NFL Summer Internship Report

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DR. B. R.





Distributed Control System
Prepared in Partial Fulfillment of Industrial Training I
National Fertilizers Ltd.



June-July 2012
The industrial training in an industry / project site is an essential part of curriculum for
completion of B.Tech degree. I am grateful to authorities at National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda
for permitting me to undergo six weeks Industrial training in their esteemed organization. During
this training I have learnt a lot, for which I pay my heartiest gratitude to the HRD Sr. Manager

Mr. D.K Bora and other staff members of National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda who helped
me in all respects in fulfilling my cherished desire of getting a successful Industrial training.
I am very thankful to Mr. Sunil Arora (D.G.M INST.), Er. B.B Grover (MGR), Mr. R.C
Sharma (A.M), Er. Sanjay Yadav(A.M), Mr. S.P Mittal, Er Baltev Singh, Mr. Harvinder and all
the supervisors and other officials for providing me complete process details of their respective

The training report on the working of National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda has been
prepared in accordance with the requirement of scheme of four year B.Tech degree course in
Instrumentation and Control engineering being taught at at NIT Jalandhar
In this course industrial training is an integral part of the curriculum and can be
undertaken in any reputed industry. I have done this training at National Fertilizers Limited,
Bathinda which is situated on Bathinda Goniana road and is very well connected with rail and
road. It is very well known for its excellent performance over the past years. I have studied whole
plant with Captive Power Plant in detail.

It is pleasure to face the Industrial life that helped me to convert my theoretical

concepts into practical knowledge. During this training I came across many emergency situations
in the plant that surely explained me, actual industrial life.





NFL is known in the industry for its work culture; value added human resources, safety,
environment, concern for ecology and its commitment to social upliftment. All NFL plants have
been certified for ISO-9002 for conforming to international quality standards and International
Environmental Standard i.e. ISO-14001. With the certification of Corporate Office/Marketing
operations under ISO-9001:2000, NFL has become the first Fertilizer Company in the country to
have its total business covered under ISO-9001 Certification.
On 23rd August 1974, NFL was formed and registered to set up two
modern large capacity Nitrogenous Fertilizers plants.
NFL, Bathinda (Punjab)
NFL, Panipat (Haryana)
each with the capacity of 5-11 lakh tones /annum.
As to set up any plant there are some essential conditions that support the existence and
working of plants for years, so Bathinda was basically selected as one of the site of Fuel based
plant as per consumption point of view since Punjab is mainly agriculture based state.
NFL was incorporated on 23 rd August 1974 in order to implement this project contract were
entered into with M/s " TOYO ENGINEERING CORPORATION " a well known Japanese Engg.

Company and Engg. India Ltd (EIL), a public sector and Engg. Organization .This contract
becomes effective on September 26, 1974 with a guaranteed Feed in on the Bathinda Fertilizers
project to implement within 36 months from the zero date.
Due to the power requirements and some other factors, later on it was planned to set up its
own power house known as Captive Power Plant (CPP) with 2 turbo generators of 15 MW each.
National Fertilizers Limited (N.F.L.) is the largest manufacturer of nitrogenous fertilizers in
the Northern India. It is presently operating four large fertilizers plants, two of which are located
at Nangal and Bathinda in the Punjab State, one at Panipat in Haryana and one at Guna in M.P.
While plants at Nangal, Bathinda and Panipat are fuel-oil based, the one at Guna is gas-oil based.
The overall installed capacity of NFL plants is 10.42 lakh MT per annum.
The old plant at Nangal was commissioned in 1961 followed by expansion which was
commissioned in 1978. Bathinda and Panipat plants were commissioned in 1979. Guna Plant
which is the latest plant of NFL was commissioned in Dec, 1978 and is now in full production.

NFL was incorporated on 23rd August, 1974 with two

manufacturing Units at Bathinda and Panipat. Subsequently,
on the reorganization of Fertilizer group of Companies in
the Nangal Unit of Fertilizer Corporation of India came under
the NFL fold. The Company expanded its installed capacity
in 1984 by installing and commissioning of its Vijaipur gas
based Plant in Madhya Pradesh.
NFL Corporate office: Noida

The Vijaipur Plant was a land mark achievement in project management in India. The plant was
completed well within time and approved project cost. In recognition of this achievement, the
project was awarded the First Prize in Excellence in Project Management by Govt. of India.
Subsequently the Vijaipur plant doubled its capacity to 14.52 lakh MTs by commissioning
Vijaipur Expansion Unit i.e. Vijaipur-II in 1997. The plant annual capacities have now been rerated w.e.f. 1.4.2000 from 7.26 lakh MT of Urea to 8.64 lakh MT for Vijaipur-I & Vijaipur-II
Plants each.

Three of the Units are strategically located in the high consumption areas of Punjab and
Haryana.The Company has an installed capacity of 35.49 lakh MTs of Nitrogenous Fertilizers and
has recorded an annual sales turnover of Rs.3, 474 crores during 2004-05.

Company Profile
NFL Schedule - A & Mini Ratna Category 2004-2005.- I Company, is a market leader in the
fertilizer Industry in India with 17.0% share in Urea production during 2004-2005.

IN THE COUNTRY (2004-2005)



Kisan Urea and Kisan Khad NFLs popular brands are sold over a large marketing territory
spanning the length and breadth of the country. The Company also manufactures and markets
Bio fertilizers and a wide range of industrial products like Methanol, Nitric Acid, Sulfur, Liquid
Oxygen, Liquid Nitrogen etc. The Company has developed Neem coated Urea which on

demonstration has improved the crop yield by 4-5%. The Company is focusing its thrust to
widen the marketing operations of Neem coated Urea.
NFL over the years has developed a team of dedicated professionals in the areas

Steam Generation plant is mainly installed for production of steam and then distributed to
various parts of the plant.
Here this section of plant installed in National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda unit produces
and supplies steam at 100 Kg / cm2 pressure and nearly 480C temperature to Ammonia Plant.
In todays world steam has gained importance in Industries. It may be used for power
processes and heating purposes as well.
It is colorless, odourless and tasteless.
Very economical
Non polluting
Can be used as heat exchanger.
It can be easily distributed to various sections of plant.
Steam is generated in Boilers (Water tube boilers mounted on common base fitted with
mountings and fittings) and then distributed to other parts of plants. For governing the quantity of
fuel to be burned and for maintaining the required pressure their are many automatic fuel feeders,
equipments and auxiliaries like pressure gauge etc.
In the Boilers used at National Fertilizers Limited (Bathinda unit); coal, oil natural gas are
used as a fuel for production of steam.
NFL , Bathinda is using steam for two purposes ; first and the main reason is for running
prime mover and other reason is to exchange heat in the processes taking place their.
There are three boilers capable of producing steam at the rate of 150 Tonnes/hr installed in
CPP which were supplied and erected b BHEL. Generally two boilers are enough to meet the
requirements but third boiler is simultaneously running because if steam load consumption
increases then the third boiler plays its part in order to avoid any faulty condition.

