Johnson Space Center Roundup 2012-06

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

LY N D O N B . J O H N S O N S P A C E C E N T E R

June | 2012

As the world turns









Guest Column

On the cover:

NASA/SOWA JSC2012E041135

This is a composite of a series

of images photographed from a
mounted camera on the Earthorbiting International Space
Station from approximately 240
miles above Earth.

Photo of the month:

Lucky Charms, born on April 6 in
the Longhorn Project enclosure
at Johnson Space Center, romps
with her mommy, Honey Nut

weve just completed the third annual Innovation Day at Johnson

Space Center, I hope you had the opportunity to see the great
variety and vast number of innovative activities across the center.
There is a growing excitement Ive been sensing behind our portfolio of
technology projects and the focus on efforts to support NASAs strategic
goals for human spaceflight beyond low-Earth orbit (LEO)and no
wonder. Here at JSC, were working on critical technologies that will one
day allow humans to venture far beyond LEO for longer periods of time
and eventually set foot on Mars.
To get the word out about some of that work, this month were
launching a new website designed to be a one-stop shop for JSC
technology news and events. In fact, were calling it Technology@JSC,
John Saiz
and you can find it at:
JSC Chief Technologist
Our hope is that whatever your technology itch is, youll be able to
scratch it there. If you just want to know more about whats going on, there are stories highlighting
some of JSCs projects. If youre wondering how you can get more involved in technology developments
at JSC, we have information links to policy documents, program pages, facilities and creative spaces
around the center. Were also building a schedule of events that will include the timetables for current
and upcoming proposal calls, speaker series and brown-bag seminars, open meetings of JSCs
Technology Working Group and other technology events that may be of interest to you. If youre already
working on a research or technology project, theres a Technologist Toolbox section with items we
think youll find helpful. Weve even tried to cover people who dont work at JSC but are interested in
partnering with us.
Its a brand new website, so well be tweaking it for a while, trying to make sure were meeting your
needs and JSCs needs. You can email suggestions to [email protected]. Were building this
site for you, so please take a look for yourself and let us know what you think.

In this edition

ISS Science Corner: Ready to launch! A new website sharing space station
benefits for humanity

Plan, train, fly (21st-century style)

Commercial partners share in NASAs future

The XX factor, then and now

Fashion students lend expertise to NASA technology development

Center Operations paves way for energy savings


Meet Courtney Barringer, Education and Outreach Specialist


Center Scoop


NASAs Invention of the Year basks in adulation (and the suns rays)





ISS Science Corner

By Jessica Nimon

the International Space Station was first imagined, the

idea was to create an unprecedented research platform
to support microgravity investigations for the benefit of all humankind.
That goal is now a reality, and researchers have not waited for completion
to begin working on studies to build on our knowledge of science and
technology in space. Because of this, we can already see some amazing
So just what has the space
station yielded to humankind?
You can discover the benefits
for yourself, thanks to another
international collaborative effort.
Working together, station partners
launched the International Space
Station Benefits for Humanity
website on March 1. This site
enables readers to look at the
global progress resulting from the
knowledge and technologies of the
orbiting laboratory.
Paige Nickason is the
Camille Alleyne, International
Space Station assistant program
first patient to have brain
scientist with NASA, explains the
surgery performed by the
goals behind this new effort.
robotic neuroArm, which
The website is a great resource
was developed using
for the general public and other
space station technology.
stakeholders, Alleyne said. It
communicates the value of the
International Space Station as a unique scientific and educational platform
that enables discoveries that benefit all humanity.
The site will be featured on all of the partner agency websites, in both
English and the applicable native languages. This includes the Canadian
Space Agency, European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency, Russian Federal Space Agency (or Roscosmos) and NASA. The
stories contributed were the work of writers from around the world,
representing each of the agencies whose collaboration took the station
from conception to reality.
Working with the partners on this initiative was truly an extraordinary
experience, Alleyne said. This effort is a continued demonstration of the
unprecedented achievement in international cooperation, which is one of
the great values of the International Space Station.
Prompted by the International Space Station Multilateral Control Board,
the site will feature stories that raise awareness to the station benefits
already making a difference in our world. These accounts will be updated
as additional accomplishments come to light and vary in topic from
education to technology to telemedicine advancements.
Users will find stories about station research that benefits humankind
in the areas of human health; Earth observations; global education;
vaccine development research; station-generated images that assist in
disaster relief and farming; and educational projects that inspire future
scientists, engineers and space explorers are some examples of research

