Cambridge Shape Questions 1

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The document discusses various geometric shapes and their properties, including different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and other shapes. It also covers angle calculations for these different shapes.

The document discusses different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and other shapes. It presents problems involving calculating angles within these various geometric figures.

The document provides examples of calculating angles within triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and other shapes. It also discusses calculating exterior angles and finding missing interior angles based on known information about the shape.


Shape, Space and Measure

1 Geometric terms
1. Find the size of the angle marked with a letter in each of these triangles.
a bd ec h
60° 67° 82°
51° h
a e
d 38°

2. In the triangle on the right, all the interior angles are the same.
a What is the size of each angle?

b What is the name of a special triangle like this?

x x
c What is special about the sides of this triangle?
3. In the triangle on the right, two of the angles are the same. A

a Work out the size of the lettered angles. 40°

b What is the name of a special triangle like this?

c What is special about the sides AC and AB of this triangle? x x

4. In the triangle on the right, the angles at
B and C are the same. Work out the size y
of the lettered angles.

50° x

5. Find the size of the exterior angle marked with a letter in each of these diagrams.

a bb cc
20° 55°

a 110° b c
27° 80°

6. Find the size of the angle marked with a letter in each of these quadrilaterals.
a bb c
95° 110°
40° b
80° c

d ee ff

78° 49°
69° f
49° 131°
d 117°

g hh

g 86°


7. Work out the size of the angle marked with a letter in each of the polygons below.

a b
b c
95° 120° 70°

a 135°
120° c
b 110°
90° 105°

d e
e ff
76° 79° 117° 98° f 111°
210° 270° 69°
d e

39° 79°
118° 134°

g h
70° h
72° 143°

g 140°
86° 128°
72° 125°
8. For each of the trapeziums, calculate the sizes of the lettered angles.
a c
a a b

70° b

93° e

9. For each of these parallelograms, calculate the sizes of the lettered angles.

aa b

a b g

75° c

10. For each of these kites, calculate the sizes of the lettered angles.

aa 65°

135° a

112° 60°

11. For each of these shapes, calculate the sizes of the lettered angles.
a b
b 41° cc
122° e

115° f
a 141° c

12. Sketch the nets of these shapes.

a b
4 cm
1 cm
4 cm 4 cm
1 cm
3 cm
Cuboid 4 cm

4 cm
Square-based pyramid
c d

5 cm

3 cm
5 cm 6 cm
D 5 cm C 4 cm
Square-based pyramid, with Right-angled triangular prism
point E directly above point A

13. Draw, on squared paper, an accurate net for each of these cuboids.

a b c
2 cm
3 cm
4 cm
3 cm
4 cm 4 cm

5 cm 5 cm

4 cm

14. Draw an accurate net for each of these pyramids. For each pyramid, the base is a rectangle and the
sloping edges are all the same length.

a b 6 cm
5 cm
4 cm

5 cm
3 cm
4 cm

15. The shape on the right is a triangular prism. Its ends are 4 cm
isosceles triangles and its other faces are rectangles.
5 cm
Draw an accurate net for this prism.
3 cm
16. Write down the area of each triangle.

a b c 5 cm
26 cm
5 cm 10 cm
4 cm 12 cm
13 cm
24 cm

3 cm
17. Find the area of the shaded triangle RST.

8 cm R 11 cm Q

10 cm

18. Calculate the area of each of these triangles.

a b c

3 cm
7 cm 7 cm
8 cm

6 cm 4 cm

d e 12 cm f

11 cm
10 cm 14 cm
15 cm 20 cm

19. Find the area of each of these shapes.

a 6 cm b c

12 cm
5 cm 6m
4m 4m

10 cm 13 m 4 cm

20. Calculate the area of each parallelogram below. 10 cm

a b c

8 cm
10 cm 5m
12 cm
7 cm

21. Calculate the perimeter and the area of each trapezium.

a b c
6.5 cm 12 cm 7.6 m

7 cm 6 cm
6 cm 7 cm 10 m
5 cm
8 cm 8.4 cm

22. Which of the following shapes has the largest area?

12 m
a b c

6 cm
7 cm

4 cm 3 cm 9 cm

10 cm 5.5 cm

23. Which of the following shapes has the smallest area?

a b c
12 cm

7 cm 11.5 cm
3 cm
8 cm
7 cm
2.5 cm

2 Angle properties
1. Calculate the size of the angle marked x in each of these examples.

a b c d

132° x
x 52°
38° 131°

e f g h
x 111° x
43° 124°
63° 63°

2. Calculate the value of x in each of these examples.

a b c
x – 10°
130° 3x x
x x – 10°
x + 40° 2x + 10°
70° x 5x

3. Calculate the value of x in each of these examples.

a b c
3x x + 10° x + 20°
2x + 15° x

4. Calculate the value of x first and then calculate the value of y in each of these examples.

a b c
2x + 30°
y 5x
3x – 20° 2x – 80°
x + 50°

5. Each diagram shows one vertex of a regular polygon. For each polygon, answer the following.

i What is its exterior angle?

ii How many sides does it have?

iii What is the sum of its interior angles?

