Etowah County, Alabama - 287 (G) FOIA Documents

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Sheriff Entrekin is requesting to have 10 deputies trained under the 287(g) program to help identify criminal illegal aliens in Etowah County, Alabama. ICE responds thanking him for signing a new Memorandum of Agreement that aligns with their goals of prioritizing removal of criminal aliens.

Sheriff Entrekin is requesting to have 10 deputies trained under the 287(g) program to help identify criminal illegal aliens in Etowah County, Alabama.

ICE recently bolstered the 287(g) program by implementing uniform standards across locations, establishing new performance benchmarks, and requiring partners to prioritize removal of criminal aliens.

Jameg CJJayeg


827 FORREST AVENUE (256) 546 -28 25

GADSDEN, AL 35901 Enforce The Law - PtotKf & fWmote Our Youfh FA X: (2 56 ) 549-8 137

June 18, 2007

Ms. Julie Myers
Assistant Secretary
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I" Street NW Room 7006
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Assistant Secretary Myers;

I am writing to request participation in the 287 (g) program of the Immigration and
Naturalization Act. Given our relationship with ICE, this partnership will enable us to
better serve and meet the needs of the residents of Etowah County. Alabama.

I have been communicating with Mr. Roland Jones with the office in New Orleans,
who has been very helpful and encouraging. With his advice I am proposing the

Train (5) Sheriff's Deputies assigned to Central Booking with a minimum of two years
experience, who have passed a security background acceptable to ICE.

Train (5) Sheriff's Deputies assigned to patrol division with a minimum of two years
experience. who have passed a security background acceptable to ICE.

Use of the training facilities available at jail where instructors can utilize computer
training aids, videos. and other material they may need in instruction.

lbis program will allow us to enter into a memorandum of understanding that will
enable us to participate with ICE in identifying criminal illegal aliens who may pose a
risk to the citizens of Etowah County. I look forward to your speedy endorsement of this
request and moving forward with this program for the benefit of all.

es Hayes
owah County Sheriff
Office o/Slale and Local Coordination

U.S. Department of Homeland Securily

500 12th Street, SW
Wnshington, D.C . 20536

us. Immigration
and Customs

-to'! 0 9 208!
Todd Entrekin
Etowah County
827 Forrest Avenue
Gadsden, Alabama 35901

Dear Sheriff Entrekin:

Thank you for your September 29, 2009, letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary of
Homeland Security, concerning the 287(g) delegation of authority program administered by U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), within the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS). The co-signatories of your letter will receive a separate, identical response.

First, I would like to thank you for working with ICE to sign a new Memorandum of
Agreement after the recent announcement of changes that would be made to the 287(g) program.
As you know, the 287(g) program was recently bolstered by implementing uniform standards
across the country, establishing new benchmarks for performance, and requiring our state and
local partners to prioritize the removal of criminal aliens. This new MOA directly aligns with
both Secretary Napolitano 's and Assistant Secretary Morton's goals of prioritizing focus on
criminal aliens who pose the most significant threat to our communities. DHS and ICE are
committed to coordination between ICE and our state and local partners.

With respect to your specific concerns about the new MOA, ICE renegotiated the MOAs
with each local law enforcement agency individually. The basic terms of the MOA remained
uniform, with small variations in those instances where the terms conflicted with provisions of
state law. The terms of the standard operating procedure, however, varied according to the type
of model requested. For instance, some local law enforcement agencies requested task force
models, while others requested jail models. Some jurisdictions sought both the jail and task
force models. The type of model a jurisdiction requested formed the standard operating
procedures appended to the MOA.

ICE recognizes that we share the responsibility of ensuring public safety with our local
law enforcement agencies and these partnerships are critical to maintaining ICE 's mission. The
Office of State and Local Coordination would like to continue strategic discussions and efforts
with local law enforcement agencies to build on these partnerships. With that, I would like to
extend an invitation for your department to participate in a round table discussion with ICE and
other sheriffs during the National Sheriffs Association winter conference that will take place in
January 2010 in Washington, D.C. I am hopeful that this meeting will be productive and address
any further concerns you may have.
Todd Entrekin
Page 2

Thank you again for your letter and for your support of the 287(g) program. llook
forward to continuing our partnership with your law enforcement agency.


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