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Calibrating Watlow Process Controls: Calibration Manual

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Calibrating Watlow

Process Controls
(Applies to Series 981, 982, 983, 984, 986, 987, 988, 989)

Calibration Manual

Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580, Phone: 507/454-5300, Fax: 507/452-4507

November, 1993

Made in the U.S.A.
Printed on Recycled Paper



Calibrating Your Watlow Process Control


The Factory (Fcty) Menus

Entering the Fcty Prompt
Diagnostics Menu
Calibration Menu
Calibration Restore Prompt
The dFL Prompt
Input Calibration
Output Calibration

Calibration Procedures

Low Gain Thermocouple Input

High Gain Thermocouple Input
RTD Input
mA Process Input
VDC Process Input
mVDC Process Input
Slidewire Feedback Input
Current Transformer Input
mA Process Output 1 and 2
VDC Process Output 1 and 2
mA Retransmit Output 3
VDC Retransmit Output 3

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

Calibrating Your Watlow Process Control


This manual is a supplement to the Series 981/982 and 988/989 Users Manual.
The calibration procedures within this manual pertain to the following controls:
Series 981
Series 986
Series 982
Series 987
Series 983
Series 988
Series 984
Series 989
Use in conjunction with the appropriate users manual. From this point on, 988 will
be used in place of the above listed models.

Before attempting to calibrate, make sure you read through the

procedures carefully and have the proper equipment called for
in each procedure.

The Factory (Fcty) Menus


The Fcty prompt consists of three menus: PLOC, diAg, and CAL. The Fcty prompt
will not appear if the hardware lockout DIP switch is ON. Refer to Chapter 1 of the
Users Manual (white book).

The Fcty menu is

not available on a
Series 981 - 984.

The Panel Lockout (PLOC) menu is explained in detail in the Series 988
Users Manual.
The Diagnostics (diAg) menu contains specific information for each control. It
is explained in detail on Page 4 of this manual.
In the Calibration menu (CAL), various input signals must be supplied for the
control to go through its auto calibration. See Page 5 for the complete
Calibration menu and procedures.
Make sure the input type DIP switches are in the proper position before beginning.
Refer to the 988 Users Manual.

Entering the Fcty Prompt

The Fcty prompt can only be entered from the SEt prompt.
Press the Up/Down keys simultaneously for 3 seconds ( 1 second). Any inadvertent change in the displayed data, when pressing the Up/Down keys is
ignored. The SEt prompt appears in the lower display.
Continue pressing the Up/Down keys simultaneously for another 3 seconds and
the Fcty prompt appears in the lower display with PLOC in the upper display.
For 981 - 984 units the dIAg prompt appears in the upper display.

3 Seconds


















Figure 1 Entering the

Fcty Prompt


The Series 981 - 984
units have a
Hold/Run key in
place of the
Auto/Man key.


WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

Diagnostics Menu
The Diagnostics menu (diAg) contains specific information for each control. This
menu is for factory use only, but can be accessed for viewing or technical assistance.
At the Fcty prompt, press the Up or Down key to advance the upper display to
the diAg prompt. See below. Use the Mode key to advance through this menu.
Do not enter any readings here; make photocopies instead.


Figure 2 Entering the

Diagnostics Menu




























Press the Mode key to advance

through the Diagnostics menu.




Figure 3 The Diagnostics




Factory ship date


( )

Software revision


( )

Serial number

Sn _ _ ( )

Ambient temperature


( )

Ambient A/D count


( )

Ground A/D count


( )

Input 1 A/D count


( )

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual


( )

Input 2 A/D count


Input 1 module


( )

Input 2 module


( )

Output 1 module


( )

Output 2 module


( )

Output 3 module


( )

Output 4 module


( )

Test displays


( )

Test outputs


( )

Open Loop

OPLP ( )

When contacting the factory for technical assistance, make sure you have the information documented from the following prompts. All prompts in this menu are read only.


Date: This prompt represents the date the final control test was performed. The first
two numbers are the week (01 through 52), and the last two numbers are the year.


Software Revision: Signifies the control software revision.


Serial Number: Represents the control serial number. The first two LEDs in the
upper display are Sn followed by the serial number. The number is six digits in
length beginning with the last two digits in the upper display, and wrapping around
to the lower display where the remaining four digits are shown.
Ambient Temperature: The ambient temperature at the Input 1 terminals, in F.