a b c d

160° 165° 144°

6. State the sizes of the lettered angles in each diagram.

a bd
40° 130°
g h

c d
e f

j n 80°

7. State the sizes of the lettered angles in each diagram.

a d
b l

50° 72°

b j

c d
e f
m 75° n o

3 Constructions
In this exercise, it is important to leave in all your construction lines.
1. Draw a line 7 cm long. Bisect it using a pair of compasses and a ruler only. Check your accuracy
by measuring to see if each half is 3.5 cm.
2. a Draw any triangle whose sides are between 5 cm and 10 cm.

b On each side construct the perpendicular bisector as on the

diagram. All your perpendicular bisectors should intersect at the same

c Use this point as the centre of a circle that touches each vertex
of the triangle. Draw this circle. This circle is known as the
circumscribed circle of the triangle.
3. a Draw an angle of 50°.

b Construct the angle bisector.

c Use a protractor to check how accurate you have been. Each angle should be 25°.
4. a Draw any triangle whose sides are between
5 cm and 10 cm.

b At each angle construct the angle bisector as

on the diagram. All three bisectors should
intersect at the same point.

c Use this point as the centre of a circle that

touches each side of the triangle once. Draw this circle. This circle is known as the inscribed
circle of the triangle.
5. Construct these triangles accurately without using a protractor.


60° 60° 60°

6 cm 7 cm

6. a Without using a protractor, construct a square of side 6 cm.

b See how accurate you have been by constructing an angle bisector on any of the right angles and
seeing whether this also cuts through the opposite right angle.
7. a Construct an angle of 90°.

b Bisect this angle to construct an angle of 45°.

8. a Construct these angles. i 30° ii 15° iii 22.5° iv 75°

b Check your accuracy by measuring with a protractor. (The allowable error is ±1°.)
9. Construct a trapezium whose parallel sides are 8 cm and 6 cm, and having an angle of 60° at each
end of the longer side.
10. a Construct the triangle ABC, where AB = 7 cm, ∠BAC = 60° and ∠ABC = 45°.

b Measure the lengths of AC and BC.

11. a Construct the triangle PQR, where PQ = 8 cm, ∠RPQ = 30° and ∠PQR = 45°.

b Measure the lengths of PR and RQ.

12. Draw a straight line and mark a point above the line. Construct the perpendicular which passes
through that point to the line.

4 Maps and scale drawings

1. A ship sails for 75 km on a bearing of 078°.
a How far east has it travelled? b How far north has it travelled?
2. A plane sets off from an airport and flies due east for 120 km, then turns to fly due south for 70 km
before landing at Seddeth. What is the bearing of Seddeth from the airport?
3. A helicopter leaves an army base and flies 60 km on a bearing of 278°.
a How far west has the helicopter flown? b How far north has the helicopter flown?
4. A ship sails from a port on a bearing of 117° for 35 km before heading due north for 40 km and
docking at Angle Bay.
a How far south had the ship sailed before turning?
b How far north had the ship sailed from the port to Angle Bay?
c How far east is Angle Bay from the port?
d What is the bearing from the port to Angle Bay?
5. Mountain A is due west of a walker. Mountain B is due north of the walker.
The guidebook says that mountain B is 4.3 km from mountain A, on a bearing of 058°.
a Using a scale of 2 cm for 1 km, draw a diagram to show this information.
b Use your diagram to find how far the walker is from mountain B.

5 Congruence and similarity
1. State whether each pair of triangles in a to h is congruent. If a pair is congruent, give the condition
which shows that the triangles are congruent.

a 3 cm b c
5 cm 4 cm
100° 75°
5 cm
5 cm 5 cm 5 cm
7 cm 50°
7 cm
100° 50° 75°
5 cm
3 cm
4 cm

d 5 cm e f
5 cm
5 cm 70°

65° 35° 70°

65° 7 cm 7 cm
8 cm 8 cm
7 cm 35° 7 cm

5 cm
g h
6.5 cm
4 cm 6 cm 79°
6.5 cm 6.5 cm 80°
6 cm
6.5 cm
4 cm

2. Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle PQR, ∠A = 60°, ∠B = 80° and AB = 5 cm. Find these.

i ∠P ii ∠Q iii ∠R iv PQ
3. ABCD is congruent to PQRS, ∠A= 110°, ∠B = 55°, ∠C = 85° and RS = 4 cm. Find these.

i ∠P ii ∠Q iii ∠R iv ∠S v CD
4. Are these pairs of shapes similar? If so, give the scale factor. If not, give a reason.

a 5 cm 20 cm b
3 cm
12 cm
12 cm
22 cm
5 cm

15 cm

5. a Explain why these shapes are similar. A P

b Give the ratio of the sides. 5 cm 70° 6 cm 70°

15 cm 18 cm
c Which angle corresponds to angle C? B C

d Which side corresponds to side QP? Q R

6. It is known that a factory chimney is 330 feet high. Patrick paces out distances as shown in the
diagram, so that the top of the chimney and the top of the flag pole are in line with each other.
How high is the flag pole?

400 paces 200 paces

7. The length ratio between two similar solids is 2 : 5.

a What is the area ratio between the solids?

b What is the volume ratio between the solids?

8. The length ratio between two similar solids is 4 : 7.

a What is the area ratio between the solids?

b What is the volume ratio between the solids?

9. A shape has an area of 15 cm2. What is the area of a similar shape whose lengths are three times the
corresponding lengths of the first shape?

