Holistic Solutions For Anxiety & Depression in Therapy - Peter Bongiorno

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The key takeaways are that the book discusses holistic and integrative approaches for treating anxiety and depression, combining natural remedies with conventional care.

The book is about holistic solutions for treating anxiety and depression, discussing lifestyle factors, supplements, mind-body medicine, and working with medications integratively.

The book discusses assessing contributing lifestyle and internal factors, effective supplements, mind-body medicine, and working integratively with medications.



Combining Natural Remedies with Conventional Care

New York London

A Norton Professional Book

This book is dedicated firstly to the patients who teach me something valuable everyday.
Their courage is my inspiration. I want to also dedicate this book to the mental health
practitioners that I have the honor to work with in order to create a true team care
approach. Together, we have learned that working in an integrative fashion truly creates
the best results. Finally, this book is co-dedicated to the tireless laboratory and clinical
researchers running trials and pouring over statistics to learn how lifestyle and natural
medicines work. Without that hard and often unrewarded work, the information for this
book would not be available.

Introduction: Why Holistic Care for Anxiety and Depression?
Top Seven CAM Recommendations You Can Offer Your Clients
Blood Test Recommendations
CAM Referrals and Resources
Supplements for Anxiety and Depression
Homeopathics Commonly Used for Depression and Anxiety
Example Diet and Lifestyle Diary

Why Holistic Care for Anxiety and Depression?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results.
About a year before writing this book, I worked with a 42-year-old father of two;
lets call him Jason. Jason came in for his sixth monthly follow-up visit. He had
been dealing with depression for most of his adult life. An avid athlete in his youth,
by the time he was twenty-four he began to experience low mood and low-grade
depression. This was around the time he started having severe difficulties in his
family life, specifically discussing difficulties with his drug-addicted brother and
aging alcoholic parents. He suddenly began to have a very hard time playing
soccer, a game he loved. For almost two decades he avoided athletic events and
fought the dark cloud, as he put it, that kept him from enjoying sports, going out
dancing, or even just being social with friends. While functional at his job as an
engineer, he was labeled dysthymic by his psychiatrists and bounced from
medication to medication, with equivocal results. At the time we began to work
together, he was also working with a psychotherapist, as well as a
psychopharmacologist, and believed he would always be somewhat depressed, for
that was his nature.
Jasons most recent therapist decided to refer him to me for a more holistic
view and to see if there were any physical reasons that might be contributing
Jasons mood challenges. After taking his full history and completing a round of
blood tests, we learned that Jasons vitamin D and ferritin (iron storage) levels
were abysmally low. We also found out through the blood tests that he had a lowgrade reaction to gluten (a protein from wheat) that was likely contributing to the
slightly high inflammation in his body. I referred him to a hematologist and
gastrointestinal doctor to check on the low iron. Once it was clear that no
gastrointestinal or hematologic problems were the cause of low iron, I encouraged
him to eat more iron-containing foods and gave him low doses of an easy-toabsorb iron supplement with herbs that help absorption. I also recommended
vitamin D3 and had him avoid all gluten and wheat products. We also adjusted his
sleep schedule and added more vegetables and anti-inflammatory foods (e.g., fish
and olive oil) to his diet. After working with these recommendations for about 4
months, his mood gradually lifted. He even went back to working out, and now he
is excitedly considering getting back on a local mens soccer team this coming
summer. I suspect he will be able to wean off his current medications within the
next few months.
Jason had difficulty absorbing iron. His vitamin D was low because he avoided
the sun after his medical doctor told him sunlight would cause skin cancer, even
though he had no known increased risk for skin cancer. Because he did not have
digestive issues, laboratory tests for gluten sensitivity were never performed. After

we added a gentle but absorbable iron, his red blood cells ability to carry oxygen
improved, which helped both Jasons mood and energy. Giving him vitamin D
likely balanced inflammation in his body and supported his mood. Having Jason
eliminate gluten foods and adding anti-inflammatory foods also lowered
inflammation in the body. Inflammation in the body translates to more brain
inflammationa contributor to poor mood in susceptible individuals.
At our last visit, Jason asked me a very reasonable question: fter almost 20
years of going from doctor to doctor, why didnt anyone think to check and do these
things? My answer was simple: Because conventional care rarely looks at the
body as a whole. Often, when we look at the body holistically, we can elicit much
more information to help support the bodys healing ability.
Jasons story is an example of a type of patient I typically work with: someone with a
long-term mood disorder who has tried many forms of medication and has had limited
success. I am lucky, for in my New York practice I work alongside like-minded therapists,
social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists who look to me to assess, from a more
holistic perspective, the physical reasons for a persons mood issues. In a team care spirit,
I rely on them for their expertise to monitor patients safety, work on improving their
psychological well-being, and consider pharmaceutical options when absolutely necessary.
Together, we create a full complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) perspective
that allows patients full opportunity to heal and provides a small community in which
patients feel safe to share concerns, change patterns, and heal.
Most therapists I have the honor to work with in this team care approach tell me that
most of their clientele are either interested in or are already using some type of natural
remedy or holistic modality. However, I have also heard that, whether it be the latest diet
craze, acupuncture, fish oil, vitamin D, St. Johns wort, or some new miracle mood cure,
often the therapist does not feel familiar enough with these remedies to give an opinion,
and some have confided in me their concern for drug-nutrient-herb interactions. Even
more overarching is the safety concern that their clients may inappropriately use these
remedies in lieu of more potent and necessary conventional care. This book will help
orient you regarding these concerns and give you a holistic framework to help see where
safe and effective use of CAM can fit with your clients concerns.
As a clinician, you probably have noticed that anxiety and depression rank as the top
reasons that people are sick and go to the doctor. Anxiety disorders are the most common
of the psychiatric illnesses in the United States, with approximately 30% of the population
experiencing anxiety-related symptoms in their lifetime (Kessler et al., 2005). Eighteen
percent of the U.S. population have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010), 9.1% of the
population meet the criteria for current depression, including 4.1% who meet the criteria
for major depression. A report from the World Health Organization tells us that depression
has become the second most burdensome disease in the worldit causes more lost time
and money than any other condition except heart disease (Ferrari et al., 2013).
Anxiety and depression are generally inextricable disorderseach often occurring

with the other. About 58% of patients with lifetime major depressive disorder have anxiety
disorder, while 48% of patients with generalized anxiety disorder also experience
comorbid depression (Lieberman, 2009). Patients who suffer from both seem to have more
severe, chronic types of anxiety. These patients also have more social and work
challenges, as well as greater rates of alcoholism and substance abuse. Most unfortunate,
patients with both are less likely to benefit from conventional care (Lydiard 2004). While
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, version 5 (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013) does not acknowledge nxious depression as a distinct
diagnosis, it is a very common presentation of mood disorder. In holistic circles, many
practitioners consider anxiety and depression a continuum, where certain stressors, as well
as sleep, environmental, and lifestyle factors, will help decide whether a particular degree
of anxiety, depression, or both may manifest.
Despite decades of drug dominance, many patients are now realizing that they prefer
something elsepossibly to avoid toxicity of these drugs, or maybe because they realize
their medication is not fixing the problem. In 2007, over 38% of adults sought out some
kind of natural or CAM support in the United States (Barnes, Bloom, & Nahin, 2008), a
significant increase from the previous decade. In many cases, this CAM support may
involve an anxious person going to the health food store to find a mineral, such as
magnesium, to help with sleep. Or possibly a person with depression might try a
supplement like tryptophan to lift mood. Other people may start regular acupuncture
treatments or yoga therapy. Or they may visit a naturopathic doctor like myself, who may
individualize lifestyle changes, recommend specific supplementation, and organize a
holistic plan.
You have probably noticed this interest in CAM with your own clientsmore and
more are asking about this vitamin or that diet. Thus, a basic working knowledge of
available CAM modalities and their efficacy is becoming an essential part of health care
education. A general natural medicine knowledge base is becoming essential for any
health care practitioner who wants to communicate and participate effectively in a health
care strategy with his or her client.


Before exploring how to assess your clients for various lifestyle and internal factors that
may be contributing to their anxiety and depression, and the holistic approaches you can
recommend, lets first get clear on some basic terms.

Alternative Medicine
The term alternative medicine refers to various medical and health care systems,
modalities, and recommendations that are not presently considered to be part of the typical
conventional medical model. These remedies are called lternative because they are used
in place of conventional medical care. When defining alternative care, the key here is
understanding that, by definition, lternative medicine replaces mainstream medical

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Instead, I prefer to employ the term complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
CAM is a system that employs alternative modalities alongside conventional care. It does
not necessarily replace conventional care but, rather, keeps all methods of care in mind
when creating a plan of action for a particular patient (National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine, 2013a). In my experience, neither conventional nor alternative
methods are superior. I prefer CAM because it is not mutually exclusive and allows the
opportunity to use whichever treatment might be best for a patient at a given time. Using
both conventional and alternative medicines together is termed integrative medicine.
CAM practitioners may be physicians of conventional medicine (e.g., medical doctors
and osteopathic physicians) or physicians of naturopathic medicine like myself. Also
considered part of the CAM world are nutritionists, herbalists, Chinese medicine and
acupuncture practitioners, chiropractors, energetic healers, and so forth. Therapists who
work with standard psychotherapy along other modalities such as yoga would also be
under the CAM umbrella.
CAM therapies may incorporate nutrient therapies, botanical medicines, Native
American healing, dietary changes, Ayurvedic medicine (ancient medicine from India),
energy healing, hypnosis, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, animal-assisted therapy,
physical medicines, and many other types of therapies.

Holistic Medicine
CAM and integrative medicine are, at their best, a type of holistic care. Holistic medicine
is a system of medicine that fully appreciates the multiple factors that affect a persons
health. It considers each person to be a unified whole. This contrasts the biomedical
approach of fragmenting the body into parts and specialties such as a nervous system,
digestive system, hormonal system, and so forth. For example, when you have a stomach
problem, you see a gastroenterologist. If you have skin issues, you see a dermatologist. In
contrast, a holistic practitioner may recommend focusing on supporting the digestive tract
to help the skin issues.
Biomedicine too often does not consider how tweaking one body system may affect
the whole person. Lets take the common example of reflux, a condition affecting 60
million Americans every month. Common conventional treatment includes a proton pump
inhibitor drug such as Nexium, which may help decrease symptoms and avoid discomfort.
However, in the long term, such treatments can cause poor nutrient absorption, which
leads to body deficiencies and risk of osteoporotic fracture (Fraser et al., 2013). A CAM
and integrative approach may consider a drug like this in the short term only if really
needed for symptom reduction or to heal a dangerous ulcer. In the meantime, a CAM
approach will work on the underlying factors, such as balancing a patients stress
response, changing diet, modifying meal timing, improving sleeping habits, and using
herbs and nutrients to heal the digestive tract liningtreatments I find work extremely
well in practically all cases.
As the word reflux does not tell us why a person is having digestive discomfort; so too,
the words anxiety and depression do not really tell us much about the underlying causes of

a persons mood issues. When we hear of people with anxiety and/or depression, we know
they are involved in an experience where they do not feel like at their best and are likely
challenged to function optimally in their life. But we dont know why. Holistic medicine
seeks the reason why and to help adjust various factors, such as sleep, movement,
digestion, psychology, and spirit, as well as nutrient and supplement intake, to help the
body balance itself.

Your Quick Guide to CAM

In the following chapters, I detail the holistic approach to anxiety and depression. Along
the way, I attempt to provide clinical stories along with the most up-to-date research and
recommendations for practice. This book is designed for the busy mental health
professional looking for a go-to primer about natural health care for anxiety and
depression. As a busy clinician, you probably do not have the time to cull and synthesize
the reams of research available on natural medicines efficacy and safety for depression
and anxiety.
This book will do the work for you, streamlining the information into an easily
accessible read. The appendices include summarizing charts and easy steps that you, as the
mental health professional, can quickly refer to again and again for help in guiding
patients through the new holistic medicine world. Instead of offering the whole kitchen
sink when it comes to CAM recommendations, this book uses my decade of clinical
experience and almost 20 years of research to help distill the most salient underlying
factors and treatment options.
As the interest in CAM and natural medicine grows, a therapist who can speak
knowledgeably about integrative care will be of more value to the anxious or depressed
client. Whether you are looking to integrate yourself or your practice or are simply
searching for the most current evidence-based recommendations on the principles and
practice of natural and integrative medicine care for anxiety and depression, this book
provides the foundation necessary to navigate this exciting approach to treatment. This
book also provides the best available resources to further explore holistic care. For up-todate research on natural medicines, please visit my website at www.drpeterbongiorno.com
and join me on Facebook and Twitter (@drbongiorno). Also, please feel free to subscribe
to my clinic newsletter at www.InnerSourceHealth.com.

Groucho Marx once said, Be open mindedbut not so open-minded that your brains fall
out. Please remember that while we focus on natural medicine and holistic remedies,
patient safety is always paramount. The complementary aspect of this approach reminds
us that sometimes drugs can also be a friend to the patient, and using natural therapies
instead of needed urgent care can cause harm. Any good clinician considers risk and
benefits with any treatment option and should choose safety first.
In cases where patients are severely impaired (e.g., patients with severe depression,
suicidal ideation, or completely debilitating anxiety), first-line therapy may need to
include medication and sometimes hospitalization for monitoring. In these cases, I

recommend using pharmaceutical support to help a patient stabilize.

Once the patient is stable, then consideration of holistic options to work on the
underlying factors can begin. While I typically prefer to have patients use natural care, if a
patient cant even muster the umph to get out of bed, it is doubtful he or she will, say, go
to the local health food store to buy salmon and kale and cook it up. Nor is it likely the
patient will start exercising. Holistic options can be considered adjunctive in severe cases,
but not necessarily as a first-line therapy in place of possibly quicker-acting drugs for
urgent care needs. We must be realistic and keep patient safety in mind at all times.


I am thrilled that you are reading this book. Together, I believe we are advancing the
future vision of mental health care. My sincere hope is that this work will impart insight
and greater recognition into what naturopathic doctors refer to as the vis medicatrix
naturae (Latin for healing power of nature), as well as bring awareness that the body
truly has the innate wisdom to heal. It is my sincerest hope that this guide brings great
value to you personally and to your practice. Even more, I hope it inspires your clients
natural healing processes to move forward.

Holistic Solutions for

Anxiety & Depression
in Therapy


Are Holistic Approaches Right for Your Client?

A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of ones heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it,
keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest
George Elliot

Before diving head first into exploring complementary and alternative medicine (CAM),
we first need to decide if holistic care is the right choice right now. Good practitioners use
their knowledge and experience to help guide their clients to decide which path is worth
taking and which do not make sense at that time. This chapter should help you answer that
question in regards to holistic care. It gives some statistics about anxiety and depression
and describes how to broach the idea of complementary care. It presents some basic
clinical questions you may want to ask your client in order to determine whether natural
and integrative medicines are appropriate. It will also help to identify safety issues that
may suggest the need for medication, or contraindications that would suggest that, at the
moment, it may be best to avoid holistic or more integrative care in order to focus on
conventional biomedicine.


As a system, holistic care research is in its infancy. Cooley et al. (2009) looked for the first
time at naturopathic care for subjects with moderate to severe anxiety. Eighty-one patients,
randomized by age and gender, received either naturopathic care or standardized
psychotherapy over 12 weeks. The naturopathic care group received a holistic plan of
dietary counseling, deep breathing relaxation techniques, a standard multivitamin, and the
botanical ashwagandha (Withania somnifera; 300 mg twice a day). The psychotherapy
group received psychotherapy, matched deep breathing relaxation techniques, and a
placebo. The primary outcome measure was the Beck Anxiety Inventory; secondary
outcome measures included the Short Form 36, Fatigue Symptom Inventory, and Measure
Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile to measure anxiety, mental health, and quality of life
respectively. Final Beck scores decreased by 56.5 percent in the naturopathic medicine
group and 30.5 percent in the psychotherapy group, with significant differences benefiting
the naturopathic group regarding mental health, concentration, fatigue, social functioning,
vitality, and overall quality of life. No serious adverse reactions were observed in either
Both groups in the Cooley et al. (2009) study saw significant advantages in moderate
and severe cases of depression. I highlight this study to support the notion that holistic and
CAM models like naturopathic medicine should be considered in virtually every case of
mood disorder care. In the treatment of mood disorders there is established significant
superiority in combining psychotherapy and pharmacologic intervention over using either
alone (Furukawa, Watanabe, & Churchill, 2007). By adding a holistic medicine system
such as naturopathic care or CAM to a team care approach, which includes the therapist

and psychiatrist, I believe we can greatly increase the efficacy of treatment.

Many studies look at single aspects of holistic care, such as an herb, a dietary change,
an exercise regimen, and so on. Many of these are reviewed in the following chapters.
Few studies like that of Cooley et al. (2009) look at multiple changes in holistic care as a
paradigm. While more studies are needed, my 10 years of clinical experience working as a
naturopathic physician alongside fellow therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists tells
me that a team care approach utilizing the best among these medicines is more powerful
than any single one alone. This is the future model of mental health care.


There are a multitude of pharmaceutical treatments in conventional care for anxiety and
depression. Depending on the patient, the efficacy of these drugs for reducing symptoms
will vary from very effective to making conditions worse. In any situation, however, these
drug treatments do not really address the multiple underlying causes of these conditions.
Theres an old saying in natural medicine circles: If you are driving in your car, and
the check engine light comes on, you can either cover it up with electric tape so you dont
see the light, or you can stop the car, check under the hood, and fix the problem. Well, if
you are in a dangerous driving situation where you cannot stop, and the light is glaring in
your eyes, not allowing you to safely see the road, sometimes you need that electrical tape
as an urgent care measure. In this urgent care situation, covering up the symptom can be
a lifesaver until you get to a place you can stop. Then when you are in safer and calmer
place (and ideally a place you know a good mechanic), you can stop, check under the
hood, and try to figure out the problemmaybe its a crack in the engine block, maybe
you simply forgot to add oil for the last 8 years . However, if you are not in that acutely
dangerous situation, it is best not to use the electric tape to cover up the problem. Instead,
it makes the most sense to fix the underlying cause of the red light symptom.

Figure. 1.1. Ignore the light or check your engine?

Antidepressant Safety Concerns

The analogy above is that conventional biomedicine typically covers up the red light
symptom and rarely addresses the underlying problem under the hood. Meta-analysis has
shown that, in cases of depression, drugs do not work any better than placebo in mild to
moderate cases (Fournier et al., 2010)the major reason these millions of prescriptions
are written. Even more startling, these drugs carry with them an increase in all-cause
mortality, an increased likelihood many other problems, and side effects that impair
quality of life. For example, antidepressants show a 32 percent increased risk for all-cause
mortality, including a 45 percent increased risk for stroke (Smoller et al., 2009) in
postmenopausal women. A comprehensive review of all the available published and
unpublished controlled clinical trials of antidepressants in children and adolescents led the
FDA to issue a public warning ( U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2004) about an
increased risk of suicidal thoughts or attempts in children and adolescents treated with
SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants.

Antianxiety Medication Safety Concerns

Efficacy for antianxiety medications is much higher than for antidepressants, with clear
benefit in the short term, but these medications, like antidepressants, are fraught with side
effects. According to Belleville (2010), people who use antianxiety medication have a 36
percent increased mortality risk. Even more, we have known for decades that long-term

efficacy of antianxiety medication has not been shown (Committee on the Review of
Medicines, 1980). Addiction to antianxiety medications is also another problem, as druginduced changes in brain function lead to need for higher dosage, withdrawal symptoms,
and greater disability (Mugathan et al., 2011). To sum up, antianxiety medications can
help in the short term but pose clear dangers of addiction, likelihood of withdrawal
problems, and increased risk of death.

Medication Withdrawal
The experience of discontinuation syndrome (the medical term for what really is
withdrawal) is a major challenge for both antidepressant and antianxiety medications.
Symptoms include depression, anxiety, confusion, irritability, dizziness, lack of
coordination, sleeping problems, crying spells, and blurry vision. And these symptoms
herald a larger concern, for research shows that withdrawal itself evokes a major
behavioral stress response (Harvey, McEwen, & Stein, 2003) and can cause significant
neurologic damage through pathways that create nervous system overexcitement. Thus,
the system we are trying to help can end up more damaged and unable to work in the long
As clinicians, we have all witnessed patients who have, unfortunately, stopped their
own medications cold turkey, or could not get a hold of a refill in timethey are not
happy people. Jean Paul Sartres famous existential play No Exit features three characters
with a fear of the unknown. They have a group dynamic of perpetual anxiety, which leaves
them with no ability to flee their situation. In many ways, anxious and depressed patients
given these medications too often have a sense of not being able to ever stop medication
and flee, without serious withdrawal effects. This takes their power away, leaving them
feeling trapped. Holistic care can help bring a sense of power and control back into their

Psychotherapy Benefits
While I am likely preaching to the choir on this one, I do want to note that psychotherapy
has clearly been shown to be at least as beneficial as drugs in most cases (Cuijpers et al.,
2013). Instead of suppressing symptoms, psychotherapy helps the underlying cause, by
addressing the fundamental thinking that contributes to anxiety and depression. These
thoughts and negative messaging prompt the primitive center of the brain known as the
hypothalamus to overexcite the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Short-term
upregulation (increased activity) of the HPA axis can ready the body and help flee danger,
and it is hoped, in the process, learn to protect against future danger. However, sufferers of
anxiety and depression often have long-term upregulation, which leads to chronic
symptoms of anxiety and depression and even increases risks for many diseases, such as
cardiovascular illness, autoimmune disease, and bone loss. In the case of depression,
research clearly shows that relapse rates with psychotherapy are much lower than with
antidepressants (31 percent vs. 76 percent, respectively) (Hollon et al., 2005). Chapter 3
discusses dysregulation of the HPA axis.


As discussed in the introduction, holistic medicine strives to look at the individual as a

whole, not just separate body systems. The overarching tenets holistic care keeps in mind
are as follows:
1. The body has the innate capacity to heal itself when given the opportunity to do so.
2. The body is an integrated whole, where an imbalance in one system will affect the
rest of the body.
3. Symptoms (e.g. anxiety, depression, or pain) are calls to work on the basics of
health: diet, sleep, exercise, psychology and spirit, digestion, and nutrient status.
4. The clinicians job is to identify the factors that are inhibiting the bodys healing
capacity and to formulate treatment to remove these.
5. Medication and/or surgery should be employed only in times of urgent need.
Otherwise, a clinician should strive to use treatments that are more natural to the
body and help it heal itself.


As touched on in the introduction of this book, the first order of business when working
with someone with a health condition is safety. As a naturopathic doctor, I do believe
modern biomedicine is wildly overused and in most cases does not address the underlying
issues. Having said this, modern medicine is exceptional in urgent care situations and
should be considered first-line therapy in cases where a client cannot reasonably work on
the underlying cause through more natural modalities.
As an analogy, no matter how skilled a therapist you are, if a patient is too depressed
to get out of bed to visit your office for psychotherapy work, your care cant possibly help.
If medication can help get a patient out of bed to come to see you, then it makes common
sense to work with the medication. While antidepressants are not very effective in mild to
moderate depression, they do show efficacy in severe cases (Fournier et al., 2010), and
should still be considered-first line therapy in these instances, for the safety of the client.
Natural medicines can be very effective and powerful, but they do take time to work,
and often multiple changes in diet and lifestyle are needed to create an overall effect. As a
matter of client safety and practicality, clients should be assessed for the need for
pharmaceutical medications as first-line therapy:
1. Is there immediate and acute concern of patient harm to self or others, such as
suicidal ideation or planning, history of harming self and others, or threats to do so?
It is a key for any first and subsequent intake that the practitioner ask about suicidal
Have you ever considered, or are you considering, suicide, or have you thought
that it would be better if you werent around? If yes: Have you ever devised a plan
or do you have a plan to do this?
Have you ever considered, or are you considering, doing harm to someone else? If

yes: Have you ever devised a plan or do you have a plan to do this?
2. Is the anxious or depressed client not able to function in a capacity necessary to
perform basic functions (e.g., going to and being effective at work) and is thus
unable to feed or house himself or herself or dependents? An example of this may
be a single parent whose responsibility is to take care of his children but he cannot
leave his bed and, as a result, is placing the children in jeopardy.
If threat of immediate harm is suspected in either of these considerations, then medication
and supervision of the patient may be needed and should be considered to first to stabilize
your client. Two possible exceptions are cases of pregnancy and breast-feeding, which
should be treated on a case-by-case basis.
If no threat of immediate harm is suspected, then the following questions will help
assess whether holistic care should be first-line therapy:
1.Does your mood stop you from taking care of yourself where you do not bathe or eat
2.Does your mood stop you from going to work and doing the basic things you need to
do for yourself?
3.If you have children or people who depend on you, does your mood stop you from
taking proper care of them?
4.Would you prefer trying natural methods to help balance your emotions?
If your client answers yes to any of questions 13, then conventional medication should be
first-line therapy, with natural medicine as an adjunct when possible. If the answer to
question 4 is no, then it is much less likely that holistic therapies will be of value to this
particular client, and you may want to focus on conventional care, for patient preference is
an important predictor of effective care.
If medications are needed help stabilize the patient, natural medicine therapies that
address lifestyle and psychology/spirit, as well as nutrient and supplemental therapies, can
then be considered for the longer term. Chapter 7 reviews how to make recommendations
and design treatment plans to support a patient using medication.
When using pharmaceutical medications, team management by the patients
prescribing doctor, therapist, and CAM provider (naturopathic doctor or other holistic
practitioner) as a core team will afford the best overall care and allow the comanagement
needed to consider future discontinuation of medications when appropriate. This
possibility will be more appropriately realized once other lifestyle, psychological,
physiologic, and nutrient factors are successfully addressed.
As described in the introduction, the team-care approach of a prescribing doctor
(psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist), therapist, and holistic practitioner is the best of all
worlds regarding optimal patient care. Once a decision is made that the patient does not
meet the criteria outlined above that necessitates first-line pharmaceutical intervention, in
team-care fashion, holistically minded recommendations should begin, while remaining
vigilant to changes in the clients condition that could lead him or her to fulfilling the

above criteria at a later time, necessitating pharmaceutical support.

According to David Mischoulon, a Harvard psychiatrist well known for researching
nutrient therapies for emotional illness, the best candidates for natural remedies are those
who are mildly symptomatic, those who have failed multiple trials or are highly
intolerant of side effects, and for those patients already on numerous medications, where
the drug reactions due to polypharmacy may be significant (Mischoulon & Rosenbaum,
While efficacy rates for antianxiety medications are high, the introduction discussed
how the risk-to-benefit ratio is often too high, and healing the underlying causes is not
addressed. The vast majority of patients treated for depression are actually seen in
outpatient general practice settings, and most of these patients do not meet the diagnostic
criteria for severe major depression. Most depressed patients who visit primary care
physicians have milder forms of the illness (Mild depression, 2003). For clients with
these milder forms of depression, watchful waiting without active pharmacologic
treatment may represent the most appropriate option because minor depression responds to
both nonspecific support and active treatment (Oxman & Sengupta, 2002).
This time of watchful waiting is also a clear cue for employing holistic assessment
and intervention. Under the direction of many conventional practitioners, these patients
are needlessly treated with drugs. From a naturopathic perspective, it is regretful that so
many of these patients are treated with medications as a first-line therapeutic option in lieu
of psychotherapy and holistic care. In these scenarios, holistic care would probably do the
most good by intervening with more natural options, while keeping common sense in
mind: medications can be implemented as a last resort if the patients condition does
become severe.


All practitioners working with anxiety and depression should note that, overall, patients
generally do their best with the treatment they choose and believe in, whatever it may be.
The practitioner should always keep in mind the importance of working with modalities
preferred by the patient for best results and most rapid improvement. In one study, 315
patients with mood disorder who were treatment nave and interested in receiving care
were asked whether they preferred medications, psychotherapy, or both. Among these
people, 15 percent preferred medication alone, 24 percent preferred solely psychotherapy,
and 60 percent preferred both therapies (holistic care was not a choice in this study). Then
these subjects went on to receive care that was randomly chosen for them. Those who
received their preferred treatment clearly experienced the quickest resultsno matter
what the treatment was (Lin et al., 2005). It is likely that patients who visit a holistic
practitioner are going to prefer the natural approach and will find benefit from working
with their therapy of choice alone. As care givers, we should remember this.
As a holistic practitioner, I have a strong passion for natural medicine. It is my bias
and tendency to desire natural medicine care for all my patients. But in truth, if this is not
their wish or interest, it may not be to their benefit anyway, and I have learned to check

ego at the door and help the patient find what he or she is looking for, even if it doesnt
include my help.


When properly prescribed, holistic medicines have minimal risk and toxicity, and
potentially powerful results. Holistic care is contraindicated only if conventional urgent
care is needed, or if the client does not prefer it. However, there are some
contraindications to specific vitamins and herbs, which are also discussed in this book.


Assessing Contributing Lifestyle Factors

Like an old gold-panning prospector, you must resign yourself to
digging up a lot of sand from which you will later patiently wash out a
few minute particles of gold ore.
Dorothy Bryant

OK, great. Now we are moving into the reasons you are reading this book: to identify the
underlying causes of anxiety and depression. Understanding the underlying causes helps
the holistic practitioner pair treatments that are well researched, effective, and safe, as well
as individualized to your client. As a naturopathic physician, I am most excited about
understanding the underlying causes, for this understanding is the key to creating the best
plan. In the alternative medicine world, there are so many treatment solutions: diets to
follow, herbs, vitamins, detoxifications the list is endless. It is seemingly impossible
choose among them all. As a result, holistic care can become a guessing game to the tune
of this herb didnt work, now lets try this vitamin. This shot-in-the-dark approach ends
up frustrating both the patient and the practitioner.
Getting the lay of the land and understanding in depth the details of a clients life will
help to ultimately ferret out underlying issues and make sense of it all, in order to make
the best choices.
Anxiety and depression are typically not caused by one factor. If there were only one
cause, modern medicine would already have a drug or procedure to fix it. As you are
probably already aware, anxiety and depression stem from multiple factors. This chapter
discusses the most important lifestyle factors, to help you organize them in your mind and
ferret out which are the most salient for your clients needs.

Case Study: Garretts Reflux and Anxiety

A few years ago, I had a patient named Garrett who was referred by a clinical
social worker colleague. Garrett was a 33-year-old journalist and a busy guy. He
taught in a respected school for journalism and worked on his own freelance
assignments. About three years ago he started having incredible anxiety. He was
placed on a daily dose of Lexapro to keep it under control, while also using
Xanax as needed (usually once or twice a week) when things became
overwhelming. He started therapy work about 6 months prior. During our first
visit, I learned that Garrett also had stomach reflux and mild intermittent pain for
the past 5 years that was controlled with Nexium. When I asked Garrett about his
day, I learned he slept about 5 hours a night, claiming I am good with that, I
dont need more. He also told me he had to stop exercising when he took his
teaching position due to time constraints.
At the first visit, we decided to hone in on sleep. Over the following months we
were able to adjust his schedule to increase his sleep time. He found that with the
increased sleep, he felt more motivated to exercise. Interestingly, he also was able

to stop his Nexium, without having a return of reflux symptoms. This is likely
because the increased sleep gave his digestive tract more time to heal. Within two
months on the new plan, he stopped using his Xanax. Within 6 months, he weaned
off the Lexapro. I believe that, combined with the psychotherapy he was doing, the
adjustment to sleep helped his digestion. Better digestion helped his
neurotransmitters balance. And the exercise helped burn excess stress hormones.
All these helped him create mood balance.

All animals (including human animals) require sleep. Studies on human sleep deprivation
show how inadequate sleep function increases risk of viral illness, weight gain, problems
with blood sugar imbalance, slowed cognition, and increased brain inflammation
consistent with problematic mood. For instance, Cohen et al. (2009) showed having that
less than 7 hours of sleep each night raises the risk of contracting respiratory viral illness
by 300 percent compared with those who had 8 or more hours of sleep.
Despite the importance of sleep, most of us are not getting enough. People are
sleeping, on average, 20 percent less than we did 100 years ago. For people predisposed to
anxiety and depression, sleeping problems will make mood worse. Sleep challenges
typically precede and occur concomitantly with mood challenges. Insomnia is a wellknown symptom of depression (Ringdahl, Pereira, & Delzell, 2004) and often heralds its
onset or recurrence (Ford & Kamerow, 1989; Buysse et al., 1997). Sleep disturbances are
highly prevalent in anxiety disorders (Staner, 2003); an estimated 90 percent of depressed
patients have insomnia, and about half the population is losing sleep due to anxiety and
The underlying cause of sleep disorder is different for each person. Typically, there is
no one underlying cause. Instead, a few unbalancing factors are typically at play at the
same time. Unless a person has an exceedingly rare condition called fatal familial
insomnia, people with insomnia can usually fix their sleep patterns with individualized
holistic care. We will go over some of these care options.

I Am a Night Owl and I Cant Get to Sleep

Do you have clients with anxiety or depression who tell you they are exhausted during
the day and then wake up at nightand thats often when they feel their best? Some will
often say, I have always been a night owl.
Inappropriate exposure to bright light and excessive stress can create disruptions in
sleep patterns and can cause a condition called delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS).
While not well known, this is actually a fairly common cause of insomnia. In the brain, the
hormone melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland as the darkness of night approaches.
Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant known to help our body detoxify and strengthen the
immune system. Melatonin tells the body to prepare for sleep by lowering body
temperature and inducing drowsiness.
The ability melatonin to be released at the right time is a key for optimal mood. When

it is not, your client may end up with a circadian rhythm disorder. Characteristic
symptoms of this often undiagnosed problem include sleep onset insomnia (I cant get
sleep at night) and waking up multiple times throughout the night, or waking too early in
the morning. Generally people with DSPS feel more alert at night than in the morning
these are the self-proclaimed night owls. Many suffer then from inability to wake up
early enough to get their day goingthese people want to keep sleeping, and then once
they are up, they experience immeasurable and sometimes debilitating fatigue during the
day. By the time night rolls around, they get a second wind that keeps the bad sleep
cycle going. The prevalence of depression and personality disorders in people with DSPS
is very high (Smits & Pandi-Perumal, 2005). Up to 10 percent of high school students
have DSPS and suffer chronic sleep deprivation because their schedule dictates they go to
sleep earlier.

I Cant Stay Asleep or I Wake Up Way Too Early

Many patients with anxiety and depression will complain that they cannot stay asleep,
even if they fall asleep well. Some will also complain about waking up early (around 3
a.m. to 5 a.m.) and feeling wide awake. They will get up and feel fine for a few hours and
then slip into great fatigue for the rest of the day.
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is a component of the last stage of sleep that occurs
in both animals and people. Known as dream sleep, this part of sleep tends to be a very
light and active. People with anxiety and depression tend to have much more REM sleep
and less deep sleep than normal. Newborns spend about 80 percent of their sleep in REM,
but adults normally should not experience more than 25 percent sleep as REM. In REM
sleep, the brain is processing. Because brain processing activity is similar to the type
experienced in waking moments, the more REM sleep a person experiences, the less
refreshing the sleep will be.
Sleep studies of patients with anxiety and depression have shown that patients tend to
enter REM sleep unusually early and have an extended first REM phase along with a loss
of later deeper phases of sleep. These are the patients who report that they cannot stay
asleep and complain of early morning awakenings. Consistent imbalanced REM sleep is
predictive of developing symptoms of anxiety disorders. Researchers looking at the sleep
patterns of depressed patients found that they indeed have increased REM sleep in
proportion to slow-wave non-REM sleep (Berger et al., 1983), and depressed patients who
were purposefully deprived of REM stage sleep showed improved mood (Vogel et al.,

I Snore a Lot
Some patients (or, more often, their sleeping partners) will complain about snoring. While
only about 6 percent of the general population struggle with a type of disturbed sleep
known as sleep apnea where there are irregular breathing cessations of breathing
throughout the night, 20 percent of people with depression have sleep apnea. So,
especially for your clients with depression, you may want to keep this in the back of your
mind. It is best to speak with a sleep specialist or pulmonologist to properly diagnose this

condition. Natural methods to treat this include melatonin (see p. 20), avoiding food
sensitivities (discussed in Chapter 3), and weight loss. If these are not effective, it is worth
considering a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machine or possibly surgical
procedures to help open the airway. Patients who have hypertension or are falling asleep
during the day may need to consider the CPAP or surgery sooner for safety reasons
(Milleron, et al., 2004).

Questions to Ask about Sleep:

How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
What time do you go to bed, and what time do you wake up?
Are you a night owl?
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you wake up many times at night?
Do you wake up too early in the morning?
Do you wake up refreshed?
Do you or your spouse think you snore a lot?

Steps to Improve Sleep

Now you have asked the right questions, and assessed the symptoms of sleep. So lets talk
about some ideas to reintroduce healthful sleeping patterns. For patients with anxiety and
depression with sleep challenges, I recommend working on sleep first, before addressing
anything else. Assuring healthful sleep is probably the best first step toward long-term
healing of anxiety and depression. I recommend the following eight steps to help get sleep
back on track.
1. Get to bed before midnight (and ideally no later than 10:30 p.m.)
Theres an old Chinese medicine proverb that says one hour before midnight is worth two
hours after midnight. While the ancient Chinese did not know about endocrinology (the
study of hormones), this suggestion makes physiologic sense for it encourages people to
be in a still, dark place at a time when onset of melatonin release allows for optimal sleep
and circadian regulation. Melatonin is the master hormone that tells your body it is time to
go to sleep.
Melatonin release in the adult begins at about 10 p.m. (Smits & Pandi-Perumal, 2005).
The right bedtime optimizes its release. Later bedtimes will suppress melatonin and
encourage stress hormone activity. Unless nocturnal, the only animals that stay up past
dark are in danger or need food. Humans who stay up late also experience a stress
response that will encourage poor sleep, DSPS, and excess REM sleep.
If your client generally goes to bed later than midnight and wants to make a positive
change, I recommend backing up bedtime by 15 minutes every week, possibly to settle in
at a 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. bedtime at the latest. Supplemental melatonin can be used if

needed to help (see more about melatonin with step 7 below and in Chapter 4).
2. Create an evening ritual
I recommend my patients start dimming the lights by 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. and shut down the
TV and computer. My computer has an application called f.lux which is a free
downloadable program that changes the screen light to a less melatonin-suppressing amber
hue in the early evening, which will help curb melatonin suppression while still using the
computer in the early evening. Sipping a calming tea such as chamomile or lavender is
also smart choice at this time. It is best to make a small cup and sip slowly. This way the
bladder does not fill and cause wakefulness during the night. As people create their own
healthy sleep rituals, they will find comfort in consistency, and their body will learn to
calm in preparation for sleep.
3. Lower the lights 30 minutes before bed
Avoid using any bright lights at this time. This includes shutting any computer and e-mail
work, texting, tablet computers, and so forth. Bright light suggests to the body that it is
daylight, which suppresses the release of melatonin. Reading calming literature using a
lamp with an orange light bulb is also helpful to avoid melatonin suppression.
4. Keep the room dark and cool
Melatonin, human growth hormone, and other hormones are needed for repair and
detoxification. These are suppressed when the room is too bright and too warm. If your
client can see their hand when held one foot in front of the face, then the room has too
much light. Consider covering all light sources (like cable boxes, clocks) and keep the cell
phone charging in another room. I also recommend using completely occlusive blinds.
Some of my patients install automatic openers that open the blinds gradually at the right
time in the morning to assure a slow introduction of light. Keeping the temperature around
68 F assures optimal melatonin secretion.
5. Ask about food and blood sugar
Occasionally, eating too late and having too much food in the stomach can inhibit the
natural ability to fall asleep. I have noticed certain patients are also quite sensitive to
individual foods (common ones are wine, spicy foods, and dairy products), which can
keep them up.
Alternately, when people have low blood sugar before bed, it can be equally hard to
fall asleep. When blood sugar is low, this signals our animal brain to go hunt for food and
trigger the release of stress hormones. If this is suspected, eating a small amount of protein
and carbohydrate together (e.g., a little turkey with an apple slice, or nut butter with a rice
cracker) right before bed can be helpful.
6. Journal before bed
Many of us lead very hectic lives and often do not have one quiet moment during the day
until the moment we decide to go to bed. At this time, the brain gets us alone and says,
OK, Ive got you. Lets go over some things, and wants to start processing lots of things,
over and over. This is the moment all the thoughts flood in at one time: family problems,

relationship issues, job stress, financial worries, worries about nuclear war, and so on.
These come at us at once and become overwhelming. Placed in stress mode, the brain and
body cannot shut off.
In these cases, it is a valuable practice to pause for a minute right before bed and jot
down a to-do list for the next day, and/or write down the top issues that are of concern,
and then fold over the paper and put it to the side, to let go of them until the next day.
As a clinician, you may find it valuable to review this written list with your client, to see
what comes up during those nighttime hours. Walt Whitman said: I do not think until I
read what I write. Although jotting them down may not fix the issues of concern, it can
help create some balance by processing them before going to sleep.
7. Natural Remedies for Sleep, If Needed
I encourage patients to try the above steps for two weeks and see if sleeping improves. If it
does not balance out completely, then natural medicines can be amazing to finish the job.
Here are the top natural remedies I will typically use.

Magnesium deficiency is common and is associated with chronic inflammatory stress
(Nielsen, Johnson, & Zeng, 2010). Deficiency will increase dysfunction in the brains
biological clock areas of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and pineal gland (Durlach, 2002) and
disorganize sleep patterns (Murck, 2013). This nontoxic mineral has been shown helpful
in clinical trials for sleep efficiency, sleep duration, sleep onset latency, and early morning
awakening (Abbasi et al., 2012).
Dosing is usually in the range of 400500 mg/day. Many patients will take 250 mg
twice a day, with the last dose right before bed. I often recommend the magnesium
glycinate form, for glycine is an amino acid known for its own calming effect. While there
is no known toxicity associated with magnesium, some sensitive individuals can have
loose bowel movements with extra magnesium intake. In this case, the dose needs to be
scaled back.

Studies from the 1980s have shown that low or delayed melatonin levels can contribute to
depression (Beck-Friis et al., 1984) and anxiety (Toffol et al., 2014). A powerful
antioxidant, it protects brain and nervous tissue (Garcia et al., 1997). As a supplement, it
was originally known to fix jet lag and is now known to help fight cancer (Al-Omary,
2013) and may even increase efficacy of chemotherapy (Lissoni, 2007).
Melatonin supplements are sold in dosages from 0.5 mg up to 20 mg. Regular (nontime-released) melatonin is best to help calm the body and let it know when it is time to
fall asleep. Time-released (also known as sustained released) melatonin can be used for
trouble falling asleep that occurs with difficulty staying asleep. Melatonin is quite safe and
nonaddictive and is even used with children. A typical adult dose is 13 mg a half hour
before the desired bedtime. Studies with DSPS have used very low melatonin doses of
0.125 mg in the late afternoon and evening, each dose 4 hours apart (e.g., at 4 p.m. and

again at 8 p.m.). If your client finds using a single before-bedtime dose is not working,
then try the low doses given at 4 and 8 p.m. Adolescents with DSPS have been given
doses of 0.35 mg (Alldredge et al., 2012) to help retrain normal sleeping patterns. If a
client is having trouble staying asleep, but not falling asleep, time-released melatonin in
doses of 36 mg may help to keep a person from waking during the night.
While melatonin has no toxicity in the doses described above, it is best to scale it back
if the patient feels groggy in the morning after use. Some research suggests that elevated
melatonin levels are associated with exacerbations in nocturnal asthma, so melatonin
should be avoided in someone who has nighttime asthmatic symptoms (Sutherland et al.,
Melatonin versus sleep medications
Studies comparing hypnotic medication with melatonin found that melatonin caused no
postural instability in seniors, whereas zolpidem (Ambien) impaired stability and caused
body sway, a strong risk factor for falling (Otmani et al., 2012). Two studies comparing
melatonin with Ambien found that melatonin had sleep benefits without the next-day
cognitive, attention, psychomotor, or driving impairments reported with the zolpidem
(Wesensten et al., 2005; Otmani et al., 2008). In my practice, it is common to use both
melatonin, and sleep medications like zolpidem, especially when the sleep drugs stop
working. While most research combining melatonin and zolpidem show no negative
interactions, some research with extended-release zolpidem (Ambien CR) showed
increased psychomotor impairments (Otmani et al., 2008). As a precaution, it is best to
start on low doses of melatonin (around 1mg) and increase as needed until desired effect is
achieved, while monitoring for daytime sleepiness and any impairment.
Natural food sources of melatonin
Oats (Avena sativa) are known to have a calming effect on the body and contain very
small amounts melatonin. However, to get the same amount of melatonin that is found in a
supplement pill, one would need to eat about 20 bowls of oats. Montmorency tart cherries,
ginger, tomatoes, bananas, and barley also contain very minute amounts of melatonin
(Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, 2009). One study of tart cherry juice
found a modest effect on sleep (Pigeon et al., 2010), and it might work well for mild
insomnia issues.

L-Tryptophan is a naturally derived amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin.
Depletion of tryptophan contributes to generalized anxiety and panic attacks (Klaassen et
al., 1998), and L-tryptophan levels are significantly lower in depressed subjects than in
normal controls (Maes et al., 1997c). Low levels of tryptophan do not allow the body to
manufacture enough serotonin. Lowered levels of serotonin can be a reason for poor sleep,
especially for staying asleep.
Dosage at bedtime is usually 5001,000 mg, while some patients may need up to 2,500
mg. For best absorption to the brain, it is best to take with a slice of simple carbohydrate
(like an apple slice), because the carbohydrate will increase insulin levels, and insulin will

promote tryptophan absorption into the brain.

Although most conventional psychiatrists are afraid to mix natural medicines like
tryptophan with conventional medication, one 8-week randomized controlled trial of 30
patients with major depression found that combining 20 mg fluoxetine (Prozac) with 2 g
tryptophan daily at the outset of treatment for major depressive disorder appeared to be a
safe protocol that had both a rapid antidepressant effect and a protective effect on slowwave sleep (Levitan et al., 2000).
Please note that several Internet sites state that L-tryptophan is unsafe due to past
history of eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, a condition contracted by several people in the
1980s after ingesting tryptophan supplements, which led to the death of 30 people. This
tragic event occurred because the company making the supplement had no quality controls
and allowed the introduction of fatal bacteria. These deaths had nothing to do with
tryptophan itself. Please see more about the use of tryptophan in Chapter 4.

Valerian is the best-studied herbal medicine for sleep. The root word valere comes from
the Latin term for good health. Please note that valerian has no relationship to Valium,
except for the fact that both names share the same first three letters. Valerian is especially
helpful for people who focus stress in their gut (nervous stomach) and when there is a
strong anxiety component accompanying inability to sleep. This herb has constituents that
act to inhibit sympathetic nervous system neurons by enhancing levels of gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain-calming neurotransmitter. The sympathetic nervous
system activates the stress response in our body, sometimes called the flight-or-flight
A meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled clinical trials suggests benefit using
valerian (Fernndez-San-Martn et al., 2010). In one randomized, triple-blind, controlled
trial of 100 postmenopausal women, 530 mg of concentrated valerian extract given twice a
day for 4 weeks resulted in better sleep quality compared with placebo. While most
studies report positive effects, one randomized trial did not find benefit, although this
study was in a small group of 16 women and used suboptimal dosing of 300 mg once a
day before bed (Taibi et al., 2009). It is possible that using higher doses typically
recommended may have showed benefit.
Valerian can also help with staying asleep when trying to wean off anxiety
medications. In rat studies, valerian has been shown to help alleviate withdrawal
syndrome resulting from the removal of diazepam (Valium) following prolonged periods
of administration (Andreatini & Leite, 1994), while not showing any toxic effects (Tufik et
al., 1994). A team out of Brazil had a similar notion when they prescribed valerian (100
mg three times a day, with 80 percent didrovaltrate, 15 percent valtrate, and 5 percent
acelvaltrate from valerian root) to help patients with insomnia tolerate withdrawal from
benzodiazepines. These 19 patients (averaging 43 years of age) were using
benzodiazepines every night for an average of 7 years but still had poor sleep and were
matched to 18 control subjects. Electroencephalogram patterns were studied during sleep

while still on the benzodiazepines, and then for 2 weeks after while taking either valerian
or placebo. The patients taking valerian reported significantly better subjective sleep
quality than those on placebo after benzodiazepine withdrawal, despite the presence of a
few withdrawal side effects from the medications. At the end of 2 weeks, there was a
significant decrease in nighttime waking time after sleep onset in valerian subjects
compared with placebo subjects. Nonetheless, valerian-treated patients did show increased
alpha waves (corresponding to more difficulty falling asleep) as well as longer blocks of
sleep latency than did control subjects. Despite subjective improvement, sleep data
showed that valerian did not actually produce faster sleep onset, which was likely due to
the medication withdrawal hyperarousal (a state where the withdrawal of the medication
keeps the patient in a more awake state). The authors concluded that, overall, valerian was
well tolerated and had a positive effect on withdrawal from benzodiazepine use, with no
interactions between the two (Poyares et al., 2002).
Typical dosage of valerian is 450600 mg about 2 hours before bedtime. Patients with
daily anxiety or needing more sleep support may add an early afternoon dose. In many
cases, valerian works best when taken over a few weeks rather than acutely. While safety
has been shown in trials of children (Francis & Dempster, 2002) and in the senior
population, it has not been evaluated in pregnancy. The active components of valerian may
increase benzodiazepine activity and should be monitored by a physician if used with
these medications.
Supplements in combination?
While any of the above supplements can be of value alone, CAM practitioners typically
combine some of these for even better results. For example, one double-blind study from
Italy used 5 mg melatonin and 225 mg magnesium taken 1 hour before bedtime. Results
showed significant improvements in sleep scores, as well as quality sleep, and alertness
the following morning (Rondanelli et al., 2011). Very often I will start by recommending
one supplement at a time and then add others after a few days if the one supplement does
not create the full effect.

Final Note: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Sleep

As of this writing, there is a near-completed study of 66 depressed patients showing that
almost 90 percent of these patients (whether on an antidepressant or placebo) who worked
with cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia twice a week found depression resolved in 8
weeks of treatment using either an antidepressant drug or a placebo pillalmost twice the
rate of those who did not have cognitive behavior therapy. This particular therapy focuses
on establishing healthy sleep rituals, which include keeping proper and consistent sleep
times, avoiding daytime napping, and not reading, eating, or watching TV in bed (Carey,

If you have a dog with anxiousness, inflammation, digestive issues, or virtually any
problem, when you bring the dog to a veterinarian, what is the first thing the vet asks?
What are you feeding this dog? This is because the vet is trained to know that what the

animal ingests will affect its health considerably.

Although a tenet virtually ignored by modern medicine until very recently, it stands to
reason that what your client ingests is going to affect the body in a substantial way. Poor
diet will increase the likelihood of a disease to which someone may be predisposed.
Conversely, eating better leads to better mental health. This section discusses the benefits
of good nutrition and then identifies some specific food choices particularly unhealthy for
those with anxiety and depression.

Healthy Dietary Choices for Best Mood

More and more studies are showing that healthy food intake prevents both anxiety and
depression and blocks the ravages on the body that occur with mental illness
(Antonogeorgos et al., 2012). One landmark five-year study out of Spain looked at the
lives and eating patterns of 10,000 people. Those people who followed a Mediterranean
diet were 50 percent less likely to develop anxiety or depression. The study specifically
found that intake of fruits, nuts, beans, and olive oil supported mood best (SnchezVillegas et al., 2009a).
Other studies regarding the Mediterranean diet have also shown that the endothelial
linings (inner lining of blood vessels) of these subjects were much healthier and
predisposed them to lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Even more, further studies by
the same group found that those people who ate in this healthy way also had higher levels
of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein secreted by the nervous system
that is critical for growth, repair, and survival of healthy brain and nervous system cells
(Snchez-Villegas et al., 2011). BDNF has been shown to be low in individuals with
depression (Yoshimura et al., 2010) or with anxiety (Suliman, Hemmings, & Seedat,
Dr. Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez, the senior author of this series of studies,
offered his understanding of Mediterranean diet advantage: The membranes of our
neurons (nerve cells) are composed of fat, so the quality of fat that you are eating
definitely has an influence on the quality of the neuron membranes, and the bodys
synthesis of neurotransmitters is dependent on the vitamins youre eating (Rabin, 2009).

Components of a Mediterranean Diet:

1.High amounts of monounsaturated fats and low amounts of saturated fats
2.High intake of legumes
3.High fish intake
4.High intake of whole-grain cereals and breads
5.High intake of fruits and nuts
6.High intake of vegetables
7.Moderate alcohol intake
8.Moderate intake of milk and dairy products

9.Low intake of meat and meat products

A recent cross-sectional study by Davison & Kaplan (2012) looked closely at the foods
and nutrient intakes of 97 people with confirmed mood disorders, examining intake of
fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals. They evaluated these
patients using Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scores, as well as the Hamilton
Depression Rating Scale and the Young Mania Rating Scale. Significant correlations were
found between GAF scores and energy (kilocalories), carbohydrates, fiber, and total fat.
Also correlated were intakes of linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid, discussed in Chapter
4), riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, pantothenic acid, calcium,
phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. The study showed higher levels of
mental function associated with a higher intake of nutrients. When dietary supplement use
was added to the nutrient intakes from food, GAF scores remained positively correlated
with all dietary minerals, suggesting that supplementation, along with healthy foods, can
play a role in helping mood disorder. (Chapters 4 and 6 discuss supplementation further.)
Often, patients and fellow practitioners alike will ask me my opinion on which is the
best diet. While I think this question is best answered by understanding each patient case
and possible food sensitivities, if I did not know the individual, or his or her history, I
would recommend the Mediterranean diet. Although no one diet is completely perfect for
every individual due to possible allergies and sensitivities, there is reason to believe the
Mediterranean diet may far surpass the benefits of other choices for those with mood
problems. While no one diet is 100 percent effective and healthy for every person, the
Mediterranean diet has often been considered one of the most healthful for many different
people and conditions, and the research seems to back up this bold statement.

Some Specifically Healthy Foods

So, what should your client with depression or anxiety be eating? This next section is
going to go over some basics about diet to help make some healthful and emotionally
supportive choices.
Protein sources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests at least one-third of the
population is obese (Ogden et al., 2012). Despite our overeating, many people actually are
not getting enough protein. Our population tends to eat copious amounts of highcarbohydrate foods but not enough quality protein. Low protein intake is a problem
especially for people inclined to have mood issues, for two reasons. One is that proteins
break down to amino acids, which are the building blocks of neurotransmitters, our
molecules of emotion. The second reason is that it is very challenging to regulate blood
sugar with insufficient proteinand blood sugar dysregulation is an important factor in
both anxiety and depression (more about blood sugar further below). Pregnant women
who ate a vegetarian diet typically low in protein had a 25 percent greater likelihood for
high levels of anxiety symptom (Vaz Jdos, et al. 2013), likely due to low protein levels.
Excess protein can also be a problem: too much protein can actually suppress central
nervous system serotonin levels, which will negatively affect mood.

So, how much protein should your clients be getting? To help understand how much
protein a person generally needs, you can use the formula
[weight (lb)/2.2 lb] 0.8 g = grams of protein you need per day.
For example, a 120-pound person will require about 44 g protein. (Note that elite athletes
should multiply by 1.2 g instead of 0.8 g; a person with kidney disease may need to
decrease protein intake below the formulas recommendation.)
The healthiest protein sources are beans, raw nuts and seeds, tofu, fish and natural
poultry, and grass-fed meats.
Fish and healthy oils
There is ample evidence showing correlations between low seafood consumption and
higher rates of mood disorder. Conversely, solid research also tells us that higher intake of
fish may help prevent and treat anxiety and depression.
Seafood intake is shown to lower both anxiety and depression. One study showed that
the likelihood of anxiety was 43 percent higher for those who rarely or never ate dark and
oily fish compared with those that ate it one to three times a week or more (Vaz et al.,
2013). A thorough review spanning 13 countries demonstrated that there is an inverse
relationship between intake of fish and depression (Hibbeln, 1998).
There are two main types of healthy omega-3 fatty acids in fish: eicosapentanoic acid
(EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). It is believed that these substances help balance
inflammation in the body and brain and lower the likelihood of mood disorder. These
omega-3 fats are especially high in wild salmon, striped bass, mackerel, rainbow trout,
halibut, and sardines. While science is still trying to understand whether EPA or DHA is
more important, it is clear that individuals with anxiety and depression who eat less fish
show marked depletions in omega-3 fatty acids in blood cell fats compared with people
who do not have these mood disorders (Jacka et al., 2013), and these lower levels correlate
with more anxious and depressive states.
The standard American diet (with the apt acronym SAD) tends to be quite low in
healthy omega-3 fish oil and high in omega-6 oils. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in
saturated fats and red meats. It is well established that diets with high omega-6 to omega-3
ratios increase the risk of heart disease, as well as contribute to mood problems. Swedish
researchers looked at senior patients and found that depressive symptoms and markers of
inflammation increased with higher ratios of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. They
concluded that diets with high ratios can increase the risk of not only cardiovascular
disease but also depression (Kotani et al., 2006).
Because the brain and nervous system are made of mostly fats and water, it stands to
reason that healthful dietary fats are crucial for the mood of your clients. While we focus
on the omega-3 fats, healthy oils such as cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil (which consist
healthy omega-9 fats or oleic acids) and flax oils are also highly recommended. Organic
and natural foods and wild fishes are preferred due to the lower levels of pesticides,
neurotoxins, and metals that may play a role in some mood illnesses.

Below is a list of recommendations by the National Resources Defense Council (2013)

for how often different types of fish should be eaten, based on their average mercury

Fish Consumption Recommendations Based on Mercury Content:

Low mercury, OK to eat two to three times a week:
Rainbow trout
Moderate mercury, eat once or twice a month:
Cod fish
High mercury, try to avoid or eat rarely:
Sea bass
Probiotic foods
Amazing new research is emerging regarding the role of the microbiome of the digestive
tract lining. The microbiome refers to the healthful bacteria, or good germs, that line our
digestive tracts. As will be discussed in Chapter 3, the digestive tract is an important
player in best mood, and good bacteria is an important part of healthy digestion. Probiotics
not only are known to help the digestion but also are key factors in obesity, hormonal
balance, healthy kidney function, and much more.
Medical research is uncovering the mechanism of probiotics in mood. These healthy

germs boost mood in two important ways: they generate a brain-calming neurotransmitter
called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and they enhance the brain receptors for
GABA. GABA is calming amino acid, known to calm areas of the brain that are
overactive in anxiety and panic.
Bravo et al. (2011), working with mice, showed those mice that ingested probiotics
were, in general, more chilled out than the control mice. The probiotics-fed mice had
lower levels of corticosterone in response to stresscorticosterone is the mouse version of
the human stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol are common in both anxiety and
depression. These mice were fed a broth either with the probiotic strain Lactobacillus
rhamnosus or without these bacteria. The lactobacillus-fed animals showed significantly
fewer stress, anxiety and depression-related behaviors than those fed with just broth.
Human studies have also corroborated these mouse findings. Messaoudi et al. (2011),
in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized parallel group study, learned that giving
humans specific strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for 30 days yielded
beneficial psychological effects, including lowered depression, less anger, hostility, and
anxiety, and better problem solving, compared with the placebo group.
While a healthy microbiome will contribute to good mood, an unhealthy one full of
Candida albicans (yeast), and all the toxins associated with it, may also contribute to
mood disorder. Presence of yeast will alter the ability to absorb nutrients and push
hypersensitivity reactions to toxin by-products, which translates to inflammation in the
body. Inflammation will greatly contribute to depression, anxiety, and poor mental
function (Rucklidge, 2013).
Unhealthy microbiome yeast buildup toxic by-products hypersensitivity
reactions inflammation mood problems (anxiety and depression)
While Messaoudi et al. (2011) gave a supplement, there are also many wonderful
natural foods full of probiotics. These include natto (a traditional Japanese fermented
food), kimchi (Korean-style fermented vegetables), yogurt, kefir, tempeh, fermented milk
(e.g., buttermilk), miso, and nonbaked cheeses (e.g., aged cheese). Sauerkraut is also a
good probiotic source, however, store-bought sauerkraut has less of the healthy probiotics
due to pasteurization and preservative content, so obtaining freshly made versions may be
Crunchy vegetables
Notice how most people get pleasure from crunchy foodsthe idea that someone cant
eat just one? Theres a scientific reason why we go for these. Its because crunching
makes people feel happier (when they are doing the crunching themselvesnot so much
when someone right next to you is the cruncher). Hoch et al. (2013) used enhanced MRI
technology with rats given either regular chow or crunchy snacks to figure out the reasons
behind hedonic hyperphagia (which means eating to excess for pleasure). He found that
crunchy snacks activate many more brain reward centers than the noncrunchy chow. Other
research suggests that the crunching sound allows pleasure centers to release more
endorphins. Because crunchy food calms, this can be used to help anxiety.

That said, when people eat too many calories from junky-crunchy foods, they tend to
feel even worse. So, instead of unhealthy chips and cookies, we will want to recommend
healthful crunch foods, such a carrots, celery, and peppers. Also, a number of healthy lowtemperature-baked snacks, such as flax meal crackers and high-bran-fiber crackers, can
also do the job. Nuts are great, too, but should be raw (see below for why).