benefits, Alleyne
said. The resulting
knowledge of these
benefits will be
extended to more
countries and people
for the betterment of
humanity. They will
be used to improve
the quality of people's
lives globally.
A Westbrook Intermediate School
The site focuses
student in Friendswood, Texas, looks
primarily on findings
for the longitude and latitude of
that are making their
her next target for the International
way into general use
Space Stations Earth Knowledge
here on Earth. For
instance, doctors are
Acquired by Middle School Students,
already operating with
or EarthKAM, camera.
space station robotics
technology when they employ the neuroArm to perform delicate surgical
procedures. There are also products with the potential for worldwide
impact that are on the horizon, such as vaccines to inoculate against
salmonella and even advanced delivery methods of microencapsulation
for cancer treatments. These are just some of the developments derived
from the work done aboard the space station highlighted as part of this
humanitarian website.
Many efforts provide valuable conceptual and scientific data, and
researchers will continue to build upon the ever-growing body of space and
microgravity knowledge. For results from specific investigations performed
on the space station, readers can also visit NASAs International Space
Station Program Science Results Web page at
Visit the Benefits for Humanity website at
Read International Space Station Program Scientist Julie Robinsons
blog at

One of the areas the

International Space
Station Benefits for
Humanity website
will highlight is Earth
observations, which aid
in providing information
for disaster response to
natural events like the
Sarychev Peak volcano
eruption pictured.





Ready to launch! A new website sharing space station benefits for humanity


Plan, train, fly (21st-century style)

By Catherine Ragin Williams
Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) still adheres to the
creed, plan, train, fly, but with shifting missions and
commercial partners joining NASA for galactic exploration, the training
systems that were sufficient in the past are being modernized to a
21st-century standard.
Training Systems (TS)-21 is the project leading the way for the
training aspect of plan, train, fly. Historically, MOD developed specific
training simulation capabilities for each of its human spaceflight
programs, with very limited commonality shared. But with TS-21, MOD
can provide simulation services for more than one spacecraftand
more than one programusing a common framework. To do this, MOD
is building an architecture that is flexible enough to provide training
capability for a wide array of spacecraft.

in software that mimic the behavior of spacecraft. Thats always at the

heart of the training systems we build. There are other elements to it as
well, beyond the vehicle simulator. You need the ability to pull together,
or configure, a training session.
The more visible elements of TS-21 are the new crew stations,
where the crew goes inside a representation of the craft they are going
to fly.
There will be switches and dials and hand controllers and displays
and all those kind of things, and theyll interact with those and actually
train how to fly that particular vehicle, Killingsworth said. We look
at the designs of the interior of each one of those vehicles, and then
together with our customers, determine what level of fidelity we need
to achieve in mimicking the interior of that spacecraft. How flight-like

An early prototype of the Orion Display and Control panel.

The panel is driven by a simulation of the Orion vehicle
that provides realistic displays to the crew and responds
accurately to crew inputs. Later versions will be of much
higher fidelity and incorporated into full cockpit mock-ups.

The U.S. Destiny Lab Module mock-up in the Space Station

Training Facility. The simulation and systems software that
support crew training in the mock-up is being converted
to the TS-21 architecture to support a common simulation
platform for all NASA manned spaceflight vehicles.