10. A brick has a volume of 300 cm3. What would be the volume of a similar brick whose lengths are

a twice the corresponding lengths of the first brick?

b three times the corresponding lengths of the first brick?

11. A can of paint, 6 cm high, holds a half a litre of paint. How much paint would go into a similar can
which is 12 cm high?

12. A model statue is 10 cm high and has a volume of 100 cm3. The real statue is 2.4 m high. What is
the volume of the real statue? Give your answer in m3.

6 Symmetry
1. Copy these shapes and draw on the lines of symmetry for each one. If it will help you, use tracing
paper or a mirror to check your results.

a b c d

Isosceles Equilateral Square Parallelogram

triangle triangle
e f

Rhombus Kite Trapezium

2. a Find the number of lines of symmetry for each of these regular polygons.

i ii iii

Regular pentagon Regular hexagon Regular octagon

b How many lines of symmetry do you think a regular decagon has?

3. Copy these patterns and draw in all the lines of symmetry for each one.

a b c

d e f

4. Write down the number of lines of symmetry for each of these flags.

Austria Canada Iceland Switzerland Greece

5. a These road signs all have lines of symmetry. Copy them and draw on the lines of symmetry for each

b Draw sketches of other common signs that also have lines of symmetry. State the number of lines of
symmetry in each case.
6. Copy these shapes and write below each one the order of rotational symmetry. If it will help you, use
tracing paper.

a b c

Square Rectangle Parallelogram

d e

Equilateral Regular
triangle hexagon

7. Find the order of rotational symmetry for each of these shapes.

a b c d e

8. Copy these shapes on tracing paper and find the order of rotational symmetry for each one.

a b c

d e f

9. Find the number of planes of symmetry in each of these 3-D shapes.

a b c

Cube Triangular prism Square-based pyramid

10. This 3-D shape has five planes of symmetry.

Draw diagrams to show where they are.

11. How many planes of symmetry does each of the following have?

a brick b shovel c chair

d spoon e milk bottle f kettle

7 Angle properties of circles

1. Find the sizes of the lettered angles in each of these circles.

a b c d
a b d g
85° x c 81° p
O 136°
a b 88° x
h 105°

2. Find the values of x and y in each of these circles. Where shown, O marks the centre of the circle.

a b c
a b d
54° x
y O
48° 21°
15° y
y 30°

3. Find the values of x and y in this circle. 42°

51° y

x 16°
4. Find the values of x and y in this circle with centre O.

5. In each diagram, TP and TQ are tangents to a circle with centre O.

Find each value of x.

a b c
a P c d
x T

5x 3x

x Q
P T x

6. Each diagram shows tangents to a circle with centre O. Find each value of y.
a b

8 cm
y 4 cm
10 cm

10 cm

7. In each of the diagrams, TP and TQ are tangents to the circle with centre O. Find each value of x.

a b

T x

a c

P x Q P 71° Q


8 Locus of points
1. A is a fixed point. Sketch the locus of the point P in each of these situations.

a AP = 2 cm b AP = 4 cm c AP = 5 cm
2. A and B are two fixed points 5 cm apart. Sketch the locus of the point P for each of these situations.

a AP = BP

b AP = 4 cm and BP = 4 cm

c P is always within 2 cm of the line AB

3. ABCD is a square of side 4 cm. In each of the following loci, A B
the point P moves only inside the square. Sketch the locus in
each case. 4 cm

a AP = BP b AP < BP
c AP = CP d CP < 4 cm

e CP > 2 cm f CP > 5 cm

For questions 4 to 7, you should start by sketching the picture given in each question on a 6 × 6 grid,
each square of which is 1 cm by 1 cm. The scale for each question is given.
4. A goat is tethered by a rope, 7 m long, in a corner of a field with Fence
a fence at each side. What is the locus of the area that the goat
can graze? Use a scale of 1 cm = 2 m.

5. Ina field a horse is tethered to a stake by a rope 6 m long.
What is the locus of the area that the horse can graze?
Use a scale of 1 cm = 2 m.

6. A cow is tethered to a rail at the top of a fence 6 m long. The rope is

3 m long. Sketch the area that the cow can graze. Use a scale of
1 cm = 2 m.

7. A horse is tethered to a stake near a corner of a fenced field, at a point Fence

4 m from each fence. The rope is 6 m long. Sketch the area that the
horse can graze. Use a scale of 1 cm = 2 m.


9 Lengths, areas and volumes
1. Copy and complete the following table for each circle. Give your answers to 3 significant figures.

Radius Diameter Circumference Area

a 4 cm
b 2.6 m
c 12 cm
d 3.2 m

2. The roller used on a cricket pitch has a radius of 70 cm.

a What is the circumference of the roller?

b A cricket pitch has a length of 20 m. How many complete revolutions does the roller make when
rolling the pitch?
3. What is the total perimeter of a semicircle of diameter 15 cm?

4. Calculate the perimeter and the area of this trapezium.

c 8m

9.1 m 9.4 m

12 m

5. What percentage of this shape has been shaded? 12 cm

6 cm 9 cm

8 cm

15 cm

6. The shape of most of Egypt (see map) roughly approximates

to a trapezium. The north coast is about 900 km long, Cairo
the south boundary is about 1100 km long, and the distance
from north to south is about 1100 km.

What is the approximate area of this part of Egypt?

