Model Q Paper LLM Sem-II

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Model Question Paper

LL.M 201- A, International Trade Law

End Semester Examination
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. Discuss the nature, development and evolution of International Trade law.
Q.2. Discuss the Recent International Trends and impact of Globalization On International Trade.
Unit - II
Q.3. Discuss the Importance and salient features of GATT. Also discuss the Doha round
Negotiations in international market.
Q.4. Explain the relevancy of the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures in the world
trade and how far it helps in controlling the unfair trade practice by some countries.
Unit - III
Q.5. What do you mean by Anti dumping agreements? Explain in detail the due process of law to
be taken against Anti dumping.
Q.6. Discuss the provisions of agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Unit - IV
Q.7. Write notes on:
(a) Trade and Environment conflicts and challenges
(b) Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
Q.8. Mention in detail the Process of WTO dispute Resolution mechanism. what are the remedies
available to a agreed country for dispute settlement in trading with other countries under WTO
dispute settlement mechanism?
LL.M. 202-A Competition Law
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks

1. "The Competition Act, 2002 provides to promote and sustain competition in market, to protect
the interest of consumers and to ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in market,
in India". Explain.
2. Discuss Nature and Scope of Competition Act, 2002?
1. "Any anti-competitive agreement which causes or is likely to cause an appretciable adverse effect
on competition within India shall be void." Elucidate.
2. Define and explain the term 'Dominant position'. Discuss the circumstance under which the
Dominant Position is abused. What factors are to be taken into account to determine the Dominant
1. Discuss Powers and function of Competiton Commission.
2. What are the various kinds of orders that may be passed by the competition commission of India
after Inquiry anti-competitive agreement or abuse of Dominant position? Discuss
1. What is the composition of Competition Appelate Tribunal? Discuss the qualifcation and
procedure for the Appointment of Chairperson and Members of Tribunal.
2. Explain the power of Competition Appelate Tribunal to award Compensation under the
Competition Act.
LL.M 203 - A Laws on Securities and Financial Markets
End Semester Examination
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. What do you mean by Share capital? how it can be altered? Discuss the general principles of
Allotment of shares as per the SEBI guidelines.
Q.2. Discuss the following:
(a) Initial Public Offer
(b) Right Issue and its procedure

Unit - II
Q.3. What do you mean by term Securities? Discuss the procedure of listing of Securities as per the
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956..
Q.4. Discuss the composition, powers and functions of Security Appellate Tribunals in India.
Unit - III
Q.5. Discuss in detail the powers and functions of Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Q.6. Which exchanges in India are Recognized by Securities Exchange Board of India? explain the
Functionality of those Exchanges in India.
Unit - IV
Q.7. What are Non Banking Financial Institution? Explain the Role and Scope of NBFCs in India.
Q.8. Write notes on following:
(a) Life Insurance corporation of India.
LL.M 204 - A Banking and Insurance Law
End Semester Examination
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. Discuss in detail the Evolution and development of Banking Regulations in India by giving
flash light on the Bank Nationalization.
Q.2. Discuss the Importance of Development of Banking Laws in India focusing on recent trends
and new ways of Banking.
Unit - II
Q.3. Discuss in detail the Development of Reserve Bank of India. mention its powers and functions.
Q.4. What do you mean by Banking Ombudsman? Discuss the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002
implemented in India.
Unit - III

Q.5. Discuss the evolution of concept of Insurance. What are the general principles of Law of
Q.6. Explain the following:
(a) Insurable Interest
(b) principle of Utmost good faith
(c) Risk and Insurance Relation
Unit - IV
Q.7. Discuss the salient features and scope of Public Liability Insurance Act 1991..
Q.8. What is the role of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority in governing the
Insurance Law in India.
Model Question Paper
LL.M 201 - B Victimology
End Semester Examination
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. Discuss in detail the Development and historical development of Victimology as a Branch of
Criminal Law.
Q.2. Explain in detail the Role of Judiciary in imparting Criminal Justice in reference to Recent
trends and policies.
Unit - II
Q.3. Discuss the utilization and merits of Precipitation theory and Routine activity theory of
Q.4. Discuss the Psychological and Economical impact of Victimization.
Unit - III
Q.5. What do you mean by Restorative Justice? Discuss in detail with its Essential Elements.
Q.6. What measures shall be taken to effectively implement the Restorative Justice System.
Unit - IV

Q.7. Mention the various provisions under General/ Procedural laws for Compensatory Relief to the
Victims of Crime.Mention leading cases in this regard.
Q.8. What is the Major role play of Human Rights commission in providing the compensatory
Relief? Discuss with provisions with relevant case laws.

LL.M. 202-B Sentence & Sentencing

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
1. What do you understand by ' Punishment ? Explain it in the light of its concept and nature. How
penology is connected with criminology?
2. Capital Punishment , while pretending to support reverence for the human life, does , in fact,
tend to destroy it. Give your views for and against the abolition of capital punishment, particularly
in Indian Context.
3. What different theories of punishments are known to you? Discuss one in detail which you
consider as the most essential.
4. Notwithstanding the great stands made in the reformative process, deterrence as an end of
punishment can not be totally eliminated. Comment.
5. Discuss briefly the various principal types of punishments provided in the IPC. Will it be
desirable to add (i) Externment and (ii) Corrective labour, as suggested by the law commission of
India, for certain categories of offences , under IPC. Give reasons in support of your answer.
6. State the arguments for and against imprisonment for non payment of Fine.
7. As a means of Incapacitation, imprisonment has a relatively high degree of efficiency. Discuss.
8. What do you understand by Parole? Distinguish it from ' Probation. Discuss the advantage of
Parole System.
LL.M 203 - B Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration

End Semester Examination

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. Discuss in detail the concept, nature and scope of Criminology and its applicability.
Q.2. What are the various Branches of criminology? Also explain the concept of Practical
criminology in detail.
Unit - II
Q.3. Discuss the views of various thinkers under classical and Neo-classical school of Criminology.
Q.4. Explain the contribution of Sociological and clinical schools in development of Criminal
Unit - III
Q.5. Discuss in detail the Radical Criminal Jurisprudence propounded by Karl Marx.
Q.6. Discuss the Modern theory of Criminology criticizing the Marxist theory.
Unit - IV
Q.7. Mention with relevant provisions the Pre-Trial procedure for imparting criminal Justice
administration in India.
Q.8. Give your detailed views by giving merits and demerits of trial procedures and admissibility of
evidence in Indian Criminal Justice administration system.

LL.M 204 - B, Police Law and Administration

End Semester Examination
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:
Note: (1)The candidates are required to attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit.
(2) All questions carry equal marks
Unit - I
Q.1. Discuss in detail the Development and Hierarchical structure of Police system in India.
Q.2. What is the code of conduct for Police in India. what are the recommendations for the code of
conduct of Police commissions?
Unit - II
Q.3. Discuss the scope and salient features of The Police Act 1961.
Q.4. Highlight the main provisions of The Rajasthan Police Act, 2007.
Unit - III
Q.5. Discuss on following topics :
(a) Arrest and release of Accused
(b) Investigation and Enquiry by Police into Offences.
Q.6. What are the various problems faced by the Police in India? Discuss the Duties of Civil Police
in India.
Unit - IV
Q.7. What are the major Reforms in Indian Police system? Explain in the light of Prakash Singh v.
Union of India case.
Q.8. Write short notes on (Any Two) :
(a) State Security Commission
(b) Establishment of National Security Commission.
(c) Constitution of Police Establishment Board in India

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