Weve basically got several product lines within the project, where
our first delivery is for what they call a visiting vehicle training system,
said TS-21 Project Manager Scott Killingsworth. When they say
visiting vehicle, that means vehicles that come up to space station
(and) rendezvous, dock and do cargo transfers. Theres a need for ISS
(International Space Station) training to help get ready for the arrival of
those vehicles.
Second in line is the network simulator, which has to do with assets
in space such as communications satellites; ground sites where they
receive the signals from those satellites; and the wires and connections
from all the ground sites into the Mission Control Center (MCC).
The last major product line in work today is an upgraded space
station simulator.
MOD saw the benefits of modernizing that architecture to help drive
down operations and sustaining costs, Killingsworth said.
While most of the glitz with TS-21 revolves around the simulators
being mocked up for astronauts to train in, improved software and an
integrated framework, though less glamorous, is at the core.
It all starts with a simulation of the spacecraft, Killingsworth said.
And (that involves) very complex, mathematical equations represented

does it need to be in order for the astronauts to get good training? In

some cases, like with shuttle, it was a very high level of fidelity.
Orion will most likely see that level of fidelity, too, but theres not
only Orion and station to think about. A big advantage with TS-21 is
adaptability of the training systems to fit new program and commercial
provider needs.
If we can assume responsibilities for simulating a number of
different vehicles, then the cost of adding each one incrementally is
driven down, Killingsworth said.
As the mission environment changes, youve got the modernization
for multiple vehicles, said Amy Melendrez, Systems Engineering
branch chief. And that modernization provides for easier integration of
vehicle-specific models.
The MCC has executed many flawless missions in the past, and will
continue to do so. But with TS-21, training will be more streamlined
and flexible to meet newer demands.
Thats our gold standard, Killingsworth said. To make sure that
the way it looks to the flight controllers on their display very much
mimics the behavior of a real vehicle. Thats where you get your highest
quality training.





Commercial partners share

in NASAs future

Compiled by Neesha Hosein

As NASA looks for avenues to take the space program

to new frontiers, commercial partners will play a vital
role in the future. Progress has been made, and NASA
has new milestones to add to its growing list.

On May 2, the Boeing Company successfully completed the

second parachute drop test for its Crew Space Transportation (CST)
spacecraft. This milestone was part of the companys effort to develop
potential commercial crew transportation capabilities to transport
U.S. astronauts and cargo to and from low-Earth orbit (LEO) and the
International Space Station. The companys CST system is designed for
reuse and can hold up to seven crew members.
The test took place 10,000 feet above the Delmar Dry Lake Bed near
Alamo, Nev., where a helicopter hauled up the CST-100 crew capsule.
A drogue parachute deployment sequence was initiated, followed by
deployment of the main parachute. Six inflated air bags softened the
capsules landing. The test demonstrated the performance of the entire
landing system.
Boeings parachute demonstrations are a clear sign NASA is moving
in the right direction of enabling the American aerospace transportation
industry to flourish under this partnership, said NASAs Commercial
Crew Program Manager Ed Mango. The investments were making


Parachute drop test

now are enabling this new path forward of getting our crews to LEO,
and potentially the space station, as soon as possible.
The integrated parachute system, including the two drogue chutes,
were designed, fabricated and integrated by HDT Airborne Systems of
Solon, Ohio. ILC Dover of Frederica, Del., designed and fabricated the
landing air bag system used for the test.

Dream Chaser
at transonic speeds. Transonic wind-tunnel testing of large, highly
instrumented scale models is the only method of determining
the buffet environments of launch vehicles with complex shapes,
suchas Dream Chaser.

The Dream Chaser model and its Atlas V launch vehicle is another
potential means of transporting future crew members and cargo
to station. It is part of NASAs Commercial Crew Development
programs effort to regain the American
capability to launch astronauts safely to
station. Sierra Nevada Space Systems
is developing the craft under a Space
Act Agreement with NASA. The Dream
Chaser model and its launch vehicle
are undergoing final preparations at the
Aerospace Composite Model Development
Sections workshop for buffet tests at
the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at NASA
Langley Research Center (LRC). The
reusable spacecraft would carry as many
as seven astronauts to the space station.
Hundreds of strategically placed sensors
will help engineers from Sierra Nevada
Corporation, United Launch Alliance and
LRC analyze pressure fluctuations along
the two vehicles during ascent, particularly


The XX factor, then and now


inhabiting the workforce, and even now perhaps

dominating the workforce if you read certain
statistics, certainly wasnt a common occurrence in the 1960s.
But NASA was ahead of the curve if you consider the dynamics
that existed during the famed Apollo era. Yes, men comprised the
largest portion of that workforcebut career women were growing
in number. And at NASA, many even held technical positions
uncharacteristic to females. It wasnt just the cusp of greatness for
the space programit was also so for equality.