Ideas for Healthy Crunch Foods:

Baby carrots
Dried crunchy vegetables: peas, carrots, peppers, etc.
Celery with raw almond butter or natural peanut butter
Raw nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.
Baked crackers made out of flax
Bran- and whole-grain-fiber crackers
Raw food crunch snacks: dried kale or veggie chips, etc.
Raw nuts
Raw nuts have been eaten by health-conscious people for millennia. Besides their
crunchiness, which can help calm the brain, nuts are chock full of healthy fatty acids and
oils, as well as protein and minerals. Nuts have been studied for their ability to lower
inflammation in the body as well. Salas-Salvad et al. (2008) looked at levels of
inflammatory markers in people who ate nuts regularly. These people had lower levels of
C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a protein found in the blood when inflammation is
high. This marker is strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease and is likely a better
predictor of heart and blood vessel problems than cholesterol. Other inflammation
markers, such as the immune system component interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vascular
adhesion factors (which make blood vessel walls sticky) were also lower. CRP and IL-6
are typically quite high in people who have anxiety (Vogelzangs et al., 2013) and
depression (Howren, Lamkin, & Suls, 2009). Salas-Salvad et al. (2008) believed the
benefit in nuts is probably due to both the healthy fatty acids and high magnesium levels.
Healthy raw nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, chestnuts, and cashews. Heating the
nuts can damage the oils, making them go rancid and rendering them unhealthful for the
brain and body. If you prefer the taste of roasted nuts, you can try mixing two or three
parts raw to one part roasted, to keep the majority of your intake as intact uncooked fat.
Salt intake
While many of us take in too much salt through processed foods, a number of people who
eat healthy may actually restrict their salt intake too much. Clinical and experimental
observations in animal and human studies suggest that low sodium intake can induce
behavioral characteristics that are quite similar to psychological depression, as well as
modify brain regions for motivation and reward specifically geared to salt intake over
other pleasures (Morris, Na, & Johnson, 2008). Salt intake should be in moderation, unless

a person is a salt-sensitive hypertensive, in which case it should be avoided.

Foods to Avoid
As healthy foods can help support a health nervous system and good mood, poor-quality
foods will work against the best health of your client. This discussion about food started
with foods that are healthy, for this is the best place to start. With most patients, often it is
not effective to begin by focusing on what they should not eat. I have learned that if we
start with foods to avoid, patients will feel deprived and sometimes angry, and they may
have the opposite reaction, eating even more of the unhealthy foods as a way to gain a
sense of control or as a type of backlash reaction.
As such, it is best to start by having your client add foods that are healthful. For
example, if a client eats fast foods three times a day, a movement it the right direction
might be to suggest he or she eat a rib of celery between breakfast and lunch and an apple
between lunch and dinner. As the patient accomplishes these small tasks, then you can add
others (e.g., a cup of greens with dinner and a glass of water in the morning). In my
experience, as patients feel healthier and more empowered, eventually the unhealthy foods
start to decrease without the sense of being deprived.
Also, it is important to check patient taste preferences. Research shows that the brain
reacts similarly to both something morally violating and a taste that is unpleasant, so
among the healthy foods, pick ones that the patient finds palatableunpleasant tastes may
exacerbate negative mood.
High glycemic foods
Sugary foods (juices, cakes, cookies, candy) and simple carbohydrate foods (breads, pasta,
rice) are known as high glycemic foods. These foods contain higher levels of easily
absorbed sugar, which triggers any disease to which someone may be predisposed, and
contributes in the long term to diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and cancer.
Specific to mood disorder, high consumption of sugars and carbohydrates causes
depletion of important minerals, such as magnesium (Barbagallo & Resnick, 1994;
Pennington, 2000). Minerals are important cofactors for the production of
neurotransmitters and help minimize the effect of toxic burden (see more about minerals
in Chapter 4).
High-glycemic foods also trigger release of excess insulin. Insulin drives
inflammation. Brain inflammation contributes to mood problems. Higher insulin levels
also will drop blood sugar below normal values, making someone hungry. Hunger and
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are primitive signals known to set off the stress response
in a person. In people who are predisposed, anxiety and depression can be common segues
to this stress response.
Unhealthy fats
Which foods are most damaging to mood? In contrast to the benefit of healthy fats,
hydrogenated oils, highly heated vegetable oil, fried foods, and non-grass-fed animalbased saturated fats are best avoided. While the healthy fats keep nervous system

membranes fluid and calm inflammatory pathways in the body, unhealthy fats will replace
the good fats in cell membranes and make them rigid, not allowing toxins to clear or
nutrients to get in. Immune system cell membranes that lack fluidity also contribute to
Foods additives
Food additives such as artificial colors, glutamate, and artificial sweeteners have all been
linked to mood problems. While there are strict FDA guidelines for food additives, the
safety of these not been rigorously proven, with most studies being conducted by the
companies that produce them.
Artificial colors. Color additives have been linked to conduct and mood disorders (Schab
& Trinh, 2004) and attention issues in children. A study by Kamel and El-lethey (2011) in
animals showed that those taking in both low and high doses of tartrazine (as FD&C
Yellow no. 5) exhibited increased hyperactivity, with significant promotion of anxiety
responses. Depression responses were also greatly heightened compared with animals not
exposed to tartrazine. The authors concluded that the study points to the hazardous
impact of tartrazine on public health. Human studies have also linked anxiety to these
chemicals (Rowe & Rowe, 1994). Tartrazine is used in colored foods, candies, and even
medications used for mood.
Glutamate. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter our brain produces in small
physiologic amounts as a by-product of everyday cell metabolism. Monosodium glutamate
(MSG) is the salt form of glutamate. While this compound does occur naturally in some
foods (including hydrolyzed vegetable protein, yeasts, soy extracts, protein isolates,
cheese, and tomatoes), the additive MSG is used in high amounts primarily to enhance
taste. While the FDA considers the additive MSG as to be generally recognized as safe
(GRAS), it can be toxic to the brain and mood. In fact, excess glutamate is more cytotoxic
to neurons than is cyanide (Mark et al., 2001), and studies show that levels of glutamate in
patients with depression are significantly higher than in healthy people (Kim et al., 1982).
Many people react to Chinese food, which often has a large amount of added MSGthese
people probably have a larger stores of glutamate already and/or are not able to detoxify it.
While the brain uses a very sophisticated system to remove glutamate, inflammation and
heavy metal burden can decrease its ability to remove it. People with anxiety and
depression should avoid taking it in altogether.
Artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners (e.g., saccharin, aspartame, sucralose,
acesulfame potassium) are also known to possess toxic effects on the nervous system and
may directly assault the neurotransmitters of mood. A study by Yokogoshi et al. (1984)
revealed that aspartame may contribute to abnormal balance in the neurotransmitter
serotonin. Anxiety relief has been reported in numerous cases by removing ingestion of
aspartame, with recurrence upon reexposure (Roberts, 1988). One large study (Butchko et
al., 2002) did find aspartame as safe with no unresolved questions regarding its safety;
it should be noted this study was funded by the NutraSweet Company.

Coffee and Green Tea

As the most-used psychoactive drug of all time, coffee is an interesting case. Studies show
some wonderful positive health effects for coffee. It can decrease a prediabetics risk for
developing diabetes, lower incidence of bile tract and liver cancer, and even help prevent
heart attacks after a meal. In fact, a review of larger epidemiologic studies (Bhatti et al.,
2013) shows regular coffee consumption to reduce mortality, both for all-cause and for
cardiovascular deaths. Coffee is associated with lower risk of dementia and Alzheimers
Disease, with the lowest risk (a 65% decrease) was found in people who drank 3 to 5 cups
per day from mid-life onward (Eskelinen et al., 2009). In addition, coffee intake is
associated with lower rates of heart failure, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and some cancers.
As far as mood is concerned, coffee can be both beneficial and harmful. So what about
your client? As with many questions in holistic medicine, the answer here is, It depends
on the individual.
The positive mood effects of coffee lie in caffeines ability to increase a sense of
euphoria, as well as increase sense of energylikely by helping the brain produce
dopamine in the brains prefrontal cortex, an area important for mood regulation. In a 10year cohort study of more than 50,000 older women, investigators found that, compared
with those who drank 1 cup or less of caffeinated coffee per week, those who drank two to
three cups per day had a 15 percent decreased risk for depression, and those who drank
four cups or more had a 20 percent decreased risk (Lucas et al., 2011). For people
predisposed to depression, daily intake may make good sense.
However, there is a threshold for coffees benefit. Tanskanen et al. (2000) found that,
although the risk for suicide decreased progressively for those consuming up to seven cups
of coffee per day, the risk started increasing when consumption exceeded eight cups a day.
Also noteworthy is that decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated tea, and chocolate did not have
positive effects.
Whether coffee is best for your client really depends on his or her particular situation.
Long-term coffee use can contribute to burnout in people who are already depleted and
deficient. Also, caffeine at high doses can encourage loss of minerals, such as magnesium,
which is an important cofactor in brain neurotransmitters. Coffee may also contribute to
fluctuations in blood sugar, which can raise anxiety levels. Caffeine-sensitive individuals
may see more insomnia. As discussed above, poor sleep will promote both anxiety and
depression in predisposed individuals.
Coffee and green tea research out of Japan was also very positive for depression
support. In a study of 537 people by Pham (2014), among the green tea drinkers, those
drinking two to three cups a day were 41 percent less depressed than those who drank one
cup or less. Among coffee drinkers, those who drank more than one cup per day had a 26
percent lower chance of becoming depressed, and those drinking more than two cups had
a 40 percent decreased risk. In both groups, higher caffeine correlated with lower
depression risk.
Originally used by the Chinese over 4,700 years ago, green teas first well-known use
was by monks, who used it to attain a state of relaxed wakefulness while meditating.
While the caffeine content is likely responsible for this effect, two other components may

account for the relaxation effect. Studies in animals suggest that the green tea polyphenol
epigallocatechin gallate can induce anxiolytic (anxiety relieving) activity via interaction
with brain GABA receptors (Vignes et al., 2006)receptors that are exploited with
anxiety-relieving drugs like alprazolam (Xanax). Green tea also has theanine, a naturally
occurring amino acid that has anxiety-improving and blood-pressure-lowering effects,
even in people who had high blood pressure increases in response to stress (Yoto et al.,
It seems that coffee is beneficial for those susceptible to low mood, low motivation,
and depression, but it can often be disruptive for people with anxiety and should probably
be avoided in anyone who is osteoporotic or has a tendency for insomnia. Green tea can be
helpful for both anxiety and depression, but I would caution its use in people with anxiety
who are especially caffeine sensitive.

Healthful Foods to Increase:

Mediterranean diet
Raw nuts and seeds
Probiotic foods
Crunchy vegetables

Foods to Avoid:
High glycemic foods (sugary foods and simple carbohydrates).
Unhealthy saturated fats
Foods additives: MSG, dyes, FDA colors, artificial sweeteners
Coffee: best for depressive mood, avoid with anxiety and insomnia
Green tea: OK for depression and in anxiety patients who are not caffeine sensitive

Known since the times of Hippocrates as a mood balancer, exercise protects the brain
areas needed for stable mood. Experts believe it may be the most effective treatment for
both anxiety and depression. Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression
and to slash negative mood, while simultaneously improving self-esteem and even
memory (Callaghan, 2004; Coventry et al., 2013).

How Does Exercise Help Anxiety and Depression?

There seem to be a few physiologic effects at play regarding the mood benefits of regular
exercise. Among them, exercise increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF), an important central nervous system molecule. BDNF plays a strong role
in building nerve cells (called neurogenesis), as well as helping the nervous system repair
damage and communicate. These roles are critical for mood (Cotman & Berchtold, 2002).

Exercise has also been shown to maintain the brains hippocampus, an area vital to mood,
spatial relationships, and memory. A study of 120 older adults with dementia by Erickson
et al. (2011) showed the after 1 year, subjects who performed moderate-intensity aerobic
exercise 3 days a week increased hippocampal volume by 2 percentand effectively
reversed any age-related loss in brain volume. Expected brain loss was seen in the group
who did not exercise aerobically, but instead did only stretching and toning work.

Evidence for Exercise in Anxiety and Depression

Exercise has been studied head to head against leading antidepressant and antianxiety
medications and has shown to be quite effective. One randomized controlled trial of 156
adults compared exercise with the antidepressant sertraline (Zoloft). Exercise took a little
longer to help but worked just as well as the drug in the long run and had significantly
lower relapse rates (8 percent vs. 31 percent) than subjects in the medication group
(Babyak, 2000). A second randomized controlled trial looked at patients at least 50 years
of age with depression. These volunteers were recommended either exercise or
antidepressant medications. Again, there was quicker improvement in the drug group, but
after 16 weeks, exercise provided equal benefits (Blumenthal et al., 1999).
Exercise seems to have clear benefits for anxiety states as well. Because of the flood
of the stress hormone cortisol (discussed further in relation to the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis in Chapter 3), the brains hippocampus shrinks in people who are chronically
anxious (Sapolsky, 2001). Animal studies have shown us how exercise can actually
reverse this shrinkage (van Praag, Kempermann, & Gage, 1999). As discussed above,
human studies also show the same benefit. Exercise helps create new brain cells but can
also help calm them when they are overexcited. Mouse studies by Schoenfield et al.
(2013) suggest that regular exercise not only grows new neurons but also creates more
cells that release gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain-calming neurotransmitter.
GABA is discussed in the supplement section of Chapter 4.
As a side note, the benefits of exercise do not seem to hold if an animal is sleep
deprived (Zielinski et al., 2013) so it may be important to create a strong sleep schedule
first and not dip into needed sleep time in order to exercise.

How to Get Started with Exercise

For clients that are new to exercise, I generally recommend they start slow in order to
avoid injury and increase enjoyment. An excellent way to get moving would include being
outside in nature if possible, in green areas among the trees, and in the sunlight. Jogging,
walking, and tai chi are all wonderful. If your client has joint or weight-bearing
limitations, swimming or an elliptical trainer might be gentler. A few of my patients who
cant walk or move their legs use a tabletop arm pedal exerciser.
For anyone who would like to replicate the hippocampus-building study by Santarelli
et al. (2003), it is described below.

Hippocampal Growth Exercise (four out of seven days each week):

1. Low-intensity warm-up on a treadmill or stationary bicycle for 5 minutes

2. Stretching for 5 minutes

3. Aerobic training for 40 minutes: choose among stationary bike, treadmill running,
Stairmaster climbing, or training with an elliptical
4. Cool down and stretching for 10 minutes

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, also recognized that people with mood challenges
needed plenty of sunlight. Three ways healthful exposure to sunlight can help mood is by
keeping healthful levels of serotonin, balancing circadian rhythm, and building up vitamin
D stores. John Denver sang Sunlight on my shoulders makes me happy. While I am not
sure he ran a clinical trial on this, he did seem to have a clear understanding of sunlights
benefit on mood.

The Yin and Yang of Light

When the eye is exposed to sunlight, the brains center area called the hypothalamus is
activated. The hypothalamus houses our body clock and is also the nexus for our nervous
system, immune system, and endocrine system. Balanced exposures to light and darkness
are key to creating circadian rhythms consistent with a healthy body and good mood.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the notion of balancing our yin and
yang. Yin represents darkness and nighttime, while yang represents light and daytime. In
TCM, one cannot have health unless you have balance between yin and yang. The
discussion above on sleep mentioned the essential role darkness plays for our circadian
health. This section discusses the benefits of light.

Figure 2.1.

The Connection between Serotonin and Light

Serotonin levels are known to increase with brighter light, and not surprisingly, research
sampling the jugular vein blood of 101 men suggests that serotonin levels are at their
lowest in the winter. Even more, the rate of serotonin production depended on how long a
person was exposed to light, as well as the light intensity (Lambert et al., 2002). Other

studies have also shown how serotonin transporters, which will bind up and inactivate
serotonin, are more plentiful in the brain during dark periods (Praschak-Rieder et al.,
2008). Darkness sends a signal to our bodies to stay low.

Sunlight and Circadian Rhythm

Our modern world is full of ways to block the sun. During the day we work indoors, we
wear clothes, and we travel in vehicles that block the sun. Air pollution has particles that
block healthful sun exposure. Even more, modern medicine has all but scared us into
blocking the last bit of sunlight we might accidentally receive by telling us to use
sunblock. It is possible that increased rates of anxiety and depression may correlate with
the lack of outdoor activity and sun exposure of modern society.
Limited access to sunlight, especially in the morning hours, does little to support our
circadian rhythm. Healthful normal circadian rhythms reveal high morning cortisol (an
adrenal stress hormone), which generally decreases as the day goes on. Lowest levels are
in the evening, when melatonin is secreted into our system to help us sleep (see figure
2.2a). Patients with depression and anxiety are known to have strong dysregulation of this
system and often will have low levels of cortisol in the morning and higher levels at night
(see figure 2.2b). Unusual cortisol patterning points to a dysregulation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which plays a central role in the
pathophysiology of anxiety and depressive disorders. This is discussed further in chap-ter
Mood disorder has been clearly associated with delayed releases of melatonin much
later than normal, which can happen when cortisol is too high at night and/or we go to bed
too late. Conversely, people who are morning types often experience earlier evening
sleep onset and earlier waking. And, those who wake earlier are more likely to get out and
have morning bright light exposure, decreased morning melatonin secretion duration,
more healthful circadian rhythms, and better mood.

Figure 2.2a. Normal circadian rhythm.

Figure 2.2b. Dysregulated circadian rhythm.

Sunlight and Vitamin D

Low vitamin D levels have strong associations with increases in risk of death from cancer,
heart disease and respiratory disease (Schttker et al., 2013). While the goal is to reduce
skin cancer deaths, fear of the sun may actually be causing more deaths from all other
disease, as well as contributing to mood problems.
The components of sunlight are visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and infrared
radiation. The two ultraviolet wavelengths are ultraviolet A (UVA; 320400 nm) and
ultraviolet B (UVB; 290320 nm). Besides sunlights ability to suppress of daytime
melatonin, which creates a healthful circadian rhythm of this hormone (as discussed
above), another likely mechanism toward healthful mood is sunlights production of
vitamin D through exposure to UVB rays. Ultraviolet light helps the skin transform a
chemical called cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3.
Feldman et al. (2004) investigated the relation of exposure of skin to ultraviolet light
and mood. Over a period of 6 weeks, frequent tanners used two different tanning beds that
were identical except that one had ultraviolet light filtered out. Even though they could not
tell which one had the ultraviolet light, participants reported they were more relaxed and
less anxious after exposure to the bed with ultraviolet light. When allowed to freely
choose which bed to use, 11 of 12 participants chose the one with ultraviolet light.
A study of 198 multiple sclerosis patients over 2.3 year period found that sunlight
exposure, and not vitamin D levels, was best correlated with mood and fatigue symptoms
(Knippenberg et al., 2014), suggesting that overall time in the sun is probably more
important than taking a supplement to get levels up. (Chapter 4 discusses vitamin D
While the ability of UVB to make vitamin D may be important, sunlights infrared
wavelengths may play a separate and distinct role in mood. Animal research shows that
the amount of time before an animal will give up and become depressed after

continuous stress is increased significantly after 4 weeks of exposure to infrared

irradiation, suggesting that application of infrared irradiation has antidepressant effect
(Tsai, Hsiao, & Wang, 2007). In my office, I often combine acupuncture treatments with
the use of an infrared device called a Teding Diancibo Pu (TDP) lamp, heating body parts
such as the abdomen or lower back with far-infrared heat. Patients tell me that this TDP
application helps them feel very calm, secure, and nourished, as well as warmer,
during their acupuncture session.


The premise of naturopathic medicine includes the principle that nature heals. In
Chinese medicine, healing occurs by rebalancing your bodys energy with the energy
around you. One way we can help encourage our clients healing and balance for both
physical and mental health is by recommending time in nature.

Figure 2.3.
One fascinating medical outcome study by Ulrich, Lundn, and Eltinge (1993)
compared the recovery from gall bladder surgery among patients who had a bedside
window view of either trees or a brick building wall and those with no nature view. Those
with the nature view had shorter hospital stays and suffered fewer minor postsurgical
complications, such as persistent headache or nausea. Furthermore, patients with the view
of trees were more frequently reported by hospital staff as in good spirits. Those in the
wall view group elicited far more negative evaluations, including the patient is upset
and patient needs much encouragement. Even more impressive, the patients with tree
view needed far fewer doses of strong narcotic pain drugs.
In Japan, there is a practice called Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), which is known for
its health benefits, including mental health and support of the immune system. Forest
bathing involves visiting a forest for relaxation and breathing in the air, which has

molecules given off by the trees. A 2007 paper from Nippon Medical School looked at 12
healthy males 3755 years of age who took a three-day and two-night trip through nature
while researchers took blood and urine samples at various intervals. On the first day,
subjects walked for two hours in the afternoon in a forest field. On the second day, they
walked for two hours in the morning and afternoon, respectively, in two different forest
fields. Blood was sampled on the second and third days. Natural killer cells and other
intracellular anticancer proteins were significantly higher (about 50%) on the forest
bathing days than before. Moreover, levels of natural killer cells stayed elevated for 30
days after the trip. In addition, the study found that levels of the stress hormone
adrenaline, which the body releases in response to anxiety, had dropped after forest
bathing trips (Li et al., 2007).
Factors from the plant kingdom that may provide beneficial physiologic effects
include the aroma of plants, as well as such various factors as temperature, humidity, light
intensity, wind, and oxygen concentrations. It is suggested that the natural aromatherapy
found in the forest in the forms of antimicrobial organic compounds called phytoncides
may signal the brain to help release immune-related compounds. Other corroborating
studies in seniors have found that forest exposure helps lower cortisol, blood pressure,
heart rate, and inflammation, while enhancing parasympathetic activity (Mao et al., 2012).
Parasympathetic activity refers to the relaxation response of the autonomic nervous system
and is sometimes called the rest and digest response.

A Multimodal Mood Study

Brown et al. (2001) published what I think may be one of my favorite studies of all time.
This study looked at 112 women with mild or moderate depression. The study asked the
women to walk outside during daylight hours for 20 minutes 5 out of 7 days and to take a
multiple vitamin (which included vitamin B1 50 mg, some vitamin B2 and vitamin B6,
folic acid 400 g, vitamin D 400 IU, and 200 g selenium). A control group did not do
any walking and received a placebo vitamin. Eighty-five percent of the walking group
showed less depression, better all-around mood, and greater self-esteem and well-being.
That result is better than any antidepressant medication result to date.
I think this study is special because it heralds the course of future medical studies: a
paradigm of multiple interventions designed to support whole-body healing using nature
and vitamins. It employed a few gentle, natural treatments together in synergy. In contrast,
most conventional research looks only at the (usually suppressive) effects of one chemical
drug in the body. In my opinion, this multimodal study moves closer toward the
naturopathic tenet of supporting the bodys own healing process instead of covering a
symptom with a drug. This tenet is at the heart of the best that holistic medicine can offer
patients with anxiety and depression.

Two Ways to Get into the Light: Nature Cure and a Light Box
Probably the simplest nature cure therapy is to get out into nature. Encouraging clients to
take an early morning walk outside or sitting or moving in the park is a great start. When
the weather is amenable, it is healthful to try to get at least 50 percent of the body exposed

to the sun for 1020 minutes a day. One journal reports that 12 min of exposure of 50
percent of body skin to noontime sun on a clear day is equivalent to oral intake of 3,000
IU vitamin D3 (Garland et al., 2007). For most people, this will not cause damage but will
start the vitamin D process. It is a good rule to get out of the sun if one starts to see the
skin turning pink or red. Any fair-skinned people or those with personal or family history
of skin cancer may need to check with their doctor first and consider vitamin D
supplementation or a phototherapy light box.
A second step, if needed, would be phototherapy, or light box therapy. While this is
most often used in depressive illness and seasonal affective disorder, many of my patients
with anxiety and insomnia patients who have imbalanced cortisol patterns (where cortisol
is up at night, and low during the day) tend to see benefit as well. Typical light box
therapy uses a 10,000-lux full-spectrum white light for at least 30 minutes every morning.
Smaller-power light boxes do not seem to provide the same benefit.

Bringing the Outside In: Pictures of Plants and Houseplants

The benefits of the outdoor environment discussed above are created by the presence of
plant life. Studies are also showing the benefit of bringing plants indoors to create a
calming and healing indoor environment. Studies at Texas A&M in the 1980s looked at
160 heart recovery patients who were shown pictures of nature (e.g., trees and water or
forests), an abstract picture, or a blank white field. The patients who viewed the scene of
trees and water were significantly less anxious postoperatively and were able to more
quickly get off the strong narcotic pain drugs and use moderate strength analgesics.
Interestingly, the more modern-style abstract picture dominated by rectilinear forms
produced higher patient anxiety than control conditions with no picture at all (Ulrich,
Houseplants are shown to be quite calming as well. One unique study by Koga et al.,
in 2013 found that men who touched a houseplant (devils ivy) for two minutes had a
more serene sense and psychological calm. Stressed-activated areas of the brain had
reduced blood flow and metabolism when the men interacted with the foliage. The authors
suggested that most houseplants with soft and smooth leaves would have a similar effect.
A study by Lohr, Pearson-Mims & Goodwin, 1996 showed that people who work in a
windowless computer room with plants have clear drops in blood pressure over those in
the same room without the plants. Finally, in a study by Park and Mattson (2009) of 90
hemorrhoidectomy patients, patients who were given house plants and flowers in the
postoperative room enjoyed lower blood pressure, less pain, and less fatigue and anxiety
than those in the nonplant rooms. These patients also had higher satisfaction levels, saying
the plants brightened up the room environment and reduced stress, and they believed
the hospital staff appeared more caring.

Mankind used to spend much more time outdoors, exposing ourselves to variations of
temperature in certain geographic regions, especially when submerged in water.
Hydrotherapy (also known as water therapy) may be defined as the application of water

for the maintenance of health or the treatment of disease (Barry & Lewis, 2006).
Hydrotherapy has been employed since ancient times as a way to balance the body and
mind. According to Hippocrates, water therapy llays lassitude.
Therapeutic water therapy applies water at temperatures above or below the body
temperatureand this can help change our physiology and mood. When humans take a
cold swim, once over the initial shock of the cold, it is usually very invigorating. This is
because wet and cold causes our surface vessels to vasoconstrict (tighten up), making
blood move from the surface of your body to the core, as a means to conserve heat. It not
only conserves heat but also reflexively bathes the brain and vital organs in fresh blood, as
well as gently detoxifying the body. Throughout our millions of years of evolution,
primates have endured physiologic stressors like temporary cold and heat temperature
changes as a part of daily life. Hydrotherapy is designed to take advantage of the natural
body reaction. It has been theorized that brief changes in body temperature like a cold
swim or warm bathing could help brain function.
Medical research has supported the use of hot and cold baths as well. Decreases in
cortisol levels have been reported with water bathing (Toda et al., 2006), likely because
the affinity of the serotonin transporter increases (Marazziti et al., 2007). Warm footbaths
have been shown to induce relaxation by decreasing both sympathetic nervous function
and serum cortisol levels (Yamamoto et al., 2008).
While used extensively for hundreds of years as a part German water cure, relatively
little clinical research has been done to study hydrotherapy for mood. One study suggests
that patients with anxiety can benefit from the mechanisms of hydrotherapy.
Balneotherapy (using water baths for healing) was compared with paroxetine (Paxil), a
leading selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, by Dubois et al. (2010). In a randomized 8week multimember study, 117 of 237 patients with generalized anxiety disorder were
assigned randomly to balneotherapy, and the remainder to paroxetine. The balneotherapy
treatment consisted of weekly medical visits and daily bath treatments using natural
mineral waters (containing sodium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfates) for 21 days. Every
morning, patients were immersed in a bubbling bath (37C for 10 min). Next, they took a
shower with a firm massage-like pressure targeting the abdominal, paravertebral, and
cervicobrachial regions (for 3 min), and then their legs as well as cervicoscapular and
paravertebral areas were massaged under water (10 min). Sounds nicer than taking a drug
for sure! The mean change in HAM-A scores showed an improvement in both groups,
with a clearly superior result of the water therapy compared with the effect of the drug.
Sustained response rates were also significantly higher in the hydrotherapy group
(respectively, 19 percent vs. 7 percent, and 51 percent vs. 28 percent). The water therapy
was found to be safe and without side effects as well.
One group of researchers suggest that hydrotherapy may be useful to treat cancer and
chronic fatigue (Schevchuk & Radoja, 2007) and depression (Schevchuk, 2008). For the
treatment of depression, it is suggested that cold exposure therapies may be the best
choice. Because the density of cold receptors (the structures that sense cold) in the skin is
thought to be 310 times higher than that of warm receptors (Iggo & Iggo, 1971), the

simultaneous firing of all skin-based cold receptors caused by jumping into cold water
may result in a positive therapeutic effect. Lowering the temperature of the brain is known
to have neuroprotective and therapeutic effects and can relieve inflammation (Arrica &
Bissonette, 2007), a known mechanism in depressive illness (see Chapter 4 for more on
inflammation). In addition, exposure to cold has been shown to activate the sympathetic
nervous system, increase blood levels and brain release of norepinephrine (Jedema et al.,
2001), and help increase production of beta-endorphin, a feel good molecule that gives a
sense of well-being (Vaswani, Richard, & Tejwani, 1988).
It has also been analogized that cold hydrotherapy may have a mechanism similar to
that of electric shock therapy, another proven antidepressant treatment that has long been
used to treat drug-resistant forms of depression. These effects may well help depressed
patients, especially those who do well with increased release of norepinephrine, such as
patients who respond well to duloxetine, or other serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors that help increase the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
I recommend patients with depression to use brief whole-body exposure to cold water
in the form of a cold shower. Patients can start a shower at a comfortable warm
temperature and slowly cool the water over a 5-minute period down to 68F, at which
point you can sustain for 23 minutes, using a thermometer to check the temperature. This
can be performed once or twice a day and may be continued for weeks to several months
(Shevchuk, 2008). Although mild cold stress seems to help the brain work better, animal
research has shown that extreme cold stress may actually impair cognitive function
(Mahoney et al., 2007)suggesting too cold is not good.


While sunlight, trees, and water represent being outside, use of technology usually means
being cooped up inside. For most of us, electronics are an important part of our everyday
life. Whether its the television, computer, tablet, or cell phone, we rely on these little
sources of bright light to organize our schedule, give us information, and keep us
connected with friends and loved ones. While these can be an indisputably helpful part of
life, for those predisposed to mental health challenges these can also cultivate poorer

The Brain on TV
T. S. Eliot said, The remarkable thing about television is that it permits several million
people to laugh at the same joke and still feel lonely. Televisions role in influencing the
mental and physical state of our society has been profound. Most people seem to enjoy
coming home at night and turning on the TV. Like any opiate, it is a way for many to get
away from the stress of our day. And, in fact, in the short term TV seems to have a
relaxing effect. Studies using functional MRI during TV viewing have determined that
humorous television programming can activate the insular cortex and amygdala, which are
brain areas activated and needed for balanced mood (Moran et al., 2004).
Unfortunately, longer-term use of TV seems to create problems; for instance, watching
television over 2 hours per day and eating while watching television are each associated

with obesity (Johnson et al., 2006). In our country, two-thirds are overweight or obese
(Ogden et al., 2012), and obesity is a leading cause of a lower life expectancy,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Even more, it is setting us up for mood
disorder early: each extra daily hour of television watching among children is associated
with an 8 percent increase in developing depressive symptoms by young adulthood
(Primack, et al., 2009). Television time is also taking us away from more healthful
activities: although many people report lack of time as a major barrier to doing regular
exercise, the average American adult spends over 4 hours each day watching television.
Analysis of over 30 years of U.S. national data shows that spending time watching
television may contribute to viewers happiness in the moment, but the longer-term effects
are not good. In a study by Robinson and Martin (2008), participants reported that on a
scale from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV watching was nearly an 8. Despite these
high marks, it seems that the enjoyment from TV was very short lasting, and eventually
gave way to discontent. Unhappy people reported watching 25 hours of television a week,
compared with 19 hours for happy peoplea 30 percent difference (but still quite an
alarming number). These results held even after taking into account education, income,
age, and marital status. These data from nearly 30,000 adults led Robinson and Martin
(2008) to conclude that
TV doesnt really seem to satisfy people over the long haul the way that social involvement or reading a
newspaper does. We looked at eight to ten activities that happy people engage in, and for each one, the people
who did the activities morevisiting others, going to church, all those thingswere more happy. TV was the
one activity that showed a negative relationship. Unhappy people did it more, and happy people did it less. The
data suggest to us that the TV habit may offer short-run pleasure at the expense of long-term malaise.

In short, happy people do not watch a lot of TV.

Computer Blues and Benefits

Computer use has expanded greatly in the last few decades, allowing amazing rates of
computation, animation, and socialization. Computers are unlike other interactions
humans have in the sense that computers respond very quickly and create expectation
regarding interaction with our environment that may have profound implications on the
function of our HPA axis.
Mandal (2012) found that participants who used the computer in the form of computer
games for more than 33 hours a week have 15 percent more anxiety and 20 percent more
depression, based on responses to the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale questionnaire,
compared with those who spent 21 hours a week. Both groups also exhibited stress,
anxiety, and depression way above normal levels overall. Mandal postulated that the
gamers developed inappropriate coping skills that rely on distraction to deal with
challenges. A study by Becker, Alzahabi, and Hopwood (2013) also suggests that using
multiple forms of media simultaneously, such as playing a computer game or using a cell
phone while watching TV, is correlated with higher levels of anxiety and depression.
Computers and media can also aid those with anxiety and depression. A few highquality studies have suggested that online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may hold
great promise (Boschert, 2011). In a meta-analysis of 1,746 patients with depression,

social phobia, panic disorders, and anxiety, those who used online CBT showed about a 50
percent improvement (Andrews et al., 2010), which is pretty good result for a single
medical therapy. I was most struck by a comment by Dr. Gavin Andrews, a psychiatry
professor from Australia who headed the study: There was no hint of relapse reported in
any study, which is just foreign to my experience. Depression is supposed to be a relapsing
and recurring disorder. What on earth is it doing just disappearing after someone does
CBT over the Web? This is not what any of us were trained for (Andrews et al., 2010).
A study by DMello (2011) recounted the experience of 26 patients hospitalized for
severe depression from an adult in-patient psychiatry unit. These subjects mood states
improved significantly after using one 60-minute computer-assisted CBT session. It is
pretty astounding that only one session could have any effect at all, for severely depressed
patients from an in-patient ward are the toughest to treat.

Social Media and Cell Phones

A study by Starr & Davila (2009) of teenage girls looked at the amount of combined time
83 girls spent texting, using social media, and talking on the cell phone to discuss the
problems in their lives. Those girls who spent more time discussing their problems this
way were more likely to have anxiety and depression. A study by Merlo & Stone (2007) of
183 people revealed that those with more anxiety had clearly more cell phone dependence
and overuse. Using the Cellular Technologies Addiction Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory, most subjects did not self-report dependence symptoms (e.g., compulsion for
phone use and emotional attachment to the phone) or abuse (personal problems from cell
phone overuse). However, anxiety did correlate with use and dependence results. For
people predisposed to anxiety traits, the phone might encourage these. For example,
someone with social phobia might avoid real-life contact by using the phone, and
obsessive-compulsive traits may manifest by someone using his or her phone to check
things repeatedly.


Assessing Contributing Internal Factors

Chapter 2 discussed lifestyle and environmental factors that are key players in mood. This
Chapter discusses what goes on inside the body. Anxiety and depression can be a
symptom of the imbalances in our physiology. This Chapter will help bring awareness to
the basics of the physiology that greatly influence mood and explain what is going on
under the hood, so to speak, and how to assess contributing factors from a persons

Case Study: Sandra

Referred by a psychotherapist colleague, Sandra was a 55-year-old suffering from
bouts of depression and anxiety for the past two years. Two psychiatrists told her
she had menopausal depression and shuffled her through a few different
medications, of which the latest was Zoloft when she came to see me. Her
psychotherapist knew her childrens health issues were a strong part of her mood
but referred her to me for a holistic assessment. While the Zoloft seemed to help
the anxiety, the depression was no better. After taking her history, I learned her
digestive system had been problematic for the last 10 years, with hallmark
symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including bouts of mostly constipation and
occasional diarrhea. Her blood work revealed a low normal thyroid function,
which was followed up to reveal mildly positive thyroid antibodies, meaning her
immune system was slowly beating up her thyroid gland. These levels were not
enough to alarm her conventional doctor but suggested to me that it was a factor
in her digestive and mood issues. She was positive for C-reactive protein,
suggesting there was a lot of inflammation in her body. Her hormonal panels were
relatively normal for a woman her age.
Understanding her symptoms and seeing these blood tests were very helpful to
create a plan that worked. We decided she should avoid all gluten and dairy
products and consume an anti-inflammation diet comprising healthy lean proteins,
fish, vegetables, and healthy oils. She also consumed some healthy fibers, such as
flax meal. I also put her on some St. Johns wort and fish oil to support both her
digestion and mood, as a well as a selenium supplement to support thyroid. Within
8 weeks, Sandras depression all but disappeared, and her anxiety was reduced
greatly (some anxiety is occasionally spurred by stressors with her children). By
four months, she weaned off the St. Johns wort and hasnt needed it since. In
Sandras case, it was not menopause or even hormonal issues causing her mood
issues; instead, it centered on digestion and inflammation affecting her thyroid and
brain neurotransmitters. Working on her digestion, thyroid, and inflammation
ultimately helped her rebalance.


While no one or two lab tests are diagnostic of anxiety or depression, from a holistic

perspective there are many tests that can help a holistic clinician care for a patients best
mood by explaining some aspects of physiology that may be contributing to the
underlying causes of the mood issues. It is true that a single test never cured anything by
itself, but using lab testing wisely can help the holistic practitioner understand, in part,
how to create and individualize a holistic treatment plan.

Fasting Blood Sugar and Hemoglobin A1C

Blood sugar levels play a major role in mood regulation. Poor control with too many lows
or highs will contribute to both anxiety and depression. Research with diabetic patients
suggests that good blood sugar control supports healthy mood and good judgment (Cox et
al., 2001). While many people can have transient mood problems if they havent eaten,
some people with a regular tendency toward low blood sugar known as hypoglycemia are
known to be at greater risk for depression. A study by Dowdy et al. (2008) evaluated lung
injury patients in an intensive care unit and noticed that subjects who had low blood sugar
(<60 ng; normal is 80100 ng) were at a 360 percent increase risk of depression 3 months
later. Case studies dating back to the 1930s have shown the relationship between low
blood sugar and anxiety.
The hormone insulin is responsible for helping move sugar from the blood into the
bodys cells. High levels of insulin can be a sign of insulin resistance, a situation where
the body no longer responds to insulin. An association between anxiety and insulin
resistance has been established, and insulin resistance is a known factor in future
cardiovascular disease as well (Narita et al., 2008). If blood sugar is imbalanced, and your
client would like to check further into the role insulin may play, then he or she may want
to have their physician run a fasting serum insulin or a glucose tolerance test.
While low blood sugar can cause mood issues, it is also true that regular
hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) can also contribute to anxiety and depression. Studies of
diabetic patients are clear that high blood sugar episodes will deteriorate mood, cause
cognitive difficultly, and most notably, increase sadness and anxiety (Sommerfield, Deary,
& Frier, 2004). People with hyperglycemia or high insulin levels are also predisposed to
depression. A study in adults in their late twenties and early thirties showed that when
blood sugar or insulin was too high, the chances of getting depressed was 50100 percent
greater (Pearson et al., 2010).
Besides laboratory blood tests, it can be of value for the clients themselves to use a
home glucose meter (purchased at any pharmacy) to check blood sugar throughout the day
for two nonconsecutive days. This will help describe daily levels in real life. Daily blood
sugars can be measured at the following times:
First thing in the morning upon waking
Right before breakfast
One and a half hours after breakfast
Right before lunch
One and a half hours after lunch

Right before dinner

One and a half hours after dinner
Before bedtime
Fasting blood sugar is considered ideal between 7596 ng/mL. Values below 60 are
considered too low. Values between 109 and 120 are considered prediabetic, and numbers
above 120 are considered diabetic. Hemoglobin A1C indicates the level of damage sugars
are making in the body. When blood sugar, in the form of glucose, comes in contact with
body tissue proteins in the presence of normal body heat, these tissues actually crust, the
way bread gets crusty when toasted. HgbA1C is a 3-month-long indicator of blood sugar
levels and gives a better idea of whether levels have been too high over time. A level of
<5.7 percent is generally regarded as normal; 5.76.4 percent is considered prediabetic,
and >6.4 percent is considered diabetic.

How to Balance Blood Sugar

For both low and high blood sugar, it is important to eat small, frequent meals, at least
every 23 hours. It is best to pick foods and snacks that have good protein sources with a
little healthy carbohydrate (e.g., almond butter on an apple slice), as opposed to simple
carbohydrate foods (e.g., a cookie), because simple carbohydrates and sugar will spike
blood sugar, which spikes insulin. Insulin then drops blood sugar even lower than when it
started, creating a negative cycle.

Ideas for good blood sugar control:

1. Eat a healthy protein source in the morning (e.g., boiled or poached eggs, fish, or a
protein shake with berries). People who eat breakfast are known to be happier and
less stressed (Benton & Brock, 2010).
2. Eat small meals/snacks every 23 hours.
3. Every meal should include protein sources (e.g., fish, grass-fed meats, eggs) and
some healthy fat (e.g., avocado, nut oils, fish oil, olive oil). Some examples include
apple or celery with almond butter, raw nut and seed mix with dark chocolate chips
and some organic raisins, or carrots and hummus.
4. Reduce or eliminate simple carbohydrates (e.g., cakes, cookies, and breads).
5. Proper sleep, exercise, and stress management are also important for best blood
sugar control.
6. Supplemental chromium (200600 g/day) and 1 tsp of cinnamon a day can also
help balance blood sugar (see Chap-ter 4).

Blood Chemistry Panel

A blood chemistry panel takes a snapshot of events with the liver and kidneys and reports
blood levels of calcium, protein, and electrolytes. Abnormalities with any of these related
organ systems can contribute to mood changes and should be followed up with a

Cholesterol (lipid panel)

While most conventional physicians are concerned when cholesterol levels are too high,
there may be value in checking into these to make sure they are not too low, for low
cholesterol is associated with both anxiety states and depression (Suarez, 1999).
Cholesterol is important for the function of the receptors in the brain that recognize
serotonin. Cholesterol is also the precursor (building block) to all steroid hormones,
including glucocorticoids (for blood sugar regulation), mineralocorticoids (which maintain
mineral balance and blood pressure regulation), and sex hormones (Harvey & Chompe
2005, pp. 235238). Cholesterol levels in the central nervous system can be abnormally
low in many people with mood disorders.
Statin drugmood connection. In the United States, over 250 million prescriptions were
written for cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins in 2011 (Ledford, 2013). Statin
medications are one of the most prescribed drug class on the planet and have increased in
use substantially since the medical community lowered the threshold for high cholesterol a
few years back. Despite common use of these drugs, a meta-analysis of 11 randomized
controlled trials suggests that statins do not reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in
people without preexisting heart disease (Ray et al., 2010). Mounting medical research is
suggesting that these drugs may be harming our mood, too.
Statins work by blocking a key enzyme involved in the bodys production of
cholesterol. Lab tests by Shrivastava et al. (2010) using human serotonin receptors
revealed how statin medications disturb the structure and function of a cells serotonin
receptor, making it unable to react to serotonin. When cells treated with mevastatin were
given cholesterol, they came back to normal and responded to serotonin. According to the
investigators of this study, these results show how the effect of long-term cholesterol
depletion in the brain can unbalance neurotransmitters, thus triggering depression or
Other studies have also suggested that statin medications deplete mood-supportive
polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain as well (Hibbeln et al., 1997). Low levels of total
cholesterol postpartum (after child birth) have been associated with anxiety and depression
(Troisi et al., 2002). Low cholesterol levels are also suggested to correlate with higher
likelihood of relapse in people who have already suffered from depression (Steffens,
McQuoid, & Krishnan, 2003).
A review by While and Keen (2012) found conflicting information regarding whether
statins adversely effect mood. My sense is these drugs may not negatively effect
everyones mood, but clients predisposed to mood disorder (likely almost all the people
you work with) may be better off without these drugs unless they already have
documented heart disease.
HDL cholesterol can help elevate mood. Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL
the good cholesterol) are a known risk factor in cardiovascular disease. HDL carries bad
cholesterol away from the artery walls and plays a role in toxin removal as well. HDL
cholesterol levels are often low in major depression patients and even lower in people who

think about suicide. Maes et al. (1997a), looking at HDL levels and mood, concluded that
HDL cholesterol can be used as a marker for major depression and suicidal behavior. No
correlations with low HDL and anxiety are known.
How to treat low HDL. If HDL cholesterol levels are in the low range (usually <40 mg/dL
for men and <50 mg/dL for women), holistic recommendations such as stopping smoking
(Dwyer et al., 1998), exercise (Hata & Nakajima, 2000), and intake of fish oil (Peterson et
al., 2002), as well as moderate alcohol consumption (one to two drinks a day; Ellison et
al., 2004), are all known to help naturally increase HDL cholesterol levels. Foods that can
help include oranges, dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil, and hibiscus and black teas.
The fiber supplement beta-glucan can also raise good cholesterol levels.
Derived from sulfur and methionine, homocysteine in high levels is directly related to
depression. It is a well-known marker of inflammation and an independent risk factor for
cardiovascular disease (Sun et al., 2009), and it may be a more accurate marker of
cardiovascular risk than cholesterol. In a large study of 3,752 men 70 or more years of
age, an increase in plasma homocysteine was associated with a significantly increased risk
of depression. Research shows that approximately 4555 percent of patients with
depression develop significantly elevated serum homocysteine. There is evidence
suggesting that lower levels of homocysteine may decrease the incidence of depression in
the elderly (Almeida, 2008). B vitamin treatment of celiac patients with high
homocysteine lowered homocysteine, which correlated with significant improvement in
well-being, most notably anxiety and depressed mood (Hallert et al., 2009).
Homocysteinemia may have anxiogenic effects, too (Hrnc i et al., 2013). High
homocysteine in the blood causes a decrease in S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a
compound made out of the amino acid methionine that has been shown to specifically help
depression. (SAMe is discussed in Chapter 4.) Having inadequate amounts of SAMe
impairs your bodys ability to make brain neurotransmitters. There is a strong correlation
between high homocysteine and trauma of the endothelium (inner lining) of the blood
vessels, leading to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. High homocysteine will
also activate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain. This activation will
lead to higher glutamate levels in the brain, negatively affects neuronal structure, and
increases oxidative stress in the brain, encouraging mood disorders (Karakula et al., 2009).
This may explain the link between cardiovascular disease and depressive disorders.

Figure 3.1. Implications of high homocysteine.

How to address high homocysteine. While it is unclear whether using natural therapies
such as B vitamins and folic acid is really useful to lower homocysteine and ultimately
protect against cardiovascular illness (Wang et al., 2007; Ebbing et al., 2008), the study by
Hallert et al. (2009) described above does suggest a clear benefit for anxiety and
For anyone with high homocysteine I will typically recommend the following:
B-complex with folate: B complex dosage should include about 40 mg vitamin B6,
1.2 mg B12 in the methylcobalamin form, and 2 g folate (in the form of Lmethyltetrahydrofolate) daily.
Betaine (also called trimethylglycine): 3,600 mg every day (Olthof & Verhoef, 2005).
C-Reactive protein
Similar to homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels increase when the immune
system is in an inflamed state. Inflammation in the brain is a contributing factor to mood
disorders and cardiovascular illness. High CRP levels have been shown to be related to
generalized anxiety disorder (Copeland et al., 2012b) as well as depression in both men

(Danner et al., 2003) and women (Cizza et al., 2009). Episodes of depression also are
predictive of higher CRP levels (Copeland et al., 2012a).
How to Address high CRP. Exercise in the form of interval training, an aerobic training
using high intensity interspersed with lower intensity, has been shown to be effective in
lowering CRP and blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Lamina and Okoye
(2012) looked at 245 males with mild to moderate high blood pressure. Half of these men
performed 8 weeks of interval training programs between 45 and 60 minutes, at intensities
of 6079 percent of heart rate reserve. The control group remained sedentary during this
period and did not find the benefits in blood pressure or CRP that the active group
Reduce the intake of highly cooked food. Chemicals called advanced glycation endproducts (appropriately called AGEs) from foods that are cooked at high temperatures will
increase CRP levels (Uribarri et al., 2005). For instance, a study on potato chip eating
revealed eating those delicious little chips for 4 weeks increased both the oxidation of
LDL and CRP levels (Naruszewicz et al., 2009). Eating more raw foods, and minimally
cooked foods (e.g., using boiling, poaching, and slow cooking) is best.
Because the majority of the immune system is in the digestive tract, eating plenty of
fiber, especially in the form psyllium husk, will help douse the CRP fire by whisking it
away with a bowel movement. Studies of using 28 g fiber a day, either as a psyllium
supplement or in a high-fiber diet, showed clear CRP-lowering benefits in patients whose
total fiber intake was only around 12 g a day (King et al., 2007). One teaspoon of psyllium
husk as about 5 g fiber and can be mixed in 8 ounces of water, in the morning and
evening, with the remaining 18 g satisfied by eating good-quality fruits, vegetables, and
flax meal throughout the day.
CRP can also be lowered by taking fish oil and vitamin C. Patients with end-stage
renal disease given 2 g of fish oil supplements showed significant lowering of CRP versus
the control group (Bowden et al., 2009). I usually recommend 1 teaspoon of a highquality, molecularly distilled fish muscle oil a day for balancing inflammation in the body.
In a randomized trial of 396 healthy nonsmokers, Block et al. (2008) found that,
among participants with CRP indicative of elevated cardiovascular risk, 1,000 mg vitamin
C reduced the median CRP by 25.3 percent versus placebo. Taking 500 mg vitamin C two
or three times a day should be effective in lowering CRP.
Complete blood count and iron panel
A complete blood count (CBC) records the numbers of red and white blood cells. An iron
panel looks at the amount of iron available in the blood (serum iron) and how much is
stored (ferritin). Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body to keep all tissues alive
and energy up. Iron forms the center of the hemoglobin molecule and helps carry oxygen.
The term nemia applies to anyone who has low red blood cell number or volume, low
hemoglobin, or low serum iron or ferritin.
With anemia, fatigue and mood problems are quite common for not enough oxygen
gets to the various parts of the body, which enhances the stress response. If a person is

anemic and they are predisposed to anxiety or depression, these will more likely manifest
(Bokemeyer & Foubert, 2004). The lassitude can be debilitating and has been shown to
contribute to lost work, decreased physical and emotional well-being, and interference
with clear thought.
Verdon et al. (2003) looked at a total of 134 very fatigued women, most of whom had
low ferritin. Half of the group received iron supplementation every day for 4 weeks, and
the other received a placebo. The level of fatigue after 1 month decreased 29 percent in the
iron group versus only 13 percent in the placebo group. Although the iron group benefit
was double that in the controls, not all the women improved, likely because other issues
beyond iron were also at playpossibly digestive issues, sleep, blood sugar issues, and so
forth. It may be a good to time to mention that the purpose of this book is to underscore
how multiple factors can contribute to mood issues. Fatigue caused by low iron may just
be one of many contributing factors. The study by Verdon et al. (2003) suggests that for 29
percent of the women in the treatment group, iron was likely the sole issue, but for the
other 70 percent, other factors still needed addressing. Nevertheless, getting 30 percent
improvement with the simple recommendation of iron was pretty good.
Any cases of anemia should be worked up by a physicianespecially when it happens
in men and nonmenstruating women, for blood loss elsewhere in the body or bone marrow
issues may need to be addressed. If the cause is simply low intake or absorption of iron or
B12 (which helps build red blood cells), then a supplement is appropriate. One study on
anemic schoolchildren found that giving a multiple vitamin with iron increased
hemoglobin and reduced anxiety (Zhang et al., 2013).
For iron-deficient anemia I usually recommend a patient start with the following:
1. Check CRP levels, for those with high CRP are at increase anemia risksuggesting
inflammation may be a causative factor (Eisele et al., 2013).
2. Check nutrient intake for adequate amounts of iron and B12. This may be especially
challenging in the vegetarian and raw food population.
3. If intake is adequate, consider working on digestive health (see next section) for
better absorption of nutrients.
4. Take an iron supplement, starting 25 mg/day with food and increasing to 25 mg
three times a day with food. I usually use the gentler iron succinate or iron fumarate
forms, which are easier on the stomach and tend to cause less constipation. Also, it
is helpful to take about 500 mg vitamin C with the iron for best absorption. With
some cases of anemia I recommend the herbs nettles and yellow dock for supporting
and absorption effects. Food sources of iron include grass-fed beef, dark turkey
meat, dark leafy greens, and using an iron skillet for cooking.
5. Vitamin B12: A patient can ask his or her doctor for B12 shots or can start with a
methylcobalamin lozenge, using 1,000 g once a day. Sublingual lozenges or shots
tend to help increase B12 levels more effectively over capsules or tablets.
Thyroid panel (TSH, T3, T4)

Abnormal thyroid function is quite common in modern society. According to the

American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), 1 in 10 Americans suffers from
thyroid disease, and almost half of these remain undiagnosed (AACE, 2002).
Environmental medicine experts suspect the heavy metal pollution and radioactive byproducts from nuclear power plants may be increasing the incidence of many thyroid
diseases, (Levnin et al., 2013) for heavy metals may mimic the effect of iodine in the body
and block its function. Overactive thyroid symptoms include anxiety, sweating, fast
heartbeat, weight loss, diarrhea, and greasy skin. Low thyroid symptoms may include low
mood, weight gain, slowed thinking and memory problems, feeling cold, and constipation.
Often, low thyroid can be an early or even first symptom of oncoming depression (Davis
& Tremont, 2007).
In a normally functioning thyroid (euthyroid) state, thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) is produced in the brains pituitary and tells the thyroid gland to make thyroid
hormone. The thyroid makes mostly thyroxine (known as T4), which gets converted to a
more active thy-roid hormone called tri-iodothyronine (also called T3). The T4 and T3
float around in the blood stream, and the brain samples this to decide how much TSH is
needed at that moment. This amazing thyroid feedback loop allows the brain to keep
thyroid hormone in balance.
If TSH is greater than 2.5 IU/mL, or less than 0.5 IU/mL, I usually recommend
patients run what is called a thyroid antibody panel and check thyroid stimulating
immunoglobulin levels. These blood tests will help decide if the thyroid is malfunctioning
because the immune system is attacking it. The AACE has been lowering the threshold of
TSH because the group of people used to create normal ranges likely had many with
undiagnosed thyroid disease. The AACE acknowledges that with subclinical
hypothyroidism, treatment with thyroid hormone should keep TSH levels below the 3.0
IU/mL threshold (Baskin et al., 2002).
How to Work with Thyroid Issues. If any urgent issues, consider conventional care. Of
course, it is prudent to visit an endocrinologist and consider thyroid hormone replacement,
especially in cases of severe symptoms. Excess thyroid hormone can cause exophthalmos,
a condition where the eyes can bulge from the sockets, and can also cause a racing heart
and severe anxiety. This needs conventional treatment for safest results. For cases of low
thyroid, pharmaceutical thyroid replacement such as thyroxine is a reasonable choice
while working on the underlying conditions: the drug thyroxine, while synthetic, is actual
bioidentical in the sense that it is the same exact molecule that the body produces, so
when dosed appropriately, it does not tend to have negative side effects, promote cancers,
or cause other problems that secondary metabolites from other synthetic hormones like
hormone replacement estrogens and progestins can cause.

Figure 3.2. The thyroid feedback loop.

If there are autoimmune thyroid issues, start anti-inflammatory work: From a holistic
perspective, if there is an autoimmune thyroid condition, it is best to focus on digestive
and anti-inflammatory work suggested later in this chapter to help calm the inflammation.
I have seen a number of autoimmune thyroid cases resolve simply with the elimination of
gluten from the diet alone. The literature suggests a correlation between gluten reactions
and thyroid autoimmunity (Hakanen et al., 2001; Akay & Akay , 2003), although a
recent study of 27 celiac patients with thyroid disease did not see antibodies resolve on a
gluten-free diet after 1 year (Metso et al., 2012), suggesting that other foods/sensitivities
may also play a role in a number of people. Selenium supplementation at 200 g daily has
been show to help reduce levels thyroid autoantibodies (Zhu et al., 2012).
If there is hypothyroidism with no autoimmune issues, consider natural thyroid
supports: If there is no autoimmune condition and a patients TSH is above 2.2 and T4 is
low, while T3 is in the normal range, consider the following:
Work on managing stress, for stress decreases function of the hypothalamic pituitary
thyroid axis (Tsigos & Chrousos, 2002).
Eat extra kelp and seaweed every day.
Take 300 mg tyrosine per day.
Also consider natural thyroid hormone. Work with a naturopathic physician or other
holistic physician to start on a low dose of natural thyroid replacement. Brands include
Armour Thyroid or Nature-Throid, which are made from dried pig thyroid. Most standard

endocrinologists do not prefer natural replacement, stating that it is not well standardized
from batch to batch. This is based on old studies from the 1970s, before newer techniques
were available to keep consistency. My experience suggests that patients have done quite
well on it. Holistic practitioners generally prefer natural thyroid hormone for it contains
thyroid gland, which includes not only active T4 but also T3 and other lesser known
thyroid hormones that may have a role in supporting the thyroid system. If using natural
thyroid replacement, the doctor should check pulse and symptoms before starting, and
recheck once a week to see how the pateint feels, as well take blood tests every few weeks
to recheck thyroid levels. If natural thyroid replacement is not helping the patient feel
better, you can also try the synthetic thyroid replacement thyroxine (T4). Synthetic thyroid
is actually bio-identical, for it is the same molecule our body makes, and is generally
without side effects when used at the proper dose. With any thyroid replacement, the
clinician should watch for excess signs of palpitations and heart racing, increased
temperature, excessive sweating, and/or weight loss. Some patients fare better with natural
thyroid, while others are more compatible with synthetic thyroid. As such, both should
remain as options.
If T3 is low, consider working with a prescription for Cytomel: Cytomel is pure active
T3. Usual starting dose is 5 g in the morning, increasing by 5 g every 3 days until
symptoms improve. It is best not to take more than 60 g total if the patient is over 55
years of age, or 125 g if younger. Reasons to discontinue or lower dose include racing
heart, excess sweating, shakiness, anxiety, or fast-paced thought patterns.
Parathyroid (PTH)
The parathyroid glands are four little pea-sized organs placed directly in the midst of the
thyroid gland. Primary hyperparathyroidism (an overfunctioning parathyroid gland) will
show a high PTH number on blood tests. This high PTH is frequently accompanied by
high blood calcium and a reflexive vitamin D deficiency. High PTH can cause digestive
issues and bone problems, as well as many mood symptoms, including anxiety, obsessioncompulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, hostility, and psychoticism. Low vitamin
D can contribute to depression and poor mood. Depressive disorders and anxiety can
normalize after treatment of hyperparathyroidism (Peterson, 1968; Watson & Marx, 2002;
Solomon, Schaaf, & Smallridge, 1994), which may include surgical removal of one or two
of the four glands. While PTH is not routinely checked, it is worth checking if vitamin D
is consistently low, especially if supplementation doesnt bring it up in a timely manner.
DHEA and DHEA sulfate
Considered a neurosteroid, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate are
molecules produced by the adrenal gland and somewhat related to testosterone. Low levels
have been related depression severity (Goodyer et al., 2000), anxiety, and even
schizophrenia (Strouss et al., 2003).
DHEA may protect against the adverse effects of stress, especially the ravages of the
stress hormone cortisol. Like exercise, DHEA can increase neuronal growth in the
hippocampus and will protect new nervous tissue from getting destroyed by stress
hormones (Karishma & Herbert, 2002). Levels naturally decrease with age, and with it,

physical health and mood may be affected. Unfortunately, DHEA is known to decline with
psychological challenge and stress (Wang et al., 2009).
Supplemental DHEA has been clinically assessed for safety and effectiveness. A study
by Alhaj, Massey, and McAllister-Williams (2006) treated 24 healthy young men with a 7day course of high-dose oral DHEA (150 mg twice a day) in a placebo-controlled doubleblind, randomized, crossover study. Researchers found that memory was significantly
improved after taking DHEA. DHEA was shown to encourage hippocampal activation and
early differential activation and neuronal recruitment of the anterior cingulate cortex, and
to decrease evening cortisol levels. Reduced function of the anterior cingulate cortex can
contribute to behavioral disorders, including diminished self-awareness, depression, and
aberrant social behavior (Devinsky, Morrell, & Vogt, 1995).
DHEA seems to be supportive to balance anxiety. A randomized, double-blind
controlled study giving heroin addicts 100 mg for one year to help with withdrawal found
statistically significant improvement in the severity of withdrawal symptoms and in
depression and anxiety scores, while the control groups deteriorated in all measures,
suggesting that DHEA might benefit this particular population (Maayan et al., 2008).
Studies of adolescent girls with adrenal insufficiency caused by brain malfunction
found 25 mg DHEA helped improve anxiety scores (Binder et al., 2009), although another
analysis in adrenal-deficient women found benefit for depression and quality of life but
not for anxiety (Alkatib et al., 2009).
A number of studies report the benefit of DHEA supplementation for its antidepressant
effects (Gallagher et al., 2008). Specifically, DHEA may be effective for midlife-onset
minor and major depression. One placebo-controlled, randomized trial of a double-blind,
crossover treatment study looked at 23 men and 23 women 4565 years of age with
midlife-onset major or minor depression. These patients were randomized to either 6
weeks of DHEA therapy, using 90 mg every day for 3 weeks and then a whopping 450 mg
every day for 3 weeks, or 6 weeks of placebo followed by 6 weeks of the other treatment.
The subjects did not receive any other antidepressant medications during the study. DHEA
treatment for 6 weeks was associated with improvement in both primary outcome
measures compared with both baseline and 6 weeks of placebo. After DHEA treatment, 23
subjects had a 50 percent or greater reduction in depression rating scores, as did 13
subjects after placebo treatments. The treatment with DHEA was well tolerated. The
response to DHEA did not seem to differ between men and women. Larger doses did not
seem to confer any additional benefit (Schmidt et al., 2005).
How to work with low DHEA. Work on stressstress lowers hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis function and will imbalance DHEA status. Although supplementation
is discussed next, in most cases stress is the culprit, and dealing with this will help in the
long term. Of course, working with psychotherapy is a must. Also consider yoga,
meditation, and other relaxation work.
For supplementation, DHEA is available as over-the-counter hormonal therapy. When
needed, taking DHEA appears to reduce stress hormone concentrations and can improve
mood. Though many studies have used 50450 mg given every day in divided doses, in

my opinion it is best to first check blood levels. If low, or low-normal, start with 510 mg
every day for women and 1025 mg for men. When beginning supplementation please
check blood levels every 23 weeks. If mood does not improve, and/or the level of
hormone does not increase, then you increase in increments of 510 mg while continuing
to monitor with blood tests. The only known food source for DHEA is from the wild yam,
but these levels are too low for any clinical effect (Araghiniknam et al., 1996).
Cautions with DHEA. DHEA levels should always be checked before starting
supplementation. Taking too much may cause problems by increasing levels of other
hormones like testosterone and estrogen. I am especially concerned with the effect of too
much DHEA in women, due to the theoretical potential to exacerbate or initiate hormoneresponsive tumors. While I do not find women complaining of side effects often, the most
commonly reported side effects in the literature include male hormone-like skin effects
such as greasy skin and hair, acne, scalp itching, hair loss, and facial and body hair
(especially along the midline of the lower abdomen) (Wiebke, 2006). Men with prostate
cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) should check with their doctor before
starting DHEA.
Serum testosterone: Free and total testosterone
Testosterone is the hormone most associated with being male. However, both men and
women need it to keep up a good mood. Low testosterone levels may cause flattened
mood, anxiousness, low sex drive, loss of motivation, fatigue, and general loss of wellbeing in both women (Davis 2002) and men (Carnahan & Perry, 2004). Testosterone
administration in 15 females resulted in reports of reductions in unconscious fears in a
placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial (van Honk, Peper, & Schutter (2005)).
Low testosterone is often underdiagnosed due to the nonspecific symptoms that may
appear identical to clinical depression or anxiety states and should be tested in anyone
with these symptoms. Testosterone replacement has also been shown to help cases of
drug-resistant depression helping antidepressant medication work (see Chapter 6).
I have observed that males with low testosterone often (but not always) have a bit of
belly fat around their middle that is hard to lose, along with low mood, or irritable mood
(the curmudgeonly type of fellow). Please consider having your client check
testosterone, and if it is low, have him talk to his doctor about taking a small amount and
monitor mood, while checking for levels monthly. The occasional female may also fit this
picture, although not as often.
What to do if testosterone is low. For testosterone replacement, oral, short- and longacting parenteral, and transdermal patch and gel formulations are all available.
Transdermal patches are a better choice because oral prescriptions that go through the
liver at first pass can cause the liver to send out a binding protein (called sex hormone
binding globulin), which can lower the availability of a number of hormones and create
imbalances in thyroid, reproductive, and adrenal function.
As a note, it has been shown that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most
commonly prescribed antidepressant medication, can cause infertility by lowering

testosterone and sperm levels. So, if a depressed man with normal serotonin and low
testosterone is given an SSRI, it is possible to make his depression even worse.
Cautions with testosterone. Too much testosterone can cause excess body and facial hair,
as well as acne. Testosterone replacement is thought in some studies to exacerbate prostate
cancer risk, while others suggest low testosterone may increase risk as well. Recent
studies also suggest giving extra testosterone in senior men may increase cardiovascular
risk up to 30 percent (Vigen et al., 2013). Testosterone replacement should be regularly
monitored by a doctor using blood tests and by checking for clinical excess signs and may
be best avoided if there is heart disease risk.
Serum estrogen and progesterone
Low levels of estrogen have long been considered a factor in mood disorder. Estrogen is
the predominant female hormone known for its ability to affect the levels of serotonin in
the brain, by changing the ability of nerve cells to recognize this important mood
transmitter, as well as lowering levels of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase, which
breaks down serotonin (Carrasco et al., 2004).
While some menopausal patients using estrogen report reduction in mood symptoms
(Miller et al., 2002), the majority show no benefit (Demetrio et al., 2011). One study in
115 seniors older than 70 years showed no benefit when given a 20-week course of highdose estrogen to help cognitive function, mood, or quality of life (Almeida et al., 2006),
and another in 417 women 6080 years of age given 2 years of low-dose transdermal (skin
patch) estradiol also did not see any improvement (Yaffe et al., 2006). Women taking the
high-dose therapy also had double the adverse events versus the placebo group.
Like testosterone therapy, estrogen replacement therapy may actually improve the
effects of conventional antidepressants (Schnedier et al., 2001), which is discussed further
in Chapter 6.
The research on progesterone replacement suggests that it may block estrogen effects
and actually support breakdown of serotonin in the brain. Optimal levels of progesterone
are known to help calm the brain, improve sleep, and improve libido.
Progesterone treatment given without estrogen, such as the synthetic drug depot
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) has been shown to worsen depression in
women who already have a tendency toward or clinical signs of depression (Jelovsek,
2009; Fraser & Lobo, 1999). However, other research does not corroborate this. One study
looking at the birth control implant levonorgestrel (Norplant), another synthetic
progesterone, showed the depression scores of the women most depressed actually
improved during the study period (Westoff et al., 1998). While a number of preclinical and
animal studies data suggest a positive antianxiety effect of progesterone (Auger & ForbesLorman, 2008), very few studies have been conducted reviewing the effects on mood. One
study of 176 postmenopausal women found that taking oral micronized progesterone (a
natural form of hormone replacement) resulted in significant improvement in vasomotor
symptoms, somatic complaints, and anxiety and depressive symptoms over using the
synthetic form of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Fitzpatrick, Pace, & Wiita, 2000).