7. Calculate the volume of each of these prisms.

a 7m b c 15 m
3m 11 m
3m 4m

6m 6m
4m 9m 12 m
5m 3m 3m

8. A lean-to is a prism. Calculate the volume of air inside the lean-to with the dimensions shown in the
diagram. Give your answer in litres.

3m 1.5 m

1.7 m

9. The top and bottom of the container shown here are the same size,
both consisting of a rectangle, 4 cm by 9 cm, with a semicircle at each end.
The depth is 3 cm. Find the volume of the container.

10. Find i the volume and ii the total surface area of each of these cylinders. Give your answers to
3 significant figures.

a b 1 cm c d
3 cm

6 cm
8 cm 9 cm
19 cm
3.5 cm
15 cm

11. The diameter of a marble, cylindrical column is 60 cm and its height is 4.2 m. The cost of making this
column is quoted as $67.50 per cubic metre. What is the estimated total cost of making the column?

12. A cylindrical container is 65 cm in diameter. Water is poured into the container until it is 1 metre
deep. How much water is in the container? Give your answer in litres.

13. Calculate the volume of each of these pyramids, all with rectangular bases.

a b c

6 cm 7 cm 12 cm

4 cm 8 cm 13 cm
7 cm 9 cm 20 cm

d e

9 cm
6 cm

4 cm 8 cm

7 cm 10 cm

14. Calculate the volume of a pyramid having a square base of side 9 cm and a vertical height
of 10 cm.

15. A crystal is in the form of two square-based pyramids joined at

their bases (see diagram). The crystal has a mass of 31.5 grams.
What is its density?
7 cm

3 cm
16. For each cone, calculate i its volume and ii its total surface area. Give your answers to 3 significant

a b c
18 cm
35.4 cm
34 cm
12 cm
5 cm
12 cm
13 cm 15 cm

20 cm

17. The model shown on the right is made from aluminium.

What is the mass of the model, given that the density of 4 cm
aluminium is 2.7 g/cm3?

6 cm

3 cm

18. Calculate the volume and the surface area of a sphere with a diameter of 50 cm.

19. A sphere fits exactly into an open cubical box of side 25 cm. Calculate the following.
a the surface area of the sphere b the volume of the sphere

20. Calculate, correct to one decimal place, the radius of a sphere

a whose surface area is 150 cm2 b whose volume is 150 cm3.

21. The length ratio between two similar solids is 4 : 7.

a What is the area ratio between the solids?

b What is the volume ratio between the solids?

22. A shape has an area of 15 cm2. What is the area of a similar shape whose lengths are three times the
corresponding lengths of the first shape?

23. Thirty cubic centimetres of clay were used to make a model sheep. What volume of clay would be
needed to make a similar model sheep with these lengths?

a five times the corresponding lengths of the first model

b one half of the corresponding lengths of the first model

24. A model statue is 10 cm high and has a volume of 100 cm3. The real statue is 2.4 m high. What is
the volume of the real statue? Give your answer in m3.

25. Each of these expressions represents a length, an area or a volume. Indicate which it is by writing L,
A or V. Each letter represents a length.

a x2 b xyz c 4y d abc
(ab + bc)
e a2b + ab2 f g 3abc + 2abd + 4bcd + 2acd

10 Arc, sector and segment
1. For each of these sectors, calculate i the arc length ii the sector area.
a b c d

95° 130°
8 cm 5 cm 12 cm 7 cm

2. Calculate the total perimeter of each of these sectors. a b

11 cm
8.5 cm

3. Calculate the area of each of these sectors.

a b
a d
7 cm
250° 4 cm

4. Calculate the segment area in this diagram
8 cm 0

5. Calculate the area of the shaded shape giving your answer

in terms of π.
12 cm

12 cm

6. ABCD is a square of side length 8 cm. APC and AQC are arcs A B
of the circles with centres D and B. Calculate the area of
the shaded part. P


11 Pythagoras’ theorem in two dimensions
1. Foreach of the following triangles, calculate the length of the hypotenuse, x, giving your answers to
one decimal place.

a b 4.8 cm c 4 cm d

x 7 cm 3 cm 8 cm x
9 cm x

6 cm
5 cm

2. For each of the following triangles, calculate the length x, giving your answers to one decimal place.

a b c d
6.4 cm

24 cm x
17 cm 31 cm
x x
9 cm 25 cm

19 cm
8 cm x
3. For each of the following triangles, calculate the length x, giving your answers to one decimal place.

a b c 17 m d

x 19 cm x x
17 m 11 cm 9 cm
23 m

x 8.5 cm
12 m

4. Calculate the areas of these isosceles triangles.

a b c

7 cm 10 cm
9 cm 9 cm
3 cm

8 cm 2 cm

5. A ladder, 12 metres long, leans against a wall. The ladder

reaches 10 metres up the wall. How far away from the foot of
the wall is the foot of the ladder?
12 m

10 m

6. How long is the diagonal of a square with a side of 8 metres?

7. A ship going from a port to a lighthouse steams 15 km east and 12 km north. How far is the lighthouse
from the port?

8. A
mast on a sailboat is strengthened by a wire (called a stay), as shown on the diagram. The mast is 10
m tall and the stay is 11 m long. How far from the base of the mast does the stay reach?