Acnt, gnd, cnt1 and cnt2 are for factory use only.
itY1, itY2, OtY1, OtY2, OtY3, and OtY4 are input and output module types respectively. Below is a listing of the displays, and what they represent. Please document the displays before contacting the factory for technical assistance.
Input Types
nonE No module
Thermocouple only
Current detect
SLid Slidewire
UOFF Universal OFF
Universal RTD
Output Types
nonE No module
SS1S 0.5A SSR with suppression
SSr2 2.0A SSR
SS2S 2.0A SSR with suppression
2SSr Two 0.5A SSR
Switched DC
Two switched DC
rLYc Form C relay
rLcS Form C relay with suppression


Universal thermocouple high gain

Universal thermocouple low gain
Universal millivolts
Universal process
Event input 2
Heater current


Relay A/B
Relay A/B with suppression
Two relays
Power supply
RS-232 communications
EIA-485/422 communications

Display: Press the Up or Down key to change the upper display from no to YES. Each
display and LED is tested. If any display or LED is absent contact the factory.
Test Output: This prompt tests each output. As the Up or Down key is pressed, it
cycles through the available outputs. Once the corresponding LED is lit the respective
output is energized. Press the Up or Down key again to advance to the next output.
If any LEDs are non-functional, or if the outputs fail to energize, contact the factory.
Open Loop: This prompt enables open heater or shorted sensor detect, and
enables the error code function. This prompt only functions in the proportional
control mode. The error message OPLP flashes in the lower display when on is
selected and heat or cool is full ON and no temperature change has occurred over
a period of time. The time period is based on the system characteristics.
Range: on or OFF
Default: OFF






This menu will continue looping through the parameters until you press the
Display key to return to the Display loop.
WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

CAL Menu
Calibration Menu
Enter the Factory menu again by pressing the Up and Down keys simultaneously
for three seconds to enter the Setup menu, and an additional three seconds to
enter the Factory menu.
At the Fcty prompt, press the Up or Down key to advance to the upper display to
the CAL prompt.
Figure 4 Entering the
Calibration Menu










The Calibration menu begins with the Input 1 prompts and continues through to the
Output 3 prompts. Located at the end of the Calibration menu are the restore factory values and default parameters prompts. See below.
Before continuing through the calibration menu, refer to the proper calibration procedure for your control.






Press the Mode key to advance

through the Diagnostics menu.



Your Settings


Your Settings


Figure 5 The Calibration


Input #1

A 50

( )

A 00

( )


( )


( )

b 0U

( )


( )
( )

( )

A 20

( )

b 0u

( )

A 15

( )


( )


( )


( )

1 20

( )


( )

A20A ( )

1 10

( )

A 4A

( )


( )

( )

2 20

( )
( )

A 0u

Output #1

( )

Output #2


( )


b 50

( )

2 10

( )

b 00

( )

3 LO

( )

( )

3 HI

( )

( )

Restore factory values


( )

Default parameters


( )

b 0H
b 20

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

( )

A 0H

A 0U

( )


b 4A

A10U ( )

Input #2

Input #2

b 15

Output #3

rSt/dFL Prompts
Calibration Restore Prompt
If you make a mistake while calibrating your control, the rSt prompt near the end of
the calibration menu restores the original factory calibration settings. At the rSt
prompt, simply press the Up or Down key to change the upper display to read YES;
press the Mode key. The original factory calibration values are restored.

The dFL Prompt

To set the operating parameter defaults for either domestic or international, use
the dFL (default) prompt at the end of the Calibration menu. Once you have
entered the Calibration menu, use the Mode key to advance to the dFL prompt.
Press the Up or Down key to change the upper display to US or SI. For domestic
prompts, select US and receive:
Rate in minutes
Proportional band in degrees or units
Reset in repeats per minute
For international prompts, select SI and receive:
Derivative in minutes
Proportional band in % of span
Integral in minutes per repeat

Input Calibration
Once you enter the Factory menu, press the Up or Down key until the CAL prompt
appears in the upper display with Fcty in the lower display. Press the Mode key to
advance to the first calibration prompt. See Figure 2 on the previous page. The
upper display shows the prompt default no, while the lower display indicates the
input signal prompt.
Each input calibration prompt is preceded by an A or B, signifying Input 1 or 2
respectively. Refer to the Calibration menu on the previous page again. Before
advancing to the next prompt when calibrating, always apply the correct input signal
and allow to stabilize for 10 seconds before changing the upper display to YES. If
the parameter is left at no, the calibration information will not be entered. Once the
appropriate parameters are calibrated, press the Display key to exit the CAL menu.

