Die Casting and New Rheocasting

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Die Casting and New Rheocasting

Matja Torkar1, Primo Mrvar2, Joef Medved2,
Mitja Petri2, Botjan Taljat3 and Matja Godec1

of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana,

of Ljubljana, Faculty of natural sciences and engineering,
Department of materials and metallurgy, Foundry chair, Ljubljana,
3Steel d.o.o., Ljubljana,


1. Introduction
1.1 The high-pressure die casting process
The high-pressure die casting process (HPDC) is a rapid solidification process leading to
formation of rapid solidified castings. There are some specifics of the process. The casting of
a molten alloy into a mold is complete within several milliseconds. A significant quenching
effect and a high production rates are possible. The application of high-pressure enables
good contact between molten alloy and die wall that enables: the increase in cooling rate, the
increase in heat flow and heat transfer coefficient at the die-melt interface as well as the
formation of a net shape casting. Casting defects such as shrink holes which generate by the
shrinkage during solidification are reduced. Components with complicated shapes are
produced directly from a liquid state even for a molten alloy with high viscosity.
By taking these facts into account, it is expected that much larger shapes and dimensions
can be formed in various alloy systems by the high pressure die casting process.
The characteristics of HPDC process (Andersen, 2005, Vinarcik 2003), are high velocity of
melt during filling the die and high solidification rate of the component. Such circumstances
demands more sophisticated approach to the study of phenomena during HPDC process.
Among others an integrated virtual and rapid prototyping methodology is proposed for
advanced die-casting manufacturing using a hot-chamber process (Ferreira et al., 2007). This
approach enabled optimization of the die-casting manufacturing technology parameters and
reduced the lead-time of die-casting designs.
The physical, mechanical and esthetical properties of the components are directly dependent
on process conditions during casting; the die temperature, the metal velocity at the gate, the
applied casting pressure, the cooling rate during die casting, the geometrical complexity of
the component and the mold filling capacity. All that affects also the integrity of the cast
components. If these parameters are not controled properly, various defects within the
finished component may be expected. The applied casting pressure is crucial during the
solidification of high integrity parts. The effects of process variables on the quality of the
cast components with in-cavity pressure sensors delay time and casting velocity were



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

examined by Dargusch in 2006. He found that the porosity decreases with increasing
pressure and increases with higher casting velocity (Dargusch et al., 2006, Laws et al., 2006).
The latest development of rheocasting process is based on the principles of HPDC. The
material in semi-solid state is pressed into the tool cavity. That enables faster solidification
and better productivity. Due the narrow temperature window the optimization of the new
rheocasting process demands precise control of process parameters.
Presented is development of the microstructure of the semi-solid slurry and the rheocast
component and an overview of observed defects in components produced by new
rheocating process. A comparison between the simulated porosity and experimental
determined porosity is presented.
1.2 Evolution of the microstructure at new rheocasting process
Evaluation of the microstructure of the components, manufactured by rheocasting proces,
revealed the outgrowths on the surface of primary globular Al crystall grains. The
outgrowths can grow into dendrites that are not suitable for the new rheocasting process.
The explanation of these phenomenon is in the theory of solidification.
The alloys with dendritic microstructure in two phase region are not suitable for the new
rheocast process, because dendritic solidified material has no isotropic properties.
Discovery of Flemings, that material with globulitic microstructure in two phase region
(L+ ) behaves thixotropic, enabled the further development of hot working in semisolid
state (Giordano at all 2002, Mller-Spth at all, 1997, Wabusseg at all, 2002, Kaufmann at all,
2001, Hall at all, 2000, Curle at all, 2010, Curle at all, 2011, Cabibbo at all, 2001, Kapranos at
all, 2001) like thixocasting and new rheocasting (NRC) (Sereni, 2005). The efforts to
introduce the hot working in semi solid state (Blazek at all, 1995) exists also for steels but
these efforts are less sucessful due higher temperatures.
Hot working in semi solid state bases on preparation of wrouth material with more or less
globulitic forms of solidified primary phase, surrounded by molten material. Free Gibb's
molar energy of globular form is presented by equation (1).