The take-away from these studies of hormones is that hormonal replacement may help
if given to the right person, but more than likely, it is only one piece of the puzzle. This is
the reason it is important to address foods, lifestyle, sleep, exercise, and nutritional
supplementation to create a CAM approach that will work for the depressed or anxious
If estrogen and/or progesterone is low: As a point of caution, the use of any hormones,
synthetic or natural, should not be taken lightly, and should done with the care of a
knowledgeable practitioner. Often, I will not recommend these unless other more basic
care is addressed first (e.g., balancing the diet, exercise, sleep, work). It has been my
experience that, in most cases, when these basics are addressed, women do not necessarily
need hormones, or lower doses can achieve desired results.
If it is decided to consider replacement therapy, I recommend considering natural
hormone replacement therapy instead of conventional synthetic hormones. Although much
less research is available for natural therapies, it is likely that they will have fewer side
effects due to the bodys ability to recognize these compounds over their synthetic sisters.
The above study by Fitzpatrick, Pace, & Wiita, (2000) also suggests the effect may be
better as well.
If estrogen is going to be used, it is a good idea to also use some progesterone to
protect the tissues in the body that may be susceptible to cancer risk (e.g., breast and
uterus). Progesterone itself may be most useful in cases where there is much anxiety with
the depression. For cases of insomnia, I would also recommend using a nighttime oral
dose of micronized progesterone, which is helpful to potentiate gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) in the brain, an effect elicited by benzodiazepines (Babalonis et al., 2011).
Compounding pharmacies are the best source for natural hormones and will formulate
these specific to the needs of the patient. These are usually prepared as oral preparations,
transdermal creams, suppositories, or subdermal pellets and can include estrogen,
progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA individually dosed.
Celiac panel
Parallel to the massively increased consumption of gluten and grain products, there has
been a dramatic rise in the past 50 years in the incidence of celiac disease, an
inflammatory reaction to the gluten component of wheat or spelt grain. According to a
National Institutes of Health panel, celiac disease is considerably underdiagnosed, with
estimates suggesting about 1 in 100 persons is affected (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2004).
There is a correlation between overt gluten allergy (celiac disease) or gluten sensitivity
and mood disorder in adults (Jackson et al., 2012) and behavioral issues in children
(Hernanz & Polanco, 1991). In addition, people with the undiagnosed disease have a 4fold increased risk of death (Rubio-Tapia et al., 2009).
A celiac panel comprises four different tests: anti-gliadin antibody IgG, anti-gliadin
antibody IgM, tissue transglutamase, and secretory IgA. Although not a perfect test, it has
typically an 8090 percent accuracy (Fasano & Catassi, 2001). The gold-standard test for

Celiac disease is biopsy of the small intestines jejunum. For the blood test, it is helpful to
be eating gluten products regularly a few weeks before the test, otherwise the antibodies
may not be found in a patient who is truly celiac.
What to do if celiac positive: Simply stated, it is best to avoid all gluten proteins, which
occur in wheat, rye, barlely, and spelt. Gut linings can heal in 36 months. There are
naturopathic herbs, such as geranium and marshmallow, that can also aid in healing. In my
clinical experience, mood issues can improve within as little as 2 weeks. Most other
grains, like rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, and wild rice, are perfectly fine to eat. Oats are
fine if the manufacturer assures they are processed away from other wheat and gluten
products. For patients with severe depression, it is best to slowly lower gluten intake, for
completely avoiding it at one time can induce a withdrawal effect and contribute to even
worse mood. Like any drug we are addicted to, gluten can also cause an ugly withdrawal
when removed too fast.
Serum carnitine
Serum carnitine is an amino acid cofactor that serves to help turns fats into energy.
Carnitine also plays a neuroprotective role in mood by acting as an antioxidant and antiinflammatory (Soczynska et al., 2008). L-Carnitine has been shown to help mood, fatigue,
and depression in patients with cancer (Cruciani et al., 2006) and hepatic encephalopathy
(Malaguarnera et al., 2011). While administration of carnitine in rats have shown
antianxiety benefits (Levine et al., 2005), no trials have studied anxiety benefit in humans.
Another form of carnitine called acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is similar in structure to the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine and acts as a cholinergic neurotransmitter. ALC has also
been shown to have epigenetic effects (see the section Behavioral Epigenetics below) on
production of receptors in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, to contribute to a rapid
antidepressant effect (Nasca et al., 2013). An MRI study in geriatric depressed patients
found that imbalances in the prefrontal cortex were resolved using doses of ALC
(Pettegrew et al., 2002). For senior patients, the ALC form may be best for
In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 82 patients with amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS) taking the drug riluzole, patients taking 3 g ALC daily had a
median survival of 45 months, versus 22 months for the placebo groupan astounding
improvement in the treatment of ALS (Beghi et al., 2013).
If carnitine is low: I recommend starting with 500 mg L-carnitine twice a day, preferably
away from food for best absorption. I also would recheck carnitine blood levels in 6 weeks
to look for improvement. If there is no improvement, consider doses up to 3,000 mg/day
while looking into digestive support (see the section Digestive Health below), to help
absorb nutrients better. Levels of 3,000 mg/day have not shown any toxicity. Effective
dosages of ALC in most clinical trials range from 1 to 3 g/day, given in divided doses
(Gaby, 2011). For cognitive issues with depression, ALC may be the better choice.
L-Carnitine natural food sources. As the word carnitine comes from the Latin word
carne, which refers to meat, it is not surprising that the highest concentrations of this
amino acid are in red meats. Other relatively higher amounts are found in dairy products,

nuts, and seeds, and lesser amounts are found in beans, vegetables, and grains.
Serum folic acid and vitamin B12
Known best for preventing the neurologic disorder spina bifida in newborns, folic acid
also plays a key role in the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine,
and epinephrine (Stahl, 2008). Vitamin B12 is a cobalt-containing molecule is known to
help support production of red blood cells, the manufacture of DNA and nervous tissue
and to play a role in normalizing the SAMe and homocysteine pathways, as well as
helping in the synthesis of serotonin. Both vitamin B12 and folic acid can help patients
when antidepressants do not work on their own (see Chapter 6).
Low folate status is noted in about 33 percent of people with depression. Conversely,
people with diets high in green vegetables full of folate tend to have high levels of folate
in their blood and less major depression ( Coppen & Bolander-Gouaille, 2005).
Studies using B complex formulas that include 1,0002,000 g methylfolate and 260
420 g vitamin B12 have found significant and more continuous improvements in
depressive and anxiety symptoms in depressed patients compared with placebo, with
improvements in Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (Lewis et al., 2013).
Steps to take if folic acid and/or B12 is low: Taking both folic acid (800 g up to 15 mg
daily) and oral vitamin B12 (1,000 g daily) will help. B vitamins like folic acid and B12
are water soluble and generally safe. For folic acid, the methyltetrahydrofolate version is
the most natural form. Regular folic acid should be avoided. Methylcobalamin is the
preferred form of vitamin B12.
If B12 and folic acid levels are normal: If levels are normal but symptoms of anxiety or
depression are present, it may still be prudent to supplement with extra B12 and folic acid,
especially if medication treatments are not working (see Chapter 7). It is quite possible
that some people may have deficiency in their body tissues while still showing reasonable
levels in the blood. For example, some genetic research suggests that transporters which
bring vitamin B12 to the central nervous system may not function well, leaving B12 levels
higher in the blood but still deficient in the brain. Additionally, other lab abnormalities,
including high homocysteine and low red blood cells, may be suggestive of B12
deficiency. Mutations in the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene also
suggest the need for taking in extra methyltetrahydrofolate (see next section about the
MTHFR gene tes).
Dietary sources of folate and B vitamins. Excellent sources of folate are spinach,
asparagus, romaine lettuce, turnip greens, mustard greens, calfs liver, collard greens, kale,
cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, lentils, and beets. And vegetable sources have the
methyltetrahydrofolate form. Excellent sources of B12 are snapper and calfs liver; other
sources include venison, shrimp, scallops, salmon, and beef. Vegetarian sources have
significantly lower available B12, and the best of these are sea plants (e.g., kelp), algae
(e.g., blue-green algae), brewers yeast, tempeh, miso, and tofu.
MTHFR gene test

There is a relatively new genetic test for the MTHFR gene that is gaining widespread
attention in both the holistic and conventional medical world. MTHFR is found on the
short arm of chromosome 1 codes for an enzyme (methyltetrahydrofolate reductase)
needed to process folic acid into its most useful form, methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF). If
someone has a mutation in the MTHFR gene, it is usually best to supplement with extra
folate. And the best form to take is MTHF, not regular folic acid. MTHF dosage is often
15 mg a day, which is much higher than what is found in a multiple vitamin or most
prenatals. MTHF has a strong relationship to both anxiety and depression (Almeida et al.,
2005). Studies in treatment-resistant depression dose up to 15 mg folic acid (Fava et al.,
2010). More about MTHF for this use is discussed in Chapter 6.
25(OH)vitamin D or serum vitamin D
Well known for bone strength, vitamin D is a steroid molecule with receptors that
recognize it all over the body. Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in autoimmunity,
cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and chronic pain (Straube et al., 2009). One metaanalysis suggested that all causes of death might be lowered by giving supplemental
vitamin D (Autier & Gandini, 2007).
Mice genetically altered to lack vitamin D receptors show greatly increased anxiety
behavior (Kalueff et al., 2004). Vitamin D deficiency is linked to both anxiety and
depression in people with fibromyalgia (Armstrong et al., 2007). One study of 1,000 older
adults found mean levels of serum vitamin D were lower in those with minor depression
and major depression compared with controls (Hoogendijk et al., 2008).
Low levels of vitamin D are likely involved in mood in several ways. Vitamin D
affects nerve growth factor, which is important for brain and neuronal repair and growth
(Wion et al., 1991). Vitamin D also helps production of serotonin, testosterone, and
thyroid hormone (Stumpf, 1995). Hypothalamic brain centers are responsive to the
presence of vitamin D, and low levels will affect the HPA axis as well, contributing to
poor mood (Eyles et al., 2005).
Increased depressive symptoms are found in the adults born from women with low
vitamin D while pregnant (OLoan et al., 2007), suggesting that it may be possible to head
off mood disorder in the next generation by checking vitamin D in prepregnant and
pregnant women. Preventing mood disorder in the next generation would be the ultimate
in preventive care!
Research demonstrates that dosages of 4,000 IU vitamin D per day in depressed
patients tend to improve well-being (Vieth et al., 2004). A small study evaluated 44
healthy participants during the wintertime, when vitamin D levels are low. They were
randomly assigned to 5 days of treatment with 400 or 800 IU of vitamin D3 or a placebo.
Compared with placebo, both doses of the vitamin increased positive mood and decreased
negative mood (Lansdowne & Provost, 1998). A Norwegian study of 441 overweight
people measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Those with levels <40 nmol/L (16
mg/dL) were shown to be more depressed on the Beck Depression Inventory. These
subjects were then given 20,000 IU, 40,000 IU, or placebo once a week. Those given
40,000 IU had a 33 percent reduction in depression scores, those given 20,000 IU had a 20

percent reduction, and the placebo group had a 5 percent decrease (Jordea et al., 2008).
These results are modest and suggest that vitamin D plays a role, but deficiency may not
be the sole cause of mood issues.
Dosing vitamin D. Vitamin D ranges in the normal adult between 30 and 100 ng/mL. An
ideal level of vitamin D is around 50, and in my experience very few patients come in
with normal levels, unless they are already supplementing. Sunlight exposure is the
method nature prescribed for humans to keep up vitamin D levels, as there are few food
sources, and even eating large amounts are not enough to raise levels of vitamin D.
Garland et al. (2007) reported that 12 min of exposure of 50 percent of body skin to
noontime sun on a clear day is equivalent to oral intake of 3,000 IU vitamin D3.
As discussed in Chapter 2, some sun is very healthful. Unless there is a clear
immediate skin cancer risk, remaining in the sun long enough to allow the skin to pink a
bit (not burn) is enough to help convert vitamin D without allowing excessive radiation
damage to skin cells.
If supplementing with vitamin D, I recommend 2,000 IU/day of vitamin D3 for every
10 ng/mL we are looking to increase. For example, if a patient is at 20 ng/mL, and we
would ultimately like to achieve 50 ng/mL, then 6,000 IU/day is a reasonable dose, and
we will recheck blood levels in 3 months to monitor.
Food sources of vitamin D. The best dietary source of vitamin D is fish. Much of the
literature ascribes the mood benefit of fish to their essential fatty acids (Hibbeln, 1998),
but vitamin D may also play a role. Eggs, butter, mushrooms, and parsley have small
amounts of D.
Vitamin D toxicity. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble steroid molecule that can be toxic in high
levels. Hypervitaminosis D may lead to high calcium in the blood, kidney issues, and
excessive bone loss. It is not known what supplemental amount may be problematic.
Likely, this number may vary from patient to patient, which is why it is best to run lab
tests to check pre- and postsupplementation. Studies of patients given long-term treatment
of 14,000 IU/day orally seemed to have no toxicity and did show significantly decreased
depression relapse rates (Burton, 2009).
One study suggests hypervitaminosis may start at regular 20,000 IU/day dosing (Vieth,
1999), with other research suggesting blood levels should not exceed 100 ng/mL (Hollis &
Wagner, 2004). One meta-analysis suggests that long-term ordinary dosages of 400800
IU/day are not associated with adverse effects (Autier & Gandini, 2007).
Conflicting information spurs the question of which form of the supplement is better:
vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) or D3 (cholecalciferol). Plants manufacture vitamin D2,
whereas vitamin D3 is synthesized by humans in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet
B rays from sunlight. Clinically, I have used vitamin D3, which shows efficacy for raising
blood levels, as well as improving mood. For patients not finding benefit with vitamin D3,
vitamin D2 may be a consideration.
One note about vitamin D tests. Although there are a few forms of vitamin D in the body
that can be tested, the test indicative of true vitamin D status is the 25-

hydroxy(OH)vitamin D test, and it is the best test for making clinical decisions regarding
Serum mercury
High mercury levels in the blood and body tissues can contribute to many nervous system
disorders, mood disorders, and cardiovascular disease. I recommend running this test to
see if there has been recent exposure to this deadly heavy metal. It may also be ordered to
monitor those who are regularly exposed to mercury. In my practice over 10 years, I have
seen six patients with depression and neurologic challenges who had high serum mercury
due to high intake of tuna and sushi. Please note, this test does not tell you if you have had
a long-term exposure to mercury that has accumulated in the body tissues over a long
period of time.
In patients with sudden onset of depression with possible exposure, is worth checking
mercury levels. I have also seen in middle-age and senior patients that the initiation of
osteoporosis can release stored mercury and other heavy metals from bone into the body.
This sudden release of these metals can contribute to mood challenges, nervous system
changes, and high blood pressure. We will talk a little more about how to treat both acute
and long-term mercury and other metal poisonings in the section on detoxification at the
end of this chapter.

Saliva Adrenal Function Testing

As discussed in Chapter 4, the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
is central to appearance and severity of both anxiety and depression. The saliva adrenal
test asks the patient to donate saliva for a series of time points throughout the day, from
which bioactive hormones such as cortisol, as well as DHEA and DHEA sulfate, are
accurately measured. Generally stated, abnormal levels of cortisol and lower levels of
DHEA may indicate a dysregulated HPA axis. This allows the CAM practitioner to
correlate clinical symptomology with hormonal levels throughout the day, allowing for
more specific use of lifestyle recommendations and supplementation. While saliva testing
is not common in conventional medical care, salivary hormone testing is accurate and
follows results found in plasma testing (Kumar et al., 2005).

Its a gut feeling
There are butterflies in my stomach
The way to a mans heart is through his gut
My hearts in my stomach
How often have we heard about the association between ones feelings and the digestive
tract? More than we can countwe see it in literature, art, and mass media. Nevertheless,
modern psychiatry has still all but ignored the strong association between the
gastrointestinal system and mood.
Naturopathic doctors have an old saying: If you dont know what is wrong or what to

treat, then treat the gut. Digestion is the default system to focus on for difficult-to-treat
cases. For decades it had been observed by holistic practitioners that improved digestion
can lead to better overall health, including mood. Modern science is starting to catch up to
this concept.
Conventional biomedicine has relegated mood disorders solely to the realm of the
psychiatrist. The preceding section touched on the realms of the hematologist,
endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiologist, toxicologist, and nutritionist. This section
discusses why the gastroenterologist should be getting involved, too.
Healthy digestion is critical for mood. Michael Gershons book The Second Brain
(1999) took a new perspective regarding the digestive system: not just as a means for
nutrient absorption and elimination, but also as a neuroendocrine organ. He explained to a
mass audience for the first time that lying within this organ system is a robust nervous and
hormonal output that rivals production found in the central nervous and hormone systems
themselves. Called the enteric nervous system ( enteric refers to the digestive tract), the
gastrointestinal tract is the main source of neurotransmitters in the body. For example, one
of the neurotransmitters, serotonin, is an amine that is produced from food sources of
tryptophan in the digestive tracts ubiquitous enterochromaffin cells and enterochromaffinlike cells. Poor digestive function (often due to stress, poor diet, sleep problems, and
toxins) creates inflammatory issues and lowers the ability to absorb tryptophan. In patients
who have celiac disease, chronic inflammation leads to poor nutrient absorption (Mki &
Collin, 1997). Additionally, irritating foods will spur the digestive tract to send copious
amounts of serotonin into the digestive system as a protective mechanism, where it
encourages fast motility as a means to empty out the gut. This is a likely cause of diarrhea
in people who have mood disorders, poor diet, and/or accompanying high stress.
Evidence shows that bowel disorders are correlated with mood. In fact, 20 percent of
patients with functional bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome have
diagnosable psychiatric illness (Agazzi et al., 2003). Almost one-third of patients with
major depression are thought to have constipation, and patients with irritable bowel
syndrome are more prone to both anxiety disorders and depression (Kabra & Nadkarni,
How often do you work with women who have self-esteem challenges? Well, bowel
movements are intimately linked with feminine self-esteem, as well as being able to
maintain a relationship. An interesting study by Emmanuel, Mason and Kamm (2001)
compared 34 women 1945 years of age who had significant constipation for at least five
years with women who did not have constipation. The constipated group had poorer health
scores, had difficulty forming close relationships, and described themselves as less
feminine. The constipated women also had reduced rectal blood flow, which was strongly
associated with anxiety and depression, as well as negative body symptoms and impaired
socialization. The authors concluded that a womens individual psychological makeup
alters the function of the involuntary nerves that link the brain to the gut. Reduced activity
of these nerves slows down gut function, resulting in constipation. Because it is known
that most neurotransmitters needed for healthy mood are made in the digestive tract,

slowed gut function likely plays a role in how a woman feels about herself and how she
responds in a relationship.

How to Avoid Constipation

Learning the importance of good bowel movements, it makes sense to help get things
moving. I recommend patients move their bowels at least once each day. Although some
medical texts cite three times a week as normal, I believe once a day is the minimum.
Steps to create a healthy bowel movement include the following:
1. Adequate hydration: Besides helping absorption of important amino acids, water is
the liquid that keeps things flowing throughout our body. If we do not have enough
water, the body will steal it from the colonic contents, making us constipated.
Sipped throughout the day, two liters (about 64 ounces) of pure, clean water is ideal
for most people.
2. Fiber intake: About 25 g/day will go a long way for better mood. Add a plentiful
amount of fruits and vegetables. If this is not enough, sometimes flax meal,
psyllium, or organic dried prunes may do the trick. A study in senior patients using
7g twice a day of psyllium worked better, and helped 63 out of 92 (69%) patients
wean off of more addictive and more expensive laxative prescriptions (Khaja et al.,
3. Stress reduction work: Many of my patients will tell me when they are on vacation,
they move their bowels every day. This suggests that stress is a major factor in
shutting the bowels down and limiting rectal flow, as the above study illustrated.
Whether it is acupuncture, meditation, yoga, or taking a vacation, regular stress
reduction is important.
4. Natural laxatives: If the above steps are not enough, then natural supplements can
help. Magnesium supplementation is gentle and can help the bowels move quicker:
typical doses for laxative effect start at 400 mg and may move up to 1,000 mg.
Magnesium oxide is the cheapest form of magnesium and may have the best stoolsoftening effect. Also, concentrated Epsom salt baths (made from magnesium
sulfate) have a laxative effect by absorption through the mucosa in the anal area.
High doses of vitamin C (3 g/day) can also act to loosen stool. Magnesium and
vitamin C can be used together.
If the above still are not enough, then laxative herbs like senna can be taken as a tea, or
stronger forms come in pill can also help, but these herbs should be used sparingly and
only in the short term (a few days), for the colon can start to rely on these and become
resistant, creating a situation of more difficult constipation (Kinnunen et al., 1993).

Steps to a Healthy Digestive Tract

So, if a client wants to start working on creating a healthy digestive tract in order to
balance mood properly, these are the steps to consider:
1. Fix constipation: If a person is not having regular bowel movements, the above
steps would be the first order of business to achieving healthful digestion

2. Before-meal ritualbreathing and bitters: A deep diaphragmatic breath or two

before a meal is helpful to calm the body and bring circulation to the digestive
system. Additionally, a little aperitif before a meal can be relaxing and stimulating
to the digestive tract. Aperitifs (also called digestifs) usually have a small amount
of alcohol and bitter herbs like gentian. These act as digestives (increase digestive
enzyme production) and cholerectics (stimulate of bile from the liver) to help
prepare for protein and fat digestion. Those avoiding alcohol can add bitters like
gentian and skullcap extract to warm water or seltzer and create the same healthful
effect on digestion (Olivier & van Wyk, 2013).
3. Chewing: Theres an old saying: Nature castigates those who dont masticate.
Well, the teeth are the hardest substance in our body and serve to pulverize food for
best digestion. For physical digestion, birds have gizzards, which are made for
grinding, and cows have multiple stomachsbut humans do not. We have to chew
our food well.
If we do not chew and chew well, even healthy foods will be more likely to spur
inflammatory reactions in the body, for poorly broken down food particles will
stimulate the gut immune system, which comprises about 70 percent of our total
immune system, creating inflammation throughout the body. Also, lack of chewing
means less digestion of carbohydratesmany patients with bowel disorders like
Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, and small intestinal bowel overgrowth would
improve if carbohydrates were broken down properly in the mouth as nature
Decades prior, Americans usually chewed their food as many as twenty-five
times before swallowing. Current reports state that American chews only ten times
before swallowing (Kessler, 2009). Most people do not even chew that many. I
personally know that, if I do not think about it, I will tend to chew things once or
twice, and swallow it virtually whole.
I recommend taking reasonable-size bites and chewing 20 times, until the food
is texturally unrecognizable. Taking a deep relaxing breath before starting to eat also
helps to insure our system is ready to digestion.
4. Choose Healthy Foods: Generally, eating whole foods as prescribed by the
Mediterranean diet is a great place to start (see Chapter 2 for more on this). Also, if
the digestion is not strong, soups and slow-cooked foods may be easiest for the
digestive tract to break down and assimilate.
5. Relaxation and Psychological Work: A robust digestive tract requires some calm.
When an animal thinks a bear is going to attack, the primitive brain shunts all
energy to the organs needed to fight or run (muscles, brain, heart, etc.). This is
called the sympathetic response. Part of the sympathetic response is shutting down
the organ systems not needed, like the digestive tract and reproductive system
their is no interest in eating or sex while running from a bear. Once the stressor has
passed, then the animal returns to parasympathetic response, also known as rest

and digest. Here, digestion can resume.

Breathing, meditation, acupuncture, yoga, and tai chi can all help lower stress
hormones and return to the parasympathetic mode. As you already know quite well,
psychological counseling can help teach methods to lower reaction to situations that
are not really life-threatening. This work is invaluable to creating a healthy gut.

Inflammation, Leaky Gut, and Mood

The majority of the bodys immune system is housed in digestive tract, where it is known
as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue and gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Stress and poor
digestion leads to an activation of the inflammatory components of the immune system,
which lead to inflammation. Ingestion of charred, fried and overly cooked foods create
more advanced glycation end-products (AGEs; Uribarri et al., 2005), which will also
increase inflammation in the body. Inflammation can travel to the brain and contribute to
both anxiety and depressed mood. This is the reason why psychiatric problems are much
more prevalent in patients with the intestinal inflammatory condition celiac disease
(Jackson et al., 2012).
Significantly greater amounts of inflammation are present in people with anxiety
(Vogelzangs et al., 2013) and depression (Dinan, 2009). Inflammatory markers such as Creactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor-necrosis factor-alpha are raised
and correlate with brain changes as well as damage to other body tissues. Depending on a
persons particular predisposition and individual genetics, this process will contribute to
practically any health issue. In the brain and central nervous system, inflammation causes
mood problems or may contribute to multiple sclerosis. In the blood vessels, inflammation
will cause coronary artery disease. Skin inflammation manifests as eczema, psoriasis, and
acne. Kidney and lung inflammation will cause lupus and other organ problems, while
various tissue inflammations are known propagators of cancer. Nondescript global
inflammation may manifest as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Almost every disease has
an inflammatory component. And it is likely that every inflammation has a digestive and
stress component.

Figure 3.3. Leaky gut: genesis and implications.

The immune response in the digestive tract is known to lead to sickness behavior,
including flu-like symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and depression (Anisman & Merali,
2003). Part of my work at the National Insti-tute of Mental Health in the 1990s was to
elucidate which immune factors might be turned on in the brain when the body was
inflamed. Up until the 1990s, the brains immune system was not well described, and
historically many people in medicine considered the brain to be without immune cells. In
our work, we gave healthy Sprague-Dawley rats regular doses of a bacterial cell wall
compound called lipopolysaccharide. The rat immune system sees this compound and
prompts a strong inflammatory response. The inflamed animals showed sickness
behavior, including fatigue, anxiousness, low mood, low motivation, and other symptoms
and signs that clearly correlate with both anxiety and depression (Wong et al., 1997).
What is intestinal permeability/leaky gut exactly?
For the past few decades, natural and CAM practitioners have referred to a concept called
leaky gut as being a foundational connection between poor digestion and inflammationderived disease process. Any foods to which a particular person is sensitive will spark
immune-related responses in the digestion, eliciting inflammatory cascades throughout the

body. Stress will also increase the likelihood of immune response by inhibiting proper
enzymatic production, which allows macromolecules to reach the intestines without being
properly broken down and provoke a greater inflammatory response.
The concept of leaky gut suggests that excess inflammation over a long period of time
will significantly compromise both the structure and repair mechanisms of the digestive
tract. Under this inflammatory fire, tight junctions known to hold digestive tract cells
together begin to deteriorate. When these structures break down, material in the lumen of
the gastrointestinal tract now has greater access to the blood stream. This is known by the
more technical term of gut permeability or what many people simply call leaky gut.
Particles that escape from the digestive tract will travel to the rest of the body and
contribute to global inflammatory effects and eventually to disease. As discussed in the
last section, if someone has a predisposition to disease, leaky gut and its accompanying
inflammation will increase the likelihood this disease will manifest.
When there is leaky gut, the intestinal inflammation and leaked particles travel through
the hepatic portal system, spur upregulation of hepatic Kupffer cells (immune cells in the
liver), an trigger upregulation of brain microglia (immune cells in the brain). Inflammation
in the brain will result in brain degeneration and poor mood. The likelihood of this
cascade of events is far greater with leaky gut than if the intestines are intact (Maes et al.,
While intestinal permeability/leaky gut is fairly well recognized in natural medicine
and CAM circles, conventional biomedicine has spurned this concept, calling it laughable,
unproven, and the work of pseudoscientists. In fact, the National Health Service of
England (2013) echoes the sentiment of mainstream medicine regarding leaky gut:
There is little evidence to support this theory. While it is true that certain factors can make the bowel more
permeable, this probably does not lead to anything more than temporary mild inflammation of an area of the
bowel. Some scientists and sceptics believe that people who promote leaky gut syndrome are either misguided
and read too much into the theory, or are deliberately misleading the public to make money from the treatments
they sell.

It also goes on to state: Generally, it is wise to view holistic and natural health
websites with skepticismdo not assume that the information they provide is correct or
based on scientific fact or evidence.
Although standard in the conventional medical world, this opinion seems to fly in the
face of medical research, as emerging information suggests leaky gut syndrome is indeed
quite real and is a strong contributor to disease, including mood disorder (Maes, Kubera,
& Leunis, 2008). Maes et al. (2008) looked at the serum concentrations of IgM and IgG
antibodies in chronic fatigue patients. The presence of these antibodies is indicative of the
presence of gram-negative enterobacteria in the bloodeffectively serving as a marker of
a leaky gut situation. Forty-one of these patients were given a leaky gut diet and
prescribed natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidative supplements, such as glutamine, Nacetyl cysteine, and zinc. After an average of 1014 months, 24 patients showed a
significant clinical improvement or remission and normalization of the IgA and IgM

Leaky gut has also been elucidated and implicated in other disor-ders, such has gall
bladder and liver disease (Reyes et al., 2006; Hartmann et al., 2012), heart disease (Rogler
& Rosano, 2014), kidney disease (Anders, Andersen, & Stecher, 2013), vascular problems
(Hunt, 2012), type I diabetes (Vaarala, Atkinson, & Neu, 2008), and autoimmune disease
(Fasano, 2012), to name a few.

Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity (Food Intolerance)

Chapter 2 discussed the basics on good healthful diet for mood; this section explains the
less straightforward notion of how food allergies and food sensitivities may be players in
mental health via the mechanism of leaky gut and inflammation. Following the axiom
one mans food may be another mans poison, this section discusses working with this
difficult concept.
Food allergy refers to an overt immune system response that results in creation of
antibodies and may result in tissue swelling and even anaphylaxis. The most common
food allergies are shellfish, nuts, fish, milk, peanuts, and eggs. Celiac disease is an allergy
involving an autoimmune response to gluten (a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley).
Food sensitivity or intolerance is a subtler response that occurs in the digestive tract, often
occurring when foods are not well digested, and spur unwanted inflammatory reactions.
The nervous system is vulnerable to the ravages of food reaction. Neurologic
manifestations in patients with established celiac disease have been reported since 1966.
However, it was not until 30 years later that gluten sensitivity was shown to manifest not
so much with digestive issues but instead solely as neurologic dysfunction, such as
unexplained neuropathies and ataxia (uncoordinated muscle movements) (Hadjivassiliou
et al., 2010). Mood issues are likely to be involved as well.
While celiac is an antibody-mediated disease affecting 1 percent of the population and
is generally characterized by gastrointestinal complaints, gluten sensitivities are subtler in
reaction, often without overt gastrointestinal problems, and will more likely manifest as
extraintestinal neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. Sensitivities occur at six times the
rate of celiac disease and occur without celiacs hallmark antibodies or villus breakdown
(Jackson et al., 2012). Even more interesting, when gluten foods are withdrawn, patients
with sensitivities enjoy even more improvement in gut symptoms than patients with celiac
75 percent versus 64 percent, respectively (Campanella et al., 2008).
How to work on inflammation
There are various ways the body reveals increased levels of inflammation. These could be
the presence of skin conditions (rashes, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.) or more internal
(e.g., autoimmune conditions, cancers, cardiovascular disease, mental health issues, and
inflammatory bowel diseases). Also, blood tests (such as high levels of Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate, CRP, homocysteine, and/or autoimmune markers like Auto Nuclear
Antibiodies, thyroid autoantibodies, or celiac antibodies) can point to inflammation.
Steps to start to balance inflammation in patients with anxiety and depression include
the following:

1. Meditation/relaxation/mind-body work will help increase parasympathetic response

and support circulation to the digestive tract (discussed in Chapter 5).
2. Sleep work: aim for 8 hours of sleep, getting to bed by 11 p.m. at the latest to help
balance immune function (see Chap-ter 2).
3. Exercise at least three times a week for half an hour to help burn stress hormones
and calm the nervous system, as well as build muscle to support insulin sensitivity,
thus lowering insulin, which is pro-inflammatory (see Chapter 2).
4. Food work: focus on anti-inflammatory foods and the Mediterranean diet: fish,
green vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and plenty of fiber. Avoid dairy, gluten and
foods cooked at high temperatures (fried and charbroiled foods, etc.).
5. Use supplements to help lower inflammation and heal a leaky gut:
Probiotics are beneficial to heal the mucosal membrane (Barbara et al., 2012).
Dosages will vary with preparation.
Zinc: studies on Crohns patients have shown zinc supplementation can resolve
permeability alterations in patients with Crohns disease and help prevent relapse
in remitted patients (Sturniolo, 2001). Typical dose is 15 mg twice a day of zinc
Curcumin helps decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in the gut (Rapin &
Wiernsperger, 2010). Dosage will depend on preparation and is best between
meals. More about curcumin and turmeric in the botanicals section of Chapter 4.
Glutamine is a preferred fuel for digestive tract cells and helps with repair of the
intestines (Hulsewe et al., 2004). Standard dosage is one teaspoon twice a day in
liquid away from meals.
Roberts formula is an old naturopathic formula with anecdotal efficacy for healing
the digestive tract, although no formal research has been done on this herbal
combination. While there are variations, the standard formula usually includes
Althea, Echinacea, Ulmus, Geranium, Phytolacca, Hydrastis, and cabbage
powder. Cabbage is high in glutamine. Some versions also include niacinamide
and pancreatic enzymes as well. This formula is typically dosed one or two
capsules up to three times a day between meals.

The HPA axis is composed of central parts of the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) along
with the adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. These vital structures act
collectively as a nexus for the hormonal and nervous systems (known collectively as the
neuroendocrine system) with the immune system. It is primarily among these structures
that stress responses are coordinated. Impaired functioning of the HPA axis has been
associated with several physical and psychiatric disorders, such as the metabolic syndrome
(Bjorntorp & Rosmond, 2000), fibromyalgia, depression (Holsboer, 2000), and
posttraumatic stress disorder (Yehuda, 1997).

Found deep in the center of the primitive brain, the hypothalamus is implicated in the
pathogenesis of mood disorder. Postmortem studies reveal greatly altered levels of the
neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH; formerly called corticotropin
releasing factor) in individuals with anxiety and depression (Meynen et al., 2007). CRH
moderates the neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses and is considered the
main mediator of the response to stress.
Changes in the hypothalamus affect the amygdala, a brain area very much involved in
the fear and emotional responses. The amygdala expresses high levels of CRH receptors in
chronically stressed individuals, making it more reactive in times of stress. Stress-induced
changes within the amygdala are a likely critical step in the pathophysiology in the
development of chronic anxiety states. It is further proposed that such a change in the
limbic neural circuitry (composed of the brains hippocampus, hypothalamus, and
thalamus) is involved in the transition from normal vigilance responses to hypervigilant
pathologic anxiety, manifesting in panic and posttraumatic stress disorders (Shekhar et al.,
The limbic system, made up of a number of brain structures including the
hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, cinglulate gyrus and amygdala. It is the area of the
brain involved with emotion, behavior, motivation, and memory.

Figure 3.4. Areas of emotion: the limbic system.

Figure 3.5. Leaky gut and the HPA.

This chapter has already reviewed how the gut is a source of inflammation and that in
inflamed digestive states, amino acid absorption is compromised and lower blood levels of
tryptophan result. Lowered tryptophan will lead to a decrease in cerebral serotonin, which
is linked to an increase in the HPA axis activity found in depression (Swaab, Bao, &
Lucassen, 2005).
There is overwhelming evidence to indicate that adaptation to chronic stress involves
response from both the neuroendocrine and immune systems. Perceived emotional stress
results in alterations of the HPA axis with changes in the release of cortisol, while at the
same time altering both innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (antigen-specific) immune
In response to stress, the hypothalamus secretes corticotropin-releasing hormone
(CRH). This stimulates the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to secrete
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH reaches the adrenal cortex initiating cortisol
secretion into the bloodstream. Cortisol is the major glucocorticoid for mediating the
stress response. Imbalances in adrenal production are seen in treatment-resistant

depression, as evidenced by higher ratios of cortisol to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

(Markopouloua et al., 2009).
Cortisol keeps blood sugar high by blocking insulin and inhibiting glucose uptake.
Cortisol leads to increased heart action and blood flow. Cortisol also suppresses collagen
synthesis (needed for youthful skin), osteoblast activity (needed for strong bones),
hematopoiesis (production of red blood cells), protein synthesis, immune responses, and
kidney function. As a result, those with high prolonged levels of cortisol can have thinning
of skin, osteopenia and osteoporosis, low blood count, poor muscle growth, low immune
response, and/or renal compromise. As a mediator of the stress system, chronically
released cortisol alters physiologic processes and genetic expressions that ultimately
cascade into fear and anxiety (Korte, 2001), as well as depressive states (De Kloet, 2004).
Thus, chronic stress is not good, to say the least, for the body or the mind.

Glucocorticoid Resistance and HPA Dysregulation Syndrome

The human animal is designed to withstand some stress, but not all the time. A little bit of
stress can be good but should be followed by long periods of calm. For example, a cat is
chased by a dog: the cat instinctively has a fear response and runs up a tree to safety. After
some barking at the base of the tree, the dog gives up and leaves. The cat then returns to
its home and relaxes. This is a acute and temporary response that saved the cat from harm.
When the cat first perceived danger, CRH was produced in high amounts in the
hypothalamus, which signals release of ACTH from the pituitary, which prompts release
of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) from the adrenal glands. The HPA
axis is under negative feedback control from cortisol. This means higher levels of cortisol
from the adrenal glands will feed back to the brain, prompting the brain to lower the CRH
output. Cortisol is the primary regulator of the HPA axis, with negative feedback on
ACTH and CRH, exerting its control of both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
Under normal short-term stressors, like the cat running up the tree, the HPA axis responds
well to cortisol, which negatively feeds back to lower cortisol levels.
Lets now say the dog recruited all of his friends, and they took turns standing vigil at
the base of the tree, barking and threatening the cat every time it moved, for days and days
on end. With this kind of prolonged stress, the cat adrenal glands keep pumping out
cortisol and stress hormones chronically. High levels of cortisol create a situation where
the HPA axis stops responding cortisol. This has been termed glucocorticoid resistance
This syndrome is similar to insulin resistance in the type II diabetic, where higher than
normal levels of insulin result in the body no longer listening to insulin, prompting the
production of more and more insulin from the pancreas. But instead of insulin, in this case
of chronic stress the body does not recognize cortisol, which drives the adrenals to make
more and more cortisol in an effort to be heard. The prolonged stress response causes
continuous cortisol synthesis and chronically elevated cortisol levels.
In this state of prolonged stress, increased cortisol levels are linked to metabolic
syndrome (excess weight, blood pressure issues, high lipids, obesity), chronic fatigue

syndrome, chronic inflammatory states, nervous system problems, cardiovascular disease,

anxiety, insomnia, depression, and more (Tsigos & Chrousos, 2002). This is referred to as
the resistance phase of the stress adaptation syndrome. If allowed to persist, there is a
significant increases to all of these diseases.
High levels of cortisol, as seen in chronic anxiety and depression, leads to loss of
neurons and glial (brain immune) cells, atrophy of the brains hippocampus and prefrontal
cortex, and loss of molecules like brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), which is
needed for proper brain repair and maintenance. Anxiety behaviors and chronic stress will
also lead to the final stage of the stress adaptation syndrome, which is exhaustion.

HPA Dysregulation and drenal Fatigue

In the most extreme, this exhaustion phase may manifest as more acute and serious
collapse of vital organ systems and functions. Most people do not experience full collapse.
More commonly, you will see symptoms in your clients like extreme lassitude (often part
of chronic fatigue syndrome), depression, and pale complexion. Sometimes, there is low
blood pressure. Often, there is an inability of the adrenal gland to keep putting out
adequate cortisol. In holistic circles, this is sometimes labeled drenal fatigue. In
conventional biomedicine, drenal fatigue is reserved for conditions like Addisons
disease, where there is actually no output from the adrenal gland. Therefore, I prefer to use
the term HPA dysregulation syndrome.
Evidence of HPA alterations is found in the common symptoms of anxiety and
depression. Hallmarks of early HPA dysregulation include fatigue and sleep disturbances,
as well as diminished interest behaviors and appetite changes for women (Hollinrake et
al., 2007), and may predispose to eating disorders as well. These symptoms are classic
presentations of sickness behaviors orchestrated by the hypothalamus.
Besides the increased risk of metabolic syndrome, obesity, chronic fatigue, chronic
inflammatory states, lipid oxidation, artery disease, anxiety, insomnia, and depression, it
has been shown that hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis and the hypothalamicpituitary-ovary/testicle axis are also in jeopardy of proper function. This is important to
note, for chronic stress can be a main factor in both hypothyroidism and infertility.

Figure 3.6. Three phases of the HPA: acute stress, chronic stress, and exhaustion.

In Utero and Childhood Effects on the HPA Axis

While daily life stressors modulate current HPA activity, the prenatal environment and
childhood experience may have far greater impact on the overall tone of the HPA axis.
Like the volume setting on your stereo, events in utero set the baseline levels of the HPA
axis and decide how loud or soft it will play.
When a pregnant mother is under duress, the offspring will be more likely to sustain
altered brain physiology and behavior changes with life-long consequences, including
predisposition to anxiety and depression. Several animal studies have reported specific
links between prenatal stress exposure and glucocorticoid resistance in offspring
(Weinstock, 2005). Maternal anxiety or depression during pregnancy predicts HPA
hyperactivity, as well as changes in cortisol, in infants and preadolescent children (Field,
Hernandez-Reif, & Diego, 2006 OConnor, 2005). Stressful maternal experiences will also
alter genes expressed in the brain in a epigenetic fashion (meaning the genes themselves
do not change, but whether they are expressed or not can change). Stress basically turns on
the genes that will make the offspring more prone to mood disorder (Zucchi et al., 2013).
Turning on and off the expression of genes that control HPA responsiveness is considered

Figure 3.7. Events in utero control baseline levels of HPA.

The first evidence in humans of an association between prenatal psychosocial stress
exposure and subsequent alterations in the regulation of the HPA axis was found in a study
of 31 healthy young adults whose mothers experienced severe stress during their
pregnancy. These adults had much higher CRH and cortisol levels when experiencing
stressors compared with controls (Entringer et al., 2009).
From a holistic standpoint, it should also be noted that emotional stressors, dietary
imbalances like poor nourishment, low birth weight, maternal overeating, and high-fat
diets will also contribute to HPA and mood disorders in the next generation. Increases in
anxiety and decreases in learning capacity are found in mouse offspring whose pregnant
moms ate a high-fat diet. These effects did not vastly change if the newborn pups were
given a normal diet, suggesting that dietary imbalances before birth may not be fully
reversible if the offspring eats a more balanced diet after being born (Bilbo & Tsang,
2010). This is an argument for teaching health basics like diet to women before and during
Of course, factors after birth will continue to affect HPA function. Victims of child
abuse, those that experienced maternal separation as evidenced through parental loss in the
9/11 terrorist attacks (Pfeffer et al., 2007), and children exposed to the 1995 Oklahoma
City bombing all displayed significant HPA dysregulation and predisposition to anxiety
and depression (Pfefferbaum et al., 2012). Studies on rat pups reveal that overfeeding of
neonates will also increase HPA hyperresponsiveness and predisposition to mood disorder
(Spencer & Tilbrook, 2009).
Along with proper nutrition, mind-body modalities in the prenatal and childhood
period may hold the greatest promise in balancing HPA axis function for the next
generation. Pregnant women receive profound health benefits from mind-body therapies

when used in conjunction with conventional prenatal care. In a meta-analysis, progressive

muscle relaxation was the most common intervention used in pregnant women. Other
positive studies employed a multimodal psychoeducation approach or a yoga and
meditation intervention. Treatment group outcomes included higher birth weight, shorter
labor, fewer instrument-assisted births, and reduced perceived maternal stress and anxiety
(Beddoe & Lee, 2008).


Genes have a role, but they are not fate. There are definitely
environmental factors involved also. This is a disease of gene and
environmental interaction.
Both anxiety and depressive disorders are the result of variable and multiple complex
interactions between genes and environmental influences. About 3040 percent of the
variance contributing to these disorders is heritable (Norrhom & Ressler, 2009). A person
has a two- to threefold risk of depression if a first-degree relative has the disease and
somewhat less risk if an aunt or uncle has it (Hyman & Greenberger, 2001.
Although some experts have postulated that a single gene may be responsible for
anxiety and depression, no single gene has been shown to cause these disorders so far. The
greater likelihood is that multiple genes combined with environment are involved.
The main area of genetic focus has been on hereditary genetic polymorphisms
(variations) for the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) in the brain that may be triggered by
stress. An association between these polymorphisms and mental disorders has been
reported by some, but not all, investigators. The long allele (type or variation) of the 5HTT gene is associated with higher expression of brain 5-HTT, while the short allele is
associated with reduced 5-HTT expression and function (Weizman & Weizman, 2000).
People with a history of child abuse or other major life stressors who have the short allele
for this transporter are about twice as likely to develop depression as those who have the
long allele (Beers & Berkow, 1999, 1526). Similarly, in anxiety, individuals with one or
two copies of the short 5-HTT allele experience increased fear and anxiety-related
behaviors and greater amygdala neuronal activity in response to fearful stimuli compared
with individuals homozygous for the long allele (Hariri et al., 2002), and they also have
greater startle response (Brocke et al., 2006).
A study by Caspi et al. (2003) strongly intimated that the reason some people bounce
back after a stressful life event while others plunge into lasting despair was due to a
functional polymorphism in the promoter region of the 5-HTT gene. This research
followed 847 people from birth to age 26 and found that those most likely to sink into
depression after a stressful event (e.g., job loss, sexual abuse, bankruptcy) had the gene
polymorphism. The authors suggested that individuals with one or two copies of the short
5-HTT allele exhibited more depressive symptoms, diagnosable depression, and suicidality
in relation to stressful life events than individuals homozygous for the long allele.
In a meta-analysis of all the studies relating to this gene polymorphism, Risch et al.
(2009) looked at over 14,250 participants in 14 studies published from 2003 through early

2009 and found that stressful life events clearly increased the risk of depression. However,
the short 5-HTT allele did not show a relationship to increased risk for major depression,
alone or in interaction with stressful life events. Risch et al. concluded that there is no
evidence of an association between the serotonin gene and the risk of depression, no
matter what peoples life experience was. This substantiates other research suggesting
there is no relation-ship between serotonin and depression. Even more, the drug tianeptine
(Coaxil), a serotonin reuptake enhancer, which works completely opposite of SSRIs by
helping break down serotonin at faster rates, has been shown to be as effective as SSRIs in
depression and more effective than some at lowering anxiety (Wagstaff, Ormrod, &
Spencer, 2001).
Other candidate genes being considered as playing possible roles in anxiety and
depression include those for the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) and catechol-Omethyltransferase (COMT). Dopamine is highly implicated in anxiety, depression, and
attention-deficit challenges. The DRD4 receptor is a target for drugs that treat
schizophrenia and Parkinson disease. Polymorphisms of the DRD4 gene are associated
with anxiety disorders, including obsessive compulsive, avoidant disorders and depression
(Tochigi et al., 2006). The COMT gene is mostly considered in relationship to anxiety. It is
involved with helping to breakdown dopamine. People who had variations in the COMT
gene showed more anxiety when given personality tests and had higher startle responses
when given uncomfortable scenes to watch. Generally, those with the COMT variation are
higher-level thinkers, with higher levels of anxiety. It is possible that people with this
genetic change may keep higher levels of dopamine, epinephrine, and other
neurotransmitters around and are less able to take their attention away from unpleasant
pictures and sounds (Montag et al., 2008).

Behavioral Epigenetics: Proof That Holistic Medicine Makes Sense

Genetic variances may play a role in mood disorder, but it seems genes themselves are not
the only determinants, and may not be even the main determinants, for anxiety and
depression. Beyond the genes themselves, there lies an overarching contributing factor
likely much more important.
Epigenetics is the study of gene expression caused by factors other than the hard-wired
DNA sequences. The field of epigenetics clearly supports and helps explain the critical
role that nutrition, diet, and environment play in mental and emotional health. For
decades, biomedicine did not believe the important roles that lifestyle, stress, and foods
play in health. It was thought you were dealt all your genetic cards at birth, and what was
going to happen will happen, with no way to change your genes.
Then, studies from Hebrew University by Howard Cedar and Aharon Razin laid the
foundation for understanding that molecules called methylators could play a role in
whether certain genes were expressed or repressed. Methylators are molecules that bind to
genes, locking and unlocking the genetic codes, in a process called methylation. Studies
by Cedar and Razin (1994) found that methylation was altered by the foods we ate and by
environmental factors, such as the level of human touch and nurture we received as

Today we know about 30 percent of genes are considered household genesgenes

that turn on and off automatically and are not under environmental control. Eye color is an
example of a household gene, for no matter what foods one eats, or how much one
exercises, eye color will not change. However, the good news is that about 70 percent of
genes are luxury genes, meaning these genes may be turned on or off based on how we
bathe our genes through choices in food, lifestyle, sleep, exercise, toxin burden, and even
supplementation (Bland, 2002).
These lifestyle choices will turn up or down the volume of a gene, not unlike how you
can turn the volume control on a radio speaker. Cedar and Rozins work helped us
understand this mechanism. Now we know healthy green vegetables are methyl donors,
and this is a reason they can be so protective against cancer. In fact, a very large
epidemiologic study in the United Kingdom suggests that cancer is about 40 or 45 percent
(women or men, respectively) preventable by diet and lifestyle factors (Parkin., 2011). So,
given the right foods, exercise, and so forth, we can turn down the expression of cancer
genes up to 45 percent. There is no drug that can boast such a record. If there was, we
would all be taking it.
The HPA section above discussed how experiences of trauma in a pregnant mothers
past will predispose children to anxiety and depression. This is due to changes in
methylation. So, epigenetic behavioral and psychological traits will also be passed on to
the next generation without any changes to the genetic code itself.
Even the foods our grandmother ate while pregnant changed methylation patterns on
our DNA, creating scars that can remain floating on top of our genetic code, modifying
its expression. Methylation patterns placed by foods and traumatic events can even be
passed from one generation to the next. For example, studies of rats show that a fatty diet
during a grandmothers pregnancy will significantly increase breast cancer incidence in
the grandchildren. In one study, 80 percent of the rats given breast-cancer-causing
carcinogens that had two high-fat diet grandmothers developed breast tumors, versus only
30 percent who that grandmothers who ate healthful diets (De Assis et al., 2010).
In the early 1990s, Michael Meany and Moshe Szyf ushered in the concept of
behavorial epigenetics. They postulated that not only could diets or toxins change genetic
expression, but physical touch and stressful events could as well. By the 2000s their group
was clearly outlin-ing the epigenetic importance of touch in early life. Looking at rat pups,
they found epigenetic changes in the glucocorticoid receptor with increased rates of gene
methylation. Rat pups raised by inattentive mothers had lower levels of the receptor due to
this lack of touch and caring, had lower glucocorticoid receptor expression in brain areas
like the hippocampus, and went on to have much higher anxiety levels and startle
responses. The rat pups that were given healthy amounts of attention had balanced
receptor expression, were much calmer, and showed less fear (Weaver et al., 2004).
Postmortem studies in humans corroborate these findings (Malavaez et al., 2009).
This knowledge of behavioral epigenetics certainly strengthens what we know about
psychological work and CAM. It also inspires us to know that this work is not merely
palliative or placebo but instead can actually change gene expression for the better in the

current generation and for generations to come.

A neurotransmitter is a chemical signal released from one end of a nerve fiber (usually
called the presynaptic nerve terminal) into the synaptic cleft (space between neurons) that
transfers an impulse to the next nerve fiber. The theory of brain neurotransmitter action
has been the underpinning of psychiatric treatment for much the past 60 years.
The tricyclic antidepressant imipramine has been utilized since 1948 for the treatment
of depression, although its mechanism of action was not understood. In 1965, the biogenic
amine hypothesis suggested that reduced levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine
were associated with depression (Schildkraut, 1965). This partly explained the reason why
imipramine seemed to help some people with depression and motivated the continued
interest in using drugs to manipulate neurotransmitters for depression.
Conventional care began utilizing tranquilizers for anxiety disorder in the 1950s as a
means to calm anxious patients. In 1955, chlordiazepoxide (Librium) became the first
benzodiazepine antianxiety drug. Benzodiazepines help calm the brain by binding to
receptors for the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is the main
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and calms overall brain activity. Most of todays
anxiety and sleeping medications still rely on this benzodiazepine effect.
Antianxiety and antidepressant medications rely on the neurotransmitter theory.
However, I hope this book has already clued you in that your clients anxiety and
depression are not as cut-and-dried as simply modulating levels of neurotransmitters.
When it comes to anxiety treatment, pharmaceutical therapy is clearly superior to
placebo in all antianxiety drug categories. Benzodiazepines (e.g., alprazolam, lorazepam,
and diazepam), which work on boosting the neurotransmitter GABA, and azapirones (e.g.,
buspirone), which upregulate serotonin and dopamine, were both shown equally effective
(Mitte et al., 2005). When selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used for
anxiety, these also seem to have an effect greater than placebo, although they are not as
effective at symptom management as the benzodiazepines. While antianxiety medications
are effective and widely prescribed medications, they are best used in the short term. As
discussed in the introduction of this book, long-term use of benzodiazepines for anxiety
does not fix the underlying causes. Long-term use eventually leads to dependence,
resistance, withdrawal syndromes, and increased rates for all-cause mortality. This is a
reason that psychological therapy and holistic modalities are so important.
Both side effect profiles and efficacy are not good for antidepressants. They are linked
to greater likelihood of headaches, insomnia, rashes, muscle aches, gastrointestinal
symptoms, sexual problems, teratogenic effects, and even depression and suicidal thoughts
(Hyman, 1996). Even more, antidepressants may not actually work in most cases, for
evidence suggests that depression is likely not solely a neurotransmitter issue. This would
explain why antidepressant medications are not more effective than placebo (both have
~30 percent efficacy rate) in all but severe cases (Fournier et al., 2010).

The PsychopharmacologyCAM Relationship

A holistic practitioner knows that even when the drugs are effective at relieving
symptoms, the underlying cause of the mood problem has still not been addressed. From a
psychology standpoint, it also seems to me that these drugs confer greater long-term
vulnerability by giving the patient the sense that something out of a bottle is needed to feel
healthy. This takes control away from the patientlacking control over our lives is a
central theme in anxiety and depression. I often tell my patients that depression or
anxiety is not a (insert name of drug du jour here) deficiency. Encouraging patients that
they need something from a bottle, whether it is a drug or natural supplement, to stay
balanced and healthy ultimately depletes the sense of control and reinforces anxiety and
Even more, the use of a medication during the hard times does not allow a sufferer
of anxiety or depression to healthily move through the difficult period to gain coping
mechanisms and, ultimately, wisdom. I have worked with patient after patient who
complain how weak they feel when there is a new traumatic life event (loss of a loved one
or job, or moving a household), because they were put on drugs for the last event and
never learned to cope on their own. I have also seen patient after patient who find, even
after years of the initial event, that when they finally get off the medications, the original
feelings of anxiety or depression come right back, necessitating the need for more
This is why the CAM approach of addressing diet, lifestyle, and nutrients is so
important. Medications do serve a purpose and can be miraculous in helping a patient
move through a severely rough patchin some instances, the drugs can be lifesaving.
However, the CAM practitioner, along with the psychotherapist, will be invaluable in
helping your client understand how to support the body to eventually heal, instead of
simply focusing on neurotransmitters and symptoms.
In his book Manufacturing Depression, psychotherapist Gary Greenberg retells an old
joke about an inebriated man dropped his car keys one night in a mostly dark parking lot.
He was looking for them over and over in an area surrounding the only lighted lamppost
that was lit. A police officer came up to him and said, Hey friend, you could have lost
your keys anywhere in this parking lotwhy do you only looking over here? The drunk
man responded, Because the light is better.
As you read this section, please remember that often in medicine we tend to keep
myopically searching where the light is better. The truth is, if neurotransmitters were the
major issue in depression, medications that alter neurotransmitters would work most of the
time. If antianxiety medications healed the underlying causes, people wouldnt relapse.
In this book, I refer to neurotransmitters probably too often. In my defense, I do this
because the available research focuses on theseresearch that is driven mostly by
pharmaceutical sales. Even research to study natural medicines is too often considered
with regard to neurotransmitters and compares them to drugs in that light. Nevertheless,
we can learn from this approach as long as we keep it in perspective as a smaller part of

the whole picture.

Below is a summary of the major neurotransmitters considered when approaching
anxiety and depression. Chapter 4 discusses natural ways to balance these.

