100 Stewardship Prayers of The Faithful

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FOR 100



1. For all members of our parish, that through their stewardship of time and talent, they find
a deeper relationship with the Lord and other members of the parish, we pray to the
2. For all parishioners who take on a leadership role here at (Parish), may they realize and
perpetuate greater personal and community faith, we pray to the Lord
3. For (ministry name), that through their good works, they may be nourished by the Bread
of Life, we pray to the Lord
4. For all parish leaders, that through their stewardship of time and talent, may they find a
deeper relationship with God as they serve our community, let us pray to the Lord
5. For all those who care for the needy, may their offerings be true expressions of gratitude
to God for his many blessings, let us pray to the Lord
6. For all parishioners and community supporters contributing to our parishs fiscal needs,
may their gifts be an expression of the gifts God has given them, let us pray to the Lord
7. For all parishioners who make an intentional, planned and proportionate gift of their time,
talent and treasure, that their offering will be in thanksgiving to the fruits God has
provided to them, let us pray to the Lord
8. For our parishioners in need, that the stewardship of fellow parishioners will help them
during this uncertain time, let us pray to the Lord
9. That we have the courage to embrace lives of total accountability and responsibility,
acknowledging God as Creator and owner of all, we pray to the Lord
10. Lord, instill in our hearts a spirit of love and compassion. Inspire us to make a difference
in our parish and community, by being generous with our time, talent and treasure, we
pray to the Lord
11. Lord, bless our parish family and keep us faithful to giving our time, talent and treasure
to the Church and to those in need, we pray to the Lord
12. We pray that gifts that we offer at todays Mass truly reflect our love and thanksgiving
for the many blessings that God has entrusted us, we pray to the Lord
13. That we have the courage to be good stewards of Gods many blessings, we pray to the
14. That we embrace our responsibility for caring for our parish and our community and so
become shining examples of Christian faith, we pray to the Lord
15. That we will constantly remember all we have comes from our God and as good
stewards, we will use the gifts of time, talent and treasure that we have been given to us
in order to build up the Kingdom of God, we pray to the Lord

16. That we obey the call to stewardship and place ourselves at Gods disposal to become a
people who act not on our own, but for God, we pray to the Lord
17. That we find true happiness, joy and peace only by putting God first in our lives, we pray
to the Lord
18. Lord, make us trustworthy stewards of your abundant blessings. Show us ways that will
enable us to fully embrace your teachings of charity, we pray to the Lord
19. Lord, give our parish family the desire to do your will, giving generously of ourselves
and our gifts for the mission of the church, we pray to the Lord
20. Lord, we offer up a prayer of Thanksgiving for the abundance of treasure and abilities
with which you have blessed us. Give us the desire to joyfully share our gifts for the
good of our Catholic community, we pray to the Lord
21. Lord, bless us and make us good stewards of our faith. Help us to pass on this faith to
our children so that they may become generous stewards of the church, we pray to the
22. Lord, Jesus, we ask you to send your Spirit to strengthen us in our resolve to be more
generous to the parish and the poor, we pray to the Lord
23. Lord, Jesus, help us to be more aware of our need to give to our parish and the poor out
of gratitude for all that you have bestowed on us, we pray to the Lord
24. Lord, Jesus, we are grateful for your love and everything we are, have and own. Please
help us to be sacrificial givers of our time, talent and treasure, we pray to the Lord
25. Lord, Jesus, help us to be always conscious of the needs of others and our responsibility
to be generous stewards of all the gifts we have received and to share them with the
Church and the poor, we pray to the Lord
26. Lord, Jesus, may each one of us reflect on how blessed we are with the gift of health,
family and friends that love us. Help us to share our love by being loving and generous
to the Church and the poor, we pray to the Lord
27. Lord, you are the giver of every gift including the most precious and holy gift of your
son, Jesus. Help us also to be generous givers of our gifts as we give in gratitude to God
who has given us everything, we pray to the Lord
28. That a deeper faith is realized by the members of (parish) who come out of gratitude to
God for Gods cleansing grace, share their talents with our parish, we pray to the Lord
29. For all members of (parish) who come through their stewardship of time, talent and
treasure, are eager to share their gifts with their families, their parish and their
community, and that their faith is deepened and their lives become further enriched, we
pray to the Lord