Where R represents radius of bent interphase boundary and

interphase free energy
between liquid/solid. Evident is the equality with the classical theory of nucleation, where
the free energy, necessary for formation of nucleus with critical radius R*, equals (2)



In the case of equilibrium among the phases solid/liquid and due the influence of curvature
of solid phase after Gibbs-Thomson the GL equals G . Taking into account this balance
and with supposition that specific surface energy of solid phase is isotropic, than from both
expression for GL and G follows that free energy is proportional to the lowering of the
temperature, as shown in equation (3)



Die Casting and New Rheocasting


2 1


Where S is the difference in entrophy solid/liquid, R is radius of curvature of interphase

surface and is free energy of the surface solid/liquid. Round nucleus is stable until R > R*
and are remelted when R<R*.
At the begining of the growth the nucleus is stable R >R* and possible are only smal
outgrowths with lower radius r <<R*. The outgrowths remelt in the case that TR > | TL +
TC|, where TR express the undercooling due the curvature of the outgrowth, TL is
undercooling due the local temperature of the melt, TC is the contribution of constitutional
undercooling because of the melt composition. Until the TR is high enough the
nondendritic globulites can grow. With increasing size of solid globules, the larger
outgrowths on the surface are possible and they can develop further into dendrites.
As the primary phase Al grow further in semi solid region (mixture of solid-liquid state)
the importance of the | TL + TC| increases. For the further growth of globulites both, TL
and TC must be reduced, which is possible either by forced mixing of the melt or with
slower cooling rate.
The NRC process bases on lower cooling rate during the growth of primary phase in the
preform (slurry). Due the influence of mixing and diffusion at slower cooling rates, the
distribution of solid phase, near the contact solid/liquid is more equal compared to
distribution of solid phase at rapid cooling of the melt. This enables lower constitutional
undercooling TC. At lower TC the Gibbs-Thompsons effect increases the stability of the
interphase surface. Thus, lower cooling rate accelerates the growth of globulites (Zhu at all,
2001, Uggowitzer at all, 2004).
The cells and dendritic solidification is a consequence of constitutional undercooling which
means the temperature of the melt at solidifying front is lower compared to equilibrium

Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of new rheocasting process (NRC) with possibility of in situ
recycling of material (From project documentation GRD1-2002-40422).
The formation of globulitic structure in the slurry demands first high cooling rate to get a
high number of small nucleuses and after that to cool down the melt slowly (Sereni, 2005).



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

In comparison with thixocasting (Kapranos at all, 2000) the new rheocasting process (NRC),
shematic presented in Fig. 1, has some additional benefits: continuous casting with
electromagnetic stirring is not necessary, there is no cutting of the billets and no reheating of
the cut pieces into the semi solid region for the forming in the die. NRC process (Sereni,
2005, Torkar at all, 2005) starts with liquid phase, followed by preparation of semisolid
slurry that is directly transfered into the die of the press.
The main aim of the investigation was evaluation of the microstructure and presentation of
the most often failures in real automotive component, manufactured by NRC process.

2. New rheocasting process

2.1 Material and preparation of slurry

Metallographic investigations of the microstructure of slurry (partly solidified preform,

before the entrance into the press) and the component, both of hypoeutectic silumin A 357
were performed. Typical compositon of the alloy is presented in Table 1. The components
were high pressure die cast on NRC device and then heat treated (T5, 6 hours at 170 oC).

0.4 0.7 6.5 7.5 Max. 0.2 Max. 0.2 0.05 0.2 Max. 0.2



Table 1. Tolerances of chemical composition of A 357 alloy in wt. %.

