the octave). From the
tonic note C we construct notes a dominant and a mediant interval
away, that is G=C+d and e=C+m. Togetherwith the tonic note, these
dominant and mediant notes constitute the tonic triad of the system.
Next we construct a dominant triad, comprisingthe dominant note G
together with the notes D=G+d and b=G+m which lie the intervalsd
and m respectivelyfrom that G. Similarly,we construct a subdominant
triad comprisingthe tonic note C, the subdominantnote F from which
C lies the interval d away, and the submediantnote a which lies the
interval m from the subdominantnote F. Since F is constructed to
satisfy the relation F+d=C, we may symbolicallywrite F=C-d; then
The set-theoretic union of the three triads so far generatedcan be
called the "diatonic set" for the system, that is, the unordered set




Figure 1


comprising the seven pitch classes under present consideration. The

method of generationsuggestsa specific orderingfor the diatonic set,
condensing and collating the structuredeveloped in the upper part of
Figure 1. This orderingis displayed by the seriesFaCeGbDat the bottom of the Figure. The series will be called the "canonicallisting" for
the diatonic set of the system under construction. Upper-caseletter
names are used to denote pitch classesgeneratedby the tonic note and
variousmultiples of the dominant interval:C, F=C-d, G=C+d, D=G+
d=C+2d. Lower-caseletter names denote pitch classes whose generation involvesthe mediantinterval:e=C+m, b=G+m, a=F+m.
Certain features of the system, it will be noted, are necessary consequences of the constructivemethod itself, whateverthe sizes of d and
m. For example, the dominantand subdominanttriadsmust necessarily
be transposedforms of the tonic triad. The intervalfrom the mediant
note T+m to the tonic note T must be -m, and the intervalfrom the
mediant note T+m to the submediantnote T-d+m must be -d; from
these relations it follows that the "submedianttriad," that is, that set
comprisingthe notes T-d+m, T, and T+m, must be an inversionof the
tonic triad. And so on.
Beyond such necessaryinternalfeaturesof the system, the constructive method also inducesnecessaryformalrelationsbetween the system
and certain other similarlyconstructed systems. For example, the system of Figure 1, whose canonical listing is FaCeGbD, bears certain
necessaryrelationsto other systemsof similarconstruction,for example,
those with canonicallistingsFAb CebGbbD, Dbb GebCabF, CeGbDffA,
DfAcEgB, and so forth.
In this paper we shall generalizethe constructivemethod for Figure
1. We shall see to what extent traditional features of tonal theory
depend formally only upon that method, ratherthan upon the specific
d and m involved.We shallexplorea numberof non-tonalsystemswhich
can be constructed by the method, systems for which pertinent analogous features obtain. Such systems, while shedding light on the
analogousformalfeaturesof tonal theory, also suggestinterestingpossibilities for composition and analysisin their own right.
Thereis a long andrichtraditionin the history of tonal theory behind
Figure 1. The formalisticapproachof the discussionabove to matters
such as the interrelations of triads and systems can be particularly
associated with the spirit and work of Hugo Riemann.For that reason,
I shall call the basic abstract structurewe will study a "RiemannSystem," (hereafter,"RS").1
Riemann systems. All notes and intervalsin the following text will
be understood modulo the octave, unless otherwisequalified.To adopt
one convention consistently, we shalluse additivenotation for intervals,
as in the discussionof Figure 1. Thus if X is some pitch class and i is

some interval (each modulo the octave), then X+i is the pitch class
lying the intervali from X, and X lies the intervali from the pitch class
X-i. As the context may suggest,i can be imaginedto be measuredin
equally tempered semitones modulo 12, or in cents modulo 1200, or as
the logarithmof a just ratio modulo log2, and so forth.
1. By a Riemann System (RS) we shall understandan
ordered triple (T,d,m), where T is a pitch class and d and m are
intervals,subject to the restrictionsthat d*O, m40, and m d.
The restrictions are necessary and sufficient to guaranteethat the
pitch classes T, T+m and T+d will be distinct, so that we can talk of a
"triad"without awkwardness.T will be called the "tonic pitch class"of
the system;d and m are its "dominantand mediantintervals."
2. The tonic triad of the RS (T,d,m) is the unordered
set (T, T+m, T+d). The dominant triad of the system is (T+d, T+d+
m, T+2d). The subdominanttriadof the system is (T-d, T-d+m, T).
These triadsare the primarytriadsof the system.
One sees that the primarytriads are transposedforms, each of any
3. The diatonic set of (T,d,m) is the unordered setDEFINITION
theoretic union of the primarytriads, comprisingthe variouspitch
classes T-d, T-d+m, T, T+m, T+d, T+d+m, and T+2d.
Given the restrictionsof Definition 1, there may be anywherefrom
3 to 7 distinct notes (pitch classes) in the diatonic set. For instance,if
d is exactly one-third of an octave, then T-d and T+2d will be the
same note, here representingtwo distinct functions: subdominantand
4. The canonical listing for (the diatonic set of) the RS
(T,d, m) is the orderedseries(T-d, T-d+m, T, T+m, T+d, T+d+m,
This ordered series will alwayshave exactly seven entries,even if the
same note be entered more than once. For example, if d is exactly half
an octave and m is exactly a quarterof an octave, then the canonical
listing for (C,d,m) can be written as F$aCebGbbbbDbb,with the convention that F# and Gb are the same pitch class, and so forth. This
series has seven entries, representingthe seven functions of the system,
but the unordereddiatonic set itself has only four distinct notes.

The constructive methods so far discussed are visually manifest in

Figure2, which generalizesFigure 1.
The primarytriads are displayedin the canonical listing at the bottom of Figure 2, as entries #1 through #3, #3 through #5, and #5
through#7 on that listing.The 3-note sets comprisingentries #2 through
#4 and entries #4 through #6 also play formal roles generalizingthe
tonal situation. Definition 5 providesthe formalities.
5. The medianttriad of the RS (T,d, m) is the unordered
set (T+m, T+d, T+d+m). The submediant triad is the unordered
set (T-d+m, T, T+m). Theseare the secondarytriadsof the system.
As we have already noted, the secondary triads are necessarilyinverted forms of the primarytriads.
The unorderedset comprisingentries #7, #1 and #2 on the canonical
listing, that is T+2d, T-d and T-d+m, is not necessarilyof secondarytriad form. In fact, it need not even comprisethree distinct pitch classes.
For instance, if m=3d (modulo the octave), then -d+m=2d and T-d+
m = T+2d. In orderfor T+2d, T-d, and T-d+m to forma set of secondary-triadtype, it is both necessaryand sufficient for T-d+m to lie the
dominantintervalaway from T+2d, that is for T-d+m to equal (T+2d)
+d, that is for T-d+m to equal T+3d. A little arithmetic shows that
this will be the case if and only if m equals 4d. The condition is satisfied by major tonality with temperament,using any temperamentin
which the "major third" is equivalent to four "fifths," modulo the
octave. The condition is, however, not characteristicof Riemann Systems in general.2
Redundantand irredundantsystems.
6. A Riemann System will be called redundant if its
diatonic set has fewer than seven members, irredundantif its diatonic set has exactly seven members.
Table 1 lists a few redundantRiemann Systems, using twelve-tone
equal temperament and measuring intervals in equal semitones. The
canonical listings in the Table use letter names for pitch classes, with
the usual conventions regardingenharmonicspelling. The diatonic sets
in the Table are written using integer notation for pitch classes (0 for
C, 1 for C#,.. ., 11 for B).
Table 1 shows that the diatonic set of a redundantRiemannSystem
may have 3, 4, 5 or 6 members. The Table also shows how some interesting pitch-class sets of these cardinalitiescan be generatedas diatonic sets for various RiemannSystems. This might prove interestingin
the analysis or composition of music involvingthese sets. A particular















Table 1


diatonic set

(C, 8, 4)

(0, 4, 8)

(C, 6, 3)

F$aCebGbbb Dbb

(C,7, 2)


(0, 2, 5, 7, 9)

(C, 2, 4)


(10, 0, 2, 4, 6)

(C, 4, 7)

(11,0, 3, 4, 7, 8)

(C, 7, 10)


(C, 2, 6)


(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

(C, 4, 2)


