The world we seem to live in is like a dream ... a fiction. And therein lies a key concept
if we are to fully progress with Optimal EFT. To access that magnificent World
Beyond Our Senses we must at least be open to the possibility that our senses are
deceiving us and thus hiding this far grander reality from our awareness. Our senses
report a world filled with pain, pleasure, business, politics and an unlimited number of
diversions... from the Super Bowl in America to Tsunamis half way around the world.
And yet, despite how convincing it all seems, none of it is real. It is a perpetual
distraction machine ... a spiritual error that is obscuring a joyous reality where nothing
exists except Love.
This, of course, violates every belief we have. Our every sensory input "proves" the
world exists in that we convincingly see, hear, feel, smell and taste the "separate" things
of the world. And we do so 24/7. And since our senses appear to be our only tangible
connection to "reality," we have little choice but to dutifully obey their dictates.
Or do we?
Fortunately, we also have a "sixth sense," a knowing or intuition that there is more to our
existence than what our senses report. It is that instinct that keeps you reading this and it
is that instinct that will eventually allow you to realize the benefits of Optimal EFT.
So we are now at a fork in the road where we can either stay within the prison house of
our own sensory inputs ... OR ... go the route of Optimal EFT and explore that World
Beyond Our Senses. What to do? Which fork to take?
I fully understand if you choose to ignore our premiere scientists and leave us at this early
stage. It is a bit much to digest. However, if you stay with us for awhile, you may find
some truth along this path. Perhaps a glimmer at first but later to generate a full eyeopening "AHA"! Time will tell.
So let's adopt the idea that we are having a dream - a perceptual error - and the world
doesn't really exist. A Course In Miracles has some interesting insights on this. It draws
from our night time dreams for a comparison.
Does not a world that seems quite real arise in dreams? Yet think what this world is. It is
clearly not the world you saw before you slept ... You do not find the differences between
what you see in sleep and on awaking disturbing. You recognize that what you see on
waking is blotted out in dreams. Text Chapter 18, Section II
"You recognize from your own experience that what you see in dreams you think is real
while you are
asleep. Yet the instant you waken you realize that everything that seemed to happen in the
dream did not happen at all. You do not think this strange, even though all the laws of
what you awaken to were violated while you slept. Is it not possible that you merely
shifted from one dream to another, without really waking?" Text Chapter 10, Section I,
Paragraph 2
Think about it. When you have a dream at night, isn't reality as you know it violated
profusely. I mean one moment you are having lunch with a famous person and then, in
the next moment, you are floating above Japan in a parachute. Only when we awaken
from this dream do we see the absurdity of it and say to ourselves, "Oh, it was just a
dream." However, while you are dreaming, don't the experiences seem very real? Do
you even question the reality of those events while they are happening in your dream?
Most people don't. In fact, if we attached monitoring devices to our bodies while
dreaming, we would detect substantial changes in our heartbeat, adrenalin flow and other
bodily reactions. All these point to the seeming reality of our sleeping dream.