The samples for metallographic investigations were cut from the slurry and from the
component and prepared by standard metallographic procedure. The soundness of the
components was checked by x-ray device. The detected failures were checked by
The microstructure was observed by the light microscope Nikon Microphot FXA, equiped
with 3CCD- videokamero Hitachi HV-C20A in software analySIS for evaluation of the
microstructure. The hardnes of the component was measured by Brinell.
2.2 Microstructure characterisation and defects presentation

The microstructure of the middle of the slurry is presented in Fig. 2a, b. We can observe the
globules of primary phase Al and equally distributed eutectic among the globules. No other
specifics were observed in the microstructure of the slurry. Similar microstructure was
observed also at high pressure die cast component. The globules of primary phase Al are
enveloped with eutectic (Fig. 3). Beside that, especially in thinner regions of the component,
we can observe fingers like outgrowths (start of grow of dendrites) on the surface of
globulites (Fig. 4).
There are two possibilities for the appearance of these outgrowths. First possibility is local
change in undercooling, during the deformation in the die that enables the appearance of
dendrites. The second possibility is not yet finished globularisation during cooling of slurry.
More likely is the explanation with local change of undercooling and its influence on
distribution of solidified phase during the process of deformation in the die. It is well
known that higher undercooling and distribution of solid phase accelerates the formation of
dendrites. The second possibility is denied based on microstructure (Fig. 2b), where no



Die Casting and New Rheocasting

outgrowths were observed and beside that the slurry was cooled down in more controlled
temperature regime.



Fig. 2. Cross section of one half of the slurry (a). Microstructure of the slurry (b).
The explanation of the appearance of the outgrowths and dendrites, observed in the
microstructure of the component one can get in the theory of solidification. Until the
contribution of TR is high enough, the surface of the growing nucleus is stable and the
growth of globule proceeds. When the size of solid globule increases, increases also the
possibility of development of outgrowth with higher radius that can degenerates into
Studies (Zhu at all, 2001, Uggowitzer at all, 2004, Dahle at all, 2001) of the concentration
profiles of solute in the melt during formation of the primary phase at different cooling
rates, revealed that at higher cooling rates increases the concentration of solute in the melt
near the S/L interface due redistribution of the melt on the interface and due short time for
diffusion of the solute. Stability of the interface is fast destroyed. That enables the
appearance of outgrowths and start of the dendrite grows on the surface of the primary
phase A , (Fig. 5), as observed in the investigated component.
Lower casting temperature of slurry combined with the lower cooling rate, accelerates the
formation of globular micro structure. The formation of the globular structure is accelerated
also by the inoculation of the melt.
In the microstructure of the component beside globules also some dendrites of the primary
phase were observed. The presence of dendrites means that temperature regime of NRC
process was not optimal. After the solidification the component was cooled in water and
heat treated (T6).
The hardness of the component after heat treatment T6 was among 92-96 HB 5/250.
x-ray examination of the component revealed internal errors like shrinkage porosity (Fig. 6a,
b), gas cavities (Fig. 7a, b) and large inclusion (Fig. 8a, b) that were confirmed also by
metallography. Observed were also other irregularities like not filled form, overcasts on the
surface, segregations, precipitates of silicon and dendrite formation (Fig. 9a-f).



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

Fig. 3. Microstructure of the component.

Fig. 4. Outgrowths from surface of globulitic grains of primary



phase in the component.


Die Casting and New Rheocasting

Fig. 5. Dendrites of primary



phase in the component.


Fig. 6. (a) Radiograph of internal defect in the component (b) Central shrinkage porosity
confirmed by metallography.



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming


Fig. 7. (a) Radiograph of internal defects (b) Combination of shrinkage and gas porosity,
confirmed by metallography.



Fig. 8. (a) Radiograph of internal defect (b) Oxide inclusion, confirmed by metallography.



Die Casting and New Rheocasting







Fig. 9. (a) Not filled surface in the component. (b) Central shrinkage porosity in the
component. (c) Eutectic, segregation and porosity. (d) Overcast near the surface of the
component. (e) Cold weld on the surface of the component. (f) Microstructure of
investigated alloy contains primary crystals Al dendrites, eutectic and non equilibrium
primary crystals of Si.