(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)


(0, 3, 6, 9)

(10, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7)

pitch-class set can be the diatonic set for more than one kind of Riemann System: for example, the whole-tone scale is generatedby two
essentiallydifferent systems on the Table.
A naturaltheoreticalquestion presentsitself: what are necessaryand
sufficient conditions on d and m, in order that the Riemann System
(T,d,m) should be irredundant?Theorem 1 answersthis question.
1. For the RS (T,d,m) to be irredundantit is necessary
and sufficient that conditions (1) and (2) following obtain.
(1) For N=1, 2 or 3, Nd is not zero. (That is, one, two or three
dominant intervalsdo not come out an exact number of octaves.
That is, d is not 0, 6, 4, or 8 equally temperedsemitones.)
(2) For N=O, ?1, ?2, or 3, m is not equal to Nd. (This condition
does not exclude the possibility that m may equal -3d.)
The theorem can be verified by a systematic inspection of various
intervallic relations among the various notes T-d, T-d+m, T, T+m,
T+d, T+d+m, and T+2d. For example, T-d and T+d+m are the same
note if and only if -d=d+m, which is the case if and only if m=-2d.
Table 2 below essentially lists all irredundant Riemann Systems in
twelve-tone equal temperament. The precise meaning of "essentially"
here will become clear duringsubsequentdiscussion.
The first two columns of Table 2 contain all combinationsof values
for d and m that satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1, up throughd=5.
For instance, d= 1 is allowed by condition (1) of the Theorem;for d= 1,
condition (2) disallows m=1, m=-1 (=11), m=2, m=-2 (= 10), and m=
3. The remainingpossible values for m, that is m=4,9,5,8,6 and 7,
are listed in the second column of the Table opposite d= 1 in the first
column. The order in which these values for m are listed will be discussed later. We shall see that it is sufficient to list on the Tablevalues
of d throughd=5 only: irredundantsystems with d=7,9,10 or 11 can
be derivedfrom systems with d=5,3,2, or 1 respectively.
The third column of Table 2 contains the names of the Riemann
Systems with tonic note C and with dominant and mediant intervals
correspondingto the entries in the first and second columns of the
table. The fourth column contains the canonical listings generatedby
the Riemann Systems entered in column three. The usualspellingconventions for enharmonicequivalenceare assumed.The last column contains the Forte-labelsfor the chord types of the diatonic sets at issue.3
Whereno labelappearsin column five of the Table,the last-writtenlabel
is understood to carry on down. For example, the type of the diatonic
set for (C,1,8) is 7-5; the type of the diatonic set for (C,3,10) is 7-31.
With two exceptions, each system on Table2 is pairedwith another
system, which we shall call its "conjugatesystem." The exceptions are





(C, 1,4)
(C, 1,9)



(C, 1,5)
(C, 1,8)



(C, 1,6)
(C, 1,7)

(C, 2, 1)



(C, 2, 3)
(C, 2,11)



(C, 2,5)
(C, 2, 9)


B eb Ce
B g# Ca

diatonic set
C# f D
C$bb D


(C, 2, 7)

B e Cf C f#D
B g C g# C#a D
B f Cf$C# g D
B f # Cg C
Bbb CcgD eb E
Bb c$ Ceb D f E
Bba Cb D c gE
Bb eb Cf D g E
Bbg Ca D b E
Bb f Cg D a E


(C, 3, 1)

A bb CdbhEbe
A b Cd Ebf




(C, 3,4)
(C, 3,11)



(C, 3, 5)
(C, 3, 10)



(C, 3, 7)
(C, 3, 8)

A c# Ce Ebg Ft
A g# Cb Ebd F$
A d Cf Ebg# F#
A g Cbb Eb c~ F#
A e Cg EbbbbF$
A f Cab Eb'b F#



(C, 5,1)
(C, 5,4)



(C, 5,6)



(C, 5,8)
(C, 5,9)



G g# Ccg F f# Bb
G b Ce F a BA
G c$ Cf#$F b Bb
G f Cb F e Bb
G eb Cab F dbBb
G e Ca F d Bb



(C,2,1) and (C,2,7): each of these systems is its own conjugate.To see
the salient mathematicalaspect of the conjugate relationship,notice
that (C, 1,4) and (C, 1,9) are paired, and that 4+9= 1. (C, 1,5) is paired
with (C,1,8), and 5 +8=1. (C,2,3) is pairedwith (C,2,11), and 3+11=2.
(C,3,7) is paired with (C,3,8), and 7+8= 3. (C,2,1) is self-conjugate,
and 1+1=2. In general, (T,d, m) and (T,d, m') are conjugatesystems if
m+m'=d. Some formaldefinitions are in order.
7. The conjugate system of the RS (T,d,m) is the RieDEFINITION
mann System (T,d,d-m). The operation that transformsa given RS
into its conjugate will be called "CONJ".Weshall write, symbolically, CONJ(T,d, m)=(T, d, d-m).
The conjugateoperation can be applied to any RiemannSystem, irredundantor redundant.Formally,it is necessaryto verify that (T,d,dm) is indeed always a "RiemannSystem" whenever(T,d,m) is. That is,
one must verify that dO, d-m/O and dkd-m, supposingthat dO,
m 0Oand d:m. This is easily done. In discussingsubsequenttransformations of Riemann Systems, we shall always understandsuch methodologicalniceties to have been carriedout.
Givena RiemannSystem(T,d, m), let us set m'=d-m. The conjugate
system articulatesthe dominantintervald, within each primarytriad, as
d=m' +m, ratherthan d=m+m'. See Figure3.
The relation between original and conjugate subdivisions of the
intervald thus generalizessuch traditionalnotions as arithmetic-versusharmonic division of d, and such traditionalrelationsas that of CeGto
Extending the format of Figure 3 to cover the complete canonical
listings of the systems underexamination,we obtain a relationshipportrayed visuallyby the uppertwo-thirdsof Figure4.
Let us now read the conjugate listing backwards.This produces a
listing for a "retrogradeconjugate" system. As the bottom part of
Figure 4 indicates, the latter system has dominant interval -d and
mediant interval-m. In this sense, it is an inversionof the given system.
In fact, the canonical listing for the RET CONJsystem is a serialinversion of the canonicallisting for the originalsystem. Figure4 makesthis
relation clear: the seven successivenotes of the originallisting spanthe
six successive intervals m, m ', m, m ', m, m ', while the seven successive

notes of the retrogradeconjugatelisting (readingfrom right to left at

the bottom of Figure 4) span the six successive intervals -m, -m ', -m,
-m ',
As -m,

tonic note for the retrograde-conjugate

Figure indicates,
system is the dominant note of the originalsystem; likewise the dominant note of the retrograde-conjugatesystem is the tonic note of the
















original system. Since the retrograde-conjugaterelation interchanges

tonic and dominant notes of the systems involved,while seriallyinverting the canonicallistingsinvolved,we shall call the transformation"TDinversion."
8. The TD-inversionof the RS (T,d, m) is the Riemann
System (T+d, -d, -m). The transformationwhich takesany RS into
its TD-inversionwill be called "TDINV." Weshallwrite,symbolically,
TDINV(T,d, m)= (T+d, -d, -m).