Dopamine is considered a monoamine and catecholamine and specifically is the precursor
to epinephrine. It is implicated as a feel good neurotransmitter, where its release causes
euphoria, focused attention to pursue a goal, and a sense of reward.
Evidence from clinical investigations supports the finding that depressed patients have
reduced cerebrospinal levels of homovanillic acid, which is the main metabolite of
dopamine (Robinson & Donald, 2007). Neuroimaging studies of medication-free
depressed patients have found a functional deficiency of synaptic dopamine. Animals
exhibiting learned helplessness behavior show dopamine depletion in the brain areas of
the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens. This depletion can be prevented by
pretreatment with a dopamine agonist. In the forced swim test, another animal model of
depression, the immobility of animals can be reversed by administration of the dopaminenorepinephine reuptake inhibitor nomifensine, as well as by tricyclic antidepressants.
Dopamine antagonists have been shown to block the beneficial effects of antidepressants
in animal models (Meyer et al., 2006). (Agonists are molecules that can dock to receptors
and turn on an effect; antagonists bind to a receptor and block any effect from happening.)
Dopamine also plays an important role in fear and anxiety by modulating the medial
prefrontal cortex activity on the output of the brains amygdala. The amygdalas role is to
help connect life situations with helpful emotional reactions. Dopamine has an important
influence on the movement of impulses between the basolateral and central nuclei of
amygdala (de la Mora et al., 2010). Adequate dopamine effects on the amygdala, and
greater ability of the amygdala to store dopamine, seem to help it communicate best with a
part of the prefrontal cortex called the anterior cingulate cortex, which keeps trait and
baseline anxiety lower (Kienast et al., 2008).

Some Basic Lifestyle and Herbal Methods to Support Dopamine:

Creating a new goal, and planning small steps to achieve that goal.
Meditation: a study in 80 experienced meditation practitioners found meditating can
raise dopamine 65 percent (Kjaer et al., 2002).
Regular daily exercise.
Green tea: a few cups a day.
Eating foods that contain tyrosine and phenylalanine, which are dopamine
precursors: chicken, turkey, eggs, beef, fish, yogurt, tofu, edamame, peanuts, sesame
seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
Mucuna pruriens (see Chapter 4 for more about this herb).

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are stress hormones made in the bodys adrenal glands.
The word epinephrine translates to on the kidney (epi- + nephros), in reference to the
adrenal glands anatomic location. Known as catecholamines, epinephrine and
norepinephrine (called adrenaline and noradrenaline in the United Kingdom) are made in
the outer cortex of the adrenal gland during stress and are responsible for feeling awake,
alert, and motivated. Triggers of epinephrine include danger, surprises, light, temperature,
and excitement. Epinephrine spurs the release of norepinephrine in the brain, which
imparts psychological effects.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine were the first neurotransmitters to be considered in
the mechanism of depression. According to the catecholamine theory of mood, the major
symptoms of depression arise primarily from a deficiency in catecholamine
neurotransmitters between nerve cells in the brain. Increasing catecholamine availability
improves mood and has antidepressant effects (Millan et al., 2006). However, studies on
middle-age adults found that higher levels of depression and anxiety symptoms are related
to increased 24-hour urinary norepineph-rine excretion, showing that depression and
anxiety are associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity (Hughes et al.,
2004). In my experience with patients, those who exhibit depression over many years
usually have low catecholamine levels, while those who have depression with anxiety, or
recent-onset depression, usually have higher catecholamines.
Traditional antidepressants such as the tricyclic antidepressants and the seldom used
monoamine oxidase (MAOI) inhibitors increase concentrations of catecholamine
neurotransmitters in the brain by inhibiting either neurotransmitter reuptake or their
breakdown. The catecholamine theory seems to have some validity, for it has been shown
that these drugs have no effect in mice that cannot make any of their own norepinephrine.

Suggestions for Lowering Epinephrine:

Regular healthy sleep schedule.
Avoiding caffeine.
Ashwagandha and essential fatty acids (see Chapter 4 for these).

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

Like a gentle blanket for the brain, GABA is the primary calming and inhibitory
transmitter in the central nervous system. Low GABA levels and GABA pathophysiology
are associated anxiety, depression, irritability, and sleeplessness (Mhler, 2012).
Interestingly, alcohol seems to stabilize GABA and increase GABA release, which may be
why alcohol has a temporary calming effect.

Some Methods to Naturally Raise GABA:

Teaa specific type called oolong may enhance GABA response (Hossain et al.,

Meditation and relaxation work (see Chapter 5).

Supplemental GABA (see Chapter 4) and valerian (see Chapter 2).

While GABA is the main calming neurotransmitter, the neurotransmitter glutamate is one
of the main excitatory neurotransmitters and also the most common neurotransmitter in
the brain and a major mood player. Glutamate is also a player in the inflammatory process,
where its buildup leads to toxicity and neuronal cell death, contributing to the
pathophysiology of both anxiety and depression. The brains frontal cortex coordinates
planning, decision making, and problem solving. Autopsy studies found elevated
glutamate levels and more inflammation in the frontal cortex of depressed patients
(Czyzewski, 2007) compared with those without depression. Stress will disrupt normal
balance and clearance of glutamate. High-carbohydrate diets lead to impaired glutamate
signaling and increased oxidative damage in the brain.
Glutamate binds to the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Drugs that block
NMDA receptors have a strong antidepressant effect. Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that
has hallucinogenic properties. Known on the street as special K, ketamine is an NMDA
glutamate receptor antagonist, which effectively blocks NMDA receptors. Besides its
recreational effects, ketamine has been shown to have an amazing antidepressant effect
within 3 days of use (Berman et al., 2000)the quickest-acting antidepressant known.
Unfortunately, ketamine has a very high side effect profile and is limited by
psychomimetic side effects (psychosis, delusions, and delirium) and high abuse potential.

Natural Methods to Balance Glutamate:

Avoid foods that contain monosodium glutamate.
Stress reduction techniques: acupuncture, meditation, yoga, mindfulness-based stress
Minimize intake of simple carbohydrates.
Avoid environmental toxic metal exposure.

Oxytocin is the neurotransmitter best associated with feelings of love, meaningful touch,
cuddling, and combating anxiety. Oxytocin helps reduce hyperactivity of the amygdala (a
fear center of the brain) and helps block the perception of a threatening environment. High
levels of oxytocin are consistent with bonding experiences, regular community interaction,
and consistent social engagement. Oxytocin can even be released by petting a dog. Those
who trust are able to release appropriate amounts of oxytocin, whereas humans who have
social anxiety disorder have dysregulated oxytocin.
Oxytocin may play a dual role in the effect of social situations, reinforcing both
positive and negative experiences. Adults who were abused in early life show lowered
levels of oxytocin (Heim et al., 2009). Mice tested in stressful situations that did not have

oxytocin receptors seemed not to show fear when the events were repeated, whereas those
with working oxytocin receptors remembered interactions with aggressive mice and
remained fearful (Guzmn et al., 2013).
Intranasal administration of oxytocin has shown to substantially increase trust among
humans (Kosfeld et al., 2005). Oxytocin preparations are currently being tested as
antianxiety drugs in several clinical trials (Hofman, 2013).

Natural Methods to Increase Oxytocin:

Receiving a massage
Hugging others and physical intimacy
Cooking aromatic foods and then eating them
Physical activity and exercise
Community and social involvement
Lithium supplementation (see Chapter 4)

The focal point for many antidepressant and anxiety drugs, serotonin (5hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) has a widespread cellular distribution in the body and brain. It
is considered to be calming and important for best sleep and appetite. Gaining confidence
and feeling respect also trigger serotonin. High levels can promote agitation.
Interestingly, serotonin was originally discovered as the molecule that allowed the
clam adductor muscle to remain chronically tight to keep its shell closed while expending
minimal energy. Serotonin is found in many tissues, including blood platelets, intestinal
mucosa, and the central nervous system. Some biologists called this molecule enteramine
(entera refers to the gut) due to its high levels in squid and octopus digestive tracts; other
researchers who found it in the blood named it serotonin. About 90 percent of our
serotonin supply is found in the digestive tracta likely connection between mood
disorder and digestive dysfunction. With this pleiotropism (effects throughout the body),
serotonin is implicated in many physiologic effects, including inhibition of gastric
secretion (stopping enzymes needed for digestion), stimulation of smooth muscles (which
can lead to diarrhea), vasoconstriction (tightening vessels for higher blood pressure), brain
communication, and mood effect.
While there are numerous receptors for serotonin, this section focuses on 5-HT1A, the
receptor for anxiety. Studies in mice showed that without the receptor they were much
more prone to anxiety as adults (Donaldson et al., 2014). People may be predisposed to
anxiety if serotonin levels are low. Serotonin is a likely factor in oxytocin levels, as there
is evidence that oxytocin exerts anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) effects via oxytocin
receptors expressed in serotonergic neurons (Yoshida et al., 2009). SSRI (selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors) antidepressants preferentially increase serotonin levels by
inhibiting its breakdown.

Serotonin was linked to depression in a landmark study by Coppen et al. (1965), who
postulated serotonins involvement in depressive illness. Serotonins involvement may be
due to low production, downregulation of its receptors, inability of serotonin to reach the
receptor sites, or a shortage of tryptophan substrate (tryptophan is the amino acid the body
uses to make serotonin). But serotonin is not the only actor on the depression stage. Some
research suggests that synaptic depletion of serotonin may promote a fall in
norepinephrine levels. Prange et al. (1974) wrote about the possibilities that alterations in
mood were due to a deficit of serotonin plus either a deficit or excess of norepinephrine.
This dual neurotransmitter approach lives on today in the debate as to whether single
(SSRIs) or dual (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) uptake blockers are
actually more effective in treating depression. Interestingly, the serotonin hypothesis of
depression presumes that depression is caused by a serotonin deficiency. It is not well
known that this has actually never been shown to be true. In fact, to confuse the situation,
tianeptine, a medication that acts as a serotonin antagonist and decreases serotonin effects,
is as effective as the SSRIs (Maas et al., 1984; Wagstaff et al., 2001). This tells us we still
have a lot to learn about serotonin.

How to Naturally Enhance Serotonin:

Focusing on those who love and respect you, as well as working on increasing selfesteem
Good sleep
Morning bright light
Supplemental tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan (see Chap-ter 4)
Supplemental melatonin at night (see Chapter 2)


The preceding section discussed the main neurotransmitters for brain chemistry and mood.
This section shifts gears to look at a factor in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons
and cognitive decline and discusses how common environmental toxins such as heavy
metals, bisphenol A from plastics, and pesticides can build up in the brain and nervous
system and be a contributing factor to anxiety and depression. A controversial subject,
there is relatively little information about the role toxins play in mood disorders. Hence,
there is widespread disagreement as to the benefit of treatment. As we learn more, this
subject will likely be at the vanguard of helping to balance mood.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Conventional medicine generally does not commonly consider neurologic problems with
heavy metal toxicity, save for clear cause-and-effect situations. One example of such cause
and effect is of lead paint exposure in children. Plentiful evidence shows that lead will
cause insomnia, irritability, nervousness, aggressive behavior, and unwanted anxiety and
depression-like symptoms.
CAM doctors and holistic clinicians are often criticized by mainstream care for

treating metal toxicity because clear evidence does not warrant this approach except in
clear-cut massive exposures. Nevertheless, this is a subject worth discussing. Emerging
information reveals that toxic exposures can accumulate insidiously over time to cause
slow degeneration of brain and nervous system tissue, resulting in more subtle mood
dysregulation in predisposed individuals. Long-term heavy metal exposure may lead to
apoptotic events (neuronal suicide) in susceptible brain and nervous system tissue. In an
epidemiologic study, Stokes et al. (1998) compared 281 young adults who had
environmental lead exposure as children with 287 nonexposed control subjects. Exposed
subjects had significantly more neuropsychiatric symptoms 20 years after initial exposure.
The metals most commonly associated with depression are cadmium, lead (Shih et al.,
2006), and mercury (Siblerud, 1989). These heavy metals are very common in our
environment. Industry, dental amalgams, welding work, cigarettes, and galvanized water
pipes are common sources. Natural medicines have even been implicated, as
contamination of Ayurvedic (Saper et al., 2004) and Chinese herbs (Ko et al., 1998) has
caused documented heavy metal exposures. Some preparations, such as rinchen rilbu
(Precious Pills) used in Tibetan medicine purposefully contain trace amounts of
hundreds of ingredients, including mercury, gold, and iron.
Heavy metals create clear mechanistic changes in physiology. They deplete
antioxidant reserves, which leads to inflammatory reactions and oxidative stress (Flora,
Mehta, & Gupta., 2008). These metals have high affinity for thiol (sulfur) groups found
within enzymes and proteins and impair cell function by inhibiting their normal metabolic
workings. Metals that are lipophilic (able to go across fat membranes) are able to cross the
blood-brain barrier easily and attach themselves to fatty myelin sheaths, as well as cell
membranes (Nagamura et al., 2002). For example, if we eat oils or fish with heavy metals,
these can easily get into the body and the brain. Once there, inflammatory levels in the
brain skyrocket and contribute to mood disorder. In a cyclic fashion, inflammation further
makes brain cells more vulnerable to a number of toxins.
The brain uses a very elaborate system to remove glutamate, a neurotransmitter that
can be very toxic to brain cells. Mercury, aluminum, and other toxins can easily damage
the reuptake proteins the brain uses to remove glutamate, thus rendering the brain cells
more easily damaged (Aschner et al., 2007; Allen, 2002). Inflammation causes excess
immune cytokine production, which can also affect these reuptake proteins, allowing
smaller amounts of toxin to have a greater effect. This creates a cycle of toxicity,
oxidation, and inflammation that becomes hard to break.
Symptoms of anxiety and depression caused by heavy metals
Exposure to mercury can give rise to the symptoms and traits often found in autistic
individuals (Bernard et al., 2001). Heavy metals may contribute to anxiety as mercury is
known to inhibit COMT, the enzyme discussed above that is needed to break down
epinephrine. Evidence suggests that mercury will also inactivate the methionine/SAMe
pathway needed to produce healthy neurotransmitter levels. (The SAMe pathway is
discussed in Chapter 4.)
Self-registered symptoms of patients with mercury intolerance have revealed many

commonalities with serotonin dysregulation (Mills, 1997), although test tube (in vitro)
studies of mercury do not clearly show how mercury may regulate serotonin regulation to
correlate to the psychosomatic symptoms (Marcusson, Cederbrant, & Gunnarsson, 2000).
It may involve more inflammation and glutamate upregulation than serotoninmore
needs to be learned.
Careful clinical history and presentation of specific symptoms may help the
practitioner suspect toxicity. History of clinical exposure preceding symptoms would be a
simple clue. Below is a short list of the most common symptoms. Certain compounds are
specifically associated with other comorbidities, which may clues in the practitioner as to
which metal may be playing a role (Bongiorno, 2010).

Symptoms Associated with Heavy Metal Poisoning:


Adverse Health Effects Associated with Heavy Metals:

Lead: parkinsonism, cognitive decline, lower IQ, learning difficulties in children
Mercury: cognitive decline, mood problems, heart conditions, hypertension, infertility,
immune dysfunction
Cadmium: osteoporosis, kidney damage, cancer
Arsenic: diabetes
How to test for metal toxicity
Clinicians can screen patients for heavy metal presence via hair, urine, or blood tests. Hair
testing may be a valuable tool for evaluating methylmercury exposure but does not show
the burden of elemental mercury in the body. Blood tests for heavy metals were initially
developed by industry to document acute exposure. As a result, checking the blood for
heavy metals is useful for current and acute high exposure but does not show past
exposure, nor does it illustrate total body burden, meaning how much has settled out of the
blood and into the tissues (Crinnion, 2009).
Urine tests can be done by simply checking the urine for the presence of metals, or by
provocation, where the client first takes chelating agents (molecules that help pull metals
out of the tissues and back into the blood, where it filters out into the urine). Urine tests
without provocation will show current toxic exposure. Provocative tests using a heavymetal chelating agent such as oral dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or intravenous 2,3dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) will help assess if there is body burden of the

metal. It is important to note that these tests are not controlled and do not suggest a
reliable reference range. As such, it is unclear how accurate this is as a test for body
burden. Unlike blood sugar tests, where there is a known standard and reference range,
these chelation tests do not necessarily tell us whether a persons burden is
supraphysiologic and pathologic to the level of causing disease (Hibbs, J., personal
communication, 2013). Much more research and calibration are needed before these tests
reliably assess metal body burden in a way that allows us to use this test as truly
diagnostic. Nevertheless, for a patient with depression or anxiety that has not been helped
by other dietary, lifestyle, and supplemental means, metal testing and detoxification may
be a valuable next step.
If it decided to try to remove heavy metals from the body, chelation choices include
foods and supplements with chelation properties, oral chelation, intravenous chelation, and
rectal suppository chelation.
The characteristics of an ideal chelator include the following:
Affinity for the toxic metal
Low toxicity itself
Ability to penetrate cell membranes
Rapid elimination of metal
High water solubility
It should be noted that some vitamins have a known protective role during metal
chelation. In theory, when a person is being administrated chelation, release of the heavy
metals may increase oxidant burden. Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) is a fatsoluble vitamin known to be one of the most potent endogenous (made-in-the-body)
antioxidants. Tocopherols and tocotrienols comprising vitamin E are potent, lipid-soluble,
chain-breaking antioxidants that may prevent the propagation of free radical reactions.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant occurring in the body as an ascorbic anion that
acts as a scavenger of free radicals and plays an important role in regeneration of the
tocopherols. Supplementation with ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol has been known to
alter the extent of DNA damage in arsenic-intoxicated animals (Ramanathan et al., 2005).
Coadministration of antioxidants with another chelating agent has shown to improve
removal of toxic metals from the system, as well as achieve better and faster clinical
recoveries in animal models (Flora, Mittal, & Mehta, 2008).
There is unfortunately scant human clinical research studies supporting the use of
chelation for any disease at this time. Anecdotal reports of patients (including a number I
have seen myself) who have had chelation for mood care have noted less depression, more
alertness, and better memory. As of this writing, there are no known published studies of
chelation to treat any mood disorder. While a systemic review by Seely, Wu & Mills
(2005) found that controlled scientific studies did not support chelation therapy for heart
disease, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)
begun in 2003 and completed six years later did find a very modest benefit for heart

disease. This trial used a treatment originally used to remove lead from the body: officebased, intravenous disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na2EDTA), a chelating
substance that binds to lead and other heavy metals and removes them from the body
through the urine. Post-heart-attack patients older than 50 who were administered 40
chelation infusions experienced 18 percent fewer cardiovascular events (a nonsignificant
value) versus placebo in five years, and chelation was found to be safe (Lamas et al.,
2013). This is interesting, for there are a number of underlying factors common to
depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular diseaseparticularly regarding inflammation in
the blood. Unfortunately, these studies did not track mood changes. Hopefully, future
studies will look at possible mood benefits.

Chemical Toxicity
Besides the ubiquity of metals, another environmental concern is the various chemical
assaults that may also lead to depression. These often hail from the use plastics,
insecticides, herbicides, and the thousands of other industrial and household chemicals.
These chemicals are known contributors to diabetes, obesity, cancers, and hormonal
challenges. These chemicals, found in the plastics that line our food packaging, receipts,
water pipes, and medical tubing, are easily brought into the body and enter directly into
the blood.
Often referred to as endocrine disruptors, bisphenols occur in plastics and act as synthetic
estrogens, increasing anxiety and depression, especially in kids. Females exposed
prenatally to high levels of bisphenol A (BPA) are more likely to be anxious, depressed,
and hyperactive by age 3 (Perera et al., 2012). Exposure in the womb or during early
childhood in boys correlates with anxiety issues by age 7. Exposure by age 5 correlates
with hyperactivity, internalizing challenges, anxiety, depression, inattention, and attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder in both girls and boys by age 7 (Harley et al., 2013). Boys
were affected with greater levels of aggressive behavior. These effects are comparable to
those found in other research on high exposure to toxins such as lead, mercury, and
Pesticides and solvents
The primary toxic action of pesticides and solvents is disrupting healthy neurologic
function. In addition to being neurotoxic, these compounds are particularly harmful to
both the immune and endocrine (hormonal) systems (Crinnion, 2000). As discussed in
Chapter 4, the production of the methyl group donor SAMe is integral for neurotransmitter
production and mood regulation. SAMe pathway function is inhibited by both heavy
metals and pesticides,. Vitamin B12 is a necessary component of the SAMe pathway and
is itself reliant on the master body antioxidant glutathione for its own methylation. Excess
oxidative stressors like pesticides and heavy metals deplete glutathione, which places B12
production in jeopardy (Watson, Munter, & Golding, 2004). Insufficient B12 production
eventually leads to insufficient production of neurotransmitters. According to the World
Health Organization, higher concentrations of a class of pesticides called

organophosphates correlated with regions with higher rates of suicide and severe anxiety
disorders (Zhang et al., 2009).
Table 3.1 Sources of Toxins and How to Avoid Them
Heavy metals


Bisphenol A


How to avoid


Take off shoes at entrance of home


Use air filtration in home, or at least in the bedroom


Eat low-mercury fish


Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke

Dental fillings

Avoid mercury or amalgam fillings

Water pipers

Change water pipes

Drinking water

Drink well-filtered water


Rinse rice; purchase California-grown rice


Check for contamination


Limit vaccines to only those absolutely necessary


Try natural deodorants


Eat organic foods as much as possible


Avoid pesticide use on lawn, in household, and on yard plants


Use glass and stainless steel containers


Avoid and wash hands after touching receipts


Minimize foods in plastics and plastic-lined cans; especially avoid #7 plastic

Intravenous glutathione may be a solution, albeit a temporary one, to naturally relieve

mood disorder. Davies (2008) cites anecdotal evidence of over 100 depressed patients in a
private naturopathic practice who have received intravenous glutathione. Glutathione
supports the SAMe pathway by helping to create the intermediate complex
glutathionylcobalamin, which is needed to keep B12 methylated. Davies (2008) reports
these treatments have temporary results, which suggests that glutathione may not actually
aid the removal of toxins but instead may reduce inflammation and help push the folatemethionine cycle for a limited time.
Table 3.1 summarizes sources and methods to avoid toxins in the environment that
may factor into depression and anxiety.


Effective Supplements for Anxiety and Depression

Case Study: Deanna
Deanna was a 35-year-old female who came to see me after spending eight years
dealing with alternating bouts of anxiety and depression along with constant
weight gain and, most recently, sleeplessness. She had seen a host of both
conventional and natural medicine practitioners. When she came to see me she
was taking Celexa, trazodone at night, SAMe, theanine, fish oils, valerian, B
complex, vitamin C, and Bach Flower Remedies. She told me she thought the
Celexa did help her stay less anxious during the day, and the trazodone knocked
her out at night enough to get four or five hours of uninterrupted sleep.
For her first visit, we discussed diet, sleep rituals, lifestyle, exercise, and her
supplements. Regarding her diet, Deanna and I rearranged her food intake, for
generally she ate too many carbohydrates (even though they were healthier ones
like bananas, yogurt, granola)which may have played a part by creating a yo-yo
effect with her blood sugar and mood. We added a good protein shake in the
morning and made sure she ate some kind of protein in the afternoon (e.g., fish,
beans, or poultry) to go with her daily lunchtime salad. She committed to get back
to her exercise regimen, which she loved, but got too busy for. We spent most of
the time discussing all the supplements she was taking. When I asked her which
ones were helping her the most, she stared at me with a blank look. So, I
recommended she remove each of them (except for the fish oils), one every four
days. At first she told me she was so surprised that naturopath would tell me not
to take supplements and then confided that she was a bit scared to let them go.
I told her it was clear to me that if any of them were getting the job done, she
would not have made a visit to see me. So, she agreed to try my approach.
Deanna returned in a month feeling about 30 percent better, with much less
anxiety, but still the low mood persisted. We discussed the need for meditation,
added a multiple vitamin, increased her fish oil amount, and started a probiotic.
She returned in two weeks and proclaimed her anxiety may have increased a bit,
but the depression was lifting. In fact, at this visit, she was more worried about the
weight gain she sustained over the last eight years simply from eating too much.
While she blamed herself repeatedly, I reminded her that high levels of stress and
cortisol, as well as the Celexa, are probably at fault for the weight issues. I also
reminded her that blaming and beating herself up regularly will have to give way
to talking nicely to herselfsomething her therapist had already started working
on with her. At that point I took out a bottle of 50 mg 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP). Because the moderately helpful Celexa artificially raises serotonin, I was
thinking using some 5-HTP to help her body naturally produce more might do the
trick. I told her I thought it may be the perfect choice for her for it is helpful as an
appetite suppressant for weight loss, helps her stay asleep (two items not

accomplished by Celexa), and works well for depression and anxietyshe fit the
picture perfectly for this particular natural remedy. We started at 50 mg three times
a day between meals for the first week and went up to 100 mg three times a day. By
the third week, she was 90 percent betterand claimed it would be a 100 percent,
but her job stress was high at the time. Within two months, her job stressed passed,
she stayed at 100 percent, and began weaning off her medications over the course
of two months. Within six months she no longer needed the 5-HTP and kept feeling
well using diet, lifestyle, good sleep, and meditation.
As Deanna already knew, there are a plethora of effective and promising supplements for
the patient with anxiety and depression. There are more choices than the average patient
could possibly try or tolerate. It is confusing to both practitioners and patients alike when
deciding which may be the best. This chapter is designed to summarize both the available
research-based evidence and the traditional use of these natural medicines. It will also, in
naturopathic fashion, underscore particular clinical facets of each remedy to help best
match the therapy for anxiety and depression.
When considering a supplement for the client with anxiety or depression, it is vital to
keep in mind that supplementation should rarely be the focus of any holistic therapeutic
regimen. This book has already outlined the overall determinants for health: sleep, diet,
exercise, lifestyle, and toxin consideration. With Deanna, we had to reset her diet and
lifestyle a bit. Even though the 5-HTP was the clincher, the setup of diet and lifestyle were
a likely key to help the 5-HTP works its best. The determinants of health help balance and
treat the myriad underlying causes of anxiety and depression. Like drugs, supplements by
themselves will not likely get to the underlying cause. Having said this, choosing the right
supplements for the right patient may prove to be mood balancing and create the desired
health effect with much less chance of side effects than their pharmaceutical mates.
According to Your Dictionary (2013), supplement is defined as something added, esp.
to make up for a lack or deficiency. This is a succinct and effective definition, for it
emphasizes the reasonable use of supplementation when deficiency is suspected. In
comparison, the word medication is defined as substance for curing or healing, or for
relieving pain. So, to compare the two, a supplement helps mitigate deficiency, whereas
medications can be used to cure. Depending on the use of a supplement, it may satisfy
either or both criteria. Supplements are typically used to correct a deficiency or for
optimization of nutrient levels. However, certain supplements in proper doses may also act
more like medication, often when prescribed in larger pharmacologic, rather than
physiologic, doses.
Please note that most supplements described in this chapter also have food sources
listed. If a patient is suspected to need a specific amount of a supplement, I encourage the
holistic provider to also give that patient a list of healthy, whole foods, when available,
that also focus on that nutritional element. As the patient learns to enjoy these foods, he or
she will need to rely less and less on supplementation. It should always be noted that
supplements, like drugs, should not be viewed as the cure but merely one step, of many
healthful steps, to return the body and mind to balance.

The tables in appendix IV summarize the various supplements that can be considered
for patients with anxiety or depression, which are described in further detail below. In
particular, Table IV.1 lists general supplementation that should be considered for all
patients with anxiety or depression.


The brain is made of mostly fats. Communities high in fish intake have low levels of
anxiety and depressive illness. The word essential in nutrition means that the body needs
to take something in for it cannot make its own. Essential fatty acid intake reduces stress
hormones and perceived stress (Barbadoro et al., 2013). Very few of us take enough
essential fats to combat our stressful world.

Fish Oil
Fish oil is an important source of essential fatty acids and can be used to help form healthy
brain and nervous tissue, and thus healthy mood. Numerous works have acknowledged
likely benefit of using fish oil as first-line therapy or adjunctive care for anxiety and/or
depression. Fish oil helps normalizes the membranes of brain tissues and simultaneously
supports and calms the adrenal system during anxious and stressful times (Delarue et al.,
2003), as well as encouraging a healthy cardiovascular system. Fish oil supports the
nervous system by increasing nerve growth factor, a protein needed for the growth and
repair of brain and nervous tissue (Thuret et al., 2007). Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty
acids known as eicosapentatoic acid (EPA) and docohexanenoic acid (DHA). EPA and
DHA have a long list of attributes that support mood and the nervous system (Song,
Zhang, & Manku, 2009).
One of the most potent effects of fish oil is as global (throughout the body) antiinflammatory. All cell membranes, including those of the immune system, are made of
fats. Ingestion of too many saturated fats (the kind from grain-fed red meats and fried
foods, sometimes referred to as omega-6 fats) make these membranes too rigid and
inflexible. When they are too rigid, they can break off and cause greater inflammation in
the body. Fish oils have unsaturated fats and create an immune system that is less able to
get over inflamed.

Figure 4.1. Dietary influence on cell membrane structure and function.

Some Benefits of Fish Oil

Nerve growth factor enhancer
Inflammation balance
Adrenal gland support
Cardiovascular support
Patients with both anxiety and depression report having mood-damaging imbalances in
omega-3 fats, including significantly low EPA and DHA in cell tissues such as red blood
cell membrane and plasma, as well as inadequate dietary intake. The lowest levels of EPA
and DHA predict the presence and severity of anxiety symptoms in patients with
depression (Liu et al., 2013).
Besides having low omega-3 fats, patients with depression have been shown to have
an overabundance of arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) compared with omega-3
fats (Adams, Lawson, & Sanigorski, 1996). Arachidonic acid comes from eating too many
saturated fats. Lowering saturated fat intake while bringing in more fish oil helps create a
more balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. More balanced ratios will not only lower
inflammation but also reduce the excessive clotting ability of platelets, which can
potentially decrease the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. Given the relationship
between depressive disorders and cardiovascular disease, it is possible omega-3 fatty acid
deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels (discussed in Chapter 3), could be links

between these two debilitating diseases (Severus, Littman, & Stoll, 2001).
Positron emission tomography (PET) in depressed subjects has shown low fatty acid
content in specific brain regions that suffer from insufficient glucose metabolism. In an
uncontrolled study of 29 unmedicated depressed subjects, in which those subjects with
lower levels of EPA and DHA had relatively poor glucose usage in the brains
temporoparietal lobe, Sublette et al. (2009) posited that low fatty acids discourage proper
glucose metabolism in the temporoparietal area and may have an effect on depressionrelated cognitive problems, such as decision making and conflict resolution. The study
also suggested that low levels of DHA promoted hyperfunction of the anterior cingulate
and prefrontal cortex, areas known to be overactive in people with both depression and
anxiety. DHA can calm these areas.
Fish oil studies in humans
People without diagnosed anxiety are shown to benefit from the anxiolytic (anxietybreaking) properties of fish oil in times of stressa reason we should probably all be
taking some. Medical students are a well-known stressed-out group. Supplementation of
2.5 g/day of fish oil (2,000 mg EPA and about 350 mg DHA) or placebo given to 68
chronically stressed medical students in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized
controlled trial showed 14 percent lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as
interleukin-6, and a 20 percent reduction in anxiety symptoms versus those who took a
placebo over a 12-week period. It is not known if longer-term supplementation would
increase the beneficial results. I give many talks at medical schools throughout the
country, where I have presented this information and challenged the skeptical students to
give it try. Numerous students have later reported how they really did feel the difference
after taking fish oil.
A number of clinical studies support the use of fish oil for depression (Freeman, 2000).
One 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial by Su et al. (2003) gave 28 depressed
patients 6.6 g/day of fish oil or placebo, in addition to typical pharmaceutical and/or
psychotherapy treatments. Patients taking the fish oil showed significantly improved
ratings with the Hamilton Depression Inventory versus the placebo group. Su et al.
suggested one reason for the benefit is fish oils ability to install itself into neuronal
membranes and support healthy electrical signal movement.
In a randomized double-blind controlled trial of 22 patients with major depressive
disorder, Nemets et al. (2002) found highly significant benefits with the addition of the
omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo. These benefits were apparent by the third
week of treatment. In a double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial (da Silva et al., 2008),
31 Parkinsons patients with depression took omega-3 fatty acids for 3 months along with
their antidepressant pharmaceutical therapy. Patients taking fish oil showed a clear
increase of omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cell membranes, and these patients showed
clear improvements in depressive symptoms. Tajalizadekhoob et al. (2011), in another
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, gave low-dose fish oil therapy in 66
senior patients (1,000 mg total, breaking down to about 300 mg each of EPA and DHA),
who showed clinical benefit and much greater effect over placebo, and clear differences in

the Geriatric Depression scales after removing confounding factors such as body mass,
thyroid dysfunction, and cholesterol. While omega-3 fatty acids have a clear albeit modest
effect on anxiety, an 8-week trial using 1,050 mg/day EPA and 150 mg/day DHA
suggested that those depressed patients without comorbid anxiety symptoms had a better
positive response than patients who also exhibited anxiety (Lesprance et al., 2011).
Double-blind placebo-controlled studies have also shown that omega-3 consumption is
associated with a longer remission period in depressed patients (Parker et al., 2006).
For other mood-related disorders, Peet et al. (2002) found that 2 g/day of ethyl-EPA
was the optimal dose for schizophrenia, another difficult-to-treat mood disorder. Fish oil
also showed the ability to greatly reduce distress symptoms and basal cortisol secretion in
abstinent alcoholics (Barbadoro et al., 2013), and 2,000 mg EPA lowered anxiety and
anger scores in substance abusers (Buydens-Branchey et al., 2008). A 12-week study of
bipolar depression showed that 1 or 2 g/day of ethyl-EPA significantly outperformed
placebo based on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Clinical Global
Impression Scale (Frangou, Lewis, & McCrone, 2006). Research is often completed on
patentable forms of natural substances, such as ethyl-EPA, so that the compound can be
treated as a drug and be called FDA approved. They thus can garner a higher price, as
well as prescription status. As of this writing, it is not clear that ethyl-EPA has any greater
benefit over high-quality, more natural fish oil versions.
There is also evidence that fish oil may benefit people who fail to respond to standard
antidepressant medications (discussed in Chap-ter 6).
Fish oil dosage
While dosages vary in different studies, a typical dosage of fish oil is 1,000 mg/day of
EPA and about 800 mg/day of DHA. Read the fish oil label closelyif it does not break
down the numbers, then purchase another one that does.
Also of note, you should encourage your clients to look for high-quality,
pharmaceutical-grade fish oils only, for the lesser quality versions may have an increased
chance of rancidity, as well as toxins and impurities. Because of our poor environmental
stewardship of our seas, fish are at risk of high contaminant levels (mercury and other
metals, dioxins, PCBs, etc.). Encouraging your client to purchase fish oil from a highquality company is important. These companies use molecular distillation and assure their
oil is certified contaminant-free. Molecular distillation to clear fish oil of contaminants is
easily achieved by a company of integrity.
A small percentage of patients may experience reflux with fish oil, in which case they
can try dosing with or away from a meal, either of which may resolve symptoms. Also,
some patients report that capsules are better tolerated, while others think the liquid oil is
best for them. Anecdotally, some patients report capsules kept in the refrigerator or freezer
tend to minimize reflux or fishy breath. If none of the above ideas work to eliminate reflux
effectively, try enteric-coated capsules. I recommend liquid fish oil taken from the a spoon
if possible for three reasons: (1) capsules are significantly bigger to swallow and more
expensive; (2) oil directly on the tongue sends a signal to the lower digestive tract to most
adequately prepare for fat digestion; and (3) and most important, your grandmother

probably recommended it this way.

Safety of fish oil
Fish oil is extremely safe to take (Kroes et al., 2003). Because of the concern of its
anticlotting effect (commonly referred to as blood thinning), it is prudent to monitor
clotting factors (using the blood tests thrombin time, prothrombin time, and INR) closely
if considering fish oil supplementation along with anticlotting medication. I recommend
discussing with the prescribing doctor about slowly adding the fish oil and checking
clotting factors regularly until up to the full dose to give time for any medication
adjustment, if needed. When using both together, it is important to stay consistent with the
daily fish oil and medication intake. Actually, one recent study suggests fish oil does not
have a negative effect on bleeding times during surgery (Kepler et al., 2012), so the
concern may be exaggerated, but until we have more studies, it is important to be safe.
Many of my male patients contacted me due to one highly publicized report that fish
oil increased rates of prostate cancer (Brasky et al., 2013). This was an extremely poorly
designed study which surmised that higher levels of fish oils in the blood caused a 43
percent increase in low-grade prostate cancer, and an alarming 71 percent increase of
high-grade cancer. The problem with this study is it was designed only to look at vitamin
E and selenium intake, and never asked any of the volunteers about fish, and it based its
conclusion on one sole time point of another 6 year study. Also, 80 percent of the men
with prostate cancer were obese, a known factor for increasing risk of prostate cancer.
Numerous studies previously have shown only safety. In fact, previous reports suggest
decreases in prostate cancer risk (Terry et al., 2001; Augustsson et al., 2003). Another,
unpublicized meta-analysis of 21 studies, with almost 1 million participants, reported that
consumption of fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduces breast cancer
occurrence (Zheng et al., 2013).
Natural fish oil food sources
Fish is by far the number one source for fish oil (big surprise). One small study supports
the notion that portions of salmon or tuna twice weekly may be as effective as fish oil
supplementation to raise fatty acid levels. Other studies show that intake through food
may also allow for better omega-3 absorption (Harris et al., 2007; Elvevoll et al., 2006).
Small fish such as anchovies, herring, and sardines are also potent omega-3 sources.
Larger fish such as tuna, shark, swordfish, mackerel, and salmon may be contaminated
with mercury and harmful pesticides, so caution regarding origination is important when
choosing caught fish (please see list of low-mercury fishes in Chapter 2). Chicken, eggs,
and beef can also be sources of omega-3 fatty acids if the animals eat green plants and not
just grains. Restraint-free grass-fed animals are recommended.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Related to fatty acids, another known factor in mood resides in some depressed peoples
genetic inability to manufacture enough prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), an immune system
molecule that is important for best mood. Derived from EPA, PGE1 helps maintain
neurotransmitter levels in the brain to support positive mood and calm. The first step to

create this molecule is with an enzyme called delta-6-desaturase. It helps linoleic acid
convert to the omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). If delta-6-desaturase is
impaired for any reason, mood can declineusually more toward depression.
Besides boosting mood, PGE1 also helps the cardiovascular system by decreasing
clotting and lowering inflammation in the blood vessels. When PGE1 is low, it may also
contribute to an increased risk of heart attacks and stroke, lead to high blood pressure, and
contribute to nervous tissue degeneration.
The delta-6-desaturase enzyme can also be deficient or inhibited in people with
diabetes or obesity, in older people, and when there is too much insulin in the blood or too
much coffee, trans-fatty acids (hydrogenated oils), or alcohol is consumed. Experiments in
rats suggest that prolonged stress also inhibits activity of this enzyme (Hibbeln & Salen,
1995). In these circumstances, taking supplemental GLA can be helpful (Horrobin, 1993).
The nutrients vitamin B6, zinc, and magnesium are cofactors in this reaction.

Figure 4.2. The gamma linolenic acid PGE1 pathway.

Delta-6-desaturase enzyme deficiency is especially common in people whose ancestry
is 25 percent or higher Celtic Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian, or Native Indian origin,
and it is known these groups do have higher rates of alcoholism. Ever wonder why
alcoholics like to drink? Well, it might be because it helps them feel better, temporarily

theres a link between alcoholism and this enzyme deficiency. In people predisposed,
alcohol can temporarily stimulate production of PGE1 and help lift mood. But with
cessation of alcohol, PGE1 levels fall again and depression returns. For some individuals,
this will result in looking for alcohol as a way to get away momentarily from depression,
thus contributing to an unhealthy cycle.
Even those individuals without delta-6-desaturase enzyme deficiency can deplete
dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid with repeated drinking by preventing timely replenishment
from linoleic acid. These individuals will also find the need for more and more alcohol to
transiently increase PGE1 to lift mood (Greeley, 2000, chap. 11).
Supplemental GLA, in the form of evening primrose or borage oil, is easily converted
to PGE1. For alcoholics, this can help support better mood and discourage the need to
drink for relief. Premenstrual symptoms such as breast tenderness with feelings of
depression, as well as irritability, swelling, and bloating from fluid retention, may also be
indications for GLA supplementation (Horrobin, 1983).
Dosage and toxicity of GLA
The best indication for GLA would be for a depressed individual with alcoholic tendency,
and for those who are Celtic Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian, or Native American
origin. Good sources of GLA include evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, and
borage oil. Dosage of GLA ranges from 1,000 mg to 2,500 mg once a day, whereas
evening primrose oil is usually dosed between 4,000 mg and 8,000 mg/day. Doses of GLA
>3,000 mg/day should be avoided due to possible exaggerated arachidonic acid levels,
which may exacerbate inflammatory reactions (Yam, Eliraz, & Berry, 1996). GLA
supplementation should not be used in patients with epileptic history, those with prostate
cancer risk, or those who are pregnant (Hawkins & Ehrlich, 2011).
The only known food sources of GLA are black currants.

Vegan Oils
The benefits of fish oils are multiple. The question then is, can practicing vegans get the
same benefits by taking vegan oils? Vegan fatty acids have not been well studied in mood
disorder. Plant foods are relatively low in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and higher in
linoleic acid, an omega-6 fat. And these need to be converted to EPA and DHA in the body
to have the mood benefits. Because fish oil already has EPA and DHA, it is likely that fish
oil may be more beneficial than the plant oils. Also, some people do not do as good a job
at making the conversion, which may predispose to mood problems.
For vegan oil dosage, an ALA intake of roughly 4 g/day is optimal. This level should
provide enough to ensure that significant amounts of EPA and DHA are formed by the
body. (Conversion rates are known to be around 510 percent for EPA and 25 percent for
DHA.) However, it is also important for vegetarians to ensure that their intake of linoleic
acid is not too high compared with ALA because a higher intake of linoleic acid interferes
with the process in which the human body converts ALA into the even more beneficial
EPA and DHA. An LA-to-ALA ratio of around 41 or slightly lower is considered to be
the optimal (Vegetarian Society, 2009).

Food sources of vegan oils

The best sources of vegan omega-3 fats are found in flaxseed, rape seed oil, walnuts, and
tofu. Table IV.5 in Appendix IV reviews plant-derived oils that can be helpful for mood.

Chapter 3 established the importance of digestive function for mood balance. One aspect
of optimal digestive health relies on its main resident: the gastrointestinal microbiome.
The microbiome includes all the microorganisms that inhabitant our digestive tractabout
100 trillion bacteria. A healthy microbiome starts with vaginal birth: as the baby
transcends the birth canal, the probiotics in the mothers vaginal fluid enter the babys
mouth and begin its healthful colonization of the digestive tract. It is possible that the high
caesarian birth rate in the United States may be contributing to anxiety and depression due
to lack of probiotic transference.
Gut bacteria, including both the healthy flora and pathogenic bacteria, can activate
neural pathways and central nervous system signaling systems (Foster & McVey Neufield,
2013). The microbiome contributes to the bidirectional communication between the
digestive tract and the brain. The autonomic nervous system, enteric (gut) nervous system,
neuroendocrine system, and immune system all meet in the digestive tract and coordinate
healthy physiologic and psychological responses. A healthy microbiome works to boost
mood by generating healthy levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bercik et al.,
2010) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and enhancing brain receptors for GABA.
Research has also shown that hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation
can be reversed by treatment with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium (Gareau et al., 2007;
OMahony et al., 2005). This research verifies the two-way communication between the
digestive tract and the brain and shows how the HPA axis is modulated by the enteric
Animal studies to date clearly show probiotic supplementation benefits. In one mouse
study, animals that received probiotics were, in general, more relaxed than the control
mice. The probiotic mice had lower levels of corticosteroid release in response to stress, as
well as lower anxiety and depression-related behaviors than those fed with just broth. In
this study, they also performed a vagotomy (severing of the vagus nerve that
communicates changes from the digestive tract to the brain) in some of the mice (Bravo et
al., 2011). Other studies found that switching gut bacteria from a stressed mouse to a
nonstressed one made the nonstressed one more stressed, and the reverse was also true
when nonstressed animal gut bacteria was placed in an anxious animal (Ridaura et al.,
2013; Bravo et al., 2011).
Probiotic supplementation has recently been referred to as psychobiotic, for they can
produce and deliver neurotransmitters such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and serotonin,
with some experts going as far to suggest probiotics may become a useful alternative to
pharmaceuticals due to their antidepressant and anxiolytic activity (Dinan, Stanton &
Cryan, 2013). While still relatively few, emerging clinical research corroborates the
animal studies showing supplementation can replenish a healthy microbiome in order to

gain psychological benefit. In healthy people not diagnosed with a mental disorder, strains
of the probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium given for just 30 days lowered
psychological distress and depression, decreased anger and hostility, lessened anxiety, and
improved problem solving, compared with the placebo group (Messaoudi et al., 2011). In
another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Benton et al. (2007) fed healthy subjects
either a probiotic-containing milk drink or placebo for 3 weeks, with mood and cognition
assessed before treatment and after 10 and 20 days of consumption. Subjects who initially
scored in the lowest third for depressed mood showed significant improvement in
symptoms after probiotic treatment. In one pilot study, Rao et al. (2009) gave patients with
chronic fatigue Lactobacillus casei every day for 60 days. Based on the Beck Depression
and Anxiety Inventories, these patients showed far less anxiety symptoms than placebo
Probiotics dosage and best application
Identified in the 1800s with Ilya Ilyich Mechnikovs groundbreaking work, probiotics
were virtually ignored until recently and thus represent a relatively new field of research.
Human studies have used various probiotic dosing and strains, so study comparisons are
not possible until dosing procedures become standardized. Studies utilized a range of 6.5
24 billion colonies of Lactobacillus casei per day, while another supplemented with only 3
billion colonies of both Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum per day. In
our clinic we use a Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis at a dose of 4 to 8
billion one to three times a day. Given that antibiotics are known to disrupt the
microbiome and create feelings of anxiety and depression (Denou et al., 2011), it is
recommended to dose probiotics during any antibiotic treatment. Probiotics are possibly
contraindicated in digestive tract issues when there is active bleeding (e.g., active
ulcerative colitis or active Crohns disease) due to concern of bacteria moving into the
bloodstream at a high volume.
Probiotic toxicity
While probiotic studies have not demonstrated toxicity, oversight for using live bacteria in
foods or food supplements is also relatively new and evolving. There have been many
controlled clinical trials on the use of probiotics that demonstrate safe use (Snydman,
2008). I recommend these are purchased from high-quality companies that provide
evidence for absence of any pathogenic germs, for these have been detected in inferiorquality products (Wassenaar & Klein, 2008).
Food sources of probiotics
Yogurt is the most familiar source of probiotics, although for people who are lactose
intolerant or have a dairy sensitivity or allergy there are other choices: natto (a traditional
Japanese fermented soy food), kimchi (traditional Korean fermented vegetables), miso,
and sauerkraut.


Vitamins and minerals can be supportive to patients both on and off medications. This
section first reviews multivitamins, and then a few specific vitamins and minerals that are

most pertinent for anxiety and depression. Keep in mind that some vitamins and minerals
may already be dosed in a multiple vitamin in adequate levels, while others may need to
be increased for optimal dosing. Also, while most vitamins can be ingested safely in doses
higher than the recommend daily allowance, it is best to be careful to not overdose certain
vitamins, especially the fat-soluble ones (vitamins A, D, E, and K), which can become
toxic when the levels are too high.
Table IV.2 in Appendix IV reviews the reviews the most commonly used vitamins for
anxiety and depression, which are described in detail below.

Multiple Vitamins
There is good reason to consider the shotgun approach of a high-quality multiple vitamin.
There is a demonstrated association between poor mood and deficiency in several
micronutrients. The standard American diet (with the appropriate acronym SAD) is low in
vegetables and whole foods and woefully deficient in many nutrients (e.g., folic acid, B
vitamins) necessary for metabolic processes, antioxidant protection (e.g., vitamin E and C)
needed to protect cells, and levels of protein and amino acid precursors (e.g., tryptophan)
needed to make chemical neurotransmitters.
Dietary studies also show us that even people who are trying to eat healthy are in
trouble. Misner (2006) reviewed 70 dietary analyses of 20 different diets from a cross
section of people, ranging from elite athletes (who had pristine dietary intakes) to
sedentary people who did not exercise or take good care of themselves. All diets fell short
of 100 percent of the recommended RDA micronutrient levels. Even more, the more
athletic and active the person, the greater the tendency toward deficiency.
In one randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in Australia, Harris et al.
(2011) gave a multivitamin and mineral formulation or a placebo to 50 healthy men
ranging in age from 5069 years. Compared with the placebo, the multiple vitamin led to
significant reduction in depression and stress scales, as well as better wakefulness and
higher daily function. A meta-analysis of eight studies on the effect of a multivitamin on
mild psychiatric symptoms found that the multiple vitamin reduced the levels of mild
psychiatric symptoms, perceived stress and anxiety, and fatigue and confusion but had no
benefit for depression (Long & Benton, 2013).
Multivitamin dosing
The better-quality vitamins are usually made out of capsules that have powder in them (as
opposed to hard tablets), and higher-quality vitamins are usually dosed around four to six
capsules a day. Once patients are doing well and have been replete for a few months at full
dose, I often will recommend a half dose of a high-potency multiple as maintenance.
Because vitamins vary in potency, it is recommended that the dosage on the bottle be
followed and taken with food unless otherwise indicated.
Multiple vitamin safety
A study by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Fortmann et al., 2013) suggests
multiple vitamins have no reportable toxicity. The study did find two large trials of over

27,000 men that reported lower cancer incidence when taking a multivitamin for more
than 10 years, but there was no benefit for cardiovascular disease and no extra benefit for
either condition in women. Multiple vitamins have a good safety record, although it is
controversial whether there is clear benefit by itself for any specific disease.
Foods source of multiple vitamins
Generally, the best source for a wide array of healthy vitamins is in green vegetables and

B Vitamins, Folate, and Inositol

As discussed in Chapter 3 in the section on blood testing, B vitamins play an important
role in neurotransmitter production, prostaglandin formation, and homocysteine
regulation, all of which correlate with mood. An association between low blood levels of
B vitamins (especially folate and vitamins B6 and B12) and higher prevalence of anxiety
and depressive symptoms has been reported in several epidemiologic studies (SanchezVillegas et al., 2009b). This section discusses the benefits of a few vitamins from the
vitamin B family that are most relevant to anxiety and depression: vitamins B3, B6, and
B12 and inositol and folate.
Vitamin B3 (niacinamide)
Known for its effectiveness as a treatment in anxiety conditions, vitamin B3 helps mood in
two ways. One is its ability to inhibit the liver enzyme tryptophan pyrrolase (Badawy &
Evans, 1976). This enzyme breaks down tryptophan, making it less available to produce
serotonin. Vitamin B3 is also responsible for activating the enzyme that converts
tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptophan. Vitamin B3 supplementation in the form of
nicotinamide was found to prevent development of anxiety in baby animals that were
exposed to low oxygen around the time of birth compared with a placebo group (Morales
et al., 2010).
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 is a main cofactor for enzymes that convert L-tryptophan to serotonin, a likely
reason vitamin B6 deficiency contributes to low mood. In females with known evidence of
serum vitamin B6 deficiency due to oral contraceptive use, supplementation with 40
mg/day of vitamin B6 improved both anxiety and depression (Bermond, 1982). Studies
supplementing vitamin B6 found modest anxiety benefit in anxious females with
premenstrual disorder when given 200 mg magnesium along with 50 mg vitamin B6, over
either alone or placebo. Another study found little improvement using solely
supplementation with vitamin B6 versus placebo in depressed patients (Villegas-Salas et
al., 1997). This suggests that B6 deficiency alone is not a likely cause and that using it in
conjunction with other nutrients, especially magnesium (see below), is probably best due
to synergistic effects (De Souza et al., 2000).
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is a key player in the synthesis of serotonin. There is some evidence that
people with depression respond better to treatment if they have higher levels of vitamin

B12. Anecdotal reports suggest weekly intramuscular administration of vitamin B12 (in
the form of hydroxocobalamin) may improve unexplained anxiety patients with normal
serum vitamin B12 (Gaby, 2011). One study showed a full response to antidepressant
medications when B12 levels were higher (discussed further in Chapter 6 in the section on
vitamin B12).
Folic acid (folate)
Folic acid has been studied in the literature for its mood benefit over the last 30 years. The
word folate comes from the Latin word folium, which means leaf, emblematic of the
high levels of this vitamin in leafy greens. Populations whose diets that are rich in folate
have high serum folate concentrations and tend to have very low lifetime rates of major
depression (Coppen & Bolander-Gouaille, 2005). Depletion can be encouraged by eating
poorly, intestinal malabsorption, certain drugs (e.g., antiepileptic medications or birth
control pills), and chronic alcohol intake.
Low folate status seems to be more associated with low mood and depression and less
associated with anxiety (Bjelland et al., 2003). Folic acid status is also important for
bipolar patients who are looking to gain benefit from lithium (Coppen, Chaudhry, &
Swade, 1986). In his study of the interaction between folic acid and the opioid system,
Brocardo et al. (2009) reviews for us how folic acid has been well implicated in
depressive disorders, and folic acid deficiency has been noted among people with
depression, with some estimates suggesting up to 33 percent of depressed individuals are
folate deficient. He notes several studies that regard its role in the pathophysiology of
depression, showing that patients with depression often have a functional folate
deficiency, and the severity of such deficiency correlates with depression severity. Low
folate status makes it much less likely a drug treatment will work, for folate is required for
the synthesis of serotonin.
Besides being an important factor in serotonin synthesis, folic acid is also needed to
support dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (Stahl, 2008). Folate also helps to
reduce homocysteine levels (Slot, 2001), a cardiovascular risk factor that tends to be
elevated in depression. Homocysteine is discussed in Chapter 3.
Inositol is an abundant carbohydrate molecule with half the sweetness of sucrose. It is
derived from component of plant seeds known for benefit in cancer care (Vucenik &
Shamsuddin, 2003). While it is not actually related to the B vitamin family, it is often
combined with B vitamins when treating mood challenges. Early animal studies on
inositol have reported efficacy in relieving symptoms of depression (Einat et al., 1999) via
serotonin receptor modulation (Brink et al., 2004) and neurotransmitter reuptake (Einat et
al., 2001).
While two studies looked at 612 g/day of supplemental inositol for depression
resulted in positive therapeutic improvements similar to common antidepressant drugs
(Levine et al., 1993, 1995), a Cochrane review of four trials with a total of 141
participants did showed mixed evidence of therapeutic benefit (Taylor et al., 2004).

Inositol may be best for patients with anxieties, especially those who exhibit traits of
obsessive-compulsivity and panic. Dosages of 18 g/day were found effective in small
patient groups with obsessive-compulsive disorder (Fux et al., 1996). A follow-up doubleblind, controlled, randomized crossover study looked at 20 patients taking 18 g/day
followed by 1 month of fluvoxamine (150 mg/day). In the first month, inositol reduced
panic attacks per week by 4.0 compared with a reduction of 2.4 with fluvoxamine.
B complex studies
One workplace study of 60 nonanxious, nondepressed participants given a B complex who
completed the 3-month, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial found the B
complex group reported significantly lower personal strain and a reduction in confusion
and depressed/dejected mood (Stough et al., 2011), suggesting that work productivity may
increase with the administration of B complex to combat the stressors many workers
A large study by Skarupski et al. (2010) looking at over 3,500 adults showed that
higher intakes of B6, folate, and B12, whether through foods or supplementation, was
associated with a decreased likelihood of incident depression for up to 12 years of followup. For each additional 10 mg vitamin B6 and additional 10 g vitamin B12, there was a 2
percent decreased risk of depressive symptoms per year. In a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial, Lewis et al. (2013) evaluated the efficacy of a B complex
nutritional supplement that included vitamins B1 (1.7 mg), B2 (as riboflavin-5-phosphate;
1.6 mg), B5 (3.3 mg), B6 (as pyridoxal 5-phosphate; 3 mg), B12 (263 g), and folate (as
folinic acid; 1,000 g) and inositol hexanicotinate (30 mg) for improving anxiety and
depression symptoms in 60 depressed adults for 60 days. The Beck Depression and
Anxiety Inventories showed significant, moderate improvements in both depressive and
anxiety symptoms compared with placebo. Interestingly, the B complex group showed
greater improvement on the anxiety scale, while the placebo group demonstrated greater
improvement on the depression scale (25 percent vs. 22 percent, and 34 percent vs. 39
percent, respectively), suggesting that B vitamins may be more effective for symptom
relief in anxiety cases than in depression cases. The vitamin group achieved a more
continuous decrease throughout the protocol, while the placebo group had less or no
improvement from 3060 days, suggesting a subtle but longer-lasting effect. Also, there
was significant improvement on the mental health scale of the Medical Outcomes Study
Short Form 36 compared with placebo. It should be noted that this study was supported by
the company that made the vitamins, and a main contributing author received
rumuneration from this company as well.
Dosages of B vitamins, folate, and inositol
For anxiety and depression support, generally I recommend using a B complex, which
includes vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12. It typically will also include folate (400
1,000 g). Depending on the individual case, I often dose extra vitamin B12 (up to 5,000
g/day) and folate (up to total 15 mg/day), and I may also consider adding a powdered
inositol (up to 18 g/day) if there is a strong anxiety, obsessive, or panic aspect.
Certain forms of the vitamins are best utilized by the body. For vitamin B6, the

activated form of the vitamin, pyridoxine 6-phosphate, is recommended. For vitamin B12,
methylcobalamin is best, and for folate, the methyltetrahydrofolate form is best and is
most like the form that appears in natural vegetables. In fact, some studies are now
suggesting that using the common form of the supplement folic acid, which is employed in
most vitamins, pregnancy formulas, and enriched foods, may actually make the more
bioavailable L-methylfolate form less available for the body to use to protect against
cancers. Those with the a MTHFR gene mutation (see the section on the MTHFR gene test
in Chapter 3) will benefit even further from using the methtyltetrahydrate form of the this
In treatment-resistant cases of depression, oral doses of both folic acid (800 g/day)
and vitamin B12 (1 mg/day) should be tried (Coppen & Bailey, 2000). Folic acid intake
for treatment-resistant depression may be dosed as high at 15 mg/day (see Chapter 6).
Taking 100 mg vitamin B3 several times daily with meals may also enhance the
effectiveness of supplemental tryptophan doses, which is useful in both anxiety and
Toxicity of B vitamins, folic acid, and inositol
Prolonged high doses of vitamin B6 of 200 mg/day or more may cause a reversible
tingling or neuropathy in the hands and feet, along with fatigue (Beers & Berkow, 1999,
1526). Do not use more than 100 mg/day of B6 (or pyridoxine 6-phosphate) to be safe.
Because the drug methotrexates anticancer effect works via interference with folate
metabolism, it is best not to take any folate when treating cancer (Fugh-Berman & Cott,
1999) with methotrexate. However, folate can be used supportively for patients using
methotrexate to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) without blocking its general effect, because
methotrexate works by another non-folate-mediated mechanism to treat RA. A 48-week,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial where patients supplemented with 1
mg/day folate did need slightly higher levels of the drug to be fully effective in RA, but
these patients enjoyed lower liver enzymes than the group given only the drug (van Ede et
al., 2001). Folate has also been reported to reduce the effectiveness of several
anticonvulsants, potentially leading to seizures, so clients should not take folate if they are
taking any epilepsy medications (Fugh-Berman & Cott, 1999). A 2004 Cochrane review
(Taylor, et. al, 2004) of 18 g/day of inositol showed good tolerability. In my office, I have
had two clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder complain of apparent minor gastric
distress with gram doses of inositol, with full resolution once the supplement was
Food sources of B vitamins, folic acid, and inositol
Sources of vitamin B3 include chicken, turkey, beef, liver, peanuts, sunflower seeds,
mushrooms, avocado, and green peas. Best vitamin B6 sources include bell peppers,
spinach, and turnip greens. Great sources of B12 are snapper and calfs liver, and very
good sources of vitamin B12 include venison, shrimp, scallops, salmon, and beef.
Vegetarian food sources have significantly lower available B12. The best vegetarian
sources are sea plants (e.g., kelp), algae (e.g., blue-green algae), brewers yeast, tempeh,
miso, and tofu. High levels of methylfolate are in spinach, asparagus, romaine lettuce,

turnip greens, mustard greens, calfs liver, collard greens, kale, cauliflower, broccoli,
parsley, lentils, and beets. Inositol sources include most vegetables, nuts, wheat germ,
brewers yeast, bananas, liver, brown rice, oat flakes, unrefined molasses, and raisins.

Vitamin D and Iron

Please refer to Chapter 3, which discusses testing and supplementation of these important

Like the B vitamins, minerals are quite supportive for healthiest mood. Minerals like zinc,
magnesium, and selenium are important for neurotransmitter production, blood sugar
balance, oxygen-carrying capacity, hormonal balance, and antioxidant status. Minerals
such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and manganese may competitively inhibit
the absorption and utilization of toxic metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum (Baumel,
2003, p.50). Thus, it is possible that dietary deficiency of minerals may increase ones
ability to absorb unwanted toxic metals.
Table IV.5 in Appendix IV reviews the minerals most commonly used to support
anxiety and depression, which are described in detail below.
Magnesium is one of my all-time favorite nutrients. Beneficial to the heart and
cardiovascular system, relaxing to the muscles, and calming to the mind, it may not
always be the first nutrient thought about for anxiety and depression. Nevertheless, I have
relied on magnesium for my own optimal mood and consider it a strong ally for many of
my patients.
Magnesium is an essential trace mineral that is often quite low in most American diets,
as many nutrients get stripped away with processing. For example, only 16 percent of the
magnesium found in whole wheat remains in refined flour, and magnesium has been
filtered from most drinking water supplies, setting the stage for human magnesium
deficiency (Eby & Eby, 2006). As explained in the Foods to Avoid section of Chapter 3,
low magnesium can also be caused by high carbohydrate consumption because minerals
literally flush out our system with carbohydrates (Pennington, 2000). This makes simple
carbohydrates like breads, cakes, and cookies doubly problematic, because not only do
they not provide any good-quality nutrients, but they also dysregulate blood sugar and
deplete minerals from the body. Lowered magnesium intake will also contribute to another
mood factor: inflammation. With magnesium deficiency, nervous tissue becomes damaged
easier, thus increasing inflammation throughout the body. This can increase levels of the
inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (Pakfetrat et al., 2008), another factor in mood
disorder. (See Chapter 4 for more about C-reactive protein.)
People with mood issues are even more prone to deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is
found in 80 percent of depressed individuals (Shealy et al., 1992) and may play a strong
role in anxiety by causing dysregulation of the HPA axis (Sartori et al., 2012). Suicidal
patients show low levels of magnesium in their cerebral spinal fluid (Banki et al., 1985).