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

Based on metallographic examinations of the rheocast components we can observe the

presence of several typical surface and internal defects that should be eliminated. Necessary
is more precise control of parameters of preparation of slurry from the melt and at pressing
and solidification in the die.
2.3 Conclusions on rheocasting

The microstructure of the slurry is homogenous and with equal distribution of primary
solidified globular grains.
Compared to slurry, more irregularities in the microstructure were observed in the high
pressure die cast components.
The formation of outgrowths on globular grains of primary phase Al and formation of
dendrites is a consequence of local changes in undercooling in the semisolid state, during
deformation of material in the die.
In the rheocast component the following failures were observed: the primary Al phase in
the form of dendrites, internal defects as central macro- and micro porosity, gas porosity,
segregations and inclusions.
On the surface the typical defects were not filled edges of thin wall regions, overcasts, cracks
and appearance of blisters during heat treatment.
All these defects show that the temperature regime of investigated new rheocasting process
was not yet optimal.
Further R&D is necessary to reduce internal defects by optimization of new rheocasting
process parameters, to increase yield and to reduce production costs per component.

3. HPDC shrinkage simulations

The process of high pressure die casting (HPDC) was developed for manufacturing of a
large variety of products with high dimensional accuracy. The process is faster and enables
more economical production of aluminium automotive components (Dargusch et al., 2006).
The rapid development of numerical simulation technology and the solidification
simulation of casting has been taken as an effective tool for modeling the casting process
and improving the quality of casting (Vijayaram et al., 2006, Dobrzansky et al., 2005). The
use of simulation software saves time and reduces costs for the casting system design and
the use of materials.
The porosity of the castings can be studied with destructive testing as visual check after
machining and non-destructive testing as x-ray microscopy and image processing
technology which can provide more detailed information of the gas pores and shrinkages. It
is also observed that the chemical composition of the alloy affects the porosity in the cast
components, grain refinement and modification (Cleary at al., 2006, Petri et al., 2011).
Now it is commonly accepted that the shrinkage and the gas entrapment are two major
causes of porosity. The shrinkage porosity is associated with the hot spots in the casting.
The gas porosity is caused by entraped air in the injection system and cavity, gas generated
from burned lubricants, water in the cavity and hydrogen gas. The entrapped air is



Die Casting and New Rheocasting

unwanted product of high velocity of alloy caused by turbolent flow during injection
Presented are results of simulation of the HPDC of Al-Si9Cu3 casting in the H13 steel die
and comparison between the simulated and experimental porosity.
3.1 Material and the casting system

The alloy used for die casting was aluminium-silicon-copper alloy (Table 1), marked by less
affinity to shrinkage and internal shrinkage cavities and very good castability.








Table 2. Chemical composition of Al-Si9Cu3 alloy in wt %.

ALSI H13 chromium hot work tool steel was used for the die. This steel has higher
resistance to heat cracking and die wear caused by the thermal shock associated with the die
casting process. The casting system with a shot sleeve and a plunger are presented on Figure
10. Presented are gates and runner system with two cavities and the final product, an
automotive component.

Fig. 10. Casting system; shot sleeve with plunger, gates and runner system, two cavities and
the casting component.
3.2 Characteristics of HPDC process

The casting process is divided into four phases: pre-filling, shot, final pressure phase and
ejection phase. In the pre-filling phase, the molten metal is injected by plunger, which forces
the metal with a low velocity through a horizontally mounted cylindrical shot sleeve up to
the gate. The shot sleeve is usually partially filled with molten metal, in an ammount that
depends on the volume of the cast component. The fluid flow and the amount of empty
space are affected by plunger motion, shot sleeve dimensions and amount of metal in the
sleeve (Thorpe et al., 1999). In short shot phase the plunger is accelerated to high velocity
and sufficient venting of the die cavity is practically impossible. In the final pressure phase,
solidification of the casting is completed and in the ejection phase, moulded part is
removed, die halves are sprayed and positioned back to repeat the cycle.



