Rosen Cutler COI NHA July 2009

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Challenges in Building Disease-Based National

Health Accounts
Allison B. Rosen, MD, ScD,* and David M. Cutler, PhD

Background: Measuring spending on diseases is critical to assessing the value of medical care.
Objective: To review the current state of cost of illness estimation
methods, identifying their strengths, limitations, and uses. We
briefly describe the current National Health Expenditure Accounts,
and then go on to discuss the addition of cost of illness estimation to
the National Health Expenditure Accounts.
Conclusion: Recommendations are made for future research aimed
at identifying the best methods for developing and using diseasebased national health accounts to optimize the information available
to policy makers as they struggle with difficult resource allocation
Key Words: cost of illness, cost allocation, productivity,
efficiency, econometrics, health economics, cost-effectiveness,
health care costs, medical expenditures, research design, national
health accounts
(Med Care 2009;47: S7S13)

he substantial increase in the cost of medical care over the

past half century has fueled intense debate over the value
of medical care. Is it worth it for the United States to spend
so much on health care? What could we do to increase the
benefits of medical spending relative to the costs? These
issues are central in the academic literature,13 and in policy

debates both in the United States4,5 and abroad.6 8 Yet,

progress on these issues has been hampered by the lack of
reliable information on the benefits of medical care relative to
the costs, resulting in conflicting views of US health care
productivity. While some studies suggest that productivity
growth has been reasonable in aggregate,1,9 others indicate
that there is substantial waste at the margin.10 12
To improve the value of care, interest has centered on
revising the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA)
the system that tracks US health care spendingto more
systematically measure the productivity of health care spending.13,14 For policy purposes, the productivity (or value) of
health care spending is measured by relating medical spending to health outcomes.
This article describes a framework for more systematically measuring productivity in health care via the creation
of disease-based national health accounts, modeled on and
existing alongside the NHEA. The disease accounts would
provide a comprehensive picture of population health relative
to health care spending (eg, productivity) on a disease-bydisease basis. We focus herein on expenditures by disease
one important input to productivity assessment. We review
the ongoing debate over cost of illness (COI) studies and the
absence of methodological standards guiding their performance.1518 We close with recommendations for future research aimed at identifying the best methods for developing
and using disease-based national health accounts.

National Health Expenditure Accounts

From the *Division of General Medicine and Department of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan Schools of Medicine and
Public Health, and HSR&D Center of Excellence, Ann Arbor Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Department of
Economics, Harvard University, and National Bureau of Economic
Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) grant number
1P01AG031098-01A1 and the Harvard Interfaculty Program for Health
Systems Improvement; and a pilot grant from the John A. Hartford
Foundations Center of Excellence in Geriatrics at the University of
Michigan and NIH grant number K12-RR017607 (to A.B.R.).
The funders had no role in the design or conduct of the study; collection,
management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or preparation,
review, or approval of the manuscript.
Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors, and do not
necessarily correspond with those of the institutions with which they are
affiliated, or the research sponsors.
Reprints: Allison B. Rosen, MD, ScD; Division of General Medicine,
University of Michigan Health Systems, 300 North Ingalls, Suite 7E10,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109. E-mail: [email protected].
Copyright 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0025-7079/09/4700-0007

Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

Aggregate data on medical spending have been compiled by the Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Statistics (CMS) since 1960.19,20 The accounts
track the flow of funds into and out of the health care system,
providing detailed information on payer type (eg, Medicare,
private, out of pocket, etc.) and services purchased (eg,
hospital care, pharmaceuticals, etc.). Table 1 shows a typical
table and its sources and uses matrix, with payers on one
axis and services purchased on the other. The accounts, which
are described in more detail by Heffler and Nuccio,20 impose
a specific set of accounting principles, ensuring that payers
and services add up to the total.
The NHEAs contribute substantially to our understanding of medical spending. Yet they have limitations as well.
Because they focus only on spending, the NHEAs provide no
information on the value of health care spending, as they do
not track the desired output of investment in health care
improved health. Indeed, these tabulations used to be termed |


Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

Rosen and Cutler

TABLE 1. National Health Expenditures, 2006 (Billions of Dollars)



Type of Expenditure





Private Insurance





Services and supplies
Personal health care
Professional services
Physician and clinical
Other professional
Other pers. health care
Nursing home and home health
Home health
Nursing home
Medical products
Prescription drugs
Other medical products
Durable equipment
Other non-durable
Public health
Structures and equipment

















Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary: Data from the National Health Expenditure Accounts, 2006.