Output Calibration
After calibrating the Input 1 and 2 prompts, the next prompts apply to Output 1
through 3 which are for process outputs only.
Model numbers affected are
Output 1
98_ _ - _ _ F _ - _ _ _ _
Output 2
98_ _ - _ _ _ F - _ _ _ _
Output 3
98_ _ - _ _ _ _ - M_ _ _
98_ _ - _ _ _ _ - N_ _ _
The prompt in the lower display indicates the output signal while the upper display
reads a hexidecimal value which matches the output value. The upper display
value is for internal use only and should be ignored.
Each output calibration prompt is preceded by a 1, 2, or 3, signifying Output 1, 2, or 3
respectively. If your unit does not have Output 2 or 3, these prompts will not appear.
Once the appropriate parameters are calibrated, press the Display key to exit the
CAL menu.
WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

Low Gain T/C

Low Gain Thermocouple Input Procedure
For all thermocouple inputs excluding Type R, S and B
Equipment Required
Type J reference compensator with reference junction at 32F/0C, or
Type J thermocouple calibrator set at 32F/0C
Precision millivolt source, 0 - 50mV minimum range, 0.01mV resolution

Setup and Calibration

1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the Series
988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #9 (+) and
terminal #10 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. If
you have model number 98_ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _, remove the control from the
case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to: 1 OFF
2 ON
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #19 (+) and
terminal #20 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. If
you have model number 98_ _ - _2 _ _ - _ _ _ _, remove the control from the
case and set the Input 2 DIP switches to: 1 OFF
2 ON
3 ON
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm-up, put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts

(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A 50 prompt, or the B 50 prompt, enter 50.00mV from the millivolt source
to the Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to
change the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
5. At the A 00 prompt, or the B 00 prompt, enter 0.00mV from the millivolt source
to the Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to
change the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
6. At the tc prompt, disconnect the millivolt source, and connect the reference
compensator or T/C calibrator to terminal #9 (+) and terminal #10 (-) on the 988
terminal strip. If using a compensator, turn it on and short the input wires.
When using a Type J calibrator, set it to simulate 32F/0C. Allow 10 seconds
for the control to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the upper display to
YES. To conclude the T/C calibration, press the Display key.

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

High Gain T/C

High Gain Thermocouple Input Procedure

Type R, S and B only
Equipment Required
Type J reference compensator with reference junction at 32F/0C, or
Type J thermocouple calibrator set at 32F/0C
Precision millivolt source, 0 - 50mV minimum range, 0.01mV resolution
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #9 (+) and
terminal #10 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. If
you have model number 98_ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _, remove the control from the
case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to: 1 OFF
2 ON
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #19 (+) and
terminal #20 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. If
you have model number 98_ _ - _2 _ _ - _ _ _ _, remove the control from the
case and set the Input 2 DIP switches to: 1 OFF
2 ON
3 ON
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts
(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A 50 or B 50 prompt, enter 50.00mV from the millivolt source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
5. At the A 00 or B 00 prompt, enter 0.00mV from the millivolt source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.

Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

6. At the tc prompt, disconnect the millivolt source, and connect the reference
compensator or T/C calibrator to terminal #9 (+) and terminal #10 (-) on the 988
terminal strip. If using a compensator, turn on and short the input wires. If
using a J calibrator, set it to simulate 32F/0C. Allow 10 seconds for the control to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the upper display to YES. To conclude the T/C calibration, press the Display key.
7. For Input #1 calibration: Remove the control from the case and set the
Input #1 DIP switches to: 1 OFF 2 ON
8. For Input #2 calibration: Remove the control from the case and set the Input
#2 DIP switches to:
1 OFF 2 ON
9. At the A 0H or B 0H prompt, enter 0.00 mV from the millivolt source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
10.At the A 20 or B 20 prompt, enter 20.00 mV from the millivolt source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press and hold the Mode key, while also pressing
the Up key until the lower display reads tc.
WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