Coal :
To obtain steam of desired Temperature and pressure, coal is burned to give major source of
Initially coal is stored at Coal Handling plant brought from coal sites. It is this section of
plant where coal is crushed by crushers in order to make small pieces of coal, then after crushing
it the coal pieces rare passed through heavy electromagnet where iron is separated from coal if
present. Coal is then sent to Bunkers from where it goes to Grinding mill. Grinding mill is
grinding coal into powder form.
Conveyor Belts are being used in the whole plant for transportation of Coal. The powder form of
coal is sent to the Boilers through pump as pump sucks the coal from grinding mills and throws it
into the boiler for combustion.
Fuel Oil :
As the Boilers are designed to work on both Coal as well as Fuel Oil so fuel oil can also be
pumped to Boiler for combustion.
Generally coal alone is not burnt Initially but Fuel Oil (LSHS) is mixed coal and then sent to the
furnace for combustion in order to get desired temperature .
As National Fertilizers Ltd, Bathinda unit has its own Steam Generation Plant where steam
is produced which is used for driving Turbo Compressors, Heating Purposes, for various reactions
taking place in the plant itself.
Steam is mainly consumed in the Ammonia Plant as nearly 6 to 7 tonne of steam is required to
produce 1 tonne of Ammonia. High Pressure Turbines are being used where high pressure and
temperature is to be maintained so SGP section plays a important role for maintaining the said
There are three boilers (VU-40 type supplied by M/S BHEL) of 150 tonne/hr capacity
.These boilers are Water Tube Boilers i.e. water is inside the tubes and hot air surrounds it when
coal is burnt, this makes the water in the tubes boil and steam formation takes place. In the
beginning coal is burnt with fuel oil in order to get desired temperature.


As the steam being used should be free from impurities like minerals, silica, oxygen, Iron
etc. in order to insure Safe and Efficient working of Steam turbines and Boilers. For this purpose
Raw Water is physically and chemically treated and finally supplied to Steam Generation Plant
from Ammonia plant. This water is called Boiler Feed water which is further heated to 240 C by
the flue Gases and taken to Steam Drum. Steam Drum Acts as storage tank and also separates
water from the steam at 315 C and 106 kg/cm2 pressure water then enters the Ring Header
formed at on the bottom of outside the furnace and rises by gravity through water wall tubes on
the all the four sides, taken heat from furnace and enters steam drum as a mixture of steam and
The products of combustion in the furnace consist of carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen, ash,
oxygen and sulphur-di-oxide. After leaving the furnace the heat
Of these gases called FLUE GASES, is utilized at various levels.
First the steam from steam drum is heated in two super heaters to get the required temperatures of
4950C and then feed water in BANK TUBES is also heated and the gases leave bank tubes at
around 4970C next the heat is utilized to heat feed water in the ECONOMIZER and gases are
cooled down to 3200C. These gases are further cooled down to 150 0C in ROTARY AIR HEATER
where the air is required for combustion and conveying the coal is heated up. Temperature is not
reduced further because at lower temperature oxides of sulphur present in flue gases are
converted to ACID which damages the down stream equipments. These gases then pass through


National Fertilizers Limited has set a Captive Power Plant (CPP) at their complex at
BATHINDA, to ensure availability of stable, uninterrupted power and stream to the Ammonia
and Urea plant. This will minimize the tripping of the Fertilizer Plant due to transit voltage dips
and power cuts.
Since inception, Bathinda unit was drawing electric power from Punjab State Electricity
Board (P.S.E.B). Electricity is the main driving force after steam in the plant, being used for

moving auxiliary equipments. The unit requires 27MW of power/hr when running at full load.
There are two 15 MW turbo-generators to generate power. Under normal running conditions of
the plant and healthiness of the P.S.E.B. grid, we generally run in synchronism with the grid
merely drawing the power corresponding to the minimum charges to be paid to state electricity
board. In case of any disturbance in the grid, our system gets isolated from the grid automatically.
With both generators running, we are able to feed power to the whole plant, thus production is not
affected. In case only one turbo generator is in line and grid cuts off, urea plant is cut off
automatically to balance the load with one generator. As soon as the grid becomes stable, the
generators are again synchronized with it. The power generation of each generator can be varied
with 2 MW to 15 MW maximum, provision exists to run the generator on 10 % extra load
continuously for one hour only.
Operation of C.P.P. is based upon microprocessor based computerized instrumentation
which allows automatic operation, start up, shut down of the whole or part of the plant.
Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. It allows controlling process variables
like flow, pressure, temperature, power factor, voltage, frequency, etc. There is operator interface
unit (IOU) Like a TV screen on which various parameters can be displayed and controlled. It
allows fully automatic start-up, shut-down of boiler, turbine and other auxiliaries.


It was thought to install a captive power plant in which electric power for our requirement
shall be generated in a COAL FIRED BOILER. The benefits envisaged were:
1. Any disturbance in the PSEB grid used to trip the whole plant. Lot of money was lost due
to this as each re-startup costs around 40 to 50 lakhs rupees. Moreover, frequent
trippings had an ill effect on machines and equipments extending the re-startup period.
2. Three boilers of 150Te/hr steam capacity were initially installed in SGP to keep 25 boilers
running and one stand by as designed steam requirement was less than 300Te/hr. but in actual
operation steam requirement was more and all three boilers had to be run and there was no
breathing time for their maintenance. As new boiler was to be installed for CPP, its capacity was
so designed that it could export around 60Te of steam for process requirement so that only 2
boilers of SGP would be run keeping the 3rd as stand by.
With these points in mind CPP was installed. The functioning of CPP can be sub-divided
into parts:

BOILER AND ITS AUXILIARIES: For generation of high pressure superheated steam.
TURBO-GENERATOR AND ITS AUXILIARIES: To generate power, using steam from the
Operation of CPP is based upon microprocessor based computerized instrumentation which
allows automatic operation, start up, shut down of the whole or the part of the plant.
The basic principle of this boiler is the same as discussed earlier for SGP boiler that is
formation of steam by heating boiler feed water inside furnace fired by coal and heavy oil,
utilization of heat of the gases and venting these gases at a safe height. Main differences between
the two boilers are:
SGP boiler is tangentially fired where as CPP boiler is front fired with 6 coal burners and 6
oil gun fixed inside the coal housing.
SGP boiler can be loaded up to 30% load with oil firing only whereas CPP boiler can be
fully loaded with oil alone.
Height of combustible zone in CPP boiler is more and it has residence time of 1.5 sec where SGP
boiler has 1.0 sec.
Mills used for pulverizations of coal in SGP are negative pressure bowl mills whereas in CPP ball
tube mill are used which are positive pressure mills.
Due to more residence time and better pulverization the efficiency of CPP boiler is about
4% higher.
Boiler feed water required for steam generation can be fully generated in CPP itself.
A part of the steam generated is exported for process use in ammonia plant and rest is
utilized for power generation in turbo generators as described below:

Maximum evaporation
Design process for boiler

2, 30,000kg/hr

Steam temp at outlet


Heating surface


In C.P.P. two generators of 15MW capacity generate a voltage of 11KV which is fed to the
two transformers in the yard. The rating of the transformers is 31.5/25 KVA, these two values
depend upon the cooling which we provide, as here 25KVA capacity is when cooling is oil natural
air natural and 31.5KVA capacity is when cooling is oil natural air forced. Both these
transformers step up the voltage level to 132KV. From the transformers the three phases pass
through the lightning arrestors (LA). After this they pass on to the isolator. After this the two lines
pass on to the TRANSMISSION pole called DOUBLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION. Then these
lines go to the M.R.S. i.e. main receiving station.
The turbine used is supplied by M/S SGP of AUSTRIA. It is condensing cum extraction
turbine designed as single casing reaction turbine with single control stage and high pressure
(HP), mild pressure (MP) and low pressure (LP) reaction parts.
The turbine is fed with high pressure steam at 100kg from boiler and flows through various
control valves for normal and emergency operation. It gets high velocity through the nozzle group
and then passes over the impellers fixed on to the rotor and fixed diffusers thus rotating the
turbine. The enthalpy of steam is utilized in steps. Steam is also extracted from various stages.
HP1 at 10.4kg/cm2, HP2 at 8.1kg/cm2, feed water bleed at 4.3kg/cm2 and LP bleed at 0.9kg/cm2.
The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in a condenser maintained under vacuum
to extract maximum steam enthalpy. The output of the turbine depends on flow of steam and heat
difference that is on condition of steam at the main steam valve and the pressure at the turbine
outlet or condenser pressure. The turbine is connected to the generator through speed reducing
The exhaust steam is condensed in a condenser using cooling water. The resulting
condensate can be fed back to LP heater but is normally sent to the polishing water plant.
As shall be clear from the attached block diagram various bleeds from the turbine are
utilized for heating purpose. HP 1 and HP2 are used for heating boiler feed water in HP 1 and HP2
heaters. Feed water bleeds is used for heating the feed water tank and LP bleed is used for heating
the polish water make up to the feed water tank.
A lubrication system is also there to lubricate the various bearings of the turbine, gears and
generator. Normally the oil pump driven by the turbine shaft supplies oil but auxiliary motor

driven pumps are used for start up and during shutdown. A turning gear has been provided for
slow cooling of turbine rotor.
Latest instrumentation has been used in this plant. Baileys net work-90 microprocessor
based instrumentation system is being used. The NETWORK 90 SYSTEM is a distributed
process control system. Using a series of integrated control nodes. The network 90 system allows
controlling process variables like flow, pressure and temperature according to a control
configuration. There is operator interface unit (OIU) like a TV screen on which various
parameters can be displayed and controlled. It allows fully automatic start-up/shut-down of
boiler, turbine and other auxiliaries.

Simmering Graz Panker, Austria


Multifunction (28 stages)


65 T/H at 15 MW
6789 at 50 Hz

Critical speed

3200-3600 RPM

CPP is having two number turbo generators of capacity 15MW each. The generators are
type SAT three phase, 50Hz, 11kV, 984amps, at 0.8 power factor rating supplied by M/S
JEUMONT SCHNEIDER OF FRANCE. These are totally enclosed self ventilated type with two
lateral airs to water coolers for cooling. The alternators are able to bear 10% overload for one hr
with an increase in temp. of 10 0C while maintaining the voltage as near as possible to the rated
one. The excitation is compound and brush less with exciter rotor and Rectifier Bridge mounted
on the extended main shaft on non driving end. The excitation is controlled automatically with
automatic voltage regulator and a PLC controller. All protection relays installed for protection of
generator are solid state having high accuracy, quick response and low power consumption.
Under normal running conditions of the plant and healthiness of the PSEB grid, we
generally run in synchronism with the grid merely drawing the power corresponding to minimum
charges to be paid to state electricity board. In case of any disturbance in the grid measured by
higher low frequency, high rate of change of frequency, low voltage etc. our system gets isolated
from the grid automatically. With both generators running, we are able to feed power to the whole
plant, thus production is not affected.

UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY: The uninterruptible power supply system is connected between a critical load, such as
digital drives & automation, distributed digital process control system, telecom equipment,
programmable logic controller, mission critical applications, computer and its three phase mains
power supply under all rated load and input supply conditions.
The system offers the user with the following advantages: Increased power supply: The UPS has its own internal voltage and frequency regulator circuits which ensure that its
output is maintained within close tolerances independent of voltage and frequency variations on
the mains power lines.
REDUNDANT Vs NON REDUNDABT CONFIGURATIONS:In a non-redundant configuration the system is sized such that both UPS modules are
required to feed the potential load and if one of the two modules develops a fault or for some
reason shut down, the other module also automatically shuts down.
In such an event the load is transferred to an unprocessed bypass supply.
In a redundant module configuration the system is sized such that the potential load can be
provided by just one of the two modules. Under normal circumstances both modules are
operational and share the load current equally; but if one module develops a fault, or

is shut down, the second module is able to take over the full load demand and continue to provide
it with processed, backed-up power.
7400 Module Design:The UPS basically operates as an AC- DC-AC converter. The first conversion stage (from
AC to DC) uses a 3 phase fully controlled silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) bridge rectifier to
convert the incoming mains supply into a regulated 432V DC bus bar.
The DC bus bar produced by the rectifier provides both battery charging power and power to the
inverter section-which is of a transistorized / IGBT based pulse width modulation (PWM) design

and provides the second conversion phase i.e. reconverting the DC bus bar voltage back into an
AC voltage waveform.

Workshop is the important area of the workshop all engineering designs are
implemented practically. Repair, maintainence and design work are done here. all instruments
whether it is pneumatic or electronic are repaired in this workshop.
In NFL many pneumatic systems are replaced by electronic instruments, stripchart recorders are
replaced by chartless recorder. the plant is having pneumatic system in field but electronic signal
requires current signal so pneumatic signals are converted to current signals with the help of I/P

In this industry different parameters are to be controlled like pressure, temperature, flow, level
etc. For these parameters there are different instruments like for Pressure:bourden tube
Level:radar system,dp transmitter
A dead weight tester apparatus uses known traceable weights to apply pressure to a
fluid for checking the accuracy of readings from a pressure gauge. A dead weight
tester (DWT) is a calibration standard method that uses a piston cylinder on which a
load is placed to make an equilibrium with an applied pressure underneath the piston.
Deadweight testers are so called primary standards which means that the pressure
measured by a deadweight tester is defined through other quantities: length, mass and
time. Typically deadweight testers are used in calibration laboratories to calibrate
pressure transfer standards like electronic pressure measuring devices.