NASA/PHOTO S78-26111

Part of something special

It was history in the making in those days, and the ladies lucky
enough to be employed at NASA, or with its contractors, knew it.
I was more of a close observer of the Apollo planning effort than
a participant, for my only Apollo assignment was alternate mission
planning, said Cathy Osgood, who initially had worked on the Gemini
Project developing rendezvous techniques at NASA. However, I did
get to follow the development of the Eight to the moon activity from
the time is was only whispered about in the halls until it was finally

NASA/PHOTO S66-68861

Estella Gillette receives the Superior Achievement

Award from Dr. Christopher C. Kraft during the
annual awards ceremony in 1978.

Cathy Osgood began her NASA career as a math

aide, or a computer, in 1959. (In those days
NASA employed women as computers, to provide
data analysis with the use of calculators and to
plot data.) Osgood, who had worked numerical
problems with NASA engineers and had a
bachelors degree in mathematics, eventually
became an aeronautical engineer at the Manned
Spacecraft Center, where she worked on spacecraft
accomplished. It was very exhilarating to know exactly what was
going on before it made it into the newspapers and TV.
Indeed, it was a heady feeling to be so closely involved in the process
and personally know the heroes kids learn about in books today.
Those were exciting times, said Sylvia Stottlemyer, now a Human
Resources program specialist at Johnson Space Center and the

communication lead for the Inclusion and Innovation Office. I was

hired after Apollo 13 and just before Apollo 14. When one mission
was launched, another was waiting in the wings. Even at a young
age, I had a sense that I was playing a small part in Americas
spaceflight history. Working with the Apollo astronauts on a daily
basis was exciting also. They knew they were creating history, and
you could feel it in the office.
People working at JSC, then the Manned Spacecraft Center,
felt ownership of their contributions to the men flying those daring
missions to space.
Knowing our astronaut training activity helped prepare astronauts
to fly to the moon and return safely made our jobs seem vital to
our nation, said Selena Post, who began at NASA in 1967 as an
engineering aide supporting the Lunar Module Simulator. We passed
those men in the halls, so they were very real and precious to us.
Though these ladies were in the minority at NASA, most didnt
even notice.
I was a teenager when I started, so a male-dominated world, at that
time, seemed normal to me, Stottlemyer said. Its just what it was.
Osgood began at NASA in 1959, along with her husband, who she
said helped her learn the ropes. Unlike most couples, perhaps, they
were able to have stimulating discussions about space and science.
I never felt like a trailblazer, Osgood said along the same vein,
though she acknowledges that while she was taking math, chemistry
and physics in college, the classes were filled to the brim with guys.
Estella Gillette, who would later become the deputy director of JSC

External Relations and director

of Equal Opportunity Programs,
said of the testosterone-filled
workforce, Actually, we didnt
know how it felt any other way.
Technical women were very
much in the minority, probably a
handful of women. Our roles were
to support the mission, and we
One of Selena Posts
proudly did it our way.
teammates tests out a
And men at NASA, too, were
gentlemen about the changing
camera received for
work environment.
crew training by asking
I believe men of my age and
her to pose for a photo.
older (I was 20 when I started
work at JSC) were trained to be
polite to women, Post said. Perhaps because I was one of the few
women, I came to enjoy working with men. I was frequently the only
female in the room or working on projects. I recall one instance when
my Unisys leader called me into his office to meet a corporate visitor
from our headquarters. When my boss introduced me as the security
and safety manager, the visitor looked astonished, or as if my boss
was kidding. My boss quickly and humorously added, She is really a
6-foot-4-inch hairy armed manin disguise.