RTD Input Procedure
Equipment Required
1K precision decade box with 0.01 resolution
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the decade box to terminals #8, 9
and 10 on the 988 terminal strip, see below. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to:
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the decade box to terminal #18, 19 and 20
on the 988 terminal strip, see below. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. If you
have model number 98_ _ - _2 _ _ - _ _ _ _, remove the control from the case
and set the Input 2 DIP switches to: 1
3 ON

Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

To 8 or 18

To 9 or 19

To 10 or 20

Series 98X

General Radio Model #1433-T

3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts
(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A 15 or B 15 prompt, enter 15.00 from the decade box to the Series
988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the
upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
5. At the A380 or B380 prompt, enter 380.00 from the decade box to the Series
988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the
upper display to YES. Press the Mode key. To conclude the RTD calibration,
press the Display key.


WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

mA Process Input
mA Process Input Procedure
0 to 20mA and 4 to 20mA units
Equipment Required
Precision current source, 0-20mA range with 0.01mA resolution
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the voltage source to terminal #8 (-) and
terminal #10 (+) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to:
1 ON
2 ON
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the voltage source to terminal #18 (-) and
terminal #20 (+) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 2 DIP switches to:
1 ON
2 ON
3 ON
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts
(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A20A or B20A prompt, enter 20.00mA from the current source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.

Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

5. At the A 4A or B 4A prompt, enter 4.00mA from the current source to the

Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key. To conclude the current
process calibration, press the Display key.

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual


VDC Process Input

VDC Process Input Procedure
0 to 5VDC and 0 to 10VDC units
Equipment Required
Precision Voltage source 0-10 volt minimum range with .001 volt resolution.
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See chapter 2 in the users manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the voltage source to terminal #9 (+)
terminal #10 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to:
1 ON
2 ON
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the voltage source to terminal #19 (+) and
#20 (-) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire. Remove the
control from the case and set the Input 2 DIP switches to:
1 ON
2 ON
3 ON
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.

Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts

(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A10U or B10U prompt, enter 10.000 volts from the voltage source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key .
5. At the A 0U or B 0U prompt, enter 0.000 volts from the voltage source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key . To conclude the voltage
process calibration press the Display key.


WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

mVDC Process Input

mVDC Process Input Procedure
0 to 50mVDC and 0 to 100mVDC units
Equipment Required
Precision millivolt source, 0-100mV minimum range with 0.001mV resolution
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Input #1 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #8 (-) and
terminal #10 (+) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 1 DIP switches to:
1 ON
3 ON
For Input #2 calibration: Connect the millivolt source to terminal #18 (-) and
terminal #20 (+) on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
Remove the control from the case and set the Input 2 DIP switches to: 1
3 ON
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
When performing calibration procedures, always do the Input 1 prompts
(beginning with an A) first, then continue on to the Input 2 prompts
(beginning with a B). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the A 0U or B 0U prompt, enter 0.000mV from the millivolt source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.

Any prompt beginning with an A
applies to Input 1.
Those beginning
with a B apply to
Input 2.

5. At the A100 or B100 prompt, enter 100.00mV from the voltage source to the
Series 988. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change
the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key. To conclude the millivolt
process calibration, press the Display key.

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual


Slidewire Feedback Input Procedure
Equipment Required
1K precision decade box with 0.01 resolution
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. Connect the decade box to terminal #18 and #20 on the 988 terminal strip.
Place a jumper wire between terminal #19 and #20. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
4. At the B 15 prompt, enter 1000.00 from the decade box to the Series 988.
Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the upper
display to YES. Press the Mode key.
5. At the B380 prompt, remove the jumper from terminals #19 and #20 and place
it between terminals #18 and #19. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize.
Press the Up key to change the upper display to YES. Press the Mode key.
To conclude the slidewire feedback calibration, press the Display key.

Current Transformer Input Procedure

Equipment Required
DC source, 50mA minimum sourcing capacity, 0 - 5V minimum range
Setup and Calibration
1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. Connect the voltage source to terminal #18 and terminal #20 on the 988 terminal strip. Use 20 to 24 gauge copper wire.
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
4. At the B 50 prompt, enter 4.72VDC from the voltage source to the Series 988.
Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the upper
display to YES. Press the Mode key.
5. At the B 00 prompt, enter 0.00VDC from the voltage source to the Series 988.
Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Press the Up key to change the upper
display to YES. Press the Mode key. To conclude the current transformer
input calibration, press the Display key.


WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

mA Process Output
mA Process Output 1 & 2 Procedure
Equipment Required

4 1/2 digit digital multimeter

Setup and Calibration

1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Output #1 calibration: Connect the digital multimeter to terminal
#12 (+) and terminal #14 (-). Set the DMM to read a range of 0 to 20mA.
Connect the leads of the DMM to measure current.
For Output #2 calibration: Connect the digital multimeter to terminal
#15 (+) and terminal #17 (-). Set the DMM to read a range of 0 to 20mA.
Connect the leads of the DMM to measure current.
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
When performing calibration procedures, always do the Output 1 prompts
(beginning with a 1) first, then continue on to the Output 2 prompts
(beginning with a 2). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the 1 4 or 2 4 prompt, the multimeter should read approximately 4 mA. Use
the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 3.85mA
.05mA. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to
enter and advance to the next prompt.

Any prompt beginning with a 1
applies to Output 1.
Those beginning
with a 2 apply to
Output 2.

5. At the 1 20 or 2 20 prompt, use the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on

the multimeter for 20.15mA .05mA. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to enter and advance to the next prompt. To conclude the process output calibration, press the Display key.

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual


VDC Process Output

VDC Process Output 1 & 2 Calibration
Equipment Required

4 1/2 digit Digital Multimeter

Setup and Calibration

1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the user's manual.
2. For Output #1 calibration: Connect the digital voltmeter to terminal #13 (+)
and terminal #14 (-). Set the DVM to read a range of 0 to 10VDC. Connect the
leads of the DVM to measure volts DC.
For Output #2 calibration: Connect the digital multimeter to terminal
#16 (+) and terminal #17 (-). Set the DVM to read a range of 0 to 10VDC.
Connect the leads of the DVM to measure volts DC.
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
Any prompt beginning with a 1
applies to Output 1.
Those beginning
with a 2 apply to
Output 2.

When performing calibration procedures, always do the Output 1 prompts

(beginning with a 1) first, then continue on to the Output 2 prompts
(beginning with a 2). See the Calibration menu on Page 6.
4. At the 1 0 or 2 0 prompt, the multimeter should read approximately 0 Volts.
Use the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 0.0VDC
0.1VDC. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to
enter, and advance to the next prompt.
5. At the 1 10 or 2 10 prompt, use the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on
the multimeter for 10.0VDC 0.1VDC. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to enter, and advance to the next prompt. To conclude the process output calibration, press the Display key.


WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

mA Retransmit Output 3 Procedure
Equipment Required

4 1/2 digit Digital Multimeter

Setup and Calibration

1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the users manual.
2. Connect the digital multimeter to terminal #1 (+) and terminal #2 (-). Set the
DVM to read a range of 0 to 20mA. Connect the leads of the DVM to measure
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
4. At the 3 LO prompt, the multimeter should read approximately 0.1mA. Use the
Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 0.00mA 0.05mA.
Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to enter and
advance to the next prompt.
5. At the 3 HI prompt, use the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 20mA .05mA. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press
the Mode key to enter and advance to the next prompt. To conclude the
process retransmit output calibration, press the Display key.

VDC Retransmit Output 3 Calibration

Equipment Required

4 1/2 digit Digital Multimeter

Setup and Calibration

1. Connect the AC voltage L1, L2 and ground to the proper terminals on the
Series 988. See Chapter 2 in the 988 Users Manual.
2. For Output #1 calibration: Connect the digital multimeter to terminal
#1 (+) and terminal #2 (-). Set the DVM to read a range of 0 to 10VDC.
Connect the leads of the DVM to measure volts DC.
3. Apply power to the unit and let it warm up for 15 minutes. After warm up put
the unit in the CAL menu. See Page 6.
4. At the 3 LO prompt, the multimeter should read approximately 0 volts. Use the
Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 0.0VDC 0.1 volt.
Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds. Press the Mode key to enter, and
advance to the next prompt.
5. At the 3 HI prompt, use the Up or Down keys to adjust the reading on the multimeter for 10.0VDC 0.1VDC. Allow the control to stabilize for 10 seconds.
Press the Mode key to enter, and advance to the next prompt. To conclude the
voltage process retransmit output calibration, press the Display key.

WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual



WATLOW Series 988 Calibration Manual

Watlow Process Controls Calibration Manual

Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580, Phone: 507/454-5300, Fax: 507/452-4507

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