Operating Principle
Fluid Pressure generated by a screw pump acts on the bottom of a vertically free floating piston.
The force produced pushesthe loaded free piston vertically upwards. The piston floatsfreely in its
cylinder and the pressure in the circuit will be determined by the weights loaded on the piston

divided by theeffective area of the piston with corrections for value of acceleration due to gravity,
air buoyancy, surface tension and datum level difference.
The formula on which the design of a DWT is based basically is expressed as follows :



where :
p :reference pressure
F :force applied on piston [N]
A :effective area PCU

Basic Principle of Bourdon tube pressure gauge:
when an elastic transducer ( bourdon tube in this case ) is subjected to a pressure, it
defects. This deflection is proportional to the applied pressure when calibrated.
Operation of Bourdon tube:

The pressure to be measured is connected to the fixed open end of the bourdon tube.
The applied pressure acts on the inner walls of the bourdon tube. Due to the applied
pressure, the bourdon tube tends to change in cross section from elliptical to circular.
This tends to straighten the bourdon tube causing a displacement of the free end of the


This displacement of the free closed end of the bourdon tube is proportional to the

applied pressure. As the free end of the bourdon tube is connected to a link section
pinion arrangement, the displacement is amplified and converted to a rotary motion of


Control valve is a device which controls fluids passing through a restriction by regulating the
travel of stem or plug. The control valve works as a variable resistance in the pipeline.
The Control Valve plays a very important role in the automatic control of modern plants. The
control valve manipulates a flowing fluid such as gas ,steam ,water, or chemical compounds to
compensate for load disturbances and keep the required process variable as close as possible to
the desired set point.Basically it is a flow control device so by controlling the flow of fluids a
control valve indirectly controls the process variable that may be LEVEL,TEMPERATURE, and

.Control valve parts

ACTUATOR: A fluid -powered or electrically powered device that supplies force and
motion to a valve closure member (plug).

BODY:The body of the valve is the main pressure boundary. It provides the pipe
connecting ends and the fluid flow passageway. Selection of valve body material depends
upon mechanical strength and resistance to errosion it

A flexible pressure responsive element that transmits force to the diaphragm plate and
actuator stem.
The support plate which gives support to the diaphragm and exerts force uniformly

This is required for single acting actuators to return to normal position when air supply is
Yoke is the fixed connection (mounting) between body and actuator.

BONNET: The bonnet is that portion of the valve pressure retaining boundary
which may guide the stem and contains the PACKING BOX and STEM SEAL.

TRIM Includes all the parts that are in flowing contact with the process fluid except
the body, BONNET, and body flanges and gaskets. It includes the plug, seats, stem,
guides, bushing & cage.

STUFFING BOX The chamber located in the BONNET which surrounds the stem
and contains the PACKING and other stem-sealing components. PACKING a part
of valve assembly used to seal against leakage around the valve disk or stem.


It is the no.of US gallons per minute of water at 60 deg F which will pass through a
valve at maximum opening with a pressure drop of one psi.i.e Cv means of understanding
the relative capacity of each size of valve. Its most basic form is
Q is flow rate
P is press.drop across the valve
The Cv value increases if flow rate increases or if press. drop decreases.
Cv = AD
Where A is constant called valve discharge coefficient
B is another constant
D is valves diameter in inches

Cv = Q G/P

Control valves are classified according to


Body types


Seat Leakage


LINEAR: A characteristic where flow or (Cv) increases linearly with valve travel. Flow
is directly proportional to valve travel.
Q = ky
k = constant , y = valve opening , Q = Flow at constant press. Drop.

EQUAL PERCENTAGE: With an equal % ch., each increments of valve plug

movement produces a change in flow rate which is proportion to the amount flowing,
before the change is occurred. In this, flow change to the lift is small, when the valve
travel is small.As the travel becomes large,however the flow change corresponding to the
same lift tends to becomes greater, means the change is always proportion to the flowing

Q = b eay

QUICK OPENING: These are used when maximum valve capacity must be obtained
quickly (I.e for ON OFF control).A quick opening valve has a linear ch. For about one
forth of its travel from shut off ,when sized to operate in this range, it becomes a linear
valve. Beyond this point ,it has a little use, except for an ON OFF control.


CAVITATION : Cavitation happens between the two-stage process of vaporization and

condensation of a liquid. As fluid passes through a valve just downstream of the orifice
area, there is an increase in velocity or kinetic energy that is accompanied by a substantial
decrease in pressure or potential energy. This occurs in an area called the VENA
CONTRACTA. If the pressure in this area falls below that of the vapor pressure of the
flowing fluid, vaporization (boiling) occurs. Vapor bubbles then continue downstream

where the velocity of the fluid begins to slow and the pressure in the fluid recovers. The
vapor bubbles then collapse or implode.

FLASHING : Flashing is a one stage phenomenon.Flashing is similar to Cavitation

except the vapor bubble do not collapse,as the downstream pressure remains less than the
vapor pressure.The flow will remain a mixture of vapor and liquid. When the vapor
pressure downstream of a control valve is less than the upstream vapor pressure, part of
the liquid changes to a vapor and remains as a vapor unless the downstream pressure
recovers significantly. This is called Flashing The vapor bubbles along with the fluid
( dual face flow) can also cause mechanical damage to the valve and piping system

CHOKED FLOW: This condition exists when at a fixed upstream pressure the flow
through valve cannot be further increased by lowering the downstream pressure.

Fluids flow through a valve because of a difference in pressure between the inlet (Pl) and
outlet (P2) of the valve. This pressure difference (Delta-P) or pressure drop is essential to
moving the fluid. Flow is proportional to the square root of the pressure drop. Which
means that the higher the pressure drop, more will be fluid flow through the valve.
How to reduce cavitation & Flashing

By using anti cavitating trims effect of cavitation can be reduced. The pressure reduction is done
in stages to decrease the velocity by providing a volume in between. By doing this the pressure
never falls below the vapour pressure of the liquid.

There are various types of analyzers with different principle
Some of them are:
1)electrochemical analyser
2)thermal conductivity based analyser
3)ir analyser
Electrochemical analyzer
These type of analyzers based on chemical reaction.Under these type of analyzers we study H2S the process we have to measure .1ppm of H2S ie we use these type of analyzer.
Lead Acetate Tape.

This method relies on the chemical reaction of H2S with lead acetate

impregnated paper tape to form lead sulfide. The lead sulfide appears as a brown stain on the
paper tape. A light source is used to illuminate the tape where the reaction is to occur and light













A concentration of H2S can be determined by the rate of staining on the tape. Lead acetate,
Pb(CH3COO)2, is a white salt. Light illuminating the tape reflects on the white surfaceand a
photodiode detects the reflected light. The H2S reacts with the lead acetate to produce leadsulfide
(PbS) which forms a dark brownish stain on the white tape. Less light reflects when the colorof

the tape changes from white to brown due to H2S. The decreasing amount of reflected light
isproportional to the amount of sulfur in the sample.


Each gas has a known thermal conductivity, that is how well heat transfers through it. This
property can be measured. Thermal conductivity is measured with a sensor that employs four
matched filaments that change resistance according to the thermal conductivity of the gas passing
over it. The thermal conductivities of some gases can be found in Table A below.
ARGON 3.880
ETHANE 4.303
HELIUM 33.60
NEON 10.87
Table A. Thermal conductivities of common gases.Theory & Principle of Operation
The sensor uses four matched filaments that change resistance according to the thermal
conductivity of the gaspassing over it. These four filaments are connected in a Wheatstone
Bridge configuration as shown below in Figure 1.