One study that included 23 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes and hypomagnesemia
(low magnesium in the blood) showed that magnesium chloride treatment was as effective
to improve depressive symptoms as imipramine (Barragn-Rodrguez, Rodrguez-Morn,
& Guerrero-Romero 2008). It seems the less magnesium in the body, the more anxiety and
depression. One Norwegian study of community-dwelling men and women consisted of
5,708 individuals 4674 years of age where magnesium intake was recorded (Jacka et al.,
2009). A clear inverse correlation was found between magnesium intake with anxiety and
depression symptoms. This study adjusted for age, gender, body type, blood pressure,
level of income, and lifestyle variables. Another four case histories showed rapid recovery
(<7 days) from major depression using 125300 mg magnesium (in the forms of glycinate
or taurinate) with each meal and at bedtime (Eby & Eby, 2006). Thats pretty fast action
but not unusual, for the body responds when given what it needs to heal.
Magnesium dosage and best application. Typical dosages of magnesium range from 300
to 800 mg/day (Jee et al., 2002; Magnesium, 2002). For patients with mood issues, I
typically recommend the magnesium glycinate or magnesium taurate form over other
types. (Glycine and taurine are discussed under mino Acids, below.) Magnesium in the
form of Epsom salts can be used in a relaxing bath, with one to two cups in a standard size
Magnesium toxicity. Toxicity from magnesium is exceedingly rare, even at higher than
normal doses. Supplementation is not recommended for patients who have compromised
renal function or are undergoing dialysis. Supplementation can sometimes cause a looser
stool, especially in higher doses. Nonchelated forms such as magnesium sulfate (as found
in Epsom salts), oxide, hydroxide, or chloride will typically encourage diarrhea sooner
than the malate, citrate, glycinate, and taurate forms.
Magnesium food sources. Magnesium is found in mineralized hard water. In fact, many
experts believe it is the mineral water that keeps French hearts healthy, despite the
tendency to eat richer foods. Also, Swiss chard, summer squash, blackstrap molasses,
spinach, mustard greens, halibut, turnip greens, and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, and flax)
are higher in magnesium content.
As discussed in Chapter 3, poor blood sugar control (low blood sugar, fluctuating blood
sugar, or high blood sugar and diabetes) will contribute to mood problems. The essential
trace element chromium is a component of glucose tolerance factor, a complex molecule
in the body used balance insulin levels and blood sugar. Chromiums modus operandi may
also be its activation of brain serotonin (Attenburrow et al., 2002), as well as ability to
increase insulin sensitivity (Anderson, 1998). Like other minerals, increased carbohydrate
intake increases chromium loss.
Atypical types of major depressive disorder constitute more than 20 percent of all
cases of depression. The atypically depressed patient can experience extreme reaction to
events as well as a greatly increased sensitivity to rejection, resulting in depressed
overreaction. Atypically depressed patients can also have greater physical feelings, such as
extreme sense of physical heaviness (lead legs), weight gain or increased appetite, and

these patients can sleep too much. These symptoms are summarized as follows.

Atypical Depression Symptoms

Adults: Somatic (bodily) symptoms: lead legs, headache, fatigue, digestive disorders
Seniors: Confusion, lowered cognitive ability, overall low function
Children: irritability, decline in school, lowered social interest
A placebo-controlled, double-blinded, pilot study of chromium piccolinate was
conducted in 15 patients with atypical types of major depressive disorder. Ten patients
with atypical depression were started on a low dose of 400 g/day of chromium, which
was increased to 600 g/day for a total of 8 weeks. The other five patients took a placebo.
An impressive 70 percent of the patients (7 of 10) on the chromium responded positively
to the treatment; none of the placebo patients had a positive response. The chromium
piccolinate was well tolerated, with no noticeable side effects (Davidson et al., 2003).
Although this was a small study given the safety and potential benefit of chromium, it is
certainly worth trying as part of an overall naturopathic protocol, especially if imbalanced
blood sugar is part of the picture.
Chromium dosage and best application. With no known side effects at the standard
dosage of 200 g/day, chromium is a reasonable choice for any anxious or depressed
patient showing atypical depression symptoms or challenges with blood sugar, either
reactive hypoglycemia or diabetes. Chromium can be given up to 600 g/day, or even
higher under the supervision of a health care practitioner. I have personally seen excellent
results with both anxiety and depression symptoms in my patients when chromium was
taken to help support blood sugar regulation.
Chromium food sources. Onions, romaine lettuce, and tomatoes are top sources for
chromium. Brewers yeast, eggs, liver, bran cereal, and oysters are also good sources. For
those brave enough to try it liver should be obtained from naturally raised animals so there
is a lower burden of toxins.
Selenium is mineral known for the ability to replenish glutathione, a master antioxidant in
the body, by acting as a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, the enzyme that
helps make glutathione. Selenium supports neurologic function, helps the body produce
mood-lifting neurotransmitters, and is especially important in the conversion of the
thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) to its more active form tri-iodothyronine (T3). One
review looked at five studies, all of which indicated that low selenium intake is associated
with poor mood (Benton, 2002). Studies giving selenium revealed that selenium improved
mood and diminished anxiety (Shor-Posner et al., 2003; Duntas, Mantzou, & Koutras,
Selenium dosage and best application. Typical dosage of selenium is 100200 g/day.
Selenium is best used for the anxious and depressed patient who also has low thyroid
function and/or low T3 levels.

Toxicity of selenium. Large doses of selenium can be toxic. Doses larger than 400 g may
cause symptoms of dermatitis, hair loss, and brittle nails.
Food sources of selenium. Best sources of selenium include meat, fish, nuts (especially
Brazil nuts), and garlic.
Lithium orotate
Lithium is a mood stabilizer with both antidepressant and antimanic properties. However,
its mechanism of action is unclear. In the carbonate form, it is prescribed for patients with
bipolar disorder, although now newer drugs are available. Geographical areas with higher
natural lithium concentrations in the drinking water are associated with lower mortality
rates from suicide (Kapusta et al., 1987). Bipolar disorder patients who take lithium
carbonate have lower rates of Alzheimers disease, as well as less cognitive impairment,
suggesting lithium may have a neuroprotective quality as well (Lowry, 2011).
The supplemental form of lithium is lithium orotate, which is a salt of lithium and
orotic acid. Lithium orotate may be the preferred form, for the orotate ion is known to
more easily traverse the blood-brain barrier than the drug version, which uses the
carbonate ion of lithium. As a result, the orotate form can be used in much lower doses
with reasonable results and no side effects (Lakhan & Vieira, 2008). Typical lithium
orotate dosages can be as low as 5 mg/day, versus up to the 180 mg needed for the lithium
carbonate form.
While considered more natural, lithium orotate has been minimally studied. In one
evaluation, alcoholic patients prescribed 150 mg lithium orotate (approximately 57
mg/day of elemental lithium) four to five times a week along with a diet low in simple
carbohydrates that assured moderate amounts of protein and fat were studied by Sartori et
al. (1986). Of 42 patients, 10 had no alcoholic relapse for over 3 and up to 10 years, and
13 patients remained without relapse for 13 years. The remaining 12 had relapses
between 6 and 12 months.
It is suggested that lithiums beneficial effects on mood may be due to its oxytocinraising properties. In one small study by Winstock et al., 20 long-term marijuana smokers
took 500 mg lithium carbonate twice daily for seven days. Three months later, most were
getting high less, and some had quit entirely. Winstock et al. also noted that those that
stopped completely had greater levels of happiness than those who smoked less. This
corroborates previous studies on rats that showed higher levels of oxytocin with lithium
supplementation (Cui et al., 2001).
Lithium orotate dosage and best usage. Lithium orotate is commonly dosed at 520
mg/day of elemental lithium. Lithium might be best used with someone who is anxious or
depressed and has demonstrated doing well with oxytocin-building activity like receiving
a massage. More study is clearly needed to understand who will best benefit from lithium
Lithium orotate toxicity. While common supplemental doses show no toxicity, high doses
can cause muscle weakness, loss of appetite, mild apathy, tremors, nausea, and vomiting.
In high doses, lithium may also cause dulled personality, reduced emotions, memory loss,

tremors, or weight gain (Waring, 2006), as well as impair kidney function (Smith &
Schou, 1979). One case of an 18-year-old who ingested 18 tablets (2,160 mg total) of a
lithium-containing over-the-counter relaxation supplement had normal vital signs but
complained of nausea and vomiting and presented with tremor, which resolved after 3
hours of intravenous fluids and observation (Pauz & Brooks., 2007).
Food sources of lithium. Primary food sources are grains and vegetables.
Known as a mineral cofactor, zinc is responsible for many aspects of health, including
wound healing, as well as immune and nervous system balance. Deficiency will contribute
to emotional instability and depression. Low zinc status may cause lower levels of GABA,
increasing anxiety symptoms. Zinc deficiency has been found to be associated with GABA
receptor impairment (Takeda et al., 2006). It has been reasoned that zinc may protect the
brain by blocking the toxic effect of glutamate (Nowak et al, 2003).
Patients with anxiety have been shown to have low zinc levels, especially in
relationship to copper levels. In these patients, zinc piccolinate daily for 8 weeks restored
that balance and improved symptoms (Russo, 2011). For depression, lower zinc correlates
with increased severity. As is the case with folic acid, low serum zinc increases the
likelihood antidepressants will not work (Maes et al., 1997a). (This is discussed further in
Chapter 6.)
Zinc dosage and toxicity. Optimal zinc dosage is 1530 mg/day. It should be taken with
food due to the possibility of gastric upset. It may be most indicated for patients with
mood problems along with acne or low immune status. If taking zinc for more than 2
months, and high copper is not a concern, it is best to take 12 mg/day copper, for extra
zinc supplementation can cause the body to lose copper.
Zinc food sources. Known to accompany animal protein, zinc is found in highest levels in
beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, pork, crabmeat, lobster, clams, and salmon. The best
vegetable source is pumpkin seed.

Amino Acids
Amino acids are the precursors to neurotransmitters. Adding supplemental amino acids
can create happy mood and help avoid the need for medications. While most vitamins and
minerals act as cofactors in the production of neurotransmitters, the amino acids are the
building blocks of the neurotransmitters and can play a central role in changing mood for
the better.
Table IV.6 in Appendix IV reviews the top supplemental amino acids used for anxiety
and depression, which are described in detail below.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid and phenibut
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a natural calming brain neurotransmitter that may
act like a natural benzodiazepine. People who suffer with anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and
other brain disorders often do not manufacture sufficient levels of GABA. Supplemental

GABA helps open chloride channels in neurons, which hyperpolarizes them so that the
positive charges remain on one side of the membrane, which inactivates the nerve cell.
This slows firing and calms the brain.

Figure 4.3. GABAs calming influence on the brain.

While supplemental GABA is widely accepted in the CAM community, relatively few
studies have been conducted with this amino acid, but they do suggest benefit. One
randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study over 2 days looked at 63
healthy adults taking 100 mg GABA or placebo. Electroencephalogram activities showed
more balance in alpha waves (alpha waves are generated in states of peacefulness, e.g.,
during meditation and before sleep) and beta wave activity (used in wakefulness) with
GABA compared with placebo when mental stressors were given (Yoto et al., 2012b).
Abdou et al., (2006) conducted two separate trials using supplemental GABA. The first
showed GABA-enhancing alpha wave activity over beta waves in 13 normal volunteers.
The second looked at eight acrophobic subjects (those afraid of heights) given the task of
crossing a high suspension bridge and found GABA was able to keep secretory and
immune function normal, whereas the placebo group was not able to keep normal
physiologic function.
Phenibut is a supplement you may find some of your clients using, as it is used in the
holistic community and is sold by a number of nutraceutical companies as a calming
agent. Phenibut is a form of GABA known as beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid,
which is a GABA receptor agonist (binds and stimulates the GABA receptor to cause a
calming reaction). Used as a prescription drug in Russia, it is available as a supplement in
Western countries. Like its GABA counterpart, this supplement has little evidenced-based

GABA dosage, best application, and toxicity. The typical dosage for GABA is 100200
mg up to three times daily away from food, although some practitioners dose higher for
better effect. Though no side effects have been reported, as a general guideline it is
recommended to take no more than 1,000 mg within a 4-hour period and no more than
3,000 mg within a 24-hour period. The best application for GABA is either as a natural
Xanax where a patient would like something relatively quick as a calmative, or for
enhancing the process of falling asleep in times when he or she cannot wind down and
move into the alpha state.
GABA toxicity. No known toxicity is associated with GABA when used in recommended
dosages. Phenibut has limited research, with one case report suggesting dependence,
tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms (Samokhvalov et al., 2013).
Food sources of GABA. The highest levels of GABA are found in green, black, and
oolong teas, which is probably why sipping these can be relaxing. Fermented foods (e.g.,
yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut), as well as oats, whole grains, and brown rice, also include
The simplest of the amino acids, glycine is a calming amino acid known to reduce
neuronal excitement, optimize GABA, and bind to the locus coeruleus to decrease the
release of norepinephrine. Glycine, like GABA, is also known to help open chloride
channels, which calms electrical activity.
Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in 14 and 16 healthy patients exposed to
loud sounds found that high doses of glycine (0.8 g/kg body weightabout 44 grams for a
120 pound person) calmed the brains cortex and decreased reaction to the sound by
lessening auditory evoked potentials (ONeill et al., 2007; Leung et al., 2008). Several
double-blind trials in patients with schizophrenia using 0.40.8 g/kg body weight/day for
612 weeks along with antipsychotic medication improved negative symptoms by 1530
percent, over using medication by itself. Heresco-Levy et al., 1999). One trial of 0.8 g/kg
saw no benefit in cognitive in already healthy young people (Palmer et al., 2008),
suggesting its best use may be in people could use calming.
Dosage and best application. Glycine usually comes in a powder that can be taken in a
little water. The studies described above used very high doses (0.8 mg/kg is equivalent to a
whopping 44 g/day of powder) to achieve benefit. In my experience, prescribing lower
doses (two or three teaspoons a dayabout 1015 g total), along with other lifestyle and
dietary changes and supplements, can help keep anxiety at bay. Patients experiencing or
anticipating panic attacks can take 510 g in one dose before anxiety-provoking situations.
Glycine tends to work within 30 minutes of ingestion. Often, I will have patients mix one
teaspoon of glycine powder with passionflower tincture to take three times a day for
Glycine toxicity. While glycine has no known toxicity, no long-term studies at very high
doses (0.8 g/kg) have been conducted. Patients with kidney or liver disease should talk to
their doctor before using high doses of amino acids.

Lysine and arginine

Lysine deficiency is implicated in anxiety, because lysine helps lower amygdala
activation. L-Lysine has also been shown to act as a partial serotonin receptor-4 (5-HT4)
antagonist, decreasing the brain-gut response to stress (Smriga & Torii, 2003). Arginine
helps balance corticotropin-releasing hormone release from the hypothalamus, as well as
lower cortisol levels. Arginine also helps lower blood pressure.
Two human studies have looked at supplementation of both of these amino acids.
Jezova et al. (2005) performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
performed in 29 high-trait-anxiety males. High-trait anxiety is defined as a preset level of
anxiety or a tendency to be anxious. These individuals typically have long-term chronic
stress that segues into HPA dysregulation, resulting in low cortisol, an effect that is seen in
some long-term depression. Given 3 g of each amino acid a day for 10 days, participants
improved in their ability to handle induced stress (public speaking) by enhancing cortisol,
adrenaline, and noradrenaline levels, while the placebo had no benefit.
In the second trial, Smriga et al. (2007) worked with 108 healthy non-trait-anxiety
volunteers. After 1 week of treatment with 2.64 g of an L-lysine and L-arginine
supplement, basal levels of salivary cortisol decreased in males but not in females.
Supplementation also resulted in significant reductions in state anxiety (which is a
condition-specific acute experience of apprehension, tension, and fear) and trait anxiety in
both males and females Taken together, these two clinical trials suggest that arginine and
lysine may have an adaptogenic quality, meaning they can help raise cortisol if too low,
and lower it when it is too high.
Lysine and arginine dosage and best application. Typical dosage for both of these is 23
g twice a day, away from food. These amino acids are considered in anxiety, but no
information exists regarding benefit for depression.
Lysine and arginine toxicity. Lysine and arginine are safe long term. Some research
suggests arginine may increase likelihood of herpes type 1 break outs and may need to be
avoided if these increase in frequency. When treating herpetic sores, natural medicine
protocol usually recommends avoiding arginine sources (e.g., nuts and chocolate) and
taking supplemental lysine to suppress virality.
L-Theanine is a unique amino acid found in the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). This amino
acid possesses neuroprotective, mood-balancing, and relaxation properties. Theanine is
known to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor and create a more beneficial ratio of
cortisol to dehydroepiandrosterone by lowering cortisol (Miodownik et al., 2011).
Paradoxically, theanine has been shown to have both stimulant and relaxant effects,
with animal studies suggesting that low doses have more of a stimulatory effect and higher
doses are more relaxing. This would explain the effect of relaxed alertness often
mentioned with theanine. Theanine can help support dopamine, GABA, and serotonin
activity and is known to generate alpha wave activity at bedtime (although not as robustly
as supplemental GABA can).

Theanine (400 mg/day) with concomitant antipsychotic medications in 40 patients

with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder was helpful in curbing positive signs,
activation, and anxiety symptoms, without negative interactions with medication (Ritsner
et al., 2011).
L-Theanine dosage and best application. At 200400 mg/day, L-theanine may be best for
someone with consistently anxiety and a tendency for obsessive/running thoughts, where
the person cannot stop thinking about them. Because theanine has been shown to lower
blood pressure in anxious adults, it may be best used in an anxious person who also
exhibits higher blood pressures when anxious, such as white coat syndrome (Yoto et al.,
2012a). Because studies show it works best for chronic versus anticipatory anxiety (Lu et
al., 2004), it should be dosed daily to achieve desired relaxation effect.
Studies using 200 mg twice a day for six weeks have also been performed in 98 boys
aged 8 to 12 years with ADHD, and found clear benefit to help the boys fall and stay
asleep (Lyon, Kapur & Luneja., 2011).
L-Tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan
Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor to serotonin and may be one of the most popular
amino acids for mood and sleep. It has also been established that circulating plasma
tryptophan is also a potent antioxidant (Maes et al., 1994b). Research shows that
tryptophan is significantly lower in major depression subjects than in normal controls.
Low levels may increase the risk of a suicide attempt in patients who are depressed (Maes
et al., 1997c) and will increase panic response (Miller, Deakin, & Anderson, 2000).

Figure 4.4. The conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.

The desired therapeutic effect of antidepressant drugs known as serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) is to increase levels of serotonin in the brain by slowing the brain from
breaking down this neurotransmitter. The idea of supplementing with tryptophan or 5hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is to give the body more building blocks to make more
serotonin. Many natural medicine practitioners like myself believe tryptophan or 5-HTP
might be a better method of a achieving the same goal because it allows the body more
control over this process and may mitigate side effects associated with SSRIs.
As an aside, when considering serotonin abnormalities in an anxious or depressed
patient, from a naturopathic standpoint it is important to consider the role and health of the
digestive tract. The naturopathic notion of treating the gut may be important in treating
primary mechanisms of anxiety and depression by increasing overall serotonin levels. As
discussed in Chapter 2, evidence linking digestive dysfunction, abnormal serotonin levels,
and psychiatric illness is emerging. Effectively treating digestive dysfunction and

combining of foods to optimize tryptophan uptake may rebalance tryptophan and

serotonin levels, thus working to alleviate mood challenges.
Despite the widespread use and anecdotal reports, there are relatively very few studies
using tryptophan and 5-HTP for mood disorder. Research on using these is scarce because
the advent of the SSRI drugs precluded more study. In a small double-blind, placebocontrolled, crossover pilot study, Hudson et al. (2009) gave seven social phobia subjects a
2-week protocol of eating a type of seed called a deoiled gourd seed, which is a rich
source of tryptophan. This was prescribed with or without a high-glycemic-index
carbohydrate to raise insulin levels, which helps increase absorption of tryptophan into the
brain. The tryptophan given with the carbohydrate had significant anxiety improvements.
In a double-blind placebo-controlled study of 5-HTP and the tricyclic antidepressant
clomipramine (Anafranil) with 45 anxiety patients (Khan et al., 1987), clomipramine
showed superior improvement on all rating scales versus placebo, but the 5-HTP held its
own, with moderate reduction of the symptomatology and its best effect on agoraphobia
and panic. However, the 5-HTP did not help the depressive symptomatology. One study by
Schruers et al. (2002) used a carbon dioxide inhalation challenge to induce panic in 24
panic disorder patients and 24 controls. 5-HTP at 200 mg 90 minutes before the challenge
significantly reduced the reaction to the panic challenge in panic disorder patients,
affecting subjective anxiety, panic symptom score, and number of panic attacks, whereas
the placebo had no effect.
A meta-analysis by Shaw, Turner, and Del Mar (2002) looked at all the depression
studies of tryptophan and 5-HTP, but few were well done: of 108 studies, only two with a
combined total of 64 patients met sufficient quality criteria to be included. However, these
studies did suggest 5-HTP and L-tryptophan are better than placebo at alleviating
depression. While this is promising, more quality research on a larger number of
individuals would be welcome.
Tryptophan and 5-HTP dosing and best application. When considering either tryptophan
or 5-HTP supplementation for overall mood, I recommend starting with 5-HTP, which is
more effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. The conversion to serotonin is also
better with 5-HTP than with tryptophan (70 percent 5-HTP vs. ~3 percent of tryptophan
gets absorbed), so it takes significantly less to obtain the same mood effect.
For anxiety states and panic disorder, as well as depression with a social anxiety or
panic component, I highly recommend considering a high-quality tryptophan or 5-HTP.
Because more research is needed to optimize dosing schedule and amounts, a good place
to start would be 500 mg/day of tryptophan taken with a simple carbohydrate (slice or
apple or a cracker) on an empty stomach and work up to 2 g/day if needed. Dosages of 5HTP can start at 100 mg three times a day and work up to 200 mg three times a day, also
taken on an empty stomach. If patients have trouble staying asleep at night, I often
recommend 500 or 1,000 mg tryptophan taken with some simple carbohydrate, about 30
minutes before bed. Because conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin can increase gut motility, it
is not recommended in patients with anxiety or depression who are already experiencing
diarrhea, for supplementation may exacerbate this.

Tryptophan and 5-HTP safety. When dosed accordingly, tryptophan appears to be quite
safe and effective. The most common and reversible adverse effects are gastrointestinal:
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Much less common, patients have complained of
headache, insomnia, and palpitations.
About 20 years ago, there was a lot of misinformation about the safety of tryptophan.
In 1989 more than 1,000 people fell ill after consuming the supplement, causing concern
for eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) in the United States. This syndrome consisted
of severe muscle and joint pain, high fever, swelling of the arms and legs, weakness, and
shortness of breath. Sadly, more than 30 deaths were attributed to EMS caused by
tryptophan supplements (Belongia et al., 1990). Although the supplement itself was
originally blamed and then banned in the United States, it was actually poor quality
control that was at fault due to contaminants in the supplementit had nothing to do with
tryptophan itself. No new cases of EMS have been reported since (Das et al., 2004).
More salient to our conversation would be discussion of serotonin syndrome. This is
a theoretical situation where combined SSRIs drugs or an SSRI drug and serotoninpromoting natural therapy (e.g., tryptophan, 5-HTP, or St. Johns wort) might increase
serotonin levels. This syndrome is characterized by severe agitation and confusion and
may include symptoms of hallucinations, fast heart beat, blood pressure changes, feeling
hot, coordination issues, hyperreflexes, and gastrointestinal tract symptoms such as
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases can cause rapid fluctuation of temperature
and blood pressure, mental status changes, and even coma.
Although polypharmacy (taking several drugs at the same time) has caused this
syndrome (Gnanadesigan et al., 2005), no reports of natural substances being the cause
have been reported to date. This chapter, along with Chapter 6 presents a number of
studies showing the benefit of using tryptophan or 5-HTP together with SSRIs and
tricyclic antidepressants. For example, in 870 patients taking medications with 5-HTP,
there has not been one case of serotonin syndrome (Turner, Loftis, & Blackwell, 2006).
Nevertheless, to be safe, any integrative care practitioner should watch for signs of
serotonin syndrome until more study is done. With careful dosing of SSRI drugs along
with tryptophan or 5-HTP, supplementation may prove a side-effect-free integrative
approach. 5-HTP has also been used clinically in combination with tryptophan, with no
signs of serotonin syndrome (Quadbeck, Lehmann, & Tegeler, 1984).
Tryptophan and 5-HTP food sources. Tryptophan can be found in all protein foods in
small amounts. Relatively high amounts are present in pumpkin seeds, bananas, turkey
(which some believe contributes to the post-Thanksgiving meal sleepinessbut research
suggests this is really the effect of excess food intake), red meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, soy,
tuna, and shellfish. There are no food sources of 5-HTP.
Phenylalanine and tyrosine
Because tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan are the building blocks for serotonin, Lphenylalanine and tyrosine are the precursors that convert to the two neurotransmitters
dopamine and norepinephrine (Gelenberg & Gibson, 1984). As such, people experiencing
mild to moderate depression who have low dopamine or norepinephrine may find it

helpful to preload with these precursors.

Phenylalanine is a precursor of brain phenylethylamine, an amino acid derivative that
promotes overall energy and elevation of mood (Sabelli et al., 1986). Phenylethylamine
converts to tyrosine, which is in turn converted to dopamine and subsequently
norepinephrine and epinephrine. Given orally, phenylalanine will mildly stimulate the
nervous system.
Tyrosine has a mild antioxidant effect, binding free radicals that can cause damage to
the cells and tissues. Tyrosine may lessen tobacco withdrawal symptoms with the addition
of glucose tolerance factor (McCarty & Mark, 1982) by enhancing tyrosine and
catecholamine levels in the brain (more about chromium and glucose tolerance factor
earlier in this chapter).
Tyrosine can help the body deal with stress and difficult challenges. In a double-blind,
placebo-controlled crossover study, Banderet and Lieberman (1989) looked at the
possibility of using tyrosine to decrease the adverse consequences of a 4.5-hour exposure
to cold and lack of oxygen in volunteer subjects. At a dose of 100 mg per 2.2 pounds of
body weight, tyrosine significantly helped the symptoms, adverse moods, and
performance problems in subjects exposed to these harsh conditions. Tyrosine has also
been shown to significantly improve mental performance in those with sleep deprivation
(Neri et al., 1995).

Figure 4.5. The phenylalaninenorepinephrine pathway.

Studies of people who were both phenylalanine and tyrosine depleted paint a picture of
those who are less content and more apathetic (McLean et al., 2003). Unfortunately, few
clinical studies have examined the effects of these two amino acids for depression. The
rationale behind supplementation has been further fueled by a study in which injections of
tyrosine hydroxylase, an enzyme in the brain that helps make more tyrosine, resulted in
significant improvement in behavioral despair in animal depression models (Fu et al.,
Fischer et al. (1975) conducted a small study of 23 subjects with depression after a
previous unsuccessful treatment with common antidepressive drugs. D-Phenylalanine was
given in daily in oral doses of 50 or 100 mg/day for 15 days. Normal mood was seen in 17

subjects between 1 and 13 days of treatment. No important adverse reaction was observed.
A second study showed that L-phenylalanine supplementation elevated mood in 31 of 40
depressives with doses of 14 g/day (Sabelli et al., 1986).
Gelenberg et al. (1990) performed a randomized, prospective, double-blind
comparison of 65 outpatients with major depression given oral L-tyrosine or imipramine.
Although both treatments trended toward some improvement, imipramine showed greater
improvement, with little difference between placebo and tyrosine. The only effect noted to
achieve statistical significance was greater dry mouth with imipramine. Gelenberg et al.
concluded that the idea that a natural product with negligible side effects would turn out
to be an effective treatment for depression appeared too good to be trueand our data
suggest that it was. Thus, although there is certainly promise with phenylalanine and
tyrosine, more studies are clearly needed. I still find both tyrosine + penylalanine useful as
adjunctive to the other supports for clients, especially in the cases of low motivation and
Phenylalanine and tyrosine dosages and best application. The L form of phenylalanine
may be dosed of up to 14 g/day in divided doses. The D form of phenylalanine has been
studied in doses of 350 mg/day. As an antidepressant strategy, L-tyrosine may be used in
doses of 5001,000 mg two or three times a day, with some studies dosing up to 6,000
mg/day in total. Because tyrosine can be stimulating and possibly affect sleep, a
reasonable clinical strategy would be to prescribe tyrosine during the daytime and
supplementing at night with 10001500 mg L-tryptophan or 50100 mg 5-HTP in
patients with mild to moderate depression. No known studies have used phenylalanine and
tyrosine at the same time.
These amino acids would be useful for a depressed person but would not be
recommended for anxiety. The best choice would be an overweight client with a strong
appetite who experiences regular pain (maybe suffering migraines or arthritis) and has
many physical stressors and/or low motivation and apathy. Using tyrosine and glucose
tolerance fac-tor (a nutrient found in brewers yeast) or chromium may lessen tobacco
withdrawal symptoms and may increase the chance of success in a smoking cessation
program if your client smokes.
Phenylalanine and tyrosine toxicity. Taking too much of these amino acids may result in
increased blood pressure and emotional jitters, trouble sleeping, or headaches.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disorder in which the body fails to turn phenylalanine into
tyrosine properly. Those with PKU should not supplement with phenylalanine. Tyrosine
seems to be generally safe, though reports of nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting, or
excessive nervousness have occurred with doses >9 g. Insomnia can be prevented by
avoiding evening supplementation. Tyrosine should not be taken by anyone who is taking
monoamine oxidase inhibitors for depression, or by patients with hypertension. The
Parkinsons drug levodopa may interfere with the absorption of tyrosine and could reduce
tyrosine levels in the blood. Tyrosine may also be contraindicated in multiple myeloma, a
cancer of bone marrow cells. Patients with Graves disease and an overactive thyroid
should use caution when supplementing with tyrosine because it can boost thyroid

hormone levels (L-Tyrosine, 2007).

Dietary sources of phenylalanine and tyrosine. Some of the most concentrated sources of
phenylalanine are torula yeast, soybean protein isolate and concentrate, peanut flour, dried
spirulina, seaweed, defatted and low-fat soybean flour, dried and salted cod, tofu,
Parmesan cheese, almond meal, dry roasted soybean nuts, dried watermelon seeds, and
fenugreek seeds. Tyrosine is found in fish, soy products, chicken, almonds, avocados,
bananas, dairy products, lima beans, and sesame seeds.
Along with fatty acids, phosphatidylserine is a major component of nerve cell membranes.
It plays a crucial role in many activities: activation of enzymes, communication between
cells, transport in and out of the cell, maintenance of the cells internal environment, cellto-cell communication, and regulation of cell growth.
Known mostly for memory enhancement, supplementation of phosphatidylserine may
also have a potent effect on the modulation of the stress hormone cortisol, which can
destroy areas of the brain when it is sustained at high levels. Phosphatidylserine can help
reduce cortisol and protect the brain.
In two clinical trials by the same researchers, healthy men were given 800 mg/day of
phosphatidylserine followed by exercise. Both trials resulted in a blunting (lowering) of
cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (Monteleone, Maj, & Beinat, 1992; Monteleon
et al., 1990). Another study of 30 subjects (10 elderly women with major depressive
disorders, 10 age- and gender-matched healthy controls, and 10 young healthy controls)
found 200 mg daily of phosphatidylserine supported a significant improvement in
depressive symptoms and memory (Hellhammer et al., 2012). Researchers interested
combining the anxiety-supporting power of phosphatidylserine with omega-3 fats gave 60
healthy men under high stress either an omega-3 fatty acid supplement with 300mg of
phosphatidylserine per day or placebo for 3 months. Phosphatidylserine with the omega
fats had stress-reducing effects in those who have chronically high stress and helped
restore balanced cortisol response in this group, but not in the other subjects, suggesting
the treatment worked in an adaptogenic fashion. (Adaptogens raise levels when too low,
and lowers levels when too high.) This was impressive, given this was quite a low dose of
phosphatidylserine and omega fats.
Phosphatidylserine dosage. Phosphatidylserine is dosed anywhere between 200 and 800
mg/day in divided doses on an empty stomach, and it may be especially useful before the
onset of an acute stressor. I will typically recommend phosphatidylserine for the highly
stressed or depressed person who is under great physical stress and who has high cortisol
and poor memory. Also, phosphatidylserine may work best when taken in conjunction
with essential fatty acids.
Phosphatidylserine toxicity. In a tolerability and toxicity study of 130 elderly patients
given 300 mg or 600 mg daily in divided doses for 12 weeks. Hematologic safety
parameters, blood pressure, heart rate, and adverse events were assessed, and no
significant changes were noted in blood tests, except for a favorable change in liver

enzymes (Jorissen et al., 2002; Phosphatidylserine, 2008). While more studies are
welcome, there is no evidence of toxicity for phosphatidylserine.
Food sources of phosphatidylserine. The sources with the greatest amounts of
phosphatidylserine are mackerel, herring, chicken liver, tuna, soft-shell clams, and white
Known for years in conventional care as an emergency intravenous treatment to thwart the
effects of acute liver toxicity (e.g., eating a poison mushroom), N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)
has found a strong place in the natural medicine armamentarium due to its glutathioneregenerating capability as well as its ability to balance levels of glutamate in the brain.
Glutathione is the bodys master antioxidant and is produced in the liver.
NACs effect on anxiety has been shown to be helpful in cases of obsessivecompulsive disorder, gambling issues, and trichotillomania (hair pulling) (Grant, Odlaug,
& Kim, 2009). NAC has also been given to children and adolescents with autism by
helping resperidone more effectively treat irritability symptoms (Ghanizadeh, & Moghimi
Sarani. 2013).
NAC has also been studied for use of depressive symptoms. One study of 17 patients
with bipolar disorder found that 8 of the 10 patients taking NAC over 24 weeks achieved a
very beneficial effect on mood (Magalhes et al., 2011). However, a larger open-label trial
of 149 patients did not confirm these results (Berk et al., 2012).
N-Acetyl-cysteine dosage and best application. Typical dosages of NAC are 500600
mg two or three times a day.
N-Acetyl-cysteine toxicity. Occasional headaches or stomach discomfort might occur, but
it is known to be quite nontoxic. One study did report considerable headaches, agitation,
social withdrawal, and severe aggression in a few young patients being studied for
pathologic nail-biting habits (Ghanizadeh, Derakhshan, & Berk, 2013). NAC may
interfere with certain cancer treatments and could be avoided with chemotherapy.
N-Acetyl-cysteine food sources. While there are no direct food sources of NAC, cysteine
is a precursor of NAC and is found any high-protein food (meats, tofu, eggs, dairy
products, etc.).
Made from cysteine with the cofactor vitamin B6, taurine it is thought to act by supporting
levels of glycine and GABA to help relax the brain and nervous system while keeping
levels of toxic glutamate low (Mori, Ghwiler, & Gerber, 2002). It is also known as a
cardiovascular support and prevents aggregation of platelets to help decrease excess
clotting. While animal studies do suggest an anxiolytic effect (El Idrissi et al., 2009), no
clinical studies to date have evaluated the direct use of taurine in anxiety or depression.
Overall, studies are lacking to fully support the use of this nutrient.
Taurine dosage and best application. Taurine is usually dosed about 500 mg up to three
times daily and may be good for a person with anxiety, low energy, and cardiovascular

concerns who would do best to relax. Taurine can also be obtained by using the
magnesium taurate form of magnesium.
Taurine toxicity. One study using doses of 1,500 mg/day did not find significant toxicity
in patients with epilepsy. Four of 25 patients did report headaches, nausea, nosebleeding,
or temporary balance disturbance (Takahashi & Nakane, 1978). Because taurine may
lower blood pressure or cause slight drowsiness, bedtime may be a good time to take it,
and persons taking antihypertension medications should monitor their blood pressure.
Food sources of taurine. Taurine is present only in animal foods, so meats and eggs
would be top sources.
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is a naturally occurring molecule derived from the
amino acid methionine and adenine triphosphate (ATPthe main energy molecule in the
body). SAMe is involved in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters in the brain and is
not a newly identified substanceits chemical structure was described as early as 1952. It
has been in use for decades in Europe. While it is a prescription medication in most other
countries, it is found over-the-counter in the United States. Even the American Psychiatric
Association (2010) has acknowledged it might be considered as an alternative to
pharmaceutical medicationsthats a rave from them as far as natural substances are
Known best as an antidepressant, SAMe serves in many biological reactions by
transferring molecules called methyl groups to DNA, proteins, fats, and amino acid
compounds. Methylation (carbon-molecule-donating) reactions supported by SAMe have
been shown to form monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and
norepinephrine (Miller, 2008; Bottiglieri, 2002)all of which are needed for good mood.
This chapter has already discussed the importance of B vitamins and folic acid. In
depression, folate, vitamins B6 and B12, and unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies
all affect the biochemical processes in the central nervous system, as folic acid and
vitamin B12 participate in the metabolism of SAMe. The deficiency of these vitamins
results in high homocysteine levels. Research shows that approximately 4555 percent of
patients with depression develop significantly elevated serum homocysteine. This
homocysteinemia causes a decrease in SAMe. This stops the needed methylation, which is
a process needed to make neurotransmitters and fatty myelin sheaths for nerve cells.
Electrical conduction along the nerve cells does not work well when the myelin sheaths
are not well made or if they are damaged. Hyperhomocysteinemia also leads to increased
glutamate, a brain toxin linked to mood disorder. It also affects the cardiovascular system
by causing breakdown in the linings of the vessel walls, which contributes to
inflammation and heart disease. All this promotes the development of various disorders,
including depression (Karakula et al., 2009).

Figure 4.6. The SAMe pathway.

Folate and B12 help get things back on track by methylating the homocysteine to
create methionine. SAMe is the downstream metabolite of methionine, which needs folic
acid and vitamin B12 to stay at high enough levels to make neurotransmitters and to keep
the nervous system in good working condition.
SAMe has been found to be safe and effective in the treatment of mild and moderate
depression and, according to some accounts, has a faster onset of action than conventional
antidepressants (Mischoulon & Fava, 2002; Nguyen & Gregan, 2002). In a meta-analysis
of 47 studies of people with mild to moderate depression, SAMe produced significant
improvements in mood. SAMe tested significantly better than placebo and worked at least
as well as conventional drug therapy (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
One uncontrolled trial administered in doses of 8003,600 mg/day for 10 weeks in 13
depressed patients with Parkinsons disease. Eleven patients completed the study, and 10
had at least a 50 percent improvement per depression mood questionnaires. Only one
patient did not improve. In terms of possible side effects, 2 of the 13 patients did
prematurely terminate participation in the study because of increased anxiety, 1 patient
experienced mild nausea, and another 2 patients developed mild diarrhea, which resolved
SAMe has also been tested in patients who have the genetic variants in the catechol-Omethyltransferase (COMT) enzyme gene called 22q11.2DS deletion syndrome. Because
these patients have only one copy of the gene responsible for the enzyme COMT (see
Chapter 3 for more information), these patients have much higher likelihood of psychiatric
morbidity and cognitive deficits. Patients given 800 mg SAMe twice a day for 6 weeks in
a randomized double-blind cross-over placebo-controlled trial enjoyed a larger numerical
improvement on relevant clinical scales compared with those given placebo, and they
exhibited no manic or psychotic symptoms during the SAMe treatment (Green et al.,

No research has been done using SAMe to treat severe depression, so it is unknown
whether SAMe would have the same benefits as seen in mild to moderate depression.
SAMe is considered expensive and may be a good second-line choice if other natural
treatments are not effective or a first-line choice in older patients with other health
challenges such as cardiovascular disease, Parkinsons disease, or dementia.
A number of studies directly compared SAMe to tricyclic antidepressants, with about
eight studies showing equal benefits and lower side effect profiles. Pancheri, Scapicchio,
and Chiaie (2002) ran a multicenter study where patients with depression received 400
mg/day via an intramuscular injection, or 150 mg/day by mouth. A total of 146 patients
received SAMe, and 147 received 150mg per day of imipramine, for a period of 4 weeks.
The drug or SAMe worked equally as well in both groups, but SAMe was significantly
better tolerated. Another study by the same group compared 1,600 mg/day of SAMe by
mouth, or 400 mg/day via intramuscular injection, with the tricyclic antidepressant
Tofranil (imipramine; 150 mg/day) and found the same positive results (Delle Chiaie et
al., 2002). The conclusion drawn from these studies is that the antidepressant effect of
SAMe at 1,600 mg/day orally or 400 mg/day intramuscularly is comparable with that of
150 mg imipramine/day orally, with much better toleration of SAMe over its
pharmaceutical counterpart.
SAMe dosage, toxicity, and best application. Because oral SAMe may cause nausea in
some people, it is suggested to start a dosage of 200 mg twice daily, then increase to 400
mg twice daily on day 3, then to 400 mg three times daily on day 10, and finally to the full
dose of 400 mg four times daily on day 14. Of course, if there are any noticeable side
effects, then SAMe may need to be ramped up slower. SAMe has been used safely in
children as well and has been studied doses of 200 mg up to 1,400 mg over a 2-month
period in young teens (average age of 14 years) to help with functional abdominal pain,
with no side effects or change in liver function (Choi & Huang, 2013). For maximal
absorption, SAMe is best taken away from food.
The best application for SAMe is in a depressed patient who has low energy and little
motivation. SAMe may increase anxiety in patients who are already anxious, and is
contraindicated in bipolar disorder.
SAMe food sources. The body makes SAMe, but there are no known food sources.

From time immemorial, plants have been a source of nutrition and medicine for humans.
Botanical medicines (also known as herbs) may be used as a supplement in the sense of
using plant material as a source of certain vitamins or minerals. Botanicals can also be
used to create more physiologic or biological effects in the body, similar to how a drug
may work.
Herbs are typically safe because herbal medications, as natural plants, contain many
ingredients that will communicate with the body and create warning messages before
toxicity can occur. For example, we can look at the herbal plant Digitalis (foxglove) and
the medication digoxin (Digox). The Native Americans used foxglove for apparent

cardiovascular distress, as they noticed a positive effect on energy and circula-tion upon
consumption of the plant. From foxglove, modern medicine extracted the component
digoxin, which works as a positive inotrope (strengthens heart muscle contractions). The
problem with digoxin is it has a narrow therapeutic windowyou take too little and it
doesnt work, but take too much and it can cause bradycardia and quickly kill a person.
The whole plant foxglove, on the other hand, tends to make a person vomit and creates
great digestive distress well before levels of digoxin become too high. While both the drug
and the plant can be toxic, the multiple molecules in the plant will usually create nonfatal
signs of toxicity first, whereas processing has removed the drugs ability to do this. This
example underscores the reason that, in general, natural herbal substances tend to be safer,
and also that it may be best to use whole herbs, instead of extracting and studying certain
molecules and ctive ingredients only.
Table IV.7 in Appendix IV reviews the top botanical medicines for anxiety and
depression, which are described in detail below.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric enjoys a long and rich history stemming from both Chinese and Ayurvedic
Sanmukhani studied for its anticancer properties, neurologic support, and antiinflammatory benefits. It is known as a powerful ally to reduce relapse rates in ulcerative
colitis, heal proctitis, and reduce polyp formation (Hanai et al., 2006). Posited benefits for
the brain and nervous system include its anti-inflammatory and neural regenerative
capacity, with ability to create new neurons in emotional centers of the brain (Kulkarni et
al. 2009).
Curcumin comprises up to 5 percent of turmeric and is considered the most likely
active component in this spice. Studies show curcumins significant antianxiety abilities in
stressed mice (Gilhotra & Dhingra, 2010), possibly through changes of serotonin
expression in the brain (Benammi et al., 2014). Curcumin has been shown to normalize
the depressive-like behaviors of neuropathic mice (mice modeling pain syndromes) (Zhao
et al., 2014). Animal studies using a highly absorbable form of turmeric called BCM-95
with fluoxetine (Prozac) or imipramine (Tofranil) found benefits when added on as a
medication (Sanmukhani et al., 2011). The combined research suggests that curcumins
positive effect may be due to its anti-inflammatory abilities, as well as direct support of
neurotransmitters, specifically increasing norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
A clinical study by Sanmukhani et al. (2014) of 45 depressed patients taking
fluoxetine, curcumin as BCM-95, or both, found greatest number of responders in the
group taking both interventions (about 78 percent), with the single-therapy groups having
practically identical results (65 percent and 63 percent, respectively). Even more, all three
groups found similar benefit levels among those that positively responded, showing that
curcumin may be used to treat major depressive disorder.
Dosage and safety
The study by Sanmukhani et al. (2013)used 1,000 mg/day of the BCM-95 form of
curcumin, which is known to have bioavailability up to seven times greater than regular

curcumin (Antony et al., 2008). While side effects are uncommon, curcumin
supplementation may cause mild gastritis and mild nausea, and for effectiveness is best
taken away from meals.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Passionflower has a long and rich history of use as calmative agent in folklore for its
anxiolytic properties and is considered an official plant medicine in many countries.
Although there are many possible active ingredients in passionflower, they are likely
alkaloids and bioflavonoids (Mitchell, 2003, p. 126).
Like the pharmaceutical Xanax, passionflower reduces anxiety in part by binding to
benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. It has chrysin and other flavonoid-like compounds
with confirmed antianxiety, anti-inflammatory activities (Zhou Tan & Deng, 2008).
A 2007 Cochrane meta-analysis looked at two studies with a total of 198 participants
and showed that passionflower had the same effect as the benzodiazepine medications
(Miyasaka, Atallah, & Soares, 2007). One double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 36
patients compared passionflower to the benzodiazepine oxazepam, in patients with
generalized anxiety disorder. While the drug had a faster onset, the passionflower and
medication worked at the same efficacy and while the herbal remedy showed fewer side
effects than the drug, such as job impairment performance (Akhondzadeh et al., 2001).
Another study looked at 60 patients given passionflower or placebo for anxiety 90 minutes
before surgery and found much lower anxiety using the botanical, without inducing
sedation or negative postoperative effects (Movafegh et al., 2008). Other positive effects
were noted in a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled general practice study where
182 patients with anxiety and adjustment disorder were given passionflower along with a
few other herbs, including hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) and valerian (Valeriana
Passionflower dosage and best application
Like many herbs, passionflower can be dosed in capsules or tablets, as a tea, or as a liquid
tincture. I typically prescribe passionflower in tincture form at 1 or 2 dropperful (about
3060 drops) three times a day. It may be placed in a little water or taken in tea.
Passionflower is known by herbalists as helpful with overthinking and swirling
thoughts that exaggerate anxiety in the mind. Patients who mention how their mind is
spinning and reeling out of control often do well with passionflower. Passionflowers
Latin name is Passiflora incarnata, or passion incarnate, and can be suggested for
people who are unsure of where there life is going.
Passionflower toxicity
Passionflower has no known toxicity when taken in typical doses. One study above
(Akhondzadeh et al., 2001) found minor dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion in one
patient. Because it has a sedative effect, it should not be combined with alcoholic
beverages or prescription sedatives without working with an experienced practitioner.
There is a theoretical concern when used with monoamine oxidase inhibitors due to

interaction with passionflowers alkaloids. Passionflower should not be used by pregnant

or lactating women or given to children under 6 months old (Fisher, Purcell, & Le
Couteur, 2004).

Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)

Translated as intoxicating pepper, kava hails from the Western Pacific for its ability to
calm and relax without acting as a sedative. Animal studies suggest its likely mechanisms
are through GABA receptors, as well as dopamine reuptake inhibition by its kava lactone
constituents. Kava may also inhibit both norepinephrine uptake and sodium and potassium
channels (Weeks, 2009). Its effect is anxiolytic, producing a reduction in skeletal muscle
Since the late 1990s, a number of controlled trials have been conducted to look at the
effectiveness of kava in anxiety. A meta-analysis of six trials of patients with nonpsychotic
anxiety disorders showed excellent overall results, with particular benefit in women and
younger patients (Witte, Loew, & Gaus, 2005). A separate earlier Cochrane meta-analysis
(Pittler & Ernst, 2003) looked at 11 trials with a total of 645 participants and also found it
to be effective versus placebo. Most of the research concluded that when kava is used as
an anxiolytic alternative to benzodiazepines or tricyclic antidepressants, individuals
typically suffer from fewer side effects. While in the minority, a few studies did not find
benefit in reducing anxiety symptoms. Two of these studies showed no significant
difference between kava treatment and placebo (Sarris et al., 2009; Jacobs et al., 2005)
with one very small pilot suggesting placebo was actually more effective for symptoms in
patients with higher baseline anxiety scores (Connor & Davidson, 2002). Overall, though,
the majority of studies show substantial benefit.
Malsch and Kieser (2001) utilized a kava kava extract in a 5-week randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study for 49 patients looking to wean off their anxiety
medications. The kava was increased from 50 mg to 300 mg/day during the first treatment
week, and the patients benzodiazepine medication was tapered off over 2 weeks. This was
followed by 3 weeks solely with kava or placebo. This study used the Hamilton Anxiety
Scale and a subjective well-being scale, along with monitoring for benzodiazepine
withdrawal symptoms. Treatment safety was checked by regular patient interviews. The
kava was clearly better than placebo based on scale measures, as well as secondary
measures. Also, kava was as well tolerated as the placebo over the weeks of the study.
Kava kava dosage and best application
In my clinic, I often use 30 drops of tincture two or three times a day as a mental relaxant,
which can be placed in a little water, or into hot water as a calming tea. The above trials
suggest that an extract dosage of 400 mg/day in capsule form is useful and should not
cause any side effects. It may best serve younger patients and women. I have used it
clinically in female patients who suffer from interstitial cystitis. Effectiveness in men was
also found in the above trials. Kava is especially useful in anxiety that manifests with
muscle tension. Kava can also be used to help wean off benzodiazepines by starting with
50 mg and moving up to 300 mg/day while tapering the benzodiazepine medication tapers

off over 2 weeks, with a subsequent 3 weeks of 300 mg/day of kava.

Kava kava toxicity
While the trials above describe no toxicity with kava, the FDA published a consumer
advisory warning in 2002 about the potential for severe liver damage from kavacontaining supplements due to some reports that suggested hepatotoxicity (U.S. Food &
Drug Administration, 2002). It has since been shown that the vast majority of studies and
traditional use do not identify toxicity with kava and that it is possible these case reports
may be secondary to polypharmacy, overdose, or poor quality and adulteration of the
herbs. From 1992 to 2002, over 450 million daily doses of kava extract, equating to 15
million of monthly doses, were sold in Germany and Switzerland alone, without major
incident (Teschke, Schwarzenboeck, & Akinci, 2008). A few anecdotal reports suggest a
paradoxical increase in anxiety.

Lavender (Lavendula angustifolium)

For centuries, different species of lavender flowers have been relied on in times of anxiety.
Today, various preparations are well known for benefit in anxiety, as well as being a
support for depression.
Studies are starting to pile up in favor of lavender for mood. A multicenter study of
221 patients with anxiety showed clear benefits of an immediate-release capsule
preparation of lavender over placebo (Kasper et al., 2010b). A double-blind study by
Woelk and Schlfke (2010) compared a commercial lavender oil preparation (Silexan) and
lorazepam (Ativan) for general anxiety disorder and found 40 percent of the patients that
received lavender achieved remission, versus 27 percent using the drug. The herb
achieved this without any sedative side effects. While the study design was quite strong, it
should be noted the authors of the study were employees of the studys sponsor.
Lavender dosage and toxicity
Lavender can be taken in the immediate-release capsule mentioned above, using one
capsule a day, which contains 80 mg lavender oil. If a client has significant anxiety then I
recommend placing a few drops of lavender essential oil in a warm bath with some Epsom
salts. A randomized controlled trial of 80 women who took daily baths with lavender oil
experienced improved mood, reduced aggression, and a more positive outlook (Morris,
2002). I may also recommend a separate lavender tincture at 30 drops three times a day.
Lavender may also be taken as a tea by using 1 or 2 teaspoons of herb per cup or two of
water, and it is especially good for an upset stomach resulting from nervousness.
Remember, essential oils are used externally, either for the bath or for aromatherapy.
Essential oils are not supposed to be taken orally. There are no problems with toxicity
when lavender is used in the proper form.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Of all the supplements discussed in this book, ashwagandha may have the richest history,
dating back three millennia to the time Ayurvedic practitioners began to enjoy its benefits.
The word ashwagandha translates to smell of horse for two reasons: the herb itself does

have that interesting smell, and traditional belief is that consumption can help its user gain
horse-like strength and vitality (Shastry, 2001).
While ancient medicines view it as a overall tonic for the body, modern research has
keyed in on its advantage for inflammatory conditions, Parkinsons disease, neurologic
disorders and as an adjunct in cancer care to support drops in white blood cell counts
(Mishra, Singh, & Dagenais, 2000). While this herb possesses numerous compounds that
help balance physiology, this plants alkaloids and lactones (known as withanolides),
acting as hormonal precursors, have been the center of much research on ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera, 2004).
In holistic care, ashwagandha is seen as adaptogenic and can bind to receptors to
increase effect when available ligands (receptor stimulators) are low but block excess
stimulation when ligand availability is high (Bhattacharya et al., 2000). While most
understanding of ashwagandha is based on its long history and animal studies, a few
studies do show benefit for anxiety.
A study by Chandrasekhar, Kapoor, and Anishetty (2012) randomized 64 people to
either placebo or 300 mg of high-concentration extract from the ashwagandha root, as one
capsule twice a day, for 60 days. During the treatment period (on days 15, 30, 45, and 60),
follow-up telephone calls were made to all subjects to check for treatment compliance and
to note any adverse reactions. The treatment group exhibited a significant reduction in
scores on all the stress-assessment scales on day 60 relative to the placebo group. Serum
cortisol levels were substantially reduced compared with the placebo group. The adverse
effects were mild and comparable in both groups. A case study (Kalani, Bahtiyar, &
Sacerdote, 2012) showed benefit in women with adrenal hyperplasia (a situation where the
adrenal glands have swollen due to chronic stress). The women found improvements in
levels of cortisol, progesterone, and pregnenolone, as well as noticeable improvement in
alopecia (hair loss). In another case study, men with stress-related fertility issues showed
higher antioxidant status and healthier sperm (Mahdi et al., 2009).
Ashwagandha dosage and best usage
Typical dosage is 300 mg once or twice a day of ashwagandha with standardized
withanolide content (considered an active component of ashwagandha) of at least 15
percent. Ashwagandhas best use is for someone with anxiety and a stressful life
accompanied by nervous depletion and sleeplessness. I have taken ashwagandha myself
and can attest to its value to help support stressful situations by making the body less
Ashwagandha toxicity
No toxicity was noted in any studies with this botanical medicine, save one case report
that documented a woman who presented with hirsutism (body hair growth) who appeared
to have increased levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate along with lowered
testosterone levels while taking ashwagandha. While not clear if the ashwagandha was the
cause, this resolved once she stopped the herb (Nguyen et al., 2013). One senior patient of
mine reported vomiting with this herb.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Rhodiola was originally observed in the Russian literature as a plant medicine useful to
combat physical, biological, and chemical stressors (Kelly, 2001). Like ashwagandha,
rhodiola is adaptogenic in that it can increase lower levels of hormones and
neurotransmitters and bring down levels that are too high. As an adaptogenic herb, studies
show it acts as a neuroprotective, cardioprotective, antifatigue, antidepressive, anxiolytic,
and nootropic (cognitive enhancing), with effects that increase life span and stimulate the
central nervous system (Panossian et al., 2010).
Looking at a unique molecule in rhodiola called rosavin, mouse studies have shown
both antidepressant and anxiety-reducing effects (Perfumi & Mattioli, 2007). Animal
studies have suggested that rhodiolas ability to effect GABA is minimal, suggesting that
other mechanisms throughout the nervous system and body (other than acting like a
benzodiazepine) are involved in its calming and protective effects (Cayer et al., 2013).
One small pilot study looked at 10 patients with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety
disorder. They received a total daily dose of 340 mg rhodiola extract for 10 weeks and
showed significant decreases in the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (Bystritsky, Kerwin, &
Feusner, 2008). A clinical trial assessed the efficacy of a standardized extract rhodiola in
the treatment of patients with mild to moderate depression comparing it to placebo
(Darbinyan et al., 2007). Over a 6-week period, one group A (31 patients) was given 340
mg/day of standardized rhodiola extract, Group B (29 patients) was given 680 mg/day, and
Group C (29 patients) was given a placebo. Groups A and B showed a statistically
significant reduction in overall depression; group C did not improve. Of all the mood
parameters tested, the only one not affected for the better at the lower dose was selfesteem (which is an important one). However, at 680 mg/day, self-esteem also improved
significantly with no side effects noted.
Rhodiola dosage and best application
Dosages in studies have ranged from 340 mg/day up to 680 mg/day. Rhodiola may be
standardized for 1 percent of the molecule rosavin. Longer-term studies of this adaptogen
are needed, but what we know so far seems to make rhodiola a great choice if a patient is
depressed and/or anxious and feeling burnt out in the process.
Rhodiola toxicity
Within given dosages, no toxicities have been reported. Other studies have used rhodiola
for up to 4 months without reported side effects. One study (Bystritsky et al., 2008) found
mild to moderate side effects of dizziness and dry mouth, which might have been
attributable to the subjects anxiety.

St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum)

While ashwagandha may have the longest history of use of all the supplements discussed
in this book, St. Johns wort (SJW) is the most studied herb of all time. The Latin name
Hypericum perforatum means bove a ghost, and this botanical was gathered as a way to
ward off evil spirits. SJW is a plant with five-petal yellow flowers and is notable for its

effectiveness in both anxiety and mild to moderate depression. As a result, SJW is now
becoming one of worlds standard treatment consideration for low mood. Like SAMe,
even the American Psychiatric Association (2010) has acknowledged it might be
considered as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicationsagain, thats pretty much
another rave from them as far as natural substances are concerned.
SJW is best known as an antidepressant, and most conventional circles consider it, at a
cursory glance, as simply another antidepressant drug with some SSRI capability. While
SJW may exhibit some SSRI mechanisms, it has numerous other effects in both the brain
and the central nervous system. In truth, despite all the study, the exact antidepressant
mechanism of action of SJW is still not fully understoodlikely because it, likely other
botanical medicines, has numerous chemical components that cause multiple gentle effects
throughout the body. Initially it was believed to work like the first drugs used for
depression, the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which act by slowing the breakdown of
neurotransmitters (Mller et al., 1997). Other studies then suggested it stops the
breakdown of acetylcholine (Re et al., 2003) and has a serotonin-like activity (Helgason,
2007), where it can act like a weak SSRI with fewer side effects (Morelli & Zoorob,
2000). It also gently balances other neurotransmitter levels, including norepinephrine and
dopamine, as well supporting GABA (Nierenberg Lund & Mischoulon, 2008;
Hammerness, 2003). Other studies show this wonderful herb to have anti-inflammatory
and nerve protective properties (Wong et al., 2004). What we can take from all this is that
SJW has pleiotropic effectsall around the body and brainand in total they seem to
lower both depression and anxiety symptoms.
With hundreds of studies reviewing SJW for depression, the most recent meta-analysis
as of this writing is a 2008 study from Munich (Linde, Berner, & Kriston, 2008) that
reviewed only randomized and double-blind studies of patients with depression.
Compared with previous reviews, this meta-analysis included newer well-designed studies
published between 1995 and 2006. SJW for 412 weeks was compared with placebo and,
in 17 studies published between 1997 and 2006, with standard antidepressants, including
fluoxetine, sertraline (Zoloft), imipramine, citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil), and
amitriptyline (Elavil). In all, it included 29 studies with 5,489 patients. The studies came
from many of countries, tested several different SJW extracts, and mostly included
patients suffering from mild to moderately severe symptoms. Overall, the SJW extracts
tested in these trials were superior to placebo and were at least as effective as standard
antidepressants. Furthermore, patients given SJW extracts dropped out of trials less
frequently due to adverse effects than those given older antidepressants. Further research
goes on to suggest that antidepressant side effects are between 10- and 38-fold higher than
those of SJW (Kasper et al., 2010a). Given the same benefits as the drugs, and fewer side
effects, there is no reason not try it first for mild to moderate depression.
While SJW is well studied for depression, newer studies are starting to unearth its
antianxiety power. Animal studies in diabetic rats given SJW showed clear benefits toward
lowering glucose levels, as well as minimizing anxiety and depression behaviors (Husain
et al., 2011). Another study found benefit for mood and anxiety in postmenopausal women
(Geller & Studee, 2007). However, study of 60 subjects did not see benefit for obsessive-

compulsive disorder (Kobak et al., 2005).