10 m 11 m

9. How long is the line that joins the two coordinates A(13, 6) and B(1, 1)?

0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

10. Is the triangle with sides 7 cm, 24 cm and 25 cm,

a right-angled triangle? 24 cm 7 cm

25 cm

12 Sine, cosine and tangent in right-angled triangles

1. Find these values, rounding off your answers to three significant figures.

a sin 43° b sin 56° c sin 67.2° d sin 90°

e sin 45° f sin 20° g sin 22° h sin 0°

2. Find these values, rounding off your answers to three significant figures.

a cos 43° b cos 56° c cos 67.2° d cos 90°

e cos 45° f cos 20° g cos 22° h cos 0°

3. Use your calculator to work out the values of

a tan 43° b tan 56° c tan 67.2° d tan 90°

e tan 45° f tan 20° g tan 22° h tan 0°

4. Find the angle marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c
8 cm x 100 cm
4 cm
1 cm
x x
5 cm 160 cm

5. Find the side marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c
9 cm 42 cm 39° x
44° 12°
x 140 cm

6. Find the value of x in each of these triangles.

a b c 6.5 cm d
10 cm 16 cm 17 cm
13 cm
56° x
x 11 cm

7. Find the angle marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c
x 35 cm
6 cm 20 cm 45 cm
x x

9 cm 15 cm

8. Find the side marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c
34° 300 cm
x 45 cm
23° 75°
12 cm x

9. Find the value x in each of these triangles.

a b c x d
52° x
9 cm 9 cm
4 cm
8 cm
3.5 cm
7 cm

10. Find the length marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c

20 40° x
x x

39° 48°
50 50

d e f

20 x 40°
52 x

37° 76°
x 5

11. Find the angle marked x in each of these triangles.

a b c
20 x 70
14 60
x x
50 50

d e f
20 100 x
x x
13 5

12. Find the angle or length marked x in each of these triangles.

a 5 b c
x x


d 34 e
x 39°


f g h
78° 45 x
x 50

i j

x 23

In these questions, give answers involving angles to the nearest degree.

13. A ladder, 6 m long, rests against a wall. The foot of the ladder is 2.5 m from the base of the wall.
What angle does the ladder make with the ground?

14. Calculate the angle that the diagonal makes with the long side of a rectangle which measures 10 cm
by 6 cm.

15. Ahmed sees an aircraft in the sky. The aircraft is at a horizontal distance of 25 km from Ahmed.
The angle of elevation is 22°. How high is the aircraft?

16. A passenger in an aircraft hears the pilot say that they are flying at an altitude of 4000 m and are
10 km from the airport. If the passenger can see the airport, what is the angle of depression?

17. A man standing 200 m from the base of a television transmitter looks at the top of it and notices that
the angle of elevation of the top is 65°. How high is the tower?

18. From the top of a vertical cliff, 200 m high, a boat has an angle of depression of 52°. How far from
the base of the cliff is the boat?

19. A ship sails for 75 km on a bearing of 078°.

a How far east has it travelled? b How far north has it travelled?

20. Lopham is 17 km from Wath on a bearing of 210°.

a How far south of Wath is Lopham? b How far east of Lopham is Wath?

21. A plane sets off from an airport and flies due east for 120 km, then turns to fly due south for 70 km
before landing at Seddeth. What is the bearing of Seddeth from the airport?

22. A helicopter leaves an army base and flies 60 km on a bearing of 278°.

a How far west has the helicopter flown? b How far north has the helicopter flown?

13 Sine and cosine rules

1. Find the length x in each of these triangles.

a b c B
85° x 102° x
65° C
A C x
4m 12 cm 32 cm



2. Find the angle x in each of these triangles.

a B b B C c B
x x 15 m

8 cm x C
7m 13 m
14 cm

3. In triangle ABC, the angle at A is 38°, the side AB is 10 cm and the side BC is 8 cm. Find the two
possible values of the angle at C.

4. To find the height of a tower standing on a small hill, A
Mary made some measurements (see diagram).

From a point B, the angle of elevation of C is 20°,

the angle of elevation of A is 50°, and the distance BC h
is 25 m.

a Calculate these angles.

i ABC 25 m C

ii BAC 20°
b Using the sine rule and triangle ABC, calculate the
height h of the tower.

5. An old building is unsafe, so it is protected by a fence. B

To work out the height of the building, Annie made the
measurements shown on the diagram.

a Use the sine rule to work out the distance AB. h

b Calculate the height of the building, BD.

20 m

6. Find the length x in each of these triangles.

a b c x C
B B 15 cm C B

6m x 22 cm
32 cm 45 cm
8m A

7. Find the angle x in each of these triangles.

a b c B
B B 12 cm
C 30 cm
10 m
15 cm 50 cm x C
24 cm
A C 40 cm

d Explain the significance of the answer to part c.