(Figure 1. Wheatstone Bridge of the thermal conductivity detector.)

When all four resistances are the same, VOUT is zero and the bridge is considered balanced.
When zeroing, the reference gas is passed over all the filaments, the resistances will be the same
(because filaments are matched) andthe bridge is balanced. When the sample gas is passed over
half of the bridge, then VOUTs value correlates to the content of the sample gas in the
reference.The detector is a four element Katharometer having two elements situated in the
reference gas and two elements in
the sample gas shown in Figure 2 below.

(Figure 2. Cut-away view of the thermal conductivity sensor.)

The four elements are electronically connected in a bridge circuit and a constant current is passed
through thebridge to heat the elements. If each element is surrounded by the same gas, then the
temperature, and hence theresistance, of each element will be similar and the bridge circuit will
be balanced.

Measure the gas sample content of a sample/reference mixture by comparing
the thermal conductivity of the mixture with that of a reference.
For example, hydrogen has a thermal conductivity which is approximately
seven times greater than that of nitrogen, so small changes are readily
detected. All other common gases have thermal conductivities similar to
nitrogen so the method of measurement is fairly selective.

Other gases that may be measured using this technique are:

Carbon Dioxide




Sulphur Dioxide

In NFL we are using this type of analyzer for hydrogen

Gases to be detected are often corrosive and reactive. With most sensor
types, the sensor itself is direct exposed to the gas, often causing the
sensor to drift
or die prematurely.The main advantage of IR instruments is that the

detector does not directly interact with the gas (orgases) to be detected.
Principle of Operation
The infrared detection principle incorporates only a small portion of the
very wide electromagnetic spectrum .The portion used is that which we
can feel as heat. This
is the region close to the visible region of the spectrum to which our eyes
are sensitive. Electromagnetic radiation travels at close to 3 x 10^8m/sec
and has a wave-like profile. Lets review the basic physics of
electromagnetic radiation by defining the terminology involved with it.
The major functional components of the analyzer are protected with
optical parts .In other words, gas molecules interact only with a light
beam. Only the sample cell and related components are directly exposed
to the gas sample stream. These
components can be treated, making them resistant to corrosion, and can
be designed such that they are easily removable for maintenance or
Today, many IR instruments are available for a widevariety of applications.
Many of them offer simple, rugged, and reliable designs. In general, for
toxic and
combustible gas monitoring applications, IR instrumentsare among the
most user friendly and require the least amount of maintenance. There is
virtually an unlimited
number of applications for which IR technology can be used. Gases whose
molecules consist of two or more dissimilar atoms absorb infrared radiation
in a unique manner and are detectable using infrared techniques.


Before the introduction of dcs we have pneumatic system, due to the limitation of pneumatic
system , electronic system come into the process and after that dcs comes into picture. Due to the
several advantages of dcs it come into existence.
Stage I
Stage II
Stage III

Pneumatic Instrumentation
Electronic Stand alone Controllers
Distributed Control System

A Distributed Control System (DCS) refers to a control system usually of a manufacturing

system, process or any kind of dynamic system, in which the controller elements are not central
in location (like brain) but are distributed throughout the system with each component subsystem
controlled by one or more controllers. The entire system of controllers are connected by networks
for communication and monitoring
A DCS typically uses custom designed Processors or Controllers and uses both
inter connections and protocols for communication. Input and output modules form component
parts of DCS. The processor receives information from input modules and sends information to
output modules. Input module receives information from input instruments in the process (field)
and output modules transfer instructions to the output instruments in the field. Computer buses or
electrical buses connect the processor and modules. Buses also connect the distributed controllers
to the Human-machine Interface (HMI) or control consoles.
Main functions of DCS

Analog, Binary and pulse signal conditioning
Control logic development performing closed & open loop control
Data processing
Data display
Alarm monitoring & printing
Data archiving










Input from field

INTRODUCTION This PP system which was very recently installed in the Captive Power
Plant NFL Bathinda on 8th March 2005. This is a completely automated plant, which is based
upon very modern technologies in the control system. The working explanation could be given as
follows: The signal from the field is received from the field which is received from the transmitter which
is present in the field. The transmitter could be of any variable like temperature, pressure; flow
level etc. This signal is received in the control section and is named under a tagging system. For
example, FR100, this is representing flow in Turbine#1. The signal in the control room is a
current signal. The signal could be changed to voltage signal by using a 250 ohm resistor. But due
to prime advantage of current signal of not being affected by wire resistance is preferred. This
current signal are sent to the field to operate a particular valve which is based upon the pneumatic
system so I/p converter is to be used to change current signal to a pneumatic (pressure) signal.
The signal received from the field is
received in the MARSALLING /RELAY. These signals are then send to the PCU (Process
Control Unit), from where the signal is sent to the C-NET. This signal is picked from the C-NET

by the server. This is then transferred to the clients who are connected to the server by O-NET
Ethernet connection.
Similarly in the reverse cycle, the signal is send from clients to the server then transferred to
C-NET then to PCU and then signal is sent to the field.
The information regarding each element in the diagram is given as follows:MARSALLING /RELAY It is the end point of the control section. Here the signal is received
form the field and then is sent to the terminating unit of the PCU.
PCU (Process Control Unit) The PCU is the most important section of the plant. PCU consists
of a number of subsections.
Signal from Marshalling/Relay is received at the termination unit of PCU consisting of
termination modules.
Signal is then sent to the slave unit and then to the Master Unit. Master Unit consists of MFP
(Multi Function Processor). MFP sends and receive signal to field by using I/O modules
(explained later). All these units are interconnected inside PCU by specific wire.
These MFPs are connected to NIS (Network Interface Module) and NPM (Network Processing
Module) which finally connects PCU to C-NET.
C-NET It is the Communication Network also known as the PCL (Plant Communication Loop).
The C-NET allows the signals from various PCUs and from the server and EWS to be entered
and retrieved. C-NET consists of a redundant loop, which takes over in case of failure of the
primary loop.
O-NET This is the Ethernet Connection which is used to form LAN (Local Area Network) in
the plant. This network is built under the bus Topology system in which all the units are
connected as nodes. Since all nodes are connected in Bus topology each can access the data
equally. It provides maximum speed of 100 MBPS.
Client Clients are HIU (Human Interface Unit) which are the computer which have GUI based
software. Clients are used by the operator to perform any task. All clients have equal data sharing.
Operator can send command from this mouse enabled unit which is used to perform specific tasks
in the field.
Server Server is pathway which allows the request from client to be sent to the C-NET. It is
the server which records the actions taken by the clients. The server installed is a non-dedicated
server, meaning thereby, this server can also function as a client. Two servers available are
primary and secondary servers. One of them is in use and other is a stand by. A number of server
like historian, real time data server etc which are present in the plant have been explained later.
Engineering Work Station (EWS) EWS is a special computer which has direct access to the ONET as well as C-NET. It is used by an engineer to design, configure, monitor, change, trouble
shoot and reinstall the Process portal system. EWS has inbuilt features of CAD with control
drawing. EWS is also used to change and monitor functioning of modules.
Connecting Cables A number of connecting wires are to be used whose choice is made on the
basis of speed, type of connections, type of data, operating environment etc. most of the
connections in PCU are through SCSI cable.