30. For all those in (parish) that through our stewardship of time and talent, and service to
God on earth, we will realize greater personal and community faith, we pray to the
31. For all parishioners, that our stewardship of time, talent and treasure will be expressions
of gratitude for what God has given to us, we pray to the Lord
32. For all parishioners who have made an intentional, planned and proportionate gift of their
time, talent and treasure, that our offerings will be a true expression of gratitude for all
the blessings of God, we pray to the Lord
33. That we may respond generously as faithful stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, we pray
to the Lord
34. That all ministries supported by our parish may bring people to a deeper faith in God, we
pray to the Lord
35. That our faith commitment will drive all our decisions regarding sharing our gifts with
others, we pray to the Lord
36. For spirited generosity, that we can respond as true disciples, we pray to the Lord
37. In thanksgiving for all of our gifts and for all who share them, we pray to the Lord
38. That God, will help us to resolve to put Him first in our lives and to recognize that He has
blessed us with all that we have and all that we are, we pray to the Lord
39. That God, will help us to resolve to sacrifice when necessary, but always to do so out of a
spirit of sincere love, as His Son, Jesus, did for us, we pray to the Lord
40. That Jesus will humbly accept the challenge to share from our substance rather than from
our surplus, let us pray to the Lord
41. That God will help us to resolve to be generous with our time, talent and treasure giving
in proportion to the gifts we have received and to help us when we fail, to keep trying and
to live each day confidentially with a spirit of true peace and joy, let us pray to the
42. That we will thank God every day and in everything we say and do for all the gifts He
has given us: our lives, our loved ones, all that we have and all that we are, let us pray to
the Lord
43. That Jesus will help us to be good stewards by demonstrating our love and gratitude and
using our gifts of time, talent and treasure to glorify God and to help others, we pray to
the Lord
44. That the Lord and source of all gifts will teach us how to thank Him for all the gifts that
He has given us as signs of His love, let us pray to the Lord
45. For the courage to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure with others as a sign of our
love for God and for our brothers and sisters, let us pray to the Lord

46. That Jesus, the perfect steward, will show us that complete trust in Him is necessary if we
are to lead the life of true discipleship, and that giving of self is an important part of
following Him, let us pray to the Lord
47. That our loving Creator and Giver of all good gifts will bless our parish, strengthen our
faith and grant us the spirit of Christian stewardship so that we may give generously of
our time, talent and treasure to spread His Kingdom here in our parish and throughout the
world, let us pray to the Lord
48. For all of us that we may use our gifts gratefully and will care for all the good things we
have been given, let us pray to the Lord
49. That we may all acknowledge the Lord God as the source of every good gift in the vast
array of our universe and the mystery of each human life, let us pray to the Lord
50. That the Father will teach us that as disciples of Jesus, we need to model His life, a life of
giving for the sake of others, a life that changes us through our giving, let us pray to the
51. That we will realize that stewardship begins with the personal need of each of us to return
to God a portion of our time, talent and treasure in thanksgiving for all blessings given to
us, let us pray to the Lord
52. That as good stewards of Gods many gifts, we will give to God from our first fruits not
from what is left over, let us pray to the Lord
53. That we will practice true stewardship as a way of worshipping, praising and thanking
God, let us pray to the Lord
54. That as good stewards, we will open our hearts, schedules and hands to others, let us pray
to the Lord
55. That we will be good models for our young people and teach them their stewardship
responsibilities of sharing and giving, let us pray to the Lord
56. That as good stewards of Gods bountiful blessings, we will put Gods priorities before
our own, let us pray to the Lord
57. That as good stewards of Gods many gifts, we will remember the most important work
of our lives is to be a disciple of Jesus, let us pray to the Lord
58. That the Father will send the Spirit into our hearts and help us enhance, cultivate, enjoy
and share all of the gifts we have been given, let us pray to the Lord
59. That in response for Gods many gifts, we will become doers of the Word not only
hearers, let us pray to the Lord
60. For all of us that we will use our gifts in love and service as a powerful way to express
our gratitude to God for His many blessings, we pray to the Lord

61. That all of us will work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to develop our talents to the
fullest so that we can use them to benefit others, our church and community, let us pray
to the Lord
62. For all of us that with His help, we will become true disciples of Jesus Christ, and follow
Him no matter what the cost, let us pray to the Lord
63. That as we share and give of our time, talent and treasure, we will undergo a spiritual
conversion of heart, spirit and mind, let us pray to the Lord
64. That all of us may learn to give faithfully and graciously without always expecting
something in return, let us pray to the Lord
65. That by trusting our lives to the practice of good stewardship, we will be lead away from
commercialism and secular values and will seek the well-being of the least among us,
let us pray to the Lord
66. That we may hear the voice of Jesus in our lives and commit ourselves to a life of true
stewardship, let us pray to the Lord
67. Lord, You are the giver of every gift, including the most precious and holy gift of Your
son, Jesus Christ. Help us to remember how important it is for us to also be generous
givers of gifts, so we can carry on Christs mission for His Church on earth, let us pray to
the Lord
68. Lord, instill in our hearts a spirit of charity and compassion. Help us to be open to ways
that can make a difference in our parish and community by being generous with our
abilities and treasure, let us pray to the Lord
69. Lord, grant us the ability to honestly evaluate our lifestyles, that they might reflect a
desire to walk closer with You, we pray to the Lord
70. Lord, help us to wisely use the gifts You have entrusted us to steward, let us pray to the
71. Lord, we offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for the abundance of treasure and abilities
with which You have blessed us. Give us the desire to joyfully share our gifts for the
good of our Catholic community, let us pray to the Lord
72. That God will bless our parish, strengthen our faith and grant us the spirit of Christian
stewardship so that we may give generously of our time, talent and treasure to spread His
Kingdom here in our parish and throughout the world, let us pray to the Lord
73. May our gifts enable us to more effectively carry out the mission of our parish and the
mission of the Church throughout the world, let us pray to the Lord
74. May our gifts of time, talent and treasure that we bring to share be a reflection of our love
for God and for one another, let us pray to the Lord
75. May each person in our parish place his or her gifts and resources at the service of the
Body of Christ for its health and well being, let us pray to the Lord