National Health Accounts, but were recently renamed National

Health Expenditure Accounts to reflect their focus on spending, not health per se. Further, the data are not necessarily at
the right level of aggregation to measure value. To make
these productivity calculations, one needs to understand
spending at the same level as health outcomes, which are
most naturally measured by disease. Thus, a central issue in
expanding the NHEA is adding the more disaggregated (or
micro) data needed to estimate disease costs.

Cost of Illness Studies

While the NHEAs measure aggregate spending, a separate literature has focused on measuring the costs of particular illnesses. COI studies quantify the economic impact of a
disease and, together with prevalence, incidence, morbidity,
and mortality, help portray the overall burden of disease in
society. Segal provides a recent review of the COI literature.21 The first analysis to distribute total personal medical
spending by diagnosis was by Dorothy Rice in the early
1960s.22,23 This was followed by a series of subsequent
studies estimating disease costs in 1976 by Cooper and
Rice,24 1978 by Berk et al,25 1985 by Rice et al,26 and 1999
by Hodgson and Cohen.27 Since the ongoing Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) was started, COI studies have been
more common, with papers reporting direct disease costs by
Druss et al for 2002,28 Cohen and Krauss for 2003,29 and Thorpe
et al for 2004,30 and Roehrig et al for 1996 2005.30a



Cost-of-illness studies have been enormously influential. They have been used to compare the importance of
different diseases, assist in the allocation of research dollars
to specific diseases, provide a basis for policy and planning
activities, and provide an economic framework for program
evaluation.31 The National Institutes of Health have produced
several summaries of cost of disease estimates (1995, 1997,
and 2000),3234 and such estimates have been cited in Congressional testimony, official reports, and other publications.3537 Congress has even expressed interest in using COI
estimates as a measure for allocating research dollars among
the National Institutes of Health38 and Institute of Medicine
panels have recommended their routine production.39
Cost-of-illness studies have their limitations too. Their
methods and resultant cost estimates can vary substantially,
provoking ongoing debate about their usefulness for policy
purposes.1518 The debate, however, often obscures an important distinction between 2 types of cost of illness studies:
disease-specific studies, which measure the cost of a single
disease, and general studies, which allocate total spending to
several diseases. Most COI studies are disease-specific, and it is
to these studies that most COI methodological concerns refer.1518 Perhaps, the biggest issue in disease-specific studies is
the adding-up constraint: it is not entirely clear what costs are
associated with each disease, and how to ensure that all medical
spending is allocated to one and only one disease.
2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

Disease-Specific COI Studies

Disease-specific COI studies vary in a number of ways,
in part because there is no standard COI methodology. Some
studies produce prevalence-based (annual) COI estimates,
while others produce incidence-based (lifetime) estimates.40
Some studies include direct costs only, while others also
include indirect costs, such as those related to lost productivity. Studies vary in their perspective, time horizon, use and
rate of discounting, data sources, and underlying purpose.
Frequently studies do not include all components of direct
spending and may, therefore, underestimate COI. For instance, a COI study using Medicare claims data would miss
patient out-of-pocket costs. At the same time, disease-specific
studies risk double counting the costs of comorbidities and
complications common to multiple diseases. If, for example,
the costs of heart attacks are attributed to diabetes in one
study, hypertension in another, and pre-existing coronary
heart disease (CHD) in yet another, the combined cost of all
diseases will be overestimated. Indeed, a systematic review of
COI studies by Bernie Bloom et al16 found up to a 7-fold
difference in estimated direct costs within a given disease.
Further, the total median cost of the 80 diagnoses reviewed
was more than twice the actual 1992 US health care expenditures, and this ignored the majority of diseases for which
there were no cost-of-illness estimates.
Over time, there have been calls for the development of
standardized guidelines for performing and reporting COI
studies,1518,41 analogous to those for cost-effectiveness analyses.42 But standards can only go so far. In the case of the
patient who has hypertension, diabetes, and a heart attack, to
what condition should the heart attack be attributed? This is
not a standardization question as much as it is a research
motivation question.