The entire hardware is non-dedicated, which means hardware of various manufacturers could be
connected together very easily. Hence all parts are manufactured on international standards. All
the systems present are redundant for backup. All the connections shown also have redundant
DCS Components
The hardware Control Station
Software and licenses for control
Human Interface Station (HIS)
Engineering Station
Communication Network
Control Station
It consists of the Main controllers, its slave and termination modules, power supplies and their
interconnections.The main controllers are hot redundant. All the logic and control strategy is built
in the main controller. These controllers can handle very large number of control loops involving
any complex functions. They are attached to various slave cards(analog, Digital, Pulse etc) which
do all the signal conditioning of the data handled. These slave cards are linked to termination
cards where the field wires are physically terminated. The Slave and termination card
combination provides the required power supplies from a redundant source to the field devices
(Transmitters, Relays etc.)


Control Module
The control module is a multiple loop analog, sequential, batch and advanced controller, that
provides powerful solutions to process control problems. It also handles data acquisition
and information processing requirements providing true peer-to-peer communications.
The comprehensive set of function codes supported by these modules handles even the most
complex control strategies. The system uses a variety of analog and digital I/O modules to
communicate with and control the process. The control module can communicate with a
maximum of 64 modules in any combination.
The module has three operating modes: execute, configure and error.
In the execute mode, the module executes control algorithms while constantly checking itself
for errors. When an error is found, the front panel LEDs displays an error code corresponding
to the type of error found.
In the configure mode, it is possible to edit existing or add new control algorithms. In this
mode, the module does not execute control algorithms.
If the module finds an error while in execute mode, it automatically goes into error mode.
Software and licenses for control

There are different types of Software required for DSC. Licenses are to be obtained for
using most of these software. Licenses comes in the form of a Dongle with a key no. to
activate the Licenses. These software can be categorized as follows :
1. Software for operating system : This is the basic software on which other control
software is being loaded. This software may be Microsoft windows based or Unix based
software. Microsoft windows are most popular and user friendly whereas Unix based are
most powerful. In CPP Windows 2000 professional and in SGP Windows XP are used as
operating system.
2. Software for engineering station : A dedicated Licensed software is used for Engineering
workstation. Functions of this software is given under the head Engineering station
In CPP and SGP we are using COMPOSER for this purpose.
3. Software for front end operator station or Human interface station : A dedicated Licenses
software used for HIS and functions are explained below. we are using Process portal B
in CPP & Power generation portal in SGP for this purpose.
4. Software for Configuration Servers : A licensed software is used for configuring the data
bases in bulk configuration manager to configure tags, their engg. units , ranges, limit
values, alarm values and for automatic updating of any changes done from different HIS.
Complete information of whole tag database are centrally stored in configuration server.
We are using Windows server 2003 for this purpose.
5. Software for optimization, efficiency calculation etc. : These are the special & optional
software used for optimization of plant efficiency , calculation of plant efficiency
automatically obtaining available process data and manual feed data. This software also
maintains a maintenance log sheet algorithm and provides information regarding
maintenance of different equipments.
6. Software for printers : Recommended and compatible Software used for taking printouts
of control logics, trends , alarms , graphics etc.

Human Interface Station ( HIS )

The HIS is mainly used for operation and monitoring of the plant it displays process
variables, control parameters and alarms necessary for users to quickly grasp the operating
status of the plant. It also incorporates open interfaces so that supervisory computers can
access trend data, messages and process data & events.
Physically it consists of mostly general purpose PC with CRT, LCD based screens and normal
keyboards with an option for dust and drip proof flat keys, which enable one touch operation.

Advantages of the DCS displays.

High speed data update.
Multi-monitor function permitting to display more information.

Multi-window display mode.

System message window display.
Tuning trend displays.
Dynamic graphics displays.
Alarm handling functions.
Print screen functions.
Long term data archiving functions.
Voice messaging functions.
Security functions.

Engineering Station
No matter how good a system is, it cannot succeed if the system configuration is
time consuming and difficult. So mostly the engineering functions are
designed for
efficient engineering- they are designed for ease of use and software reusability. It contains
all the control logic templates, function codes, macros, shapes, and borders that are used to
create controller configurations (control logic documents).
Engineering tool consists of
Memory blocks (locations and capacity ).
Specific functions.
Connecting tools.
Constant value blocks.


Build the logic / control strategy using the various function blocks.
Compile the logic.
Check for any errors.
Remove the errors one by one.
If no errors then a configuration file is generated.
Download this file to the controller and putting the controller to configure mode.
Change the mode of the controller to execute mode.
New configuration is downloaded in the controller.

Communication Modules
The communication cards connects Communication network -to-HMI interface.
controllers to:

It enables

Communicate field input values and states for process monitoring and control.
Receive control instructions from plant personnel through human system interfaces to adjust
process field outputs.
Provide feedback to plant personnel of actual output changes through human system interfaces.
Communicate controller function block configuration information and parameters. These
parameters determine the operation of functions such as process control, data acquisition,
alarming, trending, and logging.
Report status.
Download firmware.
Data is transferred in messages that contain system data, control, and configuration information
and also in exception reports.
Communication network -to-control Unit Interface
Communication network provides a plant-wide communication network.
It provides time-synchronization across the control system plant wide.
Each node can operate independently of other Communication network nodes.
Control Unit interface modules provide localized startup and shutdown on power failure without
operator intervention.
Fast response time. The 10-MHz communication rate gives timely information exchange.
The modules process information for maximum transmission efficiency.
The Control Unit interface modules handle four message types: broadcast, timesynchronization, multicast, and NIS poll.
All messages contain cyclic redundancy check codes and checksums to insure data integrity.

Distributed control system for CPP was originally of BAILEY NETWORK 90

Later on it was up graded with Symphony Harmony Industrial IT System for turbine side
The boiler side is remained with Network 90 System.
In this way CPP have to separate DCS System.
Both systems are connected to a pair of redundant server.



Four Operating Station Are Connected Through Redundant O-Net To RTDS 1 & 2.
Two Stations Are Loaded with History.
One Station Is Loaded with Configuration Software.
The Operating Station System Is Windows 2000 Professional Based.


It Has 15 (fifteen) Nodes connected to C NET

HSI (Human System Interface) is achieved by using user friendly environment which is provided
by using HIU (Human Interface Unit) which is a computer based upon GUI. PP is based upon
graphics functions which are easily understood and presents a livelier picture. For example: - The
graphics view of a steam boiler will not only have pictorial shape of boiler but also will show
current state of the fire in graphical form which shows fire intensity as well as temperature. Any
section of the plant can be viewed by just clicking upon the particular area as shown in the figure.
Modules are the hardware components of the process portal. There are a number of modules
which perform functions like input and output interaction with controller, address identification
etc. Basic modules which are a necessary part of PP are:Digital Input Module

Description: - Digital input module IMDSI03 has a single printed circuit board that occupies one
slot in MMU (Module Mounting Unit). It monitors two separate groups of eight inputs; hence
there are totally 16 input lines. There are 12 inputs which are mutually isolated remaining 2 pair
have common positive input lines. 16 LEDs are on the panel which shows the current status of
the module. This module has 3 card edge connector as follows: P1

Connects common and +5VDC.