St. Johns wort dosage and best application
SJW dosage is usually given between 900 and 1,800 mg of standardized extract/day,
usually divided into three doses throughout the day, although some literature reports one
or two larger doses a day can be as effective (which makes compliance easier). Common
tincture dose ranges from 20 to 60 drops three times a day. Extracts from fresh herb are
typically dosed 5 mL two to three times a day. It is best to check the label for the type of
medicine and concentration. With my patients, I typically use a capsule or tablet form
standardized for 0.3 percent of the compound hypericin.
Overall, the literature supports the use of SJW for mild to moderate depression. I
would add that theres likely benefit for anxiety associated with diabetes and for
postmenopausal depression with anxiety. At this point, results are not clear that there is
any benefit for anxiety by itself, and it should not be used as a monotherapy in severe
depression, especially if used in place of pharmaceutical medications known to have
quicker and more effective response.
For patients with preexisting conductive heart dysfunction or elderly patients, highdose Hypericum extract has found to be safer with regard to cardiac function over tricyclic
antidepressants (Czekalla et al., 1997) and may be indicated as a better choice for cardiac
patients with depression. Also, two studies show that SJW (300 mg one to three times a
day) can actually improve the effectiveness of the platelet inhibitor clopidogrel (Plavix) up
to 36 percent in patients who are poor responders to this medication (Lau et al., 2011).
St. Johns wort toxicity and interactions
The side effect profile of SJW extract is minor, especially compared with the well-known
side effects of antidepressant medications (Henry, Alexander & Sener, 1995). Symptoms
of agitation and others matching possible excessive levels of serotonin should also be
considered and monitored when using SJW with antidepressant medication, tryptophan, or
5-HTP (see the discussion of serotonin syndrome in the tryptophan section above).
Although SJW has been demonstrated to induce photosensitivity in some patients (less
than 1 percent of people taking it), this not likely with standard dosages and has occurred
mainly in HIV patients using larger than normal quantities for an antiviral effect (Gulick et
al., 1992). It has been suggested that using a tincture may avoid photosensitivity while still
achieving the mood benefits (Barendsen, 1996).
It has been shown that SJW can either enhance or reduce circulating levels of many
drugs (Izzo, 2004; Tannergren et al., 2004; Hall et al., 2003; Peebles et al., 2001). SJW is
known to increase the effect of enzymes of the liver (the cytochrome P450 system), as
well as compounds in the intestinal wall (P-glycoprotein) that are used to detoxify drugs.
As a result, it is important for patients to check with a doctor or pharmacist if they are
taking medications, before they start SJW.

Saffron (Crocus sativus)

Hailing from the Persian traditional medicine pharmacopoeia (Akhondzadeh et al., 2004),

saffron is known for its vibrant color and flavor and also for being the worlds most
expensive spice. With a high amount of antioxidative carotenoids (which give it its burnt
orange color) and B vitamins, saffron has been traditionally used as a calmative,
antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory, with a digestive specialty of relaxing the muscles
of the digestive tract to reduce spasms and help digest food, as well being an appetite
enhancer (Yarnell, 2008).
A number of recent preclinical and clinical studies indicate that the stigma of the plant
(the top of the plant where the pollen is, which is technically called the saffron) and
petal of the Crocus sativus plant both have antidepressant effects. Animal studies show
that the compounds safranal and crocin may exert antidepressant effects by keeping
balanced levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin (Hosseinzadeh, Karimi, &
Niapoor, 2004).
In an 8-week double-blind randomized trial, Akhondzadeh et al. (2007) randomly
assigned 40 depressed adult outpatients to receive either a 15-mg capsule of petals of the
crocus plant in the morning and evening or 10 mg Prozac, in the morning and in the
evening. At the end of trial, the crocus petal capsules were as effective as the drug, with no
significant differences in percentages of responders: fluoxetine had an 85 percent
responder rate (17 of 20 patients, an unusually high rate for this drug) and crocus petal
capsules showed a similar 75 percent responder rate. A 6-week comparison with
imipramine found significantly better Hamilton Depression Scale outcomes with the herb
(Akhondzadeh et al., 2005).
Crocus dosage and toxicity
For the above clinical studies, 15 mg of the petal or stigma (saffron) was given twice a
day. Crocus petal is reported to have the same antidepressant effect as the stigma in at
least three clinical trials (Noorbala et al., 2005; Akhondzadeh et al., 2004, 2005)the
petal costs significantly less than saffron but with the same benefit.
No toxicity has been reported at these dosages or when ingested in culinary amounts.
One study on rats with exceedingly high levels of the herb injected directly into their
abdomen showed reductions in red blood cells, as well as changed liver and kidney
function. However, these are much higher doses than used clinically, and intraperitoneal
(abdominal) injection doses are not processed through the digestive tract as oral doses
would be (Mohajeri et al., 2007). As a precaution, patients with liver and kidney problems
may not want to use this herb if other treatment choices are available. Interestingly, in rats
given the chemotherapy drug cisplatin, crocus, along with the amino acid cysteine and
vitamin E, actually protected the kidneys from toxicity (el Daly, 1998).

Mucuna (Mucuna puriens)

Known as the velvet bean, this herb hails from traditional use in Ayurvedic medicine.
Used as medicine since 1500 BC, mucuna has not been studied for use in depression,
although some animal studies suggest possible benefit.
This plant contains more L-dopamine than any other known source. Chapter 2
discussed how this neurotransmitter is known to boost mood and raise motivation.

Mucuna has been studied for its effectiveness in helping patients with Parkinsons disease,
a condition where the area of the brain that makes dopamine does not function. Three
open label studies where patients took an average of 45 g/day of mucuna seed powder
extract (which is equivalent to about 1,500 mg L-dopamine) reported significant symptom
improvement (HP-200 in Parkinsons Disease Study Group, 1995; Vaidya et al., 1978;
Nagashayana et al., 2000). Another study suggested the mucuna might have fewer side
effects than the standard Parkinsons medication (Katzenschlager et al., 2004).
I mention this herb for depressed patients who may be benefiting from dopamineboosting medications like bupropion or aripiprazole. Patients who have found these to
help with motivation, self-esteem, and a general good mood may be able to use low doses
of this herb to help them wean off the medication while maintaining their better mood.
Some patients may be able to use this as an alternative to the medicationsplease note,
though, that this idea has not been studied clinically, although my personal experience
with patients suggests it works.
Mucuna dosage
For support with medication, I recommend starting with 200 mg of the extract and moving
up to 200 mg twice a day after 2 weeks (which supplies ~120240 mg L-dopamine). This
is a relatively low dose. Higher doses may be appropriate if patients are not on dopamineboosting medications.
Mucuna toxicity
Mucuna may cause some bloating and nausea in some people and can interfere with
anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs. It may boost testosterone and could aggravate
polycystic ovarian syndrome in women. There have been reported cases of severe
vomiting, palpitations, difficulty in falling asleep, delusions, or confusion. To be safe, I
recommend that a patient work with a knowledgeable practitioner when using this herb.

The term homeopathy is derived from the two Greek words homeo, which means
similar, and pathos, which refers to suffering. Homeopathy is one of the most interesting
and controversial modalities in the holistic armamentarium. Homeopathy can be a staple
treatment or point of contention for the integrative medicine practitioner, as well as a focus
of vitriol for those looking to discredit natural medicine.
Homeopathy is also one of the more difficult natural medicine approaches to explain
from a Western science standpoint. Despite this, it has prescribed as a part of successful
care in Europe and India for over a 100 years. The theory of homeopathy suggests that a
given remedy may play a role in changing the energetics of a persons condition to allow
the body to heal from the inside.
Developed by physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries, homeopathy is a system of therapy based on the concept that each
naturally occurring element, plant, and mineral compound will, when ingested or applied,
result in certain symptoms and physiologic change. Using this knowledge, a given disease

may be treated with minute homeopathic doses of the substance thought capable of
producing in healthy people the same symptoms of that disease. This is known as the
concept like cures like (Medicine.net, 2009).
Using this principle, Hahnemanns work found clinical value and gained acceptance.
The first homeopathic medical college was established in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in
1835 (which is todays Medical College of Pennsylvania). The American Medical
Association (AMA) was founded in 1847 and from its inception pursued policies to
discredit natural medicines and specifically homeopathy. Despite the AMAs influence, by
the latter half of the nineteenth century homeopathy continued to grow and gain
acceptance. With a reputation for efficacy, it spread throughout Europe, as well as in Asia
and North America. Today, it is well accepted in India and Germany for use along with
conventional care.

Homeopathic Studies in Anxiety and Depression

Studies using homeopathic medicines for psychiatric illness are scant. Probably one of the
strongest studies to date for homeopathic treatment of anxiety and depression is a 1997
study out of Duke University that examined selected remedies given on an outpatient basis
to treat 12 adults who had major depression, social phobia, or panic disorder (Davidson et
al., 1997). The patients either requested homeopathic treatment or received it on a
physicians recommendation after partial or poor response to conventional therapies.
Patients were prescribed individual homeopathic prescriptions based on their
presentations. Duration of treatment was 78 weeks. Response rates were 58 percent for
overall improvement, as scored using clinical global improvement scales, and 50 percent
according to the Symptom Checklist-90-R or the Brief Social Phobia Scale. Type and
potency of the remedies, duration of treatment, and cointerventions varied across patients,
as did the initial diagnoses, which makes it difficult to truly understand the efficacy of the
intervention. The authors concluded that homeopathy may be useful in the treatment of
affective and anxiety disorders in patients with mildly to severely symptomatic
conditions (Davidson et al., 1997). Unfortunately, this trial also did not have a control.
However, this study was considered relevant, and valuable as a preliminary report, by an
independent study review (Pilkington et al., 2005).
One well-designed uncontrolled clinical trial of the use of individualized homeopathy
was conducted to assess symptom relief in 100 patients with cancer (Thompson & Reilly,
2002), 39 of whom had metastatic diseasea pretty tough group in which to gain
symptom relief. There was significant improvement in mean depression score for the
whole study group. Overall, 52 percent of patients had some improvement in depression
scores after four to six consultations. Seventeen patients suffered an aggravation of
symptoms during this study. Symptom scores for fatigue and hot flushes, but not pain
scores, improved significantly over the study period. No side effects were noted. Of the 52
patients who completed the study, patient satisfaction measured by self-completion
questionnaire was high; 73 percent (38 of 52) regarded homeopathic treatment as having
been helpful or better.
A meta-analysis conducted at Duke University by Wayne Jonas MD (former head of

the former Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Healthnow called
the National Center of Complementary Medicine) and his colleagues (Davidson et al.,
2011) found 25 eligible studies from an initial pool of 1,431 subjects. Efficacy was found
for the functional somatic syndromes group (fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome),
but not for anxiety or stress. For other psychiatric disorders, homeopathy produced mixed
effects. As mentioned above, there have been no placebo-controlled studies for depression.
Meaningful safety data were lacking in the reports, but the superficial findings suggested
good tolerability of homeopathy for treatment of psychiatric illness.
One recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at a
combination homeopathic remedy in stressed women (Hellhammer & Schubert, 2013).
For 14 days, 40 female subjects took three tables of a homeopathic comprising respinum,
gelsemium, passionflower, coffea, and veratrum. On the 15th study day, participants took
three pills in the morning and upon arrival at the study site. Subjects were assessed for
salivary cortisol, plasma cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and heart rates; well-being, anxiety, stress, and insecurity during the stress
test; and sleep and quality of life. While cortisol levels did not differ between groups,
homeopathically treated participants had better sleep quality and lower norepinephrine
levels. The authors concluded that the homeopathic helped regulate the neuroendocrine
stress response during acute stress and impaired sleep.
Combined, these studies show that when studying homeopathy using conventional
parameters, results are mixed, with some suggestion of efficacy. It is highly possible,
however, that studying homeopathy from a more systems-based paradigm (food, sleep,
work, stress reduction, nutrients, etc.), and more specific prescribing for the individual,
may show better results in the future.
Appendix V lists homeopathics commonly used for depression and anxiety. The tables
suggest mental and emotional patterns, as well as physical appearance and/or peculiar or
idiosyncratic aspects, that may be found in your client. It is likely that not all clients will
display all of these, but ideally you will see an overall pattern that may fit. Please note that
a few remedies may be appropriate for either anxiety or depression. If you are more
interested in homeopathy, you may want to purchase a homeopathic material medica,
which describes the remedies in greater detail.

Dosage of homeopathics
As is true for many forms of natural medicines, different sources recommend various
methods of dosing. One simple low-potency method is to take one dose of 30X potency
every 612 hours and look for change in about a week. Clients should stop taking the
remedy once symptoms are better. If there is no change, or if symptoms worsen after
dosing, then consider another remedy.


Mind-Body Medicine
Clinical Case Study: Anxious Alice
Alice is a 43-year-old mother of three girls, ages three, seven, and nine. About five
years ago she started having her first panic attacks while driving over a bridge.
While she drove (albeit with great discomfort), her anxiety slowly moved into the
realm many anxious moms report: Dying and leaving my children motherless.
To make it worse, last year her husbands sister died at the age of 34, leaving two
children behind.
She continually worried that something would happen to her, either an
accident or, she felt more likely, an illness. Her focus centered on breast cancer.
Given that she is from Long Island, an area of New York known for its record-high
breast cancer rates, she found much fuel for this thought. She started seeing her
current therapist about four years ago. This helped her function better and get out
and drive, but the daily stress did not let up. Mammogram after mammogram was
negative, which gave her a few days of relief until she learned that mammograms
themselves might cause breast cancer! In her mind now, she didnt know what to
do: keep checking and increase her risk more, or let a cancer go undetected.
One year ago, she decided to visit another naturopathic doctor who put her on
a solid regimen of health food and vitamins for anxiety and cancer prevention
support. This helped as well. When she came to see me, she had her good days
when she could distract herself enough with being busy, and bad days when
nothing could stop her from thinking about death. Either way, she still went to bed
thinking in detail about the various scenarios her death would take and picturing
the milestone events in her daughters lives coming up without her.
I asked Alice if she ever had anxiety before five years ago, she first told me no.
But, as we talked, she told me she could never stay still. My mind is never quiet.
Even as a kid, I was always worried about the next thing. I thought that was
normal. I asked her if she every meditated. Her face tightened, and almost paled
as she said, That is the worst thingit makes me crazy. I wont do it. I explained
to her how the mind is like a puppy, and if we let the puppy run around
undisciplined, it will grow up very unhappy, and in a sense, her mind is a puppy
that needs some gentle but firm discipline.
Starting very, very slowly (30 seconds twice a day), she began to deeply
breathe and meditatelearning to deal with the thoughts that flooded in. In two
months, she was up to 10 minutes twice a day. She also added yoga once a week to
her regimen. Today, she still has fleeting thoughts of death but uses them as a
moment to appreciate her life and to enjoy her family. In fact, after doing more
therapy work, she now states how death is natural part of life and I cant
teach my kids to fear death. Theres an old adage that says sometimes the thing
you hate the most is what you need the most. In Alices case, this was true.

Once relegated to the world of placebo, it is quite clear that mind-body modalities are
not simply feel-good distractions but instead can be an effective part of healing anxiety
and depression. In fact, given the research, it may be argued that these therapies are the
most elegant method to create change in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis,
thus altering the neuroendocrine, digestive, and inflammatory pathways of the body for
the benefit of the patient. This chapter touches on some of the top mind-body methods, but
this is by no means an exhaustive list.

At least 5,000 years old, the practice of yoga predates Hinduism. The Sanskrit word yuj
means yoke or to unite and points to creating an awareness that unites our physical,
spirit, and emotional worlds. While todays Western practices focus on movement of the
body, yoga inspires us to bring synergy to all aspects of life, mental, physical, and
emotional, by using breath and movement and changing thoughts. In our modern society,
these aspects of life are often missing and can predispose us to anxiety and depression.
Yogic controlled breathing helps to focus the mind and achieve relaxation (in contrast to
meditation, which aims to calm the mind). Like exercise, yoga is an excellent method to
deepen the breath and keep the blood flowing.
From a spiritual standpoint, yoga is a strong practice that can help modify emotional
processing. Sukha is the Sanskrit word for happiness, which literally translates to
unobstructed peace. Yoga practice is thought to clear blockages within the body, which
leads to greater sense of calm and contentment with reality as it is, often with greater sense
of happiness and connectedness with others (Weintraub, 2005).
Numerous studies point to yogas ability to modulate HPA function. Yogas ability to
lower cortisol, modulate hormones, and regulate the activity of both the parasympathetic
and sympathetic nervous systems may underlie some of the benefits it offers for both
anxiety and stress (Kerstan et al., 2007). Yoga also helps mood by balancing the
neurotransmitter serotonin and stabilizing blood sugar. Physiologically, yoga has been
shown to lower cortisol and decrease inflammatory markers such a C-reactive protein, and
may be effective at lowering blood pressure. For example, a significant decrease in
salivary cortisol was seen following a 90-minute session of Iyengar yoga, an important
physiologic finding that may help to explain yogas beneficial effects for stress and
anxiety (Michalsen et al., 2005). Yoga practitioners experienced a significant increase in
GABA levels following a 60-minute yoga session compared with a control group who
read magazines and fiction (Streeter, 2010).
A systematic review by Kirkwood et al. (2005) that included only controlled clinical
trials of patients with anxiety disorders found positive results with the use of yoga for
anxiety. Shannahoff-Khalsa et al. (1999) conducted a hospital-based randomized
controlled trial in the United States with a group of participants diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder. After 3 months, an experimental group practicing Kundalini yoga
along with a number of other yoga techniques, including mantra meditation, experienced
significantly greater improvements on the Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, as
well as other scales, than a control group that practiced a meditative control regimen.

Five randomized controlled trials have also reported positive results for patients with
reactive depression (depression due to a specific event) (Broota & Dhir, 1990),
melancholic depression (depression with strong aspects of not enjoying activities and
guilt) (Janakiramaiah et al., 2000), major depression (Rohini et al., 2000) and even severe
depression (Khumar, Kaur, & Kaur, 1993), with no side effects noted. Woolery et al.,
(2004) looked at the Iyengar style of yoga, which focuses on body alignment. The asanas
(postures) recommended are those that involve opening and lifting of the chest, inversions,
and vigorous standing poses. Patients were randomly assigned to two 1-hour yoga classes
each week for 5 weeks or control group. A total of 5 patients withdrew (3 out of 13 in the
yoga group, 2 out of 15 in the control group), without reported reasons. Of the subjects
who remained, significant reductions in depression and anxiety scales were observed in
the yoga but not in the control group who had received no intervention. The effects
emerged about 2.5 weeks into the study and were maintained at week 5.
Yoga contraindications
While yoga presents very few contraindications and practically no interaction with
Western medications, certain poses may need modification to work with pregnancy, and
there is special caution for those with glaucoma, high blood pressure, and sciatica
(National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013b).


Meditation hails from yoga and Buddhist traditions going back 7,000 years. There are a
number of types of meditation practices, including yogic meditation, Buddhist style, Zen
Buddhism, and transcendental meditation. While different styles have developed, there is a
central theme of meditation encouraging deeper awareness in the present moment.
Anxiety and depression are associated with the destruction of cells in the brains
hippocampus, an area needed for both memory and mood (Sapolsky, 2001). While
medicine had considered damaged nervous tissue an irreversible event, research has
shown that it can regenerate (Erickson et al., 1998). Chapter 2 discusses how exercise can
accomplish this, and meditation can accomplish this feat as well.
Compelling evidence has revealed that meditation helps to increase the birth and
growth of nerves. In one study (Cromie, 2006), volunteers meditated an average of about
40 minutes a day. Depth of the meditation was measured by the slowing of breathing rates.
Those most deeply involved in the meditation showed the greatest healthful changes in
brain structure. The meditators literally had altered brain structure compared with people
who did not meditate: MRI scans revealed that meditation can boost the thickness of brain
areas dealing with attention, sensory input, and memory functions. The thickening was
found to be more noticeable in adults than in younger individualsin the same sections of
our brain cortex that atrophy with increased age. It is plausible, then, that meditation can
slow or stop the effect of aging on the brain. Eight week pilot studies using 12 minutes a
day of meditation for Alzheimers and cognitive impairment have shown clear promise
(Innes et al., 2012; .Moss et al., 2012).

Meditation is also known to boost brain activity, organize brain wave activity,
strengthen neural connections, and thicken gray matter (Cromie, 2006). Admittedly,
medical science doesnt fully understand how or why meditation benefits and rebuilds
nerve tissue. Mediation also enhances vagal nerve tone: when stimulated, the vagus nerve
can turn off inflammation and help turn on digestive function (Das, 2007). It is possible
that helping digestion might be another key of how meditation to balances the mind. More
studies are needed to learn if specific meditative techniques may be most beneficial.
Regarding anxiety and depression, studies dating back to the early 1900s have shown
that meditation training programs can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and panic
and will help maintain these reductions in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, panic
disorder, or panic disorder with agoraphobia (Kabat-Zinn et al., 1992). A meta-analysis by
Chiesa and Serretti (2009). found that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress in healthy
people. It has also been shown to reduce ruminative thinking and trait anxiety, both factors
contributing to stress. Compared with other relaxation techniques, mindfulness meditation
may offer a greater ability to significantly reduce cortisol levels (Tang et al., 2007).
Meditation has been shown to alleviate depressed symptoms significantly in 51 treated
versus 41 control subjects (Sephton et al., 2007).
While likely great for just about everyone, meditation may be best for those depressed
patients who have a strong anxieties. In cases of sole depressed mood without any
anxiousness, sometimes I prefer the patient get up and do some movement, in which case
qigong (which involves breathing practice with gentle movement) might be more
balancing than stationary meditative work. One study by Gaik (2003) of 39 subjects
suffering from major depression, dysthymia, or bipolar disorder were taught a qigong
technique in a one-day training session with two follow-up sessions 1 and 2 months later.
Supportive audio and videotapes were also given to the volunteers. The subjects were
directed to practice for at least 40 minutes each day and to keep a log of their practice
sessions. Gaik found that ll subjects improved over the treatment period and observed
very significant level of improvement in the majority of the subjects who were measured
at serious levels of depression.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBT)

Hailing from Buddhist and yoga practices, MBT includes mindfulness-based cognitive
therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction. This modern mindful movement was
made popular with the work of John Kabat Zinn (see, e.g., Kabat-Zinn, 2003) and has
gained popularity for parallel use with psychotherapy.
In order to calm anxiety, depression, and feelings of being overwhelmed, the client is
taught to process thoughts in a nonjudgmental way that allows for feelings (both
emotional and physical) to be experienced and resolved while allowing for a
nonjudgmental experience of the present moment. Remaining in the present moment is
incompatible with anxious and depressed feelings.
While wonderful in theory, until recently it was unclear if this type of approach was
actually clinically effective. In an effort to provide a quantitative, meta-analytic review of

the efficacy of MBT, Hofmann et al. (2010) analyzed the most well-constructed 39 studies
of a possible 723 studies, totaling 1,140 participants who worked with mind-body
therapies. They found anxiety and depression responded quite well and the effect size was
robust in favor of symptom improvement.
Contraindications to meditation and MBT
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the
National Institutes of Health (2014), meditation is considered quite safe, with virtually no
side effects reported. There have been some isolated and rare reports of worsening of
symptoms in persons with psychiatric illness, but this has not been well researched (Arias
et al., 2006). Patients with physical limitations (e.g., inability to sit in a certain position)
should also seek the assistance of a knowledgeable health care provider or an experienced
meditation practitioner in choosing a style that is right for them.

Massage therapy is one of the most ancient of health care practices. First recorded in
Chinese medical texts more than 4,000 years old, massage has been advocated outside of
Asia at least since the time of Hippocrates, who said The physician must be acquainted
with many things and assuredly with rubbing [massage].
Mechanistically speaking, massage therapy is shown to reduce pain perception
(Ferrell-Torry, 1993), to significantly balance electroencephalogram currents in the brain
(Jones & Field., 1999), to decrease cortisol an average of 31 percent (Field et al., 1996),
and to increase dopamine and serotonin 31 percent and 28 percent, respectively (Field et
al., 2005).
Massage helps circulation of blood, the flow of blood and lymph and can reduce
muscle tension, improve weakness, balance the nervous system, and enhance tissue
healing. Although more studies are needed, some have shown massage to be effective in
reducing both state and trait anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate, pain, and depression
(Kutner, et al., 2008).
The ability of massage to alter HPA axis dysregulation and help balance
neurotransmitters helps to explain the findings of an extensive review that showed benefits
of massage to rival even psychotherapy in depression and state anxiety (a temporary
anxious change spurred on by an outside situation). A review by Moyer, Rounds &
Hannum. (2004). looked at 37 randomized, controlled trials on massage and included 17
studies on trait anxiety and depression from 1998 through 2002. On average, the massage
therapy participants experienced a reduction in state anxiety of at least 77 percent
compared with controls, with 73 percent decreases in depressive symptomology compared
with nonmassage therapy controls. Comparatively, psychotherapy for these conditions has
been shown to have a 79 percent benefit rate over untreated patients. It is possible that
using both in tandem may give even more substantial results.

Practiced for the last three to four millennia, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a

medical system based on the concept of comparing the state of the human body to the
natural world and then attempting to balance the human body to be in harmony with the
laws of nature. Acupuncture is a central modality in TCM, which involves inserting fine
needles into the body in order to balance the energy of the body to create a healing effect.
TCM uses the basic concept of yin and yang, as depicted in figure 2.1. The white areas
represent yang, which is full of light, energy, daytime, and movement. Yang represents the
male energy, going outward, and heat. The darker area is the yin part, representing quiet,
female, nourishment, dark, nighttime, stillness, cool, and energy in reserve. In the body,
yang and yin work together to create harmony and move in and out of each other all the
time. When the body is experiencing disease of balance, TCM would say that yin and
yang are out of harmony, and one is taking over the other, either because one is too strong
or the other is too weak.
In the paradigm of TCM, anxiety is often an issue of excess yang, or deficient yin,
whereas depression is more typically a deficient yang or excess yin problem. When these
are out of balance, people become very anxious and agitated, depressed and withdrawn, or
both. In TCM, emotional illness is often due to accumulated anger, sorrow, and other
unprocessed emotions that lead to dysfunction and imbalances in yin and yang. Chronic
outside stress, poor food choices, lack of sleep, and inadequate movement can also
unbalance the life energy force known as qi. As a result, knotted qi accumulates, and a
disruption of the body and mind results (Jilin & Peck, 1995). As a result, anxious people
may act too yang while depressed people act much more yin.
In TCM, emotional problems often center on a particular organ. The emotional issue
can decide which organ in the body has the most problems. For example, some patients
tend toward excess fear, which can cause a kidney imbalance. Please note, this does not
suggest there is a problem with the physical organ in the Western biomedical senseit is
the Chinese sense of the kidney, which stores our life energy to keep our physical and
emotional well-being maintained. Other people will have a lot of anger, hostility, or lack
of motivation, which is a liver-centered issue. Excess amounts of sorrow or even too much
happiness will attack the heart. Grief and loss will affect the lungs.

Clinical Case Study: Mel the Firefighter

Practicing here in New York City, I have had the honor to work with many people
who experienced extreme loss during the 9/11 crisis. As is well documented, many
of these people have lung and respiratory problems, such as asthma, breathing
difficulty, and sarcoidosis. While conventional medicine suggests that there must
have been unknown particulates in the air causing these lung problems that no one
could figure out, the Chinese medicine practitioner would suggest it was the
incredible amount of loss around them that ttacked the lungs to cause their
breathing symptoms, asthma, and other respiratory problems. I have found that
besides using Western herbal approaches to support breathing and the lungs, using
acupuncture and Chinese herbs to address these while looking closer at the sense
of loss has been invaluable to help move people through this grief.

A first responder named Mel who arrived at the scene of 911 was diagnosed
with chronic bronchitis and possible sarcoidosis about three years after this
traumatic event. I noticed, as I would ask Mel about his symptoms, that his
discussion ultimately returned to the death he saw around him, with special
memory of watching people jump out of smoked-filled windows and falling to their
deaths. Once we discussed the Chinese view of the lungs and the grief, he
lightened, suggesting that, for the first time, he believed his illness made sense. We
used herbs specific for the lungs and acupuncture twice a weekin two months he
was better. I have, numerous times, seen this varied approach centering on the
TCM aspect work amazingly well when other approaches failed. Sometimes, TCM
sees patterns and formulates a plan in a way other medicines do not.
The exact mechanism of acupuncture action is unknown. Present Western medical
interpretation of the treatment effect is that acupuncture stimulates nerves called afferent
group III nerve fibers. These fibers are like electrical wires that transmit impulses to
various parts of the central nervous system and induce the release of serotonin,
norepinephrine, dopamine, beta-endorphin, and other emotional supportive molecules
called enkephalins and dynorphins (Wang et al., 2008; Samuels, Cornelius, & Shepherd,
2008). Many of these are secreted and modulate the hypothalamus, suggesting a direct
mode of influence on mood disorder (Wang et al., 2007). Other possible modes of action
may include acupunctures ability to influence changes of the autonomic nervous system
(the part of the immune system that governs the ability to get stressed or stay calm), the
immune system, inflammation, and hormones, as well as its ability modulate the
recognition of serotonin, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine in brain and body (Gurguis et
al., 1999).
A literature review by Pilkington et al. (2007) looked at the benefits of acupuncture for
anxiety in 12 controlled trials, of which 10 were the more stringent randomized controlled
kind. The authors found positive results for generalized anxiety disorder or anxiety
neurosis (a diffuse type of anxiety) but concluded more research is needed for clear
conclu-sions to be drawn. They were also not able to find studies on obsessive-compulsive
disorder or panic attacks. Interestingly, the study found a good deal of benefit using
auricular acupuncture (acupuncture using small needles on the outer ear) for anxiety
before operations. In my experience, patients with mild to moderate anxiety do well with
calming acupuncture treatments, but sometimes those with very high anxiety may
overthink the administration of needles and find the treatments unpleasant. For some, this
can be an opportunity to work with anxiety, and messaging using mindfulness therapies
may help the patient move through these moments while in a secure setting. I personally
was introduced to acupuncture during my early twenties when I experienced great stress,
anxiety, and insomnia. When conventional medicine offered me drugs, which I didnt want
to take, I decided to try acupuncture, although I didnt believe in it. I was very impressed
how, from the first treatment, I started sleep better and how it clearly lowered my anxiety.
Research studies are somewhat conflicting regarding the benefits of acupuncture for
depression. While one randomized controlled study of 151 depressed patients showed that
12 sessions of acupuncture failed to prove more effective than sham acupuncture (Allen et

al., 2006), another positive study compared electroacupuncture and Prozac. In this
evaluation, Luo et al. (2003) gave patients a type of acupuncture with gentle electrical
stimulation placed on the needles 45 minutes in the morning for 6 weeks. In 90 subjects
divided into drug only, acupuncture only, or controls, acupuncture was found as effective
as using Prozac. Another positive study used electroacupuncture with patients already
taking Paxil. This treatment showed superior efficacy to using only the drugand those
who used both had an even quicker response rate (Zhang et al., 2007). A thorough metaanalysis by Wang et al. (2008) of eight small randomized trials with sham (fake)
acupuncture as control comparisons, with a total of 477 patients, concluded that
acupuncture could significantly reduce the severity of disease in the patients with
depression. This is an important study, for sham acupuncture uses real needling on body
points not considered real acupuncture points. This helps us realize the specific points
used make a difference, and that it is not merely a placebo effect making people feel
In my own clinic, I find clear benefits using acupuncture as therapy instead of and
adjunctively to conventional medicine and other natural remedies for anxiety and
depression. Acupuncture allows the pharmaceutical medications to work quicker and
typically allow for a lower effective dose. It is also very effective to support the patient
while weaning off conventional medications when they are ready to do so.
Acupuncture safety and contraindications
One of the benefits of acupuncture is that, when used properly, there are virtually no
contraindications to treatment, and it does not adversely interact with other treatments,
such as conventional pharmaceutical therapy. It is safe with pregnancy and does not
interfere with lactation for breast-feeding women. Large-scale studies have reviewed
millions of treatments.
One systematic review of nine studies of nearly a quarter of a million acupuncture
treatments found adverse events to be exceedingly rare when acupuncture is performed by
a competent acupuncturist (Ernst & Adrian, 2001). In a large survey by Witt et al. (2009)
with 2.2 million consecutive acupuncture treatments provided for 229,230 patients, two
patients were found to have had a pneumothorax (non-life-threatening for either patient)
and one had a lower limb nerve injury that persisted for 180 days. While there are some
reports of hepatitis spread due to improper and illegal acupuncture techniques (U.S. Food
& Drug Administration, 1996), when preformed properly it is exceedingly safe.


Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a therapy that employs acupressure palpation (a
form of acupuncture, but without needles) combined with a type of talk therapy in order to
reprogram negative thinking patterns. Developed in the early 1990s by Gary Craig, a
Stanford engineering graduate, it can help accelerate the process of reaching underlying
issues for a patient.
While it is new, some studies are showing it can be beneficial. Successful application
has been observed in treatment of phobias (Wells et al., 2003), and one study looking at 30

moderately to severely depressed college students 3 weeks after having four 90-minute
EFT sessions (Church, De Asis, & Brooks, 2012).
My personal experience working with this simple technique has generally yielded mild
to significant results in approximately 70 percent of patients, using it for such conditions
as grief, pain, guilt, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, stuck emotion, and functional
digestive illness. This represents a very loose and informal review of my casescertainly
not a scientific study. Nevertheless, I believe it is especially valuable for it is something
clients can try for their own self-care and does not have any known contraindications.
Please visit www.emofree.com for more information.
Table 5.1 lists several effective mind-body therapies.
Table 5.2 Most commonly Effective Mind-Body Therapies for Anxiety and Depression
Yoga (30 to 90 minutes twice a week or

*Caution with pregnancy, glaucoma, high blood pressure, and sciatica


*May be best for depressed patients with strong anxiety


Depression without anxiety

Mindfulness-based therapy



when anxiety and depression are associated with high blood pressure


*Excellent as adjunctive care to medications and helping to wean from

Emotional freedom technique

Posttraumatic stress disorder
Pain issues
Digestive issues


Working Integratively with Medications

Im not confused. Im just well mixed.
Robert Frost

Mixing ones wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix
Bertolt Brecht

Clinical Case: Jim on Celexa

Like many patients, Jim came to me after three years on antidepressant
medication. Jim had had a minor form of fibromyalgia since his mid-twenties.
Following the death of both his parents in an accident, Jims depression came on
during his mid-thirties. Interestingly, Jim was a grief counselor and, with his
background, was very familiar with psychology, medications, and loss.
Unfortunately, his own loss left him with a very low mood that threatened his job
security and his ability to live his life.
When Jim came in, I could tell he was in great physical shape. He exercised
every day and slept pretty well for the most part. His protein intake was a little low
for his exercise level, and blood testing revealed low normal vitamin D and low
total and free testosterone. Jim had been just about every medication and did not
find benefit. He was currently on Celexa at 40 mg/day.
After adjusting his protein intake and starting some acupuncture for two
months, Jims mood was no better. We finally ran his MTHFR test and found
mutations in this gene. I explained the role of the methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase enzyme function (see Chapter 3), and we talked about how a special
form of folic acid might benefit him. He was skeptical, since every drug he tried
with his Celexa did not help. We started with 5 mg L-methylfolate and within two
weeks moved up to 10 mg/day. Within two weeks of increasing to the 10 mg dose,
he claimed the fog lifted. Within the next year, Jim met a woman, got married, and
was able to discontinue first the Celexa and then the folate without any recurrence.
The fibromyalgia that plagued him for years also dissipated and returned only
when he was especially tired. He was grateful the folic acid helped get his brain
back on track so he could move his life forward.
Most of the patients who visit me for the first time are already on medication. Likely you
see the same with your clients. There are three scenarios a patient will present with:
1. The medications are helping. In this case, I tell my patients we can consider the
medication a blessing, for they can then help us work on whats needed to
eventually not need the drugs in the long term. This is where working on sleep, diet,
lifestyle, supplements, and mind-body therapies can help us get to the point where
they will no longer be needed.

2. The medications are not helping. In this situation, patients often find themselves
switching drugs, seemingly randomly, or medications are just piled on top of each
other. Generally, this approach is hard on the body. It can also be psychologically
traumatic as different medications bounce neurotransmitters around.
3. The medications are helping but are causing unwanted sexual side effects. This is a
main complaint, especially from SSRI users. Patients are placed in a tough spot, for
they are glad to feel better but their sexuality and relationships suffer.
This chapter addresses the second and third scenarios. It reviews the emerging literature
about using natural medicines alongside conventional drugs to help foster better outcomes
and efficacy and to lessen their sexual side effects. It then broaches the often
psychiatrically taboo subject of using natural medicines with drugs to help the patient
safely get off the medications.
The conventional media and the medical establishment often warn us about the
dangers of mixing vitamins and herbs with medications, which unfortunately has
persuaded many psychiatrists and patients to think about conventional and natural
medicines as a cant have both scenario in which the very natural things that can help
the body heal the most are considered secondary, or mistaken as dangerous. My hope is
this chapter will start to debunk some of the unsubstantiated concerns, while noting safety
concerns when merited.


In my practice, whether a patient is utilizing medications or not, I have seen again and
again how the naturopathic model of balancing sleep, exercise, healthful diet, counseling
work, and the right supplementation can help a person with mood disorder optimally
rebalance. Just to reiterate what is discussed in Chapter 4, focusing only on
supplementation will not serve the best results in the long term. But sometimes starting
with a focus on one lifestyle or supplementespecially if that is all the patient can
realistically handle in the beginningwill help kick-start a better mood. A better mood
will help clients to do even more helpful lifestyle work later on when they are ready.
The suggestions below may be considered first for patients coming to the holistic
practitioners office who are already taking mood medications. Please remember that this
is a fairly new field of research, so unfortunately information is limited. Nevertheless, my
experience is this work can create an important bridge to getting clients better quicker.
Also important is that a patient should never simply stop taking antianxiety or
antidepressant medication without good reason and careful monitoring.

Can a good walk help a medication work? Can it be better than adding another drug to a
current drug that is not working all that well? One study seems to suggest it can. Trivedi et
al. (2011) looked at 126 patients whose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
were not working for them. Their next treatment choice is usually an add-on drug that has

a 2030 percent success rate (also known as a 7080 percent failure rate), typically with a
higher risk of side effects.
These patients had never exercised before and were allowed to choose exercise instead
of an add-on medication. One group chose a daily easy, light exercise, like strolling at two
to three miles an hour, or gentle exercise biking. A second choice was following the
American College of Sports Medicine recommendations of exercising a bit more
vigorously by walking in a brisk manner, at the rate of 4 miles an hour, every day.
For both groups, overall about 30 percent of patients felt better in 4 monthsa little
better than one would expect from a second medication. Interestingly, more people
stopped their exercise if they were in the more vigorous group; thus, more people were
able to stick to the lighter exercising. This tells us that a patient should start at his or her
own comfort level, beginning with lighter exercise (especially if new to exercise) and then
gradually increasing intensity. In truth, the exercise did not do much better than the
medicationbut my clinical experience tells me that the benefits of exercise help the
underlying causes of mood issues, and are more substantial and long lasting. (For more
about exercise, see Chapter 2.)

Thyroid Hormone
Chapter 2 discussed the multiple important actions of thyroid hormone to help the mind
and body of a person with depression. Thyroid hormone can also be an important ally to a
medication that is otherwise not working.
As early as 1969, astute researchers had shown that when patients on tricyclic
antidepressants were given tri-iodothyronine (T3), the result was an enhanced and
accelerated recovery (Prange & Loosen, 1982). About 5560 percent of patients who
previously failed to respond to tricyclic antidepressants will respond when they have
enough thyroid hormone (Barowsky & Schwartz, 2006). In one study of almost 300
patients, those treated with T3, or a more natural glandular thyroid support, were twice as
likely to respond than to placebo and almost three times more likely to respond than to
thyroxine (T4) (Joffe & Singer, 1990).
Joffes (1992) review of the literature supports the successful utilization of T3 in
patients taking SSRIs. Lack of energy was especially common in patients given Prozac,
but when the T3 was added the low energy went away, with no side effects noted.
If a patient is using a medication that is not working well, checking thyroid levels may
be in order. If these are normal but on the low-normal side, a small dose of T3 (Cytomel)
or natural glandular supplements like Armour Thyroid or Nature-Throid could be tried to
see if there is benefit, while monitoring blood tests and looking for signs of excess thyroid
hormone (fast heart rate, palpitations, sweating, greasy skin and hair, and anxiety). Since
excess levels of thyroid may contribute to anxiety feelings, it may be best to avoid in
anxious patients.

As mentioned in Chapter 3, estrogen levels play a role in mood. Estrogen will affect the

level of serotonin and also modify the reactivity of serotonin receptors. As some women
with imbalanced menstrual cycle may attest, estrogen fluctuations can also bounce mood
around. If a woman is predisposed to anxiety or depression, especially around the time of
menopause and postmenopause, these estrogen changes will allow the mood issues to fully
manifest. In postmenopausal women being treated for depression, estrogen replacement
therapy has improved the effects of conventional antidepressants (Schneider, Small, &
Clary, 2001). In a number of cases in my practice, administration of a little extra estrogen
in the form of a skin cream made all the difference in allowing both anxiety and
antidepressant medications work their best. (Please refer to Chapter 3 for more about
estrogen.) While I prefer women first work with sleep, lifestyle, diet, and other natural
ways to balance the body before considering hormones, natural estrogen replacement may
be a good second-line option.

As discussed in Chapter 3, optimal levels of progesterone are known to help calm the
brain, improve sleep, and strengthen libido. Both animal and human clinical research
suggests that progesterone and its metabolites may have a calming effect by enhancing
GABA in the brain, an action similar to that of the common benzodiazepine medications.
Balbalonis et. al (2011) looked at whether progesterone can potentiate the effects of the
benzodiazepine triazolam (Halcion). The natural bioidentical form of progesterone called
oral micronized progesterone (at 0, 100, and 200 mg doses) along with oral triazolam
(0.00, 0.12, and 0.25 mg/70 kg) was given to 11 healthy premenopausal women who had
documented low levels of sex hormones. Triazolam alone produced expected sedative-like
effect and the progesterone alone also had some, albeit weaker, sedative effects that were
shorter in duration. Most notably, progesterone increased and extended the duration of
triazolam effects, suggesting that progesterone may alter how a benzodiazepine will work
in the body. This concerned the researchers, who raised the question about whether
progesterone could increase the risk of addiction.
I have two thoughts about this study: one, it used an oral progesterone, which has a
first pass through the liver before going into the general circulation. This may increase the
effects of altering the liver metabolism of the benzodiazepine medication. Any hormone
taken orally will have to first pass through the liver, before going out to the general
circulation. This first pass will have a stronger effect on the processing of other drugs and
hormones. A better method might have been using a transdermal cream, that would go
through the skin and diffuse into the general blood circulation, creating less of a
progesterone hit in the liver. Also, we may consider the possibility that use of
progesterone might supplant the need for benzodiazepines in women who are low in
progesterone, or may lower the required dosage of the drug. More research is needed, and
progesterone might be considered for an anxious woman alongside a benzodiazepine as
long as she is well monitored for any signs of addiction to the drug.

Chapter 3 discussed the importance of this hormone when discussing blood tests. While
some testosterone may helpful for anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression and

has low testosterone levels, it may be even more beneficial in patients already taking
medications but not getting good results. In a randomized controlled trial of 56 men with
treatment-resistant depression, Pope et al. (2003) found that 24 of these men had morning
serum total testosterone levels of 350 ng/dl (normal range, 2701,070 ng/dl). Of these 24
men with low testosterone, 23 entered the study. One man responded quickly to a 1-week
single-blind placebo period, while the 22 others were subsequently randomly assigned to
either 10 g/day of a 1 percent testosterone gel or a placebo, while continuing their
antidepressant drugs. Ten subjects receiving testosterone and nine receiving placebo
completed the 8-week trial. Subjects receiving testosterone gel had significantly greater
improvement in scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale than subjects receiving
placebo. A significant difference was also found on the Clinical Global Impression
severity scale but not the Beck Depression Inventory. One subject assigned to testosterone
reported increased difficulty with urination, suggesting an unconfirmed exacerbation of
benign prostatic hyperplasia; no other subject reported adverse events attributable to
testosterone. This study also showed that it is possible to use pharmaceutical medications
with transdermal testosterone concurrently.
In a second, smaller randomized controlled trial by Barowsky and Schwartz (2006), 19
men with difficult-to-treat depression who also had low or even normal testosterone levels
completed an 8-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Participants were given
either 10 g/day of transdermal testosterone gel or an equivalent amount of pla-cebo cream.
Each subject continued his existing antidepressant regimen. The testosterone-treated
patients had a significantly greater decrease in depression questionnaire scores than the
placebo-treated patients.
I have seen many cases of healthy mood adjustments using a little testosterone in both
men and women. I have also witnessed cases of patients with low testosterone not able to
successfully wean off medication until their testosterone was adjusted.

Fish Oil
As discussed in Chapter 3, fish oil is immensely supportive of the nervous tissue and the
adrenal system and as gentle but consistent anti-inflammatory support. Of all the
supplements, this is my first choice for anyone with mood issues, whether they are taking
medication or not (unless, of course, they have a fish allergy).
One study of 20 patients taking anti-depressant medications found the addition of fish
oil in a 4-week, parallel-group, double-blind evaluation found highly significant benefits
with the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo by the third week over
those that did not take fish oil. (Nemets et al., 2002). In a study of 70 patients with
persistent depression, despite ongoing treatment with an adequate dose of a standard
antidepressant, Peet and Horrobin (2003) found benefit from 1 g/day of ethyleicosapentaenoate (ethyl-EPA) versus placebo. Interestingly, this 1g/day dose may have
had greater benefit over the 2 and 4 g doses. Ethyl-EPA is a pure, prescription form of EPA
that is devoid of other essential fatty acids (and is discussed in Chapter 4). Strong
beneficial effects were seen while patients were monitored for depression, anxiety, sleep,
fatigue, low sex drive, and thoughts of suicide.

Tryptophan and 5-HTP

SSRIs are standard therapy for most of your clients prescribed drugs for anxiety and/or
depression. As discussed in Chapter 3, tryptophan and 5-HTP are amino acid precursors
helpful in supporting the body to make its own serotonin. While most conventional
psychiatrists are uncomfortable or cite serotonin syndrome as a concern when
combining these with medication, research discussed in Chapter 3, as well some specific
studies reviewed here, suggests this is a missed opportunity.
One 8-week randomized controlled trial of 30 patients with major depression found
that combining 20 mg Prozac with 2 g tryptophan daily at the outset of treatment for major
depressive disorder appeared to be a safe protocol that had both rapid antidepressant
effects and a protective effect on slow wave sleep, with no need for monitoring of drug
levels (Levitan et al., 2000). I know of only one relevant study of the combination of 5HTP with SSRIs, in which Meltzer et al. (1997) administered single doses of 200 mg 5HTP to 16 patients taking fluoxetine (Prozac) and to 14 patients taking tricyclic
antidepressants (which inhibit serotonin reuptake to varying degrees). None of these
patients showed evidence of serotonin syndrome.
In a study of 26 patients, Nardini et al. (1983) used 5-HTP to augment clomipramine
(Anafranil), a potent inhibitor of serotonin reuptake. There were no signs of serotonin
syndrome or other serious adverse events, and the group who received clomipramine (50
mg/day) combined with 5-HTP (300 mg/day) enjoyed better mood, less anxiety, and fewer
uncomfortable physical symptoms. In addition, a trial with fibromyalgia patients taking 5HTP together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a class of antidepressants notorious for
its many drug interactions, did not indicate any side effects attributable to serotonin
syndrome (Nicolodi & Sicuteri, 1996). Instead, this combination of significantly improved
fibromyalgia symptoms, whereas the other treatments yielded poorer benefits.
Typically, if patients are taking medications, I would recommend they start with a
small dose of either L-tryptophan (500 mg/day) or 5-HTP (50 mg/day) and continue
dosing up to 2,000 mg/day of tryptophan or 300 mg/day of 5-HTP in divided doses until
benefit is achieved. Of course, monitor closely, and if symptoms worsen, then boosting the
serotonin pathway may not be appropriate for that particular patient.

Folic Acid
Folic acid in the form of methyltetrahydrofolate is becoming well known in the
conventional psychiatric community as a support for antidepressants. Fava et al. (1997)
were among the first to study this, when they examined the relationships among levels of
folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine with response to fluoxetine (Prozac) treatment in
213 outpatients with major depressive disorder. For a baseline assessment, a blood sample
was collected from each patient. Subjects with low folate levels were more likely to have
melancholic depression and were significantly less likely to respond to the Prozac. Fava et
al. concluded that there was a link between low folate levels and poorer response to
antidepressant treatment. They suggested that folate levels be considered in the evaluation
of depressed patients who do not respond to antidepressant treatment. It makes sense to

me to look at folate levels before starting any kind of treatment.

A more recent second research study by the same group found that patients taking 15
mg/day of folate (which is a super-large dosethe usual dose is 400800 g) found
antidepressant medication to work significantly better, and much better when adding more
pharmaceutical medications (Fava et al., 2010). Coppen and Bailey (2000), using much
lower doses in 127 patients, also corroborate that 500 g of folic acid taken daily with
fluoxetine (Prozac) can greatly improve the therapeutic effect. The authors noted that
higher levels of folic acid were required in men to optimally maintain folic acid levels.
These studies are showing us that a simple, water-soluble B vitamin support like folic
acid may be a viable alternative to the vast array of adjunctive and add-on medications,
including antipsychotic medications like Abilify or even antiepileptic meds like Lamictal.
These drugs are often prescribed for nonresponders and treatment resistance a situation
which most clients on antidepressants experience sooner or later.
For patients taking antidepressant medications and looking for better support, they
may start with 1 mg/day of folate and work up to a total of 15 mg/day. A prospective
community study looking at 400 g/day of folic acid along with 100 g vitamin B12 did
not see benefit (Christensen et al., 2011), so higher doses are likely better or possibly
using a more natural form of folate would have worked better. It is best to use the
methylfolate version of this nutrient, which is the more natural version. In my experience,
1mg doses are enough when used together with other holistic care discussed in this book.
More about folate can be found in Chapter 4 and in the section about the MTHFR gene
mutation in Chapter 3.

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)

In a study by Hintikka et al. (2013), serum vitamin B12 levels were looked at in 115
people with major depressive disorderall the patients were in normal range for the
vitamin. In the subgroup of 40 patients that did not respond to medication, the average
vitamin B12 level was 470.5 pg/ml (normal range is ~2001,100 pg/ml). Among 34
people who had a partial response, average baseline vitamin B12 was 536.6 pg/ml. The 41
people who had a full response group had an average baseline vitamin B12 measurement
of 594.9 pg/ml. This implies that the higher baseline vitamin B12 levels, the better the
patient outcome. This suggests to me that patients with depression should have a B12 level
of at least about 600 pg/ml, even though most doctors would be happy with a level over
200 pg/mL. Many blood tests even state that people with low levels, between 200 and 400
pg/mL, may show neuropsychiatric problems, so looking for 600 pg/mL or higher makes a
lot of sense. I know of no reason to worry about B12 toxicity, even at levels of 1,200
pg/ml or more.
Anyone taking antidepressant medication should check their B12 levels. Patients can
ask their doctor for intramuscular B12 shots once a week, or the methylcobalamin version
of this vitamin can be taken orally, starting at a dose of 10,000 g once a day, which is
about 10 times the daily maintenance daily dose recommended in Chapter 4. If there is no
change in blood levels after taking this for 12 months, increased dosage may be

indicated. If levels do not change, consider working on digestion and absorption by

improving foods and diet (see steps for a leaky gut in Chapter 3), for the main reason B12
stores are low is poor absorption by the digestive tract. For more about vitamin B12, see
Chapter 4.

Like B vitamins, zinc may be a valuable ally if a patient is prescribed antidepressant
medications that simply arent working. Mlyniec, Oboszewska, & Nowak (2011) looked at
the effect of zinc deprivation on the beneficial effect of antidepressant drugs. The
researchers gave some mice a zinc-deficient diet, which significantly lowered the levels of
this mineral in their body. The control mice had a normal diet. Then the animals were
subjected to a stressor (the forced swim test) to induce depression. The animals that were
zinc deprived had a minimal response to antidepressant medication support, whereas the
animals with plenty of zinc in their body responded more positively when given
medication. This suggests antidepressants could possibly work much better but that they
may not work for so many people because we are a nutrient-depleted society.
Human studies also support this hypothesis. Nowak et al. (2003) ran a placebocontrolled, double-blind pilot human trial. One group of 6 patients with depression was
given 25 mg zinc once a day with standard antidepressant drug therapy, while a control
group of 8 patients were given standard antidepressant drug therapy only. Each patients
sense of well-being was evaluated before the treatment, and also 2, 6 and 12 weeks after
the treatment started. Although the zinc treatment did not take effect until week 6, a very
strong benefit was conferred on the mood of the patients taking the zinc over those who
did not take the extra zinc. This was a small study, but given the safety of zinc and
possible benefit, it may make sense to try. For zinc supplementation more than 2 months,
it is helpful to take are taking 2 mg/day of copper, too (often found in a good multiple
vitamin), for sometimes extra zinc can decrease copper levels in the body. More about
zinc can be found in Chapter 3.

SAMe is a methionine compound helpful in supporting the methylation pathways needed
to create optimal neurotransmitter balance. It is discussed Chapter 3, along with several
studies. In addition, a study by De Beradis et al. (2013) examined 33 patients with secondstage treatment-resistant depressive disorder, meaning the pharmaceutical medications
were not working after 8 weeks of two different antidepressants. These patients had
depression for an average of 8 years. They were then openly given SAMe at 800 mg/day
for 8 weeks in addition to their current medication. Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
scores at 8 weeks showed significant decreases, with response achieved by 60 percent of
the patients and remission by 36 percent. Additionally, most responders demonstrated a 50
percent or greater reduction of total score within the first 5 weeks of treatment, which is
quite rapid improvement in depressive symptoms, especially over the usual effect of
antidepressant drugs when they do work (which is a minimum of 6 weeks). The most
frequently observed side effects were mild constipation and nausea with decreased
appetite. Another trial, called the STAR*D (Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve

Depression), looking at multiple medications for treatment-resistant patients showed a

remission rate of only 12.3 percent and 19.8 percent (Fava et al., 2006), far below the
results seen with the SAMe.

Rhodiola and Eleutherococcus

These herbal adaptogens have been observed to be a clinically effective adjunct when
administered with tricyclic antidepressant medications. Twenty-one subjects took 150
mg/day of tricyclic antidepressants along with a noontime dose of 1520 drops/day of a
rhodiola tincture, while another 46 patients took the same dose of another adaptogen
called eleutherococcus, which has similar properties to rhodiola (Brichenko, Kupriyanova,
& Skorokhodova, 1986). Thirty-one patients served as a control and took only the
antidepressant. Both herbs along with tricyclic antidepressant treatment showed a positive
effect on psychopathologic symptoms with reduced affective, ideamotor (involuntary
movement due to a thought), and motor components of the depression. The depressed
patients who also had anxiety and hypochondria symptoms fared the best. Patients enjoyed
increased general activity as well as greater intellectual and physical productivity. Side
effects from the tricyclics (e.g., constipation, sinus tachycardia (fast heart beat), extremity
tremors and headache) were fewer. However, disorders of extreme emotional issues and
phobia fared worse.

One a double-blind randomized control trial looking at a combination of lavender with the
antidepressant imipramine (Tofranil) found the herbal addition to be more effective than
the drug alone in the treatment of depression (Akhondzadeh et al., 2003). This studys
double treatment group took 100 mg/day of imipramine plus 60 drops/day of a lavender
tincture. The findings suggested that taking a moderate amount of lavender may help
reduce the amount of tricyclic antidepressants needed to treat depression, leading to fewer
side effects. While there are no studies specifically using lavender with antianxiety
medications, clinically I have seen benefit of adjunctive lavender, helping to decrease use
of antianxiety medications.

Research using acupuncture alongside conventional medications is just starting to surface.
One double-blind study looked at acupuncture in combination with Prozac for major
depression. Zhang et al. (2009) divided 80 patients into two groups: one received
acupuncture plus 10 mg/day of Prozac and the second group received sham acupuncture
plus 2030 mg/day of Prozac. Acupuncture was administered five times a week for 6
weeks. Both groups showed similar responses (80 percent for the true acupuncture and
77.5 percent for the sham group), with the true acupuncture group showing lower
medication side effects and anxiety. The overall rate of adverse events due to acupuncture
from this study was 8.75 percent. In my clinical and research experience, this is a much
higher adverse event rate than commonly encountered.
Table 6.1 reviews the best supports for patients on pharmaceutical medications for
anxiety and depression.


Antidepressants are well known to cause sexual dysfunction. These symptoms include
delayed orgasm, decrease sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and dyspareunia (pain with
intercourse). Prevalence rates in medicated patients are as high as 5090 percent. These
side effects may be safely and adequately addressed with natural remedies gingko,
yohimbe, and acupuncture. Table 6.2 reviews herbal supports for antidepressant sexual
side effects.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Ginkgo is a wonderful plant with a great hardiness and vitality. It was the first plant to
grow after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and has been used medicinally for
thousands of years. Beneficial for both anxiety and depression, as well as memory and
fatigue (Ernst, 2002), the flavonoids in ginkgo are strong antioxidants, which protect
nerves, decrease clotting, help memory, and can help the body and brain balance stress
hormones and normalize serotonin (Shah, Sharma, & Vohora, 2003). Although reviews are
mixed for Alzheimers and non-Alzheimers dementia, some report benefit for mood and
cognition (Yancheva et al., 2009; Bachinskaya, Hoerr, & Ihl, 2011).
Table 6.1. Support for Patients on Pharmaceutical Medications for Anxiety and Depression



Antianxiety and antidepressant support Walking outside or more intense if preferable to the client

Thyroid hormone Antidepressant medication support



Antianxiety and antidepressant

medication support

Antianxiety and antidepressant

medication support
To balance estrogen prescription


Antianxiety and antidepressant

medication support

Fish oil

Antianxiety and antidepressant

medication support

Dosing based on form of hormone used and lab work

*Watch for anxiety manifestations, along with other
symptoms of excess thyroid (palpitations, fast heart rate,
Dosing based on form of hormone used and lab work
*Can make some depression worse
*Concern of increasing tendency of addiction to

About 2 g/day of regular fish oil (to achieve 1,000 mg/day

of EPA and ~800 mg/day of DHA)
1 g/day ethyl-EPA

Tryptophan and 5- For antidepressant medication support


With an SSRI: 500 mg up to 2 g L-tryptophan

Folic acid

With SSRI medications: 1 mg up to 15 mg/day

For antidepressant medication support

With tricyclic antidepressant: 50 mg up to 300 mg/day of 5HTP

Vitamin B12

Antidepressant medication support


Antidepressant medication support

Intramuscular: B12 shots once a week

Oral: 10,000 g doses once a day until levels rise, then
1,000 g/day for maintenance
25 mg/day with food.
*Balance with 2 mg of copper/day if taking for more than 2
months, unless blood copper levels are high.


Antidepressant medication support

Rhodiola or
Patients with depression or depression
eleutherococcus and anxiety on tricyclic

800 mg/day for 8 weeks

1520 drops/day of a rhodiola tincture before noontime
*People with severe emotional swings and phobias fare

Table 6.2. Herbal Supports for Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants

Herbal support
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

4080 mg three times a day, with a standardization of 24 percent gingko
*May be especially useful for women
*Should be avoided if taking diabetes medications, anticlotting medications, or
antiepileptic drugs

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia

520 drops of liquid tincture up to three times a day

2.716.2 mg daily of the alkaloid yohimbine
*Best to try ginkgo first due to possible side effect profile of yohimbe
*May cause anxiety, wound up feelings, and excessive sweating
*Contraindicated with high blood pressure

In an open trial, Cohen and Bartlik (1998) found ginkgo extract to be 84 percent
effective in treating antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction predominately caused by
SSRIs. In this study of 96 people, women had more response to the sex-enhancing effects
of ginkgo than the men, although both saw benefit. The relative success rates for women
were 91 percent and for men were 76 percent. Ginkgo generally had a positive effect on
all four phases of the sexual response cycle: desire, excitement (including erection and
lubrication), orgasm, and resolution (the fterglow or good feeling immediately following
orgasm). A triple-blind study by Wheatley (2004) of 240 mg gingko given to eight men
and five women found some excellent individual responses in both groups, but as a whole
there were no statistically significant differences suggesting benefit overall. While these
studies are promising, more research is welcome to understand exactly who may benefit
best from ginkgo.
Ginkgo dosage and toxicity
Gingko biloba extract may be used at a dosage of 4080 mg three times a day,
standardized at 24 percent gingko flavonglycosides. Although levels the flavonglycosides
are important, remember to use a preparation that includes the whole ginkgo leaf with it,

for we do not know exactly what part or parts of the gingko are actually helping with
mood and sexual side effects.
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is quite low in toxicity, but this supplement should be
avoided if a patient is taking diabetes medications (Kudolo, 2001), anticlotting
medications (Kim et al., 1998), or antiepileptic drugs (Granger, 2001).