General COI Studies

General COI studies allocate total expenditures for a
population to a group of diseases. The methodology is usually
top down: total costs for the health sector are used as the
starting point and some fraction of the sectors costs are
attributed to each of the diseases of interest.21 The adding-up
constraint makes general COI studies more methodologically
sound and more readily aligned with the NHEA than are
disease-specific studies.15 Thus, we focus on general COI
studies for the remainder of this article.
General COI studies are not without limitations. As
with the disease-specific studies, disease costs must be constrained to a national total to avoid double counting. General
COI studies reduce (but do not preclude) this risk by creating
disease groups that are usually mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Attribution issues in the setting of comorbidities
remain a concern, though. If a person has diabetes and a prior
MI, and is now taking an ACE inhibitor, to which condition
should the costs of the ACE inhibitor be attributed?
The most common (though not exclusive) methodology
for comorbidities is to assign each service to one condition,
generally the principal diagnosis (in the example above, most
likely the heart attack). However, this can result in substantial
underestimation of costs for diseases that impact other conditions later onfor example, diabetes or hypertension.43,44
2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Disease-Based National Health Accounts

Another issue common to both types of COI studies is how to

separate out prevention and screening costs from treatment
costs. One would not want to consider a mammogram for
screening of breast cancer in the same bucket as chemotherapy for a diagnosed case. Both apply to the same disease, but
they have very different implications for how to view medical

Conceptual Framework for Disease-Based

National Health Accounts
The full value of disease-based national health accounts
lies in their potential to better inform the policy process than
either the NHEA or COI studies alone. The NHEA capture
comprehensive health expenditures, but their highly aggregated data (and lack of information on health) preclude many
policy analyses. The more disaggregated national survey data
include detailed information on expenditures and health.
While they can support COI estimation and microsimulation
modeling, the cost estimates may exceed national totals.
Institutionalizing micro survey data within the macro
NHEA framework allows side-by-side comparisons of
health and spending, and ensures that expenditures are
constrained to NHEA totals.13 The combined analytic
dataset builds on the strengths of each while addressing the
weaknesses of the other.
The disease-based accounts would be a supplement,
rather than a substitute, to the NHEA. The basic framework
we envision would start with the NHEA sources and uses
matrix, and add disease categories as a third dimension. This
3-way matrix would support multiple potential tables: total
expenditures by disease, payers by disease, and services
purchased by disease would likely be among the first. The
accounts would allocate total personal health care expenditures to a mutually exclusive, exhaustive set of diseases.
While tables would follow NHEA standards for classification
and completeness, the dimensions of the tables would largely
be dictated by data availability. Therefore, while it is not
necessary to show every category of spending in a table,
those categories that are shown must be distributed completely.
To proceed, what is needed is a methodologically
rigorous, empirically feasible way of bringing the NHEA
and COI studies together in a common framework. In this
section, we describe 3 major steps required to attain this
goal: (1) identification and reconciliation of individual
level (or micro) data to NHEA, (2) choice of disease
classification system, and (3) attribution of expenditures to
diseases. Throughout, we comment on gaps in data, knowledge, or methodology that would benefit from additional
research. Finally, we outline an agenda of future research
aimed at improving the methodological rigor and policy
impact of disease-based national health accounts.

Identification and Linkage of Micro Data to

the NHEA
Disease-based health accounts require micro data on
spending by particular individuals to tell what is spent for
particular conditions. At the same time, the micro data need
to add up to national spending totals. A central challenge for |


Rosen and Cutler

Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

disease-based national health accounts is identifying individual level data of sufficiently broad scope for linkage to the
NHEA. In the United States, this has proven difficult. Several
recent COI estimates have used AHRQs Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.28 30 However, MEPS underestimates national spending and requires adjustment if it is to match
NHEA totals. In 2002, for example, national cost estimates
from MEPS accounted for less than 70% of NHEA totals
partly due to the MEPS restriction to the noninstitutionalized
population.45 The Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
(MCBS) collects data on institutionalized Medicare beneficiaries that could be used to supplement MEPS. However,
there is no straightforward way to link these surveys.
Ongoing work by AHRQ and CMS has made great
strides in reconciling MEPS data to the NHEA,45,46 and
additional ongoing work has focused on linking MEPS and
MCBS data for reconciliation to the NHEA.13 These data set
linkages and reconciliations are still progressing, and should
allow better estimates in the near future.
While survey data are appropriate for high prevalence
illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, for
lower prevalence conditions (or subgroup analyses), the national surveys suffer from small sample size problems. For
low prevalence conditions, additional data are required, often
in the form of population- or disease-specific registries.
Another option is to combine the power of claims databases
(convenience samples) with the representativeness of household surveys (probability samples), weighting the claims data
to match the representativeness of the household survey.
Claims data have additional drawbacks, however, including
their limited accessibility and being relatively expensive to