Connects module to I/O expander bus to the controller.
Inputs digital signal using cable to terminating unit.

Inputs to the module are 120VAC, 24VDC, 48VDC or 125VDC. Some of digital input modules
are IMDSI13, IMDSI14, and IMDSI22.

Parts of Input Module

Input Isolation: - Low isolation capacitance allows protection against fast transient bus
Threshold Detection: - Test the input voltage to determine it is proper voltage on or off.
Control Logic: - Takes the signal from threshold detection and energies proper LED. It consists of
buffer to hold the input and I/O bus interface is used to read these bytes.
I/O Expander Bus: - It is a high speed parallel bus which allows the bytes to travel along and
provides communication path between controller and I/O module and form a major part of PCU
(Process Control Unit).

Digital Output Module

Description: - Digital output module IMDSO14, has 16 open-collector, digital output channels
that can switch at 24 VDC and 48 VDC load voltages. The digital outputs are used by controller
to switch field devices for process control.
The controller communicates
with its I/O modules on an I/O expander bus. Each I/O module on the bus has a unique address
set by its address dipswitch.
Digital output module has a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in MMU (Module
Mounting Unit). It outputs two separate groups of eight inputs; hence there are totally 16 input
lines. There are 12 inputs which are mutually isolated remaining 2 pair have common positive

input lines. Upper two red and green LEDs shows operating status. 16 red LEDs are on the panel
which shows the current status of the module for group A and B. This module has 3 card edge
connector as follows: P1

Connects common and +5VDC.

Connects module to I/O expander bus to the controller.
Outputs digital signal using cable to terminating unit.

The voltage energies or de-energies a field device or a relay.

Inputs to the module are 24VDC or 250mA, 48VDC or 125mA.
Functions of output Module: 1. Controls digital output switching.
2. Transmits operating status back to a controller.
Open collector transistor provides switching in output circuit. Opto-couplers isolate module from
process field device.

Digital Output Circuit

This is digital output circuit which sends a field output in correspondence to the signal from
output circuitry. Sixteen open-collector transistors in the digital output block
function as digital switches.
Optocouplers for each output pro-vide isolation
between the module circuits and the process field device. All outputs are
normally de-energized (off) until a signal from the data selector block causes
them to energize (on). The output circuits provide 1.5 kilovolts isolation
between output and logic circuits, and other output channels.
Output Control Logic
Output register holds the data that controls the output. The input expander bus interface writes
control data to this register. This data is sent to the data selector determines the output state (on or
Default data from the controller is sent to default register. Default values
can be fixed before hand. If a time-out (hanged state) is happening, means (controller is unable to
perform in a fixed time) then a special signal code may be obtained.
O/p connections are obtained by a 30 pin card edge connector P3 of the DSO module from
termination unit.
I/O Expander Bus

Provides high speed, synchronous parallel bus. Provides a communication path between
controller and I/O module.
Controller and I/O modules form an individual subsystem with in a Process control unit.
Provides following functions: Address comparison and detection.
Function code ditching and decoding.
Read strobe generation.
Data line fitting of bus signals.
On board bus drivers.
Status of Module
Status data consists of three separate 8 bit signals.
First and second represent group A and B signals.
Third is for module identification and module status.
I/O module identification by four MSB.
LSB represent module status.
Bus Fault Timer
Reset to default signal if it takes more than 10ms, Red LED in front panel shows Bus fault.
The module has an address selection Dipswitch with eight switches. First two are always
kept closed and rest 6 decides the address.
Module status indicator
There are 2 LEDs for indicating module status which are red and green. The status with the LED
is shown in following table.

NO power
Bus fault

Single loop of HP1 heater


Loop of the hp1 heater is shown below and its components are given as:
1.Analog transfer function
This function selects one of the two inputs depending on Boolean input s3. The output equals the
input that is selected. There are two time constants to provide smooth transfer in both directions.
2- input Summer
This function performs a weighted sum of two inputs. By choosing the proper gains and inputs
this block can perform proportional. Bias or difference can also be used as a scalar for
a non- zero biased signal by referencing the second input to a constant block.
This operation of this function is described by the equation :
Output = <s1>(s3) + <s2>(s4)


3.Rate limiter
The output of a block using this function code is the same as the input as long as the rate of
change on the input does not exceed a limit value. When the rate of change of the input is greater
than the limit, the output will change at the rate established by the limit until the output agains
equals the input.


4.PID Error Input

This function provides proportional, integral and derivative operations on an error
Signal. It has 3 inputs and 1 output. Besides the error input,there are also provisions for track
reference and track switch input signals.the parameters for this function include an overall gain
specification (s5), a proportional constant(s6), an integral (s7) and derivative specification(s8).
5.Test Quality
The test quality function code is used to check the point quality of up to 4 inputs. It is a 4 input
logical OR fuction that sets the output to a logical 0 if all tested points are good, and to a logical 1
if one or more tested inputs is bad. Only process i/o , module bus inputs can be tested for quality.
Quality is not propagated through a modules function blocks. All internal points have good



The Timer function code is used to perform timing, pulsed timming, or timed out delay function
depending on the function specified(s2), duration of timming interval(s3),
and the logic state of the input.


7.Control Station (MFC)

The Control Station (MFC) function code provide an interface between the MFC and the
following interface device: Digital Control Station(DCS), Operator Interface unit(OIU),
Management Command System(MCS), and computer interface unit(CIU). The function code
cannot be placed in any block numbered higher than 1023 because the current plant loop message
size allows the loop to access blocks through 1023 only for control.









This plant consists of both the DCS (Distributed Control System) and PLC (Programmable Logic
Controller). Hence a brief description of their difference is to be considered.

Distributed Control System: - In a DCS, all the variables in the plant from various remote
locations are brought to operators observation. Each of the variable are interrelated to one
another so controlling of all is achieved through best possible combinations.
In a stand alone
controller, all variables are completely independent and are not related to one another. For
example, if a particular pressure and flow are to be maintained in a pipe. Then, in stand alone
controller, if flow maintenance goes out of reach, even then pressure would be kept on maintained
which are useless in many cases. But in DCS, programmed software itself performs the best
solution hence controlling all the variables. Therefore, DCS is totally automatic system which can
run the plant even without operator.
Programmable Logic Controller: - A PLC consists of following main parts:

PLC Block Dig.