Let us now return to Table 2. As we readthe variouscanonicallistings in the fourth column of that table backwards,we shallthereby be
reading, en masse, the canonical listings for the TD-inversionsof the
variousSystems appearingin column 3 of the Table. For instance,the
F major Riemann System (F,7,4) has dominant note C; hence it is the
TD-inversionof the System (C,-7,-4)=(C,5,8). As the TD-inversion
of (C,5,8), (F,7,4) is also the retrograde-conjugate
of (C,5,8). So the
listing for (F,7,4) can be read, on Table 2, as the retrogradeof the listing for the conjugate system of (C,5,8), that is as the retrogradeof the
listing for (C,5,9).
Generalizingthis example, we can now see in what sense Table 2 lists
"essentially"all types of irredundantRiemann Systems in twelve-tone
equal temperament. If d=1,2,3 or 5 and the pair (d,m) satisfies the
conditions of Theorem 1, then the System (C,d,m) appearsdirectly on
Table 2. If d=7,9,10 or 11 and the pair (d,m) satisfies the conditions
of Theorem 1, then the pair (-d,-m) will also satisfy the conditions of
the Theorem, so that the System (C,-d,-m) will appearon the Table.
One can then read the canonical listing for a System with dominant
interval d and mediant intervalm by readingbackwardsthe canonical
listing for the conjugatesystem of (C,-d, -m) off the Table.
Since the retrogradeof the conjugate listing is a serial inversionof
a given listing, it follows that the conjugatelisting itself is a retrogradeinversionof the given listing. This property is easily seen and heard as
manifested among the listings of Table 2; it explains why the listings
pairedtogether on the Table sound so closely related.
Given a Riemann System and its conjugate, since the canonicallisteach of the other, it
ings of their diatonic sets are retrograde-inversions,
follows that the unordereddiatonic sets themselvesmust be pitch-class
inversions,each of the other. Hence, if the Systems are irredundant,
they will have the same Forte-numberentered in column 5 of Table 2.
One can also see why every irredundantRiemannSystem appearing
on the Table with dominantintervald=3 must have 7-31 as the Fortenumber of its diatonic set. In such a System, the notes T-d, T, T+d
and T+2d will be T-3, T, T+3 and T+6; these four notes will constitute

a "diminishedseventh chord." And the three notes T-d+m, T+m and

T+d+m will constitute a "diminished triad" which will be disjunct
from the diminishedseventh chord (since the System is irredundant.)
Hence the sevennotes of the diatonic set will be an octotonic scale missing one note, and any such collection must be of Forte-form7-31.
Ignoring conjugate relationships, the Forte-number 7-7 appears
essentiallytwice in the fifth column of Table2. This is evidentlyrelated
to the presence of tritones in the canonicallistings involved. The Riemann Systems whose diatonic sets have this Forte-type are precisely
those irredundant(!) Systems (T,d,m) such that either m=6 or m'=
It is interestingthat the Forte-number7-35 appearsessentiallytwice
on the Table, once for the "circle of fifths" System (C,2,7) and once
for the (inverted) "tonal" Systems (C,5,8) and (C,5,9). One sees here
the importanceof temperamentas a means of compromisingthe Pythagorean and just intonations that the respective canonicallistings more
"naturally"suggest. The systems that share the Forte-number7-1 in
column 5 are the circle-of-fifths transforms of those that share the
The irredundantsystems of Table 2, like the redundantsystems of
Table 1, might prove useful for analysingappropriatemusic; they also
The serialgroup. Whenwe say that the TD-inversionof a Riemann
System is the "retrogradeof the conjugate" of that system, we are
implicitly invoking the notion of transforminga System, not just a listing, by an operation called "retrogression."We should now be more
formal about this notion. By the "retrogradesystem" of a given RS
(T,d,m) we clearly mean that RS whose canonicallisting is the retrograde of the canonical listing for (T,d,m). Figure 5 displays some
salient featuresof the structureinvolved.
Inspecting the Figure, we see that the tonic note of the retrograde
system will be the dominant note T+d of the original system. The
dominant intervalof the retrogradesystem will be -d, and its mediant
interval will be -m', where m'=d-m. We can put all of this into a
9. The retrogradeof the RS (T,d, m) is the Riemann
System (T+d, -d, m-d). The transformationwhich takes any RS
into its retrogradewill be called "RET". We shall write, symbolically, RET(T,d,m)=(T+d, -d, m-d).
It will be helpful to collate variousaspectsof Figures3, 4, and 5 into
Figure 6, which displays some interrelationshipsamong the primary
triad structuresof an original Riemann System, its retrograde,its conjugate and its TD-inversion.
















As Figure 6 suggestsvisually, the conjunction of a RiemannSystem

with its conjugate, TD-invertedand retrogradesystems gives rise to a
closed and symmetricalcollection of mutuallyinterrelatedRiemannSystems. Onecanhearthis in the featuresthat grouptogetheraurallyany pair
of conjugatelistingsand their retrogrades,on Table2, as distinctfromall
other listings on that table. The closureand symmetrysuggestedby Figure 6 reflect the fact that the operationsCONJ,TDINVand RET, along
with the operation of "letting stand" a system, form what mathematicians call a "groupof operations"on the family of all RiemannSystems.
We shall pursuefartherthe implicationsof this fact. First,we need a formal label for the operationthat "lets stand"any given RiemannSystem,
producingthe identicalgiven System as a resultof the operation.
10. By the identity operationon the family of Riemann
mean the operationIDENT which, when applied to the
specimenRS (T,d, m), yields (T, d, m) itself as a result. Wewrite symbolicallyIDENT (T,d,m) =(T, d, m).
We will now explore various relationshipswhich hold true among
combinationsof the operationsIDENT, TDINV,RET and CONJ. The
sorts of relations that will concern us here are those which can be expressed by what we shall call operational equations. An example of
such an equation is the symbolic assertionRET CONJ=TDINV. This
equation states that the retrogradeof the conjugate,of any givenRS, is
the same System as the TD-inversionof that given System. The assertion is true, as we recallfromthe pertinentdiscussionearlier(see pp. 3133). We could also demonstratethe truth of the assertionby applying
certain substitutions and algebraicmanipulationsto the definitions of
the operationsinvolved.I shall work out that demonstrationin the next
paragraph,for those readerswho are interested;those who are not may
omit or defer study of this exercise, which is paradigmaticfor the
rigorousdemonstrationof the truth of such equations.
We are to show that, given any Riemann System (T,d,m), the
SystemRET(CONJ(T,d,m)) is the sameas the System TDINV(T,d,m).
Let us denote by (TS,d#,mt) the System CONJ(T,d,m); then we are
to show that RET(T?,d#,mg) is the same system as TDINV(T,d,m).
InvokingDefinition 9, we infer that we are to show the relation(T#+
d#,-d#,m# -dg)=TDINV(T,d,m). Now (T#,d#,mf) is the conjugate
of (T,d,m); by Definition7 we know the latter System to be (T,d,d-m);
hence T#=T, d#=d and mf=d-m. Making these substitutions as
appropriate,we see that the System (T# +d#, -dc, m -d#) is the System (T+d, -d, (d-m)-d) or (T+d, -d, -m). So what we are supposedto
show is that (T+d, -d, -m)= TDINV(T,d,m). Andthat is indeed the case,
as stated by Definition 8.

Another example of an operationalequation is RET RET=IDENT.

This equation asserts that the retrograde system of the retrograde
system, of any given RS, is identically the given RS itself. The truth
of the equation is easily intuited by consideringthe canonicallistings
involved. One can also provethe truth of the equationby the technique
of substitution and algebra used for the proof of the preceding example. One sees in the format of the present equation the utility
of having a formal operation called IDENT, to participate in such
The basic equations holding true among membersof our family of
four operations can be presented synoptically by Table 3, which
mathematiciansmight call a "combinationtable" for the family.
The format of Table3 is similarto that of an ordinarymultiplication
table: if the operationZ is entered on the table in the row headedby X
on the left and in the column headed by Y at the top, then the operational equation X Y=Z is true. For instance,in the row of Table 3 with
TDINV to the left, and in the column headed by RET, we find the
entry CONJ.This means that the equation TDINVRET=CONJis true.
I.e.: the TD-inversionof the retrogradesystem, of any givenRS, is the
conjugatesystem of that givenRS.
By inspecting Table 3 it is easy to verify that the family comprising
IDENT, TDINV, RET and CONJ forms a group of operations in the
mathematical sense. It satisfies the two requirementswhich a (nonempty) family of operationsmust satisfy to form a group. First, members of the family, combined among themselves,will always producea
net result which is operationallyequal to some member of the family:
they will not generate any "new" operations when applied one after
another. Formally, if X and Y are members of the family (possibly
the same member), then there is some Z in the family (possiblyX or Y
itself) which satisfiesthe operationalequationX Y=Z.
Second, for every memberX of the family there is some member Y
of the family (possiblyX itself) which satisfiesthe equationsX Y= YX=
IDENT. In this situation, Y is uniquely determinedby X; it is called the
"inverse(operation)" of X. Given X and its inverse Y; if X transforms
operand 1 into operand2, then Y transformsoperand2 into operand 1.
For Y(operand2)= Y(X(operand 1))=IDENT(operand 1)=operand 1.
Thus, given a pair of inverse operations, each "undoes" the effect of
the other. In the case of the family involved in Table 3, each member
operationcombineswith itself to formthe identity operation,and hence
is its own inverse, "undoing"itself when applieda second time after its
first application.
11. The family comprisingthe four operationsIDENT,
and CONJwill be called the serialgroup of operations