By Catherine Ragin Williams

Advances in technology have made our jobs so much easier,
Stottlemyer said. Back in the Apollo era, we did everything by hand
or in person. But strong relationships were built on that day-to-day
interaction. It had its benefits.
Interestingly, even now, people are the best aspects of the job.
On a personal level, meeting NASA people and contractors who
became lifelong friends was an added gift, Post said. So many
people Ive known through the years dedicated themselves to
their jobs and gave of their time and energy far beyond a 40-hour
workweek. In the Apollo era and far beyond, I was blessed to have
worked with such wonderful people on such exciting programs.
In the center of spaceflight action is a great place to be now, as it
was then.


and now
An obvious perk of working in the 21st century: technology. At
NASA, that is not only obvious in our workstations, but the programs
reaching even deeper into the cosmos.

NASA/PHOTO S70-35148

Now its very common to see women not only

working in mission control, but in technical fields
such as engineering, robotics and more.

A different kind of world. Staff members from

NASA Headquarters, the Manned Spacecraft
Center and Dr. Thomas Paine (center of frame)
applaud the successful splashdown of the Apollo
13 mission, while Dr. George Low smokes a
cigar (right) in Mission Control. Apollo 13 crew
members splashed down at 12:07 p.m. CST on
April 17, 1970, in the south Pacific Ocean.

After working from age 16 until age 60, I have loved being
an American in the U.S. workforce, Gillette said. Were always
proactive. Having been born in Mexico, my family came to the U.S.
seeking a better life, and we certainly found it. But we have also
returned that gratitude many, many times by serving this country,
by giving back. I have met many people throughout my work
life, and theres nothing better than when someone tells me that
something I did or said made a difference for them. Its when I know
that, although it was not always deliberate and its in retrospect,
I have been paying forward for all of those people who reached
out to meeven when I didnt know they wereto make me a
contributing member of the workforce. I liked that at NASA and JSC,
I kept running into those kind of people.


it wont be coming to a catwalk near you, NASA

engineers are tapping into the creativity of fashion
students to help integrate displays, controls and sensors into clothing that
will improve efficiencies for astronauts.
The Human Interface Branch in the Engineering Directorate is
incorporating a variety of components like lights, alarms and gas
analyzers into clothing and other wearable systems for astronauts, which
will allow the explorers to gather information in space or wirelessly change
how an aspect of a space vehicle operates.
Wearable technology, at least in these early stages of the technology
development, is really focused on putting sensors, displays and controls
onto an astronauts body, said Cory Simon, human interface engineer.
Were focused on inside the space habitat so that astronauts can perform
additional functions and augment their capability to allow them to reach
things that they couldnt reach through the controls on their body, or see
things they couldnt see.
As part of the development, the human interface team, in collaboration
with the Habitability and Human Factors advanced pressure garment
technology development team, connected with a group of fashion students
at the University of Minnesota through a professor who directs the
universitys Wearable Technology Lab.
We asked them to help us work on how we can attach and remove
functionality from our garments so that we can have a single garment that
has a diverse set of capabilities, Simon said. The human interface group
is focused on hardware and display capabilities, so were more concerned
with the physical aspect and how the technology functions.

University of Minnesota fashion students pose for a photo

in Building 7.
Fashion students tend to think differently about garment design and
consider different aspects of developing something wearable, such as
aesthetics or fit, which can help make a garment more practical.
Student teams worked on a variety of projects. One group designed
a liquid cooling garment using new pattern techniques to help improve
spacesuit cooling. They considered fabric selection, the placement of
cooling loops around joints and the different designs needed to cool the
torso compared to extremities.
Another group tackled wearable electronics placement and designed
a garment for hands-free computing and communication. Prototypes