8. A triangle has two sides of length 40 cm and an angle of 110°. Work out the length of the third side
of the triangle.

9. The diagram shows a trapezium ABCD. AB = 6.7 cm, D 7.2 cm A

AD = 7.2 cm, CB = 9.3 cm and angle DAB = 100°.
Calculate these. 6.7 cm

a length DB
b angle DBA 9.3 cm

c angle DBC

d length DC

e area of the trapezium

10. A quadrilateral ABCD has AD = 6 cm, DC = 9 cm, AB = 10 cm and BC = 12 cm.
Angle ADC = 120°. Calculate angle ABC.

11. Find the area of each of the following triangles.

a Triangle ABC where BC = 7 cm, AC = 8 cm and angle ACB = 59°

b Triangle ABC where angle BAC = 86°, AC = 6.7 cm and AB = 8 cm

c Triangle PQR where QR = 27 cm, PR = 19 cm and angle QRP = 109°

d Triangle XYZ where XY = 231 cm, XZ = 191 cm and angle YXZ = 73°

e Triangle LMN where LN = 63 cm, LM = 39 cm and angle NLM = 85°

12. The area of triangle ABC is 27 cm2. If BC = 14 cm and angle BCA = 115°, find AC.

13. In a quadrilateral ABCD, DC = 4 cm, BD = 11 cm, angle BAD = 32°, angle ABD = 48° and angle
BDC = 61°. Calculate the area of the quadrilateral.

14. A board is in the shape of a triangle with sides 60 cm, 70 cm and 80 cm. Find the area of the board.

14 Three-dimensional trigonometry
1. A box measures 8 cm by 12 cm by 5 cm. H G
5 cm
a Calculate the lengths of the following.
i AC ii BG iii BE E F
12 cm
b Calculate the diagonal distance BH.
A 8 cm B

2. A garage is 5 m long, 3 m wide and 3 m high. Can a 7 m long pole be stored in it?

3. Spike, a spider, is at the corner S of the wedge shown in the diagram. F

Fred, a fly, is at the corner F of the same wedge. 4 cm
a Calculate the two distances Spike would have to travel to get to 8 cm
Fred if she used the edges of the wedge. S 12 cm P

b Calculate the distance Spike would have to travel across the face
of the wedge to get directly to Fred.

4. Fred is now at the top of a baked-beans can and Spike is

10 cm
directly below him on the base of the can. To catch Fred by
surprise, Spike takes a diagonal route round the can.
How far does Spike travel? S

6 cm
5. The diagram shows a square-based pyramid with base length 8 cm E
and sloping edges 9 cm. M is the mid-point of the side AB,
X is the mid-point of the base, and E is directly above X. 9 cm

a Calculate the length of the diagonal AC.

b Calculate EX, the height of the pyramid.
c Using triangle ABE, calculate the length EM. 8 cm


6. The diagram shows a cuboid with sides of 40 cm, 30 cm,
and 22.5 cm. M is the mid-point of the side FG. M
Calculate (or write down) these lengths, giving your E F
40 cm
answers to three significant figures if necessary.

a AH b AG c AM d HM D C

30 cm
22.5 cm
7. The diagram shows a pyramid. The base is a horizontal V
rectangle ABCD, 20 cm by 15 cm. The length of each
sloping edge is 24 cm. The apex, V, is over the centre
24 cm
of the rectangular base. Calculate these. D
a the size of the angle VAC
15 cm
b the height of the pyramid A B
20 cm
c the volume of the pyramid

d the size of the angle between the face VAD and the base ABCD

8. The diagram shows the roof of a building. The base ABCD F

is a horizontal rectangle 7 m by 4 m. The triangular ends are 5m
equilateral triangles. Each side of the roof is an isosceles
The length of the top of the roof, EF, is 5 m. Calculate these. C
a the length EM, where M is the midpoint of AB A M
b the size of angle EBC
c the size of the angle between the face EAB and the base ABCD

d the surface area of the roof (excluding the base)

9. ABCD is a vertical rectangular plane. EDC is a horizontal A 10 cm B

triangular plane. Angle CDE = 90°, AB = 10 cm, 4 cm
BC = 4 cm and ED = 9 cm. Calculate these. D
a angle AED b angle DEC 9 cm

c EC d angle BEC

15 Vectors and vector properties

⎯→ ⎯

1. On this grid, OA is a and OB is b.

a Name three other vectors equivalent to a.

b Name three other vectors equivalent to b. B D G I

c Name three vectors equivalent to –a.

d Name three vectors equivalent to –b. O a A C F

2. Using the same grid as in question 1, give the following vectors in terms of a and b.
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯

a OC b OE c OD d OG e OJ
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ →
f OH g AG h AK i BK j DI

→ ⎯→
k GJ l DK

3. On a copy of this grid, mark on the points C to P
to show the following.
⎯→ ⎯→
a OC = 2a + 3b b OD = 2a + b
⎯→ ⎯→
c OE = a + 2b d OF = 3b B
⎯→ ⎯→ b
e OG = 4a f OH = 4a + 2b

→ ⎯
→ O a A
g OI = 3a + 3b h OJ = a + b
⎯→ ⎯→ 3 ⎯→ ⎯

i OK = 2a + 2b j OM = 2a + – 2b k ON = –21 a + 2b l OP = –25 a + –23 b

⎯→ ⎯→
4. On this grid, OA is a and OB is b. B C D E

Give the following vectors in terms of a and b.