Table 3

























on (the set of all) Riemann Systems. The group will be denoted

by GSER.
The name I have given this group arisesfrom the effects its operations induce on the canonical listing of a given System. As we have
alreadynoted, the operationscited in Definition 11 respectivelypreserve,
the canonicallisting of a given
invert, retrogradeand retrograde-invert
RS into the canonical listings of the respectivelytransformedSystems.
This aspect of the serial group relates certain traditional tonal transformations, when generalized, to other well-known transformational
structuresusuallyconsideredonly in the context of more recent Western
musics. The relationship,in both its formal and cultural-historicalaspects, is certainly more than fortuitous. It will, I think, repay deeper
thought. For the present, let us only observethat the "serial"aspect of
GSER is crucially dependent on the orderingfor diatonic sets givenby
the concept of canonical listing; scalarorderingof the diatonic sets involved would obscure,ratherthan reveal,the structuralfunctions of the
Given Riemann Systems RS1 and RS2, let us say that "RS2 is a
form of RS1 (mod GSER)" when some memberof GSER transforms
RS1 into RS2, that is, when some memberX of GSER satisfiesX(RS1)
=RS2. Because of the homogeneity induced by groupstructure,this relationship among Riemann Systems is both symmetricand transitive.
That is, if X(RS1)=RS2, then Y(RS2)=RS1 where Y is the inverseof
X; so if RS2 is a form of RS1 then RS1 is a form of RS2 (mod GSER).
And supposing that X(RS1)=RS2 and Y(RS2)=RS3, X and Y being
members of GSER, it follows that Z= YX is a memberof GSER such
that Z(RS1)=RS3; thus if RS2 is a form of RS1 and RS3 is a form of
RS2, then RS3 is a form of RS1 (mod GSER).
From these properties, an important fact follows. Given four (or
two) Riemann Systems interrelatedby the four operationsof GSER,
we can not attribute structuralor formal priority to any one of those
Systems solely on the basis of the network of GSER-relationsobtaining
among them; all can be equally consideredforms of any one. For instance, giventhe Systems (F,2,3), (F,2,11), (G,10,1) and (G,10,9), we
can indeedsay that the second,third and fourth Systemsare respectively
the conjugate, retrogradeand TD-inversionof the first; but we can
equally well say that the first, second and fourth are respectivelythe
retrograde,TD-inversionand conjugateof the third, and so forth. Unless
we want to attribute special priority on some other basis to one of the
pitch classesF or G, or to some of the intervals2, 10, 3, 11, 1 and 9 at
the expense of others, we have no way of assertingthat any one of the
four Systems should be considered "prime"or "basic"and the other
three "derived"in some subordinatingsense;as far as the grouprelations

are concerned, any of the four Systems can be derivedfrom any other
one in absolutelyegalitarianfashion.
It is useful to have made this observationbefore going on to investigate specifically the four Riemann Systems in twelve-tone equal temperament that can be derived from the "C major" System (C,7,4) by
the operations of GSER: C major is equally a derived form of any of
the other three Systems,which are equally derivedforms of each other.
The preceding discussion makes it clear that, if we want to attribute
priority to C major in preference to the other three Systems, that is
only because we wish to attribute priority to the "fifth" and the
"majorthird"as structuralintervalsin this connection.s
The System (C,7,3) is the conjugate of C major. We shall call it "C
minor." As already noted, the conjugate relationship puts into the
terminology of the present paper such notions as the harmonic and
arithmeticdivisionof the fifth, or the inversion(renversement)of major
and minor thirdswithin the fifth.
The System (G,5,8) is the TD-inversionof C major. We shall call it
"dual G minor." Its tonic triad projects, from the tonic note G, the
dominant and mediant notes C=G+5 and eb=G+8, that is, the notes
respectivelya fifth and a majorthird "down"from the tonic. The structure will be familiarto studentsof Riemann'stheories;Riemannrecommended this triad as the "natural"form for minor tonality, though he
shrank rather illogically from calling CabF the "dominant triad" of
GebC in this context.6
The System (G,5,9) is the retrogradeof C major. We shall call it
"dual G major." Its tonic triad projects, from the tonic note G, the
dominant and mediant notes C=G+5 and e=G+9, that is, the notes
respectivelya fifth and a minor third "down"from the tonic. As far as
I know, no aspect of this system has hitherto been investigated,much
less recommended,by any theorist of tonality. The formalitiesof the
present context make that observationquite striking.If one admitsthe
musical cogency of both the relation "Cmin=CONJ(Cmaj)"and the
relation "dual G min= TDINV(Cmaj),"and if in addition one considers
minor tonality to be as basic as major, ratherthan strictly subordinate
to major,then one ought to admit as equally cogent relationslike "dual
Gmaj=CONJ(dualGmin)" or "dual Gmaj=TDINV(Cmin)."Dual G
major would thus naturally come into considerationand, having admitted two species of minor which retrogradeeach into the other, it
would be only logical to admit two species of major which retrograde
each into the other,always assumingthat one puts minor on a structural
parwith major.
Thus one can analyze the absence of dual G major from the literature of tonal theory in the following way. First, some theorists consider
ordinary major tonality, with d=7 and m=4, to have strong priority

because of certain aspects of the intervals7 and 4 themselves,or the

just intervals they approximate. For these theorists, any species of
minor tonality is to be consideredas derivedfrom major in an asymmetrical relation of strict subordination.Hence one cannot necessarily
do to C major the things one can do to C minor, or to dual G minor;
nor can one necessarilydo to either of the minor systemsthose things
which may be done to C major. Second, among the theorists who do
consider either C minor or dual G minor to be of equal structuralpriority with C major, none considers both the minor and the dual minor
systems to be such. Thus a theorist who gives C minor equal statuswith
C major, in a symmetricrelation, can stress the conjugatetransformation as all-importantwhile denying implicitly the musical significance
of TD-inversionand retrogression. C major and C minor are then
symmetricallyrelated,each as the conjugateof the other. Dual G minor
and dual G major are also in this relationship,but that fact is of no
more musicalsignificance,for such a tonal theorist, than is the fact that
(C,2,11) and (C,2,9) are conjugates: none of these Systems has anything to do with "tonality" as conceived by such a theorist. Mathematically, the groupassertedas significantfor tonal theory would comprise
only the two membersIDENT and CONJ.In similarspirit, a different
theorist (such as Riemann)can accept C major and dual G minor as of
equal priority, but rule out C minor and dual G majoras "tonal" structures. In this case, C major and dual G minor are symmetricallyrelated
by the transformationTDINV. C minor and dual G major are also related by that transformation,but this fact is of no more significance,
for such a theory, than is the TDINV relation obtainingbetween the
equally "atonal"Systems (C, 1,9) and (C ,11,3). The groupthis theory
asserts as significant comprises only the two members IDENT and
It is worth exploring the extent to which dual majormakessense as
a concept for the analysis of varioustonal passages.Personally,I think
it makes as much sense as dual minor. For that reason,and also because
most contemporary Americanreaders will doubtlessly share my own
disinclination to "believe in" dual minor, let alone dual major, I shall
discussa numberof musicalexamplesin which I personallyfeel it makes
sense to assert the functioning of either dual minor or dual major or
both, at least as regardstriadicstructureand to a certainextent beyond
Example 1 is taken from the opening of Stravinsky'sSacredu Printemps. Withinthe sonority grouped by the sixteenth notes, the tone of
reference is clearlyB4, not E4. B4 participtesin the overallbasic linear
gesture, from C5 throughB4 to A4. E4 hangsbeneathB4, as does G4,
both in consonant relation to the referentialtone B4. Accordinglyone
would analyze the sixteenth-note sonority as a dual B minor triad: E


