Chapter12 PRA

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Withholding Manual

Softax (Pvt) Limited

Withholding Tax (Punjab)
The Punjab Sales Tax on Act, 2012
August 27, 2012
No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 (11). In exercise of the powers conferred under section 76 of the
Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act 2012 (XLIII of 2012), Punjab Revenue Authority, with the prior
approval of the Government, is pleased to make the following rules:


Short title, application and commencement.

These rules may be cited as Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Withholding) Rules 2012.
They shall apply to the taxable services1[, excluding telecommunication, banking,
courier, insurance and services (other than advertisement services) provided by
corporate sector persons registered with the Authority,] provided to the following
Federal and Provincial Governments including local and district governments,
government departments and offices;
autonomous bodies;
public sector organizations including public corporations, state-owned
enterprises and regulatory bodies and authorities;
organizations which are funded, fully or partially, out of the budget grants of the
Federal or Provincial Government;
taxpayers falling in the jurisdiction of Large Taxpayers Units (LTU) established by
the Federal Board of Revenue; and
recipients of service of advertisements who are registered for the Federal sales
tax on goods or for the Punjab sales tax on services.
They shall come into force at once.
The persons mentioned in sub-rule (2) are hereby specified withholding agents for
purposes of deduction and payment of sales tax under these rules and include the
accounting office responsible for making payments against the taxable services received
by a Government department or office.

Withholding agents.The persons mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 1 are specified withholding agents for the
purpose of deduction and payment of sales tax under these rules and include the
accounting office responsible for making payments against the taxable services received
by a Government department or office.]

Words etc inserted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May 28, 2013.
Rule 2 inserted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May 28, 2013.


Withholding Manual

Softax (Pvt) Limited


Responsibility of a withholding agent.While intending to receive taxable services, the

withholding agent shall indicate in an advertisement, tender, notice, booking order or
any other similar document, made or given for this purpose that sales tax to the extent
as provided in these rules shall be deducted and withheld from the payment to be made
to the service provider for deposit with the Government.


Services from registered service providers.A withholding agent, other than a person
falling in the jurisdiction of LTU and a recipient of advertisement services, shall deduct 3[
] sales tax shown in the tax invoice issued by a registered service provider and make
payment of the balance of the transaction amount to him.


Service from unregistered service provider.A withholding agent, having free tax
number (FTN) or national tax number (NTN) and falling under clauses (a), (b), (c), (d) or
(e) of sub-rule(2) of rule 1, shall on receipt of taxable services from an unregistered
service provider, deduct sales tax at the applicable rate of the value of taxable services
provided to him from the payment due to the service provider and 4[ ] the amount of
sales tax for the purpose of this rule shall be worked out on the basis of gross value of
taxable services.


Deduction on advertisement services.A person mentioned in clause (f) of sub-rule (2)

of rule 1, who receives advertisement services, provided by a person based in Pakistan
or abroad, shall deduct the whole amount of sales tax as mentioned in the invoice
issued by the service provider from the payment due to the service provider and in case
the sales tax amount is not indicated on the invoice, the recipient shall deduct the
amount of sales tax at the applicable rate of the value of taxable services from the
payment due to the service provider.


Withholding agents registered in LTUs.

Notwithstanding anything contained in rules 5 and 6, a withholding agent falling under
clause (e) of sub-rule (2) of rule 1, who receives taxable services from a registered
service provider 5[registered other than in LTU, shall deduct and withhold the whole
amount of] sales tax from the payment due to that registered service provider.


The amount deducted as aforesaid shall be deposited by the withholding agent with the
Government by 15thday of every following month and the withholding agent shall
submit the monthly sales tax return for withholding agents as prescribed in the rules by
the said date.

Words an amount equal to one-fifth of the substituted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012

dated May 28, 2013.
Words etc omitted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May 28, 2013. Earlier it was ,
unless otherwise specified in the contract between the service recipient and the service
Words etc who is also registered in the LTU, shall deduct and withhold one percent of value of
taxable services received by him as omitted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May
28, 2013.

Withholding Manual


Softax (Pvt) Limited

Where the said withholding agent is also registered with the Authority, he shall deposit
the withheld amount of tax on the Form PST-04 and shall submit his tax return on Form
PST-03 by the respective prescribed due dates.


Services received by Government departments or offices.

Where the taxable services are received by a government department or office specified
in clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 1 read with sub-rule (3) of rule 1, the following
procedure shall be observed:

the Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO), preparing the bill for the accounting
office, shall indicate the amount of sales tax withheld under these rules and the
accounting office shall adopt the payment procedure as indicated below:
in case of services received by a department or office under the Federal
Government, the office of the Accountant General of Pakistan Revenue
shall account for and transfer the amount deducted at source during a
month to the Government through a cheque in the name of the
Chairperson of the Authority by credit to the relevant head of account
and send to the Authority by 15th day of the following month;
in case of services received by departments or offices under the
Government or district or local governments thereof, the Accountant
General of the Punjab or the District Accounts Officer, as the case may
be, shall credit the amount deducted at source during a month to the
Government under due intimation to the Chairperson of the Authority;
in case of services received by the departments and offices under a
Provincial Government, other than the Government or districts or local
governments thereof, the Accountant General of that Province or the
respective District Accounts Officer shall credit the amount deducted at
source during a month to the Government through a cheque in the
name of the Chairperson of the Authority to be sent to the Authority by
15th day of the following month; and
where the services are received by the departments falling in purview of
Military Accountant General (MAG), the MAG shall deposit the amount
deducted at source during a month with the Government under
intimation to the Chairperson of the Authority by 15th day of the
following month, and the amount so deducted at source shall
simultaneously be reported by MAG to the Accountant General of the
Punjab through civil exchange accounts; and, the concerned Drawing
and Disbursement Officer shall prepare the return in the form as setout
in the Annex to these rules for each month and forward the same to the
Chairperson of the Authority by 15th day of the following month;

Sub-rule (4) omitted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May 28, 2013. Earlier it was
The remaining amount of fifteen percent or more of the value of taxable services shall
be paid by the withholding agent to the registered service provider who shall account for such
amount in his prescribed tax return in Form PST-03.

Withholding Manual



Softax (Pvt) Limited

in case of the services not covered by clause (a) above, the withholding agent
shall pay the withheld amount of sales tax to the Government on the form PST04 by the due dates as specified below:
in case the withholding agent is registered as a service provider under
the Act, by the prescribed due date in the month following the tax
period in which he claims input tax adjustment in his Punjab sales tax
return or the date on which payment is made to the service provider,
whichever is earlier;
in case the withholding agent is not registered as a service provider
under the Act but is registered with the FBR under the Sales Tax Act,
1990 (VII of 1990), by 15th day of the month following the period in
which he claims input tax adjustment in the Federal sales tax return as
prescribed by the FBR, or the date on which payment is made to the
service provider, whichever is earlier; and
in case of other withholding agents, not covered by items (i) and (ii)
above, by 15th day of the following second month in which the tax
invoice was issued by the service provider or the date on which
payment is made to the service provider, whichever is earlier; and
in case the withholding agent is also registered under the Act, he shall file the
return and deposit the withheld amount of sales tax in the prescribed manner
alongwith other tax liability, if any, and such person shall not be required to file
the return in the form annexed to these rules:
Provided that in case the withholding agent is not registered for sales tax but
holds a national tax number assigned under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
(XLIX of 2001), he shall file the return as annexed to these rules electronically
and deposit the amount deducted at source in the prescribed manner;
Provided further that any other withholding agent may also opt to file the
prescribed return electronically and deposit the deducted amount in the
manner as provided in this rule.


Provision of information or data.The withholding agent shall furnish to the Authority

all such information or data as may be required by it for carrying out the purposes of the
Act and these rules.


Certificate of deduction (withholding).A certificate showing deduction of sales tax

shall be issued to the supplier by the withholding agent duly specifying the name and
registration number of the service provider, description and value of services, total
amount of sales tax charged on the services and the amount of tax deducted and a copy
or copies of every or all such certificate or certificates shall be sent to the Authority on
monthly basis.


Responsibility of the registered service provider.

The registered service provider shall issue a proper sales tax invoice in respect of every
taxable service provided to a withholding agent.

Withholding Manual

Softax (Pvt) Limited


The registered service provider shall file monthly return as prescribed in the relevant
rules and shall be entitled to adjust input tax against the output tax taking due credit of
the sales tax deducted by the withholding agent or agents in the prescribed manner.


Deposit of withheld sales tax amounts.

All amounts of the Punjab sales tax on services deducted or withheld under these rules
shall be paid to or deposited with the Government under head of account B-02382Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Withholding) in the prescribed form and manner
[without any adjustment, deduction or credit, whatsoever].


Application of other provisions.All the provisions of the rules and notifications made
or issued under the Act shall apply to the taxable services covered under these rules to
the extent that these are not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules.


Saving.The tax withheld or liable to be withheld under the draft version of these rules
exhibited on the website of the Authority shall be deemed to have been withheld or
liable to be withheld under these rules and shall be paid accordingly.

[see rule 8(1)(a)(iv)]
Punjab Sales Tax Monthly Return for Withholding Agents
Withholding Agent:
Name: ________________________________________________________
Category : _____________________________________________________
as per Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Withholding) Rule, 2012
Contact (Tel/Cell):
__________________ Email: ________________________
Period NTN/FTN

Sr. No.

Name of


of the

No. and
date of

Sales Tax)
of the

of Punjab
Sales Tax

of Punjab
Sales Tax

Verification I, _______________________ holder of CNIC No. _________________ in my

capacity as __________________________, certify that the information given
above is/are correct, complete and in accordance with the provisions of the
Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012 and the rules and notifications issued

Words etc inserted by Notification No. PRA/Orders.06/2012 dated May 28, 2013.

Withholding Manual

Softax (Pvt) Limited

Date: _____________ Stamp Signature: _____________
Head of Account B 02382 --- Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Withholding)
Amount Received Rs. (in Figures) ____________________
Rupees (in Words) ___________________________________________________
Bank Officers Signature __________________ Bank Stamp with Date ________
C. No. ___________

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