similar etiologies together, regardless of whether they cross

organ system (and ICD-9 chapter) boundaries. This consistency, along with AHRQs stewardship of the CCS (updated
annually to capture the frequent changes to ICD-9 codes),
make it an appealing instrument for standardization efforts.
At the same time, though, use of the ICD-9 chapter structure
as the foundation of many grouping systems has made mapping them to CCS challenging.48
A variety of commercial risk-adjustment tools (such as
Episode Treatment Groups (ETGs), Medical Episode Groups
(MEGs), and Diagnosis Cost Groups (DCGs) have also been
used as the basis for disease categorization schemas. To our
knowledge, no comprehensive catalog of these various schemas exists. But there have been 2 excellent recent reviews of
many of these disease classification systems, one developed
for clinical outcomes48 and the other for risk adjusting
costs.49 Lu et al compared 7 grouping schemes5 for mortality and 2 for morbidityand found limited comparability
between them. The different schemes used different grouping
logic, covered different ranges of codes, and named some
groups the same but defined them with entirely different
diagnostic codes. Curiously, these divergent grouping
schemes are the ones used to make most international mortality comparisons.48 The second review, by the Society of
Actuaries, made side-by-side comparisons of 12 risk adjustment models, largely commercial products. The models varied markedly in the data fields used to define patient risk
categories; some included age, sex, and/or secondary diagnoses, while others did not. Some included pharmacy and
laboratory data, while others did not. The number of risk
categories varied substantially, as did the proportion of expenditures that could be allocated to disease groups.49

Selection of Disease Classification System

Attribution of Expenditures to Diseases

While the issue of disease categorization is important, it

has received little attention in the literature. When we talk
about the cost of diabetes, should we separate type I and type
II diabetes, or combine them? Should we differentiate people
with complications from those without, or leave everyone in
one bucket? There is no firm rule about what strategy is best,
and as a result, different classification systems take different
approaches. Most systems use the International Classification
of Diseases, ninth or tenth revision codes as the basis of their
classification. However, the number of disease buckets they
employ and the combination of codes mapping into a given
disease vary significantly across systems.
The validity of disease classifications can be optimized,
in part, by grouping diagnoses into homogeneous, mutually
exclusive, exhaustive buckets. Ironically, the first level categorization of the ICD-9-CM (the most frequently used system
in the US) violates this rule. Of the 17 chapters in the ICD-9
manual, some represent organ systems (eg, circulatory diseases or respiratory diseases), while others represent conditions that span multiple organ systems (eg, infectious and
parasitic diseases, neoplasms). One additional category is
reserved for symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions.
As a result, the chapters range from too broad to too narrow.
A more appropriate schema is AHRQs Clinical Classification Software (CCS).47 The CCS groups diseases with

Once the disease classification schema has been selected, the next step is to attribute spending to diseases. There
are 3 distinct conceptual approaches to attributing medical
costs to diseases, each with different implications for the unit
of analysis The first approach is an encounter-based approach, estimating disease-specific spending by diagnoses
listed on individual medical claims; the unit of analysis is the
encounter (or claim). The second is an episode-based approach, estimating spending on all services considered to be
involved in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of a
specific condition. The unit of analysis is an episode, which
may have variable lengths of time. The third is a personbased approach, identifying all conditions a person has and
then using regression analysis to allocate total spending to
particular diseases.



Encounter-Based Approach
Most cost of illness studies take an encounter-based
approach,2226,28 30,30a assigning claims to disease buckets
based upon their coded diagnoses. Comorbidities are a major
problem here; attributing each spending item for a patient
who is both hypertensive and diabetic is not easy. The usual
approach is to assign claims based on the primary diagnosis,
but in practice this dilutes the apparent cost impact of many
important risk factors. For example, if a person with diabetes,
2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

hypertension, and CHD visits a doctor, to which disease

should the costs be attributed? What if only coronary heart
disease is listed on the encounter despite the fact that the
diabetes likely contributed to the CHD? In the same vein, this
method has difficulty accounting for downstream complications. If a person with diabetes has a heart attack several years
later, is the subsequent spending a result of the diabetes or the
heart attack? Most analyses would assign the downstream
costs to the heart attack, which underweights the future costs
of diabetes.43 These issues are particularly important in individuals with conditions like CHD, where multiple comorbid
diseases are the norm, rather than the exception.
The principal advantage of the encounter-based approach is the ease with which costs are attributed to diseases.
At the same time, though, a nontrivial portion of spending has
no associated claims or valid diagnosis codes, such that these
costs cannot be allocated to diseases. For example, many
over-the-counter medications are not formally linked to a
diagnosis. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, encounterbased COI estimates are not readily compared with health
outcomes (that are measured at the person level), thereby
hampering meaningful estimation of health care productivity.