Example 1

Sehr IQngsQm






and G appear as fifth and major third below B. Certainly one does
violence to the sense of the passageif one tries to hear an E root for
the triad.
Example 2, taken from the opening of Wagner'sParsifal, shows a
similar state of affairs as regardsthe structureoutlined by the succession G4-C4-(D4)-Eb 4. Our attention here is on G4, not on C4. G4
was just heard as leading tone to Ab 4; now Ab 4 becomes an upper
neighborto G4 and in fact resolvesto G4,reversingthe earliertendencyrelationship.C4 andEb 4, recentlyheardas 3rd and 5th of an Ab major
triad, now are heard as 5th and 3rd underneathG4, in a dual G minor
triad. All of this is a textbook example of what RiemanncalledLeittonwechsel.
Example 3 is from the opening of Brahms'sIntermezzo Op. 119, no.
1. It almost seems that the composer has constructed an academic
exercise in the compositional projection not just of dual minor triads,
but further, of large serial segmentsfrom the entire canonicallisting of
the dual F# minor RiemannSystem. One can read these segmentsfrom
left to right on Figure7, progressingfrom top to bottom.
The analysismakes good sense because one orients oneself harmonically, in this context, by the tops and beginningsof the 3rd-chains,
more than by their (anticipated) bottoms and ends. The passagesuggests modulation to a related major System, and the piece as a whole
exploits such modulations. Given the analysis of Figure 7, the related
System is surelynot D major;ratherit is dualA major:the majortriads
at issue are presentedand developedin exactly the sameway as are the
minor triads. Figure 8 tries to analyze the whole passageas projecting
segments of the canonical listing for dual A major. It is this structure,
not ordinary D major, which is in contention with the structure of
The dual A major structure is not very powerful in the first four
lines of Figure 8; it becomes strong however in the fifth line of Figure
8, strongerthan the dual F? minor assertedby the fourth line of Figure 7 for the same music. The sixth line of Figure 8 and the fifth line
of Figure 7 are of equal power in contending to assert their respective
structures.The contention here is not only between tonic notes but
also, perhapsmore, between upper case and lower case for the namesof
all the notes at issue: C# or c ? a or A?, and so forth. That is, is a given
note hereaboutsa root-or-fifthof something(uppercase) or is it a third
of something (lower case)? This question, which would have delighted
Hauptmann,highlightsthe unique status of the note E: it is uppercase
on both Figures.
The E is thus uniquely releasedfrom the uppercase/lowercase tension, and in fact we find it usedto initiatecadentialmaterialimmediately
following the passageat issue, now that complete canonicallistings of
















both dual F$ minorand dualA majorhavebeen exposed. Thereaderwho

consults the score will find the uniquely pivotal characterof the E confirmed by the elided half cadences, in dual F# minor at measure4 and
in dual A major in measure6: both cadences start from the crucialE
with similarmusic.
The relation in this piece between the canonical listings of dual F#
minor and dual A major exemplifies a transformationwe will later call
"shifting."Each listing can be shifted into the other by movingit, so to
speak, a stage fartheralong to its left or right, upperand lower cases being adjustedaccordingly.See Figure9.
Example 4 shows the subject of the C major Fugue from Book II
of Bach's Well-Tempered
Clavier,together with a versionof that subject
transformedby "tonal inversionat the fifth." In our terminology the
relation is rather than of retrogression,obtainingbetween the structure
of the C0 major and dual G$ major triads. See Figure5 earlier.The
situation is clearly typical: "tonal inversionat the fifth" will retrograde
major or minor structuresinto dual majoror dual minor structures,and
Example 5 is interestingin this connection because it exhibits such
a relation (involvinga similarmotive, curiously,)between two different
but related works by the same composer. The Example shows aspects
of the themes from the two GermanDance movementsby Beethoven.
The first, in G major, is from the Piano Sonata op. 79. The second, in
"dualD major",is from the String Quartetop. 130.' The first segment
ends with an appoggiaturainto the subdominantharmony of G major.
The second segment similarly(or "dually")ends with an appoggiatura
into the "subdominant"harmony of dual D major. The reader,if confused by the last sentence, can reviewDefinition 2 and those following
to verify that Af#D is indeed the "subdominanttriad"of the Riemann
System whose canonicallisting is Af#DbGeC, that is of dual D major.
Example 6 shows the theme of Rachmaninoff'sRhapsody on a
Theme of Paganini op. 43, together with some aspects of Variation
XVIII. The situationis complicatedhere by the remotenessof the tonal
relationship and also by the use of f# and gg in the originaltheme.
Nevertheless,the melodic technique clearlyexemplifiesthe notion that
invertingminorwill producedualmajor,just as invertingmajorproduces
dual minor. The idea of dual Ab major for the variationis supported
harmonically:at just the point where the theme moves harmonically
from dominant to tonic (see the Example), the variation also moves
from "dominant"to tonic harmony (see the Example). One must of
course recallthat Dbbb Gb is the "dominant"harmonyof the Riemann
System whose canonical listing is EbcAbfDbbb Gb, that is of dual
Ab major.
The shift group. In connection with our analysis of the Brahms

dualF# minor
.. g

e C a F? d BgE c..
E cA ff Db G e C...
dualA major

dual G$ maj:



Presto olla tedesco



Alla Danzo Tedesco

dual D maj.





A min: dom -*


Allegro vivace


f rubato


dual Ab maj.: "dom"- tonic

A minor


dual Ab major



Intermezzo, we introduced the idea of "shifting"the canonicallisting

for one RiemannSystem into the canonicallisting for another. Figure9
displayed the dualF# minor and dualA majorsystems in a shifted relationship. The shift there was by only one place, along an extended listing. Wecan generalizethat situation to advantage.
Givenan integerN, positive, zero or negative,we will define a formal
operation SHIFT(N)which operateson any givenRS to producea transformed RS whose canonical listing is "shiftedN places" from that of
the given System. Let (T,d,m) be a specimenRS, and let us write m'
for d-m. The canonicallisting for (T,d,m) spans the six successiveintervalsm,m ', m,m', m, m'. Let us now imaginethat canonicallisting extended indefinitely both forward and backwardso as to generate an
indefinite alternation of successive intervalsm and m'. The canonical
listing for the N-shifted System is that series of seven notes which appearsas a segmentof the extendedlistNstages to the rightof the original
canonicallisting. IfNis negative,"N stagesto the right"will be construed
as "-N stagesto the left." If N is odd, it will be necessaryto imaginethe
conceptualroles of upperand lower casenotation reversed,in visualizing
the canonicallisting for the transformedsystem. (This reversalis understood not to affect the actual intonation.) Figure 10 illustratesthese
ideas, usingthe C majorRiemannSystem as a point of reference.
From Figure 10 we can read off the relationshipsBb maj=SHIFT
(-4)(Cmaj), F# min=SHIFT(4)(Emin), Emin SHIFT(5)(Bbmaj),
and so forth. For the minor systems at issue, we imaginethe conceptual
roles of upper and lower case reversedin the affected canonicallistings,
as they appearon Figure 10. In certain intonational systems, this may
require further notational finesses; for instance;in just intonation the
note written "g" on Figure 10 will not belong to exactly the same pitch
class as the note written "G" on that Figure. However, we shall not
concernourselveswith such notational problemshere.
InspectingFigure 10 and imaginingits structuregeneralizedto that
of an extended listing for a generic(T,d,m), we can see how to calculate
the effect of SHIFT(N) on (T,d, m). First, if N is even, we see that the
shifted System will have the same dominant and mediant intervalsas
the original, and that the new tonic note will be the old tonic note
shifted N places along the list, and hence transposedby (N/2) dominants. Thus SHIFT(N)(T,d, m)=(T+i, d,m), where the intervalof transposition is i=(N/2)d. Note that the intervalof transpositiondepends
not simply on N, but also on the dominant intervald of the particular
System on which the shift is operating.
Second, in the case N= 1, we see that the shifted System will have
dominant interval d, mediant intervalm'=d-m, and tonic note T+m,
that is the mediantnote of the originalSystem. ThusSHIFT(1)(T,d,m)
=(T+m, d,d-m).

F# minor
C major

c Eb g Bb d Fa

C e G b D f# A c# E g# B d$...