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

The industrial HPDC process started with plunger, that has four different speeds, as it is
shown on shot profile in Fig. 11a. The volume fraction in Fig. 11b shows that no wave and
no air entrapement were formed.


Fig. 11. (a) Shot profile with four different plunger speeds. From process computer of HPDC
machine. (b) Volume fraction picture of alloy and empty space in the shot sleeve.
3.3 The shot sleeve simulation

The movement of the plunger was simulated by three different plunger speeds with FEMbased software ProCast. The simulation is shown on shot profile in Fig. 12a, b. The volume
fraction in Fig. 12c shows no wave and no air entrapement.
The set up time was minimised, the plunger speed optimized and the industrial HPDC
process was shortened for 0,48 s.



Die Casting and New Rheocasting



Fig. 12. (a,b) Shot profile with three different plunger speeds. (c) Volume fraction picture of
alloy and empty space in the shot sleeve.
3.4 The shrinkage porosity simulations

The shot sleeve simulation results were used as boundary condition for cavity filing
simulations and shrinkage porosity simulations. Basic study in this paper was the shrinkage
porosity. Fig. 13a, b shows simulated shrinkage porosity red spots in left and right
casting. After 9 cycles of casting the constant conditions on the die were established and
after 10 cycle we cut the left side casting to examine two red spot of simulated shrinkage
porosity (Fig. 14a,b and 15a,b).
The two cross sections of left casting (Fig. 14b, 15b) show good agreement with the
simulated results of shrinkage porosity (Fig. 13a, 14a and 15a).



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

Fig. 13. (a, b) Shrinkage porosity simulation on left and right castings.


Fig. 14. (a, b) Shrinkage porosity in left casting: simulation and cross section.



Die Casting and New Rheocasting



Fig. 15. (a, b) Shrinkage porosity in left casting: simulation and cross section.



Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

3.5 Conclusions on porosity simulations

In the present work the porosity of automotive components has been analyzed with
ProCast, FEM-based software. The most important conclusions obtained are:

The shot sleeve simulation gives valuable information for the final quality of the
components by minimising the volume fraction of the empty space during the first
stage of the HPDC process. The volume fraction shows no wave and no air
The shot sleeve simulation gives savings in lead time by minimising the set up time
during the shot stage of HPDC process. The shot stage of HPDC process set up time
was shortened for 0,48 s.
The shot sleeve simulation gives also information of the location of the shrinkage
porosity in castings, called red spots. The shrinkage porosity in cross section of real
automotive component show good agreement with the results of simulations.

4. Acknowledgment
A part of this work was funded primarly by G1RD-CT-2002-03012 grant of EU.

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Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering From Extraction to Forming

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Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering - From Extraction

to Forming

Edited by Dr Mohammad Nusheh

ISBN 978-953-51-0356-1
Hard cover, 186 pages
Publisher InTech

Published online 23, March, 2012

Published in print edition March, 2012

Metallurgical Engineering is the science and technology of producing, processing and giving proper shape to
metals and alloys and other Engineering Materials having desired properties through economically viable
process. Metallurgical Engineering has played a crucial role in the development of human civilization beginning
with bronze-age some 3000 years ago when tools and weapons were mostly produced from the metals and
alloys. This science has matured over millennia and still plays crucial role by supplying materials having
suitable properties. As the title, "Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering, From Extraction to Forming"
implies, this text blends new theories with practices covering a broad field that deals with all sorts of metalrelated areas including mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, heat treatment and casting.

How to reference

In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Matja Torkar, Primo Mrvar, Joef Medved, Mitja Petri, Botjan Taljat and Matja Godec (2012). Die Casting
and New Rheocasting, Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering - From Extraction to Forming, Dr
Mohammad Nusheh (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0356-1, InTech, Available from:

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