By Rachel Kraft

helped them analyze

fit and comfort in
various positions while
maximizing mobility
and reducing tension.
The teams also
developed a prototype
for consumer use.
The best part about
this project was that
after we had done all the
research and had this
incredible collection of
information, (we) finally
got to synthesize this
information and design
something based on
that information to solve
a specific problem,
Students show their wearable
said Jennifer Voth, a
technology design.
Minnesota student
who helped create a
prototype of a spacesuit
boot that conforms to the users foot shape and size while preventing
injuries from abrasion and impact.
Ive learned how to back up my design, test different aspects on an
objective scale and I learned how to incorporate design and science
to get a better result, said student Issa Mello, who also worked on the
boot project.
Working with fashion students allows NASA to rapidly test a wearable
When we get to the point where we can put this on the space
station or on a future habitat, well have refined it iteratively with
different swatches and garments, so that hopefully well have a very
functional garment that really allows the astronauts to act more
efficiently and be enabled more so than they are now, Simon said.
Were definitely looking forward to working with them again and
other universities as well. Theres a lot of expertise out there that
we can leverage and a lot of
students with creative ideas.
This partnership was also
made possible by the University
Research, Collaboration and
Partnership Office within the
Johnson Space Center External
Relations Office.

Students visited Johnson

Space Center to share
their prototypes,
including the
Reconfigurable E-Textile
Garment project.


Fashion students lend expertise to NASA

technology development

Center Operations paves way for

energy savings
By Rachel Kraft

the summer quickly heats up, the Center Operations (Center

Ops) Directorate is working to quench the centers energy
consumption habits with a slate of energy savings and water
conservation projects. Improvements are taking place in response
to executive orders and a December 2011 presidential memo that
set energy-use savings, renewable energy generation and water
consumption requirements for all federal agencies.
Were required to save 3 percent energy per year with a baseline
year of 2003, so by 2015, were required to save 30 percent of
our energy from that baseline, said Johnson Space Center Energy
Manager Rob Way. For water conservation our baseline year is 2007,
and were mandated to save 2 percent per year, with a total of 26
percent, by 2020 from that baseline.

In 2003, the center had completed an energy savings performance

contract that reduced energy consumption. Energy costs savings,
though, are different from energy use savings.
Our electricity cost is so low that when we want to look at doing
a renewable energy project, the cost analysis indicates that the
payback is many, many years, and it doesnt make sense to pay that
amount for the savings, Way said.
Center Ops is putting together a Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
project that will be bundled with a renewable energy initiative,
which will help reduce the cost payback of the renewable project.
If cost proposals are favorable for including the renewable energy
project with the CHP, it will remain as part of the total project. The
CHP is a gas-powered turbine that will serve as a back-up power

Building 12, with its novel vegetative roof, will be 40 to 50

percent more efficient with its energy use savings.

Excess water in the ponds used to be filtered to a storm

drain. Now, water is recirculated back from the pond near
Building 1 to the pond closest to Building 8, resulting in
increased conservation.




Agencies are also required to generate 7.5 percent of their energy

from renewables on site, such as wind and solar sources, by 2013.
To conserve water, new water meters installed around site
will measure water consumption in each building. Center Ops is
changing JSCs piping system to separate the potable water and
fire suppression systems, and a project designed to conserve water
pumped to the ponds in the mall area has also helped.
For 40 years, excess water in the ponds was filtered to a storm
drain. A recently completed project now recirculates water back from
the pond near Building 1 to the pond closest to Building 8.
Its as if you had a hose at your house, took it down to the street
and put it through the storm sewer, and turned it on 40 years ago and
just let it run, said Joel Walker, director of Center Ops.
The new system will save approximately 10 million gallons of water
each year.
Currently, the center is beating water conservation requirements,
but doesnt fair as well on energy savings.
Unfortunately, on energy use, were about 22 percent above our
goal, Way said.

source. It uses excess heat generation to make steam that can

then be used to run chillers and heat or dehumidify buildings. When
Building 12 is fully operational later this year, it will be 40 to 50
percent more efficient.
Center Ops also plans to concentrate on smaller initiatives that
contribute to energy savings. With the help of facility managers, the
organization is continually trying to modify most building operating
hours to a 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. schedule during the workweek for buildings
not critical to mission or Center Ops.
When you get a person who wants to come in and work on a
Saturday morning, you have to turn the whole air handler on for that
one person, and it really uses a lot of energy, Way said. So were
trying to work with the occupants to identify their exact operating
Well be doing more as we go throughout the summer, working on
the big stuff but also the little stuff, Walker said. If you can save,
you can put it right back into maintenance and other services.

