STRT4501 Strategy in Action

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Strategy in Action

STRT 4501 1
Mon,Tues,:Wed,Thursday 3:20-5:00
Summer 1 2015
Professor Robert Goldberg
319B Hayden
Office Hours: By Appointment


Overview and Objectives

As a capstone course, Strategy in Action focuses on the big picture. Whereas other courses, explicitly or
implicitly, present the perspective of a specific function (e.g., marketing, finance), this course presents a
general management perspective. This perspective involves integrating the knowledge acquired in finance,
accounting, operations, MIS, marketing, and organizational behavior courses to provide an understanding
of the nature of businesses. In addition, students develop a broad understanding of the importance and
complexity of strategic decisions. The approach of the class is practical and problem oriented. The major
part of the course will involve applying concepts, analytic frameworks, and intuition to the strategic issues
that real-world companies face. These issues are presented in case studies and through the semester-long
group project.
On successful completion of this capstone course, you will be able to:
Describe the key concepts of strategic management, including industry analysis, company
analysis, competitive strategy and corporate strategy.
Use these concepts, together with concepts from functionally specialized courses, to analyze and
solve problems faced by managers.
Clearly present your analysis, verbally and in writing with supporting arguments.
Required Materials
The required materials for the course are:
1. Text: Custom Book
2. Case packet available from the Bookstore
The textbook can be purchased through the NU bookstore
Your final grade will be weighted in following manner (more details on each component are provided

Strategy Analysis Project

Two Exams
Two Written Case Reports (5 pgs)
Short Case Memos (1/2 page)
Class Participation


Important Notes:
Papers must be turned in on time. Late papers will be significantly penalized.
No extra credit assignments; no exceptions.
A = 93-100; A- = 90-92; B+ = 87-89; B = 83-86; B- = 80-82; C = 70-79; F = < 70
Course Format
Strategic management involves thinking about business problems from a broad perspective. Many times
the course material tends to be more open-ended and gray, rather than black and white. In most cases,
there is no single right answer, although there are some wrong answers; the goal is for the students to ask
the right questions. Students are pushed to think critically about a problem or issue, take a position and
then present the logic behind their position.
The course is based on active learning and discussion. Class sessions will be interactive in nature using
case discussions, exercises, and occasional lectures. It is essential that students are prepared for class
sessions. The classroom discussions are not a substitute for the text.
Course Policies
This course requires extensive readings, active discussions, and diligent attention to the lectures.
1. It is the students responsibility to check in regularly to the courses Blackboard site.
Communications, schedule changes, information, as well as class material will be available on this
2. All assignments must be completed to pass the course.
3. All assignments must be submitted on the due date.
4. All Written Case Reports must be submitted electronically to Turnitin on Blackboard, as well
brought to class.
5. Participation in all aspects of the class is considered a basic requirement of the course. You are
expected to come to each class, to have prepared the assigned material, and to participate in the
discussion of that material, as well as any other activities that may take place as part of the course.
6. Students are expected to attend class for the entire duration of the class (please plan to
arrive on time). I will not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences because I am not
in a position to judge the validity of your reasons for missing class. In extreme cases, where you
miss too many classes, you will miss too much material and fail in your responsibility to contribute
to the learning experience of others. If you attend fewer than 70% of the class sessions you
cannot pass the course and will receive a failing grade regardless of your performance on

7. Failure to fully prepare for class is also a detriment to ones fellow students. It is the students
responsibility to thoroughly read the syllabus, fully understand all the requirements, and keep track
of all important dates in order to be successful.
8. You are expected to conduct yourself with professionalism. Plan to arrive for class on time and
turn off all devices that may be a distraction.
9. Laptops and cell phones are not permitted for use during class time

Assignments and/or due dates may be changed at the instructors discretion. It is your responsibility
to check with Blackboard regularly.

Strategy Analysis Project

The single largest component of your grade will be a semester-long group project that involves the
strategic analysis of a real company.
Please see the Appendix (at the end of the syllabus) for a detailed description of this project.
There will be two in-class exams in this course (see schedule). Each exam is worth 15% of your grade. The
exams are designed to test your knowledge of the course material and its application. Additional details will
be provided during the early part of the semester.
Written Case Reports
You will be required to prepare a written report on the following two cases:
1. Best Buy
2. TBD

Each written report should be 4 pages in length (12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch margins) plus any
necessary exhibits. The questions to address will be posted on Blackboard.
Papers must be submitted through TurnItIn on Blackboard AND submitted to the instructor on the due date,
prior to the beginning of class.
Short Case Memos
For each of the other cases in the semester, you will be required to submit a short memo assignment.
These memos are to be approximately 1/2page in length (double spaced). They are to be submitted in
hard copy at the beginning of class (or emailed in the case of an absence). The assignment question will be
provided on Blackboard.
Class Participation

The ability to contribute to a group discussion is an important managerial skill, and this course provides you
with a low-risk opportunity to develop and practice this skill. Fifteen percent of your course grade will
depend on your contribution to class discussion, which you must earn. While you must balance both
quantity and quality, it is important to note that quality is more important than quantity.
Here is an estimate of how your participation will be evaluated:
Regularly contribute on a voluntary basis, with insights and examples that add value to
the discussion. Demonstrate sound reasoning and judgment. Contribute to a positive
learning environment and exhibit positive attitude. Very few absences from class.
Contribute occasionally or only when involuntarily called upon, but make good
contributions when you do speak.
Absent from several classes, rarely contribute and/or when called upon, seem
unprepared or inattentive. Fail to contribute to a positive learning environment and
exhibit a poor attitude.

