1.0 Concepts of Sustainability Construction

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Sustainable construction, also known as green construction, is concerned
with the economic, social, and environmental impact of creating in develop built
environment. In other words, it requires designers and contractors to use
practices that will not cause long-term damage to the environment. Sustainable
construction was designed to be energy efficient, to be healthy for the people
who live or work in them, and to reduce pollution and waste.
For most companies, countries and individuals who do take the subject
seriously the concept of sustainability embraces the preservation of the
environment as well as critical development which is related issues such as the
efficient use of resources, continual social progress, stable economic growth ,
and the environmental problem.
The principle of The Three Pillars of Sustainability says that for the complete
sustainability problem to be solved all three pillars of sustainability must be
sustainable. The three pillars are social sustainability, environmental
sustainability, and economic sustainability.


Social Sustainability

View towards sustainable construction in social aspects is all about the

enhancement of peoples quality.
Social sustainability focus on the people who have access to the
environment as a place to live, work, recreation and religious activities. Their
current and future needs influence the design, which strives to create a highlyflexible plan that allows the environment to be easily re-purposed as needs
change. This sustainable design can apply to all development of construction,
management waste and town planning. A flexible design means the structure
can be used longer, preventing the negative impact involved in renew
Projects must adhere to the highest ethical standards and promote social
inclusion at all stages of construction, from planning and building to use and
servicing; to ensure an enduring positive impact on communities. Proposals must
demonstrate how they enhance the collective realm.

1.2 Environmental Sustainability

Of the three pillars, the most important is environmental sustainability. If
this is not solved, then no matter how hard we try the other pillars cannot be
made strong because they are dependent on the greater system they live within,
the environment.

Environmental sustainability is defined as responsible interaction with the

environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for
long-term environmental quality. The practice of environmental sustainability
helps to ensure that the needs of today's population are met without
jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

1.3 Economic Sustainability

The use of various strategies for employing existing resources optimally so
that a responsible and beneficial balance can be achieved over the longer term.
Within a business context, economic sustainability involves using the
assorted assets of the company efficiently to allow it to continue
functioning profitability over time.
Sustainable construction can also save money in both the short and long
term. As mentioned, using local materials saves money immediately because
there are lower transportation costs. Using materials that are relatively easy to
install, maintain, replace, and repair also helps save money.

1.4 New concept based on the three pillar of sustainability

Economic sustainability , Environmental Sustainability and Social
Sustainability are the three pillars of sustainability. The approach was initially
piecemeal which viewed the community as three separate, unrelated parts with
no linkage with each other wherein economic development tried to create more
jobs, social needs addressed to health care services and environmental agencies
tried to prevent and correct contamination problems, but not interlinking each

Based on the issue that our group got from the site visit, we had a few
idea to proposed a new concept of construction. The concept is based on the
three pillar sustainable principle which is include the aspect of strong
community, ordered development and environmental quality. Those concept are :
1. Garden city concept
2. Neighbourhood planning

1.4.1 Garden city concept

Garden City concept is an impressive diagram of three magnet namely town
magnet, country magnet, and third magnet with attractive features of both town
and country life which made the Garden City model of development so

Town magnet is more to overcome social problem solution because the

construction emphasize the aspect of social opportunity, isolation of crowds,
place of amusement, distance from work, army of unemployed, chance of
employment and rent price.
While the country magnet is emphasized the aspect of lack of society,
beauty of nature, lack of drainage, no public spirit, abundance of water, and
need for reform.
So, from this two magnets, we got a perfect concept of construction by
combining this two magnet. This is very sustainable construction concept
because the concept including the beauty of nature, there is a social opportunity,
low rents, pure air and water, good drainage, no smoke, bright homes and
garden, fields and parks of easy access and freedom.
As a conclusion, A Garden City is a holistically planned new settlement which
enhances the natural environment and offers high-quality affordable housing and
locally accessible work in beautiful, healthy and sociable communities. The
Garden City principles are an indivisible and interlocking framework for their
delivery, and include:

land value capture for the benefit of the community;

strong vision, leadership and community engagement;

community ownership of land and long-term stewardship of assets;

mixed-tenure homes and housing types that are affordable for ordinary
a strong local jobs offer in the Garden City itself, with a variety of
employment opportunities within easy commuting distance of homes;
Beautifully and imaginatively designed homes with gardens, combining
the very best of town and country living to create healthy homes in vibrant
generous green space linked to the wider natural environment, including
a surrounding belt of countryside to prevent sprawl, well connected and
biodiversity rich public parks, and a mix of public and private networks of
well managed, high-quality gardens, tree-lined streets and open spaces;
opportunities for residents to grow their own food, including generous
strong local cultural, recreational and shopping facilities in walkable
neighbourhoods; and
integrated and accessible transport systems with a series of
settlements linked by rapid transport providing a full range of employment
opportunities (as set out in Howards vision of the Social City).

1.4.2 Neighbourhood planning unit concept

The neighbourhood is the planning unit for a town and it evolved due to the
advent of industrial revolution and degradation of the city environment. This
neighbourhood unit concept is caused due to the high congestion, heavy traffic
movement through the city, insecurity to school going children, and lastly the
distant location of market and recreation activities.
Neighbourhood unit concept also can replace the system in Parit Bengkok
because this concept suggested to create a safely healthy physical environment
due to kampong environment in which the children will have no traffic streets to
cross on their way to school for schools which are within walking distance from
Secondly, this concept contribute an environment in which women may
have an easy walk to a market or shopping centre where they may get their daily
household goods. Moreover, employed people also may find convenient
transportation to and from work

Last but not least, this neighbourhood unit concept also give an advantages
to a children. Well equipped playground is located near the house where children
may play in safety with their friends for healthy development of their mind and
Neighbourhood unit is one of the clarance stains conception which is the
walking distance radius is one mile. As an example, elementary school is the
centre of the unit and within a one half mile radius of all resident is the
neighbourhood, while local shopping centres located near the school. Residential
streets are suggested as CUL-DE-SACS to eliminate through traffic and park
space flows into the neighbourhood.

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