Spotlight: Courtney Barringer

Education and Outreach Specialist, Tietronix Software, Inc., as part
of NASAs Human Research Program Education and Outreach team
Q: What is your favorite indulgence?
A: I consider any free time I get an indulgence!
Q: What is the best advice someone has given you?
A: What good is learning if we dont take on the responsibility to
become mentors? Its our duty.
Q: What seemingly little things bring you joy?
A: Time with my husband and twin two-year-old boys. Also, listening to
the Pops always puts me in a good mood.
Q: What sparks your creativity?
A: Inspiration and encouragement from other creative people. I share
my office with our teams graphic artist, who is also my friend and daily
source of creative inspiration.
Q: You are given three wishes. What are they?
A: World peace, the end of world hunger and lifetime provisions for
my family.
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
A: Optimistic, organized and motivated.

Q: When did you first become interested in space and why?

A: Probably when I was in first grade because of my dad, Mark
Schuette. He was an electrical engineer at NASA for over 30 years,
working on communication in the space program (even back during
STS-1). I remember him giving me space food and shuttle tiles to take to
school for show and tell. Even then, I knew it was pretty cool stuff for a kid
to see. He has since passed, but I see his legacy in my daily work.
Q: Coolest part of working at Johnson Space Center?
A: Working with Space Life Science researchers and specialists to bring
exciting research to others. People are always fascinated to learn about
the human body in space, and what is exploration without the human
Q: Favorite hobbies or interesting things you do away from
the office?
A: Cooking, entertaining, blogging and reading.
Q: When you were a little tyke, what did you tell people you
were going to be when you grew up?
A: A forensic scientist. I always knew I wanted to do something relating
to biology. My dad was an electrical engineer at NASA, and my mom
is a teacher. I think I sort of melded both worlds in going into math and
science education.
Q: What would people be surprised to know about you?
A: Before I started working at NASA, I was a fitness center manager
and a personal trainer. People would be surprised to know that I used to
physically train police cadets.
Q: If you could trade places with any other person for a week,
famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, who would
it be?
A: Julia Child while she was at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. She was a
trailblazer and an inspiring role model for women.


Q: What is your favorite memory of JSC or the space program?

A: Traveling to Star City, Russia, to schedule and perform post-flight
testing on International Space Station crew members as a mission
coordinator. It was the experience of a lifetime!
Q: JSC turns 51 in September. Where do you hope to see NASA
50 years from now?
A: Embracing the commercial space sector and working together to
establish space colonies and advancements in science and medicine.

Do you know a JSC colleague or team that does something
extraordinary on or off the job? Whether its a unique skill,
interesting work, special professional accomplishment,
remarkable second career, hobby or volunteerism, your
nominee(s) may deserve the spotlight!
The Roundup shines the light on one special person or team each
month, chosen from a cross section of the JSC workforce. To
suggest Spotlight candidates, send your nomination to the JSC
Roundup Office mailbox at [email protected]. Please
include contact information and a brief description of why your
nominee(s) should be considered.

Center Scoop
Johnson Space Center creative spaces initiatives changes things up



cheapest way to paint

the interior of Johnson
Space Center buildings is to buy
yellow paint in 55-gallon drums
and coat the walls with it; but that
doesnt consider that paint color,
among other workspace features,
contributes to or detracts from
productivity. The JSC creative
spaces initiative, spawned by
Center Operations, infuses new
elements of change to several
buildings around the center to
improve creativity and work habits.
If you have the same
conference room, you have the
same meeting all the time, said
JSC Director of Center Operations
Joel Walker. By changing it
up with color, with style, with
Leah Galindo (left), communications specialist for the Center Operations Directorate,
organization, with design, you
uses a creative space with Joel Walker.
make people think differently.
The new spaces in 14 locations
around the center were created with the office of the future in mind.
cubicles and offices where team members can relocate and work.
Collaborative areas can help people get out of their cubicles or four Over time, the center has tuned into what makes people more
walled offices to locations that look and feel different and are designed
to ignite innovative thinking.
For some people that is a smaller daily footprint, but a bigger
Other initiatives are under way to provide alternatives to working in
community footprint, Walker said.
the same place day in and day out. JSC campsites are unassigned
View the creative spaces at


