Tuberculosis Prevention Plan: Histology Laboratory

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1 Infection and treatment
1.1 Infection
1.2 Treatment
1.3 Compensation
1.4 References


2 Exposure determination
2.1 Job classification
2.2 High risk
2.3 Low risk
2.4 Notification of exposure
3 Method of compliance
3.1 Universal precautions
3.2 Engineering controls
3.3 Work practice controls
3.4 Personal protective equipment
4 Respiratory protection
4.1 Tuberculosis prevention training
4.2 Respirators
4.3 Respirator training
4.4 Record keeping
4.5 References
5 Tuberculosis testing
5.1 Policy
5.2 PPD skin test
5.3 Testing procedure
5.4 References

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan

1 Infection and treatment


Tuberculosis disease is characterized by cough, fever, weight
loss, night sweats, anorexia, or chest x-ray changes.
Tuberculosis, often known as active or infectious tuberculosis,
is capable of being transmitted to other individuals.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) is introduced into the body
through inhalation of tiny droplets (droplet nuclei), 1-5 in
size, from the respiratory secretions of a person with
tuberculosis disease when that person coughs, speaks, sings,
or spits.
A positive tuberculin skin test without signs or symptoms of
disease and no history of previous TB infection indicates
tuberculosis infection.


If an employee who previously tested negative with a TB skin
tests positive to the test during employment, an evaluation
should be performed by occupational health to determine
occupational exposure.
If the employee does not show
symptoms of the disease and it is determined that the they are
not infectious, they may continue to work. A regimen of drug
therapy is often recommended to prevent the development of
the TB disease.
Employees with infectious pulmonary or
laryngeal tuberculoses must remain off work until they are no
longer infectious to others.


In cases of occupationally acquired TB, the employer i s
responsible for all health care costs, lost wages, and benefits
during the medical removal period in accordance with
workmens compensation insurance.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan


University of Utah Hospital policy and procedure manual. April
1994. 1-69.
University of Utah Department of Epidemiology. April 1994.
Tuberculosis information and training brochure.

2 Exposure determination
Laboratory regulations seek to l i m i t employees occupational
exposure to potentially infectious materials as the result of
performing their job duties. OSHA has not attempted to list all
situations where exposures could occur.
Caution must be used when working in the histology laboratory.
One never knows if a surface or item has been contaminated. One
cannot be positive that a tissue specimen has been completely
Any incidents of unexpected exposure should be
documented and reported in the quality assurance minutes.

Job classification
Exposure risk determination is made for histology and surgical
pathology job classifications where occupational exposure to
potentially infectious materials such as unfixed tissue
specimens occurs.
The determination is made without
personal protective equipment.


High risk
The following duties, usually performed by the surgical
pathology assistant or the grossing room attendant, are high

handling leaking or contaminated specimen containers

working with frozen sections that involve handling fresh
unfixed human tissue including
freezing specimens
sectioning in the cryostat
washing off freezing compound prior to fixation
grossing specimens (cassetting, cutting in) that involve
handling unfixed and fixed human tissue and organs
examining and handling specimens

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan

sectioning to obtain the proper size for processing

wrapping small specimens in paper prior to cassetting
using disposable needlesdisposable needles should
never be recapped; the syringe and needle combined
should be disposed of in the sharps container
cleaning up and disinfecting counter tops, cryostats,
and refrigerators.

Low risk
Low risk duties include those performed by the histology
tecnicians, histology supervisor, and laboratory aides:
picking up, grossing and cassetting specimens
loading tissue processors and handling contaminated
specimen containers such as with autopsy cases
staining frozen sections and touch prep slides (smears)
handling processed tissue sections
cleaning counters
cleaning tissue processors
returning dirty specimen containers to autopsy


Notification of exposure
Employees must report illness or exposure to possible
infectious materials immediately to the supervisor and to
employee health.
Documentation should be maintained in
employees personnel file.

3 Method of compliance

Universal precautions
Universal precautions should be observed to prevent contact
with potentially infectious materials. All body fluids and
unfixed tissue from a human (living or dead) should be
considered potentially infectious. Universal precautions are
followed by environmental services as w e l l as laboratory
employees. All garbage is treated as infectious and disposed
of in a specified landfill for hospital waste, in accordance
with state regulations.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan


Engineering controls
Engineering controls are a means of isolating or removing
pathogens from the workplace. These must be provided by the


Sharps containers
Sharps containers are closable, puncture resistant and leakproof on the sides and bottom. They should be used to
dispose of anything that could puncture or cut the skin such
as razor and microtome blades, pipettes, needles, cover
glasses and glass slides. Sharps containers should not be
overfilled and should be kept closed. When containers are
full, environmental services should be called for pick-up
and replacement.


Regulated waste
All waste in the laboratory is regulated. Garbage cans are
provided by environmental services and are lined with
brown plastic bags. Garbage cans are be emptied daily.
Specimen containers should be emptied before being
disposed of in garbage cans. All contaminated paper towels
and gloves should be disposed of in garbage cans. Glass
bottles should be placed in a large yellow trash can labeled,
GLASS. Broken glassware should be disposed of in the
sharps container.