E minor

Bb major
Figure 10


Finally, if N is any odd numberwhatsoever,we can write SHIFT(N)

=SHIFT(1)SHIFT(N-1) in the operational sense. That is, SHIFT (N)
(T,d,m)=SHIFT(1)(SHIFT(N- 1)(T,d,m)). SinceN-1 is even, we have
seen that SHIFT(N-1)(T,d,m)=(T+i,d,m), where i=((N-1)/2)d. The
System we want is then SHIFT(1)(T+i,d,m) which, as we observedin
the precedingparagraph,is (T+i+m,d,d-m). Wecan summarizeall the
foregoingcalculationsin a formaldefinition.
12. The operation of "shiftingby N places"a Riemann
System (T,d,m) is performedalgebraicallyas follows. If N is even,
SHIFT(N)(T,d,m)=(T+i,d, m), where i=(N/2)d. If N is odd, SHIFT
(N)(T,d,m)=(T+i+m,d,d-m), wherei=((N-1)/2)d.
If we shift by M places the resultof shiftinga givenRS by N places,
the outcome will be to have shifted the givenRS by a net displacement
of (M+N) places. One easily intuits this by inspecting Figure 10 and
generalizingthe, picture. (One must recallthat a negativevalue for M or
N meansa displacementleft by (-M) or (-N) places.) Ourintuition, that
is, arguesthe validity of the operationalequationSHIFT(M)SHIFT(N)
=SHIFT(M+N). The truth of the equation can be verifiedformallyby
using the standardtechniques of substitution and algebrain conjunction with Definition 12. (The readeris, however, urged to forego that
exercise, which involves taking up separatelyall the possible subcases
contingent on M's being odd or even andN's being odd or even.)
SHIFT (0) is clearly the identity operationIDENT on RiemannSystems. It follows that SHIFT(N)SHIFT(-N)=SHIFT(O)=IDENT;thence
it follows that SHIFT(-N) is the inverse operation of SHIFT(N). We
have noted that the result of following one shift operation by another
is (operationally equal to) a shift operation; we have also noted that
every shift operation has an inverse which is itself a shift operation.
Consequently,the shift operationsform a mathematicalgroup.
13. The group comprisingall operationsof form SHIFT
(N) will be called the shift group of operationson RiemannSystems;
it will be denoted by GSHIFT.
There may be a finite or an infinite number of shifted forms of a
given Riemann System, depending on the exact size of its dominant
and mediant intervals.Intonation is important in this connection. For
example it is clearthat if we considerFigure 10 in just intonation there
will be no duplication of exact pitch classes on the extended listing;
hence there will be an infinite numberof both majorand minor Systems
among the shifted forms of just C major. There will also be an (even
greater)infinite numberof just majorandjust minor Systemswhich are

not shifted forms of just C major,namely all just majorand minor Systems whose tonics cannot be derivedfromthe note C by addingand subtractingjust fifths orjust majorthirdsmodulothe octave.Whilesuch Systems are indeed transpositionsof just C major, or of just A minor, the
transpositionalrelationshipshave no functional significancein the context of RiemannSystematics.Note in particularthat the "just C minor"
System we can read off Figure 10 as just C majorshifted by -7 places is
not the conjugateSystem of just C major,since the lower case c and the
uppercaseCon Figure10 differ,injust intonation,by a syntonic comma.
On the other hand, if we considerFigure 10 in equal temperamentit
is clear that there will be only 24 distinct Riemann Systems whose
canonical listing are embedded in the extended listing; that listing will
repeat itself indefinitely at every 24th entry. In this case any minor
System involved will indeed be the conjugateof the major System involved that has the same tonic note, and vice-versa.However,even on
this small family of 24 RiemannSystems,SHIFT(-7) and CONJoperate
with different effect. That is, while C minor in this context is equally
SHIFT(-7)(Cmajor) and CONJ(Cmajor),it is not true that C majoris
both SHIFT(-7)(Cminor) and CONJ(Cminor). Rather, C major is
SHIFT(7) (Cminor);SHIFT(-7)(Cminor) is not Cmajorbut Cbmajor=
Bmajor. So the operationsSHIFT(-7) and CONJdo not have the same
effect on all 24 RiemannSystems at issue.
For another example, let us study the System (C,3,7) in equal temperament and inspect its shifted forms. One sees that the canonical
listing AeCgEbbbGb will extend on to the right as.. . dbAeCgEb....
The extended listing is thus a serial orderingof an octotonic scale-set
which repeats at every eighth entry ad infinitum. Hence there will be
only eight shifted forms of (C,3,7). (C,3, 7) itself will reappearas
SHIFT(8)(C,3,7). However its conjugate System (C,3,8) will not appear among its shifted forms. Odd-numberedshifts of (C,3,7) will indeed produce Systems with dominant and mediant intervals 3 and 8
respectively, but the availabletonic notes for those Systems will be
only E, G,Bb and Db, never C. The extended canonicallisting imposes
a certain symmetricalorderingon the octotonic scale, a feature which
might have interestinganalyticalor compositionalimplications.
Let us now returnto the basicformulaSHIFT(M)SHIFT(N)=SHIFT
(M+N), and to the special case SHIFT(N)SHIFT(-N)=SHIFT(O)=
IDENT. If M and N are both even, then M+N and -N will also be even.
We can conclude that the even shifts, combining among themselves,
form a group of operations. Mathematicianswould call this a "subgroup"of GSHIFT.
14. The family of all operations SHIFT(N) such that
Nis even will be called the even shift group and denoted GEVSHIFT.

It is clear from Definition 12 that the even-shiftedforms of a RS

(T,d,m) will be precisely all transpositionsof that System by any number of its own dominant intervalsd. One recognizesthe significantrole
of GEVSHIFTin the context of tonal theory.
Among the even shifts, SHIFT(2) and its inverseSHIFT(-2) enjoy a
special status. They transforma given System (T,d, m) respectivelyinto
its "dominant System" (T+d,d,m) and its "subdominant System"
(T-d,d,m). These transformationsinteract so idiomatically with the
constructive relationships of the primary triads with (T,d,m) that it
makes sense to give the operations special names. We may as well also
give specialnamesto SHIFT(1) and SHIFT(-1).
15. As synonyms for SHIFT(1), SHIFT(2), SHIFT(-1)
and SHIFT(-2) we shall writeMED,DOM,SUBMand SUBD respectively. These are the "mediant," "dominant," "submediant"and
"subdominant"operations which respectivelytransforma givenRiemannSystem (T, d, m) into its "mediantSystem"(T+m,d,d-m), its
"dominantSystem" (T+d,d,m), its "submediantSystem" (T-d+m,
d,d-m), and its "subdominantSystem "(T-d,d,m).
Any group of operationsthat containsDOMmust also contain DOM
DOM, DOMDOMDOM, and so forth; it must also contain SUBD, the
inverseof DOM,and hence also SUBD SUBD, and so forth; thus it must
contain every even shift operation. In this sense we say that DOM "generates"GEVSHIFT.In the same sense,MED generatesGSHIFT.
Some other inversionaltransformations.WhileMED and SUBMgeneralizeways of relatingthe C majorandA minor Systems to each other,
neither transformationgeneralizesthe symmetricrelationshipwe think
of as "takingthe relativekey." That is, C majorand A minor are "relatives," each of the other, but neither MED nor SUBM adequately expresses the mutuality of this relation. Cmajor=MED(Aminor) but A
minor#MED(Cmajor); A minor=SUBM(Cmajor)but Cmajor=SUBM
To obtain a symmetricoperation which transforms"relative"tonal
Systems indifferently into each other and which is formallyplausiblein
the generalcontext of the presentstudy, we shall generalizeRiemann's
notion of the Parallelklangrelationship.In connection with C majorone
uses dual E minor ratherthan A minor; one then inverts the C major
and dual E minor triads, listings and Systems, each into the other.
Figure 11 illustratesthe idea.
As Figure 11 shows, the inversionalrelationshipexchangesthe tonic
and mediant notes of the Systems involved: the tonic note of one becomes the mediant note of the other and vice-versa.So we can call the
generalizedoperation "tonic-mediantinversion"or "TM-inversion."




- dualE minor

(adjusting1.c.and u.c.)