Orion Mission
Control Center
A-Team, or TOMCCAT,
recently received a JSC
Group Achievement award
for their exemplary work
with the development,
configuration and successful
execution of the first Orion
Exploration Flight Test (EFT1) Mission Control Center
(MCC) data flow tests this
past winter. TOMCCAT is
a facility working group
that has been given the

responsibility of preparing the

MCC for the EFT-1 mission.
As a result of their
outstanding work, the MCC
successfully received and
processed data from the
Engineering Data Lab Houston
(EDL-H) on Nov. 15, and then
again from the Houston Orion
Test Hardware rig located at the
EDL-H on Dec. 15. This was a
great first step in preparing the
MCC facility to support the EFT1 pre-mission testing and roll
through mission execution.


TOMCCAT receives JSC group achievement award



The Roundup is an official publication of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space
Center, Houston, Texas, and is published by the External
Relations Office for all Space Center employees.
The Roundup office is located at the Johnson Space
Center, Building 2. The mail code is AD94. Visit our
website at:
For distribution questions or to suggest a story idea,
send an email to [email protected].
Catherine Ragin Williams Editor
Neesha Hosein Assistant Editor
Logan Goodson Graphic Design
Rachel Kraft NASA Publication Manager
Cassandra V. Miranda Contractor Publication Manager

Permit No. 39


NASAs Invention of the Year basks in adulation

(and the suns rays)
may not be the only one catching the suns rays this
summer while on Galveston Beach or someplace equally
steamy. NASAs Invention of the Year, the Solar-Powered Refrigeration
System, may be doing just the sameexcept in remote locations or
developing countries around the world.
The Invention of the Year Awards are an important part of the
NASA patent program. This year the patented solar-powered
refrigerator, brainchild of inventors Mike Ewert and David J. Bergeron
III, won the title.
The ability to keep medical supplies or food cold where there is
no electricity has long been a challenge, but not so much now that
NASA has a
refrigerator at
its disposal.
Always looking for
renewable energy
sources on Earth,
NASA chose a
solar photovoltaic
concept that
requires no
batteries to power
a traditional
which is the
cooling source for
the refrigerator.
In space, this
Harnessing the suns raw energy on
helps store
Earth may be the secret to spreading
medical samples
technological and medical advances
and food or cool
throughout the world.
habitats. Some 2
billion people on
Earth have no access to electricity, so this refrigerator could have a
major impact on human health, particularly in developing countries
and other hard-to-reach regions. It would also be a convenience for
recreational uses in campgrounds, cabins or on boats.


This technology is scalable from a solar refrigerator up to building

cooling, said Ewert, a Life Support and Thermal Systems engineer at
Johnson Space Center.
The cost of the solar panels is a driving factor in how this
technology is currently being explored.
The solar refrigerator application in off-grid scenarios is starting
to take off commercially, Ewert said. The application that is taking
off first is to provide cooling for vaccines in developing countries.
Ewert discussed an experiment that he was involved with a few
years ago involving a solar panel and heat pump, along with how
this concept originated and how power is stored. The World Health
Organization certified the refrigerator for use as a vaccine solar
refrigerator, keeping vaccines at the proper storage temperature in
developing countries and areas without power. The company that has
licensed this technology from NASA is now marketing these vaccine
solar refrigerators.
The inventors will be recognized at a ceremony to be held at the
NASA Project Management Challenge next February and will receive
Space Act Awards from the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board.
Watch more about this invention at

refrigerators like this
one may soon reduce
the cost and increase
the availability of
vaccines to people in
remote regions.




By Lori Keith

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