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)

Hailing from the coffee family of plants, Pausinystalia yohimbe contains an alkaloid,
named yohimbine, which is well known in the botanical medicine world for the treatment
of erectile problems and impotence.
Medical science is starting to look into this herbal for depression. The National
Institute of Mental Health has completed a trial on the effect of yohimbine as an
antidepressant (Zarate, 2013), although analysis of this study has not been completed as of
the time of this writing. This study is looking at the efficacy of a single intravenous dose
of yohimbine compared with placebo in improving overall depression symptoms when
administered during REM sleep. Yohimbe may be helpful with the sexual side effects of
antidepressant medications. Its efficacy in treating sexual difficulties may be due to its
ability to block presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which enhances adrenergic tone
needed for a robust sexual response (Nelson, 1988).
Yohimbe also seems to help medicated patients respond quicker and better to SSRIs
(Cappiello, 1995). A randomized controlled trial by Sanacora et al. (2004) of 50 patients
with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder showed that subjects who took Prozac plus
yohimbine responded more rapidly than those who took Prozac and a placebo. The
subjects were randomly assigned to receive 20 mg of Prozac plus either placebo or a
titrated dose of yohimbine. (Titration means the dose was slowly adjusted higher while
monitoring a person for any safety problems.) In these cases, the yohimbine dose was
titrated based on blood pressure changes over the treatment period. Keep note that one real
concern about yohimbine and the plant yohimbe is that its powerful effect on the adrenal
system not only improves mood and sexual feeling but also can raise blood pressure, so
dosage needs to be watched carefully. Right now, we do not know who is more inclined to
experience high blood pressure as a result, so each person taking this plant needs to be
monitored closely.
Like ginkgo (described above), yohimbe has been studied as an adjunct to lower the
sexual side effects of antidepressant medications. A study by Hollander and McCarley
(1992) of six patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania (obsessive hair
pulling), anxiety, or affective disorders like depression who suffered sexual side effects
after treatment with SSRIs were given yohimbine on an as-needed basis in an open
clinical trial. Because of the concern about effects on blood pressure discussed above,
different doses of yohimbine were employed to figure out which would be ideal for each
patient. Five of the six patients experienced improved sexual functioning after taking
yohimbine. The other patient did not take the doses as asked. In the largest study of this
kind, 17 of 21 patients showed improvement of sexual side effects when treated with

yohimbine at an average dose of 16.2 mg, as needed, for an 81 percent response rate.
Pausinystalia yohimbe dosage and toxicity
A variety of sexual side effects, including low libido, have been reported to be alleviated
by yohimbine (the drug component derived from the whole plant yohimbe) in doses
ranging from 2.7 to 16.2 mg daily, usually divided into three daily doses. Typically, it has
been prescribed either as 5.4 mg up to three times a day or on an as-needed basis with
single doses up to 16.2 mg (Sanacora et al., 2004). Another choice is to use the whole
plant herb itself instead of a prescription form of yohimbine. In this case, it may be easiest
to use a liquid herbal tincture in a concentration of 1:5, taking a range of 520 drops three
times a day. The amounts of yohimbine in these liquid preparations may vary.
For my patients with sexual side effects, I recommend trying gingko first (see above).
If they do not show improvement with gingko after 2 months, herbal yohimbe may be a
reasonable second choice. If you have a client who wants to work with yohimbe, then it
important to work with a naturopathic physician, qualified herbalist, or other practitioner
experienced with this herband critical to advise the prescribing medical doctor as well.
It is best to start at low doses and titrate to therapeutic dose to avoid side effects, while
monitoring blood pressure before starting and then daily while taking the herb.
My first experience hearing about yohimbine was as a researcher at Yale in the
Department of Pharmacology. A postdoctoral fellow in whose lab I was assisting had
taken some yohimbine while participating in a trial of the drug. The poor fellow suffered a
full erection for over 24 hours and I believe needed a procedure to drain the penis. The
potency of the drug yohimbine is much higher than that of the whole herb yohimbe.
Possible side effects of yohimbe include higher blood pressures, excessive sweating,
increased anxiety, and a wound-up feeling in some patients. This is not an herb to use
lightly, so please be respectful of this one. It should not be used by anyone with high blood
pressure or glaucoma, and may be contraindicated in anxiety disorders.

Acupuncture has a potential role in treating the sexual side effects of antidepressant
medications. In a pilot study by Khamba et al. (2013), 35 patients (18 men and 17 women)
experiencing antidepressant sexual side effects received a traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) assessment, followed by an acupuncture treatment protocol for 12 consecutive
weeks. The treatment protocol used TCM theory and addressed what was called heart yin
deficiency and kidney qi deficiency, two diagnoses that relate to sexual dysfunction
and mood issues. Acupuncture points were kidney 3, governing vessel 4, bladder 23,
pericardium 6, and heart 7. Male participants reported significant improvement all areas of
sexual functioning, as well as in both anxiety and depressive symptoms, while female
participants reported a significant improvement in libido and vaginal lubrication and a
nonsignificant trend toward improvement in several other areas of function.
Limiting this study was the fact that it was an open-label, noncontrolled study.
Additionally, in TCM, chosen acupuncture points are typically individualized for the
particular patient, which was not the case here. Individualized selection of point for the

patients might have increased effectiveness. Nevertheless, this study corroborates what I
see clinically in my practice regarding the benefit of using acupuncture alongside
medications for helping with sexual side effects. With virtually no risk to the patient, it is
worth trying.


Patients who have moved through the steps of holistic care outlined in this book may be
ready to work with their doctors to safely wean off medications. This section explains,
step by step, how to do this. Table 6.3 provides a quick reference highlighting which
supplements to consider with individual medications.
Stopping antianxiety and antidepressant medications is like stopping any other drug:
there is the possibility of withdrawal that will have its own set of symptoms. While the
drug companies and the medical community call it discontinuation syndrome, it really is
drug withdrawal. With antianxiety and antidepressant medications, withdrawal symptoms
can include confusion, irritability, dizziness, lack of coordination, sleeping problems,
crying spells, panic attacks, and blurry vision. In my office, I commonly see digestive
upset, headaches, electrical zaps, and the return of some familiar (but uncomfortable)
Table 6.3 Natural Supports for Weaning Off Medication
Prescription Drug
(Prozac, Prozac
Weekly, Sarafem)

Supplement support dosage

5-HTP: before weaning the medication, start with 50 mg each day for 1 month, then start tapering
off medication while adding 50 mg more a day once a week for the next 3 weeks.
Tryptophan: 500 mg once a day in the evening for the first week, then start tapering medication
while adding 500 mg both in the late afternoon and before bed. Add up 1,000 mg in the late
afternoon and evening while tapering.

Paroxetine (Paxil,
Paxil CR, Pexeva)
Sertraline (Zoloft)

Tyrosine: 500 mg once a day for 1 week, THEN ADD 5-HTP: 50 mg/day for the second week.
Start tapering medication, while adding 500 mg of tyrosine for week 3, then adding 50 mg of 5HTP for week 4 while continuing the medication taper.

(Savella, Ixel)
Tyrosine: 500 mg once a day for one week THEN ADD 5-HTP: 50 mg/day for the second week.
Start tapering medication, while adding 500 mg of tyrosine for week three, then 50 mg of 5-HTP

(Elavil, Endep,

for week four while continuing the medication taper.

Doxepin (Adapin,
Silenor, Sinequan)
(Tofranil, TofranilPM)

Mucuna: 200 mg extract once a day for 2 weeks, then start tapering medication while increasing
to 200 mg twice/day. Once the patient is off the medication completely and feeling good for 2
weeks, 200 mg once a day for 1 month, then 200 mg every other day for 1 month, then


Mucuna: 200 mg extract once a day for 2 weeks, THEN ADD 5-HTP: 50 mg once a day for 2
weeks. Start medication taper.


Tyrosine: 500 mg once a day for 1 week THEN ADD 5-HTP: 50 mg/day for the second week.
Start tapering medication, while adding 500 mg tyrosine for week 3, and adding then 50 mg of
5-HTP for week 4 while continuing the medication taper.

Rivotril, Librium,

For sleep issues

Valerian: 100 mg/day while weaning off benzodiazepines.
For general anxiety
Kava: 50 mg/day to start, moving up to 300 mg/day while tapering the benzodiazepine over 2
weeks, with a subsequent 3 weeks of 300 mg of kava/day.

Research shows that antidepressant withdrawal evokes a major behavioral stress

response itself and can cause neurologic damage through pathways that create
overexcitement in the system. Through these pathways, improper withdrawal of
medications will cause greater neurologic damage and may create a great inability to
respond well to future treatment options of any kind (Waxman, 2005).
One thing any patient using these medications should remember is that stopping the
medication can be hard to do. The brain and body do become dependent on them.
If a patient has done the work recommended in the rest of this book (psychotherapy,
sleep, diet, lifestyle, exercise, supplements, mind-body work) and believes he or she is

ready to reduce medication, three steps will help organize this process: (1) talk to the
prescribing doctor and assure monitoring, (2) follow the naturopathic path, and (3)
prescribe supplements to support the medication weaning process.

1. Talk to the Prescribing Doctor and Assure Monitoring

Safety is the number one issue for any patient. As a naturopathic physician, I certainly
prefer patients not take medications if they are not needed. However, weaning needs
proper monitoring. Thus, the prescribing doctor should always be centrally involved. As I
do in my office, working with a doctor open to CAM approaches is preferable. Also,
patients with other issues beyond anxiety and depression, such as schizophrenia, bipolar,
or other medical issues, may not be able to stop taking medications at this time. So please,
ensure your client is checking with his or her prescribing doctor.
Also, this is a time to make sure the support team for the patient is available and
scheduled. Depending on the patient, this would include his or her psychotherapist or
psychologist, acupuncturist, naturopathic or other holistic doctor, and ideally the patients
home community of family or friends, if available. Keeping close tabs on the patient and
alerting the prescribing doctor if there are withdrawal symptoms are important.

2. Follow the Naturopathic Path

This book goes over diet, lifestyle, laboratory testing, stress, sleep, gender factors,
nutrients, botanicalsa range of issues to consider in CAM. If these factors have not been
worked on and are not in place as a cohesive plan, a crucial supportive factor might be
overlooked and the weaning process may suffer. As a general rule, I recommend the
holistic plan this book outlines be in place for at least 4 months, and the patient should be
feeling very well for at least 2 full monthsmaybe longer if the medication has been used
for more than 2 years.
I try not to emphasize the notion of weaning off medications when first working with
holistic options. I typically find, though, that after a few months working with holistic
care, my patients who are still on medications will bring up the question of whether
medications are still needed. This is an important moment: it tells me there has been some
shift in their body and mind, and we can get start down the road to safely weaning off the
medications. This shift is not always tangible, but when it happens, the patient often
recognizes it first. Once that shift is noticed, it is best to wait at least another month or two
to make sure that shift holds, and then consider step 3 below.

3. Supplements to Support the Medication Weaning Process

In this step we add a few supplemental supports to help the body get up to
neurotransmitter speed. The general idea is to review the medications your client is taking
and then gently support the body by feeding it the precursors to the neurotransmitters that
the drugs already support. Table 6.3 lists the amino acid or herbal supports to help the
body create its own neurotransmitters for weaning off each medication. An analogy to this
would be like creating little stairs to go down a steep incline, instead of using an icy ramp.
These amino acids and herbs are little steps for the nervous and hormonal systems to take

as they move down the path to a medication-free life.

Please note that many of these supplements have not been backed by double-blind
randomized placebo controlled trials for use in medication weaning. This work is instead
based on my last 10 years of clinical practice, the evidenced-based research I reviewed
elsewhere in this book, and common sense. More studies on this type of work are most
welcome, and one of my hopes is that this book will stimulate further research, so we can
refine and create an evidence base and safety parameters for this kind of truly integrative


Making Recommendations and Designing Treatment

Integrative thinking is the ability to constructively face the tensions of
opposing models, and, instead of choosing one at the expense of the
other, generating a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a
new model that contains elements of the individual models, but is
superior to each.
Rotman School of Management, 2012

Chapters 16 discussed a wide range of topics: conventional medicine, the brain,

hormones, sleep, blood sugar, foods, amino acids, herbs, exercise, environment, toxins,
homeopathy, and probably way more research than you were interested in.
The million dollar question is, How does a practitioner select from among the many
choices to help our client? There is no possible way a client can do them allnor would
that be useful. So, how do we distill all this to meet the needs of the person with anxiety or
Thinking integratively and creating an effective treatment plan generally require
consideration of more variables than would be considered in conventional care. It requires
using intuition and imagination along with reason and scientific research. Paul Rosch,
current chairman of the board of the American Institute of Stress and clinical professor of
medicine and psychiatry at New York Medical College, applies the concept of integration
to medicine and suggests that integrative medicine implies the ability to extract bits of
information from seemingly disparate disciplines and synthesize them into something that
is meaningful (Rosh, 1997).
In this spirit, Figure 7.1 is a flow chart that helps guide integrative thinking, to help
you sense where all these moving parts fit in a cogent and cohesive plan for your client.
Below are six steps to help the practitioner gather the right information and drill down
to what will be most important to guide the patient:
1. Listen to the patient and take a good history
2. Assure the lifestyle basics
3. Get some tests
4. Add basic supplementation
5. Add specific supplements that match the patient profile
6. Print out a clear and simple plan of action

Figure 7.1. A decision flow chart for the integrative care of anxiety and depression.


Undoubtedly, this is something you as a therapist are doing quite well. You are the expert
in listening carefully. This section is not here to teach you another method but to place this
into the context of holistic and integrative care.
Twentieth-century theologian Paul Tillich said: The first duty of love is to listen. Sir
William Osler, a founding professor of Johns Hopkins Hospital, is quoted to say: The
good physician knows the disease the patient has. The great physician knows the patient
who has the disease. Together, these thoughts may sum up the spirit of effective
integrative and holistic care: to listen to your patient and learn who your patient truly is.
When you know your patient well in terms of hopes, dreams, sensitivities, physical
predispositions, preferences, schedule, real and perceived limitations, and so on, you will
find ways to work with that person in order to start making good decisions that will bring
back balance.
Treatment options draw from a multitude of recommendations, including food
changes, lifestyle work, spiritual work, vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, drugs, and
sometimes even surgery. The best physician knows these tools are all valuable, and the
strongest integrative physician strives to understand which will be most valuable at a
given moment.
I consider the first visit I have with my patient as very important. It is my first
opportunity to show agape (love of humankind), to listen closely and to get to know the
person. The first visit may also be the most important in terms of earning the trust needed
to share the intimacy that is that persons life and help make decisions to change its

trajectory. As a therapist, you are keenly aware the critical nature of meeting each person
where he or she is in terms of speaking tone, communication style, and vocabulary, which
will be invaluable in creating a therapeutic relationship that both is professional and feels
safe for your client. To create a holistic plan, this therapeutic relationship is key.
The first two questions I typically ask a patient are these:
I know you are here to work on having a better mood. If I could wave a magic wand, is there any particular feeling,
thought, or symptom that you would like to see go away or balance out first?

This is not a standard question, but I find this helps me understand what is really bothering
the patient. For example, I may know a patient is diagnosed with generalized anxiety
disorder, but I dont know what bothers that person mostis it the sweating in their
palms, the fear someone will touch them, the tingling in their feet? This can give a strong
clue as to what treatment modality will help the most.
When was the last time you felt well?

This question helps me ascertain if the patient remembers or can visualize what it was like
to feel well at some point. Patients who can remember this well typically get better
quickerthe others may be more challenging. Patients who respond I always felt this
way or I cannot remember the last time I felt well typically need a longer course, closer
monitoring, and possibly more rigorous treatment regimens.
Following these two questions, I will ask about the mood issue itself.

Mood Concern Onset and Chronology

When is the very first time these mood issues came on?
What was going on in your life when you first noticed these feelings? Did you get sick or have a change in your
health before or around that time? Were there any traumatic events or losses in your life at that time?

It is key to understand what life events were happening for a particular patient when it all
started. Sometimes difficult sickness can contribute to feeling depressed, and sometimes it
can clue a practitioner in to possible underlying causes.

Family History
Do mood disorders appear in your family?

Establishing family history may clue the clinician in that healing and balance may be a
longer-term and more neurotransmitter-based endeavor than someone without family
history. In my clinical experience, those patients with a strong family history often have
more neurotransmitter imbalances, and typically need a longer duration of care for
healing. Of course, there are exceptions, as thoughts and messages are learned from our
family environment the same way genetics are passed on.

What medications are you now taking?
Have any medications been helpful to you? Which ones?
Have any medications made you feel worse?

Knowing what medications a patient is taking can alert you to other conditions present, as

well as how to watch out for interactions with natural treatments. The last two questions
can help you ascertain what mechanisms are more salient, which can help you decide
which natural supplements would be more effective or possibly make a patient feel worse.

Are you currently taking any natural supplements?
Have any supplements helped you?
Have any supplements made you feel worse?

Patients typically visit a holistic practitioner after hitting the health food store a few times
and trying things themselves outside of a comprehensive treatment plan. If any
supplement may have helped or made the patient worse, this may aide in future
supplement choices.

Better/Worse and Associated Symptoms

What makes your symptoms better or worse?
Foods? You may suggest certain food allergies or sensitivities
Time of day? You can suggest circadian rhythm or blood sugar relationship. A diet and
lifestyle diary that outlines diet and symptomology can be very helpful to further
elucidate food, activities, and other factors in your clients life that may play a role
in triggering mood changes (see appendix VI).
Time of year or season? This ascertains whether there is seasonal affective disorder or
circadian disruption that needs adjustment.
Do these feelings go away when you are on vacation? If yes, they are more acute
stress related.
Does exercise make it better or worse? If the patient is fatigued after exercise, this
may be more a sign of drenal fatigue, HPA dysregulation, or overall depletion.
Often in these cases blood pressure will be lower as well and may need support.
Does being alone make it better or worse? This helps the practitioner to understand
the patients experience of relating to other people or inclination to separate from
the world.
Is it worse or better during certain parts of your menstrual cycle? If yes, this may
suggest elevation or depression of certain hormones that contribute to mood issues.

Review of Systems/Physical Examination

This is a basic tool used by primary care physicians, where questions are asked about the
different symptoms, and the body is checked for physical signs. Instead of recreating the
full review and examination, below is a summary of those items I have found most
pertinent to ask about in working with anxiety and depression.
Rashes, itching may indicate inflammation, digestive issues, poor toxin elimination.

Pale skin may be a sign of iron deficiency or vitamin D deficiency due to little
Pale crevices in hands may be a sign of iron deficiency.
Purple or darkness under the eyes may be a sign of inadequate sleep or food allergies.
Nail cracks, ridges, furrows may be a sign of general nutrition deficiency.
Lower leg swelling not associated with kidney or heart problems is often a sign of
hypothyroidism or circulation challenges.
Dry skinconsider fatty acid deficiency, inadequate hydration, or low thyroid
In Chinese medicine, the tongue has a lot to offer regarding understanding the body and
digestion. Here is a quick summary of main ones features to look for:
Thick white coatslow digestion
Think yellow coatslow digestion with excess heat, that may represent anger or low
acid production
Large deep crack in middle of tonguedeep emotional issues
Red tipped tonguelow yin energy
Oversized and pale tonguespleen qi deficiency (digestive weakness) or blood
deficiency (often caused by low nutrient status)
Lateral sides darkenedliver qi stagnated (often a sign of high stress)
In traditional Chinese medicine, lung issues are correlated with grief. Anyone with lung
issues may be asked if they have experienced unusual grief or grief that has not dissipated
with time.
Cardiovascular system
Low blood pressure can be a sign of adrenal fatigue.
Nervous system
Tingling in hands and feet? This can be a sign of blood sugar instability. In Chinese
medicine it also suggests phlegm or stuck energy in the middle of the body not
moving out to the periphery. Diabetes and neurological issues should be ruled out.
Excess sweating? This can be a sign of hyperthyroid function. In Chinese medicine it
may be a sign of yang deficiency.
Hormonal system
Problems with the thyroid (either hypo- or hyperthyroid) will affect mood.
Menstrual irregularities change both serotonin levels and receptivity in the brain to

affect mood.
Problems with the parathyroid gland will also affect mood via suppression of vitamin
Digestion and bowel habits
Any digestive problems?
How often do you have a bowel movement?
Digestive issues of many kinds may be a sign of food allergies or sensitivities,
inflammation, and poor ability to balance neurotransmitters. It may also suggest an
imbalance in bowel flora.
Musculoskeletal system
Poor muscle toneconsider lack of exercise.
Back or joint painmay hinder a persons ability for mood to improve due to excess
pain, or from lack of exercise. In either case, a plan to address pain may be needed
as a first step even before fully addressing mood issues.

History of Toxic Exposure

History of exposure to toxins may suggest a detoxification protocol to be appropriate:
Have you ever been exposed to any toxic chemicals or lived in an industrial areas?
Have you ever lived close to a highway or major street for a period of time?
Has your home been checked for toxic mold, lead paint, or water impurities?
Is there anything you are allergic to?
Can you tolerate perfume and smells? Can you tolerate coffee or alcohol?
Often, yes answers to these questions (except the last) suggest the liver is challenged with
detoxifying environmental chemicals.


Below is a summary of lifestyle items I have found most pertinent to ask about while
working with anxiety and depression.
Schedule: What time do you eat your meals, have bowel movements, go to work,
come home, and so on?
This is a key piece of information, for this will help you understand what you reasonably
can ask a patient to do. For instance, if a patient works 12 hours a day, it may not be
physically possible to ask her to exercise. In which case, you may need to be creative as to
what you suggest.
Sleep: What time do you go to bed and wake up? Any trouble falling or staying
asleep?Any history of sleep apnea? Has a partner ever mentioned that you snore,
or stop breathing while sleeping?

Any sleep deficit can cause or exacerbate mood problems. Difficulty falling asleep would
suggest melatonin may be useful. Difficulty staying asleep would point to using 5-HTP,
tryptophan, or sustained-released melatonin. If sleep apnea is present, it should be treated.
Exercise: Do you exercise? What is your routine? After you exercise, do you feel
better, or worse?
Exercise, in virtually any form, is beneficial for mood. It is also helpful to get a sense of a
patients constitution and energy reserves. Some equate inability to feel energetic after
exercise as an issue of drenal fatigue requiring support.
Food intake: What did you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday?
I recommend having each patient, if possible, complete a diet and lifestyle diary that
tracks what a patient eats, their activities, and their emotions for 7 days. (See appendix
VI.) Often, patients themselves will make connections between their food, activity, and
their emotions
How do you feel if you dont eat for a few hours?
Both anxiety and depression can be related to hypoglycemia and low blood sugar.
Generally, people who get symptoms when they havent eaten will benefit from bloodsugar-related work, such as eating more protein at breakfast, frequent meals, and
chromium supplementation.
Recreational drugs and smoking
Number of alcohol drinks per day? Past or current history of alcohol abuse?
Do you smoke? If yes, how much?
Is there current recreational drug use, or a history of substantial recreational drug use
or abuse?
Current use of cigarettes, alcohol, and recreational drugs may hinder the effort for healing.
Substantial past use may indicate toxicity and the need for a detoxification protocol as
Stress reduction rituals. Do you have a daily stress reduction ritual?
Everyone should have some daily ritual that helps process or mitigate the effects of stress:
meditation, prayer, massage, acupuncture, journaling, and so forth. If this is not in place in
your clients schedule, this is an opportunity to learn what your client might enjoy.


Ask your patient to get the blood tests listed in Appendix II.


Chapter 4 discusses the use and benefit of the following:
A high-quality general multiple vitamin. Take with meals.
Fish oil (assuring 1,000 mg EPA).

A high-quality probiotic (I use a combination of Lactobacillus and Bifidus strains).


Consider such supplements as 5-HTP, tryptophan, valerian, and SAMe, based on the
patients constitution, profile, medication use, and symptomology. Chapter 4 explains the
different supplements and gives clues to suggest which specific supplements might best
support a particular patient. These are summarized in Appendix IV. Testing results will
also suggest which nutrients would be of value.


When a patient comes for a visit, I tell them they are welcome to write down any notes
they wantbut they dont have to. As I talk with them and listen, I am preparing their
treatment plan. This will be a clear printout of steps that will be our individualized plan of
Sample First Visit: Chart Notes
The following composite will take you through a truncated form that first
highlights pertinent notes charted for a composite patient and then show you
the accompanying recommendation plan. While the patient is a composite,
these are all common notes and plans.
Date: 03-21-2014
Patient: Carla Composite
DOB: 1-19-1966
Chief Concern: Depression with Anxiety
Onset: started with depression at age 31 during divorce, in strong
relationship now. Depression comes and goes but anxiety persists.
Symptoms do not stop patient from working, or taking care of her two
Previous history: experienced some great anxiety after boyfriend breakup
during college; used medications for 5 years, and then stopped due to
pregnancy consideration.
Current symptoms: functional but always worried. When really tired,
sometimes she prefers not to get out of bed at all.
Never suicidal: would never do that to my kids.
Working with therapist on relationship issues and sense that I will always
be alone.
Second Concern: Fatigue

Wakes up exhausted
Some energy during the end of the day into the evening
When I dont eat, I get a little crazy and I feel cold.
Worse fatigue: after exercise in the AM. I try to work out hard so I dont
disappoint my trainer, but, sometimes I cantIm just exhausted.
Doctor says Im anemic, but I stopped taking iron two years ago for it was
making me more constipated.
Other concerns:
Patient would like to lose some weight.
Review of Systems and Lifestyle Factors:
Bowel movement every third daybeen like this since high school. MD
says its normal for me.
No time for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and healthy dinner of chicken,
some vegetable and quinoa. Tend to overeat late night.
Water intakenot great.
Coffee: Need it. Starbucks venti with milk and 3 sugars twice a day. Only
thing that keeps me up, but makes me more anxious.
No alcohol or recreational drug use.
In bed by 12:30 a.m. and up by 6:30 a.m.
Trouble falling asleep every night, so I like to stay up and watch late night
with Conan. He is so hilarious and it helps me stay calm until I am finally
sleepy. Once asleep, I tend to stay asleep.
Sometimes I cant fall asleep because my mind is bouncing all over the
place. The klonopin helps this by knocking me out.
Relaxation Work:
I tried to meditate, but it makes me crazy.
Zoloft: helps the anxiety a little, but no change in the depression.
Klonopin at night when needed (once a week, usually).
Centrum, sometimes.

CoQ10 (friend told her would be good for energy), hasnt helped.
Patient appears well nourished and not in distressed.
Height: 5' 9
Weight: 142 lbs
Blood pressure, left arm 92/58
Depression, Anxiety
See recommendation plan below
Date: 03-21-2014
Patient: Carla Composite
DOB: 1-19-1966
Sample First Visit: Treatment Plan
Adrenal saliva test and blood work (see attached list)this way we can see
how your stress hormones are running, and if there are any nutrient
deficiencies or hormonal issues contributing to how you are feeling.
Continue your work with your therapist, and have her contact me so we can
coordinate care.
Please keep this gentlegentle walking in the sun every morning as it
feels good for you. For now, do not push your body with heavy duty
Shut any bright lights/computer/TV/cell phone by 10 p.m. and sit and read.
Sip some chamomile tea with a dropperful of Passiflora tincture in the tea
to help calm the mind.
If you enjoy Conan, then DVR it to watch earlier the next night.
Take one capsule of melatonin (1 mg per capsule) at 10:30 p.m. to be in
bed at 11 p.m. If you are not falling asleep easily, please add one capsule
(300 mg) of GABA to help the mind shut down.

Before shutting the light, write down in bullet point form any thoughts you
are having.
Drink water in the morning: one big glass, room temperature. You can
squeeze half a lemon if you like.
Eat breakfast every morning, here are some ideas:
- Two hard-boiled eggs with Ezekiel toast and butter
- Ezekiel bread with natural peanut butter
- Rice protein powder with half a frozen banana and blueberries
- Turkey bacon with scrambled eggs
- Oatmeal with walnuts, butter, and cinnamon
For constipation help, add these to your daily diet:
- 5 organic prunes
- 1 cup of dark greens
- 1 tablespoon of flax mealcan add to oatmeal, a salad, or a shake
For your coffee, ask for caf for 2 weeks, then go to caf.
Discontinue Centrum and start a higher-potency multiple vitamin: 3
capsules a day with food.
Fish oil: one teaspoon a day, with or away from food, for overall brain
Probiotic: one capsule at bedtime, to support digestion.
You can discontinue the CoQ10 for now if you feel it is not helping.
Once a week to support energy, relax, and help lift mood.
NOTE: Please do not change any medications without speaking to your
prescribing doctor.
Next Visit Follow-up in One Month:
Check on recommendations above.
Review saliva test blood tests: consider herbs and supplements for
adrenal/circadian support and gentle iron or other nutrients depending on
blood tests.

Consider direct mood-supporting supplements.

Longer term: weight loss work.
Rationale for this treatment plan
Carlas picture is a common oneshes a functional anxiously depressed person. While
she is clearly anxious, from my perspective, it is hard to tell if she is depressed or simply
too tired. Anemia alone can create a low mood/fatigue picture. Constipation will also
affect mood and keep it low. Blood tests will help decide if her anemia may be due to low
iron, or low oxygenation of her blood, or low B12 status. Then we can supplement
appropriately. The adrenal tests will help us understand if her cortisol is very low, or is up
and down at different times a day, contributing to anxiety and the nighttime wakefulness.
Her blood pressure, low for her height, suggests to me her adrenal function is waning.
This first treatment plan focuses on some basics:
1. Better sleep
2. Improving bowel movements
3. Supporting morning blood sugar and eating breakfast
Sometimes these alone will go a long way to improving how she is feeling.
I encourage my patients to have their therapists contact me, so I can better understand
a patients challenges, as well as coordinate care, for even better results.
Shutting the bright lights earlier will help Carlas own melatonin secretion and support
her natural evening circadian rhythm. The supplemental melatonin should also help Carla
fall asleep, and the GABA works like a natural klonopin to support GABA if she still
needs a little of that but doesnt want to rely on the drug. The herb Passiflora
(passionflower) is a wonderful and gentle way to calm an overactive mind. The morning
walk in bright light can also help establish her morning circadian pattern.
Drinking water will help bowel movements, as well as usher amino acids into her
brain to support neurotransmitter function. Lowering caffeine will help the insomnia. It is
best to wean slowlyespecially because constipation and depression may get worse if
coffee is removed quickly.
Breakfast is the first step to balancing blood sugar issues. We might consider adding
supplemental chromium at a later date as well, if blood sugar needs further work or the
blood tests show poor blood sugar control.
We are starting with the three general supplements: a good-quality multiple vitamin
(store-bought tablets are usually very poor quality, the reason we switched this), a fish oil,
and a probiotic.
While we are working on things and getting more information, starting acupuncture
should help Carla start to feel less anxious, as well as pick up her energy and mood.
I like to place a follow-up plan at the end in order to explain to my patient what we

will be doing at our next visit and what longer term options may be considered. This
mentions that we will review the current plan, to see what was accomplished and helpful,
and look further at what wasnt accomplished and understand the challenges to these.
Also, I mention to the patient that we havent actually used any mood supplements yet
(e.g., 5-HTP or St. Johns wort) but that we may discuss using these if needed. Many
times, an executed plan like this precludes the need for direct mood supplementation.
Finally, I mention addressing the weight loss. In truth, working on diet, bowels, and
healthy exercise will probably have some positive effects on weight, but I want my patient
to know that we are keeping all the things important to her in sight.
Finally, as I walk my patient out of my office into the waiting area, I ask permission to
give her a hug, and tell her I look forward to our follow-up visit.
The namesake for my medical school, Bastyr University in Seattle, is John Bastyr,
ND, DC. He recommended to his students to lways touch your patientslet them know
you care (Grimes, 2005, p. 58). At the end of the visit, this can take the shape of a twohanded deliberate handshake, or asking the patient, Is it OK if I give you a hug? In my
10 years of practice, only one person has ever said nostating that he would not be
comfortable. A gentle hug is a powerful expression of care and will relay to your patients
your heartfelt interest in their well-being. Plus, it is very healthy for me to get a few hugs
every daya win-win for everyone involved.



Top Seven CAM Recommendations You Can Offer

Your Clients
1. Remain on medication, if you are taking medications. Consider medication if there
are safety issues due to mental illness.
2. Have some blood tests (Appendix II).
3. Begin taking these supplements:
A high-quality multiple vitamin (full dose, with food)
Vitamin D (1000 IU/day with food)
Magnesium supplement (250 mg twice a day)
Fish oil (1,000 mg/day EPA)
4. Try to get out in the sun in the morning and begin an exercise program, if able.
5. Add specific foods to the diet that have proved beneficial for mood disorder:
Protein every morning (boiled eggs, protein shake)
Salmon, catfish, or other low-mercury fish 3 times a week
1 cup of green vegetables every day
One tablespoon of olive oil every day
Handful of raw nuts every day
Handful of baby carrots every day
1 probiotic food a day: 1 yogurt, 1/2 cup sauerkraut (freshly made if possible),
miso soup
6. Get to bed by 11 p.m. and create a consistent sleep schedule.
7. Add specific supplements if not on medication:
Anxiety: a B complex and ashwagandha (300 mg twice a day)
Depression: rhodiola (100 mg three times a day)
8. Consider referral to a holistic practitioner (see Appendix III).
In most cases, the above simple steps are backed by evidenced-based medicine and alone
can substantially impact the course of both anxiety and depression.


Blood Test Recommendations

Below is a list of blood tests to check with anyone suffering from anxiety or depression.
Please note that many conventional doctors may not find it necessary to run these. Or they
may be uncomfortable running a test that is outside the purview of their specific specialty.
For example, a psychiatrist may not feel comfortable running a celiac panel, which is
usually under the jurisdiction of a gastroenterologist, even though inflammation from the
gut can be a strong contributor to mood disorder. Also, most conventional doctors do not
look at saliva adrenal testing. In my experience, even endocrinologists who work regularly
with hormones usually do not look at this test. Nevertheless, from a holistic perspective,
these tests may provide useful information regarding the underlying factors that contribute
to a persons mood condition. While not all may be run for your client, whichever ones
can be run will be of help for the long-term goal of understanding the underlying cause.
A few companies provide saliva testing for adrenal hormones. Here are two I have
used (I have no financial relationship with these laboratories):
BioHealth Laboratory: http://www.Biohealthlab.com
Diagnostechs: http://www.diagnostechs.com

Recommended Blood Tests

Suggested Blood Tests for:
Date of Birth:
Todays Date:
Fasting blood sugar
Serum insulin
Complete metabolic panel
Lipid panel
CBC (complete blood count)
Iron panel:
Serum iron

Hormonal panel:
Free and total T3, T4
Testosterone: free and total
Serum estrogen (if female)
Serum progesterone (if female)
Celiac panel:
Anti-gliadin IgG antibodies
Anti-gliadin IgM antibodies
Secretory IgA
Serum carnitine
Serum folic acid
Serum B12
MTHFR gene test
Serum 25(OH)vitamin D
Serum mercury


CAM Referrals and Resources

As I have mentioned throughout the book, I have the honor of collaborating on my patient
care with many psychotherapists, social workers, and open-minded psychiatrists. It is a
pleasure to work togetherI learn a great deal, and the patient receives a team care
approach that offers the best of all worlds.
Health can be thought of like standing and balancing on a big ball. Most of the time
we can keep ourselves standing, but when a disease comes in, we then begin to fall too
easily. When appropriately used, medication itself can help push the person back up to the
top. However, this position can prove temporary and often can push the person too far
even to the point of going off the other side in the process.
Using talk therapy, CAM medicines, and psychiatry in a team care approach can offer
not just one hand pushing up from one direction but many hands gently propping-up the
patient, adjusting the direction and force of these taps as we go, thus allowing patients to
rebalance themselves for good and learning to use the resources we can offer as needed in
the future.
It is a rare practitioner who has all the tools necessary to create health for any
individual patient. I encourage you, as your clients often main and most trusted resource,
to help him or her find other practitioners who can keep in communication with you and
each other, to create the best care possible. Below is a resource list to help you find
practitioners and more information.

Holistic Practitioners and Conference Opportunities

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians: www.naturopathic.org/
This is the national association for naturopathic physicians, and their website offers
information on naturopathic medicine, becoming a naturopathic doctor, and conferences
and continuing education in naturopathy. Also, each state has its own state association. If
you decide to refer to a naturopathic physician, this organization contains only
credentialed physicians who went to federally recognized naturopathic medical colleges.
The American Holistic Medical Association: http://www.holisticmedicine.org
The American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA) was founded in July 1978 by
medical doctors who had an interest in natural and holistic medicine but had no support
from their medical community. Today, members include medical doctors, naturopathic
doctors, and many other practitioners. The AHMA runs excellent conferences, continuing
education events, and retreats and is a source of community for holistic medical doctors.
Institute of Functional Medicine: www.functionalmedicine.org
The Institute of Functional Medicine consists of medical doctors, osteopathic physicians,
and naturopathic doctors who espouse a systems-based approach. Besides having a

practitioner base, they also offer resources and conferences geared towards medical
doctors interested in learning about a more integrative approach.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine:
This well-respected peer-reviewed journal publishes research on a variety of CAM topics,
including acupuncture, nutrition, massage, botanical medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, and many
other modalities.
Natural Medicine Journal: http://www.naturalmedicinejournal.com/
This is the official journal of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. It is
an e-journal offering peer-reviewed research on integrative and naturopathic medicine.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies:
This is an evidence-based journal that includes articles on many different CAM modalities
and integrative medicine topics, such as building a holistic practice and integrating CAM
into a clinical practice.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
This is an international, peer-reviewed journal founded in 2004 with information on CAM
and integrative medicine.
Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews: http://www.ndnr.com
This publication provides clinical information for naturopathic physicians in North
America. It informs and educates physicians in the recent developments of the practice of
natural medicine. It includes protocols, practice management, business development,
marketing, clinical research, news, and more.
Holistic Primary Care: http://holisticprimarycare.net
Provides health professionals with a credible source for natural and holistic medicine.
Townsend Letter: http://townsendletter.com
Since 1983, providing practitioners with a wide variety of alternative medicine topics.


Supplements for Anxiety and Depression

Table IV.2. Most Commonly Used Vitamins for Anxiety and Depression

Best use

Typical dose

Vitamin C

High CRP

500 mg twice a day

Vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D with

depression or anxiety

1,0005,000 IU/day taken with food and

retest levels in 3 months

Vitamin B3 (niacinamide

Panic and obsessive compulsive types

of anxieties

100 mg three times a day

Benefits for staying asleep when used

with tryptophan
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine or
pyridine 5-phosphate)

Anxiety and depression

Vitamin B12

Anxiety and depression

Folic acid (methylfolate)


2550 mg/day
May work best when taken with magnesium
1 mg daily

Support for treatment-resistant


Treatment-resistant depression

4001,000 g for depression or 515 mg daily

in treatment-resistant depression cases

Can help antidepressants work better


Panic disorder

618 g/day

B complex: vitamins B1,

B2, B5, B6, B12, folate,
and inositol

General daily stress support for

nonanxious people and to support
depression and anxiety

40 mg vitamin B6, 1.2 mg B12

(methylcobalamin form), 1 g folate (lmethyltetrahydrofolate form) per day

High homocysteine
Betaine (trimethylglycine)

Possible side effects

High homocysteine


3,600 mg/day

Food sources

Runny stools and diarrhea at

high doses

Large amounts may contribute to Papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries,

kidney stones
pineapple, kiwi

None known at physiologic


Fat-soluble vitamin can build up Small amounts in salmon, tuna, mackerel, beef,
to toxic levels
liver, egg yolk
Overdosing can raise calcium
absorption, leading to heart
May help antidepressants work

None known

Long-term use should include

Chicken, turkey, beef, liver, peanuts, sunflower
precautionary monitoring of liver seeds, mushrooms, avocado, green peas
Use may increase effectiveness of
Avoid with anticonvulsant

200 mg or more a day may

cause reversible hand and
food tingling and/or fatigue

Birth control pills can lower B6


Bell peppers, spinach, potatoes, bananas, turnip


Occasionally will cause

insomnia if taken too late in
the day

Metformin can lower B12 status

Snapper, calfs liver, venison, shrimp, scallops,

salmon, beef

No side effects

Avoid when taking methotrexate Spinach, asparagus, romaine lettuce, turnip

for cancer treatment
greens, mustard greens, calfs liver, collard
greens, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, lentils,
Avoid with epilepsy medications

Minor gastric discomfort

None known

Most vegetables, nuts, wheat germ, brewers

yeast, bananas, liver, brown rice, oat flakes,
unrefined molasses, raisins

High levels of B6 can cause

reversible neuropathy

No known toxicities

Vegetables, whole grains, beans

Rare transient gastrointestinal


None known

Beets, whole wheat, wheat germ, shellfish

Table IV.3. Supplementation Supportive in Specific Cases of Mood Dyregulation Due to Hormonal
Thyroid or

Best use

Typical dose

Low thyroid function

Depends on individual needs

Anxiety and depression

510 mg for women, up to 25 mg for men;

monitor levels with blood tests. Higher dose
per individual need.

Consider for low levels, midlife-onset depression,

autoimmunity, and addiction recovery for anxiety
with withdrawal


Anxiety and depression

Depends on preparation

May help antidepressants work better



Depends on preparation

May help antidepressants work better

Progesterone Anxiety or with depression

Depends on preparation and needs

As low dose when given estrogen

Poor sleep

Possible side effects

Racing heart


Food sources

Use under physician supervision

Thyroid organ meat

Excess hair

Use with physician guidance

None known

Greasy skin and hair,


May be contraindicated in prostate


Excess sweating
Fast-paced thought

Scalp itching, hair

Dermal patch can
cause rash

Use with physician guidance


Higher risk of blood clots in smokers Foods with gentle phytoestrogens: soy, kidney,
pinto, and navy beans; flaxseeds; sunflower seeds

Leg swelling

Zinc-containing foods may help boost testosterone

(oysters, eggs, bananas, broccoli)
May be contraindicated due to heart
disease and prostate cancer concerns

Blood clots
Increased feelings of
sadness and


Raw nuts and seeds may help increase progesterone



Vaginal bleeding
Table IV.4. Plant-Derived Oils That Can Be Helpful for Mood
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) or
primrose oil

Vegan oils

Possible side

Best use

Typical dose

Heavy drinking and alcoholism with


GLA: 1,0002,500 mg once a


Premenstrual symptoms with depression

Primrose oil: 4,0008,000 mg


General anxiety and depression support

~4 g/day alpha-linolenic acid



Food sources


Doses of GLA > 3,000 mg/day should be avoided


None known

Black currants

Not be used in patients with epileptic history, in those with prostate

cancer risk, or during pregnancy
Flaxseed, rape seed oil,
walnuts, tofu

Table IV.5 Minerals Most Commonly Used to Support Anxiety and Depression

Best use

Typical dose


Anxiety and/or depression that correlates with

hypo- or hyperglycemia, atypical depression

200600 g/day, taken in divided doses

with meals


Treatment-resistant depression

15 mg twice a day

Leaky gut

Use zinc carnosine for leaky gut

Helps support the immune system and the skin

Balance with 2 mg/day copper if taken for

>2 months (unless blood copper levels are

Low iron anemia

25 mg one to three times a day


Take with 500 mg of vitamin C for best

Use succinate or fumarate forms
(glycinate or
taurate form)

Sleep issues

For sleep issues or anxiety:


250 mg glycinate form twice a day

Depression plus anxiety

For depression plus anxiety:

300700 mg of either form
One to two cups Epsom salts in a warm


Anxiety and/or depression with low thyroid

function or low T3

100200 g/day

Lithium orotate

Anxiety or depression, especially in patients who

benefit from oxytocin-related treatments like a

520 mg/day of elemental lithium

Possible side effects

None known at recommended


Food sources

Monitor for lowering of blood sugar Onions, romaine lettuce, tomatoes,

in patients using diabetic medications Brewers yeast, eggs, liver, bran cereal
Helps prevent glucorticoid-induced
chromium deficiency

Can cause nausea when taken

on an empty stomach or in
sensitive individuals

Large doses (>150 mg/ day) can cause Beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, pork, crabmeat,
vomiting and appetite loss
lobster, clams, salmon, pumpkin seeds

Can be constipating in higher


Contraindicated in postmenopausal
women and in men except for clear

Long-term zinc supplementation may

deplete copper
Dark turkey meat, red meat, cast iron pot
cooking, lesser absorbable iron in dark

May turn stools black

Possible loose stools if

Taurate form can cause

iron deficiency unexplained by other

medical issues
None known

Mineral water

Avoid taurate form with kidney

disease or diarrhea

Swiss chard, summer squash, blackstrap

molasses, spinach, mustard greens,
halibut, turnip greens, seeds (pumpkin,
sunflower, flax)

Doses >400 g may cause

symptoms of dermatitis, hair
loss, and brittle nails
Common supplemental doses
show no toxicity

green vegetables

Tuna, meat, fish, nuts (especially Brazil

nuts), garlic

Impaired kidney function

Mustard, sardines, whole grains, blue

corn, vegetables

High doses can cause muscle

weakness, loss of appetite,
mild apathy, tremors, nausea
and vomiting
Table IV.6. Top Supplemental Amino Acids Used for Anxiety and Depression

Best use

Typical dose


Leaky gut

1 teaspoon twice a day


Depression and possible

antianxiety benefits

5001,500 mg L-carnitine form twice a day to raise

serum carnitine

Cognitive support in seniors

For cognitive support

13 g acetyl-L-carnitine form



Anxiety (natural Xanax)

100200 mg up to three times daily away from food

To help calm mind to fall asleep

Take no more than 1,000 mg within a 4-hour period and

no more than 3,000 mg within a 24-hour period


510 g (one to two teaspoons) a day or before an

anticipated panic attack.

30 minutes before anticipated

panic situations

Can be mixed with passionflower

Lysine and

Anxiety in stress situations

23 grams of each twice a day, away from food


Anxiety with chronic running or

obsessive thoughts

200400 mg/day, away from food

High cortisol:DHEA ratio

Anxiety with blood pressure

Trouble staying asleep

5002,500 mg
Take away from food, but with a high glycemic simple
carbohydrate (e.g., cracker)


Anxiety, especially agoraphobia

and panic
Expression with a social anxiety
or panic component

100200 mg three times a day, on an empty stomach

200 mg 90 minutes before anticipated panic attack


Depression with apathy and


For depression or tobacco withdrawal support: 500

1,000 mg two or three times a day up to 6,000 mg total

Supportive with physical stressors For tobacco withdrawal support: Add chromium, 200
and sleep deprivation
mg/three times a day
Tobacco withdrawal

For low thyroid function: 300 mg/day

Low thyroid function


Same as for Tyrosine, above, with Up to 14 g/day L-form in divided doses

concomitant pain symptoms
350 mg/day D-form

Phosphatidylserine Anxiety and depression

Chronically high or low cortisol

200800 mg/day in divided doses on an empty stomach

combines well with essential fatty acids

Chronic high stress


Obsessive-compulsive disorder

500600 mg two or three times a day

Gambling issues
Possibly bipolar disorder
Adjunct to respiridone, for
irritability symptoms

Anxiety with low energy and

cardiovascular concerns

500 mg taurine up to three times daily


Mild to moderate depression,

especially with low energy and
little motivation

200 mg twice daily to start; 400 mg twice daily on day 3;

400 mg three times daily on day 10; 400mg four times
daily on day 14

Possible side effects

None known

May prevent chemotherapyinduced side effects

Food sources
Cabbage, chicken, beef, fish

May not be appropriate with liver

or kidney disease
None known

May be beneficial to prevent

Beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, fish
deficiencies with anticonvulsant

Dizziness and sleepy


Rare increased bruising and

bleeding at high doses

None known

Check with a doctor before using Fish, meat, beans, dairy

if liver or kidney disease is

Tea (green, black, oolong) fermented foods (yogurt,

kimchi, sauerkraut); whole grains (oats, brown rice)

May be beneficial in
High doses (2030 g)
of arginine may cause

Arginine is contraindicated if
there is a heart attack history
Arginine may be contraindicated

Nuts, red meat, spinach, lentils, whole grains,

chocolate, eggs, seafood, soy

with type 1 herpetic sores

None known

May increase effects of some


Green tea

Sleepy in the morning

None known

Small amounts in pumpkin seeds, bananas, turkey

Studies with Prozac showed

benefit, without interaction
Monitor for serotonin syndrome
when used with SSRIs and
Nausea and occasional

May increase diarrhea symptoms None

in prone individuals
Monitor for serotonin syndrome
when used with SSRIs and

With higher dosing:

Not recommended with anxiety,
nausea, diarrhea,
high blood pressure, multiple
headache, vomiting, or
myeloma, Graves disease, or
excessive nervousness

Fish, soy, chicken, almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy

products, lima beans, sesame seeds

Consider avoiding
night supplementation
or use with tryptophan
at night if night
wakefulness results
Same as for Tyrosine,

Same as for Tyrosine, above

None known

May benefit high liver enzymes

Organ meats (liver and kidney), mackerel, herring,

tuna, soft-shelled clams, white beans

Occasional headache
or stomach discomfort


Cysteine precursor found in high-protein foods (meats,

tofu, eggs, dairy products)


Possible blood pressure-lowering Meats, eggs

effect: monitor with blood
pressure medications



Torula yeast, soybean protein isolate and concentrate,

peanut flour, dried spirulina, seaweed, defatted and
low-fat soybean flour, dried and salted cod, tofu,
Parmesan cheese, almond meal, dry roasted soybean
nuts, dried watermelon seeds, fenugreek seeds

Temporary balance
Mild nausea

Contraindicated in bipolar


Mild diarrhea
Table IV.7 Top Botanical Medicines for Anxiety and Depression
(Plantago ovata)

Best use
High CRP

Typical dose
One teaspoon twice a day


Blood sugar imbalance with mood issues

One teaspoon a day



(from Curcuma

Gut inflammation and leaky gut issues

1,000 mg/day of the BCM-95 form

of curcumin away from meals



Turmeric spice has small,

nontherapeutic amounts

Possible anxiety benefit

Studied for its benefits as adjunct with fluoxetine and
Roberts for-mula

Leaky gut




Generalized anxiety disorder

Anticipated stressors

2 capsules three times a day between

1 dropperful of tincture (about 30
drops) three times a day
Can be taken 90 minutes before
anticipated stressors

Spinning thoughts

Anxiety, especially with muscle tension

(Piper methysticum)

Women with interstitial cystitis

To help wean off benzodiazepine medications

30 drops tincture two or three times

a day in water or as a tea
400 mg/day of extract
For weaning:
50 mg/day to start
Move up to 300 mg/day while
tapering the benzodiazepine over 2
Subsequent 300 mg/day for 3 weeks


Anxiety, especially with nervous stomach

Studied for benefit when used with SSRIs and
tricyclics for depression

One 80 mg capsule of immediaterelease oil

One or two teaspoons per cup of tea
30 drops of tincture three times a
Essential oil on the pillow at night or
in a warm bath


Chronic anxiety

300 mg once or twice a day,

standardized for 15% withanolide

Low sperm count

Rhodiola (Rhodiola

Anxiety, generalized anxiety, depression

St. Johns wort


Depression and depression with anxiety

Helpful for feelings of burnout and self-esteem


Postmenopausal depression
May help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics
Improves effectiveness of clopidogrel (Plavix)

340680 mg/day, standardized for

1% rosavin

900 to 1,800 mg/day of an extract

standardized to contain 0.3%

Saffron (Crocus

Depression, especially if associated with digestive tract 5 mg of petal or stigma (saffron)

twice a day

Macuna (Macuna

Depression, especially in patients who do well with

dopamine-boosting drugs (e.g., Bupropion,

Possible side effects

200 mg extract once per day,

increasing to twice a day after 2

Toxicity/contraindication /interactions

Can cause transient bloating as flora adjust

to higher fiber levels

Diarrhea at high doses

None known

Excessive quantities can increase coumarin intake and cause liver


Nausea and gastritis are rare

None known

None known

None known

Unlikely, but possible minor dizziness,

drowsiness, and confusion

Do not combine with alcohol

Contraindicated in gastroparesis or other conditions involved poor

digestive tract movement

If using sedatives, work with a health care practitioner

Avoid with MAOI antidepressant drugs

Paradoxical increase in anxiety symptoms in May be best avoided with liver disease
small percentage of users
May cause mild lavender burp after


Vomiting and gastric distress in minority of


Watch for excessive hair growth and check DHEA levels if

supplementing in women

Possible dry mouth and dizziness

None known


Can enhance or reduce effectiveness of many drugs metabolized by

the P450 system: check with pharmacist when patient is on other

Rare reports of mild gastric discomfort

Caution with kidney or liver issues are present

Bloating and nausea

Avoid with anticoagulant medications

High doses can cause vomiting, palpitations, Contraindicated in PCOS

difficulty in falling asleep, delusions, or
Use with knowledgeable practitioner if patient is on antidepressant


Homeopathics Commonly Used for Depression and

Homeopathy is useful in anxiety and depression, as described in the two tables below.
Dosages vary with the type of homeopathic used. They have no known typical side effects,
but check for aggravation of symptoms after first dosage.
Table V.1. Homeopathics Commonly Used for Depression

Mental/emotional symptoms

Physical and special symptoms

Insecure and anxious with low mood and


Very neat and clean

Perfectionistic expectations (in both self and

others) are not met

Shortness of breath

Feels better in warm weather

Type A person: impatient, interrupts others, walks
and talk sat a fast pace
Has a short fuse and can be curt or rude
Enjoys company

Type A person: impatient, interrupts others

Nightmares or insomnia

Walks and talks at a fast pace

Nighttime head pain and high blood pressure

Short fuse

Sensitivity to noise and light

Can be curt or rude

Physical and emotional symptoms worse at


Depressed when performing poorly, or when not

living up to expectations and sense of ability
Very serious and believes self is worthless
Strong sense of despair about life
Easily offended
Sense of humiliation and anger that can lead to
feelings of emptiness and worthlessness
Extreme cases are suicidal

If female, depression is worse before or during


Perspires easily, especially while eating and


Dependable and industrious personoverwhelmed

from too much worry, work, or physical illness

Feels chilly and sluggish and easily tired

with exertion

Brought to tears rather easy

Desires the open air and the outdoors, which

can make client feel better, while stuffy
rooms will make symptoms worse

Experiences anxiety, fatigue, confusion,

discouragement, self-pity, and mood swings
Dread of disaster is in consciousness
Can be childlike and often enjoys being consoled
and gaining sympathy, especially when given by a
mother or in a mother-like manner
Overall personality is mild and gentle

Crave rich and fatty foods and eggs

Avoids conflict and argument

Decision making is a slow and arduous process

Sense of loss and continually experiencing grief

Frequently crying
Mentally dullness and forgetful
Severely discouraged

Burning symptoms: urinary tract infections,

Pale white look to skin
Worse with relationships

Sees great injustice and feels sympathy toward

those who are wronged
Can be angry and irritable

Energetic and talkative when feeling well, but

upset and gloomy when depressed

Experience painful menstrual periods

Headaches that involve the neck

Under a dark cloud

Exaggerated fears (of things like going insane, of
being attacked or of disaster)
May dream of impending doom

Sensitive person who has suffered grief, loss of

loved ones, and/or disappointment and tries to
keep the hurt inside

Feeling of a lump in the throat and having a

heaviness in the chest

Guarded, defensive, and moody in order to avoid

showing hurt

Insomnia (or excessive sleeping), headaches,

and cramping pains in the abdomen and
back are common

Laugh or cry inappropriately

Frequently sighing or yawning

More depressed after stressors: excess work,
illness, emotional stress, or excitement
Ability to concentrate is low, and as a result
becomes discouraged and loses confidence

Exhausted as well as nervous and jumpy

Experiences headaches from mental effort,
with easy perspiration
Insomnia and indigestion are common
Sensitive to cold


Depression is experienced after hurt,

disappointment, or illness
Mild, gentle, and selflessmakes an effort to be
cheerful and helpful

Emotionally and physically sensitive (sun,

weather changes, and many foods, especially

Avoids conflict
Keeps feelings to self
When feeling lonely, withdraws to rest or listen to
sad music, which can increase isolation

Experience feelings of betrayal from trusted


May get migraines, back pain, and insomnia

when depressed

If female, depressed prior to or during menstruation Craves salt

Private with strong inner feelings (grief, romantic
attachment, anger, or fear of misfortune) that
rarely show
Generally quite reserved and responsible
Angered by consolation from another

Tired with sun exposure

Generally worse during hot weather
Inadequate bonding with or nurture from
mother and/or father or feel a lack of
nurturing from them

Cry only when alone, with heavy sobbing

Anxious along with depression
Dwells on past grievance

Gets tired when depressed

Depression drains emotional and physical energy

Noticed hair turned gray or fallen out after an

episode of severe depression or grief


Oversensitive to light, sound, and odors

Exercise increases fatigue and depression

Feels physically weak, especially in the


Feels emotionally numb or indifferent

Feels empty inside

Exposure to the cold outdoors and to drafts

makes mood worse

Cant concentrate
Doesnt feel as intelligent as usual
Lost motivation at work and no longer interested in
business matters
Past disappointments like lost love are hard to get

Depression brings tears, with desire for consolation Childlike behavior and clinging
and hugs
Childlike softness and sensitivity
Sometimes whiny, jealous, and moody
Crying, fresh air, and gentle exercise usually
improves mood
Anxiety can get worse with warmth or being in a
stuffy room
If female: experienced more depression around the
time of hormonal changes (e.g., puberty, menstrual
periods, menopause)


Depression comes with great fatigue and feeling

worn out from daily life

If female: menstrual problems are common

Prefer to be left alone and not be consoled

Sense of organ prolapse (the falling or

slipping down of an organ, e.g., the uterus)

Feel better with vigorous exercise and with crying

Digestion is very slow

Indifferent to family members


Depressed and feel shame, resentment, and

humiliation because of an insult or loss of pride

Circadian rhythms are off: feel sleepy all day

but are unable to sleep at night

Suppressed emotions can lead to depression

Pains manifesting as toothaches, headaches,

stomachaches, or bladder infections that are
stress related

Depression comes after a bout of anger

Feel the need to keep dignity when feeling beaten
Can easily fly into fits of anger when pressured
Easily offended
Tremble with strong emotions
Experience a lot of self-pity
Quiet, sensitive, and emotional person who has
difficulty standing up for oneself

Have strong sexual desires and are prone to


Table V.2. Homeopathics Commonly Used for Anxiety


Mental/emotional symptoms


Panic and anxiety attacks that come

out of nowhere

Physical and special symptoms

Symptoms come on suddenly
Fever may come on suddenly

Sense of doom or impending death

Sense of shock that affects a person
at their core

Generalized anxiety disorder

Sense of palpitations

Chronic anxiety
Chronic worrier
Fear of heights


Anxiety about safety

Feels better in warm weather

Concerned with being robbed

Shortness of breath

Perfectionistic expectations (in both

self and others) are not met
Type A person: impatient,
interrupts others, walks and talks at a
fast pace
Has a short fuse and can be curt or
Enjoys company


Fear of changes

Perspires easily, especially while eating and working

Feeling overwhelmed by physical


Feels chilly and sluggish and easily tired with exertion

Afraid of losing control

Desires the open air and the outdoors, which can make client
feel better, while stuffy rooms will make symptoms worse

Afraid of animals and insects

Crave rich and fatty foods and eggs


Muscular weakness from performance anxiety

Overall fatigued
Muscular shakiness


Anxiety with mood swings leading to Feeling of a lump in the throat and have a heaviness in the
low mood
Anxiety with menopause

Insomnia (or excessive sleeping), headaches, and cramping

pains in the abdomen and back
Frequently sighing or yawning

Anxiety, especially about
cardiovascular problems

Often feels cold

Symptoms worse at night
Might sleep holding hand over the heart area


Low self-esteem and confidence

Loves sweets

Anxiety with being in front of an

Flatulence and stomach upset


Bed-wetting as a child

Little self-confidence and may talk

too much to compensate

Greatest fear is being alone with

anxiety compounded by loneliness

Affected by odors and noise

Prefers cold

Loves company
Highly social and likeable person
Highly imaginative person

Childlike sweetness
Clingy and teary anxiousness
Loves to be consoled


Oversensitivity brings on sense of

New task or situation can bring
anxiety easily

Often a womens remedy for premenstrual symptoms and

painful menses
Thick mucus discharge (nasal, vaginal)
Thin frame and osteoporosis
Responsible and diligent people
Low stamina and easily sickened from overwork


Example Diet and Lifestyle Diary



Foods Eaten Include fluids, vitamins and medications

Feelings: emotions, stress levels

(Rate 1 to 10) :
1= little
10= worst possible

Physical Symptoms (Rate 1 to 10) :

1= little
10= worst possible

Bowel movement, Urination, Gas, Bloating

Major Activities

Information about Dr. Peter Bongiorno

Inner Source Natural Health and Acupuncture in New York is the clinic of husband-andwife team and co-medical directors Dr. Peter Bongiorno and Dr. Pina LoGiudice, where
they practice as naturopathic doctors and licensed acupuncturists. With clinics in New
York City and Long Island, Inner Source Health is compromised of the top naturopathic,
acupuncture and integrative practitioners.
Please sign up for the free InnerSource newsletter, which contains the latest
information regarding research, natural medicine, and health.
Website: www.InnerSourceHealth.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/InnerSource-Health/200391990434or
search for InnerSource Health
Twitter: search for InnerSource Health or @InnerSourceIt
Dr. Peter Bongiornos personal twitter: @drbongiorno
Dr. Peter Bongiornos personal webpage: http://www.drpeterbongiorno.com
Other Books by Dr. Bongiorno:
Healing Depression: Integrated Naturopathic and Conventional Treatments (CCNM
Press, 2010; www.InnerSourceHealth.com/depression). This is Dr. Bongiornos
textbook, written to teach physicians how to work with patients suffering from
depression using natural and integrative treatments. It is very detailed and a great
source for someone in the medical profession or anyone who would like to read
about this information at a higher level of scientific discussion.
How Come Theyre Happy and Im Not? The Complete Natural Program for Healing
Depression for Good (Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari Press, 2012)
Written for a lay audience, this book offers Dr. Bongiornos approach to the
treatment of depression, as well as a way to safely wean off medication without
relapsing or side effects. Many of Dr. Bongiornos mental health colleagues
recommend this work to their clients in order to learn how to use holistic care in a
safe and effective manner.
How Come Im Anxious, and Theyre Not? The Complete Natural Program for
Healing Anxiety for Good (Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari Press, in press) Written for a
lay audience, this upcoming book offers Dr. Bongiornos approach to the treatment
of anxiety.

To my best friend, wife, and fellow naturopathic doctor Pina LoGiudice, who is the
grounding center from which I can traverse out. To the Bongiornos and LoGiudices who
love me and my family without reserve. To Andrea Costella at Norton, whose vision
conceived this project, and whose gentle guidance allowed it to take form. Also, to
Nortons Kathyrn Moyer for allowing me to feel safe and secure with transition; and Trish
Watson, who spent an amazing amount of time bringing things to a usable form. Finally, to
Joy Sanjek, LCSW, a beloved clinician whose invaluable time, insight and feedback is
greatly appreciated.