⎯→ ⎯→
a OH b OK A F

→ ⎯
→ a
c OJ d OI
⎯→ ⎯→
e OC f CO
⎯→ → H I J K
g AK h DI
→ ⎯
→ ⎯→ ⎯→
i JE j AB k CK l DK

5. On a copy of this grid, mark on the points C to P B

to show the following. b
⎯→ ⎯→
a OC = 2a – b b OD = 2a + b O a A
⎯→ ⎯→
c OE = a – 2b d OF = b – 2a
⎯→ ⎯→
e OG = –a f OH = –a – 2b

→ ⎯

g OI = 2a – 2b h OJ = –a + b
⎯→ ⎯→ 3 ⎯→ ⎯→
i OK = –a – b j OM = –a – – 2b k ON = – –21 a – 2b l OP = –23 a – –23 b

6. The points P, Q and R lie on a straight line. The vector PQ is 2a + b, where a and b are vectors.

→ ⎯

Which of the following vectors could be the vector PR and which could not be the vector PR
(two of each).

a 2a + 2b b 4a + 2b c 2a – b d –6a – 3b

7. The points P, Q and R lie on a straight line. The vector PQ is 3a – b, where a and b are vectors.
a Write down any other vector that could represent PR.

b How can you tell from the vector PS that S lies on the same straight line as P, Q and R?

⎯→ ⎯→
8. The diagram shows the vectors OA = a and OB = b. M is the midpoint of AB.
a i Work out the vector AB. B
ii Work out the vector AM.
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ b M
iii Explain why OM = OA + AM.

iv Using your answers to parts ii and iii,

work out OM in terms of a and b. O A
⎯→ a
b i Work out the vector BA.
ii Work out the vector BM.
⎯→ ⎯ → ⎯→
iii Explain why OM = OB + BM.
ivUsing your answers to parts ii and iii, work out OM in terms of a and b.
c Copy the diagram and show on it the vector OC which is equal to a + b.

d Describe in geometrical terms the position of M in relation to O, A, B and C.

⎯→ ⎯→
9. The diagram shows the vectors OA = a and OC = –b. N is the midpoint of AC.
a i Work out the vector AC. O A
⎯→ a
ii Work out the vector AN.
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯ →
iii Explain why ON = OA + AN.
–b N
iv Using your answers to parts ii and iii, work out
ON in terms of a and b.
⎯→ C
b i Work out the vector CA.
ii Work out the vector CN.
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→
iii Explain why ON = OC + CN.
ivUsing your answers to parts ii and iii, work out ON in terms of a and b.
c Copy the diagram above and show on it the vector OD which is equal to a – b.

d Describe in geometrical terms the position of N in relation to O, A, C and D.

⎯→ ⎯→
10. The diagram shows the vectors OA = a and OB = b. B
The point C divides the line AB in the ratio 1: 2
(i.e. AC is –31 the distance from A to B).
⎯→ b
a i Work out the vector AB.
ii Work out the vector AC.
iii Work out the vector OC in terms of a and b. O A

b If C now divides the line AB in the ratio 1: 3

(i.e. AC is –41 the distance from A to B), write down the vector
that represents OC.


11.ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. AB is represented by the vector a, A B
and BC by the vector b. a
a By means of a diagram, or otherwise, explain why CD = b – a. b

b Express these vectors in terms of a and b. F C

→ ⎯
→ ⎯

i DE ii EF iii FA

c Work out the answer to

⎯→ ⎯ → ⎯→ ⎯ → ⎯ → ⎯
→ E D
AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FA

Explain your answer.

d Express these vectors in terms of a and b.

⎯→ ⎯
→ ⎯
→ ⎯
→ ⎯

i AD ii BE iii CF iv AE v DF

12. ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon. AB is represented by the A B
vector a, and BC by the vector b. a

a By means of a diagram, or otherwise, explain why b

→ H C
CD = √2b – a.

b By means of a diagram, or otherwise, explain why

DE = b – √2a.
c Express the following vectors in terms of a and b.

→ ⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→
i EF ii FG iii GH iv HA
⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯→ ⎯

v HC vi AD vii BE viii BF

16 Transformations
1. Copy the diagram below and draw the reflection of the given triangle in the following lines.

a x=2 b x = –1 c x=3 d y=2 e y = –1 f y-axis


–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x

2. Draw each of these triangles on squared paper, leaving plenty of space on the opposite side of the
given mirror line. Then draw the reflection of each triangle.

3. a Draw a pair of axes and the lines y = x and y = –x, y

5 y=x
as shown.
b Draw the triangle with coordinates A(2, 1), B(5, 1), 3
C(5, 3). 2
c Draw the reflection of triangle ABC in the x-axis and
label the image P. –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
d Draw the reflection of triangle P in the line y = –x and
label the image Q.
e Draw the reflection of triangle Q in the y-axis and –5 y = –x
label the image R.
f Draw the reflection of triangle R in the line y = x and label the image S.
g Draw the reflection of triangle S in the x-axis and label the image T.
h Draw the reflection of triangle T in the line y = –x and label the image U.
i Draw the reflection of triangle U in the y-axis and label the image W.
j What single reflection will move triangle W to triangle ABC?

4. Copy the diagram and reflect the triangle in these lines. y


a y=x 4

b x=1 2
c y = –x
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
d y = –1 –2

5. On squared paper, draw each of these shapes and its centre of rotation, leaving plenty of space all
round the shape.

a Rotate each shape about its centre of rotation

i first by 90° clockwise (call the image A) ii then by 90° anticlockwise (call
the image B).

b Describe, in each case, the rotation that would take

i A back to its original position ii A to B.