76. May we be granted the grace of conversion; the grace to know who we are, to whom we
belong and how we are to live the grace to repent and change and grow, the grace to
become better stewards, let us pray to the Lord
77. May we accept the challenge of rearranging our priorities, so that we put God first in all
things, let us pray to the Lord
78. That we may actively find ways in which we can make a difference in the lives of
everyone in our parish and our communities through gifts of time, talent and treasure, we
pray to the Lord
79. That our gift at todays Mass truly reflects our love and thanksgiving for the many
blessings with which God has entrusted us, we pray to the Lord
80. That we take responsibility for our parish and our community, committed to a common
welfare and a deepening faith, we pray to the Lord
81. That stewardship may become a way of life with God as creator and ourselves as
servants, accountable to God for our use of the gifts of time, talent and treasure that have
been given to us, we pray to the Lord
82. That we return to the Lord, the Giver of all our gifts, a truly grateful share of our time,
talent and treasure, let us pray to the Lord
83. For those in our parish family who give their time and talent to the Church and to those in
need, may God fill them with happiness and peace, let us pray to the Lord
84. For the prophets of the Old Testament, who spread the Word of God and taught the early
religious people the significance of being conscientious caretakers, let us pray to the
85. For the many men and women throughout the history of the Catholic Church who
practiced stewardship, so that we might enjoy the wonderful heritage of our existing
network of churches, schools, hospitals and other institutions that serve the ministries of
our Lord, we pray to the Lord
86. For many individuals who will benefit from our parish ministries during the coming year,
that their benefits will inspire others to become sacrificial givers to our parish, dedicated
to living stewardship in the everyday faith, let us pray to the Lord
87. That the changes we experience in our lives when we become good stewards will enable
us to carry the stewardship message to our sisters and brothers in the great family of the
Catholic Church, let us pray to the Lord
88. That we remember God reserves His richest blessings for those who respond in kind, let
us pray to the Lord
89. That as we begin our parish stewardship renewal, the Lord may open our minds and our
hearts to a true conversion, let us pray to the Lord

90. For all of us, stewards of the Lords gifts, that we may always use them with gratitude
and responsibility for the common good, we pray to the Lord
91. For all of us who work in love, building the Kingdom of God, sharing our time and
talents with our church and our community, we pray to the Lord
92. That the call to stewardship may bring about in all of us a better use of our time and
talents, we pray to the Lord
93. That in response to the stewardship challenge all and each one of us may recognize,
accept and share our resources, we pray to the Lord
94. For all the members of our parish, who in response to our parish stewardship renewal,
have pledged their time, talent and treasures, that the Lord may give them perseverance
and reward their efforts with blessings, we pray to the Lord
95. That we may embrace stewardship as a way of life, we pray to the Lord
96. Lord, God, Creator of the universe, we thank you for the gifts, talents and abilities You
have given to each of us. These are represented by the treasure we are about to collect
and offer at the altar, and by the personal commitments of time and talent that are being
made. May these gifts enable us more effectively to carry out the mission of the parish
and the mission of the church in the world, we pray to the Lord
97. For all parishioners, that their stewardship of treasure to the church will be an expression
of gratitude for what the Father has given them, we pray to the Lord
98. For those members of the parish who, through their stewardship of talent, give thanks to
God by sharing their gifts as members of the (ministry), that their daily lives become
further enriched, we pray to the Lord
99. For all members of the (ministry), that through their stewardship of time and
perseverance of faith, they will find a deepening in their relationship with Jesus, we pray
to the Lord
100. That a deeper faith is realized by those parishioners of the parish who, out of gratitude to
God for His cleansing grace, share their talents as members of the (ministry), we pray to
the Lord

If you would like more information about Stewardship Prayers of the Faithful,
please contact:

Office of Stewardship & Development

941-441-1117 or 941-484-4719

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