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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your devices search function to locate
particular terms in the text.
Note: Italicized page locators refer to figures; tables are noted with t.
AACE. see American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)
Abdou, A. M., 163
folic acid and, 227
natural supports for weaning off, 240t
acesulfame potassium, 37
acetylcholine, 193, 213
acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC), 81
Aconite napellus, for anxiety, 300t
ACTH. see adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
action plan, printing out, 255. see also treatment plan
acupressure palpation, 215
acupuncture, xiii, xiv, xvi, 90, 92, 21015, 216t, 254, 259, 261
clinical case study, 212
Prozac used integratively with, 23031
safety of, and contraindications for, 21415
sexual side effects of antidepressant medications and role of, 23738
sham, randomized trials with, 214
traditional Chinese medicine and, 21011
acupuncture practitioners, xvi
acute stress, 1034, 106
adaptogens, 176, 190, 191, 229
addiction, to antianxiety medications, 5
Addisons disease, 105
adenine triphosphate (ATP), 179
antidepressants, FDA warning, and, 5
melatonin for DSPS and, 21
adrenal hyperplasia, 190
adrenaline, forest bathing and, 48
adrenal tests, 257, 260, 267
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 103, 104
advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), 67, 93
afferent group III nerve fibers, acupuncture and stimulation of, 212
AGEs. see advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
agonists, defined, 117

5-HTP and, 170

panic disorder with, meditation and, 208
AHMA. see American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA)
Akhondzadeh, S., 196
ALA. see alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
ALC. see acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC)
alcohol abuse, xiv
delta-6-desaturase enzyme deficiency and, 143
history of, 253, 254
alcohol consumption, moderate, HDL cholesterol, and, 64
Alhaj, H. A., 74
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 144
alprazolam, 39, 114
ALS. see amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 271
alternative medicine, defining, xv
aluminum, 125, 156
Alzahabi, R., 55
Alzheimers disease, 37
ginkgo and, 234
meditation studies on, 207
AMA. see American Medical Association (AMA)
Ambien, 21
American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), 69, 70
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 270
American College of Sports Medicine, exercise recommendations, 220
American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), 270
American Medical Association (AMA), 199
American Psychiatric Association, 179, 193
amino acids, 16383
for anxiety and depression, 284t289t
arginine, 16667
5-hydroxytryptophan, 16870
gamma-aminobutyric acid, 16365
glycine, 16566
L-Theanine, 16768
L-Tryptophan, 16870
lysine, 16667
N-acetyl-cysteine, 17778
neurotransmitters and, 28
phenibut, 16365
phenylalanine, 17276

phosphatidylserine, 17677
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine, 17983
taurine, 17879
tyrosine, 17276
see also neurotransmitters
amitriptyline, 194
dopamine and, 117
humorous television programming and, 54
oxytocin and, 120
stress-induced changes in, 100
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), acetyl-L-carnitine and, 81
Anafranil, 170
Andrews, G., 56
anemia, 68, 259
animal-assisted therapy, xvi
Anishetty, S., 190
antagonists, defined, 117
anterior cingulate cortex, 74, 117
antianxiety medications, 11415
discontinuation syndrome and, 56
high risk-to-benefit ratio with, 10
optimizing use of, 219
safety concerns with, 5
stopping, 238
antibiotics, probiotics and, 147
antidepressant medications, 8, 114
all-cause mortality and, 5
discontinuation syndrome and, 56
estrogen replacement therapy and, 221
fish oil working integratively with, 224
folate and, 226, 227
optimizing use of, 219
safety concerns with, 45
SAMe working integratively with, 229
side effect profiles, efficacy, and, 115
stopping, 238
vitamin B12 and, 151, 22728
zinc treatment and, 22829
see also sexual side effects of antidepressant medications; tricyclic antidepressants
anti-inflammation diet, 59
antioxidants, toxic metal removal and, 128

anxiety/anxiety disorders, 6, 105

amino acids used for, 284t289t
botanical medicines used for, 290t293t
cell phone dependence and overuse and, 5657
clinical case study, 2034
coffee and, 39
computer games and, 55
COMT gene and, 111
CRP elevation and, 66
debilitating, first-line therapy for patients with, xviii
depression comorbid with, xiv
DHEA and, 7475
dopamine and, 117
dysregulated blood sugar and, 28
exercise and, 4041
gene polymorphisms and, 10910
general supplementation for all patients with, 273t
heavy metals and, 12526
homeopathics commonly used for, 300t301t
homeopathic studies on, 199201
hyperglycemia and, 60
hypoglycemia and, 60
inflammation and, 93
insulin resistance and, 60
integrative care of, decision flow chart, 245
light box therapy and, 49
lysine deficiency and, 166
magnesium deficiency and, 157
meditation and, 2078
mind-body therapies for, most commonly effective, 216t
minerals commonly used for, 280t283t
naturopathic care for, research on, 2
neurotransmitter theory and, 114
online cognitive behavioral therapy and, 56
physiological imbalances and, 58
prevalence of, xiii
REM sleep and, 15, 16
sexual side effects with SSRIs, yohimbine dosing, and patients with, 236
sleep disturbances and, 14
stomach reflux and, 13
supplements for, 266
support for patients on pharmaceutical medications for, 232t233t

traditional Chinese medicine paradigm and, 211

understanding underlying causes of, 12
vitamin D deficiency and, 84
vitamins commonly used for, 274t277t
yoga and, 205
zinc deficiency and, 162
anxiety neurosis, acupuncture and, 213
aperitifs, 91
arachidonic acid, 136, 143
Argentum nitricum, for anxiety, 300t
arginine, 16667
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
description of and studies on, 16667
dosage, best application, toxicity, and, 167
aripiprazole, 197
natural supports for weaning off of, 240t
Armour Thyroid, 72, 221, 278t279t
aromatherapy, forest bathing and, 48
arsenic, adverse health effects associated with, 126
Arsenicum album
for anxiety, 300t
for depression, 295t
artificial colors, 36, 39
artificial sweeteners, 37, 39
asanas (postures), yoga, 206
ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), 2, 119, 18991, 266
for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
description of, and studies on, 18990
dosage and best usage for, 19091
toxicity and, 191
aspartame, 37
asthma, nocturnal, melatonin levels and, 21
Ativan, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
ATP. see adenine triphosphate (ATP)
atypical depression, symptoms of, 15859
auricular acupuncture, surgery-related anxiety and, 213
Aurum metallicum, for depression, 295t
autoimmune disease, 6
autoimmune thyroid problems, 7172
autonomic nervous system
acupuncture and, 213
digestive tract and, 145

Auto Nuclear Antibodies, 98

Ayurvedic herbs, heavy metal exposures and, 124
Ayurvedic medicine, xvi
azapirones, 114
Babalonis, S., 222
Bach Flower Remedies, 131
Bailey, J., 226
balneotherapy, paroxetine compared with, 5152
bananas, melatonin in, 22
Banderer, L. E., 173
barley, melatonin in, 22
Barowsky, J., 223
Bartlik, B., 234
Bastyr, J., 261
baths, hot and cold, 51
BCM-95 form of curcumin, 184, 185
B complex vitamins, 266
for anxiety and depression, 276t277t
studies on, 15253
B-complex with folate, homocysteine elevation and, 66
BDNF. See brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
beans, 28
Beck Anxiety Inventory, 2, 82, 146, 153
Beck Depression Inventory, 82, 85, 146, 153, 223
Becker, M., 55
bedtime, optimal, for healthful sleep, 17. see also sleep
behavioral epigenetics, 113
Belleville, G., 5
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), DHEA cautionary note and, 76
Benton, D., 146
benzodiazepines, 79, 114
kava kava and withdrawal from, 187, 188
natural supports for weaning off, 240t
valerian-treated patients and, 2324
afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
cold exposure and production of, 5253
beta-glucan, low HDL and, 64
betaine (trimethyl-glycine)
for anxiety and depression, 276t277t
homocysteine elevation and, 66
beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, 164

Bifidobacterium, 31, 145, 273t

Bifidobacterium lactis, 146
Bifidobacterium longum, 146
BioHealth Laboratory, 267
biomedical approach, xvi
biomedicine, red light symptoms covered up by, 4, 4
bipolar depression, ethyl-EPA dosage for, 138
bipolar disorder
folic acid status and, 151
qigong and, 208
bisphenol A (BPA), 129
plastics and, 123
sources of and how to avoid, 130t
bisphenols, 129
black currant seed oil, 143
Block, G., 67
blood chemistry panel, 6287
celiac panel, 8081
cholesterol (lipid panel), 6264
complete blood count and iron panel, 6869
C-reactive protein, 6668
DHEA and DHEA sulfate, 7476
homocysteine, 6466
MTHFR gene test, 8384
parathyroid, 73
serum carnitine, 8182
serum estrogen and progesterone, 7780
serum folic acid and vitamin B12, 8283
serum mercury, 8687
serum testosterone, 7677
thyroid panel (TSH, T3, T4), 6973
25(OH)vitamin D or serum vitamin D, 8486
blood pressure, yohimbine and, 236
blood sugar
balancing, 6162
cortisol and, 103
dysregulation of, 28
fasting, 5961
measuring, times of day for, 6061
sleep and, 1819
blood tests, 5987, 254, 257, 265
for heavy metals, 126

recommendations for, 26768

bone loss, 6
borage oil, 143
botanical medicines (herbs), xvi, 11, 18398
for anxiety and depression, 290t293t
ashwagandha, 18991
kava kava, 18688
lavender, 18889
mucuna, 19798
overview of, 18384
passionflower, 18586
rhodiola, 19192
saffron, 19697
St. Johns wort, 19295
turmeric, 18485
bowel disorders, mood correlated with, 89
bowel habits, evaluation of, 251
bowel movements
hydration and, 260
self-esteem and, 89
BPA. see bisphenol A (BPA)
BPH. see benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
GABAs calming influence on, 163, 164
meditation and, 207
TV and, 5455
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 105, 145
exercise and production of, 40
Mediterranean diet and, 26
brain inflammation, inflammation in the body and, xii
Bravo, J. A., 31
breakfast, 61
breast feeding
acupuncture safety and, 214
holistic care and, 9
breathing, yoga-controlled, 205
Brief Social Phobia Scale, 200
Brocardo, P. S., 151
Brown, M. A., 48
Bryant, D., 12
mucuna and, 197

natural supports for weaning off of, 240t

buspirone, 114
B vitamins
dosages of, 15354
food sources of, 155
mood and benefits of, 149
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine and, 17981
toxicity of, 15455
adverse health effects associated with, 126
depression and, 124
caesarian birth rate, lack of probiotic transference and, 145
caffeine, 38
Calcarea carbonica
for anxiety, 300t
for depression, 296t
calcium, 27, 156
CAM. see complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
cancer treatment, methotrexate, folate, and, 154
Candida albicans (yeast), 31
carbohydrates, simple, 35, 61, 62
cardiovascular disease, 6, 128, 182
depressive disorders and, 66
homocysteine elevation and, 64
low HDL cholesterol and, 63
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
low, management of, 8182
mood and neuroprotective role of, 81
Caspi, A., 110
catecholamines, 118
catecholamine theory of mood, 118, 119
catechol-O-methyltransferase, 125, 181
Causticum, for depression, 296t
CBC. see complete blood count (CBC)
CBT. see cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cedar, H., 112
Celexa, 131, 132, 194, 21718
celiac antibodies, 98
celiac disease, 80, 88, 93, 97, 98
celiac panel, 8081, 267
celiac positive, managing, 8081

cell phones, 5657

Cellular Technologies Addiction Scale, 56
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, xiv, 28
chamomile tea, sleep and, 18
Chandrasekhar, K., 190
cheese, aged, 32
chelation tests, 127
chelators, ideal, characteristics of, 127
chemical toxicity, 12830
bisphenols, 129
pesticides and solvents, 12930
sources of toxins and how to avoid them, 130t
cherry juice, melatonin in, 22
chewing food, adequate, 9192
Chiaie, R. D., 182
Chiesa, A., 208
child abuse
short 5-HTT allele and history of, 110
significant HPA dysregulation and, 108
antidepressants, FDA warning, and, 5
lead paint exposure in, 124
Chinese herbs, heavy metal exposures and, 124
Chinese medicine practitioners, xvi
chiropractors, xvi
chlordiazepoxide, 114
cholerectics, 91
cholesterol (lipid panel), 6264
chromium, 62, 158, 175, 260
for anxiety and depression, 280t281t
dosage and best application of, 159
food sources of, 159
chromium piccolinate, atypical depression and, 159
chronic fatigue syndrome, 104, 105
chronic stress, 1045, 106
Cimicifuga, for depression, 297t
cingulate gyrus, 100
cinnamon (Cinnamon cassia), for anxiety and depression, 290t291t
circadian rhythm, 260
dysregulated, 45
normal, 44
sunlight and, 42, 4344

circadian rhythm disorder, 15

citalopram, 194
Clinical Global Impression Scale, 138, 223
clomipramine, 170, 225
clotting factors, fish oil and, 140
Coaxil, 110
coffee, 3739
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
online, 56
sleep and, 25
cognitive impairment, meditation studies on, 207
Cohen, A. J., 234
Cohen, S., 14
cold hydrotherapy, 53
color additives, 36, 39
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), 1
defining, xvxvi
growing interest in, xivxv, xviii
for mood, supporting research for, 23
quick quide to, xviixviii
reasons for using, 36
referrals and resources, 26971
safe and effective use of, xiii
top seven recommendations for clients, 26566
complete blood count (CBC), 6869
compounding pharmacies, natural hormones and, 7980
computer games, anxiety, depression, and, 55
computer use, blues and benefits of, 5556
COMT. see catechol-O-methyltransferase
COMT gene, anxiety and, 111
constipation, 91, 259
feminine self-esteem and, 89
how to avoid, 8991
continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machine, 16
conventional care, alternative modalities used along-side of, xvxvi
Cooley, K., 2, 3
Coppen, A., 122, 226
copper, zinc supplementation and, 229
coronary artery disease, 93
corticotropin-releasing factor (CRH), 100, 103, 104, 108
cortisol, 74, 87
anxiety, depression, and levels of, 31, 41

circadian rhythm and release of, 43

HPA axis and level of, 44
light box therapy and, 49
meditation and, 208
phosphatidylserine and, 176
prolonged levels of, health consequences, 103
yoga and, 205
crackers, high-fiber, 33
Craig, G., 215
C-reactive protein (CRP), 5859, 93, 98
addressing elevation in, 6768
anemia risk and elevation in, 69
inflammation and elevation in, 66
magnesium deficiency and, 156
raw nuts consumption and, 33
yoga and, 205
CRH. see corticotropin-releasing factor (CRH)
crocin, 196
Crohns disease, 92, 99, 147
CRP. see C-reactive protein (CRP)
crunch foods
raw nuts, 3334, 39
vegetables, 3233, 39
curcumin, 184, 185
for anxiety and depression, 290t291t
inflammation lowered with, 99
cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol, transformation into vitamin D, 45
cytochrome P450 system, St. Johns wort and, 195
Cytomel, 73, 221
Davies, B., 130
Davila, J., 56
Davison, K. M., 27
De Beradis, D., 229
deep breathing, 2, 91, 92
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
cautions with, 76
low, working with, 7576
supplemental, 74
delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), 1415
bedtime and, 17
melatonin and, 2021
Del Mar, C., 170

delta-6-desaturase enzyme, deficiency in, 141, 142

dementia, 37, 182
Denver, J., 42
Depo-Provera, 78
depression, xiii, 6, 100, 105
acupuncture and, 21314
amino acids used for, 284t289t
atypical, symptoms of, 15859
botanical medicines used for, 290t293t
chemical toxicity and, 128
cold exposure therapies and, 52
computer games and, 55
CRP elevation and, 66
delayed sleep phase syndrome and, 15
DHEA and, 75
dopamine levels and, 117
DRD4 gene and, 111
drugs vs. placebo in treatment of, 4
dysregulated blood sugar and, 28
exercise and, 4041
fish oil for, 13738
folic acid deficiency and, 151
gene polymorphisms and, 10910
general supplementation for all patients with, 273t
depression (cont.)
HDL cholesterol and, 64
heavy metal toxicity and, 124, 12526
higher caffeine intake and lower risk of, 38
holistic care for, research on, 2
homeopathics commonly used for, 295t299t
homeopathic studies in, 199201
homocysteine elevation and, 64
hyperglycemia and, 60
hypoglycemia and, 60
inflammation and, 93
integrative care of, decision flow chart for, 245
magnesium deficiency and, 157
meditation and, 2078
melancholic, yoga and, 206
mercury levels and, 87
milder forms of, 10
mind-body therapies for, most commonly effective, 216t

minerals commonly used for, 280t283t

multimodal mood study on, 4849
neurotransmitter theory and, 114
online cognitive behavioral therapy and, 56
physiological imbalances and, 58
prevalence of, xiv
reactive, yoga and, 206
REM sleep and, 15, 16
SAMe deficiency and, 180
serotonin and, 122
sexual side effects with SSRIs, yohimbine dosing, and patients with, 236
short 5-HTT allele, stressful events, and, 110
sleep apnea and, 16
sleep problems and, 14
supplements for, 266
support for patients on pharmaceutical medications for, 232t233t
television watching and, 54
traditional Chinese medicine paradigm and, 211
tryptophan depletion and, 22
understanding underlying causes of, 12
vitamin D deficiency and, 84
vitamins commonly used for, 274t277t
zinc deficiency and, 162
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale questionnaire, 55
detoxification, mood disorder and, 12330
DHA. see docosahexanenoic acid (DHA)
DHEA, 80, 87, 278t
DHEA sulfate, 74, 87
diabetes, 60, 141
Diagnostechs, 267
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, version 5, xiv
diazepam, 23, 114
didrovaltrate, 23
diet, 116, 131, 133, 219
anti-inflammation, 59
beneficial for mood disorder, 265
blood sugar balanced with, 6162
cell membrane structure and function and, 135
changes in, xvi
CRP-lowering, 67
folate-rich, 151
healthy, 2830

low HDL and, 64

magnesium in, 156
Mediterranean, 2627, 39, 92, 98
methylation and, 112, 113
multiple vitamins and, 14849
pregnancy and, 108
probiotic foods, 3132, 39
treatment plan and, 25859, 260
vegetables and nuts, 3234, 39
what to avoid in, 3437
diet diary, 249, 3023
digestifs, 91
evaluation of, 251
overall health and, 88
digestive function, mood balance and, 8889, 144
digestive health, 69, 8799
constipation, avoiding, 8991
food allergy and food sensitivity, 9798
gastrointestinal microbiome and, 14445
inflammation, 93, 95, 9899
leaky gut, 94, 9597
steps to, 9193
digestive tract
feelings and, 8788
healthy, steps to, 9192
microbiome in lining of, 31
Digitalis (foxglove), 183
digoxin (Digox), 183
dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), 127
dioxins, in fish, 139
discontinuation syndrome, 56, 238
disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na2EDTA), 128
DMello, 56
DMPS. see 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesul-fonic acid (DMPS)
DMSA. see dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA)
docosahexanenoic acid (DHA), 29, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144
dopamine, 37, 111, 114, 117, 168, 172, 173, 184, 193, 196
afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
folic acid and, 82, 151
supporting, lifestyle and herbal methods for, 11718
Dowdy, D. W., 60

D-Phenylalanine, 174
DRD4 gene, depression and anxiety and, 111
dream sleep, 15
drugs, recreational, 253, 254
DSPS. see delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)
Dubois, O., 52
duloxetine, 53
dynorphins, afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
eating, sleep and, 1819. see also diet; food
EFT. see emotional freedom technique (EFT)
eicosapentatoic acid (EPA), 29, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144
Elavil, 194
electric shock therapy, 53
electronics use, 5357
brain on TV, 5455
computer blues and benefits, 5556
social media and cell phones, 5657
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
tricyclic antidepressants working integratively with, 230
Eliot, T. S., 54
El-lethey, H. S., 36
Elliot, G., 1
Eltinge, J. L., 47
Emmanuel, A. V., 89
emotional freedom technique (EFT), 215, 216t
end-stage renal disease, 67
energy healing, xvi
enkephalins, afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
enteramine, 122
enteric nervous system, 88, 145
eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS), 22, 171
EPA. see eicosapentatoic acid (EPA)
epigallocatechin gallate, in green tea, 38
behavioral, 113
defined, 111
epinephrine, 111, 125, 173
depression and, 118
folic acid and, 82, 151
lowering, suggestions for, 119
Epsom salts, 189

Erickson, K. I., 40
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, 98
essential fatty acids, 119, 134, 137
estradiol, 78
estrogen, 278t279t
low, managing, 7980
estrogen (cont.)
medications working integratively with, 22122
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
serotonin and, 7778
estrogen replacement therapy, 78
ethyl-EPA, 138, 139, 224
evening primrose oil, 143
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 271
exercise, 3942, 62, 79, 112, 131, 133, 219, 261, 265
anxiety and depression and evidence for, 4041
CRP-lowering benefit of, 67
dopamine support and, 118
getting started with, 4142
HDL cholesterol and, 64
inflammation work and, 98
lifestyle summary and, 253
medication working integratively with, 220
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
sleep and, 41
stable mood and, 39
treatment plan and, 258
exhaustion, 105, 106
exophthalmos, excess thyroid hormone and, 7071
family history, establishing, 248
fatal familial insomnia, 14
fatigue, 95
adrenal, 105
chronic, 93, 96, 104, 105
low iron and, 68
sleep disturbances and, 15
Fatigue Symptom Inventory, 2
healthy, 26, 2930
saturated, 135
unhealthy, 35
unsaturated, 136

fat-soluble vitamins, toxicity issues and, 148

fatty acids, in raw nuts, 33
Fava, M., 226
FDA. see Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
fear, dopamine and, 117
Feldman, S. R., 45
fermented milk, 32
ferritin, 68
fiber intake, 59, 99
bowel movements and, 90
CRP-lowering benefits and, 67
fibromyalgia, 93, 100, 217, 218
fight-or-flight response, 23
first-line therapy, 7
assessing clients for, 8
patient safety and, xviiixix
Fischer, E., 174
fish, 28, 39, 59, 98, 140
heavy metals in, 125, 139
low-mercury, 265
mercury content in, consumption recommendations for, 30, 141
omega-3 fatty acids in, 29
toxins in, 139
vitamin D in, 86
fish oil, xii, 59, 64, 13441, 254, 259, 260, 265
anti-inflammtory effects of, 13536
for anxiety or depression, 273t
benefits of, 136
CRP-lowering effect of, 67
dosage for, 139
essential fatty acids in, 134, 135, 136
medication working integratively with, 224
natural food sources of, 14041
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
safety of, 140
studies in humans, 13739
Fitzpatrick, L. A., 79
5-HT1A, 122
5-HTT gene, 110
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), 123, 132, 133, 150, 169, 170, 254
for anxiety and depression, 286t287t
dosing and best application for, 17071

food sources of, 172

panic disorder and, 170
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
safety of, 17172
SSRIs used in combination with, 225, 226
St. Johns wort and interactions with, 195
for weaning off SSRIs, dosage of, 239t
flavonoids, in ginkgo, 231
flax meal, 59, 67, 90
fluoxetine, 22, 184, 193, 196
5-HTP used in combination with, 225
folate levels and, 226
fluvoxamine, 152
f.lux computer app, 18
folate, 149, 181
benefits of, 15152
dosages of, 15354
methyltetrahydrofolate form of, 154
studies on, 153
folic acid, 27, 15152, 218
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
food sources of, 155
low, management of, 8283
medications working integratively with, 22627
neurotransmitter production and, 82
normal levels of, 83
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
toxicity of, 15455
food, 2539, 79, 112
allergies to, 97
beneficial for mood disorder, 265
B vitamins, folic acid, and inositol in, 155
chromium in, 159
crunchy vegetables, 3233
dietary choices for best mood, 2627
epigenetics and, 111
fish oil sources and, 14041
GABA in, 165
healthy, 2830, 39, 92
high-glycemic, 35, 39
inflammation work and, 9899
iron sources in, 69

L-Carnitine in, 82
lithium orotate in, 162
low HDL and, 64
magnesium in, 158
multiple vitamins and, 149
phenylalanine and arginine in, 118, 17576
phosphatidylserine in, 177
probiotic, 3132, 39, 147
raw nuts, 3334
SAMe in, 183
seafood, 2930
selenium in, 160
sensitivities, 16, 27
treatment plan and, 25859, 260
tryptophan and 5-HTP in, 172
tyrosine in, 118
vegan oils in, 144
vitamin D in, 86
which to avoid, 3437, 39
zinc in, 162
food allergies, 97, 249
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 5, 36
food sensitivity (food intolerance), 9798
footbaths, warm, 51
forced swim test, nomifensine and, 117
forest bathing, in Japan, 4748
free radicals, 12728
fruits, 67
GABA. see gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Gaik, F., 208
gambling issues, N-acetyl-cysteine and, 177
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 23, 114, 145, 16365, 168, 178, 193, 260
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
calming influence on the brain with, 163, 164
description of, and studies on, 16364
dosage, best application, toxicity, and, 165
exercise and, 41
food sources of, 165
micronized progesterone and, 79
probiotics and, 31
probiotics and f, 146
progesterone and, 222

raising, natural methods for, 119

yoga and, 205
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 14143, 280t281t
dosage and toxicity of, 143
PGE1 pathway and, 142
supplementation with, indications for, 143
Garland, C. F., 85
gastrointestinal microbiome, digestive health and, 14445
Gelenberg, A. J., 174
Gelsimium, for anxiety, 300t
generalized anxiety disorder
acupuncture and, 213
meditation and, 208
generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 36
genetic polymorphisms, 10910
geranium, 80
geriatric depressed patients, acetyl-L-carnitine and, 81
Geriatric Depression scales, 138
Gershon, M., 88
ginger, melatonin in, 22
ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
avoiding sexual side effects of antidepressants with, 231, 234, 234t, 237
dosage and toxicity, 235
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scores, 27
glucocorticoid resistance
HPA dysregulation syndrome and, 1035
prenatal stress exposure and, 108
glucocorticoids, 62
glucose meter, 60
glutamate, 3637, 11920
balancing, methods for, 120
brain and removal of, 125
hyperhomocysteinemia and, 180
glutamine, 97
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
inflammation lowered with, 99
glutathione, 129, 130, 159, 177
glutathionylcobalamin, 130
avoiding, xii, xiii, 59
celiac disease and, 80
sensitivity to, 97, 98

thyroid autoimmunity and reactions to, 72

withdrawal from, 81
glycine, 16566, 178
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
description of, and studies on, 16566
dosage, best application, toxicity, and, 166
goal setting, dopamine support and, 117
Goodwin, G. K., 50
gourd seeds, deoiled, 169
GRAS. see generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
grass-fed meats, 28
Graves disease, tyrosine and, 175
Greenberg, G., 116
green tea, 3739, 118
grief, lungs as site of, in traditional Chinese medicine, 211, 212, 251
gut-associated lymphoid tissue, 93
gut bacteria, neural pathways, central nervous system signaling systems, and, 145
gut permeability, 95
Hahnemann, S., 199
hair testing, for metal toxicity, 126
Halcion, 222
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, 187, 191
Hamilton Depression Inventory, 137
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 27, 138, 196, 223, 229
Hannum, J. W., 210
Harris, E., 148
hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), 186
HDL cholesterol
low, treating, 64
mood and, 6364
healing, nature and, xix, 46
health, epigenetics and, 111
heavy metal pollution, thyroid disease and, 70
heavy metals
in fish, 125, 139
sources of, and how to avoid, 130t
heavy metal toxicity, 12328
adverse health effects associated with, 126
anxiety and depression symptoms caused by, 12526
physiological changes associated with, 12425
symptoms associated with, 126
testing for, 12628

hedonic hyperphagia, 32
hemoglobin A1C, fasting blood sugar and, 61
herbalists, xvi
herbal supports, for sexual side effects of antidepressants, 231, 23437, 234t
herbal tea, 18
herbicides, 128
herbs. see botanical medicines (herbs)
high-glycemic foods, 35, 39
high school students, delayed sleep phase syndrome and, 15
Hintikka, J., 227
hippocampal growth exercise, 4142
hippocampus, 100
DHEA and, 74
exercise and maintenance of, 40
meditation and cellular regeneration in, 207
Hippocrates, 39, 42, 51, 209
history for patient, taking, 24550
better/worse symptoms, 249
family history, 247
listening and, 246
medications, 247
mood concern onset and chronology, 24647
supplements, 24748
Hoch, T., 32
Hofmann, S. G., 209
holistic care, 6, 10
appropriateness of, for your client, 710
as first-line therapy, assessing, 9
supporting bodys healing ability with, xii
top five principles of, 7
when to avoid, 11
holistic medicine, xvixvii
Holistic Primary Care, 271
Hollander, E., 236
for anxiety, 300t301t
for depression, 295t299t
dosages of, 202
homeopathy, 198202
defined, 199
derivation of word, 198
studies in anxiety and depression, 199201

homocysteine, 6466, 98, 149

addressing elevation in, 66
depression, anxiety, and elevation in, 64
folate and, 15152
implications of elevations in, 65
anxiogenic effects of, 64, 66
SAMe deficiency and, 180
homovanillic acid, depressed patients and reduced levels of, 117
Hopwood, C., 55
hormonal system, evaluation of, 251
Horrobin, D. F., 224
household genes, 112
houseplants, pictures of, 50
HPA axis. see hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
HPA dysregulation syndrome, 105
drenal fatigue and, 105, 107
glucocorticoid resistance and, 1035
phases of, 106
Hudson, 169
hunger, stress response and, 35
hydration, bowel movements and, 90, 260
hydrogenated oils, 35
hydrotherapy, 5153
hydroxycobalamin, 151
hyperglycemia, 60
hyperhomocysteinemia, 180
hyperparathyroidism, primary, 73
hypertension, 16, 67
hypervitaminosis D, 86
hypnosis, xvi
hypoglycemia, 60, 253
hypomagnesemia, 157
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 99109
components of, 99100
computer use and, 55
dysregulation of, 6, 87
enteric microbiota and, 145
leaky gut and, 102
massage therapy and, 210
stress and, 75
unusual cortisol patterning and, 44

in utero, and childhood effects on, 107, 1079

vitamin D and, 84
yoga and functioning of, 205
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary/testicle axis, 105
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, 105
hypothalamus, 6, 213
mood disorder and, 100
sickness behaviors orchestrated by, 105
sunlight and activation of, 4243
natural thyroid supports and, 72
subclinical, 70
IgA, celiac panel, 80
IgG antibodies, chronic fatigue and, 96
IgG (anti-gliadin antibody), celiac panel, 80
IgM antibodies, chronic fatigue and, 96
IgM (anti-gliadin antibody), celiac panel, 80
Ignatia amara
for anxiety, 301t
for depression, 297t
imipramine, 114, 157, 174, 182, 184, 19394, 230
immediate harm, assessing client for threat of, 89
immune response, cortisol and, 103
immune system
acupuncture and, 213
digestive tract and, 93, 145
inflammation, xii, 59, 92, 100, 128
balancing, 9899
depression, anxiety, and, 32
glutamate and, 120
heavy metal toxicity and, 125
high ratios of omega-6 fatty acids and, 29
homocysteine elevation and, 64
insulin as driver of, 35
leaky gut and, 93, 9597
poor nutrient absorption and, 88
raw nuts and reduced levels of, 33
saturated fats and, 13536
infrared radiation, in sunlight, 45
inositol, 151
for anxiety and depression, 276t277t
dosages of, 15354

food sources of, 155

toxicity of, 15455
INR, 140
insecticides, 128
coffee and, 39
depression and, 14
light box therapy and, 49
micronized progesterone and, 79
Institute of Functional Medicine, 270
insular cortex, humorous television programming and, 54
high-glycemic foods and excess of, 35
resistance, 60
spikes in, 61
integrative care, xviii
integrative medicine
holistic care and, xvi
treatment plan and role of, 245
integrative thinking, defined, 244
interleukin-6 (IL-6), 33, 93
intestinal permeability, description of, 9597
iron, 27, 155
for anxiety and depression, 280t281t
low levels of, xii
supplements, 69
iron panel, 6869
irritable bowel syndrome, 58, 89
Iyengar yoga, 205
Japan, forest bathing in, 4748
Joffe, R., 221
jogging, 41
Jonas, W., 200
journaling, 19, 254
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 270
Kabat-Zinn, J., 208
Kali arsenicosum, for anxiety, 301t
Kali phosphoricum, for depression, 297t
Kamm, M. A., 89
Kaplan, B. J., 27
Kapoor, J., 190
kava kava (Piper methysticum)

for anxiety and depression, 290t291t

description of, and studies on, 18687
dosage, toxicity, and best application for, 188
for sleep issues during weaning off medications, 240t
Keen, L., 63
kefir, 32
kelp, 72
Kemel, M. M., 36
ketamine, 120
Khamba, B., 237
Kieser, M., 187
kimchi, 32, 147
Kirkwood, G., 205
Klonopin, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
Koga, K. I., 50
Kundalini yoga, 205
Lactobacillus, 31, 145
Lactobacillus acidophilus, 146, 273t
Lactobacillus casei, 146
Lactobacillus helveticus, 146
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 31
Lamictal, 227
lavender (Lavendula angustifolium), 18889
for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
description of, and studies on, 18889
dosage and toxicity for, 189
medications working integratively with, 230
lavender tea, sleep and, 18
laxatives, natural, bowel movement and, 90
dosing for, 81
natural food sources of, 82
L-dopamine, in mucuna, 197
lead, 128, 156
adverse health effects associated with, 126
depression and, 124
lead paint exposure, in children, 124
leaky gut
description of, 9597
genesis and implications, 94
healing, 99
health disorders related to, 97

learned helplessness behavior, dopamine depletion and, 117

levodopa, tyrosine and, 175
levonorgestrel, 78
Lewis, J. E., 153
Lexapro, 13
Librium, 114, 240t
Lieberman, H. R., 173
lifestyle choices, 219
assuring, 245
luxury genes and, 112
lifestyle diary, 3023
lifestyle summary
daily schedule, 25253
exercise, 253
food intake, 253
recreational drugs and smoking, 25354
sleep, 253
stress reduction rituals, 254
light box, 4950
lighting, sleep and, 18, 260
like cures like concept, in homeopathy, 199
limbic system, 100, 101
linoleic acid, 27
lipophilic metals, 12425
lipopolysaccharide, 95
listening to patient, holistic care and, 246
lithium, 151
lithium orotate
for anxiety and depression, 282t283t
dosages of, 16061
food sources of, 162
toxicity of, 16162
L-Lysine, 166
L-methylfolate, 154, 218
Lohr, V. I., 50
lorazepam, 114
L-phenylalanine, 172, 174
L-Theanine, 16768
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
description of, and studies on, 16768
dosage and best application for, 168
L-Tryptophan, 150, 168, 226

for anxiety and depression, 286t287t

sleep and, 2223
L-tyrosine, 174
Lundn, O., 47
lungs, grief and, in traditional Chinese medicine, 211, 212, 251
Luo, H. C., 213
lupus, 93
luxury genes, 112
Lycopodium, for anxiety, 301t
lysine, 16667
for anxiety and depression, 284t285t
description of, and studies on, 16667
dosage, best application, toxicity, and, 167
macuna (Macuna pruriens), for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
Maes, M., 64, 96
magnesium, 27, 155, 156, 265
for anxiety and depression, 282t283t
benefits of, 156
dosage and best application of, 157
food sources of, 158
high-glycemic foods and depletion of, 35
inflammation and deficiency of, 156
sleep and, 20
toxicity and, 15758
vitamin B6 and, 150
magnesium glycinate, 20
magnesium oxide, 90
major depression
anxiety disorder comorbid with, xiv
homeopathic study for, 199200
qigong and, 208
tryptophan deficiency and, 168
Malsch, U., 187
Mandal, A., 55
manganese, 156
Manufacturing Depression (Greenberg), 116
marshmallow, 80
Martin, S., 54, 55
Martinez-Gonzalez, M. A., 26
Marx, G., xviii
Mason, H. J., 89
massage therapy, 20910, 216t, 254

Massey, A. E., 74
Mattson, R. H., 50
McAllister-Williams, R. H., 74
McCarley, A., 236
Meany, M., 113
Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile, 2
meats, grass-fed, 28
Mechnikov, I. I., 146
media, anxiety and depression and multiple use of, 5556
medical doctors, xvi
medical students, stress, fish oil intake, and, 137
common patient scenarios around, 218
defined, 133
estrogen working integratively with, 22122
exercise working integratively with, 220
fish oil working integratively with, 224
folic acid working integratively with, 22627
lavender working integratively with, 230
patient history and, 248
patient preferences and, 11
progesterone working integratively with, 22223
rhodiola and eleutherococcus working integratively with, 22930
testosterone working integratively with, 22324
thyroid hormone working integratively with, 22021
vitamin B12 working integratively with, 22728
weaning off, natural medicines as aid to, 238, 239t240t, 24143
withdrawal from, 56
zinc working integratively with, 22829
see also antianxiety medications; antidepressant medications; pharmaceutical medications
medication withdrawal hyperarousal, 24
meditation, 75, 90, 92, 109, 120, 132, 204, 2068, 216t, 254
contraindications to, 209
dopamine support and, 118
epinephrine lowered with, 119
inflammation work and, 98
practice types, 2067
Mediterranean diet, 39, 92, 98
benefits of, 26, 27
components of, 2627
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), 78, 79
melancholic depression, yoga and, 206

melatonin, 16, 123

bedtime and, 17
lighting, sleep, and, 18
mood disorders and delayed release of, 44
natural food sources of, 2122
sleep and, 1415, 2022, 260
sleep medications vs., 21
time-released, 20
memory, DHEA and, 74
mental health care, future of, 3
mercury, 8687, 125, 156
adverse health effects associated with, 126
anxiety and, 125
depression and, 124
in fish, 30, 139, 141
Merlo, L. J., 56
Messaoudi, M., 31, 32
metabolic syndrome, 100, 104, 105
methionine, 179, 181
methylation, diet, traumatic events, and, 112, 113
methylators, 112
methylcobalamin. see vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)
methylcobalamin lozenges, 69
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme function, 218
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene. see MTHFR gene
methylfolate, food sources of, 155
methyl groups, 179
antidepressants working integratively with, 226
supplementation with, 83
mevastatin, 63
milk, fermented, 32
mind-body medicine, 20316
acupuncture, 21015, 216t
clinical case study, 2034
emotional freedom technique, 215, 216t
massage therapy, 20910, 216t
meditation, 2068, 216t
mindfulness-based therapy, 2089, 216t
most commonly effective, for anxiety and depression, 216t
qigong, 2068, 216t
yoga, 2046, 216t

mindfulness-based therapy (MBT)

for anxiety and depression, 216t
contraindications to, 209
description of, and studies on, 2089
mineralcorticoids, 62
minerals, 14748
for anxiety and depression, 280t283t
high caffeine doses and depletion of, 38
mood and, 15556
mirtazapine, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
Mischoulon, D., 10
Misner, B., 148
miso, 32, 147
Mlyniec, K., 228
monoamine oxidase, 78
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 119, 193, 225
monosodium glutamate (MSG), 36, 39
Montmorency tart cherries, melatonin in, 22
concern onset and chronology, 24748
plant-derived oils helpful for, 280t
probiotics and, 31
mood balance, digestive function and, 8889, 144
mood disorders, xiv
cholesterol levels and, 62
delayed releases of melatonin and, 44
detoxification and, 12330
holistic care for, research on, 2
television watching and, 54
mood dysregulation due to hormonal imbalance, supplementation supportive of, 278t279t
mood regulation, blood sugar levels and, 59
Moyer, C. A., 210
MSG. see monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MTHFR gene, 83
MTHFR gene mutation, methyltetrahydrate form of folate and people with, 154
MTHFR gene test, 8384, 217
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, 93
mucuna (Mucuna puriens), 19798
description of, and studies on, 19798
dopamine support and, 118
dosage and toxicity, 198
for weaning off medications, dosage of, 240t

multivitamins, 2, 14748, 14849, 254, 260, 265

for anxiety or depression, 273t
dosing for, 149
food sources of, 149
safety of, 149
musculoskeletal system, evaluation of, 252
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 97, 17778
for anxiety and depression, 288t289t
description of, and studies on, 17778
dosage, toxicity, and best application for, 178
food sources of, 178
glutathione-regenerating capacity of, 177
Nardini, M., 225
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 209
National Center of Complementary Medicine, 200
National Health Service of England, 96
National Institute of Mental Health, 95, 235
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 80
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 209
Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), 128
Native American healing, xvi
Natrum carbonicum, for depression, 297t
Natrum muriaticum, for depression, 298t
natto, 32, 147
natural hormone replacement therapy, 79
natural medicine, growing interest in, xviii
Natural Medicine Journal, 271
Natural Resources Defense Council, fish consumption recommendations, 30
natural thyroid hormone, 7273
healing power of, xix
hospital rooms with a view, 47
multimodal mood study, 4849
plant pictures, 50
spending time in, 4650
nature cure therapy, 49
Nature-Throid, 72, 221, 278t279t
naturopathic care, for anxiety, research on, 2
naturopathic doctors, xvi, xix
naturopathy, xiv
Na2EDTA. see disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na2EDTA)
Nemets, B., 137

nervous system
evaluation of, 251
healthy foods and, 34
neuroendocrine system, digestive tract and, 145
neurogenesis, exercise and, 40
neuronal suicide, heavy metal exposure and, 124
neurosteroids, 74
neurotoxic compounds, 12930
neurotransmitters, 11315
amino acids as precursors to, 172
cholesterol depletion and, 63
defined, 11314
dopamine, 11718
epinephrine, 11819
gamma-aminobutyric acid, 119
gastrointestinal tract and, 88
glutamate, 11920
medication weaning process and, 242
minerals and production of, 35
norepinephrine, 11819
oxytocin, 12021
serotonin, 12123
newborns, REM sleep and, 15
Nexium, xvii, 13
niacin, 27
niacinamide. see vitamin B3 (niacinamide)
nicotinamide, 150
9/11 terrorist attacks
firefighter during, and experience with acupuncture, 212
parental loss in, HPA dysregulation in children and, 108
Nippon Medical School (Japan), 48
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
glutamate and, 120
homocysteine elevation and, 66
No Exit (Sartre), 6
nomifensine, 117
norepinephrine, 53, 114, 122, 172, 173, 173, 184, 193, 196, 213
afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
depression and, 118
folic acid and, 82, 151
Norplant, 78
Nowak, G., 228

NutraSweet Company, 37
nutrient therapies, xvi, 10
nutrition, 116
balanced HPA function and, 108, 109
epigenetics and, 111
see also diet; foods
nutritionists, xvi
nuts and seeds, raw, 28, 3334, 98
oats (Avena sativa), melatonin in, 21
obesity, 28, 31, 54, 105, 141
Oboszewska, U., 228
obsessive-compulsive disorder
N-acetyl-cysteine and, 177
sexual side effects with SSRIs, yohimbine dosing, and patients with, 236
yoga and, 2056
fish oil, 13441
healthy, 30, 59
vegan, 144
Oklahoma City bombing, significant HPA dysregulation in children exposed to, 108
oleic acids, 30
olive oil, cold-pressed extra virgin, 30
omega-3 fatty acids, 29
in fish oils, 135, 136, 141
phosphatidylserine and, 176
omega-6 fatty acids, 27, 29, 135, 136
omega-9 fatty acids, 30
oolong tea, 119
oral contraceptive use, vitamin B6 deficiency and, 150
organophosphates, 129
Osler, W., 246
osteopathic physicians, xvi
osteoporosis, 87, 103
oxazepam, 185
oxytocin, 12021, 122
Pace, C., 79
Pancheri, P., 182
panic attacks, inositol and reduction in, 152
panic disorder, 100
5-HTP and, 170
homeopathic study for, 199200
meditation and, 208

online cognitive behavioral therapy and, 56

tryptophan deficiency and, 22, 168
pantothenic acid, 27
parasympathetic response, 92
parathyroid (PTH), 73
Park, S. H., 50
Parkinsons disease, 123, 182, 190
mucuna studies and, 197
omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil and, 138
SAMe administration for depressed patients with, 181
paroxetine, 5152, 194
passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), 18586, 258, 260
for anxiety and depression, 290t291t
description of, and studies on, 18586
dosage, toxicity, and best application for, 186
patient preferences, note about, 11
Paxil, 5152, 194, 214
PCBs, in fish, 139
Pearson-Mims, C. H., 50
Peet, M. B., 138, 224
pesticides, 123, 12930
in fish, 141
sources of, and how to avoid, 130t
PET. see positron emission tomography (PET)
PGE1. see prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)
P-glycoprotein, St. Johns wort and, 195
Pham, N., 38
pharmaceutical medications
assessing clients for, 8
helping stabilize patient with, xix
team management and use of, 9
see also medications
phenibut, 164, 165
phenylalainne-norepinephrine pathway, 173
phenylalanine, 17276
for anxiety and depression, 286t287t
description of, and studies on, 17274
dietary sources of, 17576
dopamine support and, 118
dosages and best application for, 17475
toxicity and, 175
phenylethylamine, 172

phenylketonuria (PKU), 175

phobias, emotional freedom technique and, 215
phosphatidylserine, 17677
for anxiety and depression, 288t289t
description of, and studies on, 176
dosage, toxicity, and food sources for, 177
omega-3 fats and, 176
Phosphorum adicidum, for depression, 298t
Phosphorus, for anxiety, 301t
phosphorus intake, 27
phototherapy light box, 4950
physical examination/review of systems, 25052
cardiovascular system, 251
digestion and bowel habits, 251
hormonal system, 251
lungs, 251
musculoskeletal system, 252
nervous system, 251
skin/integument, 250
tongue, 25051
physical medicines, xvi
physiology, imbalances in, 5859
phytoncides, 48
Pilkington, K., 213
pineal gland, magnesium deficiency and, 20
PKU. see phenylketonuria (PKU)
plant-derived oils, for mood, 280t281t
plants, pictures of, 50
pleiotropism, 122
polypharmacy, serotonin syndrome and, 172
Pope, H. G., Jr., 223
positron emission tomography (PET), in depressed subjects, low fatty acid content and, 136
postmenopausal women, antidepressants, stroke, and, 5
posttraumatic stress disorder, 100
potassium, 27
poultry, natural, 28
Prange, A. Jr., 122
prayer, 254
prefrontal cortex, 3738
pregnancy, 9
acupuncture safety and, 214
diet and, 108

vitamin D and, 84
prenatal environment, HPA axis and, 1079
presynaptic nerve terminal, 113
primrose oil, 280t281t
probiotics, 3132, 39, 14447, 254, 259, 260, 265
for anxiety or depression, 273t
benefits of, 145
dosage and best application for, 14647
food sources of, 147
inflammation lowered with, 99
as psychobiotics, 146
toxicity and, 147
professional holistic collaboration, 26971
progesterone, 78, 278t279t
low, managing, 7980
medications working integratively with, 22223
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
progressive muscle relaxation, pregnant women and, 109
prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), 141, 142
prostate cancer
DHEA cautionary note and, 76
fish oil studies and, 140
protein, 59, 131
blood sugar control and, 61, 62
needs, formula for, 28
sources of, 28
prothrombin time, 140
proton pump inhibitor drugs, xvi
Prozac, 22, 184, 196
acupuncture working integratively with, 23031
electroacupuncture study and, 21314
folate levels and, 226
tri-iodothyronine working integratively with, 221
tryptophan used in combination with, 225
yohimbine used in combination with, 23536
psychopharmacology-CAM relationship, 11516
benefits of, 6
patient preferences and, 11
psyllium (Plantago ovata), 90
for anxiety and depression, 290t291t
husk, 67

PTH. see parathyroid (PTH)

for anxiety, 301t
for depression, 299t
pyridoxine. see vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
qi, traditional Chinese medicine and, 211
qigong, 208, 216t
RA. see rheumatoid arthritis
Rao, A. V., 146
Razin, A., 112
reactive depression, yoga and, 206
reflux, xvi
biomedical approach to, xvixvii
CAM approach to, xvii
fish oil and management of, 139
relaxation, 75, 119
digestive tract and, 92
inflammation work and, 98
Remeron, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, 15, 17
rest and digest response, forest exposure and, 48
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), methotrexate, folate, and, 154
rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), 19192, 266
for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
description of, and studies on, 19192
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
tricyclic antidepressants working integratively with, 22930
riboflavin, 27
riluzole, 81
Risch, N., 110
Rivotril, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
Roberts formula
for anxiety and depression, 290t291t
inflammation lowered with, 99
Robinson, J. P., 54, 55
rosavin, 191
Rounds, S. J., 210
saccharin, 37
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), 64, 66, 82, 125, 129, 131, 193, 254
for anxiety and depression, 288t289t
B vitamins and, 17981
description of, and studies on, 17982

dosage, toxicity, and best application for, 18283

food sources for, 183
medications working integratively with, 229
methylation reactions supported by, 179, 181
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
tricylic antidepressants compared with, 182
safety concerns, 7
antianxiety medications and, 5
antidepressant medications and, 45
paramount importance of, xviiixix
weaning off medications and, 241
saffron (Crocus sativus)
for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
description of, and studies on, 196
dosage and toxicity, 19697
safranal, 196
Salas-Salvad, J., 33
saliva adrenal function testing, 87, 267
salt intake, moderating, 34
SAMe. see S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe)
SAMe pathway, 180
glutathione and, 130
heavy metals and pesticides and inhibition of, 129
Sanacora, G., 235
Sanmukhani, J., 184, 185
Santarelli, L., 41
Sartre, J. P., 6
saturated fats, 135
sauerkraut, 32, 147
Scapicchio, P., 182
schizophrenia, ethyl-EPA dosage for, 138
Schlfke, S., 189
Schoenfield, T. J., 41
Schruers, K., 170
Schwartz, T. L., 224
seafood, 2930, 39
seasonal affective disorder, 49
seaweed, 72
Second Brain, The (Gershon), 88
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 110, 114, 122, 123, 168, 169
exercise working integratively with, 220
FDA warning about, 5

5-HTP used in combination with, 225, 226

ginkgo in treating antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction caused by, 234
natural supports for weaning off, 239t
sexual side effects with, 218
testosterone levels and, 77
selenium, 59, 155, 156, 15960
for anxiety and depression, 282t283t
benefits of, 15960
dosage and best application of, 160
food sources of, 160
thyroid issues and, 72
toxicity of, 160
self-esteem, bowel movements and, 89
senna, 90
Sepia, for depression, 299t
serotonin, 114, 12123, 125, 132, 150, 168, 184, 196, 213
afferent group III nerve fibers and, 212
cholesterol and, 62, 63
digestive function and, 88, 89
enhancing, natural methods for, 123
estrogen and, 7778, 221
folic acid and synthesis of, 151
ginkgo and, 231
lowered tryptophan and decrease in, 100
L-tryptophan and, 22
oxytocin and, 122
probiotics and delivery of, 146
sunlight and, 42, 43
treating the gut and rebalancing of, 169
tryptophan and, 168, 169
vitamin B12 and synthesis of, 150
vitamin D and, 84
yoga and, 205
serotonin hypothesis of depression, 123
serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 53, 122, 239t
serotonin syndrome, 17172, 195, 225
Serretti, A., 208
sertraline, 40, 193
serum carnitine, 8182
serum estrogen, 7778
serum folic acid, 82
serum iron, 68

serum mercury, 8687

serum progesterone, 7778
serum testosterone, 7677
serum vitamin D, 8486
severe depression, first-line therapy for patients with, xviii
sex hormone binding globulin, 77
sex hormones, 62
sexual side effects, SSRIs and, 218, 219
sexual side effects of antidepressant medications
acupuncture and treatment of, 23738
ginkgo and support for, 231, 23435, 234t, 237
types of, 231
yohimbe as support for, 234t, 23537
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D. S., 205
Shaw, K., 170
Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), 4748
Short Form 36, 2
Shrivastava, S., 63
Silica, for anxiety, 301t
SJW. see St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Skarupski, K. A., 153
skin/integument, examination of, 250
sleep, 1325, 79, 112, 131, 132, 133, 219, 266
blood sugar control and, 62
cognitive behavioral therapy and, 25
combination supplements and, 2425
cool, dark room and, 18
evening ritual and, 18
exercise and, 41
food, blood sugar, and, 1819
improving, steps for, 1719
inability in staying asleep, 1516
inflammation work and, 98
journaling before bed, 19
lifestyle summary and, 253
lighting and, 18, 260
L-tryptophan and, 2223
magnesium and, 20
melatonin and, 2022, 260
natural remedies and, 1925
night owls and, 1415
optimal bedtime and, 17

questions to ask about, 1617

snoring and, 16
supplement support for, during weaning off medications, 240t
treatment plan and, 258, 260
tryptophan and, 168
valerian and, 2324
waking up too early, 15, 16
sleep apnea, 16, 253
sleep deprivation, studies on, 1315
sleep onset insomnia, 15
slow-wave non-REM sleep, 16
smoking, 64, 253, 254
Smriga, M., 167
snoring, 16, 253
SNRIs. see serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
social anxiety disorder
oxytocin dysregulation and, 121
tryptophan and, 169
social media, 5657
social phobia
homeopathic study on, 199200
online cognitive behavioral therapy and, 56
solvents, 12930
spina bifida, 82
spinal manipulation, xvi
SSRIs. see selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum), xiii, 59, 19295
for anxiety and depression, 292t293t
description of, and studies on, 19294
dosage and best application for, 19495
toxicity and interactions with, 195
Staphysagria, for depression, 299t
STAR*D trial, 229
Starr, L. R., 56
state anxiety, arginine, lysine, and, 167
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 56
statin drug-mood connection, 6263
steroid hormones, 62
Stokes, L., 124
stomach reflux, anxiety and, 13
Stone, A. M., 56
stool softening, magnesium oxide and, 90

epigenetics and, 111
fish oil intake and, 137
homeopathic remedy study on women and, 201
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and, 75
stress adaptation syndrome, resistance of, 105
stress management, 62, 254
bowel movement and, 90
meditation and, 208
thyroid health and, 72
stroke, antidepressants and, 5
Sublette, M. E., 136
substance abuse, xiv
sucralose, 37
sugary foods, 35
suicidal behavior, HDL cholesterol and, 64
suicidal ideation
first-line therapy for patients with, xviii
pharmaceutical medications and assessing patient for, 8
antidepressants, FDA warning, and, 5
magnesium deficiency and, 157
short 5-HTT allele, stressful events, and, 110
tryptophan deficiency and, 168
sunlight, 4246, 265
circadian rhythm and, 42, 4344
components of, 45
healthful exposure to, 42
serotonin and, 42, 43
vitamin D and, 42, 4546, 85
yin and yang of, 4243
supplements, 265
for anxiety or depression, 273t
considerations related to, 13334
defined, 133
for mood dysregulation due to hormonal imbalance, 278t279t
patient history and, 24849
patient profile matched with, 25455
treatment plan and, 259
suprachiasmatic nuclei, magnesium deficiency and, 20
sweeteners, artificial, 37, 39
swimming, 41

sympathetic nervous system, fight-or-flight response and, 23

sympathetic response, 92
Symptom Checklist-90-R, 200
synaptic cleft, 113
synthetic thyroid replacement, 73
Szyf, M., 113
TACT. see Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)
tai chi, 41, 92
Tajalizadekhoob, Y., 138
Tanskanen, A., 38
tartrazine (FD&C Yellow no.5), 36
taste preferences, checking, 35
for anxiety and depression, 288t289t
description of, 178
dosage and best application for, 17879
food sources of, 179
toxicity issues, 179
TCM. see traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
team-care approach, xiii, 3, 910, 269
Teding Diancibo Pu (TDP) lamp, 46
tempeh, 32
temperature, sleep and, 18
terrorist attacks, significant HPA dysregulation and, 108
testosterone, 77, 278t279t
cautions with, 77
free and total, 7677
low, management of, 77
low, underdiagnosis of, 76
medications working integratively with, 22324
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
vitamin D and, 84
texting, 56
thalamus, 100
theanine, 39, 16768
therapeutic relationship, holistic plan and centrality of, 247
thrombin time, 140
thyroid antibody panel, 70
thyroid autoantibodies, 98
thyroid disease
prevalence of, 69
symptoms of, 70

thyroid feedback loop, 70, 71

thyroid function, 58
thyroid hormone
medication working integratively with, 22021
natural, 7273
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 232t
vitamin D and, 84
thyroid panel, 6970
thyroid problems
autoimmune, 7172
working with, 7074
thyroid replacement hormone, 71
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 70
thyroxine (T4), 70, 71, 72, 73, 160
tianeptine, 110, 123
Tillich, P., 246
titration, defined, 236
tocopherols, vitamin E and, 127, 128
tocotrienols, vitamin E and, 127
Tofranil, 182, 184, 230
tofu, 28
tomatoes, melatonin in, 22
tongue, examination of, 25051
Townsend Letter, 271
toxin burden, 35, 112
toxins, history of exposure to, 252
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 43
acupuncture as central modality in, 21011
lungs as site of grief in, 211, 212, 251
sexual side effects of antidepressant medications and, 23738
yin and yang in, 211
trait anxiety, arginine, lysine, and, 167
transcendental meditation, 2067
trans-fatty acids, 141
trazodone, 131
treatment plan
chart notes, 255
chief concerns, 25556
clear and simple, 255
one-month follow-up, 259
rationale for, 25961
review of systems and lifestyle factors, 25657

sample first visit, 25759

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), NIH, 128
triazolam, progesterone and, 22223
trichotillomania (obsessive hair pulling)
N-acetyl-cysteine and, 177
sexual side effects with SSRIs, yohimbine dosing, and patients with, 236
tricyclic antidepressants, 114, 117, 119
5-HTP used in combination with, 225
lavender used in combination with, 230
natural supports for weaning off of, 239t
rhodiola and eleutherococcus working with, 22930
SAMe compared with, 182
tri-iodothyronine working integratively with, 221
tri-iodothyronine (T3), 70, 72, 73
selenium and, 160
tricyclic antidepressants working integratively with, 221
trimethylglycine, homocysteine elevation and, 66
Trivedi, M. H., 220
trust, oxytocin and, 121
tryptophan, xiv, 88, 100, 122, 123, 148, 154, 168, 254
conversion of, to serotonin, 169
description of, and studies on, 168
dosing and best application for, 17071
food sources of, 172
medications used integratively with, 225, 226
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
safety of, 17172
St. Johns wort and interactions with, 195
treating the gut and rebalancing of, 169
for weaning off medications, dosage of, 239t
tryptophan pyrrolasae, 150
TSH. see thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
tumor-necrosis factor-alpha, 93
turmeric (Curcuma longa), 99
description of, and research on, 18485
dosage and safety of, 185
Turner, J., 170
TV, brain on, 5455
25(OH)vitamin D, 8486
22q11.2DS deletion syndrome, 181
2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS), 127
tyrosine, 72, 17276

for anxiety and depression, 286t287t

description of, and studies on, 17274
dietary sources of, 17576
dopamine support and, 118
dosages and best application for, 17475
toxicity and, 175
for weaning off medications, dosage of, 239t, 240t
tyrosine hydroxylase, 174
ulcerative colitis, 92
Ulrich, R. S., 47
ultraviolet A rays, 45
ultraviolet B rays, 45, 46
ultraviolet radiation, in sunlight, 45
unsaturated fats, 136
urine tests, for heavy metals, 126
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 149
vagal nerve tone, meditation and, 207
valerian (Valeriana officinalis), 119, 186, 254
sleep and, 2324
weaning off medications and, 240t
Valium, 23
valtrate, 24
vascular adhesion factors, 33
vegan oils, 144, 280t280t
vegetables, 3233, 39, 59, 67, 98
Verdon, F., 68
visible light, in sunlight, 45
vitamin A, 148
vitamin B3 (niacinamide), 150
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
dosages of, 153
vitamin B5, dosages of, 153
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 27, 149, 150
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
dosages of, 153, 154
studies on, 153
toxicity of, 154
vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), 27, 69, 82, 83, 149, 15051, 154, 181
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
dosages of, 153, 154
low, management of, 8283
medications working integratively with, 22728

normal levels of, 83

pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
SAMe pathway and, 129
studies on, 153
vitamin C, 69, 90, 148
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
CRP-lowering effect of, 6768
metal chelation and protective role of, 12728
vitamin D, xii, xiii, 148, 155, 265
for anxiety and depression, 274t275t
deficiency in, 84
dosing for, 85
food sources of, 86
high parathyroid and, 73
sunlight and, 42, 4546, 85
supplementation with, 49
tests, note about, 86
toxicity, 86
vitamin E, 127, 148
vitamin K, 148
vitamins, 11
for anxiety and depression, most commonly used, 274t277t
fat-soluble, 148
multiple, 147, 14849
walking, 41, 49
Wang, H., 214
watchful waiting, 10
water therapy, 5153
weaning off medications
follow naturopathic path, 242
issues related to, 238, 241
natural medicines as aid to, 238, 239t240t
supplements supportive of, 24243
talk to prescribing doctor and assure monitoring, 241
weight loss, 16, 261
Wellbutrin, natural supports for weaning off, 240t
Wheatley, D., 234
While, A., 63
Whitman, W., 19
whole-body healing, nature, vitamins, and, 4849
Wiita, B., 79
withdrawal symptoms, stopping medications and, 56, 238, 241

Witt, C. M., 214

Woelk, H., 189
Woolery, A., 206
World Health Organization, xiv, 129
Xanax, 13, 39, 240t
Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, 206
yeast, 3132
yin and yang, in traditional Chinese medicine, 211
yoga, xiv, xvi, 75, 90, 92, 109, 120, 2046, 216t
asanas (postures) in, 206
contraindications for, 206
derivation of word, 204
yogurt, 32, 147
yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)
avoiding sexual side effects of antidepressants with, 234t, 23537
dosage and toxicity, 23637
Yokogoshi, H., 37
Young Mania Rating Scale, 27
Zhang, J., 230
zinc, 27, 97, 155, 156
for anxiety and depression, 280t281t
dosage and toxicity of, 162
food sources of, 162
GABA receptor impairment and deficiency in, 162
inflammation lowered with, 99
medications working integratively with, 22829
pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and depression and patient support with, 233t
zinc carnosine, 99
zinc piccolinate, 162
Zoloft, 40, 58, 193
zolpidem, 21
Zyban, natural supports for weaning off, 240t

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Bongiorno, Peter B.
Holistic solutions for anxiety & depression in therapy : combining natural remedies with conventional care / Peter B.
Bongiorno. First edition.
pages cm
Norton Professional Book.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-393-70934-6 (hardcover)
1. AnxietyAlternative treatment. 2. Depression, MentalAlternative treatment. 3. Holistic medicine. 4. Traditional
medicine. I. Title. II. Title: Holistic solutions for anxiety and depression in therapy.
RC531.B66 2015
616.8522dc23 2014029926
ISBN: 978-0-393-70935-3 (e-book)
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