6. Copy the diagram and rotate the given triangle by y
the following. 5
a 90° clockwise about (0, 0) 3
b 180° about (3, 3) 1

c 90° anticlockwise about (0, 2) –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x

d 180° about (–1, 0)
e 90° clockwise about (–1, –1) –4

7. What other rotations are equivalent to these rotations?

a 270° clockwise b 90° clockwise c 60° anticlockwise d 100° anticlockwise

8. Show that a reflection in the x-axis followed by a reflection in the y-axis is equivalent to a rotation of
180° about the origin.

9. Show that a reflection in the line y = x followed by a reflection in the line y = –x is equivalent to a
rotation of 180° about the origin.

10. a Draw a triangle ABC on squared paper.

b Mark four different centres of enlargement on your diagram as follows.

one above your triangle one to the left of your triangle
one below your triangle one to the right of your triangle

c Enlarge the triangle by a scale factor of 2 from each centre.

d What do you notice about each enlarged shape?

11. Enlarge each of these shapes by a scale factor of –21 about the given centre of enlargement.

12. Copy this diagram onto squared paper. y

a Enlarge the rectangle A by scale factor –31 about the origin.
Label the image B.
b Write down the ratio of the lengths of the sides of 7
rectangle A to the lengths of the sides of rectangle B. 6 A
c Work out the ratio of the perimeter of rectangle A to the
perimeter of rectangle B. 4
d Work out the ratio of the area of rectangle A to the 2
area of rectangle B. 1

0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13. Copy the diagram onto squared paper. y
a Enlarge A by a scale factor of 3 about a centre (4, 5).
B 4
b –21
Enlarge B by a scale factor about a centre (–1, –3). 3
c Enlarge B by scale factor – –21 about a centre (–3, –1).
d What is the centre of enlargement and scale factor
which maps B onto A? –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
e What is the centre of enlargement and scale factor –2
which maps A onto B?

f What is the centre of enlargement and scale factor –4

which maps the answer to part b to the answer to –5
part c?

g What is the centre of enlargement and scale factor which maps the answer to part c to the
answer to part b?

h What is the connection between the scale factors and the centres of enlargement in parts d
and e, and in parts f and g?

14. Use vectors to describe the following translations.

a i A to B ii A to C iii A to D iv A to E v A to F vi A to G

b i B to A ii B to C iii B to D iv B to E v B to F vi B to G

c i C to A ii C to B iii C to D iv C to E v C to F vi C to G

d i D to E ii E to B iii F to C iv G to D v F to G vi G to E






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x

15. a Draw the triangle with coordinates A(1,1), B(2,1) and C(1,3).

b Draw the image of ABC after a translation with vector ( 23 ). Label this triangle P.
c Draw the image of ABC after a translation with vector ( –12 ). Label this triangle Q.
d Draw the image of ABC after a translation with vector ( –23 ). Label this triangle R.
e Draw the image of ABC after a translation with vector ( –2
–4 )
. Label this triangle S.

16. The triangle ABC is mapped onto the triangle ABC’.

The line AB is invariant.

C C’


a Find the shear factor for the transformation.

b What can you say about the area of triangle ABC and triangle ABC’?

17. Find the image of the rectangle ABCD under a shear factor 2 with the y axis invariant.



D’ C’

18. Describe fully the transformation which maps

ABCD onto ABC’D’. D C


19. The shape ABCD is stretched with a stretch
factor 2 and the x-axis invariant. y

Copy the diagram and show the image



20. Describe fully the transformations that will map the shaded triangle onto each of the triangles A–F.




0 x
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5

21. Describe fully the transformations that will result in y

the following movements. 5
a T1 to T2 3
T1 T2
b T1 to T6 2
c T2 to T3
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
d T6 to T2 –1
e T6 to T5 T6 T5 T4

f T5 to T4 –4

22. The point P(3, 4) is reflected in the x-axis, then rotated by 90° clockwise about the origin.
What are the coordinates of the image of P?

23. A point Q(5, 2) is rotated by 180°, then reflected in the x-axis.

a What are the coordinates of the image point of Q?

b What single transformation would have taken point Q directly to the image point?

24. Find the coordinates of the image of the point (3, 5) after a clockwise rotation of 90° about
the point (1, 3).

17 Matrices
1. If A= ( 13 24 ) and B = ( 57 68 )

a A+B

b B–A

c 5A

d 5A – 2B

e AB

f BA

g A–1

h B–1

2. If A= ( –23 –24 ) find A . 2

3. Find the determinant and inverse of the following matrices:

3 0
a ( –2 1 )
b ( 62 –2
–5 )

c ( 12 13
22 23 )

4. If A = (2 –4) B = ( 42 31 ) C = ( 11 34 ) D = ( 32 )
a Which of the following matrix calculations is not possible?

i AB ii AD iii BA iv BD

b Calculate CD.

c Find the inverse of C.

3x 4x
5. If M = (
x 2x )
find i 2M ii M2
1 2
6. If M =
3 7( )
a Find the 2 x 2 matrix A, such that M + A = ( 00 00 ).
b Find the 2 x 2 matrix B, such that MB = ( 10 01 ).
7. The point P with coordinates (–3, 4) is reflected in the line y = x.
Use matrices to find the coordinates of P’, the image of P under this transformation.

8. The triangle ABC with coordinates A(4,2), B(3,5) and C(–1,4) is given a transformation by the matrix
0 1
Find the images of the points A’, B’ and C’ under this transformation
and identify the transformation.
(–1 0 )


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