Episode-Based Approach
Increasingly, analysts are estimating disease costs using
episode grouperssoftware programs with algorithms that
organize claims data into clinically distinct episodes of care.
A treatment episode can be thought of as a series of temporally contiguous health care services related to the treatment of a given spell of illness or provided in response to
a specific request by the patient or other relevant entity.50
Episodes are natural to examine because they group related
claims regardless of which specific diagnosis is coded on
the claim.
Still, episode-based disease costing faces a number of
challenges. A central issue is how to identify the start and end
point of an episode of treatment, and how to identify the
groups of specific services and costs relating to a particular
episode of care.5154 Episode groupers differ in how they do
this, with no clear consensus on best practice. Comorbidity
and joint cost issues are problematic as well, just as they are
in the encounter approach. Other challenges include how to
handle chronic disease episodes (length is often set arbitrarily
at 1 year), what to do with complications of treatment (assign
to a new episode or an old one), and how to handle medical
treatments that do not fall neatly into a disease category (such
as a screening study). Finally, while a number of different
commercial episode groupers are already widely in use, they
have received little scientific evaluation to date,55 and the
small but growing body of research by CMS56 and others57
points to very real differences in the output of different
vendors groupers. Pending further evaluation and standardization, it will be difficult to use these proprietary algorithms
for public work.

Person-Based Approach
The final approach to cost estimation is the personbased approach. In this approach, a persons total annual
health care spending is regressed on indicators for the set of
2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Disease-Based National Health Accounts

conditions a person has. The coefficient on the disease

dummy variable is the average cost of that condition, controlling for the other conditions the person has (ie, the
incremental additional cost of the disease).
The person-based approach is designed to produce
more valid estimates for patients with multiple chronic conditions, as it better captures expenditures for comorbidities
and complications. That said, the regression specification is
sensitive to how comorbidities are entered. A standard linear
regression may not be right, since it imposes additivity of
joint conditions. However, if 1 condition increases (or
decreases) the costs of another, adjustment is needed to
ensure that condition-specific spending does not sum to
more (or less) than the total.58 Another empirical issue is
what interaction terms to include. For the most part,
clinical expertise is needed to identify the appropriate
group(s) of co-occurring diseases, which may represent a
limitation for policy purposes.
An advantage of person-based cost estimation is that
the costs of utilization events for which there are no valid
claims or ICD-9 codes can still be attributed. Another attractive conceptual feature of person-based cost estimates is that
they can be readily matched to health outcomes, such as
mortality and quality of life, thereby providing the critical
link between spending and health needed to more systematically measure value.

Which Approach is Best?

Conceptually, there is no best method for allocating
expenditures to disease groups. Rather, the most appropriate
method will be contextual, depending largely on the question
at hand and the target audience. For example, if the goal is to
compare costs and health effects within a given disease, as is
done in cost-effectiveness analyses, a person-based approach
is likely best. In contrast, if price index construction is the
goal, federal agencies may find an episode of treatment
approach more meaningful. For evaluating changes in acute
care spending patterns, though, real-time answers may only
be possible with an encounter-based approach. In the longterm, what is needed is more empirical work to compare
different approaches and to determine more definitively
which is best under particular conditions.57

Timely, reliable, and complete information on medical
spending relative to health is critical for sound policy-making
and planning. As calls for health care cost containment
escalate, the need for such data has never been more apparent.
We describe 1 optionthe development of disease-based
national health accountsfor systematically developing this
knowledge base.
A number of methodological challenges will arise in
implementing disease-based health accounts. We focus
herein on 3 major steps: linking micro spending data with
macro totals; determining a set of diseases for which costs
can be measured; and allocating spending to particular conditions. Each of these steps involves conceptual as well as
applied questions. Further, while some immediate ways to
make progress exist, the difficult and longer term issues of |


Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009

Rosen and Cutler

data availability and reliability (while not discussed in detail

here) will be central to the success of these efforts.
While additional research on disease-based medical
spending is an important step in forming disease-based
accounts, it is not the only step. Future research will need
to address nonmedical inputs to health (such as education
and the environment), indirect costs of care (such as lost
productivity, and caregiver costs), and measurement of
population health.
Along these lines, it is important to note that existing
national accounts, such as the National Income and Product
Accounts, are not static. New measures of inflation are
introduced, adjustments for changes in quality are developed,
and so on. The key to the accounts is not that they are perfect,
but rather that they have a coherent organizing structure that
guides ongoing refinements. We envision the type of cost
assessment we propose as a first step toward this broader

The authors thank Stephen Heffler and 2 anonymous
reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this
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