Figure 11









Figure 12


16. TM-inversionis that operation TMINVwhich transDEFINITION

forms a givenRS (T,d,m) into the RiemannSystem TMINV{T,d,m)
=(T+m, -d, -m).
The correctnessof the algebraicdefinition can be seen from inspecting Figure 11 and generalizingthe picture. In similarfashion,we can define "mediant-dominantinversion."
17. MD-inversionis that operationMDINVwhich transDEFINITION
forms a givenRS (T,d,m) into the RiemannSystem MDINV(T,d,m)
=(T+d+m, -d, -m).
The dominant note of the transformedSystem here is (T+d+m)+
(-d)=T+m, that is the mediant note of the originalSystem. The mediant note of the transformedSystem is (T+d+m)+(-m)=T+d, that is
the dominant note of the original System. MDINVtransformsC major
into dualB minorand dualB minor into C major.That is, on majorand
dual minor Systems it correspondsformally with Riemann'sLeittonwechsel operation. Of course, MDINV has no generalimplicationsinvolvingvoice-leading,as the Leittonwechseldoes.
We have now studied three particularinversionoperations on Riemann Systems, TDINV, TMINVand MDINV. Eachgeneralizes,at least
formally, a relationshipsingledout by Riemannas importantin relating
major with dual minor Systems. Beyond that, these three particularinversions enjoy a special and privilegedformal status in the generalized
theory. Each of the three holds invariantone of the three dyads embedded in the tonic triad of a given System, transformingit into a
dyad of equivalentfunction in the tonic triad of the transformedSystem. TDINV holds invariantthe tonic-and-dominantdyad, TMINVthe
tonic-and-mediantdyad, and MDINV the mediant-and-dominantdyad.
Figure 12 illustratresthese properties, using C major and its inverted
transformsas examples. In each case, I have used a box to indicate the
invariantdyad. The names of the transformationsappearto the left on
the Figure;at the right I have written the conventional Riemann symbols for the tonal relations involved, to indicate how our transformations generalizehis.
Assorted further considerations.The transformationsso far studied
combine among themselvesin a varietyof ways, some simple and some
complicated. For instance DOMMDINV(T,d,m)=DOM(T+d+m,-d,
-m) by Definition 17;the latter= (T+d+m+(-d),-d, -m)=(T+m, -d, -m),
which in turn is TMINV(T,d,im)by Definition 16. HenceDOMMDINV
= TMINV.In similarfashion,one can show that MDINVSUBD=TMINV,
DOM, and that MDINV TMINV=SUBD. The reader will recall the

intuitive significanceof such operationalequations. The last equation

above, for instance, states that the MD-inversionof the TM-inversionof
any given Riemann System is the subdominant System of that given
From the equationsjust discussed,togetherwith the fact that TMINV
is its own inverse,it follows that the even shifts togetherwith transformations of form SHIFT(2N) TMINVconstitute a group of operations.
The group contains MDINV as well as TDINV, since MDINV=SHIFT
(-2)TMINV. Whenapplied to C major, the membersof this groupgenerate G major, F major, D major, and so forth, as the evenly-shifted
forms of C major, and also dual E minor, dual B minor, dualA minor,
dual F# minor, and so forth, as the evenly-shiftedforms of TDINV(C
major). Any one of these Systems is a "form" of any other, modulo
this group.
Another reasonably simple network of interrelations among our
transformations arises from the fact that DOM CONJ=CONJDOM.
(The validity of the equation canbe establishedby the usualtechniques.)
It follows that the even shifts, together with transformationsof form
SHIFT(2N) CONJ, constitute a group of operations. The forms of C
major, mod this group, are C major, C minor, G major, G minor, F
major, F minor, and so forth. Any one of these Systems is a form of
any other, modulo the group.
Another interesting group comprisesall the shifts together with all
transformationsof form SHIFT(N)RET. One can prove that SHIFT
(N) RET=RET SHIFT(-N). The canonicallistingsfor the variousforms
of a given System, mod this group,are the variousseven-notesegments
of the extended canonical listing, read either forwardsor backwards.
Thus the forms of C major, for instance, are C major, dual G major,E
minor, dual B minor, A minor, dualE minor, G major,dualD major,F
major, dual C major, etc. The transformationsTMINVandMDINVare
members of this group, since TMINV=SHIFT(1)RET and MDINV=
SHIFT(-1)RET. (The equations can be proved in the usual way. The
visual format of Figure 11, when generalized,makes intuitively clear
the validity of the formerequation.)
Other ways of combiningthe transformationsat hand lead to more
remote transformationsand to larger,more complex, groups of operations. For example, let us temporarilydefine an operationX: transpose
a given Riemann System by its mediant interval. Thus X(Cmajor)=E
major,X(Cminor)=Eb minor, and so forth. In general,X(T,d, m)=(T+
m,d,m). Let us also define Y: transposea given RiemannSystem by its
dominant-minus-mediantinterval. Thus Y(Cmajor)=Eb major, Y(C
minor)=Eminor,etc. Ingeneral, Y(T,d,m)=(T+d-m,d, m). The following equations can be provedto hold true. CONJMED=X,MED CONJ=
Y, TMINVTDINV=Y, MDINV TDINV=the inverseof X, and so forth.

It follows: any group that contains both CONJandMED must contain

both X and Y; likewise, any group that contains TMINV,MDINVand
TDINVmust contain both X and Y, and so forth. And any groupthat
contains both X and Y must contain the operation Z= Y-inverse X.
Since X transposesthe System (T,d,m) by m, and Y-inversetransposes
the resultingSystem by the complementof m', that is by m-d, Z transposes the given System by m-m', that is by m-(d-m) or 2m-d. Z, for
instance, takes C major into C0 major and C minor into Cb minor.
transLeavingfurtherexplorationof such generalized"post-Wagnerian"
formationsto those who may be interested, let us now pass to another
DEFINITION18. The type of the Riemann System (T,d,m) is the
ordered pair of intervals (d,m). Two Riemann Systems "have the
same type" or "are of the same type" if they have the same dominant intervaland the same mediantinterval.

Thus C major and F$ major are of the same type, supposing the
sameintonation. In twelve-toneequal temperament,(C,2,5) and (Bb ,2,
5) are of the same type, namely the type (2,5). Also of type (2,5) is
(C+j,2,5), where j representsa just fifth. The concept of type enables
us to relate the intervallicstructureof (C+j,2,5) to the intervallicstructure of (C,2,5), without havingto assertany functional significancefor
the transpositionalrelationshipbetween them.
The concept of type is also useful to make generalizationsabout the
intervallic structuresof Systems that are functionally related, without
having to worry about their tonic notes. For example, given any RS
(T,d,m), its conjugate System will be of type (d,d-m), and so will its
odd-shifted Systems. In that sense, we can say that the odd-shiftedSystems are all "of conjugate type," even though the conjugate System
itself may not appearas a shifted System.
In similar vein, we can say that the TD-inverted,TM-invertedand
MD-invertedforms of (T,d,m) are all of one type, namely (-d,-m), the
"invertedtype" of (d,m). And we can say that any minor System is "of
retrogradetype" to any dual minor System, in the same spirit. To make
such discourse formally precise, we need only define the operationsof
conjugation,inversionand retrogressionon types.
19. Given a type (d, m), the conjugate type is conj
(d,m)=(d,d-m). The inverted type is inv(d,m)=(-d,-m). The
retrograde type is ret(d,m)=(-d,m-d). The group comprising the
three operationsconj, inv and ret, along with the identity operation
ident, will be called the "serialtype-group"of operationson Systemtypes.

It is easy to verify that the operations as defined do form a group.

