Clinical Microscopy Exam

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Clinical Microscopy

I. Identification
1. MSDS stands for?
2. Oliguria is?
3. Main functional unit of kidneys?
4. Main coloring pigment of urine?; (Bonus: Name the other two pigments)
5. A urine specimen with a 1.002 specific gravity is probably?
6. Most new urine chemical strip tests employ an 11th parameter to determine false-negatives. What analyte does this
parameter detect?
(Bonus: 2 examples of analytes affected by this said analyte)
7. The addition of what helps differentiate RBCs from yeast cells?
8. Major protein constituent of casts
9. A normal urinary crystal that produces clouding upon application of heat, but precipitates with the addition of acetic
acid, appears grain-like
microscopically and produces pink precipitate upon refrigeration
10. Most well-known among aminoacidurias (Bonus: Distinct odor and earliest test used)
II. Multiple Choice
1. Acetic acid concentration we use in the lab?
a. 5% b.2.5% c. 3% d. 7.4325% e. NOTA
2. Volume of Benedicts reagent=drops of urine
a. 25ml=4-5drops
b. 2.3ml=4-5drops
c. 2.5ml=45drops
d. 2.3ml=2drops
3. An acidic pH stool specimen will turn a red litmus and a blue litmus paper into?
a. red;red
b. blue;red
c. blue;blue
d. red;blue
e. purple;red
4. Length of time a urine sample for routine urinalysis is to be centrifuged
a. 10 minutes b. 5 minutes
c. 8minutes
d. 3 minutes
5. The most rational thing to do after centrifuging an ER urine specimen for ketones
a. force brake the centrifuge for faster processing
b. Patiently wait for the centrifuge to stop and decant into the sink
c. Patiently wait for the centrifuge to stop and decant into glass tubes for heating
d. Patiently wait for the centrifuge to stop, decant into glass tubes then heat the conical tube
6. First thing to do upon receiving a routine OPD urinalysis specimen
a. ask the credibility of the specimen b. Log in corresponding logbook
c. check labels
d. Turn the red light on
7. Item number 2 on Things to do on night duty
a. Line logbooks (at least 5 pages)
b. Clean long tubes
c. Place the processed specimens in the storage box
d. Ask kuya Ver to clean the section
8. Concentration of Na2HCO3 we use in the lab
a. 5% b. 2.5% c. 10% d. 7% e. 7.3%
9. Name of company of multistix we use in the lab
a. Siemens
b. Trevor Philips Enterprise
c. Multistix inc d. HPi
10. A supposedly +4 glucose urine specimen should turn the Benedicts reagent into what color upon boiling?
a. blue b. Brown with brick red precipitate
c. Blue-green with a hint of yellow
d. Orange-red with
yellow precipitate
11. Slight hematuria is differentiated from hemoglobinuria with what pattern on urine chemical strip test?
a. Speckled blue
b. Deep blue
c. Yellow
d. Brick red precipitate
12.Urinary crystal with a Coffin lid appearance
a. Ammonium Biurate b. Leucin
c. Triple phosphate d. Calcium oxalate
13. Persons with liver disease usually have these three crystals in their urine, what are these crystals?
a. ampicillin,bilirubin,leucine
c. Bilirubin,cholesterol,cystine
14. Sudden loss of renal function and is often reversible
a. acute renal failure
b. Chronic renal failure c. Fanconi syndrome
d. Acute glomerulonephritis
15. Cystinuria is associated with what urine odor?
a. sweaty feet odor
b. Earthy odor c. Sulphur odor d. Fishy odor
16. CSF is produced where?
a. arachnoid villi
b. Choroid plexus
c. C9 of the vertebrae d. Gray matter
17.Mainly lymphocytic CSF microscopically indicates
a. bacterial meningitis b. Streptococcal infection
c. Viral infection
d. Traumatic tap
18. Presence of what protein signifies that the sample is true CSF
a. CSF specific protein b. Doppler protein
c. Transerythron
d. Tau protein
19. Low CSF glucose values could indicate
a. bacterial meningitis b. Viral meninigitis
c. Traumatic tap
d. Xantochromic CSF
20. Presence of oligoclonal bands in the CSF but not in the serum electrophoretically is an indication of what
a. Multiple Sclerosis
b. Viral meningitis
c. Schizophrenic-obssessive-compulsive disorder
21.______ produces most of the seminal fluid
a. seminal vesicles
b. Bulbourethral glands c. Testes
d. Semineferous tubules
22. main sugar component of seminal fluid
a. sucrose
b. Galactose
c. Mannose
d. Fructose
23. the process of cutting off the males vas deferens
a. vansectomy b. Deferendectomy
c. Vasectomy d. The start of every mans hopes and dreams
24.the process of collecting synovial fluid
a. Arthrocentesis
b. Rheumathocentesis c. Paracentesis d.arthriticentesis

25. Crystals found in pseudogout

a. monosodium urate b. Calcium oxalate crystals
c. Monosodium glutamic acid
pyrophosphate dehydrate
26-28 Match the fluid with their manner of collection
Pleural fluid
Pericardial fluid b.thoracentesis
Peritoneal fluid c. Paracentesis
29. Newborns first bowel movement
a. Bolusb. Meconium
c. Lecithin
d. Sphingomyelin
30. Reference method of measuring Fetal-Lung Maturity
a. LS ratio
b. FS index
c. AP ratio
d. JKG index
e. APGAR score

d. Calcium

III Drawing. Draw the following ( 2 points each )

1. Epithelial cell

2. Coarse Granular Cast

3. Calcium oxalate crystals

4. RBCs

5. Branching hyphae with yeast cells

6. WBCs

7. Uric Acid Crystals

8. amorphous phosphate crystals

9. the typewriter in CM

10. Your handsome section head

IV Essay ( write to your hearts content, 5 points each)

1. Upon receiving a STAT urine specimen for urinalysis and pregtest, what would you do? (answer as detailed as

2. What important life lessons have you learned in your stay at MCU

I Identification
1. a type of relationship wherein one organism lives at the expense of the host
2. crystals usually observed on patients with parasitic infection
3. amoeba-flagellate which causes Primary Amoebic Meningitis
4. Largest protozoan parasite infecting humans
5. Causes Gay Bowel Syndrome
6. Causative agent of Chagas disease
7. Old-world Hookworm
8. Causes river blindness
9. Also known as beef tapeworm
10. Smallest tapeworm capable of infecting humans
11. Oncomelania snail spp. serves as intermediate hosts to what Schistosoma spp.?
12. Causes the so-called Lung Fluke Disease
13. Primary specie of mosquito that serves as vectors for malariae
14. Most common diagnostic tool used in the detection of parasitism
15. What concentration technique makes use of formalin and ether
II Drawing
5 points. A diagram of Plasmodia spp. lifecycle

2 points each
1. Trichuris trichuria egg

2. Entamoeba coli ova

3. Ascaris lumbricoides decorticated egg

4. Enterobius vermicularis egg

5. Giardia lamblia trophozoite

Everybody keeps asking me what life is, for

me, the answers never
really mattered, the lessons we learned acquiring them, does
-Bob Marley
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance,
the illusion of knowledge is
-Stephen Hawking( inshort wag magmaasim, kung di alam, di alam)

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