Score (out of 10)


Students with Disabilities

If you anticipate issues related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me during my
office hours. If you determine that formal, disability-related accommodations are necessary, it is important
that you be registered with the Disability Resource Center (617-373-2675; and notify me
of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your
Academic Honesty and Integrity
The NU community and CBA take seriously the requirement for academic honesty and integrity. The policy,
adopted by the Student Government Association and the Faculty Senate reads, in part:
Essential to the mission of NU is the commitment to the principles of intellectual honesty and
Academic integrity is important for two reasons. First, independent and original scholarship
ensures that students derive the most from their educational experience and the pursuit of
knowledge. Second, academic dishonesty violates the most fundamental values of an intellectual
community and depreciates the achievements of the entire University community.
Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense and is more fully defined at Any discussion about how to understand and/or apply that policy can
and should be part of an open discussion during the class.

Class Schedule (subject to change)

Week 1


Course Overview & Introduction


Intro to Strategic Management Concep

Strategic Management Context ( Ch.1

Week 1
Week 2


Strategic Thinking and Case Analysis

External Analysis (Assignment: Global Wine Wars
Case Memo
Internal Analysis Case Apple after Jobs Case Memo
Memorial Day- NO CLASSES
Competitive Advantage Case Tesla Motors Case

Week 2
Week 3
Week 3


Week 4
Week 4


Week 5


Week 5


Week 6


Week 6


Differentiation, Cost Leadership and Integration.

Read Chapter 6

Week 7
Week 7


Read Barnes and Noble Case.

Group Presentations

Exam # 1
Structure ,Culture and Control Read chapter 11.
Read J. C. Penny Case
Scenario Planning. Read article on BB
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Read Chapter 7
Read HTC
Corporate Strategy Read Best Buy Case


External Analysis (Assignment: Ch.3)

Internal Analysis Assignment Chapter


Strategic Analysis Project- Professor M

Competitive Advantage Chapter 5
Competitive Strategy Case (Dollar Ge


Strategic Analysis Project. Instructor m

Review of exam. Read Chipotle Case



International Strategy Chapter 10. Re

INDIA. Read Chapter 10
Corporate Strategy Vertical Integration
Diversification. Read Chapter 8
Corporate Strategy Acquisitions, Allia
Read Walt Disney Case
Exam # 2


Strategic Analysis Project. Instructor M

Group Presentations



You will be divided into groups early in the semester.
The first task will be to select an industry on which you would like to concentrate. To do so, you can use
the North American Industry Classification System (or the Standard Industrial Classification System). The
industry needs to be approved by the instructor. Once the industry has been selected, conduct a complete
industry analysis using the course concepts.
The next step is to select an incumbent business within that industry. For example, classification 442 is
Furniture and home furnishings. You could select IKEA or Jordans Furniture. Please keep in mind that
the focus of this project is on the business and NOT on the multi-business corporation. Thus, you may
not select General Electric or Berkshire Hathaway. Most businesses are part of a larger corporation, so
you certainly may select a business within a larger multi-business corporation; for example, GE
Healthcare within GE. However, in your selection, please be sure that you will be able to find enough
information on the business if it is part of a larger multi-business corporation. You might consider selecting
a company that is not the industry leader since this will provide more opportunities to develop stronger
strategic recommendations. In addition, you should probably select a public company to ensure adequate
information youre your analysis. Your company selection must be approved by the instructor.
The third step is to conduct an analysis of the business internal environment. This should examine the
key resources and capabilities of the business relative to its competitors, as well as identifying core

competences and potential sources of competitive advantage. A strong presentation will address the
financial performance of your company relative to its peers.
The fourth step is to analyze the companys competitive strategy within the industry using the tools we
discuss related to Ch. 6.
Finally, you are required to develop a set of strategic recommendations for your company. These
recommendations should be strategic in nature, rather than tactical. In addition, maintaining status quo is
not a strong recommendation. As part of these recommendations, you should provide a discussion of the
key risks associated with these recommendations, as well as key actions that will be required to
successfully implement the recommendations.
Two class meetings will be set aside for group meetings with the instructor. One will be on Tuesday June 2.
The second meeting will be on Thursday June 18. These meetings will provide you with the opportunity to
present your work to date and obtain feedback and suggestions.
Group presentations will be made at the end of the semester. Please provide the instructor with a copy of
the slides you have prepared.

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