Inputs and outputs to the PLC are: INPUT
Sensing Devices
Switches and Pushbuttons
Proximity Sensors
Limit Switches
Pressure Switches


DCS is better to PLC as:

System Upgrades and expansions In a PLC, the adding a new facility is a tough job on
the control layer.
PLC is totally dedicated system which work only on factory support.
DCS enables High Speed peer to peer instruments but PLC does not Suppose 3
different signals are to be controlled. These all must be mapped into 3 PLC slots. Thus,
all wiring from transmitter is send to PLC. But in DCS, signal is mapped to 1 st controller
then copied to 2nd and 3rd controller without rebuilt, thus reducing wiring.
PLC do not provide Security, Alarm, Advanced math function (PID).
HMI on PLC is far difficult to work with as compared to DCS.
Open communication Protocols in PLC Make it difficult for 3rd part instruments and
PLC Advantages
Low Cost The PLC are low cost system compared to DCS in many applications.
Easy decision making and easy maintenance of PLC.
Fast project implementation of PLC makes it more beneficial.

But the biggest benefit in using a PLC is the ability to change and replicate the operation or


Digital Input Termination Unit: The NTDI01 digital I/O Termination Unit is a Harmony rack I/O device. It
provides a signal path for 16 input signals to the following I/O modules. The
inputs are used by the controller to monitor and control a process. A Harmony
area controller and the Harmony rack controllers can use the rack I/O module
and termination units for I/O interface.
Analog Input Termination Unit: The NTAI05 Analog Input Termination Unit is a Harmony rack I/O device that is
part of the Symphony Enterprise Management and Control System. It
provides a signal path for 15 input signals to the IMFEC11 or IMFEC12 Analog
Input Module. The inputs are used by the controller to monitor and control a
Terminating O/P module
Logic power
I/O bus communication
Provide digital O/P.

CNET-to-Computer Interface
Unidirectional, high speed data network, 10 MBPS communication.
Control network with 250 modes.
Multiple Satellite CNET can link to central Network.

Computer Transfer module: The INICT03 Computer Transfer module handles all communication with a
host computer. The module is command driven through software on the host
computer. The INICT03 module receives a command from the host computer,
executes it, and then replies.
It performs system functions such as security, time-synchronization,
status monitoring, and module configuration. The INICT03 module can store
up to 30,000 point definitions.
Multifunction Processor Interface Module: The IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface module handles the I/O
interface between the host computer and the INICT03 module.
Computer: A computer can access Cnet for data acquisition, system con-figuration, and
process control. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface.
The computer connection to Cnet enables plant personnel, for example, to
develop and maintain control configurations, manage the system database,
and create HSI displays remotely using Composer engineering tools.
Features of CNET to computer Interface
Provides a plant- wide communication network.
Provides time synchronization in control system.

Each note can operate independently.

Support cyclic Redundancy check codes.
Fast response (10 mbps).

CNET to HCU Interface

HCU (Harmony Control Unit) comprises of controller and I/O devices.

Actual process management takes place at this level.
It is a high speed link which provides peer to peer communication link between controller and
module. It consists of 32 connections.

HCU CNet Interface allows

Communicate field input value and state for control.
Receive control instruction from plant personal and adjust process field O/P.
Provide feed back to plant personal via HIS.
Determine, process control, data acquisition, alarming, logging and trending.
Report status and download firmware.
Complete redundancy of HCU and its module are provided to tackle situation of a failure.
Network Interface Module (INNIS01): NIS provides node to node communication in process portal system. The NIS connects to its CNet communication network through a cable attached between P3 connector and a terminating
unit. The communication is through coaxial or twisted pair cable that connects the termination
units of each node.
Network Processing Module (INNPM12): NPM holds HCU database and directs communication process between modules and controlway
and NIM (Network Interface Module). The INNPM12 Network Processing Module acts
as a gateway between Cnet and Controlway.

Multi Function Processor


A MFP (Multi Function Processor) IMMFP12 is the main part of the HCU. It is the main
controller which takes the particular actions on the requests from the client via server. MFP is a
double printed circuit board that occupies two slots in MMU. A MFP can provide PID transfer
function hence can control different variables like temperature, pressure, flow etc. derivative
control is used to control temperature variable.

BLOCK DIG. Multi Function Processor

MFP consists of a number of units which are explained as follows: 1. Microprocessor: - The microprocessor, operating at 16 megahertz,
module operation and control. Since the microprocessor is
for overall module operation, it communicates with all the functional
2. Memory: - The MFP module contains 512 kilobytes of ROM memory, 512
kilobytes of random memory (RAM), and 256 kilobytes of non-volatile
random access memory (NVRAM). The RAM memory provides
temporary storage and a copy of the modules configuration.
3. I/O Expander Bus: - The I/O expander bus resides on the backplane of
the module mounting unit. This bus, an eight-bit parallel bus, provides
the communication path for I/O data between rack controllers and rack
I/O modules.
4. I/O Section: - The input and output section interface allows the
microprocessor to read the switches that tell it how to operate and
what address it has. This
section contains the latches whose
outputs connect to LEDs one through eight and the status LED.
5. DMA Section: - The microprocessor sets this section for direct memory
Or DMA. The DMA section allows data being received or transmitted
over the
various communication paths to be transferred
directly to or from the RAM memory without microprocessor
intervention. This process is known as cycle stealing.
6. Station Link: - The station link controls the serial communication
between the
MFP module and stations. This link has two modes of operation: 40
kilobaud and five kilobaud.

Module Mounting Unit

This is the cabinet in which all the modules and there connecting cables are placed.
Input AC and DC power is supplied to the IEMMU11 and IEMMU12 units
through the input power bus bar located inside the cabinet. Power is
transferred to the mounting unit from the bus bar through cables.

All input power to the mounting unit is fused and filtered through a power
entry panel. The power supplies providing the regulated voltages are fused
and filtered.
Regulated power supply voltages (+5 VDC, +15 VDC, 15 VDC, and +24
VDC), PFI, and STATUS signals are distributed to the system through the
system power bus bar located inside the cabinet. Power is transferred to the
mounting unit from the bus bar through cables.

After performing the training I have concluded that in a process industry, a
chemical plant like N.F.L. a large number of processes are to be controlled.
Each process includes large number of variables which are to be maintained
simultaneously. Therefore, large numbers of control mechanisms are
involved. Hence electronics, mechanical, instrumentation, electrical and
chemical knowledge go hand in hand.
From the study in
Captive Power Plant, one can conclude that plants non-stop working is a
prime factor as rest of the plants are completely dependent upon CPP. For
efficient working of the plant, the control system must be excellent and

Process Portal fulfills all the needs. PP which supports DCS (Distributed
Control System), provides the best results with complete automation. The
system provides a very user friendly environment which is easy to
understand and operate. The PP system can also tackle emergency situations
very effectively thus reducing the large number of hazards present in the
The PP also
has the ability to generate reports and show the current and previous trends
just on a click. As all the instruments are redundant hence chances of failure
are reduced to minimum.
Though this system has number of merits, the negative aspect of the plant is
that in some cases DCS cannot be used as the process happens very fast. For
example, in dedicated controllers like ETS 301 and ETS 302, which are used
to control speed and load of turbines are standalone and only display is given
to DCS because of there high speed. Also with the upgrading technology, the
replacement of malfunctioning circuits becomes tough as they become
obsolete in the market.


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