Contaminated laundry
On site linen services follows universal precautions.
Contaminated laundry should be placed in the bags provided
by linen services. If laundry is wet, it should be placed in a
leakproof bag.


Specimen containers
If specimen containers are to stay on site, universal
precautions are followed and they do not need to be labeled
as biohazard; containers that will be used outside of the
hospital must be show the biohazard label. Specimen
containers must be closable and leakproof. If leakage does
occur, the container should be placed in a secondary
leakproof container with appropriate labeling.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan



Handwashing facilities
Sinks with soap and paper towel dispensers are located in
each laboratory. Dispensers are filled by environmental
services as needed.
Work practice controls


Wash hands immediately after any exposure to blood or
other potentially infectious materials, immediately after
removing gloves, and before leaving the laboratory.


Countertops should be cleaned with either chlorine bleach
(sodium hypochlorite), or cyclophene.
Wipe down
countertops as soon as possible after exposure. Replace
protective coverings and absorbent materials as soon as
feasible when they become contaminated.


Equipment should be decontaminated if possible before
being serviced. A biohazard label should be affixed to the
portions which remain contaminated.


Eating, drinking, smoking, and cosmetics

Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm,
and handling contact lenses are prohibited in the histology
laboratory and in the surgical pathology laboratory. Food
and drink should not be kept in refrigerators, freezers,
shelves, cabinets or on countertops or bench tops where
potentially infectious materials are kept.


All procedures involving potentially infectious materials
should be performed in such a manner as to minimize
splashing, spraying, spattering, and generation of droplets
of these substances.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan



Mouth pipetting
Mouth pipetting and mouth suctioning
infectious materials is prohibited.



Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment is ordered by the histology
supervisor. Employees are responsible for requesting new
orders when supplies are low.


Small, medium, and large sizes of latex disposable gloves
are kept in the lab. Gloves are to be worn when any possible
contact with potentially infectious materials exists.
Gloves should be changed as soon as feasible after
contamination and should not be worn out of the laboratory.


Safety glasses, goggles, and face shields

Safety glasses, goggles and face shields should be worn
when there is a possibility of a splash, spray, or spatter of
body fluids, such as when grossing specimens. They should
be disinfected after use with a 5% bleach solution.


Aprons, gowns, lab coats, and sleeves

Whenever the possibility of occupational exposure exists,
aprons, gowns, lab coats, and sleeves should be worn, as
appropriate. Aprons and sleeves are disposable and lab
coats and gowns should be placed in the laundry. These
items should not be worn outside of the work area.

4 Respiratory protection
The department of epidemiology is responsible for the respiratory
protection program for tuberculosis. They are also responsible
for TB prevention and control. Epidemiology is authorized to
evaluate the appropriateness of airborne precautions and to
discontinue precautions that are inappropriate or no longer

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan


Tuberculosis prevention training

I n i t i a l training for tuberculosis prevention is provided at
orientation. If necessary, the department safety officer will
schedule additional training with hospital epidemiology.


When suspected or known TB cases are being handled in the
grossing room, TB masks must be worn.
These dust-mist
respirator masks, Tecnol DMR 2010, are NIOSH approved. They
are purchased through the hospital storeroom and a supply is
retained in the grossing room.


Respirator training
Environmental health and safety services is responsible for
fit-testing the respirator masks and providing training in the
use and limitations of respirators.
Arrangements for
respirator fit-testing and training must be made by each
section supervisor and scheduled with environmental health
and safety.
Employees not fit-tested and trained in the appropriate use of
the respirator may not perform the duties requiring the masks.
No action may be taken against employees who cannot be
successfully fitted.


Record keeping
Training records are kept in the department employee folders.
These records are maintained by the lab supervisors.


J. J. Keller and Associates Inc. April 1994 Health care hazards
compliance and guidelines, hazard communication. 89-120.
University of Utah Hospital policy and procedure manual. March
1994. 1-65.
University of Utah Hospital policy and procedure manual. April
1994. 1-69.
University of Utah Hospital Epidemiology. April 1994.
University of Utah Hospital tuberculosis information and
training brochure.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan

5 Tuberculosis testing

All employees should be screened for tuberculosis when they
start employment.
Testing should be repeated annually.
Occupational health is responsible for the TB testing program.


PPD skin test

The purified protein derivative tuberculin skin test is a
standard preparation of proteins and other materials obtained
by filtration of tubercle bacilli cultures. An intradermal
injection of 5 units is given.


Testing procedure
1. The department safety officer w i l l be contacted by the
occupational health nurse (OHN) and a date will be scheduled
for the annual testing.
2. The OHN will administer the tuberculin PPD skin test. The
injection of 5 units will be given intradermally in the arm.
3. If an employee is absent on the scheduled testing date, it is
the supervisors responsibility to see that the employee is
rescheduled with the OHN.
4. Records are maintained by occupational health.


J. J. Keller and Associates Inc. April 1994. Health care hazards
compliance and guidelines, hazard communication. 89-120.
University of Utah Hospital policy and procedure manual. April
1994. 1-69.

Tuberculosis Prevention Plan


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