One verifies equations among them analogousto those that were collated in Table 3 for the analogous System-operations;the analog of
Table 3 is valid for these type-operations.
The serial type-groupin of very basic importance.One sees that all
the operationswe have so far examined,even our exotic "post-Wagnerian" operations,take RiemannSystemsinto RiemannSystems of either
identical,or conjugate,or inverted,or retrogradetype.
We pass again to another topic. It is interesting to note that Riemann's categoriesof Ueberklangand Unterklangcan be generalizedin
our presentterminology,at least formally.
20. The RS (T,d,m) will be called "directed above"
when, given a pitch representingthe pitch class T, the next-highest
pitch representingT+m is lower than the next-highestpitch representing T+d. The RS (T,d, m) will be called "directedbelow" when,
given a pitch representingthe pitch class T, the next-lowest pitch
representingT+m is higher than the next-lowest pitch representing
T+d. The type (d,m) will be called "directedabove/below" if all
RiemannSystems of that type are directedabove/below.
One can verify that every RS is either directedabove or directedbelow, but not both. The sameis true of every type. The conjugateof any
System or type is directed in the same sense as that System or type; inverted or retrogradedSystems and types are directed in the opposite
It should hardlybe necessaryto point out that thereareimportanttraditions in tonal theory which the work of this paperdoes not generalize.
The most significantsuch tradition involves the study of voice-leading
and counterpoint in relation to tonal functionality; our generalized
theory, with its canonical listings, must perforce remainmute on such
matters in generality, though one could of course work out protocols
for voice-leadingand counterpointin connection with specific individual
RiemannSystems other than the tonal ones.
The literatureof another important tradition expounds certain systems in which one measures various harmonic intervals of interest
(octaves, dominants,mediants)not as comingfrom a commongenerator
but as going to a common generatee. To see the distinction, note that
our formalism enabled us to analyze the minor triad as comprisinga
fifth "up" and a minor third "up" from a common generator(for instance, C to G and C to eb). Our formalismalso enabledus to analyze
the minor triad as a "dual"structure,comprisinga fifth "down"and a
major third "down" from a common generator (for instance, G to C
and G to eb ). But our formalism did not and can not enable us to

analyze the minor triad as comprisinga fifth "up" and a major third
"up" to a commongeneratee(for example, C to G and eb to G).
Systems involvingcommon-generateerelationships,whether in connection with minor triads or in other ways, can be called "phonic"as
opposed to "sonic."8 A formalismmore general yet than that of the
present paper could perhapsbe developed to generalizephonic, as well
as sonic, intervallic systems, and to interrelate all systems, phonic as
well as sonic, amongthemselvesandeachother. However,the formalities
of the present paper are, I imagine, amply general to satisfy most
readersfor the nonce.



1. A bibliography and critique of writings by and pertinent to Riemann, convenient for American readers, is to be found in William C. Mickelsen, Hugo Riemann's Theory of Harmony (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska
Press, 1977). Among the variety of works providing foundations for the approach
taken by Riemann and continued in the formalities of the present paper, one
should particularly draw attention to the work of Jean-Philippe Rameau in his

Nouveausystomede musiquethdoriqueet pratique(Paris:Ballard,1726). Here

Rameau coins the word "subdominant." He analyzes the importance of the
proportional relation: subdominant root is to tonic root as tonic root is to
dominant root. This relation can be seen to underlie the triadic aspect of the
constructive method portrayed in Figure 1 ;it will later be generalized by Figure
2. In the Nouveau systeme, Rameau analyzes the scale (better, our "diatonic
set") as arising from the conjunction of the three primary triads, a feature also
manifest in Figure 1 and to be generalized in Figure 2. Before this work,
Rameau's contention that melody is theoretically subordinate to harmony had
coexisted very uncomfortably with his adoption of the Ptolemaic, rather than
just, major scale. See Jean-Philippe Rameau, Traiti de l'harmonie riduite dses
principes naturels (Paris: Ballard, 1722), book 1, chapter 5.
Another important work requiring citation here is that of Moritz Hauptmann,
Die NaturderHarmonik und der Metrik (Leipzig: Breitkopf und Haertel, 1853).
By adopting a philosophical, rather than numerical and acoustical, approach to
constructions such as that of Figure 1, Hauptmann takes a considerable step
towards formalism, incidentally avoiding some methodological problems that
beset Rameau. In particular, his conception of the minor triad as a philosophical
"negative unity" rather than an acoustical structure of "undertones" compares
to great advantage with the conceptions of Riemann regarding that triad, conceptions which lead after all to the same formal analysis.
The format of the canonical listing in Figure 1 is taken directly from Hauptmann, along with the upper-case and lower-case notation. As we shall see, the
latter notation is convenient and suggestive in many contexts. The idea of using
the canonical listing, rather than scalar order, as a fundamental ordering for the
diatonic set has many important and profound formal implications, as we shall
also see.
2. In fact, if we restrict our attention to twelve-tone equal temperament and enquire what Riemann Systems have the property under discussion and also have
seven distinct notes in their diatonic sets, we shall find essentially only four
such systems. One is the major tonal system, for example (C,7,4) with canonical listing FaCeGbD. (The notes of the triad at issue are italicized.) Another is
the "dual minor" tonal system, which we shall study more later, for example
(G,5,8) with canonical listing Dbb Geb CabF. The other two systems are the
circle-of-fifths (or "multiplication") transforms of the above two, for example
(C, 1,4) and (C?, 1,8) with listings Beb CeC~fD and Dbb CaCabB.
3. By the "Forte-label" corresponding to a set of pitch classes, I mean the identifying numerical label assigned to it in the work by Allen Forte, The Structure
of Atonal Music (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1973).
4. Regarding the historical shadow of Figure 3, one would mention in particular


the discussion of harmonic and arithmetic division of the fifth in connection

with major and minor triad structure given by Gioseffo Zarlino in the third
edition of LelstitutioniHarmoniche (Venice: Senese, 1573), book 3, chapter 31.
The relation of parallel major and minor triads in the manner of Figure 3 is
discussed by Rameau in book 1, chapter 3, article 5 of the TraitS. Rameau calls
the interchange of m with m a "new species of renversement," meaning a redisposition of intervals in register purportedly analogous to the redisposition of
pitches in register that produces chord-inversion. This attitude toward minor
was, however, to be superseded in Rameau's later works by a large variety of
other ideas.
5. Equal temperament is only a notational convenience here. The work that follows could be carried through using any other reasonable sizes of "fifths" and
"major thirds" as dominant and mediant intervals for the major System.
It would be a well-nigh endless task to catalog all the reasons that have been
advanced in the history of tonal theory for attaching special priority to these
intervals. New reasons are still being advanced actively in the literature. Peter
Westergaard, for example, follows the grand tradition of constructing tonality
ex nihilo in An Introduction to Tonal Theory (New York: W. W. Norton &
Company, Inc., 1975), pp. 411-427. His discussion of the Oust) fifth is a sensitive and attractive amalgam of many historical attitudes, numerical, philosophical and psycho-acoustical. His discussion of the major third, along with the
syntonic comma and the need for temperament, also invokes some traditional
ideas. It is however unique to my knowledge in the piquant additional argument that, if we did not have available a consonant interval of about this size,
we would be unable to make Schenkerian analyses for the backgrounds of
tonal pieces.
A recent theory of Benjamin Boretz provides an interesting argument, rigorously anti-historicist and anti-acoustical, for attaching special priority to the
fifth as a dominant interval in tonal music ("Musical Syntax (II)," Perspectives
Starting (!) with twelve-tone equal
of New Music 10/1 [1971]:232-270).
temperament and certain formal desiderata for a certain type of musical system, Boretz shows that the interval 7 is the only available choice for dividing
the octave, and being itself divided, in such a way as to satisfy those desiderata.
6. The reader will find an ample exposition of these ideas in Mickelsen, Theory of
Harmony. As indicated in Note 1, Hauptmann had earlier favored this formal
analysis of the minor triad. Rameau himself had flirted with it for a time, in
Gendration harmonique (Paris: Prault, 1737).
7. The curious relationship between the themes was pointed out by Ludwig Misch
in his article "Alla danza tedesca," Beethoven Studies, trans. G. I. C. DeCourcy
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1953), pp. 14-18.
8. The nomenclature generalizes the terminology of Arthur von Oettingen, Harmoniesystem in dualer Entwicklung (Leipzig: W. Glaser, 1866). Rameau himself presented a phonic theory of minor among his many attempts to reconcile
minor with major tonality; it can be found in the Demonstration du principe
de l'harmonie (Paris: Durand, 1750). In more recent times, phonic explanations
for various tonal phenomena were advanced by Paul Hindemith in The Craft of
Musical Composition, trans. Arthur Mendel (London: Associated Music Publishers, 1942).


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